1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_QSPI_H_
10 #define _FSL_QSPI_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup qspi_driver
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*@{*/
25 /*! @brief QSPI driver version 2.2.1. */
27 /*@}*/
29 /*! @brief Macro functions for LUT table */
30 #define QSPI_LUT_SEQ(cmd0, pad0, op0, cmd1, pad1, op1)                                                        \
31     (QuadSPI_LUT_INSTR0(cmd0) | QuadSPI_LUT_PAD0(pad0) | QuadSPI_LUT_OPRND0(op0) | QuadSPI_LUT_INSTR1(cmd1) | \
32      QuadSPI_LUT_PAD1(pad1) | QuadSPI_LUT_OPRND1(op1))
34 /*! @brief Macro for QSPI LUT command */
35 #define QSPI_CMD        (0x1U)
36 #define QSPI_ADDR       (0x2U)
37 #define QSPI_DUMMY      (0x3U)
38 #define QSPI_MODE       (0x4U)
39 #define QSPI_MODE2      (0x5U)
40 #define QSPI_MODE4      (0x6U)
41 #define QSPI_READ       (0x7U)
42 #define QSPI_WRITE      (0x8U)
43 #define QSPI_JMP_ON_CS  (0x9U)
44 #define QSPI_ADDR_DDR   (0xAU)
45 #define QSPI_MODE_DDR   (0xBU)
46 #define QSPI_MODE2_DDR  (0xCU)
47 #define QSPI_MODE4_DDR  (0xDU)
48 #define QSPI_READ_DDR   (0xEU)
49 #define QSPI_WRITE_DDR  (0xFU)
50 #define QSPI_DATA_LEARN (0x10U)
51 #define QSPI_CMD_DDR    (0x11U)
52 #define QSPI_CADDR      (0x12U)
53 #define QSPI_CADDR_DDR  (0x13U)
54 #define QSPI_STOP       (0x0U)
56 /*! @brief Macro for QSPI PAD */
57 #define QSPI_PAD_1 (0x0U)
58 #define QSPI_PAD_2 (0x1U)
59 #define QSPI_PAD_4 (0x2U)
60 #define QSPI_PAD_8 (0x3U)
62 /*! @brief Status structure of QSPI.*/
63 enum
64 {
65     kStatus_QSPI_Idle  = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_QSPI, 0), /*!< QSPI is in idle state  */
66     kStatus_QSPI_Busy  = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_QSPI, 1), /*!< QSPI is busy */
67     kStatus_QSPI_Error = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_QSPI, 2), /*!< Error occurred during QSPI transfer */
68 };
70 /*! @brief QSPI read data area, from IP FIFO or AHB buffer.*/
71 typedef enum _qspi_read_area
72 {
73     kQSPI_ReadAHB = 0x0U, /*!< QSPI read from AHB buffer. */
74     kQSPI_ReadIP          /*!< QSPI read from IP FIFO. */
75 } qspi_read_area_t;
77 /*! @brief QSPI command sequence type */
78 typedef enum _qspi_command_seq
79 {
80     kQSPI_IPSeq     = QuadSPI_SPTRCLR_IPPTRC_MASK,                              /*!< IP command sequence */
81     kQSPI_BufferSeq = QuadSPI_SPTRCLR_BFPTRC_MASK,                              /*!< Buffer command sequence */
82     kQSPI_AllSeq    = QuadSPI_SPTRCLR_IPPTRC_MASK | QuadSPI_SPTRCLR_BFPTRC_MASK /* All command sequence */
83 } qspi_command_seq_t;
85 /*! @brief QSPI buffer type */
86 typedef enum _qspi_fifo
87 {
88     kQSPI_TxFifo  = QuadSPI_MCR_CLR_TXF_MASK,                           /*!< QSPI Tx FIFO */
89     kQSPI_RxFifo  = QuadSPI_MCR_CLR_RXF_MASK,                           /*!< QSPI Rx FIFO */
90     kQSPI_AllFifo = QuadSPI_MCR_CLR_TXF_MASK | QuadSPI_MCR_CLR_RXF_MASK /*!< QSPI all FIFO, including Tx and Rx */
91 } qspi_fifo_t;
93 /*! @brief QSPI transfer endianess*/
94 typedef enum _qspi_endianness
95 {
96     kQSPI_64BigEndian = 0x0U, /*!< 64 bits big endian */
97     kQSPI_32LittleEndian,     /*!< 32 bit little endian */
98     kQSPI_32BigEndian,        /*!< 32 bit big endian */
99     kQSPI_64LittleEndian      /*!< 64 bit little endian */
100 } qspi_endianness_t;
102 /*! @brief QSPI error flags */
103 enum _qspi_error_flags
104 {
105     kQSPI_DataLearningFail   = (int)QuadSPI_FR_DLPFF_MASK, /*!< Data learning pattern failure flag */
106     kQSPI_TxBufferFill       = QuadSPI_FR_TBFF_MASK,       /*!< Tx buffer fill flag */
107     kQSPI_TxBufferUnderrun   = QuadSPI_FR_TBUF_MASK,       /*!< Tx buffer underrun flag */
108     kQSPI_IllegalInstruction = QuadSPI_FR_ILLINE_MASK,     /*!< Illegal instruction error flag */
109     kQSPI_RxBufferOverflow   = QuadSPI_FR_RBOF_MASK,       /*!< Rx buffer overflow flag */
110     kQSPI_RxBufferDrain      = QuadSPI_FR_RBDF_MASK,       /*!< Rx buffer drain flag */
111     kQSPI_AHBSequenceError   = QuadSPI_FR_ABSEF_MASK,      /*!< AHB sequence error flag */
