1 /* This device file has been adapted from ARM CMSIS-Core sources*/
2 /* by NXP Semiconductors (2018)*/
3 /* Copyright(C) NXP B.V. 2018*/
4 /* All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited*/
5 /* without the prior written consent of the copy-right owner.*/
6 /* This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole*/
7 /* property of NXP B.V. and is provided pursuant to a Software License*/
8 /* Agreement. This code is the proprietary information of NXP B.V. and*/
9 /* is confidential in nature. Its use and dissemination by any party other*/
10 /* than NXP B.V. is strictly limited by the confidential information*/
11 /* provisions of the agreement referenced above.*/
12 /* NXP makes no warranty, expressed, implied or statutory, including but*/
13 /* not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any*/
14 /* particular purpose, or that the use will not infringe any third party patent,*/
15 /* copyright or trademark.*/
16 /* NXP must not be liable for any loss or damage arising from its use.*/
17 /********************************************************************************************************
18  * @file     CoSimPKC.h
19  *
20  * @brief    CMSIS  Peripheral Access Layer Header File for CoSimPKC.
21  *
22  * @version  $Revision: 25425 $
23  * @date     26. November 2019
24  *
25  * @note     Generated with csv2a_create_cmsis_cheader V1.41
26  *******************************************************************************************************/
27 /* Copyright (c) 2012 ARM LIMITED
29    All rights reserved.
30    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
31    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
32    - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
33      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
34    - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
35      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
36      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
37    - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
38      to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
39      specific prior written permission.
40    *
52    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 /** @addtogroup (null)
57   * @{
58   */
60 /** @addtogroup CoSimPKC
61   * @{
62   */
64 #ifndef CoSimPKC_H
65 #define CoSimPKC_H
67 #ifdef __cplusplus
68 extern "C" {
69 #endif
72 #ifndef __IM                                    /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions                                         */
73   #define __IM   __I
74 #endif
75 #ifndef __OM                                    /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions                                         */
76   #define __OM   __O
77 #endif
78 #ifndef __IOM                                   /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions                                         */
79   #define __IOM  __IO
80 #endif
83 /* ================================================================================ */
84 /* ================       Device Specific Peripheral Section       ================ */
85 /* ================================================================================ */
88 /** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_Registers
89   * @{
90   */
93 /* ===================  Start of section using anonymous unions  ================== */
94 #if defined(__CC_ARM)
95   #pragma push
96   #pragma anon_unions
97 #elif defined (__ICCARM__)
98   #pragma language=extended
99 #elif defined (__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
100   #pragma clang diagnostic push
101   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc11-extensions"
102   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
103   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-anonymous-struct"
104   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnested-anon-types"
105 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
106   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
107 #elif defined(__TMS470__)
108   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
109 #elif defined(__TASKING__)
110   #pragma warning 586
111 #elif defined(__CSMC__)
112   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
113 #else
114   #warning Not supported compiler type
115 #endif
119 /* ================================================================================ */
120 /* ================                       PKC                      ================ */
121 /* ================================================================================ */
124 /**
125   * @brief SFRs of block PKC (PKC)
126   */
128 typedef struct {                                    /*!< PKC Structure                                                         */
130   union {
131     __IM  uint32_t  STATUS;                          /*!< Status register                                                       */
133     struct {
134       __IM  uint32_t  ACTIV      :  1;              /*!< PKC active: ACTIV=1 signals that a calculation is in progress or
135                                                          about to start. At the end of a calculation ACTIV is
136                                                          automatically reset to logic 0 in case no further GO bit is set.
137                                                          If the next PKC operation has been started by setting a GO bit
138                                                          during a calculation, ACTIV remains high. ACTIV is always '1' in
139                                                          case PKC_STATUS.GOANY is set. ACTIV is always '0' in case
140                                                          PKC_CTRL_RESET is set.; While ACTIV is '1' the PKC is active also
141                                                          in using the PKC RAM. Concurrent accesses to PKC RAM via the CPU
142                                                          is still possible, but may reduce the performance of the PKC
143                                                          calculation. Write accesses to the operand and result area
144                                                          defined by the PKC pointer and length registers is prohibited
145                                                          during a running calculation and may result in wrong calcuation
146                                                          results.                                                              */
147       __IM  uint32_t  CARRY      :  1;              /*!< Carry overflow flag: CARRY is set by the PKC at the end of a
148                                                          calculation in case; - an addition or multiplication with
149                                                          addition operation has been executed and an overflow in the most
150                                                          significant bit has occured.; - a subtraction or multiplication
151                                                          with subtraction operation has been executed with negative result
152                                                          in twos complement notation.; - a shift or rotate operation has
153                                                          been executed (most/least significant shifted/rotated bit is
154                                                          stored in CARRY flag).; - a LSB0s or MSB0s operation has been
155                                                          executed (CARRY indicates zero least/most-significant zero
156                                                          bits).; - a compare operation habe been executed with Z&gt;Y.;
157                                                          CARRY is updated for each PKC calculation mode, except for MUL1
158                                                          (opcode 0x20) and MUL1_GF2 (opcode 0x24). This holds also for
159                                                          operation modes where CARRY is always zero, e.g. logical
160                                                          operations (AND, OR, ...).; If PKC is in reset
161                                                          (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1), CARRY is set to logic 0 (default).                */
162       __IM  uint32_t  ZERO       :  1;              /*!< Zero result flag: ZERO is set by the PKC at the end of a
163                                                          calculation in case the result of the calculation is equal zero.
164                                                          ZERO is updated for each PKC calculation mode, except for MUL1
165                                                          (opcode 0x20) and MUL1_GF2 (opcode 0x24).; NOTE: A set ZERO flag
166                                                          only indicates that the result written to PKC RAM is zero, but
167                                                          does not imply that there is no overflow (i.e., CARRY flag set).;
168                                                          If PKC is in reset (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1), ZERO is set to logic 0
169                                                          (default).                                                            */
170       __IM  uint32_t  GOANY      :  1;              /*!< Combined GO status flag: GOANY is set in case either
171                                                          PKC_CTRL.GOD1, GOD2, GOM1, GOM2 or GOU is set. The 1-to-0
172                                                          transition of GOANY indicates that a calculation has been started
173                                                          and that a new GO bit can be set. If GOANY is cleared also all
174                                                          PKC_STATUS.LOCKED bits are cleared to indicate that the parameter
175                                                          set can be updated. GOANY is always '0' in case PKC_CTRL.RESET is
176                                                          set.                                                                  */
177             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
178       __IM  uint32_t  LOCKED     :  2;              /*!< Parameter set locked: Indicates if parameter set is locked due to
179                                                          a pending calculation start or can be overwritten.; x1b-
180                                                          parameter set 1 is locked; 1xb- parameter set 2 is locked;
181                                                          LOCKED[0] is set in case a PKC calculation is started with
182                                                          parameter set 1 via PKC_CTRL.GOD1 or PKC_CTRL.GOM1.; In case one
183                                                          of the parameter set 1 SFRs PKC_MODE1, PKC_XYPTR1, PKC_ZRPTR1,
184                                                          PKC_LEN1 is updated while LOCKED[0] is set a PKC security alarm
185                                                          will be triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; LOCKED[1] is set
186                                                          in case a PKC calculation is started with parameter set 2 via
187                                                          PKC_CTRL.GOD2 or PKC_CTRL.GOM2.; In case one of the parameter set
188                                                          2 SFRs PKC_MODE2, PKC_XYPTR2, PKC_ZRPTR2, PKC_LEN2 is updated
189                                                          while LOCKED[1] is set a PKC security alarm will be triggered
190                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; LOCKED[1:0] is not set for a
191                                                          universal pointer fetch (layer2) PKC calculation started via
192                                                          PKC_CTRL.GOU. All parameter set SFRs can be updated during a
193                                                          universal pointer fetch operation, except PKC_LEN1 and PKC_LEN2.
194                                                          Updating PKC_LEN1 or PKC_LEN2 during a layer2 calculation
195                                                          indicated by PKC_STATUS.GOANY will trigger a PKC security alarm
196                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; LOCKED[1:0] is cleared with the
197                                                          start of the calculation in parallel with the 1-to-0 transition
198                                                          of PKC_STATUS.GOANY and in case PKC_CTRL.RESET is set.                */
199             uint32_t             : 25;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
200     } STATUS_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
201   };
203   union {
204     __IOM uint32_t  CTRL;                            /*!< Control register                                                      */
206     struct {
207       __IOM uint32_t  RESET      :  1;              /*!< PKC reset control bit: RESET=1 enforces the PKC's reset state
208                                                          during which a calculation cannot be started and by which any
209                                                          ongoing calculation process is stopped. RESET can be set/cleared
210                                                          by the CPU in order to switch between PKC reset and calculation
211                                                          enable. RESET=1 is the default state after a chip reset.; RESET=1
212                                                          disables PKC activity and accordingly also provides its
213                                                          power-saving state. When PKC reset is released (RESET=0) and idle
214                                                          operation is activiated (PKC_CFG.IDLEOP=1) the power consumption
215                                                          is increased even before a calculation is started by setting a GO
216                                                          bit.; When RESET is set to '1' the read-only status flags
217                                                          PKC_STATUS.CARRY and PKC_STATUS.ZERO are cleared. If required
218                                                          these flags have to be evaluated before RESET is set. The status
219                                                          bits PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_STATUS.LOCKED are reset as well in
220                                                          case RESET is set. RESET does not have an impact on the content
221                                                          of any other PKC SFRs. The parameter set and universal pointer
222                                                          SFRs can be read and written also while RESET is set.; Software
223                                                          must clear bit RESET to enable the PKC before it can start a
224                                                          calculation via one of the GO bits in PKC_CTRL. Any attempt to
225                                                          start a calculation via a GO bit while RESET=1 will trigger a PKC
226                                                          security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; The PKC
227                                                          configuration setting in PKC_CFG can only be updated while
228                                                          RESET=1. A write access to PKC_CFG while RESET=0 will trigger a
229                                                          PKC security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).                      */
230       __IOM uint32_t  STOP       :  1;              /*!< Freeze PKC calculation: STOP=1 freezes all PKC activity incl. RAM
231                                                          accesses and reduces the PKC power consumption to its minimum.
