1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef __USB_OTG_H__
10 #define __USB_OTG_H__
12 #include "usb.h"
13 #include "usb_misc.h"
14 #include "usb_spec.h"
16 /*!
17  * @addtogroup usb_otg_drv
18  * @{
19  */
21 /*******************************************************************************
22  * Definitions
23  ******************************************************************************/
24 /*! @brief USB OTG task message queue count */
25 #define USB_OTG_MSG_COUNT (8)
27 /*! @brief USB OTG host request flag */
30 /*! @brief USB OTG controller handle type define */
31 typedef void *usb_otg_controller_handle;
33 /*! @brief please reference to 7.4 in OTG spec */
34 typedef enum _usb_otg_status_type
35 {
36     kOtg_StatusId                     = 0x0001U,   /*! id */
37     kOtg_StatusAdpChange              = 0x0002U,   /*! adp_change */
38     kOtg_StatusSrpDet                 = 0x0004U,   /*! a_srp_det */
39     kOtg_StatusVbusVld                = 0x0008U,   /*! a_vbus_vld */
40     kOtg_StatusAConn                  = 0x0010U,   /*! a_conn */
41     kOtg_StatusBusResume              = 0x0020U,   /*! a_bus_resume */
42     kOtg_StatusBusSuspend             = 0x0040U,   /*! a_bus_suspend */
43     kOtg_StatusSe0Srp                 = 0x0080U,   /*! b_se0_srp */
44     kOtg_StatusSsendSrp               = 0x0100U,   /*! b_ssend_srp */
45     kOtg_StatusSessVld                = 0x0200U,   /*! b_sess_vld */
46     kOtg_StatusBusDrop                = 0x0400U,   /*! a_bus_drop */
47     kOtg_StatusBusReq                 = 0x0800U,   /*! a_bus_req and b_bus_req */
48     kOtg_StatusPowerUp                = 0x1000U,   /*! power_up */
49     kOtg_StatusTimeOut                = 0x2000U,   /*! all the timeout in the state machine */
50     kOtg_StatusBConn                  = 0x4000U,   /*! b_conn */
51     kOtg_StatusClrErr                 = 0x8000U,   /*! a_clr_err */
52     kOtg_StatusBSrpDone               = 0x10000U,  /*! b_srp_done */
53     kOtg_StatusADisconn               = 0x20000U,  /*! a_conn(non) */
54     kOtg_StatusBDisconn               = 0x40000U,  /*! b_conn(non) */
55     kOtg_StatusVbusInvld              = 0x80000U,  /*! a_vbus_vld(non) */
56     kOtg_StatusSessInvld              = 0x100000U, /*! b_sess_vld(non) */
57     kOtg_StatusCheckIdleInAPeripheral = 0x200000U, /*! check the idle timeout when in a_peripheral state */
59     kOtg_StatusBHNPFeature = 0x40000000U, /*! This status is valid when
60                                               (1) b_hnp_enable feature is sent when A-device works as host; Or
61                                               (2) b_hnp_enable feature is received when B-device works as device */
62     kOtg_StatusChange = (int)0x80000000U, /*! there are status change, need call control interface
63                                       (kOtg_ControlUpdateStatus) to update status */
64 } usb_otg_status_type_t;
66 /*! @brief Please reference to chapter 7 in OTG spec */
67 typedef enum _usb_otg_device_state
68 {
69     kOtg_State_Start = 0U,  /*! state state */
70     kOtg_State_AIdle,       /*! a_idle state */
71     kOtg_State_AWaitVrise,  /*! a_wait_vrise state */
72     kOtg_State_AWaitBcon,   /*! a_wait_bcon state */
73     kOtg_State_AHost,       /*! a_host state */
74     kOtg_State_AWaitVfall,  /*! a_wait_vfall state */
75     kOtg_State_ASuspend,    /*! a_suspend state */
76     kOtg_State_APeripheral, /*! a_peripheral state */
77     kOtg_State_AVbusErr,    /*! a_vbus_err state */
79     kOtg_State_BIdleEh,     /*! b_idle_eh state */
80     kOtg_State_BIdle,       /*! b_idle or bp_idle state, when the device is peripheral-only B-device it means bp_idle */
81     kOtg_State_BSrpInit,    /*! b_srp_init or bp_srp_init state, when the device is peripheral-only B-device it means
82                                bp_srp_init */
83     kOtg_State_BPeripheral, /*! b_peripheral or bp_peripheral state, when the device is peripheral-only B-device it
84                                means bp_peripheral */
85     kOtg_State_BWaitAcon,   /*! b_wait_acon state */
86     kOtg_State_BHost,       /*! b_host state */
87 } usb_otg_device_state_t;
89 /*! @brief The event value for callback to applcation when event type is kOtg_EventStackInit */
90 typedef enum _usb_otg_stack_init_type
91 {
92     kOtg_StackNone = 0U,    /*! default state */
93     kOtg_StackHostInit,     /*! notify application to initialize host stack */
94     kOtg_StackHostDeinit,   /*! notify application to de-initialize host stack */
95     kOtg_StackDeviceInit,   /*! notify application to initialize device stack */
96     kOtg_StackDeviceDeinit, /*! notify application to de-initialize device stack */
97 } usb_otg_stack_init_type_t;
99 /*! @brief The event types for callback to applcation */
100 typedef enum _usb_otg_event_type
101 {
102     /*! OTG state change event, the event values are #usb_otg_device_state_t */
103     kOtg_EventStateChange = 0U,
104     /*! host/device stack handle event, the event values are #usb_otg_stack_init_type_t */
105     kOtg_EventStackInit,
106 } usb_otg_event_type_t;
108 /*! @brief USB OTG descriptor */
109 typedef struct _usb_otg_descriptor
110 {
111     /*! Size of Descriptor */
112     uint8_t bLength;
113     /*! OTG type = 9 */
114     uint8_t bDescriptorType;
115     /*! @brief Attribute Fields
116      *
117      * D7..3: Reserved (reset to zero)
118      * D2: ADP support
119      * D1: HNP support
120      * D0: SRP support
121      */
122     uint8_t bmAttributes;
123     /*! OTG and EH supplement release number in binary-coded decimal */
124     uint8_t bcdOTG[2];
125 } usb_otg_descriptor_t;
127 /*!