113     kQSPI_AHBIllegalTransaction = QuadSPI_FR_AITEF_MASK, /*!< AHB illegal transaction error flag */
114 #endif                                                   /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_AITEF */
116     kQSPI_AHBIllegalBurstSize = QuadSPI_FR_AIBSEF_MASK, /*!< AHB illegal burst error flag */
117 #endif                                                  /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_AIBSEF */
118     kQSPI_AHBBufferOverflow = QuadSPI_FR_ABOF_MASK,     /*!< AHB buffer overflow flag */
120     kQSPI_IPCommandUsageError = QuadSPI_FR_IUEF_MASK,              /*!< IP command usage error flag */
121 #endif                                                             /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_IP_COMMAND_USAGE_ERROR */
122     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBAccess = QuadSPI_FR_IPAEF_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger during AHB access error */
123     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringIPAccess  = QuadSPI_FR_IPIEF_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger cannot be executed */
124     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBGrant  = QuadSPI_FR_IPGEF_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger during AHB grant error */
125     kQSPI_IPCommandTransactionFinished    = QuadSPI_FR_TFF_MASK,   /*!< IP command transaction finished flag */
126     kQSPI_FlagAll                         = (int)0x8C83F8D1U       /*!< All error flag */
127 };
129 /*! @brief QSPI state bit */
130 enum _qspi_flags
131 {
132     kQSPI_DataLearningSamplePoint = (int)QuadSPI_SR_DLPSMP_MASK, /*!< Data learning sample point */
133     kQSPI_TxBufferFull            = QuadSPI_SR_TXFULL_MASK,      /*!< Tx buffer full flag */
135     kQSPI_TxDMA       = QuadSPI_SR_TXDMA_MASK,                 /*!< Tx DMA is requested or running */
136     kQSPI_TxWatermark = QuadSPI_SR_TXWA_MASK,                  /*!< Tx buffer watermark available */
137 #endif                                                         /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_TXDMA */
138     kQSPI_TxBufferEnoughData        = QuadSPI_SR_TXEDA_MASK,   /*!< Tx buffer enough data available */
139     kQSPI_RxDMA                     = QuadSPI_SR_RXDMA_MASK,   /*!< Rx DMA is requesting or running */
140     kQSPI_RxBufferFull              = QuadSPI_SR_RXFULL_MASK,  /*!< Rx buffer full */
141     kQSPI_RxWatermark               = QuadSPI_SR_RXWE_MASK,    /*!< Rx buffer watermark exceeded */
142     kQSPI_AHB3BufferFull            = QuadSPI_SR_AHB3FUL_MASK, /*!< AHB buffer 3 full*/
143     kQSPI_AHB2BufferFull            = QuadSPI_SR_AHB2FUL_MASK, /*!< AHB buffer 2 full */
144     kQSPI_AHB1BufferFull            = QuadSPI_SR_AHB1FUL_MASK, /*!< AHB buffer 1 full */
145     kQSPI_AHB0BufferFull            = QuadSPI_SR_AHB0FUL_MASK, /*!< AHB buffer 0 full */
146     kQSPI_AHB3BufferNotEmpty        = QuadSPI_SR_AHB3NE_MASK,  /*!< AHB buffer 3 not empty */
147     kQSPI_AHB2BufferNotEmpty        = QuadSPI_SR_AHB2NE_MASK,  /*!< AHB buffer 2 not empty */
148     kQSPI_AHB1BufferNotEmpty        = QuadSPI_SR_AHB1NE_MASK,  /*!< AHB buffer 1 not empty */
149     kQSPI_AHB0BufferNotEmpty        = QuadSPI_SR_AHB0NE_MASK,  /*!< AHB buffer 0 not empty */
150     kQSPI_AHBTransactionPending     = QuadSPI_SR_AHBTRN_MASK,  /*!< AHB access transaction pending */
151     kQSPI_AHBCommandPriorityGranted = QuadSPI_SR_AHBGNT_MASK,  /*!< AHB command priority granted */
152     kQSPI_AHBAccess                 = QuadSPI_SR_AHB_ACC_MASK, /*!< AHB access */
153     kQSPI_IPAccess                  = QuadSPI_SR_IP_ACC_MASK,  /*!< IP access */
154     kQSPI_Busy                      = QuadSPI_SR_BUSY_MASK,    /*!< Module busy */
155     kQSPI_StateAll                  = (int)0xEF897FE7U         /*!< All flags */
156 };
158 /*! @brief QSPI interrupt enable */
159 enum _qspi_interrupt_enable
160 {
161     kQSPI_DataLearningFailInterruptEnable =
