1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2021 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_DAC12_H_
10 #define _FSL_DAC12_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup dac12
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*! @file */
21 /*******************************************************************************
22  * Definitions
23  ******************************************************************************/
25 /*! @name Driver version */
26 /*@{*/
27 /*! @brief DAC12 driver version 2.1.0. */
29 /*@}*/
31 /*! @brief Define "write 1 to clear" flags. */
33 /*! @brief Define all the flag bits in DACx_CR register. */
36 /*!
37  * @brief DAC12 flags.
38  */
39 enum _dac12_status_flags
40 {
41     kDAC12_OverflowFlag = DAC_CR_OVFF_MASK,  /*!< FIFO overflow status flag, which indicates that more data has been
42                                                   written into FIFO than it can hold. */
43     kDAC12_UnderflowFlag = DAC_CR_UDFF_MASK, /*!< FIFO underflow status flag, which means that there is a new trigger
44                                                   after the FIFO is nearly empty. */
45     kDAC12_WatermarkFlag = DAC_CR_WMF_MASK, /*!< FIFO wartermark status flag, which indicates the remaining FIFO data is
46                                                  less than the watermark setting. */
47     kDAC12_NearlyEmptyFlag = DAC_CR_NEMPTF_MASK, /*!< FIFO nearly empty flag, which means there is only one data
48                                                       remaining in FIFO. */
49     kDAC12_FullFlag = DAC_CR_FULLF_MASK /*!< FIFO full status flag, which means that the FIFO read pointer equals the
50                                              write pointer, as the write pointer increase. */
51 };
53 /*!
54  * @brief DAC12 interrupts.
55  */
56 enum _dac12_interrupt_enable
57 {
58     kDAC12_UnderOrOverflowInterruptEnable = DAC_CR_UVIE_MASK,   /*!< Underflow and overflow interrupt enable. */
59     kDAC12_WatermarkInterruptEnable       = DAC_CR_WTMIE_MASK,  /*!< Watermark interrupt enable. */
60     kDAC12_NearlyEmptyInterruptEnable     = DAC_CR_EMPTIE_MASK, /*!< Nearly empty interrupt enable. */
61     kDAC12_FullInterruptEnable            = DAC_CR_FULLIE_MASK  /*!< Full interrupt enable. */
62 };
64 /*!
65  * @brief DAC12 FIFO size information provided by hardware.
66  */
67 typedef enum _dac12_fifo_size_info
68 {
69     kDAC12_FIFOSize2   = 0U, /*!< FIFO depth is 2. */
70     kDAC12_FIFOSize4   = 1U, /*!< FIFO depth is 4. */
71     kDAC12_FIFOSize8   = 2U, /*!< FIFO depth is 8. */
72     kDAC12_FIFOSize16  = 3U, /*!< FIFO depth is 16. */
73     kDAC12_FIFOSize32  = 4U, /*!< FIFO depth is 32. */
74     kDAC12_FIFOSize64  = 5U, /*!< FIFO depth is 64. */
75     kDAC12_FIFOSize128 = 6U, /*!< FIFO depth is 128. */
76     kDAC12_FIFOSize256 = 7U, /*!< FIFO depth is 256. */
77 } dac12_fifo_size_info_t;
79 /*!
80  * @brief DAC12 FIFO work mode.
81  */
82 typedef enum _dac12_fifo_work_mode
83 {
84     kDAC12_FIFODisabled = 0U, /*!< FIFO disabled and only one level buffer is enabled. Any data written from this buffer
85                                    goes to conversion. */
86     kDAC12_FIFOWorkAsNormalMode = 1U, /*!< Data will first read from FIFO to buffer then go to conversion. */
87     kDAC12_FIFOWorkAsSwingMode  = 2U  /*!< In Swing mode, the FIFO must be set up to be full. In Swing back mode, a
88                                            trigger changes the read pointer to make it swing between the FIFO Full and
89                                            Nearly Empty state. That is, the trigger increases the read pointer till FIFO
90                                            is nearly empty and decreases the read pointer till the FIFO is full. */
91 } dac12_fifo_work_mode_t;
93 /*!
