1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017, 2020 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_ISI_H_
10 #define _FSL_ISI_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 #define ISI_ROI_NUM 4U /* The Number of "Region Of Interest (ROI)" */
16 /*!
17  * @addtogroup isi
18  * @{
19  */
21 /*******************************************************************************
22  * Definitions
23  ******************************************************************************/
25 /*! @name Driver version */
26 /*@{*/
27 /*! @brief ISI driver version */
28 #define FSL_ISI_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 1)) /*!< Version 2.0.1. */
29 /*@}*/
31 /*! @brief ISI interrupts. */
32 enum _isi_interrupt
33 {
34     kISI_MemReadCompletedInterrupt = ISI_CHNL_IER_MEM_RD_DONE_EN_MASK, /*!< Input memory read completed. */
35     kISI_LineReceivedInterrupt     = ISI_CHNL_IER_LINE_RCVD_EN_MASK,   /*!< Line received. */
36     kISI_FrameReceivedInterrupt    = ISI_CHNL_IER_FRM_RCVD_EN_MASK,    /*!< Frame received. */
37     kISI_AxiWriteErrorVInterrupt =
38         ISI_CHNL_IER_AXI_WR_ERR_V_EN_MASK, /*!< AXI Bus write error when storing V data to memory. */
39     kISI_AxiWriteErrorUInterrupt =
40         ISI_CHNL_IER_AXI_WR_ERR_U_EN_MASK, /*!< AXI Bus write error when storing U data to memory. */
41     kISI_AxiWriteErrorYInterrupt =
42         ISI_CHNL_IER_AXI_WR_ERR_Y_EN_MASK, /*!< AXI Bus write error when storing Y data to memory. */
43     kISI_AxiReadErrorInterrupt = ISI_CHNL_IER_AXI_RD_ERR_EN_MASK, /*!< AXI Bus error when reading the input memory. */
44     kISI_OverflowAlertVInterrupt =
45         ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_PANIC_V_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< V output buffer overflow threshold accrossed. */
46     kISI_ExcessOverflowVInterrupt =
47         ISI_CHNL_IER_EXCS_OFLW_V_BUF_EN_MASK,                  /*!< V output buffer excess overflow interrupt. */
48     kISI_OverflowVInterrupt = ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_V_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< V output buffer overflow interrupt. */
49     kISI_OverflowAlertUInterrupt =
50         ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_PANIC_U_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< U output buffer overflow threshold accrossed. */
51     kISI_ExcessOverflowUInterrupt =
52         ISI_CHNL_IER_EXCS_OFLW_U_BUF_EN_MASK,                  /*!< U output buffer excess overflow interrupt. */
53     kISI_OverflowUInterrupt = ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_U_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< U output buffer overflow interrupt. */
54     kISI_OverflowAlertYInterrupt =
55         ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_PANIC_Y_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< V output buffer overflow threshold accrossed. */
56     kISI_ExcessOverflowYInterrupt =
57         ISI_CHNL_IER_EXCS_OFLW_Y_BUF_EN_MASK,                  /*!< V output buffer excess overflow interrupt. */
58     kISI_OverflowYInterrupt = ISI_CHNL_IER_OFLW_Y_BUF_EN_MASK, /*!< V output buffer overflow interrupt. */
59 };
61 /*! @brief ISI output image format. */
62 typedef enum _isi_output_format
63 {
64     kISI_OutputRGBA8888    = 0U,   /*!< RGBA8888. */
65     kISI_OutputABGR8888    = 1U,   /*!< ABGR8888. */
66     kISI_OutputARGB8888    = 2U,   /*!< ARGB8888. */
67     kISI_OutputRGBX8888    = 3U,   /*!< RGBX8888 unpacked and MSB aligned in 32-bit. */
68     kISI_OutputXBGR8888    = 4U,   /*!< XBGR8888 unpacked and LSB aligned in 32-bit. */
69     kISI_OutputXRGB8888    = 5U,   /*!< XRGB8888 unpacked and LSB aligned in 32-bit. */
70     kISI_OutputRGB888      = 6U,   /*!< RGB888 packed into 32-bit. */
71     kISI_OutputBGR888      = 7U,   /*!< BGR888 packed into 32-bit. */
72     kISI_OutputA2BGR10     = 8U,   /*!< BGR format with 2-bits alpha in MSB; 10-bits per color component. */
73     kISI_OutputA2RGB10     = 9U,   /*!< RGB format with 2-bits alpha in MSB; 10-bits per color component. */
74     kISI_OutputRGB565      = 10U,  /*!< RGB565 packed into 32-bit. */
75     kISI_OutputRaw8        = 11U,  /*!< 8-bit raw data packed into 32-bit. */
76     kISI_OutputRaw10       = 12U,  /*!< 10-bit raw data packed into 16-bit with 6 LSBs wasted. */
77     kISI_OutputRaw10P      = 13U,  /*!< 10-bit raw data packed into 32-bit. */
78     kISI_OutputRaw12P      = 14U,  /*!< 16-bit raw data packed into 16-bit with 4 LSBs wasted. */
79     kISI_OutputRaw16P      = 15U,  /*!< 16-bit raw data packed into 32-bit. */