232                                                          The difference compared to the reset of the PKC is that a stopped
233                                                          calculation can be continued when STOP is released (reset to '0')
234                                                          again. The status flags are not affected by the STOP control bit.     */
235       __IOM uint32_t  GOD1       :  1;              /*!< Control bit to start direct operation using parameter set 1: If
236                                                          GOD1 is set PKC will start a direct / layer0 operation using
237                                                          parameter set 1 (PKC_MODE1, PKC_XYPTR1, PKC_ZRPTR1, PKC_LEN1).;
238                                                          Section 'Operating the PKC via the Parameter Set interface (layer
239                                                          0)' describes how to start layer0 operations.; GOD1 is a
240                                                          write-only bit and always read '0'. It is only allowed to set
241                                                          GOD1 when PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_CTRL.RESET are cleared.
242                                                          Otherwise a security alarm is triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
243                                                          set). An alarm is also triggered in case more than one GO bit is
244                                                          set for the PKC_CTRL SFR write access (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
245                                                          set).                                                                 */
246       __IOM uint32_t  GOD2       :  1;              /*!< Control bit to start direct operation using parameter set 2: If
247                                                          GOD2 is set PKC will start a direct / layer0 operation using
248                                                          parameter set 2 (PKC_MODE2, PKC_XYPTR2, PKC_ZRPTR2, PKC_LEN2).;
249                                                          Section 'Operating the PKC via the Parameter Set interface (layer
250                                                          0)' describes how to start layer0 operations.; GOD2 is a
251                                                          write-only bit and always read '0'. It is only allowed to set
252                                                          GOD2 when PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_CTRL.RESET are cleared.
253                                                          Otherwise a security alarm is triggered(PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
254                                                          set). An alarm is also triggered in case more than one GO bit is
255                                                          set for the PKC_CTRL SFR write access (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
256                                                          set).                                                                 */
257       __IOM uint32_t  GOM1       :  1;              /*!< Control bit to start MC pattern using parameter set 1: If GOM1 is
258                                                          set PKC will start a MC pattern / layer1 operation using
259                                                          parameter set 1 (PKC_MODE1, PKC_XYPTR1, PKC_ZRPTR1, PKC_LEN1).;
260                                                          Section 'Operating the PKC via the Micro Code interface (layer
261                                                          1)' describes how to start layer1 operations.; GOM1 is a
262                                                          write-only bit and always read '0'. It is only allowed to set
263                                                          GOM1 when PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_CTRL.RESET are cleared.
264                                                          Otherwise a security alarm is triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
265                                                          set). An alarm is also triggered in case more than one GO bit is
266                                                          set for the PKC_CTRL SFR write access (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
267                                                          set).                                                                 */
268       __IOM uint32_t  GOM2       :  1;              /*!< Control bit to start MC pattern using parameter set 2: If GOM2 is
269                                                          set PKC will start a MC pattern / layer1 operation using
270                                                          parameter set 2 (PKC_MODE2, PKC_XYPTR2, PKC_ZRPTR2, PKC_LEN2).;
271                                                          Section 'Operating the PKC via the Micro Code interface (layer
272                                                          1)' describes how to start layer1 operations.; GOM2 is a
273                                                          write-only bit and always read '0'. It is only allowed to set
274                                                          GOM2 when PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_CTRL.RESET are cleared.
275                                                          Otherwise a security alarm is triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
276                                                          set). An alarm is also triggered in case more than one GO bit is
277                                                          set for the PKC_CTRL SFR write access (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is
278                                                          set).                                                                 */
279       __IOM uint32_t  GOU        :  1;              /*!< Control bit to start pipe operation: If GOU is set PKC will start
280                                                          the pipe / layer2 operation (parameter fetch &amp; calculation)
281                                                          described in section 'PKC Universal Pointer Fetch Operation'.;
282                                                          Section 'Operating the PKC via the Universal Pointer Fetch Unit
283                                                          (layer 2)' describes how to start layer2 operations.; GOU is a
284                                                          write-only bit and always read '0'. It is only allowed to set GOU
285                                                          when PKC_STATUS.GOANY and PKC_CTRL.RESET are cleared,
286                                                          PKC_ULEN&gt;0 and PKC_UPTR(T) point to valid addresses (defined
287                                                          by MMU). Otherwise a security alarm is triggered
288                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL or PKC_ACCESS_ERR.AHB is set). An alarm is
289                                                          also triggered in case more than one GO bit is set for the
290                                                          PKC_CTRL SFR write access (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).               */
291       __IOM uint32_t  GF2CONV    :  1;              /*!< Convert to GF2 calculation modes: If GF2CONV is set operations
292                                                          are mapped to their GF(2) equivalent operation modes.; GF2CONV
293                                                          influences all PKC operation modes layer0/1/2.; GF2CONV can be
294                                                          updated at any point in time, even during a running calculation.
295                                                          However the change is only applied when a new calculation is
296                                                          started via PKC_CTRL.GO*.                                             */
297       __IOM uint32_t  CLRCACHE   :  1;              /*!< Clear universal pointer cache: Invalidates the cache such that
298                                                          all previously fetched parameters are withdrawn and have to be
299                                                          fetched again via DMA accesses.; CLRCACHE can be triggered at any
300                                                          point in time, even during a running universal pointer fetch
301                                                          calculation. CLRCACHE is write-only and always read '0'. CLRCACHE
302                                                          has no impact in case the cache is disabled via
303                                                          PKC_CTRL.CACHE_EN=0 or in case no layer2 calculations are
304                                                          executed.; Beside CLRCACHE the cache is also invalidated when it
305                                                          is disabled (PKC_CTRL.CACHE_EN=0) or in case of any write access
306                                                          to PKC_UPTRT.                                                         */
307       __IOM uint32_t  CACHE_EN   :  1;              /*!< Enable universal pointer cache: If CACHE_EN=1 the cache for the
308                                                          universal pointer parameters is enabled. In case a parameter
309                                                          value is found in the cache (from a previous fetch) no DMA access
310                                                          is triggered. As such the amount of DMA accesses for the
311                                                          parameter fetch vary between 0 and 4. To further optimize the
312                                                          cache utilization not used parameters, e.g. XPTR for a plain
313                                                          addition (opcode 0x0A), could be defined equal to a used one
314                                                          (e.g. equal YPTR or RPTR) or a previously fetched parameter.; The
315                                                          univeral pointer cache can store up to 6 16-bit parameter values.
316                                                          In case the cache is full the entry that has not been used
317                                                          longest is overwritten by the newly fetched parameter.; The cache
318                                                          can be enabled and disabled at any point in time, even during a
319                                                          running universal pointer fetch calculation.                          */
320       __IOM uint32_t  REDMUL     :  2;              /*!< Reduced multiplier mode: REDMUL defines the operand width
321                                                          processed by the PKC coprocessor. The operand width can be
322                                                          reduced to; - perform calculations on short operands, e.g.
323                                                          32-bit.; - reduce power consumption and power peaks.; - add
324                                                          additional noise in combination with PKC_CFG.REDMULNOISE = 1.;
325                                                          PKC calculation performance is reduced when operating in reduced
326                                                          multiplier mode because the operand length in PKC-words (64/32
327                                                          bit) is increased.; For hard coded layer1 calculation modular
328                                                          multiplication and modular reduction the pre-computed inverse of
329                                                          the modul depends on the PKC-word size setting and as such is not
330                                                          the same for different REDMUL configurations.; The operand
331                                                          pointers and length definitions are independant from the REDMUL
332                                                          setting as long as they are 64-bit aligned. The amount of ignored
333                                                          least significiant bits of the pointer and length SFRs depends on
334                                                          REDMUL. As a consequence also the minimum supported operand
335                                                          length defined via PKC_LEN[1,2].LEN and PKC_LEN[1,2].MCLEN are
336                                                          affected by REDMUL.; REDMUL must not be updated during a running
337                                                          calculation while PKC_STATUS.ACTIV is set.; Changing REDMUL
338                                                          during a running calculation may result in wrong calculation
339                                                          results and/or a PKC security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC).            */
340             uint32_t             : 20;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
341     } CTRL_b;                                       /*!< BitSize                                                               */
342   };
344   union {
345     __IOM uint32_t  CFG;                             /*!< Configuration register                                                */
347     struct {
348       __IOM uint32_t  IDLEOP     :  1;              /*!< Idle operation configuration: If IDLEOP is set idle / dummy
349                                                          operations are executed as soon as PKC_CTRL.RESET is cleared. The
350                                                          idle / dummy operations cycles are inserted also in case of gaps
351                                                          between two real calculation, e.g. between two layer0
352                                                          calculations. The idle / dummy operation is aborted when a real
353                                                          calculation is triggered, e.g., via a set GO bit in PKC_CTRL SFR.