128  * @brief OTG callback function typedef.
129  *
130  * This callback function is used to notify application events, the events include #usb_otg_event_type_t.
131  * This callback pointer is passed when initializing OTG.
132  *
133  * @param param           The assigned parameter when initializing OTG.
134  * @param eventType       Please reference to #usb_otg_event_type_t.
135  * @param event_code      Please reference to #usb_otg_device_state_t and #usb_otg_stack_init_type_t.
136  */
137 typedef void (*usb_otg_callback_t)(void *param, uint8_t eventType, uint32_t eventValue);
139 /*******************************************************************************
140  * API
141  ******************************************************************************/
142 #ifdef __cplusplus
143 extern "C" {
144 #endif
146 /*!
147  * @name USB OTG APIs
148  * @{
149  */
151 /*!
152  * @brief Initializes the USB OTG stack.
153  *
154  * This function initializes the USB OTG module specified by the controllerId.
155  *
156  * @param[in] controllerId      The controller ID of the USB IP. See the enumeration #usb_controller_index_t.
157  * @param[out] otgHandle        Return the OTG handle.
158  * @param[in] otgCallbackFn     OTG callback function, it is #usb_otg_callback_t.
159  * @param[in] callbackParameter The callback parameter.
160  *
161  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The OTG is initialized successfully.
162  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
163  * @retval kStatus_USB_AllocFail            Allocation memory fail.
164  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                message queue create fail, controller is not fount, controller initialize
165  * fail.
166  */
167 usb_status_t USB_OtgInit(uint8_t controllerId,
168                          usb_otg_handle *otgHandle,
169                          usb_otg_callback_t otgCallbackFn,
170                          void *callbackParameter);
172 /*!
173  * @brief Deinitializes the USB OTG stack.
174  *
175  * This function deinitializes the USB OTG module specified by the otgHandle.
176  *
177  * @param[in] otgHandle  the OTG handle.
178  *
179  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The OTG is initialized successfully.
180  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
181  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Controller deinitialization fail.
182  */
183 usb_status_t USB_OtgDeinit(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
185 /*!
186  * @brief OTG stack task function.
187  *
188  * The function implement the OTG stack state machine.
189  * In bare metal environment, this function should be called periodically in the main function.
190  * In the RTOS environment, this function should be used as a function entry to create a task.
191  *
192  * @param[in] otgHandle The OTG handle.
193  */
194 void USB_OtgTaskFunction(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
196 /*!
197  * @brief OTG KHCI ISR function.
198  *
199  * The function is the KHCI interrupt service routine.
200  *
201  * @param[in] otgHandle The OTG handle.
202  */
203 void USB_OtgKhciIsrFunction(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
205 /*!
206  * @brief A-device drop bus.
207  *
208  * This function drop the bus.
209  *
210  * @param[in] otgHandle  the OTG handle.
211  * @param[in] drop       1 or 0.
212  *
213  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Success.
214  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
215  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                The device is not A-device or Send message error.
216  */
217 usb_status_t USB_OtgBusDrop(usb_otg_handle otgHandle, uint8_t drop);
219 /*!
220  * @brief bus request.
221  *
222  * This function can be called in the follow situations:
223  * 1. A-device request bus, change from a_idle to a_wait_vrise.
224  * 2. HNP, B-device is in the b_peripheral and request the bus.
225  * 3. A-device is in the a_peripheral and request the bus.
226  * 4. B-device request bus (SRP), change from b_idle to b_srp_init
227  * 5. Poll device status, "host request flag" is set.
228  *
229  * @param[in] otgHandle  the OTG handle.
230  *
231  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Success.
232  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
233  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Send message error.
234  */
235 usb_status_t USB_OtgBusRequest(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
237 /*!
238  * @brief bus request.
239  *
240  * This function can be called in the follow situations:
241  * 1. A-device set the bus request false when in a_idle.
242  * 2. A-device release bus when A-device is host (a_host).
243  * 3. B-device release bus when B-device is host (b_host).
244  *
245  * @param[in] otgHandle  the OTG handle.
246  *
247  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Success.
248  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
249  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Send message error.
250  */
251 usb_status_t USB_OtgBusRelease(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
253 /*!
254  * @brief clear error.
255  *
256  * This function clears the error.
257  *
258  * @param[in] otgHandle  the OTG handle.
259  *
260  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Success.
261  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
262  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                The device is not in error state or send message error.
263  */
264 usb_status_t USB_OtgClearError(usb_otg_handle otgHandle);
266 /*!
267  * @brief Notify OTG stack about the status changes.
268  *
269  * This function notify the #usb_otg_status_type_t and values.
270  *
271  * @param[in] otgHandle   the OTG handle.
272  * @param[in] statusType  please reference to #usb_otg_status_type_t
273  * @param[in] statusValue the value is 1 or 0
274  *
275  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Success.
276  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The otgHandle is a NULL pointer.
277  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Send message error.
278  */
279 usb_status_t USB_OtgNotifyChange(usb_otg_handle otgHandle, uint32_t statusType, uint32_t statusValue);
281 /*! @}*/
283 #ifdef __cplusplus
284 }
285 #endif
287 /*! @}*/
289 #endif /* __USB_OTG_H__ */