80     kISI_OutputYUV444_1P8P = 16U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes. */
81     kISI_OutputYUV444_2P8P = 17U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes. */
82     kISI_OutputYUV444_3P8P = 18U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes. */
83     kISI_OutputYUV444_1P8  = 19U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (8 MSBs waste
84                                       bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
85     kISI_OutputYUV444_1P10 = 20U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
86                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
87     kISI_OutputYUV444_2P10 = 21U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
88                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
89     kISI_OutputYUV444_3P10 = 22U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
90                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
91     kISI_OutputYUV444_1P10P = 24U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
92                                      waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
93     kISI_OutputYUV444_2P10P = 25U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs waste
94                                      bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
95     kISI_OutputYUV444_3P10P = 26U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
96                                      waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
97     kISI_OutputYUV444_1P12 = 28U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
98                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
99     kISI_OutputYUV444_2P12 = 29U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
100                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
101     kISI_OutputYUV444_3P12 = 30U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
102                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
103     kISI_OutputYUV422_1P8P = 32U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes. */
104     kISI_OutputYUV422_2P8P = 33U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes. */
105     kISI_OutputYUV422_3P8P = 34U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes. */
106     kISI_OutputYUV422_1P10 = 36U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
107                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
108     kISI_OutputYUV422_2P10 = 37U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
109                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
110     kISI_OutputYUV422_3P10 = 38U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
111                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
112     kISI_OutputYUV422_1P10P = 40U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
113                                      waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
114     kISI_OutputYUV422_2P10P = 41U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs waste
115                                      bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
116     kISI_OutputYUV422_3P10P = 42U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
117                                      waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
118     kISI_OutputYUV422_1P12 = 44U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
119                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
120     kISI_OutputYUV422_2P12 = 45U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
121                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
122     kISI_OutputYUV422_3P12 = 46U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
123                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
124     kISI_OutputYUV420_2P8P = 49U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes. */
125     kISI_OutputYUV420_3P8P = 50U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes. */
126     kISI_OutputYUV420_2P10 = 53U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
127                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
128     kISI_OutputYUV420_3P10 = 54U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
129                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
130     kISI_OutputYUV420_2P10P = 57U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs waste
131                                      bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
132     kISI_OutputYUV420_3P10P = 58U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