94  * @brief DAC12 reference voltage source.
95  */
96 typedef enum _dac12_reference_voltage_source
97 {
98     kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt1 = 0U, /*!< The DAC selects DACREF_1 as the reference voltage. */
99     kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt2 = 1U, /*!< The DAC selects DACREF_2 as the reference voltage. */
100 } dac12_reference_voltage_source_t;
102 /*!
103  * @brief DAC12 FIFO trigger mode.
104  */
105 typedef enum _dac12_fifo_trigger_mode
106 {
107     kDAC12_FIFOTriggerByHardwareMode = 0U, /*!< Buffer would be triggered by hardware. */
108     kDAC12_FIFOTriggerBySoftwareMode = 1U, /*!< Buffer would be triggered by software. */
109 } dac12_fifo_trigger_mode_t;
111 /*!
112  * @brief DAC internal reference current source.
113  *
114  * Analog module needs reference current to keep working . Such reference current can generated by IP itself, or by
115  * on-chip PMC's "reference part". If no current reference be selected, analog module can’t working normally ,even when
116  * other register can still be assigned, DAC would waste current but no function.
117  * To make the DAC work, either kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAltx should be selected.
118  */
119 typedef enum _dac12_reference_current_source
120 {
121     kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceDisabled = 0U, /*!< None of reference current source is enabled. */
122     kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt0 = 1U, /*!< Use the internal reference current generated by the module itself. */
123     kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt1 = 2U, /*!< Use the ZTC(Zero Temperature Coefficient) reference current generated
124                                                  by on-chip power management module. */
125     kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt2 = 3U, /*!< Use the PTAT(Proportional To Absolution Temperature) reference current
126                                                  generated by power management module. */
127 } dac12_reference_current_source_t;
129 /*!
130  * @brief DAC analog buffer speed mode for conversion.
131  */
132 typedef enum _dac12_speed_mode
133 {
134     kDAC12_SpeedLowMode    = 0U, /*!< Low speed mode. */
135     kDAC12_SpeedMiddleMode = 1U, /*!< Middle speed mode. */
136     kDAC12_SpeedHighMode   = 2U, /*!< High speed mode. */
137 } dac12_speed_mode_t;
139 /*!
140  * @brief DAC12 hardware information.
141  */
142 typedef struct _dac12_hardware_info
143 {
144     dac12_fifo_size_info_t fifoSizeInfo; /*!< The number of words in this device's DAC buffer. */
145 } dac12_hardware_info_t;
147 /*!
148  * @brief DAC12 module configuration.
149  *
150  * Actually, the most fields are for FIFO buffer.
151  */
152 typedef struct
153 {
154     uint32_t fifoWatermarkLevel;         /*!< FIFO's watermark, the max value can be the hardware FIFO size. */
155     dac12_fifo_work_mode_t fifoWorkMode; /*!< FIFI's work mode about pointers. */
156     dac12_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource; /*!< Select the reference voltage source. */
157     dac12_fifo_trigger_mode_t fifoTriggerMode;               /*! Select the trigger mode for FIFO. */
159     /* Analog part configuration. */
160     dac12_reference_current_source_t referenceCurrentSource; /*!< Select the reference current source. */
161     dac12_speed_mode_t speedMode;                            /*!< Select the speed mode for conversion. */
162     bool enableAnalogBuffer;                                 /*!< Enable analog buffer for high drive. */
164     uint32_t currentReferenceInternalTrimValue; /*!< Internal reference current trim value. 3-bit value is available.*/
165 #endif                                          /* FSL_FEATURE_DAC12_HAS_NO_ITRM_REGISTER */
166 } dac12_config_t;
168 /*******************************************************************************
169  * API
170  ******************************************************************************/
171 #if defined(__cplusplus)
172 extern "C" {
173 #endif
175 /*!
