1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018-2020, NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef __FSL_TMU_H__
10 #define __FSL_TMU_H__
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup tmu
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @brief TMU driver version. */
23 #define FSL_TMU_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 1, 1)) /*!< Version 2.1.1. */
25 /*!
26  * @brief TMU interrupt enable.
27  */
28 enum _tmu_interrupt_enable
29 {
30     kTMU_ImmediateTemperatureInterruptEnable =
31         TMU_TIER_ITTEIE_MASK, /*!< Immediate temperature threshold exceeded interrupt enable. */
32     kTMU_AverageTemperatureInterruptEnable =
33         TMU_TIER_ATTEIE_MASK, /*!< Average temperature threshold exceeded interrupt enable. */
34     kTMU_AverageTemperatureCriticalInterruptEnable =
35         TMU_TIER_ATCTEIE_MASK, /*!< Average temperature critical threshold exceeded interrupt enable. >*/
36 };
38 /*!
39  * @brief TMU interrupt status flags.
40  */
41 enum _tmu_interrupt_status_flags
42 {
43     kTMU_ImmediateTemperatureStatusFlags = TMU_TIDR_ITTE_MASK, /*!< Immediate temperature threshold exceeded(ITTE).  */
44     kTMU_AverageTemperatureStatusFlags   = TMU_TIDR_ATTE_MASK, /*!< Average temperature threshold exceeded(ATTE). */
45     kTMU_AverageTemperatureCriticalStatusFlags =
46         TMU_TIDR_ATCTE_MASK, /*!< Average temperature critical threshold exceeded.(ATCTE) */
47 };
49 /*!
50  * @brief configuration for TMU thresold.
51  */
52 typedef struct _tmu_thresold_config
53 {
54     bool immediateThresoldEnable;       /*!< Enable high temperature immediate threshold. */
55     bool AverageThresoldEnable;         /*!< Enable high temperature average threshold. */
56     bool AverageCriticalThresoldEnable; /*!< Enable high temperature average critical threshold. */
57     uint8_t immediateThresoldValue; /*!< Range:10U-125U. Valid when corresponding threshold is enabled. High temperature
58                                        immediate threshold value.
59                                                Determines the current upper temperature threshold, for any enabled
60                                        monitored site. */
61     uint8_t averageThresoldValue;   /*!< Range:10U-125U. Valid when corresponding threshold is enabled. High temperature
62                                        average threshold value.
63                                                Determines the average upper temperature threshold, for any enabled
64                                        monitored site. */
65     uint8_t averageCriticalThresoldValue; /*!< Range:10U-125U. Valid when corresponding threshold is enabled. High
66                                              temperature average critical threshold value.
67                                                      Determines the average upper critical temperature threshold, for
68                                              any enabled monitored site. */
69 } tmu_thresold_config_t;
71 /*!
72  * @brief TMU interrupt status.
73  */
74 typedef struct _tmu_interrupt_status
75 {
76     uint32_t interruptDetectMask; /*!< The mask of interrupt status flags. Refer to "_tmu_interrupt_status_flags"
77                                      enumeration. */
78 } tmu_interrupt_status_t;
80 /*!
81  * @brief Average low pass filter setting.
82  */
83 typedef enum _tmu_average_low_pass_filter
84 {
85     kTMU_AverageLowPassFilter1_0   = 0U, /*!< Average low pass filter = 1. */
86     kTMU_AverageLowPassFilter0_5   = 1U, /*!< Average low pass filter = 0.5. */
87     kTMU_AverageLowPassFilter0_25  = 2U, /*!< Average low pass filter = 0.25. */
88     kTMU_AverageLowPassFilter0_125 = 3U, /*!< Average low pass filter = 0.125. */
89 } tmu_average_low_pass_filter_t;
91 /*!
92  * @brief Amplifier gain setting.