133                                      waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
134     kISI_OutputYUV420_2P12 = 61U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 2-plane, UV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
135                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
136     kISI_OutputYUV420_3P12 = 62U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 3-plane, non-interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
137                                      waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
139 } isi_output_format_t;
141 /*! @brief ISI line buffer chain mode. */
142 typedef enum _isi_chain_mode
143 {
144     kISI_ChainDisable = 0U, /*!< No line buffers chained, for 2048 or less horizontal resolution. */
145     kISI_ChainTwo     = 1U, /*!< Line buffers of channel n and n+1 chained, for 4096 horizontal resolution. */
146 } isi_chain_mode_t;
148 /*! @brief ISI de-interlacing mode. */
149 typedef enum _isi_deint_mode
150 {
151     kISI_DeintDisable           = 0U, /*!< No de-interlacing. */
152     kISI_DeintWeaveOddOnTop     = 2U, /*!< Weave de-interlacing (Odd, Even) method used. */
153     kISI_DeintWeaveEvenOnTop    = 3U, /*!< Weave de-interlacing (Even, Odd) method used. */
154     kISI_DeintBlendingOddFirst  = 4U, /*!< Blending or linear interpolation (Odd + Even). */
155     kISI_DeintBlendingEvenFirst = 5U, /*!< Blending or linear interpolation (Even + Odd). */
156     kISI_DeintDoublingOdd       = 6U, /*!< Doubling odd frame and discard even frame. */
157     kISI_DeintDoublingEven      = 7U, /*!< Doubling even frame and discard odd frame. */
158 } isi_deint_mode_t;
160 /*! @brief ISI overflow panic alert threshold. */
161 typedef enum _isi_threshold
162 {
163     kISI_ThresholdDisable   = 0U, /*!< No panic alert will be asserted. */
164     kISI_Threshold25Percent = 1U, /*!< Panic will assert when the buffers are 25% full. */
165     kISI_Threshold50Percent = 2U, /*!< Panic will assert when the buffers are 50% full. */
166     kISI_Threshold75Percent = 3U  /*!< Panic will assert when the buffers are 75% full. */
167 } isi_threshold_t;
169 /*! @brief ISI basic configuration. */
170 typedef struct _isi_config
171 {
172     bool isChannelBypassed;           /*!< Bypass the channel, if bypassed, the scaling and
173                                            color space conversion could not work.  */
174     bool isSourceMemory;              /*!< Whether the input source is memory or not. */
175     bool isYCbCr;                     /*!< Whether the input source is YCbCr mode or not. */
176     isi_chain_mode_t chainMode;       /*!< The line buffer chain mode. */
177     isi_deint_mode_t deintMode;       /*!< The de-interlacing mode. */
178     uint8_t blankPixel;               /*!< The pixel to insert into image when overflow occors. */
179     uint8_t sourcePort;               /*!< Input source port selection. */
180     uint8_t mipiChannel;              /*!< MIPI virtual channel, ignored if input source is not MIPI CSI. */
181     uint16_t inputHeight;             /*!< Input image height(lines). */
182     uint16_t inputWidth;              /*!< Input image width(pixels). */
183     isi_output_format_t outputFormat; /*!< Output image format. */
184     uint16_t outputLinePitchBytes;    /*< Output buffer pitch in bytes. */
185     isi_threshold_t thresholdY;       /*!< Panic alert threshold for RGB or Luma (Y) buffer. */
186     isi_threshold_t thresholdU;       /*!< Panic alert threshold for Chroma (U/Cb/UV/CbCr) buffer. */
187     isi_threshold_t thresholdV;       /*!< Panic alert threshold for Chroma (V/Cr) buffer. */
188 } isi_config_t;
190 /*! @brief ISI color space conversion mode. */
191 typedef enum _isi_csc_mode
192 {
193     kISI_CscYUV2RGB,   /*!< Convert YUV to RGB. */
194     kISI_CscYCbCr2RGB, /*!< Convert YCbCr to RGB. */
195     kISI_CscRGB2YUV,   /*!< Convert RGB to YUV. */
196     kISI_CscRGB2YCbCr  /*!< Convert RGB to YCbCr. */
197 } isi_csc_mode_t;
199 /*!
200  * @brief ISI color space conversion configurations.
201  *
202  * (a) RGB to YUV (or YCbCr) conversion
203  *  - Y = (A1 x R) + (A2 x G) + (A3 x B) + D1
204  *  - U = (B1 x R) + (B2 x G) + (B3 x B) + D2
205  *  - V = (C1 x R) + (C2 x G) + (C3 x B) + D3
206  *
207  * (b) YUV (or YCbCr) to RGB conversion
208  *  - R = (A1 x (Y + D1)) + (A2 x (U + D2)) + (A3 x (V + D3))
209  *  - G = (B1 x (Y + D1)) + (B2 x (U + D2)) + (B3 x (V + D3))
210  *  - B = (C1 x (Y + D1)) + (C2 x (U + D2)) + (C3 x (V + D3))
211  *
212  * Overflow for the three channels are saturated at 0x255 and underflow is saturated at 0x00.