354                                                          In case RNDDLY is unequal 0x0 additional clock cycles with idle /
355                                                          dummy calculation are introduced after setting the GO bit before
356                                                          and after the real calculation.; Due to the idle / dummy activity
357                                                          the average power consumption of the PKC is increased when IDLEOP
358                                                          is set. Beside that the idle / dummy operations have no impact on
359                                                          the calculation time.; IDLEOP can only be updated while the PKC
360                                                          is disabled (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1). Any attempt to update the
361                                                          configuration while RESET=0 will trigger a PKC security alarm
362                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).                                         */
363       __IOM uint32_t  RFU1       :  1;              /*!< RFU                                                                   */
364       __IOM uint32_t  RFU2       :  1;              /*!< RFU                                                                   */
365       __IOM uint32_t  CLKRND     :  1;              /*!< Clock randomization configuration: CLKRND=1 activates the PKC
366                                                          clock randomization. The performance decreases by approx. 8&#37;.
367                                                          Impact on power consumption is negligible.; CLKRND can only be
368                                                          updated while the PKC is disabled (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1). Any attempt
369                                                          to update the configuration while RESET=0 will trigger a PKC
370                                                          security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).                          */
371       __IOM uint32_t  REDMULNOISE:  1;              /*!< Noise in reduced multiplier mode configuration: In reduced
372                                                          multiplier mode only parts of the arithmetic PKC logic is
373                                                          utilized. When REDMULNOISE=1 the not used circuitry is loaded
374                                                          with random data to increase the noise level.; REDMULNOISE has no
375                                                          impact in case PKC_CTRL.REDMUL is set to 0x0 or 0x2 (the max.
376                                                          multiplier width). When REDMULNOISE is set for REDMUL equal 0x1
377                                                          the power consumption is increased to the level of REDMUL equal
378                                                          0x0 or 0x2 (full size resp. 64-bit mode).; REDMULNOISE can only
379                                                          be updated while the PKC is disabled (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1). Any
380                                                          attempt to update the configuration while RESET=0 will trigger a
381                                                          PKC security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).                      */
382       __IOM uint32_t  RNDDLY     :  3;              /*!< Random delay configuration: Define random delay cycles introduced
383                                                          randomly before and after real calculation. The sum of the idle /
384                                                          dummy cycles before and after the real calculation and as such
385                                                          the total calculation time is constant per RNDDLY setting.; The
386                                                          random delay is introduced for each single direct calculation,
387                                                          e.g., for a layer1 MC calculation the delay is inserted for each
388                                                          single Execute opcode.; In case RNDDLY is unequal 0x0
389                                                          PKC_STATUS.ACTIV is cleared and the interrupt is triggered after
390                                                          the real calculation and all delay cycles have finalized. In case
391                                                          PKC_CFG.IDLEOP is set idle / dummy calculations are executed
392                                                          during the delay cycles. Otherwise only the start of the real
393                                                          calculation and the end of calculation signalling is delayed
394                                                          without any activity during the delay cycles.; RNDDLY can only be
395                                                          updated while the PKC is disabled (PKC_CTRL.RESET=1). Any attempt
396                                                          to update the configuration while RESET=0 will trigger a PKC
397                                                          security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).                          */
398       __IOM uint32_t  SBXNOISE   :  1;              /*!< Noise feature not available in this version.                          */
399       __IOM uint32_t  ALPNOISE   :  1;              /*!< Noise feature not available in this version.                          */
400       __IOM uint32_t  FMULNOISE  :  1;              /*!< Noise feature not available in this version.                          */
401             uint32_t             : 21;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
402     } CFG_b;                                        /*!< BitSize                                                               */
403   };
404   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
406   union {
407     __IOM uint32_t  MODE1;                           /*!< Mode register, parameter set 1                                        */
409     struct {
410       __IOM uint32_t  MODE       :  8;              /*!< Calculation Mode / MC Start address:; Calculation mode of direct
411                                                          calculation (layer0) are listed in a table in Section 'PKC
412                                                          arithmetic unit (layer 0)'. In case of a not supported
413                                                          calculation mode for layer0 calculation a PKC security alarm is
414                                                          triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is set).; MC start addresses for
415                                                          hard coded MC pattern are listed in a table in Section 'Fixed
416                                                          Layer 1 MC Patterns'. The start address for the flexible MC
417                                                          pattern depends on the customized MC code previously stored using
418                                                          SFR PKC_MCDATA (data) and PKC_MODE1 (address).; PKC_MODE1 is
419                                                          additionally used as pointer for the flexible MC initialization.
420                                                          As PKC_MCDATA can only be accessed in chunks of 32-bit the least
421                                                          significant two bits PKC_MODE1[1:0] are ignored. PKC_MODE1 is
422                                                          automatically incremented by 4 for each read/write to PKC_MCDATA.
423                                                          In case PKC_MCDATA is read/written while PKC_CTRL.RESET=0 a
424                                                          security alarm is triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).             */
425             uint32_t             : 24;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
426     } MODE1_b;                                      /*!< BitSize                                                               */
427   };
429   union {
430     __IOM uint32_t  XYPTR1;                          /*!< X+Y pointer register, parameter set 1                                 */
432     struct {
433       __IOM uint32_t  XPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of X operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
434                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
435                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
436                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
437       __IOM uint32_t  YPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of Y operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
438                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
439                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
440                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
441     } XYPTR1_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
442   };
444   union {
445     __IOM uint32_t  ZRPTR1;                          /*!< Z+R pointer register, parameter set 1                                 */
447     struct {
448       __IOM uint32_t  ZPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of Z operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity or
449                                                          constant for calculation modes using CONST:; If ZPTR is used as
450                                                          address pointer the least significant bits are ignored depending
451                                                          on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most significant bits are ignored
452                                                          depending on available PKCRAM size.; If ZPTR is used as CONST
453                                                          operand the high byte is ignored and only ZPTR[7:0] is used for
454                                                          the calculation. For shift/rotate operation further most
455                                                          signficant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL.             */
456       __IOM uint32_t  RPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of R result in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
457                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
458                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
459                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
460     } ZRPTR1_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
461   };
463   union {
464     __IOM uint32_t  LEN1;                            /*!< Length register, parameter set 1                                      */
466     struct {
467       __IOM uint32_t  LEN        : 16;              /*!< Operand length: LEN defines the length of the operands and the
468                                                          result in bytes. The length of Y, Z and R depend furthermore on
469                                                          the selected calculation mode.; The least significant bits are
470                                                          ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most significant
471                                                          bits are ignored depending on available PKCRAM size. In case LEN
472                                                          is too short such that the resulting length depending on
473                                                          PKC_CTRL.REDMUL is zero a PKC security alarm is triggered
474                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is set).                                         */
475       __IOM uint32_t  MCLEN      : 16;              /*!< Loop counter for microcode pattern: MCLEN defines the length of
476                                                          the loop counter that can be used in layer1 calculation mode,
477                                                          e.g. in MC opcode DecrTBNZ. For the hardcoded MC patterns Modular
478                                                          Multiplication (MC start address 0x00), Plain Multiplication
479                                                          (0x13), Plain Multiplication with Addition (0x1D) and Modular
480                                                          Reduction (0x33) MCLEN defines the length of the X operand in
481                                                          bytes.; The least significant bits are ignored depending on
482                                                          PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most significant bits are ignored
483                                                          depending on available PKCRAM size. In case MCLEN is too short
484                                                          such that a DecrTBNZ MC opcode is executed on a zero loop counter
485                                                          value a PKC security alarm is triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is
486                                                          set).                                                                 */
487     } LEN1_b;                                       /*!< BitSize                                                               */
488   };
490   union {
491     __IOM uint32_t  MODE2;                           /*!< Mode register, parameter set 2                                        */
493     struct {
494       __IOM uint32_t  MODE       :  8;              /*!< Calculation Mode / MC Start address:; Calculation mode of direct
495                                                          calculation (layer0) are listed in a table in Section 'PKC
496                                                          arithmetic unit (layer 0)'. In case of a not supported
497                                                          calculation mode for layer0 calculation a PKC security alarm is
498                                                          triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is set).; MC start addresses for
499                                                          hard coded MC pattern are listed in a table in Section 'Fixed
500                                                          Layer 1 MC Patterns'. The start address for the flexible MC
501                                                          pattern depends on the customized MC code previously stored using
502                                                          SFR PKC_MCDATA (data) and PKC_MODE1 (address).                        */
503             uint32_t             : 24;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
504     } MODE2_b;                                      /*!< BitSize                                                               */
505   };
507   union {
508     __IOM uint32_t  XYPTR2;                          /*!< X+Y pointer register, parameter set 2                                 */
510     struct {
511       __IOM uint32_t  XPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of X operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
512                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
513                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
514                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
515       __IOM uint32_t  YPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of Y operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
516                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
517                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
518                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
519     } XYPTR2_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
520   };
522   union {
523     __IOM uint32_t  ZRPTR2;                          /*!< Z+R pointer register, parameter set 2                                 */
525     struct {
526       __IOM uint32_t  ZPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of Z operand in PKCRAM with byte granularity or
527                                                          constant for calculation modes using CONST:; If ZPTR is used as
528                                                          address pointer the least significant bits are ignored depending
529                                                          on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most significant bits are ignored
530                                                          depending on available PKCRAM size.; If ZPTR is used as CONST
531                                                          operand the high byte is ignored and only ZPTR[7:0] is used for
532                                                          the calculation. For shift/rotate operation further most
533                                                          signficant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL.             */
534       __IOM uint32_t  RPTR       : 16;              /*!< Start address of R result in PKCRAM with byte granularity: Least
535                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL
536                                                          setting. Most significant bits are ignored depending on available
537                                                          PKCRAM size.                                                          */
538     } ZRPTR2_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
539   };
541   union {
542     __IOM uint32_t  LEN2;                            /*!< Length register, parameter set 2                                      */
544     struct {
545       __IOM uint32_t  LEN        : 16;              /*!< Operand length: LEN defines the length of the operands and the
546                                                          result in bytes. The length of Y, Z and R depend furthermore on
547                                                          the selected calculation mode.; The least significant bits are
548                                                          ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most significant
549                                                          bits are ignored depending on available PKCRAM size. In case LEN
550                                                          is too short such that the resulting length depending on
551                                                          PKC_CTRL.REDMUL is zero a PKC security alarm is triggered
552                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is set).                                         */
553       __IOM uint32_t  MCLEN      : 16;              /*!< Loop counter for microcode pattern: MCLEN defines the length of
554                                                          the loop counter that can be used in layer1 calculation mode,
555                                                          e.g. in MC opcode DecrTBNZ. For the hardcoded MC patterns Modular
556                                                          Multiplication (MC start address 0x00); The least significant
557                                                          bits are ignored depending on PKC_CTRL.REDMUL setting. Most
558                                                          significant bits are ignored depending on available PKCRAM size.