93  */
94 typedef enum _tmu_amplifier_gain
95 {
96     kTMU_AmplifierGain6_34  = 0U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 6.34mV. */
97     kTMU_AmplifierGain6_485 = 1U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 6.485mV. */
98     kTMU_AmplifierGain6_63  = 2U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 6.63mV. */
99     kTMU_AmplifierGain6_775 = 3U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 6.775mV. */
100     kTMU_AmplifierGain6_92  = 4U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 6.92mV. */
101     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_065 = 5U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.065mV. */
102     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_21  = 6U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.21mV. */
103     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_355 = 7U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.355mV. */
104     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_5   = 8U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.5mV. */
105     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_645 = 9U,  /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.645mV. */
106     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_79  = 10U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.79mV. */
107     kTMU_AmplifierGain7_935 = 11U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 7.935mV. */
108     kTMU_AmplifierGain8_08  = 12U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 8.08mV(default). */
109     kTMU_AmplifierGain8_225 = 13U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 8.225mV. */
110     kTMU_AmplifierGain8_37  = 14U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 8.37mV. */
111     kTMU_AmplifierGain8_515 = 15U, /*!< TMU amplifier gain voltage 8.515mV. */
112 } tmu_amplifier_gain_t;
114 /*!
115  * @brief Amplifier reference voltage setting.
116  */
117 typedef enum _tmu_amplifier_reference_voltage
118 {
119     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage510   = 0U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 510mV. */
120     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage517_5 = 1U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 517.5mV. */
121     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage525   = 2U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 525mV. */
122     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage532_5 = 3U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 532.5mV. */
123     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage540   = 4U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 540mV. */
124     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage547_5 = 5U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 547.5mV. */
125     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage555   = 6U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 555mV. */
126     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage562_5 = 7U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 562.5mV. */
127     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage570   = 8U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 570mV. */
128     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage577_5 = 9U,  /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 577.5mV. */
129     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage585   = 10U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 585mV. */
130     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage592_5 = 11U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 592.5mV. */
131     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage600   = 12U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 600mV. */
132     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage607_5 = 13U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 607.5mV. */
133     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage615   = 14U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 615mV. */
134     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage622_5 = 15U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 622.5mV. */
135     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage630   = 16U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 630mV. */
136     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage637_5 = 17U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 637.5mV. */
137     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage645   = 18U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 645mV. */
138     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage652_5 = 19U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 652.5mV(default). */
139     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage660   = 20U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 660mV. */
140     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage667_5 = 21U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 667.5mV. */
141     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage675   = 22U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 675mV. */
142     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage682_5 = 23U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 682.5mV. */
143     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage690   = 24U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 690mV. */
144     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage697_5 = 25U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 697.5mV. */
145     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage705   = 26U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 705mV. */
146     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage712_5 = 27U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 712.5mV. */
147     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage720   = 28U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 720mV. */
148     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage727_5 = 29U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 727.5mV. */
149     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage735   = 30U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 735mV. */
150     kTMU_AmplifierReferenceVoltage742_5 = 31U, /*!< TMU amplifier reference voltage 742.5mV. */
151 } tmu_amplifier_reference_voltage_t;
153 /*!
154  * @brief Configuration for TMU module.
155  */
156 typedef struct _tmu_config
157 {
158     tmu_average_low_pass_filter_t
159         averageLPF; /*!< The average temperature is calculated as: ALPF x Current_Temp + (1 - ALPF) x Average_Temp.
160                          For proper operation, this field should only change when monitoring is disabled. */
161 } tmu_config_t;
163 #if defined(__cplusplus)
164 extern "C" {
165 #endif
167 /*******************************************************************************
168  * API
169  ******************************************************************************/
170 /*!
171  * @brief Enable the access to TMU registers and Initialize TMU module.
172  *
173  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
174  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure. Refer to "tmu_config_t" structure.
175  */
176 void TMU_Init(TMU_Type *base, const tmu_config_t *config);
178 /*!