213  */
214 typedef struct _isi_csc_config
215 {
216     isi_csc_mode_t mode; /*!< Convertion mode. */
217     float A1;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
218     float A2;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
219     float A3;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
220     float B1;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
221     float B2;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
222     float B3;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
223     float C1;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
224     float C2;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
225     float C3;            /*!< Must be in the range of [-3.99609375, 3.99609375]. */
226     int16_t D1;          /*!< Must be in the range of [-256, 255]. */
227     int16_t D2;          /*!< Must be in the range of [-256, 255]. */
228     int16_t D3;          /*!< Must be in the range of [-256, 255]. */
229 } isi_csc_config_t;
231 /*! @brief ISI flipping mode. */
232 typedef enum _isi_flip_mode
233 {
234     kISI_FlipDisable    = 0U,                                                               /*!< Flip disabled. */
235     kISI_FlipHorizontal = ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_HFLIP_EN_MASK,                                  /*!< Horizontal flip. */
236     kISI_FlipVertical   = ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_VFLIP_EN_MASK,                                  /*!< Vertical flip. */
237     kISI_FlipBoth       = ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_VFLIP_EN_MASK | ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_HFLIP_EN_MASK /*!< Flip both direction. */
238 } isi_flip_mode_t;
240 /*! @brief ISI cropping configurations. */
241 typedef struct _isi_crop_config
242 {
243     uint16_t upperLeftX;  /*!< X of upper left corner. */
244     uint16_t upperLeftY;  /*!< Y of upper left corner. */
245     uint16_t lowerRightX; /*!< X of lower right corner. */
246     uint16_t lowerRightY; /*!< Y of lower right corner. */
247 } isi_crop_config_t;
249 /*! @brief ISI regional region alpha configurations. */
250 typedef struct _isi_regoin_alpha_config
251 {
252     uint16_t upperLeftX;  /*!< X of upper left corner. */
253     uint16_t upperLeftY;  /*!< Y of upper left corner. */
254     uint16_t lowerRightX; /*!< X of lower right corner. */
255     uint16_t lowerRightY; /*!< Y of lower right corner. */
256     uint8_t alpha;        /*!< Alpha value. */
257 } isi_region_alpha_config_t;
259 /*! @brief ISI image format of the input memory. */
260 typedef enum _isi_input_mem_format
261 {
262     kISI_InputMemBGR888 = 0U,        /*!< BGR format with 8-bits per color component,
263                                        packed into 32-bit, 24 bits per pixel. */
264     kISI_InputMemRGB888 = 1U,        /*!< RGB format with 8-bits per color component,
265                                        packed into 32-bit, 24 bits per pixel. */
266     kISI_InputMemXRGB8888 = 2U,      /*!< RGB format with 8-bits per color component,
267                                        unpacked and LSB aligned in 32-bit, 32 bits per pixel.  */
268     kISI_InputMemRGBX8888 = 3U,      /*!< RGB format with 8-bits per color component,
269                                        unpacked and MSB alinged in 32-bit, 32 bits per pixel.  */
270     kISI_InputMemXBGR8888 = 4U,      /*!< BGR format with 8-bits per color component,
271                                        unpacked and LSB aligned in 32-bit, 32 bits per pixel.  */
272     kISI_InputMemRGB565      = 5U,   /*!< RGB format with 5-bits of R, B; 6-bits of G (packed into 32-bit) */
273     kISI_InputMemA2BGR10     = 6U,   /*!< BGR format with 2-bits alpha in MSB; 10-bits per color component. */
274     kISI_InputMemA2RGB10     = 7U,   /*!< RGB format with 2-bits alpha in MSB; 10-bits per color component. */
275     kISI_InputMemYUV444_1P8P = 8U,   /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes. */
276     kISI_InputMemYUV444_1P10 = 9U,   /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
277                                         waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
278     kISI_InputMemYUV444_1P10P = 10U, /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes (2 MSBs
279                                         waste bits in 32-bit WORD). */
280     kISI_InputMemYUV444_1P12 = 11U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (4 LSBs