162         (int)QuadSPI_RSER_DLPFIE_MASK, /*!< Data learning pattern failure interrupt enable */
163     kQSPI_TxBufferFillInterruptEnable     = QuadSPI_RSER_TBFIE_MASK, /*!< Tx buffer fill interrupt enable */
164     kQSPI_TxBufferUnderrunInterruptEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_TBUIE_MASK, /*!< Tx buffer underrun interrupt enable */
165     kQSPI_IllegalInstructionInterruptEnable =
166         QuadSPI_RSER_ILLINIE_MASK,                                    /*!< Illegal instruction error interrupt enable */
167     kQSPI_RxBufferOverflowInterruptEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_RBOIE_MASK,  /*!< Rx buffer overflow interrupt enable */
168     kQSPI_RxBufferDrainInterruptEnable    = QuadSPI_RSER_RBDIE_MASK,  /*!< Rx buffer drain interrupt enable */
169     kQSPI_AHBSequenceErrorInterruptEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_ABSEIE_MASK, /*!< AHB sequence error interrupt enable */
171     kQSPI_AHBIllegalTransactionInterruptEnable =
172         QuadSPI_RSER_AITIE_MASK, /*!< AHB illegal transaction error interrupt enable */
173 #endif                           /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_AITEF */
175     kQSPI_AHBIllegalBurstSizeInterruptEnable =
176         QuadSPI_RSER_AIBSIE_MASK,                                     /*!< AHB illegal burst error interrupt enable */
177 #endif                                                                /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_AIBSEF */
178     kQSPI_AHBBufferOverflowInterruptEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_ABOIE_MASK, /*!< AHB buffer overflow interrupt enable */
180     kQSPI_IPCommandUsageErrorInterruptEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_IUEIE_MASK, /*!< IP command usage error interrupt enable */
182     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBAccessInterruptEnable =
183         QuadSPI_RSER_IPAEIE_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger during AHB access error */
184     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringIPAccessInterruptEnable =
185         QuadSPI_RSER_IPIEIE_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger cannot be executed */
186     kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBGrantInterruptEnable =
187         QuadSPI_RSER_IPGEIE_MASK, /*!< IP command trigger during AHB grant error */
188     kQSPI_IPCommandTransactionFinishedInterruptEnable =
189         QuadSPI_RSER_TFIE_MASK,                 /*!< IP command transaction finished interrupt enable */
190     kQSPI_AllInterruptEnable = (int)0x8C83F8D1U /*!< All error interrupt enable */
191 };
193 /*! @brief QSPI DMA request flag */
194 enum _qspi_dma_enable
195 {
197     kQSPI_TxBufferFillDMAEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_TBFDE_MASK,  /*!< Tx buffer fill DMA */
198 #endif                                                      /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_TXDMA */
199     kQSPI_RxBufferDrainDMAEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_RBDDE_MASK, /*!< Rx buffer drain DMA */
201     kQSPI_AllDDMAEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_TBFDE_MASK | QuadSPI_RSER_RBDDE_MASK /*!< All DMA source */
202 #else
203     kQSPI_AllDDMAEnable = QuadSPI_RSER_RBDDE_MASK /* All DMA source */
205 };
207 /*! @brief Phrase shift number for DQS mode. */
208 typedef enum _qspi_dqs_phrase_shift
209 {
210     kQSPI_DQSNoPhraseShift = 0x0U, /*!< No phase shift */
211     kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift45Degree,  /*!< Select 45 degree phase shift*/
212     kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift90Degree,  /*!< Select 90 degree phase shift */
213     kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift135Degree  /*!< Select 135 degree phase shift */
214 } qspi_dqs_phrase_shift_t;
216 /*! @brief Qspi read sampling option. */
217 typedef enum _qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock
218 {
219     kQSPI_ReadSampleClkInternalLoopback   = 0x0U,      /*!< Read sample clock adopts internal loopback mode. */