559                                                          In case MCLEN is too short such that a DecrTBNZ MC opcode is
560                                                          executed on a zero loop counter value a PKC security alarm is
561                                                          triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.PKCC is set).                               */
562     } LEN2_b;                                       /*!< BitSize                                                               */
563   };
564   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED1[4];
566   union {
567     __IOM uint32_t  UPTR;                            /*!< Universal pointer FUP program                                         */
569     struct {
570       __IOM uint32_t  PTR        : 32;              /*!< Pointer to start address of PKC FUP program: PKC_UPTR needs to be
571                                                          defined before starting a universal pointer PKC calculation
572                                                          (layer2) via PKC_CTRL.GOU. The pointer address needs to be valid
573                                                          and the memory space the pointer addresses needs to be enabled
574                                                          for PKC access by the system. Otherwise a security alarm is
575                                                          triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.AHB is set).; PKC_UPTR must not be
576                                                          updated during a running layer2 calculation while
577                                                          PKC_STATUS.GOANY is set. Update of this SFR during a universal
578                                                          pointer fetch calculation may result in wrong calculation results
579                                                          and/or security alarms.; PKC_UPTR is updated by HW during a
580                                                          layer2 calculation, resp. incremented by 6 for each processed FUP
581                                                          program entry. The least signficant bit of PKC_UPTR is ignored as
582                                                          the FUP program has to be stored at even addresses.                   */
583     } UPTR_b;                                       /*!< BitSize                                                               */
584   };
586   union {
587     __IOM uint32_t  UPTRT;                           /*!< Universal pointer FUP table                                           */
589     struct {
590       __IOM uint32_t  PTR        : 32;              /*!< Pointer to start address of PKC FUP table: PKC_UPTRT needs to be
591                                                          defined before starting a universal pointer PKC calculation
592                                                          (layer2) via PKC_CTRL.GOU. The pointer address needs to be valid
593                                                          and the memory space the pointer addresses needs to be enabled
594                                                          for PKC access by the system. Otherwise a security alarm is
595                                                          triggered (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.AHB is set).; PKC_UPTRT must not be
596                                                          updated during a running layer2 calculation while
597                                                          PKC_STATUS.GOANY is set. Update of this SFR during a universal
598                                                          pointer fetch calculation may result in wrong calculation results
599                                                          and/or security alarms.; PKC_UPTRT is not updated by HW during a
600                                                          layer2 calculation. The least signficant bit of PKC_UPTRT is
601                                                          ignored as the FUP table has to be stored at even addresses.; Any
602                                                          SFR write access to PKC_UPTRT triggers the invalidation of the
603                                                          universal pointer cache, similar to PKC_CTRL.CLRCACHE.                */
604     } UPTRT_b;                                      /*!< BitSize                                                               */
605   };
607   union {
608     __IOM uint32_t  ULEN;                            /*!< Universal pointer length                                              */
610     struct {
611       __IOM uint32_t  LEN        :  8;              /*!< Length of universal pointer calculation: PKC_ULEN defines how
612                                                          many FUP program entries shall be processed for one layer2
613                                                          calculation started via PKC_CTRL.GOU. The FUP program entries
614                                                          include layer0 calculations, layer1 calculations and CRC entries
615                                                          for FUP program integrity protection.; PKC_ULEN must not be
616                                                          updated during a running layer2 calculation while
617                                                          PKC_STATUS.GOANY is set. Update of this SFR during a universal
618                                                          pointer fetch calculation may result in wrong calculation results
619                                                          and/or security alarms.; Starting a univesal pointer fetch
620                                                          calculation via PKC_CTRL.GOU while PKC_ULEN is zero triggers a
621                                                          security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; PKC_ULEN is updated
622                                                          by HW during a layer2 calculation, resp. decremented for each
623                                                          processed FUP program entry. When PKC_ULEN has been decremented
624                                                          to zero PKC_STATUS.GOANY is cleared to indicate the start of the
625                                                          last calculation. When the PKC has finalized its last pipe
626                                                          calculation PKC_STATUS.ACTIV is cleared and the interrupt status
627                                                          bit PKC_INT_STATUS.INT_PDONE is set.                                  */
628             uint32_t             : 24;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
629     } ULEN_b;                                       /*!< BitSize                                                               */
630   };
631   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED2;
633   union {
634     __IOM uint32_t  MCDATA;                          /*!< MC pattern data interface                                             */
636     struct {
637       __IOM uint32_t  MCDATA     : 32;              /*!< Microcode read/write data: Read access to PKC_MCDATA returns the
638                                                          32-bit MC pattern addressed by PKC_MODE1. Default value of all
639                                                          flexible MC bytes after reset is 0xFF (invalid MC instruction).