281                                         waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
282     kISI_InputMemYUV444_1P8 = 12U,   /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane YUV interleaved unpacked bytes
283                                        (8 MSBs waste bits in 32-bit DWORD). */
284     kISI_InputMemYUV422_1P8P = 13U,  /*!< 8-bits per color component; 1-plane YUV interleaved packed bytes. */
285     kISI_InputMemYUV422_1P10 = 14U,  /*!< 10-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved unpacked bytes (6 LSBs
286                                         waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
287     kISI_InputMemYUV422_1P12 = 15U,  /*!< 12-bits per color component; 1-plane, YUV interleaved packed bytes (4 MSBs
288                                         waste bits in 16-bit WORD). */
289 } isi_input_mem_format_t;
291 /*! @brief ISI input memory configurations. */
292 typedef struct _isi_input_mem_config
293 {
294     uint32_t adddr;                /*!< Address of the input memory. */
295     uint16_t linePitchBytes;       /*!< Line phtch in bytes. */
296     uint16_t framePitchBytes;      /*!< Frame phtch in bytes. */
297     isi_input_mem_format_t format; /*!< Image format of the input memory. */
298 } isi_input_mem_config_t;
300 /*******************************************************************************
301  * APIs
302  ******************************************************************************/
303 #if defined(__cplusplus)
304 extern "C" {
305 #endif /* __cplusplus */
307 /*!
308  * @name ISI initialization and de-initialization
309  * @{
310  */
312 /*!
313  * @brief Initializes the ISI peripheral.
314  *
315  * This function ungates the ISI clock, it should be called before any other
316  * ISI functions.
317  *
318  * @param base ISI peripheral base address.
319  */
320 void ISI_Init(ISI_Type *base);
322 /*!
323  * @brief Deinitializes the ISI peripheral.
324  *
325  * This function gates the ISI clock.
326  *
327  * @param base ISI peripheral base address.
328  */
329 void ISI_Deinit(ISI_Type *base);
331 /*!
332  * @brief Reset the ISI peripheral.
333  *
334  * This function resets the ISI channel processing pipeline similar to a hardware
335  * reset. The channel will need to be reconfigured after reset before it can be used.
336  *
337  * @param base ISI peripheral base address.
338  */
339 void ISI_Reset(ISI_Type *base);
341 /* @} */
343 /*!
344  * @name ISI interrupts
345  * @{
346  */
348 /*!
349  * @brief Enables ISI interrupts.
350  *
351  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
352  * @param mask Interrupt source, OR'ed value of @ref _isi_interrupt.
353  * @return OR'ed value of the enabled interrupts before calling this function.
354  */
ISI_EnableInterrupts(ISI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)355 static inline uint32_t ISI_EnableInterrupts(ISI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
356 {
357     uint32_t reg   = base->CHNL_IER;
358     base->CHNL_IER = reg | mask;
359     return reg;
360 }
362 /*!
363  * @brief Disables ISI interrupts.
364  *
365  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
366  * @param mask Interrupt source, OR'ed value of @ref _isi_interrupt.
367  * @return OR'ed value of the enabled interrupts before calling this function.
368  */
ISI_DisableInterrupts(ISI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)369 static inline uint32_t ISI_DisableInterrupts(ISI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
370 {
371     uint32_t reg   = base->CHNL_IER;
372     base->CHNL_IER = reg & ~mask;
373     return reg;
374 }
376 /*!
377  * @brief Get the ISI interrupt pending flags.
378  *
379  * All interrupt pending flags are returned, upper layer could compare with the
380  * OR'ed value of @ref _isi_interrupt. For example, to check whether memory read
381  * completed, use like this:
382  * @code
383    uint32_t mask = ISI_GetInterruptStatus(ISI);
384    if (mask & kISI_MemReadCompletedInterrupt)
385    {
386        memory read completed
387    }
388    @endcode
389  *
390  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
391  * @return The OR'ed value of the pending interrupt flags. of @ref _isi_interrupt.
392  */
ISI_GetInterruptStatus(ISI_Type * base)393 static inline uint32_t ISI_GetInterruptStatus(ISI_Type *base)
394 {
395     return base->CHNL_STS & ~ISI_CHNL_STS_OFLW_BYTES_MASK;
396 }
398 /*!