220     kQSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackFromDqsPad = 0x1U,      /*!< Dummy Read strobe generated by QSPI Controller
221                                                              and loopback from DQS pad. */
222     kQSPI_ReadSampleClkExternalInputFromDqsPad = 0x2U, /*!< Flash provided Read strobe and input from DQS pad. */
223 } qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock_t;
225 /*! @brief DQS configure features*/
226 typedef struct QspiDQSConfig
227 {
228     uint32_t portADelayTapNum; /*!< Delay chain tap number selection for QSPI port A DQS */
230     uint32_t portBDelayTapNum; /*!< Delay chain tap number selection for QSPI port B DQS*/
231 #endif
232     qspi_dqs_phrase_shift_t shift;              /*!< Phase shift for internal DQS generation */
233     qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock_t rxSampleClock; /*!< Read sample clock for Dqs. */
234     bool enableDQSClkInverse;                   /*!< Enable inverse clock for internal DQS generation */
235 } qspi_dqs_config_t;
237 /*! @brief Flash timing configuration. */
238 typedef struct QspiFlashTiming
239 {
240     uint32_t dataHoldTime; /*!< Serial flash data in hold time */
241     uint32_t CSHoldTime;   /*!< Serial flash CS hold time in terms of serial flash clock cycles */
242     uint32_t CSSetupTime;  /*!< Serial flash CS setup time in terms of serial flash clock cycles */
243 } qspi_flash_timing_t;
245 /*! @brief QSPI configuration structure*/
246 typedef struct QspiConfig
247 {
248     uint32_t clockSource;                                       /*!< Clock source for QSPI module */
249     uint32_t baudRate;                                          /*!< Serial flash clock baud rate */
250     uint8_t txWatermark;                                        /*!< QSPI transmit watermark value */
251     uint8_t rxWatermark;                                        /*!< QSPI receive watermark value. */
252     uint32_t AHBbufferSize[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_AHB_BUFFER_COUNT];  /*!< AHB buffer size. */
253     uint8_t AHBbufferMaster[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_AHB_BUFFER_COUNT]; /*!< AHB buffer master.  */
254     bool enableAHBbuffer3AllMaster;                             /*!< Is AHB buffer3 for all master.*/
255     qspi_read_area_t area;                                      /*!< Which area Rx data readout */
256     bool enableQspi;                                            /*!< Enable QSPI after initialization */
257 } qspi_config_t;
259 /*! @brief External flash configuration items*/
260 typedef struct _qspi_flash_config
261 {
262     uint32_t flashA1Size; /*!< Flash A1 size */
263     uint32_t flashA2Size; /*!< Flash A2 size */
265     uint32_t flashB1Size;                             /*!< Flash B1 size */
266     uint32_t flashB2Size;                             /*!< Flash B2 size */
267 #endif                                                /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_SUPPORT_PARALLEL_MODE */
268     uint32_t lookuptable[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_LUT_DEPTH]; /*!< Flash command in LUT */
270     uint32_t dataHoldTime;    /*!< Data line hold time. */
271 #endif                        /* FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_HAS_NO_TDH */
272     uint32_t CSHoldTime;      /*!< CS line hold time */
273     uint32_t CSSetupTime;     /*!< CS line setup time*/
274     uint32_t cloumnspace;     /*!< Column space size */
275     uint32_t dataLearnValue;  /*!< Data Learn value if enable data learn */
276     qspi_endianness_t endian; /*!< Flash data endianess. */
277     bool enableWordAddress;   /*!< If enable word address.*/
278 } qspi_flash_config_t;
280 /*! @brief Transfer structure for QSPI */
281 typedef struct _qspi_transfer
282 {
283     uint32_t *data;  /*!< Pointer to data to transmit */
284     size_t dataSize; /*!< Bytes to be transmit */
285 } qspi_transfer_t;
287 /*! @brief 16-bit access reg for IPCR register */
