1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2022 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_FLASHIAP_H_
10 #define _FSL_FLASHIAP_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup flashiap_driver
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*! @file */
21 /*******************************************************************************
22  * Definitions
23  ******************************************************************************/
25 /*! @name Driver version */
26 /*@{*/
28 /*@}*/
30 /*!
31  * @brief Flashiap status codes.
32  */
33 enum _flashiap_status
34 {
35     kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success        = kStatus_Success,                        /*!< Api is executed successfully */
36     kStatus_FLASHIAP_InvalidCommand = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 1U), /*!< Invalid command */
37     kStatus_FLASHIAP_SrcAddrError =
38         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 2U), /*!< Source address is not on word boundary */
39     kStatus_FLASHIAP_DstAddrError =
40         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 3U), /*!< Destination address is not on a correct boundary */
41     kStatus_FLASHIAP_SrcAddrNotMapped =
42         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 4U), /*!< Source address is not mapped in the memory map */
43     kStatus_FLASHIAP_DstAddrNotMapped =
44         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 5U), /*!< Destination address is not mapped in the memory map */
45     kStatus_FLASHIAP_CountError =
46         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 6U), /*!< Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value */
47     kStatus_FLASHIAP_InvalidSector =
48         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP,
49                     7), /*!< Sector number is invalid or end sector number is greater than start sector number */
50     kStatus_FLASHIAP_SectorNotblank = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 8U), /*!< One or more sectors are not blank */
51     kStatus_FLASHIAP_NotPrepared =
52         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 9U), /*!< Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed */
53     kStatus_FLASHIAP_CompareError =
54         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 10U), /*!< Destination and source memory contents do not match */
55     kStatus_FLASHIAP_Busy =
56         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 11U), /*!< Flash programming hardware interface is busy */
57     kStatus_FLASHIAP_ParamError =
58         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 12U), /*!< Insufficient number of parameters or invalid parameter */
59     kStatus_FLASHIAP_AddrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 13U), /*!< Address is not on word boundary */
60     kStatus_FLASHIAP_AddrNotMapped =
61         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 14U),                        /*!< Address is not mapped in the memory map */
62     kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 24U), /*!< Flash memory block is powered down */
63     kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock =
64         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP, 27U), /*!< Flash memory block or controller is not clocked */
65 };
67 /*!
68  * @brief Flashiap command codes.
69  */
70 enum _flashiap_commands
71 {
72     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_PrepareSectorforWrite = 50U, /*!< Prepare Sector for write */
73     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_CopyRamToFlash        = 51U, /*!< Copy RAM to flash */
74     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_EraseSector           = 52U, /*!< Erase Sector */
75     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_BlankCheckSector      = 53U, /*!< Blank check sector */
76     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReadPartId            = 54U, /*!< Read part id */
77     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_Read_BootromVersion   = 55U, /*!< Read bootrom version */
78     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_Compare               = 56U, /*!< Compare */
79     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReinvokeISP           = 57U, /*!< Reinvoke ISP */
80     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReadUid               = 58U, /*!< Read Uid isp */
81     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ErasePage             = 59U, /*!< Erase Page */
82     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReadMisr              = 70U, /*!< Read Misr */
83     kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReinvokeI2cSpiISP     = 71U  /*!< Reinvoke I2C/SPI isp */
84 };
86 /*! @brief IAP_ENTRY API function type */
87 typedef void (*FLASHIAP_ENTRY_T)(uint32_t cmd[5], uint32_t stat[4]);
89 /*******************************************************************************
90  * API
91  ******************************************************************************/
93 #if defined(__cplusplus)
94 extern "C" {
95 #endif
97 /*!
98  * @brief IAP_ENTRY API function type
99  *
100  * Wrapper for rom iap call
101  *
102  * @param cmd_param IAP command and relevant parameter array.
103  * @param status_result IAP status result array.
104  *
105  * @retval None. Status/Result is returned via status_result array.
106  */
iap_entry(uint32_t * cmd_param,uint32_t * status_result)107 static inline void iap_entry(uint32_t *cmd_param, uint32_t *status_result)
108 {
109     ((FLASHIAP_ENTRY_T)FSL_FEATURE_SYSCON_IAP_ENTRY_LOCATION)(cmd_param, status_result);
110 }
112 /*!