399  * @brief Clear ISI interrupt pending flags.
400  *
401  * This function could clear one or more flags at one time, the flags to clear
402  * are passed in as an OR'ed value of @ref _isi_interrupt. For example, to clear
403  * both line received interrupt flag and frame received flag, use like this:
404  * @code
405     ISI_ClearInterruptStatus(ISI, kISI_LineReceivedInterrupt | kISI_FrameReceivedInterrupt);
406    @endcode
407  *
408  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
409  * @param mask The flags to clear, it is OR'ed value of @ref _isi_interrupt.
410  */
ISI_ClearInterruptStatus(ISI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)411 static inline void ISI_ClearInterruptStatus(ISI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
412 {
413     base->CHNL_STS = mask;
414 }
416 /* @} */
418 /*!
419  * @brief Gets the number of valid pixel bytes lost due to overflow.
420  *
421  * If multiple output buffers overflow, then this function only returns the
422  * status of the buffer with highest priority. The buffer priority is:
423  * Y output buffer > U output buffer > V output buffer.
424  *
425  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
426  * @return The number of valid pixel bytes lost due to overflow.
427  */
ISI_GetOverflowBytes(ISI_Type * base)428 static inline uint8_t ISI_GetOverflowBytes(ISI_Type *base)
429 {
430     return (uint8_t)(base->CHNL_STS & ISI_CHNL_STS_OFLW_BYTES_MASK);
431 }
433 /*!
434  * @brief Set the ISI channel basic configurations.
435  *
436  * This function sets the basic configurations, generally the channel could be
437  * started to work after this function. To enable other features such as croping,
438  * flipping, please call the functions accordingly.
439  *
440  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
441  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
442  */
443 void ISI_SetConfig(ISI_Type *base, const isi_config_t *config);
445 /*!
446  * @brief Get the ISI channel default basic configurations.
447  *
448  * The default value is:
449  * @code
450     config->isChannelBypassed = false;
451     config->isSourceMemory = false;
452     config->isYCbCr = false;
453     config->chainMode = kISI_ChainDisable;
454     config->deintMode = kISI_DeintDisable;
455     config->blankPixel = 0xFFU;
456     config->sourcePort = 0U;
457     config->mipiChannel = 0U;
458     config->inputHeight = 1080U;
459     config->inputWidth = 1920U;
460     config->outputFormat = kISI_OutputRGBA8888;
461     config->outputLinePitchBytes = 0U;
462     config->thresholdY = kISI_ThresholdDisable;
463     config->thresholdU = kISI_ThresholdDisable;
464     config->thresholdV = kISI_ThresholdDisable;
465    @endcode
466  *
467  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
468  */
469 void ISI_GetDefaultConfig(isi_config_t *config);
471 /*!
472  * @name ISI scaler
473  * @{
474  */
476 /*!
477  * @brief Set the ISI channel scaler configurations.
478  *
479  * This function sets the scaling configurations. If the ISI channel is bypassed,
480  * then the scaling feature could not be used.
481  *
482  * ISI only supports down scaling but not up scaling.
483  *
484  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
485  * @param inputWidth Input image width.
486  * @param inputHeight Input image height.
487  * @param outputWidth Output image width.
488  * @param outputHeight Output image height.
489  * @note Total bytes in one line after down scaling must be more than 256 bytes.
490  */
491 void ISI_SetScalerConfig(
492     ISI_Type *base, uint16_t inputWidth, uint16_t inputHeight, uint16_t outputWidth, uint16_t outputHeight);
494 /* @} */
496 /*!
497  * @name ISI color space conversion
498  * @{
499  */
501 /*!
502  * @brief Set the ISI color space conversion configurations.
503  *
504  * This function sets the color space conversion configurations. After setting
505  * the configuration, use the function @ref ISI_EnableColorSpaceConversion to
506  * enable this feature. If the ISI channel is bypassed, then the color space
507  * conversion feature could not be used.
508  *
509  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
510  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
511  */
512 void ISI_SetColorSpaceConversionConfig(ISI_Type *base, const isi_csc_config_t *config);
514 /*!
515  * @brief Get the ISI color space conversion default configurations.