176  * @name Initialization and de-initialization
177  * @{
178  */
180 /*!
181  * @brief Get hardware information about this module.
182  *
183  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
184  * @param info Pointer to info structure, see to #dac12_hardware_info_t.
185  */
186 void DAC12_GetHardwareInfo(DAC_Type *base, dac12_hardware_info_t *info);
188 /*!
189  * @brief Initialize the DAC12 module.
190  *
191  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
192  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure, see to #dac12_config_t.
193  */
194 void DAC12_Init(DAC_Type *base, const dac12_config_t *config);
196 /*!
197  * @brief Initializes the DAC12 user configuration structure.
198  *
199  * This function initializes the user configuration structure to a default value. The default values are:
200  * @code
201  *   config->fifoWatermarkLevel = 0U;
202  *   config->fifoWorkMode = kDAC12_FIFODisabled;
203  *   config->referenceVoltageSource = kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt1;
204  *   config->fifoTriggerMode = kDAC12_FIFOTriggerByHardwareMode;
205  *   config->referenceCurrentSource = kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt0;
206  *   config->speedMode = kDAC12_SpeedLowMode;
207  *   config->speedMode = false;
208  *   config->currentReferenceInternalTrimValue = 0x4;
209  * @endcode
210  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure. See "dac12_config_t".
211  */
212 void DAC12_GetDefaultConfig(dac12_config_t *config);
214 /*!
215  * @brief De-initialize the DAC12 module.
216  *
217  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
218  */
219 void DAC12_Deinit(DAC_Type *base);
221 /*!
222  * @brief Enable the DAC12's converter or not.
223  *
224  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
225  * @param enable Enable the DAC12's converter or not.
226  */
DAC12_Enable(DAC_Type * base,bool enable)227 static inline void DAC12_Enable(DAC_Type *base, bool enable)
228 {
229     if (enable)
230     {
231         base->CR = (base->CR & ~DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK) | DAC_CR_DACEN_MASK;
232     }
233     else
234     {
235         base->CR &= ~DAC_CR_DACEN_MASK;
236     }
237 }
239 /*!
240  * @brief Reset all internal logic and registers.
241  *
242  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
243  */
DAC12_ResetConfig(DAC_Type * base)244 static inline void DAC12_ResetConfig(DAC_Type *base)
245 {
246     base->CR = DAC_CR_SWRST_MASK;
247 }
249 /*!
250  * @brief Reset the FIFO pointers.
251  *
252  * FIFO pointers should only be reset when the DAC12 is disabled. This function can be used to configure both pointers
253  * to the same address to reset the FIFO as empty.
254  *
255  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
256  */
DAC12_ResetFIFO(DAC_Type * base)257 static inline void DAC12_ResetFIFO(DAC_Type *base)
258 {
259     /* FIFO pointers should only be reset when the module is disabled. */
260     base->CR = (base->CR & ~DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK) | DAC_CR_FIFORST_MASK;
261 }
263 /* @} */
265 /*!
266  * @name Status
267  * @{
268  */
270 /*!
271  * @brief Get status flags.
272  *
273  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
274  * @return Mask of current status flags. See to #_dac12_status_flags.
275  */
DAC12_GetStatusFlags(DAC_Type * base)276 static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base)
277 {
278     return (DAC12_CR_ALL_FLAGS_MASK & base->CR);
279 }
281 /*!
282  * @brief Clear status flags.
283  *
284  * Note: Not all the flags can be cleared by this API. Several flags need special condition to clear them according to
285  * target chip's reference manual document.
286  *
287  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
288  * @param flags Mask of status flags to be cleared. See to #_dac12_status_flags.
289  */
DAC12_ClearStatusFlags(DAC_Type * base,uint32_t flags)290 static inline void DAC12_ClearStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t flags)
291 {
292     base->CR |= (flags & DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK);
293 }
295 /* @} */
297 /*!
298  * @name Interrupts
299  * @{
300  */
302 /*!
303  * @brief Enable interrupts.