640                                                          Read to PKC_MCDATA while PKC_CTRL.RESET=0 or PKC_MODE1&lt;0x80
641                                                          (fixed MC pattern) triggers a security alarm (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL
642                                                          is set).; NOTE: When trying to read flexible MC bytes not
643                                                          existing (e.g., fixed MC bytes) a data value of 0 is returned.; A
644                                                          SFR write to PKC_MCDATA initializes the MC pattern PKC_MODE1
645                                                          points to. Write to PKC_MCDATA while PKC_CTRL.RESET=0 or
646                                                          PKC_MODE1&lt;0x80 (fixed MC pattern) triggers a security alarm
647                                                          (PKC_ACCESS_ERR.CTRL is set).; Any SFR access to PKC_MCDATA
648                                                          increments the PKC_MODE1 SFR by 4. As PKC_MCDATA is always
649                                                          accessed with 32-bit width the least signficant bits
650                                                          PKC_MODE1[1:0] are ignored for the MC flexible data addressing.       */
651     } MCDATA_b;                                     /*!< BitSize                                                               */
652   };
653   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED3[3];
655   union {
656     __IM  uint32_t  VERSION;                         /*!< PKC version register                                                  */
658     struct {
659       __IM  uint32_t  MULSIZE    :  2;              /*!< native multiplier size and operand granularity                        */
660       __IM  uint32_t  MCAVAIL    :  1;              /*!< MC feature (layer1 calculation) is available                          */
661       __IM  uint32_t  UPAVAIL    :  1;              /*!< UP feature (layer2 calculation) is available                          */
662       __IM  uint32_t  UPCACHEAVAIL:  1;             /*!< UP cache is available                                                 */
663       __IM  uint32_t  GF2AVAIL   :  1;              /*!< GF2 calculation modes are available                                   */
664       __IM  uint32_t  PARAMNUM   :  2;              /*!< Number of parameter sets for real calculation                         */
665       __IM  uint32_t  SBX0AVAIL  :  1;              /*!< SBX0 operation is available                                           */
666       __IM  uint32_t  SBX1AVAIL  :  1;              /*!< SBX1 operation is available                                           */
667       __IM  uint32_t  SBX2AVAIL  :  1;              /*!< SBX2 operation is available                                           */
668       __IM  uint32_t  SBX3AVAIL  :  1;              /*!< SBX3 operation is available                                           */
669       __IM  uint32_t  MCRECONF_SIZE:  8;            /*!< Size of reconfigurable MC table in bytes                              */
670             uint32_t             : 12;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
671     } VERSION_b;                                    /*!< BitSize                                                               */
672   };
673   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED4[979];
675   union {
676     __IOM uint32_t  SOFT_RST;                        /*!< Software reset                                                        */
678     struct {
679       __IOM uint32_t  SOFT_RST   :  1;              /*!< Write 1 to reset module (0 has no effect). All running and
680                                                          pending PKC calculation are stopped. All PKC SFRs are reset
681                                                          except PKC_ACCESS_ERR.                                                */
682             uint32_t             : 31;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
683     } SOFT_RST_b;                                   /*!< BitSize                                                               */
684   };
685   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED5[3];
687   union {
688     __IM  uint32_t  ACCESS_ERR;                      /*!< Access Error                                                          */
690     struct {
691       __IM  uint32_t  APB_NOTAV  :  1;              /*!< APB Error: address not available                                      */
692       __IM  uint32_t  APB_WRGMD  :  1;              /*!< APB Error: Wrong access mode                                          */
693             uint32_t             :  2;              /*!< reserved for future erors on SPB I/F                                  */
694       __IM  uint32_t  APB_MASTER :  4;              /*!< APB Master that triggered first APB error (APB_WRGMD or APB_NOTAV     */
695             uint32_t             :  2;              /*!< reserved for future erors on AHB I/F Layer2 Only                      */
696       __IM  uint32_t  AHB        :  1;              /*!< AHB Error: invalid AHB access Layer2 Only                             */
697             uint32_t             :  5;              /*!< reserved for future erors on AHB I/F Layer2 Only                      */
698       __IM  uint32_t  PKCC       :  1;              /*!< Error in PKC coprocessor kernel                                       */
699       __IM  uint32_t  FDET       :  1;              /*!< Error due to error detection circuitry                                */
700       __IM  uint32_t  CTRL       :  1;              /*!< Error in PKC software control                                         */
701       __IM  uint32_t  UCRC       :  1;              /*!< Error in layer2 CRC check                                             */
702             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
703             uint32_t             : 11;              /*!< reserved for more block errors                                        */
704     } ACCESS_ERR_b;                                 /*!< BitSize                                                               */
705   };
707   union {
708     __IOM uint32_t  ACCESS_ERR_CLR;                  /*!< Clear Access Error                                                    */
710     struct {
711       __IOM uint32_t  ERR_CLR    :  1;              /*!< Write 1 to reset PKC_ACCESS_ERR SFR.                                  */
712             uint32_t             : 31;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
713     } ACCESS_ERR_CLR_b;                             /*!< BitSize                                                               */
714   };
715   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED6[4];
717   union {
718     __IOM uint32_t  INT_CLR_ENABLE;                  /*!< Interrupt enable clear                                                */
720     struct {
721       __IOM uint32_t  EN_PDONE   :  1;              /*!< Write to clear PDONE interrupt enable flag
722                                                          (PKC_INT_ENABLE.EN_PDONE=0).                                          */
723             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
724             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
725     } INT_CLR_ENABLE_b;                             /*!< BitSize                                                               */
726   };
728   union {
729     __IOM uint32_t  INT_SET_ENABLE;                  /*!< Interrupt enable set                                                  */
731     struct {
732       __IOM uint32_t  EN_PDONE   :  1;              /*!< Write to set PDONE interrupt enable flag
733                                                          (PKC_INT_ENABLE.EN_PDONE=1).                                          */
734             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
735             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
736     } INT_SET_ENABLE_b;                             /*!< BitSize                                                               */
737   };
739   union {
740     __IM  uint32_t  INT_STATUS;                      /*!< Interrupt status                                                      */
742     struct {
743       __IM  uint32_t  INT_PDONE  :  1;              /*!< End-of-computation status flag: INT_PDONE is set after EACH
744                                                          single PKC layer0 or layer1 calculation. In case of a universal
745                                                          pointer calculation (layer2) INT_PDONE is set at the end of the
746                                                          pipe calculation when PKC_ULEN has been decremented to zero and
747                                                          the final PKC calculation has completed.; INT_PDONE is set
748                                                          independent from the interrupt enable PKC_INT_ENABLE.EN_PDONE. In
749                                                          case PKC_INT_ENABLE.EN_PDONE=1 an interrupt towards the CPU is
750                                                          triggered when INT_PDONE is set (level triggered).; INT_PDONE is
751                                                          not cleared by PKC hardware but has to be cleared by software,
752                                                          except in case of a reset (chip/block reset, PKC_SOFT_RST, PKC
753                                                          security alarm).                                                      */
754             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
755             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
756     } INT_STATUS_b;                                 /*!< BitSize                                                               */
757   };
759   union {
760     __IM  uint32_t  INT_ENABLE;                      /*!< Interrupt enable                                                      */
762     struct {
763       __IM  uint32_t  EN_PDONE   :  1;              /*!< PDONE interrupt enable flag: If EN_PDONE=1 an interrupt is
764                                                          triggered every time PKC_INT_STATUS.INT_PDONE is set. Otherwise
765                                                          the interrupt generation is suppressed.                               */
766             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
767             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
768     } INT_ENABLE_b;                                 /*!< BitSize                                                               */
769   };
771   union {
772     __IOM uint32_t  INT_CLR_STATUS;                  /*!< Interrupt status clear                                                */
774     struct {
775       __IOM uint32_t  INT_PDONE  :  1;              /*!< Write to clear End-of-computation status flag
776                                                          (PKC_INT_STATUS.INT_PDONE=0).                                         */
777             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
778             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
779     } INT_CLR_STATUS_b;                             /*!< BitSize                                                               */
780   };
782   union {
783     __IOM uint32_t  INT_SET_STATUS;                  /*!< Interrupt status set                                                  */
785     struct {
786       __IOM uint32_t  INT_PDONE  :  1;              /*!< Write to set End-of-computation status flag
787                                                          (PKC_INT_STATUS.INT_PDONE=1) to trigger a PKC interrupt via
788                                                          software, e.g. for debug purposes.                                    */
789             uint32_t             :  1;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
790             uint32_t             : 30;              /*!< reserved                                                              */
791     } INT_SET_STATUS_b;                             /*!< BitSize                                                               */
792   };
793   __IM  uint32_t  RESERVED7[3];
795   union {
796     __IM  uint32_t  MODULE_ID;                       /*!< Module ID                                                             */
798     struct {
799       __IM  uint32_t  SIZE       :  8;              /*!< Address space of the IP                                               */
800       __IM  uint32_t  MINOR_REV  :  4;              /*!< Minor revision                                                        */
801       __IM  uint32_t  MAJOR_REV  :  4;              /*!< Major revision                                                        */
802       __IM  uint32_t  ID         : 16;              /*!< Module ID                                                             */
803     } MODULE_ID_b;                                  /*!< BitSize                                                               */
804   };
805 } ip_pkc_Type;
808 /* ================================================================================ */
809 /* ================            Detailed bit description            ================ */
810 /* ================================================================================ */
812 /* ================                 Bit field only                 ================ */
813 #define PKC_CTRL_b_REDMUL_FULLSZ                        0x0             /*!< full size mode, 3 least significant bits of pointer and length are ignored, minimum supported length 0x0008*/
814 #define PKC_CTRL_b_REDMUL_32BIT                         0x1             /*!< RFU Error Generated if selected                                       */
815 #define PKC_CTRL_b_REDMUL_64BIT                         0x2             /*!< 64-bit mode, 3 least significant bits of pointer and length are ignored, minimum supported length 0x0008*/
816 #define PKC_CTRL_b_REDMUL_128BIT                        0x3             /*!< RFU Error Generated if selected                                       */
818 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_NODLY                          0x0             /*!< no random delay                                                       */
819 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_1DLY                           0x1             /*!< 1x4 clocks delay                                                      */