113  * @brief	Prepare sector for write operation
115  * This function prepares sector(s) for write/erase operation. This function must be
116  * called before calling the FLASHIAP_CopyRamToFlash() or FLASHIAP_EraseSector() or
117  * FLASHIAP_ErasePage() function. The end sector must be greater than or equal to
118  * start sector number.
119  *
120  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
121  *
122  * @param startSector Start sector number.
123  * @param endSector End sector number.
124  *
125  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
126  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
127  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
128  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number
129  *         is greater than start sector number.
130  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
131  */
132 status_t FLASHIAP_PrepareSectorForWrite(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector);
134 /*!
135  * @brief	Copy RAM to flash.
137  * This function programs the flash memory. Corresponding sectors must be prepared
138  * via FLASHIAP_PrepareSectorForWrite before calling calling this function. The addresses
139  * should be a 256 byte boundary and the number of bytes should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
140  *
141  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
142  *
143  * @param dstAddr Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written.
144  * @param srcAddr Source ram address from where data bytes are to be read.
145  * @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be written.
146  * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
147  *                        rom IAP function.
148  *
149  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
150  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
151  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
152  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_SrcAddrError Source address is not on word boundary.
153  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_DstAddrError Destination address is not on a correct boundary.
154  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map.
155  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_DstAddrNotMapped Destination address is not mapped in the memory map.
156  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value.
157  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
158  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
159  */
160 status_t FLASHIAP_CopyRamToFlash(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
162 /*!
163  * @brief	Erase sector
165  * This function erases sector(s). The end sector must be greater than or equal to
166  * start sector number. FLASHIAP_PrepareSectorForWrite must be called before
167  * calling this function.
168  *
169  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
170  *
171  * @param startSector Start sector number.
172  * @param endSector End sector number.
173  * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
174  *                        rom IAP function.
175  *
176  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
177  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
178  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
179  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number
180  *         is greater than start sector number.
181  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
182  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
183  */
184 status_t FLASHIAP_EraseSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
186 /*!
188  * This function erases page(s). The end page must be greater than or equal to
189  * start page number. Corresponding sectors must be prepared via FLASHIAP_PrepareSectorForWrite
190  * before calling calling this function.
191  *
192  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
193  *
194  * @param startPage Start page number
195  * @param endPage End page number
196  * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
197  *                        rom IAP function.
198  *
199  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
200  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
201  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
202  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_InvalidSector Page number is invalid or end page number
203  *         is greater than start page number
204  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
205  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
206  */
207 status_t FLASHIAP_ErasePage(uint32_t startPage, uint32_t endPage, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
209 /*!
210  * @brief Blank check sector(s)
211  *
212  * Blank check single or multiples sectors of flash memory. The end sector must be greater than or equal to
213  * start sector number. It can be used to verify the sector eraseure after FLASHIAP_EraseSector call.
214  *
215  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
216  *
217  * @param	startSector	: Start sector number. Must be greater than or equal to start sector number
218  * @param	endSector	: End sector number
219  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success One or more sectors are in erased state.
220  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
221  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
222  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_SectorNotblank One or more sectors are not blank.
223  */
224 status_t FLASHIAP_BlankCheckSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector);
226 /*!
227  * @brief Compare memory contents of flash with ram.
229  * This function compares the contents of flash and ram. It can be used to verify the flash
230  * memory contents after FLASHIAP_CopyRamToFlash call.
231  *
232  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has benn moved to iap driver.
233  *
234  * @param dstAddr Destination flash address.
235  * @param srcAddr Source ram address.
236  * @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be compared.
237  *
238  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_Success Contents of flash and ram match.
239  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
240  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
241  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_AddrError Address is not on word boundary.
242  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_AddrNotMapped Address is not mapped in the memory map.
243  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value.
244  * @retval #kStatus_FLASHIAP_CompareError Destination and source memory contents do not match.
245  */
246 status_t FLASHIAP_Compare(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes);
248 #ifdef __cplusplus
249 }
250 #endif
252 /*@}*/
254 #endif /* _FSL_FLASHIAP_H_ */