304  *
305  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
306  * @param mask Mask value of interrupts to be enabled. See to #_dac12_interrupt_enable.
307  */
DAC12_EnableInterrupts(DAC_Type * base,uint32_t mask)308 static inline void DAC12_EnableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
309 {
310     base->CR = (base->CR & ~DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK) | mask;
311 }
313 /*!
314  * @brief Disable interrupts.
315  *
316  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
317  * @param mask Mask value of interrupts to be disabled. See to #_dac12_interrupt_enable.
318  */
DAC12_DisableInterrupts(DAC_Type * base,uint32_t mask)319 static inline void DAC12_DisableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
320 {
321     base->CR &= ~mask;
322 }
324 /* @} */
326 /*!
327  * @name DMA control
328  * @{
329  */
331 /*!
332  * @brief Enable DMA or not.
333  *
334  * When DMA is enabled, the DMA request will be generated by original interrupts. The interrupts will not be presented
335  * on this module at the same time.
336  */
DAC12_EnableDMA(DAC_Type * base,bool enable)337 static inline void DAC12_EnableDMA(DAC_Type *base, bool enable)
338 {
339     if (enable)
340     {
341         base->CR = (base->CR & ~DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK) | DAC_CR_DMAEN_MASK;
342     }
343     else
344     {
345         base->CR &= ~DAC_CR_DMAEN_MASK;
346     }
347 }
349 /* @} */
351 /*!
352  * @name Functional feature
353  * @{
354  */
356 /*!
357  * @brief Set data into the entry of FIFO buffer.
358  *
359  * When the DAC FIFO is disabled, and the one entry buffer is enabled, the DAC converts the data in the buffer to analog
360  * output voltage. Any write to the DATA register will replace the data in the buffer and push data to analog conversion
361  * without trigger support.
362  * When the DAC FIFO is enabled. Writing data would increase the write pointer of FIFO. Also, the data would be restored
363  * into the FIFO buffer.
364  *
365  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
366  * @param value Setting value into FIFO buffer.
367  */
DAC12_SetData(DAC_Type * base,uint32_t value)368 static inline void DAC12_SetData(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
369 {
370     /* The module is connected internally to a 32-bit interface.
371      * For the 8-bit or 16-bit, the write might be ignored. */
372     base->DATA = DAC_DATA_DATA0(value);
373 }
375 /*!
376  * @brief Do trigger the FIFO by software.
377  *
378  * When the DAC FIFO is enabled, and software trigger is used. Doing trigger would increase the read pointer, and the
379  * data in the entry pointed by read pointer would be converted as new output.
380  *
381  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
382  */
DAC12_DoSoftwareTrigger(DAC_Type * base)383 static inline void DAC12_DoSoftwareTrigger(DAC_Type *base)
384 {
385     base->CR = (base->CR & ~DAC12_CR_W1C_FLAGS_MASK) | DAC_CR_SWTRG_MASK;
386 }
388 /*!
389  * @brief Get the current read pointer of FIFO.
390  *
391  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
392  * @return Read pointer index of FIFO buffer.
393  */
DAC12_GetFIFOReadPointer(DAC_Type * base)394 static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetFIFOReadPointer(DAC_Type *base)
395 {
396     return (DAC_PTR_DACRFP_MASK & base->PTR) >> DAC_PTR_DACRFP_SHIFT;
397 }
399 /*!
400  * @brief Get the current write pointer of FIFO.
401  *
402  * @param base DAC12 peripheral base address.
403  * @return Write pointer index of FIFO buffer
404  */
DAC12_GetFIFOWritePointer(DAC_Type * base)405 static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetFIFOWritePointer(DAC_Type *base)
406 {
407     return (DAC_PTR_DACWFP_MASK & base->PTR) >> DAC_PTR_DACWFP_SHIFT;
408 }
410 /* @} */
412 #if defined(__cplusplus)
413 }
414 #endif
415 /*!
416  * @}
417  */
418 #endif /* _FSL_DAC12_H_ */