820 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_3DLY                           0x2             /*!< 3x4 clocks delay                                                      */
821 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_7DLY                           0x3             /*!< 7x4 clocks delay                                                      */
822 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_15DLY                          0x4             /*!< 15x4 clocks delay                                                     */
823 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_31DLY                          0x5             /*!< 31x4 clocks delay                                                     */
824 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_63DLY                          0x6             /*!< 63x4 clocks delay                                                     */
825 #define PKC_CFG_b_RNDDLY_127DLY                         0x7             /*!< 127x4 clocks delay                                                    */
827 #define PKC_VERSION_b_MULSIZE_32B                       0x1             /*!< 32-bit multiplier                                                     */
828 #define PKC_VERSION_b_MULSIZE_64B                       0x2             /*!< 64-bit multiplier                                                     */
829 #define PKC_VERSION_b_MULSIZE_128B                      0x3             /*!< 128-bit multiplier                                                    */
831 /* ================                  Complete SFR                  ================ */
832 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_FULLSZ                          0x00000000      /*!< full size mode, 3 least significant bits of pointer and length are ignored, minimum supported length 0x0008*/
833 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_32BIT                           0x00000400      /*!< RFU Error Generated if selected                                       */
834 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_64BIT                           0x00000800      /*!< 64-bit mode, 3 least significant bits of pointer and length are ignored, minimum supported length 0x0008*/
835 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_128BIT                          0x00000C00      /*!< RFU Error Generated if selected                                       */
837 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_NODLY                            0x00000000      /*!< no random delay                                                       */
838 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_1DLY                             0x00000020      /*!< 1x4 clocks delay                                                      */
839 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_3DLY                             0x00000040      /*!< 3x4 clocks delay                                                      */
840 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_7DLY                             0x00000060      /*!< 7x4 clocks delay                                                      */
841 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_15DLY                            0x00000080      /*!< 15x4 clocks delay                                                     */
842 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_31DLY                            0x000000A0      /*!< 31x4 clocks delay                                                     */
843 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_63DLY                            0x000000C0      /*!< 63x4 clocks delay                                                     */
844 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_127DLY                           0x000000E0      /*!< 127x4 clocks delay                                                    */
846 #define PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_32B                         0x00000001      /*!< 32-bit multiplier                                                     */
847 #define PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_64B                         0x00000002      /*!< 64-bit multiplier                                                     */
848 #define PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_128B                        0x00000003      /*!< 128-bit multiplier                                                    */
852 /* ====================  End of section using anonymous unions  =================== */
853 #if defined(__CC_ARM)
854   #pragma pop
855 #elif defined(__ICCARM__)
856   /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
857 #elif (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
858   #pragma clang diagnostic pop
859 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
860   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
861 #elif defined(__TMS470__)
862 /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
863 #elif defined(__TASKING__)
864   #pragma warning restore
865 #elif defined(__CSMC__)
866   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
867 #else
868   #warning Not supported compiler type
869 #endif
873 /* ================================================================================ */
874 /* ================          struct 'PKC' Position & Mask          ================ */
875 /* ================================================================================ */
878 /* ===============================     PKC_STATUS    ============================== */
879 #define PKC_STATUS_ACTIV_Pos                  0                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: ACTIV Position              */
880 #define PKC_STATUS_ACTIV_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_STATUS_ACTIV_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_STATUS: ACTIV Mask                  */
881 #define PKC_STATUS_CARRY_Pos                  1                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: CARRY Position              */
882 #define PKC_STATUS_CARRY_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_STATUS_CARRY_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_STATUS: CARRY Mask                  */
883 #define PKC_STATUS_ZERO_Pos                   2                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: ZERO Position               */
884 #define PKC_STATUS_ZERO_Msk                   (0x01UL << PKC_STATUS_ZERO_Pos)                         /*!< PKC_STATUS: ZERO Mask                   */
885 #define PKC_STATUS_GOANY_Pos                  3                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: GOANY Position              */
886 #define PKC_STATUS_GOANY_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_STATUS_GOANY_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_STATUS: GOANY Mask                  */
887 #define PKC_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos              4                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: RESERVED0 Position          */
888 #define PKC_STATUS_RESERVED0_Msk              (0x01UL << PKC_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_STATUS: RESERVED0 Mask              */
889 #define PKC_STATUS_LOCKED_Pos                 5                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: LOCKED Position             */
890 #define PKC_STATUS_LOCKED_Msk                 (0x03UL << PKC_STATUS_LOCKED_Pos)                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: LOCKED Mask                 */
891 #define PKC_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos              7                                                       /*!< PKC_STATUS: RESERVED1 Position          */
892 #define PKC_STATUS_RESERVED1_Msk              (0x01ffffffUL << PKC_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos)              /*!< PKC_STATUS: RESERVED1 Mask              */
894 /* ===============================      PKC_CTRL     ============================== */
895 #define PKC_CTRL_RESET_Pos                    0                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: RESET Position                */
896 #define PKC_CTRL_RESET_Msk                    (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_RESET_Pos)                          /*!< PKC_CTRL: RESET Mask                    */
897 #define PKC_CTRL_STOP_Pos                     1                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: STOP Position                 */
898 #define PKC_CTRL_STOP_Msk                     (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_STOP_Pos)                           /*!< PKC_CTRL: STOP Mask                     */
899 #define PKC_CTRL_GOD1_Pos                     2                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOD1 Position                 */
900 #define PKC_CTRL_GOD1_Msk                     (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GOD1_Pos)                           /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOD1 Mask                     */
901 #define PKC_CTRL_GOD2_Pos                     3                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOD2 Position                 */
902 #define PKC_CTRL_GOD2_Msk                     (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GOD2_Pos)                           /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOD2 Mask                     */
903 #define PKC_CTRL_GOM1_Pos                     4                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOM1 Position                 */
904 #define PKC_CTRL_GOM1_Msk                     (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GOM1_Pos)                           /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOM1 Mask                     */
905 #define PKC_CTRL_GOM2_Pos                     5                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOM2 Position                 */
906 #define PKC_CTRL_GOM2_Msk                     (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GOM2_Pos)                           /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOM2 Mask                     */
907 #define PKC_CTRL_GOU_Pos                      6                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOU Position                  */
908 #define PKC_CTRL_GOU_Msk                      (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GOU_Pos)                            /*!< PKC_CTRL: GOU Mask                      */
909 #define PKC_CTRL_GF2CONV_Pos                  7                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: GF2CONV Position              */
910 #define PKC_CTRL_GF2CONV_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_GF2CONV_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_CTRL: GF2CONV Mask                  */
911 #define PKC_CTRL_CLRCACHE_Pos                 8                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: CLRCACHE Position             */
912 #define PKC_CTRL_CLRCACHE_Msk                 (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_CLRCACHE_Pos)                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: CLRCACHE Mask                 */
913 #define PKC_CTRL_CACHE_EN_Pos                 9                                                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: CACHE_EN Position             */
914 #define PKC_CTRL_CACHE_EN_Msk                 (0x01UL << PKC_CTRL_CACHE_EN_Pos)                       /*!< PKC_CTRL: CACHE_EN Mask                 */
915 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_Pos                   10                                                      /*!< PKC_CTRL: REDMUL Position               */
916 #define PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_Msk                   (0x03UL << PKC_CTRL_REDMUL_Pos)                         /*!< PKC_CTRL: REDMUL Mask                   */
917 #define PKC_CTRL_RESERVED_Pos                 12                                                      /*!< PKC_CTRL: RESERVED Position             */
918 #define PKC_CTRL_RESERVED_Msk                 (0x000fffffUL << PKC_CTRL_RESERVED_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_CTRL: RESERVED Mask                 */
920 /* ===============================      PKC_CFG      ============================== */
921 #define PKC_CFG_IDLEOP_Pos                    0                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: IDLEOP Position                */
922 #define PKC_CFG_IDLEOP_Msk                    (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_IDLEOP_Pos)                          /*!< PKC_CFG: IDLEOP Mask                    */
923 #define PKC_CFG_RFU1_Pos                      1                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: RFU1 Position                  */
924 #define PKC_CFG_RFU1_Msk                      (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_RFU1_Pos)                            /*!< PKC_CFG: RFU1 Mask                      */
925 #define PKC_CFG_RFU2_Pos                      2                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: RFU2 Position                  */
926 #define PKC_CFG_RFU2_Msk                      (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_RFU2_Pos)                            /*!< PKC_CFG: RFU2 Mask                      */
927 #define PKC_CFG_CLKRND_Pos                    3                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: CLKRND Position                */
928 #define PKC_CFG_CLKRND_Msk                    (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_CLKRND_Pos)                          /*!< PKC_CFG: CLKRND Mask                    */
929 #define PKC_CFG_REDMULNOISE_Pos               4                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: REDMULNOISE Position           */
930 #define PKC_CFG_REDMULNOISE_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_REDMULNOISE_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_CFG: REDMULNOISE Mask               */
931 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_Pos                    5                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: RNDDLY Position                */
932 #define PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_Msk                    (0x07UL << PKC_CFG_RNDDLY_Pos)                          /*!< PKC_CFG: RNDDLY Mask                    */
933 #define PKC_CFG_SBXNOISE_Pos                  8                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: SBXNOISE Position              */
934 #define PKC_CFG_SBXNOISE_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_SBXNOISE_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_CFG: SBXNOISE Mask                  */