288 typedef struct _ip_command_config
289 {
290     union
291     {
292         __IO uint32_t IPCR; /*!< IP Configuration Register */
293         struct
294         {
295             __IO uint16_t IDATZ;     /*!< 16-bit access for IDATZ field in IPCR register */
296             __IO uint8_t RESERVED_0; /*!< 8-bit access for RESERVED_0 field in IPCR register */
297             __IO uint8_t SEQID;      /*!< 8-bit access for SEQID field in IPCR register */
298         } BITFIELD;
299     } IPCR_REG;
300 } ip_command_config_t;
302 /******************************************************************************
303  * API
304  *****************************************************************************/
305 #if defined(__cplusplus)
306 extern "C" {
307 #endif
309 /*!
310  * @name Initialization and deinitialization
311  * @{
312  */
314 /*!
315  * @brief Get the instance number for QSPI.
316  *
317  * @param base QSPI base pointer.
318  */
319 uint32_t QSPI_GetInstance(QuadSPI_Type *base);
321 /*!
322  * @brief Initializes the QSPI module and internal state.
323  *
324  * This function enables the clock for QSPI and also configures the QSPI with the
325  * input configure parameters. Users should call this function before any QSPI operations.
326  *
327  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
328  * @param config QSPI configure structure.
329  * @param srcClock_Hz QSPI source clock frequency in Hz.
330  */
331 void QSPI_Init(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
333 /*!
334  * @brief Gets default settings for QSPI.
335  *
336  * @param config QSPI configuration structure.
337  */
338 void QSPI_GetDefaultQspiConfig(qspi_config_t *config);
340 /*!
341  * @brief Deinitializes the QSPI module.
342  *
343  * Clears the QSPI state and  QSPI module registers.
344  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
345  */
346 void QSPI_Deinit(QuadSPI_Type *base);
348 /*!
349  * @brief Configures the serial flash parameter.
350  *
351  * This function configures the serial flash relevant parameters, such as the size, command, and so on.
352  * The flash configuration value cannot have a default value. The user needs to configure it according to the
353  * QSPI features.
354  *
355  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
356  * @param config Flash configuration parameters.
357  */
358 void QSPI_SetFlashConfig(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_flash_config_t *config);
361 /*!
362  * @brief Configures the serial flash DQS parameter.
363  *
364  * This function configures the serial flash DQS relevant parameters, such as the delay chain tap number, .
365  * DQS shift phase, whether need to inverse and the rxc sample clock selection.
366  *
367  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
368  * @param config Dqs configuration parameters.
369  */
370 void QSPI_SetDqsConfig(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_dqs_config_t *config);
371 #endif
373 /*!
374  * @brief Software reset for the QSPI logic.
375  *
376  * This function sets the software reset flags for both AHB and buffer domain and
377  * resets both AHB buffer and also IP FIFOs.
378  *
379  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
380  */
381 void QSPI_SoftwareReset(QuadSPI_Type *base);
383 /*!
384  * @brief Enables or disables the QSPI module.
385  *
386  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
387  * @param enable True means enable QSPI, false means disable.
388  */
QSPI_Enable(QuadSPI_Type * base,bool enable)389 static inline void QSPI_Enable(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
390 {
391     if (enable)
392     {
393         base->MCR &= ~QuadSPI_MCR_MDIS_MASK;
394     }
395     else
396     {
397         base->MCR |= QuadSPI_MCR_MDIS_MASK;
398     }
399 }
401 /*! @} */
403 /*!
404  * @name Status
405  * @{
406  */
408 /*!
409  * @brief Gets the state value of QSPI.
410  *
411  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
412  * @return status flag, use status flag to AND #_qspi_flags could get the related status.