516  *
517  * The default value is:
518  * @code
519     config->mode = kISI_CscYUV2RGB;
520     config->A1 = 0.0;
521     config->A2 = 0.0;
522     config->A3 = 0.0;
523     config->B1 = 0.0;
524     config->B2 = 0.0;
525     config->B3 = 0.0;
526     config->C1 = 0.0;
527     config->C2 = 0.0;
528     config->C3 = 0.0;
529     config->D1 = 0;
530     config->D2 = 0;
531     config->D3 = 0;
532    @endcode
533  *
534  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
535  */
536 void ISI_ColorSpaceConversionGetDefaultConfig(isi_csc_config_t *config);
538 /*!
539  * @brief Enable or disable the ISI color space conversion.
540  *
541  * If the ISI channel is bypassed, then the color space conversion feature could not
542  * be used even enable using this function.
543  *
544  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
545  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
546  * @note The CSC is enabled by default. Disable it if it is not required.
547  */
ISI_EnableColorSpaceConversion(ISI_Type * base,bool enable)548 static inline void ISI_EnableColorSpaceConversion(ISI_Type *base, bool enable)
549 {
550     if (enable)
551     {
553     }
554     else
555     {
557     }
558 }
560 /* @} */
562 /*!
563  * @name ISI cropping
564  * @{
565  */
567 /*!
568  * @brief Set the ISI cropping configurations.
569  *
570  * This function sets the cropping configurations. After setting the configuration,
571  * use the function @ref ISI_EnableCrop to enable the feature. Cropping still
572  * works when the ISI channel is bypassed.
573  *
574  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
575  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
576  * @note The upper left corner and lower right corner should be configured base on
577  * the image resolution output from the scaler.
578  */
579 void ISI_SetCropConfig(ISI_Type *base, const isi_crop_config_t *config);
581 /*!
582  * @brief Get the ISI cropping default configurations.
583  *
584  * The default value is:
585  * @code
586     config->upperLeftX = 0U;
587     config->upperLeftY = 0U;
588     config->lowerRightX = 0U;
589     config->lowerRightY = 0U;
590    @endcode
591  *
592  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
593  */
594 void ISI_CropGetDefaultConfig(isi_crop_config_t *config);
596 /*!
597  * @brief Enable or disable the ISI cropping.
598  *
599  * If the ISI channel is bypassed, the cropping still works.
600  *
601  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
602  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
603  */
ISI_EnableCrop(ISI_Type * base,bool enable)604 static inline void ISI_EnableCrop(ISI_Type *base, bool enable)
605 {
606     if (enable)
607     {
609     }
610     else
611     {
613     }
614 }
616 /* @} */
618 /*!
619  * @name ISI alpha
620  * @{
621  */
623 /*!
624  * @brief Set the global alpha value.
625  *
626  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
627  * @param alpha The global alpha value.
628  */
ISI_SetGlobalAlpha(ISI_Type * base,uint8_t alpha)629 static inline void ISI_SetGlobalAlpha(ISI_Type *base, uint8_t alpha)
630 {
631     base->CHNL_IMG_CTRL =
633 }
635 /*!
636  * @brief Enable the global alpha insertion.
637  *
638  * Alpha still works when channel bypassed.
639  *
640  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
641  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
642  */
ISI_EnableGlobalAlpha(ISI_Type * base,bool enable)643 static inline void ISI_EnableGlobalAlpha(ISI_Type *base, bool enable)
644 {
645     if (enable)
646     {
648     }
649     else
650     {
652     }
653 }
655 /*!
656  * @brief Set the alpha value for region of interest.
657  *
658  * Set the alpha insertion configuration for specific region of interest.
659  * The function @ref ISI_EnableRegionAlpha could be used to enable the alpha
660  * insertion. Alpha insertion still works when channel bypassed.
661  *
662  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
663  * @param index Index of the region of interest, Could be 0, 1, 2, and 3.
664  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
665  * @note The upper left corner and lower right corner should be configured base on
666  * the image resolution output from the scaler.
667  */
668 void ISI_SetRegionAlphaConfig(ISI_Type *base, uint8_t index, const isi_region_alpha_config_t *config);
670 /*!
671  * @brief Get the regional alpha insertion default configurations.