935 #define PKC_CFG_ALPNOISE_Pos                  9                                                       /*!< PKC_CFG: ALPNOISE Position              */
936 #define PKC_CFG_ALPNOISE_Msk                  (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_ALPNOISE_Pos)                        /*!< PKC_CFG: ALPNOISE Mask                  */
937 #define PKC_CFG_FMULNOISE_Pos                 10                                                      /*!< PKC_CFG: FMULNOISE Position             */
938 #define PKC_CFG_FMULNOISE_Msk                 (0x01UL << PKC_CFG_FMULNOISE_Pos)                       /*!< PKC_CFG: FMULNOISE Mask                 */
939 #define PKC_CFG_RESERVED_Pos                  11                                                      /*!< PKC_CFG: RESERVED Position              */
940 #define PKC_CFG_RESERVED_Msk                  (0x001fffffUL << PKC_CFG_RESERVED_Pos)                  /*!< PKC_CFG: RESERVED Mask                  */
942 /* ===============================     PKC_MODE1     ============================== */
943 #define PKC_MODE1_MODE_Pos                    0                                                       /*!< PKC_MODE1: MODE Position                */
944 #define PKC_MODE1_MODE_Msk                    (0x000000ffUL << PKC_MODE1_MODE_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_MODE1: MODE Mask                    */
945 #define PKC_MODE1_RESERVED_Pos                8                                                       /*!< PKC_MODE1: RESERVED Position            */
946 #define PKC_MODE1_RESERVED_Msk                (0x00ffffffUL << PKC_MODE1_RESERVED_Pos)                /*!< PKC_MODE1: RESERVED Mask                */
948 /* ===============================     PKC_XYPTR1    ============================== */
949 #define PKC_XYPTR1_XPTR_Pos                   0                                                       /*!< PKC_XYPTR1: XPTR Position               */
950 #define PKC_XYPTR1_XPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_XYPTR1_XPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_XYPTR1: XPTR Mask                   */
951 #define PKC_XYPTR1_YPTR_Pos                   16                                                      /*!< PKC_XYPTR1: YPTR Position               */
952 #define PKC_XYPTR1_YPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_XYPTR1_YPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_XYPTR1: YPTR Mask                   */
954 /* ===============================     PKC_ZRPTR1    ============================== */
955 #define PKC_ZRPTR1_ZPTR_Pos                   0                                                       /*!< PKC_ZRPTR1: ZPTR Position               */
956 #define PKC_ZRPTR1_ZPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_ZRPTR1_ZPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_ZRPTR1: ZPTR Mask                   */
957 #define PKC_ZRPTR1_RPTR_Pos                   16                                                      /*!< PKC_ZRPTR1: RPTR Position               */
958 #define PKC_ZRPTR1_RPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_ZRPTR1_RPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_ZRPTR1: RPTR Mask                   */
960 /* ===============================      PKC_LEN1     ============================== */
961 #define PKC_LEN1_LEN_Pos                      0                                                       /*!< PKC_LEN1: LEN Position                  */
962 #define PKC_LEN1_LEN_Msk                      (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_LEN1_LEN_Pos)                      /*!< PKC_LEN1: LEN Mask                      */
963 #define PKC_LEN1_MCLEN_Pos                    16                                                      /*!< PKC_LEN1: MCLEN Position                */
964 #define PKC_LEN1_MCLEN_Msk                    (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_LEN1_MCLEN_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_LEN1: MCLEN Mask                    */
966 /* ===============================     PKC_MODE2     ============================== */
967 #define PKC_MODE2_MODE_Pos                    0                                                       /*!< PKC_MODE2: MODE Position                */
968 #define PKC_MODE2_MODE_Msk                    (0x000000ffUL << PKC_MODE2_MODE_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_MODE2: MODE Mask                    */
969 #define PKC_MODE2_RESERVED_Pos                8                                                       /*!< PKC_MODE2: RESERVED Position            */
970 #define PKC_MODE2_RESERVED_Msk                (0x00ffffffUL << PKC_MODE2_RESERVED_Pos)                /*!< PKC_MODE2: RESERVED Mask                */
972 /* ===============================     PKC_XYPTR2    ============================== */
973 #define PKC_XYPTR2_XPTR_Pos                   0                                                       /*!< PKC_XYPTR2: XPTR Position               */
974 #define PKC_XYPTR2_XPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_XYPTR2_XPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_XYPTR2: XPTR Mask                   */
975 #define PKC_XYPTR2_YPTR_Pos                   16                                                      /*!< PKC_XYPTR2: YPTR Position               */
976 #define PKC_XYPTR2_YPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_XYPTR2_YPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_XYPTR2: YPTR Mask                   */
978 /* ===============================     PKC_ZRPTR2    ============================== */
979 #define PKC_ZRPTR2_ZPTR_Pos                   0                                                       /*!< PKC_ZRPTR2: ZPTR Position               */
980 #define PKC_ZRPTR2_ZPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_ZRPTR2_ZPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_ZRPTR2: ZPTR Mask                   */
981 #define PKC_ZRPTR2_RPTR_Pos                   16                                                      /*!< PKC_ZRPTR2: RPTR Position               */
982 #define PKC_ZRPTR2_RPTR_Msk                   (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_ZRPTR2_RPTR_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_ZRPTR2: RPTR Mask                   */
984 /* ===============================      PKC_LEN2     ============================== */
985 #define PKC_LEN2_LEN_Pos                      0                                                       /*!< PKC_LEN2: LEN Position                  */
986 #define PKC_LEN2_LEN_Msk                      (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_LEN2_LEN_Pos)                      /*!< PKC_LEN2: LEN Mask                      */
987 #define PKC_LEN2_MCLEN_Pos                    16                                                      /*!< PKC_LEN2: MCLEN Position                */
988 #define PKC_LEN2_MCLEN_Msk                    (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_LEN2_MCLEN_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_LEN2: MCLEN Mask                    */
990 /* ===============================      PKC_UPTR     ============================== */
991 #define PKC_UPTR_PTR_Pos                      0                                                       /*!< PKC_UPTR: PTR Position                  */
992 #define PKC_UPTR_PTR_Msk                      (0xffffffffUL << PKC_UPTR_PTR_Pos)                      /*!< PKC_UPTR: PTR Mask                      */
994 /* ===============================     PKC_UPTRT     ============================== */
995 #define PKC_UPTRT_PTR_Pos                     0                                                       /*!< PKC_UPTRT: PTR Position                 */
996 #define PKC_UPTRT_PTR_Msk                     (0xffffffffUL << PKC_UPTRT_PTR_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_UPTRT: PTR Mask                     */
998 /* ===============================      PKC_ULEN     ============================== */
999 #define PKC_ULEN_LEN_Pos                      0                                                       /*!< PKC_ULEN: LEN Position                  */
1000 #define PKC_ULEN_LEN_Msk                      (0x000000ffUL << PKC_ULEN_LEN_Pos)                      /*!< PKC_ULEN: LEN Mask                      */
1001 #define PKC_ULEN_RESERVED_Pos                 8                                                       /*!< PKC_ULEN: RESERVED Position             */
1002 #define PKC_ULEN_RESERVED_Msk                 (0x00ffffffUL << PKC_ULEN_RESERVED_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_ULEN: RESERVED Mask                 */
1004 /* ===============================     PKC_MCDATA    ============================== */
1005 #define PKC_MCDATA_MCDATA_Pos                 0                                                       /*!< PKC_MCDATA: MCDATA Position             */
1006 #define PKC_MCDATA_MCDATA_Msk                 (0xffffffffUL << PKC_MCDATA_MCDATA_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_MCDATA: MCDATA Mask                 */
1008 /* ===============================    PKC_VERSION    ============================== */
1009 #define PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_Pos               0                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: MULSIZE Position           */
1010 #define PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_Msk               (0x03UL << PKC_VERSION_MULSIZE_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_VERSION: MULSIZE Mask               */
1011 #define PKC_VERSION_MCAVAIL_Pos               2                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: MCAVAIL Position           */
1012 #define PKC_VERSION_MCAVAIL_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_MCAVAIL_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_VERSION: MCAVAIL Mask               */
1013 #define PKC_VERSION_UPAVAIL_Pos               3                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: UPAVAIL Position           */
1014 #define PKC_VERSION_UPAVAIL_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_UPAVAIL_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_VERSION: UPAVAIL Mask               */
1015 #define PKC_VERSION_UPCACHEAVAIL_Pos          4                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: UPCACHEAVAIL Position      */
1016 #define PKC_VERSION_UPCACHEAVAIL_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_UPCACHEAVAIL_Pos)                /*!< PKC_VERSION: UPCACHEAVAIL Mask          */
1017 #define PKC_VERSION_GF2AVAIL_Pos              5                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: GF2AVAIL Position          */
1018 #define PKC_VERSION_GF2AVAIL_Msk              (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_GF2AVAIL_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_VERSION: GF2AVAIL Mask              */
1019 #define PKC_VERSION_PARAMNUM_Pos              6                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: PARAMNUM Position          */
1020 #define PKC_VERSION_PARAMNUM_Msk              (0x03UL << PKC_VERSION_PARAMNUM_Pos)                    /*!< PKC_VERSION: PARAMNUM Mask              */
1021 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX0AVAIL_Pos             8                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX0AVAIL Position         */
1022 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX0AVAIL_Msk             (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_SBX0AVAIL_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX0AVAIL Mask             */
1023 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX1AVAIL_Pos             9                                                       /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX1AVAIL Position         */
1024 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX1AVAIL_Msk             (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_SBX1AVAIL_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX1AVAIL Mask             */
1025 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX2AVAIL_Pos             10                                                      /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX2AVAIL Position         */
1026 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX2AVAIL_Msk             (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_SBX2AVAIL_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX2AVAIL Mask             */
1027 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX3AVAIL_Pos             11                                                      /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX3AVAIL Position         */
1028 #define PKC_VERSION_SBX3AVAIL_Msk             (0x01UL << PKC_VERSION_SBX3AVAIL_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_VERSION: SBX3AVAIL Mask             */
1029 #define PKC_VERSION_MCRECONF_SIZE_Pos         12                                                      /*!< PKC_VERSION: MCRECONF_SIZE Position     */
1030 #define PKC_VERSION_MCRECONF_SIZE_Msk         (0x000000ffUL << PKC_VERSION_MCRECONF_SIZE_Pos)         /*!< PKC_VERSION: MCRECONF_SIZE Mask         */
1031 #define PKC_VERSION_RESERVED_Pos              20                                                      /*!< PKC_VERSION: RESERVED Position          */
1032 #define PKC_VERSION_RESERVED_Msk              (0x00000fffUL << PKC_VERSION_RESERVED_Pos)              /*!< PKC_VERSION: RESERVED Mask              */
1034 /* ===============================    PKC_SOFT_RST   ============================== */
1035 #define PKC_SOFT_RST_SOFT_RST_Pos             0                                                       /*!< PKC_SOFT_RST: SOFT_RST Position         */
1036 #define PKC_SOFT_RST_SOFT_RST_Msk             (0x01UL << PKC_SOFT_RST_SOFT_RST_Pos)                   /*!< PKC_SOFT_RST: SOFT_RST Mask             */
1037 #define PKC_SOFT_RST_RESERVED_Pos             1                                                       /*!< PKC_SOFT_RST: RESERVED Position         */
1038 #define PKC_SOFT_RST_RESERVED_Msk             (0x7fffffffUL << PKC_SOFT_RST_RESERVED_Pos)             /*!< PKC_SOFT_RST: RESERVED Mask             */
1040 /* ===============================   PKC_ACCESS_ERR  ============================== */
1041 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_NOTAV_Pos          0                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_NOTAV Position      */
1042 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_NOTAV_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_NOTAV_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_NOTAV Mask          */
1043 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_WRGMD_Pos          1                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_WRGMD Position      */