179  * @brief De-initialize TMU module and Disable the access to DCDC registers.
180  *
181  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
182  */
183 void TMU_Deinit(TMU_Type *base);
185 /*!
186  * @brief Gets the default configuration for TMU.
187  *
188  * This function initializes the user configuration structure to default value. The default value are:
189  *
190  * Example:
191    @code
192    config->averageLPF = kTMU_AverageLowPassFilter0_5;
193    @endcode
194  *
195  * @param config Pointer to TMU configuration structure.
196  */
197 void TMU_GetDefaultConfig(tmu_config_t *config);
199 /*!
200  * @brief Enable/Disable monitoring the temperature sensor.
201  *
202  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
203  * @param enable Switcher to enable/disable TMU.
204  */
TMU_Enable(TMU_Type * base,bool enable)205 static inline void TMU_Enable(TMU_Type *base, bool enable)
206 {
207     if (enable)
208     {
209         base->TER |= TMU_TER_EN_MASK;
210     }
211     else
212     {
213         base->TER &= ~TMU_TER_EN_MASK;
214     }
215 }
217 /*!
218  * @brief Enable the TMU interrupts.
219  *
220  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
221  * @param mask The interrupt mask. Refer to "_tmu_interrupt_enable" enumeration.
222  */
TMU_EnableInterrupts(TMU_Type * base,uint32_t mask)223 static inline void TMU_EnableInterrupts(TMU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
224 {
225     base->TIER |= mask;
226 }
228 /*!
229  * @brief Disable the TMU interrupts.
230  *
231  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
232  * @param mask The interrupt mask. Refer to "_tmu_interrupt_enable" enumeration.
233  */
TMU_DisableInterrupts(TMU_Type * base,uint32_t mask)234 static inline void TMU_DisableInterrupts(TMU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
235 {
236     base->TIER &= ~mask;
237 }
239 /*!
240  * @brief Get interrupt status flags.
241  *
242  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
243  * @param status The pointer to interrupt status structure. Record the current interrupt status.
244  *        Please refer to "tmu_interrupt_status_t" structure.
245  */
246 void TMU_GetInterruptStatusFlags(TMU_Type *base, tmu_interrupt_status_t *status);
248 /*!
249  * @brief Clear interrupt status flags.
250  *
251  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
252  * @param mask The mask of interrupt status flags. Refer to "_tmu_interrupt_status_flags" enumeration.
253  */
254 void TMU_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(TMU_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
256 /*!
257  * @brief Get the last immediate temperature at site.
258  *
259  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
260  * @param temperature Last immediate temperature reading at site when V=1.
261  *
262  * @return Execution status.
263  * @retval kStatus_Success Temperature reading is valid.
264  * @retval kStatus_Fail    Temperature reading is not valid because temperature out of sensor range or
265  *                         first measurement still pending.
266  */
267 status_t TMU_GetImmediateTemperature(TMU_Type *base, uint32_t *temperature);
269 /*!
270  * @brief Get the last average temperature at site.
271  *
272  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
273  * @param temperature Last average temperature reading at site.
274  *
275  * @return Execution status.
276  * @retval kStatus_Success Temperature reading is valid.
277  * @retval kStatus_Fail    Temperature reading is not valid because temperature out of sensor range or
278  *                         first measurement still pending.
279  */
280 status_t TMU_GetAverageTemperature(TMU_Type *base, uint32_t *temperature);
282 /*!
283  * @brief Configure the high temperature thresold value and enable/disable relevant thresold.
284  *
285  * @param base TMU peripheral base address.
286  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure. Refer to "tmu_thresold_config_t" structure.
287  */
288 void TMU_SetHighTemperatureThresold(TMU_Type *base, const tmu_thresold_config_t *config);
290 #if defined(__cplusplus)
291 }
292 #endif
294 /*@}*/
296 #endif /* __FSL_TMU_H__ */