672  *
673  * The default configuration is:
674  * @code
675     config->upperLeftX = 0U;
676     config->upperLeftY = 0U;
677     config->lowerRightX = 0U;
678     config->lowerRightY = 0U;
679     config->alpha = 0U;
680    @endcode
681  *
682  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
683  */
684 void ISI_RegionAlphaGetDefaultConfig(isi_region_alpha_config_t *config);
686 /*!
687  * @brief Enable or disable the alpha value insertion for region of interest.
688  *
689  * Alpha insertion still works when channel bypassed.
690  *
691  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
692  * @param index Index of the region of interest, Could be 0, 1, 2, and 3.
693  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
694  */
695 void ISI_EnableRegionAlpha(ISI_Type *base, uint8_t index, bool enable);
697 /* @} */
699 /*!
700  * @name ISI input memory.
701  * @{
702  */
704 /*!
705  * @brief Set the input memory configuration.
706  *
707  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
708  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
709  */
710 void ISI_SetInputMemConfig(ISI_Type *base, const isi_input_mem_config_t *config);
712 /*!
713  * @brief Get the input memory default configurations.
714  *
715  * The default configuration is:
716  * @code
717     config->adddr = 0U;
718     config->linePitchBytes = 0U;
719     config->framePitchBytes = 0U;
720     config->format = kISI_InputMemBGR8P;
721    @endcode
722  *
723  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
724  */
725 void ISI_InputMemGetDefaultConfig(isi_input_mem_config_t *config);
727 /*!
728  * @brief Set the input memory address.
729  *
730  * This function only sets the input memory address, it is used for fast run-time setting.
731  *
732  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
733  * @param addr Input memory address.
734  */
ISI_SetInputMemAddr(ISI_Type * base,uint32_t addr)735 static inline void ISI_SetInputMemAddr(ISI_Type *base, uint32_t addr)
736 {
737     base->CHNL_IN_BUF_ADDR = addr;
738 }
740 /*!
741  * @brief Trigger the ISI pipeline to read the input memory.
742  *
743  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
744  */
745 void ISI_TriggerInputMemRead(ISI_Type *base);
747 /* @} */
749 /*!
750  * @name ISI misc control.
751  * @{
752  */
754 /*!
755  * @brief Set the ISI channel flipping mode.
756  *
757  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
758  * @param mode Flipping mode.
759  */
ISI_SetFlipMode(ISI_Type * base,isi_flip_mode_t mode)760 static inline void ISI_SetFlipMode(ISI_Type *base, isi_flip_mode_t mode)
761 {
762     base->CHNL_IMG_CTRL =
763         (base->CHNL_IMG_CTRL & ~(ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_VFLIP_EN_MASK | ISI_CHNL_IMG_CTRL_HFLIP_EN_MASK)) | (uint32_t)mode;
764 }
766 /*!
767  * @brief Set the ISI output buffer address.
768  *
769  * This function sets the output buffer address and trigger the ISI to shadow the
770  * address, it is used for fast run-time setting.
771  *
772  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
773  * @param index Index of output buffer, could be 0 and 1.
774  * @param addrY RGB or Luma (Y) output buffer address.
775  * @param addrU Chroma (U/Cb/UV/CbCr) output buffer address.
776  * @param addrV Chroma (V/Cr) output buffer address.
777  */
778 void ISI_SetOutputBufferAddr(ISI_Type *base, uint8_t index, uint32_t addrY, uint32_t addrU, uint32_t addrV);
780 /*!
781  * @brief Start the ISI channel.
782  *
783  * Start the ISI channel to work, this function should be called after all channel
784  * configuration finished.
785  *
786  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
787  */
ISI_Start(ISI_Type * base)788 static inline void ISI_Start(ISI_Type *base)
789 {
791 }
793 /*!
794  * @brief Stop the ISI channel.
795  *
796  * @param base ISI peripheral base address
797  */
ISI_Stop(ISI_Type * base)798 static inline void ISI_Stop(ISI_Type *base)
799 {
801 }
803 /* @} */
805 #if defined(__cplusplus)
806 }
807 #endif /* __cplusplus */
809 /* @} */
811 #endif /*_FSL_ISI_H_*/