1044 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_WRGMD_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_WRGMD_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_WRGMD Mask          */
1045 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED0_Pos          2                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED0 Position      */
1046 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED0_Msk          (0x03UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED0_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED0 Mask          */
1047 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_MASTER_Pos         4                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_MASTER Position     */
1048 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_MASTER_Msk         (0x0fUL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_APB_MASTER_Pos)               /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: APB_MASTER Mask         */
1049 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED1_Pos          8                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED1 Position      */
1050 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED1_Msk          (0x03UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED1_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED1 Mask          */
1051 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_AHB_Pos                10                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: AHB Position            */
1052 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_AHB_Msk                (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_AHB_Pos)                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: AHB Mask                */
1053 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED2_Pos          11                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED2 Position      */
1054 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED2_Msk          (0x1fUL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED2_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED2 Mask          */
1055 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_PKCC_Pos               16                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: PKCC Position           */
1056 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_PKCC_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_PKCC_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: PKCC Mask               */
1057 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_FDET_Pos               17                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: FDET Position           */
1058 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_FDET_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_FDET_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: FDET Mask               */
1059 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CTRL_Pos               18                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: CTRL Position           */
1060 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CTRL_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CTRL_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: CTRL Mask               */
1061 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_UCRC_Pos               19                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: UCRC Position           */
1062 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_UCRC_Msk               (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_UCRC_Pos)                     /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: UCRC Mask               */
1063 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED3_Pos          20                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED3 Position      */
1064 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED3_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED3_Pos)                /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED3 Mask          */
1065 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED4_Pos          21                                                      /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED4 Position      */
1066 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED4_Msk          (0x000007ffUL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_RESERVED4_Pos)          /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR: RESERVED4 Mask          */
1068 /* =============================== PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR ============================== */
1069 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_ERR_CLR_Pos        0                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR: ERR_CLR Position    */
1070 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_ERR_CLR_Msk        (0x01UL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_ERR_CLR_Pos)              /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR: ERR_CLR Mask        */
1071 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_RESERVED_Pos       1                                                       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR: RESERVED Position   */
1072 #define PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_RESERVED_Msk       (0x7fffffffUL << PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR_RESERVED_Pos)       /*!< PKC_ACCESS_ERR_CLR: RESERVED Mask       */
1074 /* =============================== PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE ============================== */
1075 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos       0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Position   */
1076 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Msk       (0x01UL << PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos)             /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Mask       */
1077 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos      1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Position  */
1078 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Mask      */
1079 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos      2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Position  */
1080 #define PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Msk      (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos)      /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Mask      */
1082 /* =============================== PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE ============================== */
1083 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos       0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Position   */
1084 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Msk       (0x01UL << PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos)             /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Mask       */
1085 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos      1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Position  */
1086 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Mask      */
1087 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos      2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Position  */
1088 #define PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Msk      (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos)      /*!< PKC_INT_SET_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Mask      */
1090 /* ===============================   PKC_INT_STATUS  ============================== */
1091 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos          0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: INT_PDONE Position      */
1092 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_INT_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos)                /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: INT_PDONE Mask          */
1093 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos          1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: RESERVED0 Position      */
1094 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED0_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos)                /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: RESERVED0 Mask          */
1095 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos          2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: RESERVED1 Position      */
1096 #define PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED1_Msk          (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos)          /*!< PKC_INT_STATUS: RESERVED1 Mask          */
1098 /* ===============================   PKC_INT_ENABLE  ============================== */
1099 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos           0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Position       */
1100 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Msk           (0x01UL << PKC_INT_ENABLE_EN_PDONE_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: EN_PDONE Mask           */
1101 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos          1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Position      */
1102 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Msk          (0x01UL << PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED0_Pos)                /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: RESERVED0 Mask          */
1103 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos          2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Position      */
1104 #define PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Msk          (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_ENABLE_RESERVED1_Pos)          /*!< PKC_INT_ENABLE: RESERVED1 Mask          */
1106 /* =============================== PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS ============================== */
1107 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos      0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: INT_PDONE Position  */
1108 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: INT_PDONE Mask      */
1109 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos      1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: RESERVED0 Position  */
1110 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED0_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: RESERVED0 Mask      */
1111 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos      2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: RESERVED1 Position  */
1112 #define PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED1_Msk      (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos)      /*!< PKC_INT_CLR_STATUS: RESERVED1 Mask      */
1114 /* =============================== PKC_INT_SET_STATUS ============================== */
1115 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos      0                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: INT_PDONE Position  */
1116 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_INT_PDONE_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: INT_PDONE Mask      */
1117 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos      1                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: RESERVED0 Position  */
1118 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED0_Msk      (0x01UL << PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED0_Pos)            /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: RESERVED0 Mask      */
1119 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos      2                                                       /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: RESERVED1 Position  */
1120 #define PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED1_Msk      (0x3fffffffUL << PKC_INT_SET_STATUS_RESERVED1_Pos)      /*!< PKC_INT_SET_STATUS: RESERVED1 Mask      */
1122 /* ===============================   PKC_MODULE_ID   ============================== */
1123 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_SIZE_Pos                0                                                       /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: SIZE Position            */
1124 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_SIZE_Msk                (0x000000ffUL << PKC_MODULE_ID_SIZE_Pos)                /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: SIZE Mask                */
1125 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_MINOR_REV_Pos           8                                                       /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: MINOR_REV Position       */
1126 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_MINOR_REV_Msk           (0x0fUL << PKC_MODULE_ID_MINOR_REV_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: MINOR_REV Mask           */
1127 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_MAJOR_REV_Pos           12                                                      /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: MAJOR_REV Position       */
1128 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_MAJOR_REV_Msk           (0x0fUL << PKC_MODULE_ID_MAJOR_REV_Pos)                 /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: MAJOR_REV Mask           */
1129 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_ID_Pos                  16                                                      /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: ID Position              */
1130 #define PKC_MODULE_ID_ID_Msk                  (0x0000ffffUL << PKC_MODULE_ID_ID_Pos)                  /*!< PKC_MODULE_ID: ID Mask                  */
1134 /* ================================================================================ */
1135 /* ================              Peripheral memory map             ================ */
1136 /* ================================================================================ */
1138 //#define PKC_BASE                        0x50031000UL
1141 /* ================================================================================ */
1142 /* ================             Peripheral declaration             ================ */
1143 /* ================================================================================ */
1145 //#define PKC                             ((PKC_Type                *) PKC_BASE)
1148 /** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_Registers */
1149 /** @} */ /* End of group CoSimPKC */
1150 /** @} */ /* End of group (null) */
1152 #ifdef __cplusplus
1153 }
1154 #endif
1157 #endif  /* CoSimPKC_H */