413  */
QSPI_GetStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type * base)414 static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type *base)
415 {
416     return base->SR;
417 }
419 /*!
420  * @brief Gets QSPI error status flags.
421  *
422  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
423  * @return status flag, use status flag to AND #_qspi_error_flags could get the related status.
424  */
QSPI_GetErrorStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type * base)425 static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetErrorStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type *base)
426 {
427     return base->FR;
428 }
430 /*! @brief Clears the QSPI error flags.
431  *
432  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
433  * @param mask Which kind of QSPI flags to be cleared, a combination of _qspi_error_flags.
434  */
QSPI_ClearErrorFlag(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)435 static inline void QSPI_ClearErrorFlag(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
436 {
437     base->FR = mask;
438 }
440 /*! @} */
442 /*!
443  * @name Interrupts
444  * @{
445  */
447 /*!
448  * @brief Enables the QSPI interrupts.
449  *
450  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
451  * @param mask QSPI interrupt source.
452  */
QSPI_EnableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)453 static inline void QSPI_EnableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
454 {
455     base->RSER |= mask;
456 }
458 /*!
459  * @brief Disables the QSPI interrupts.
460  *
461  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
462  * @param mask QSPI interrupt source.
463  */
QSPI_DisableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)464 static inline void QSPI_DisableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
465 {
466     base->RSER &= ~mask;
467 }
469 /*! @} */
471 /*!
472  * @name DMA Control
473  * @{
474  */
476 /*!
477  * @brief Enables the QSPI DMA source.
478  *
479  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
480  * @param mask QSPI DMA source.
481  * @param enable True means enable DMA, false means disable.
482  */
QSPI_EnableDMA(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t mask,bool enable)483 static inline void QSPI_EnableDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
484 {
485     if (enable)
486     {
487         base->RSER |= mask;
488     }
489     else
490     {
491         base->RSER &= ~mask;
492     }
493 }
495 /*!
496  * @brief Gets the Tx data register address. It is used for DMA operation.
497  *
498  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
499  * @return QSPI Tx data register address.
500  */
QSPI_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(QuadSPI_Type * base)501 static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base)
502 {
503     return (uint32_t)(&base->TBDR);
504 }
506 /*!
507  * @brief Gets the Rx data register address used for DMA operation.
508  *
509  * This function returns the Rx data register address or Rx buffer address
510  * according to the Rx read area settings.
511  *
512  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
513  * @return QSPI Rx data register address.
514  */
515 uint32_t QSPI_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base);
517 /* @} */
519 /*!
520  * @name Bus Operations
521  * @{
522  */
524 /*! @brief Sets the IP command address.
525  *
526  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
527  * @param addr IP command address.
528  */
QSPI_SetIPCommandAddress(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t addr)529 static inline void QSPI_SetIPCommandAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t addr)
530 {
531     base->SFAR = addr;
532 }
534 /*! @brief Sets the IP command size.
535  *
536  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
537  * @param size IP command size.
538  */
QSPI_SetIPCommandSize(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t size)539 static inline void QSPI_SetIPCommandSize(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t size)
540 {
541     union
542     {
543         volatile uint32_t *commandRegBase;
544         ip_command_config_t *commandConfigPtr;
545     } command;
546     command.commandRegBase             = &(base->IPCR);
547     ip_command_config_t *ipCommand     = command.commandConfigPtr;
548     size                               = QuadSPI_IPCR_IDATSZ(size);
549     ipCommand->IPCR_REG.BITFIELD.IDATZ = (uint16_t)size;
550 }
552 /*! @brief Executes IP commands located in LUT table.
553  *
554  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
555  * @param index IP command located in which LUT table index.
556  */
557 void QSPI_ExecuteIPCommand(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index);
559 /*! @brief Executes AHB commands located in LUT table.
560  *
561  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
562  * @param index AHB command located in which LUT table index.
563  */
564 void QSPI_ExecuteAHBCommand(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index);
567 /*! @brief Enables/disables the QSPI IP command parallel mode.
568  *
569  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
570  * @param enable True means enable parallel mode, false means disable parallel mode.
571  */
QSPI_EnableIPParallelMode(QuadSPI_Type * base,bool enable)572 static inline void QSPI_EnableIPParallelMode(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
573 {
574     if (enable)
575     {
576         base->IPCR |= QuadSPI_IPCR_PAR_EN_MASK;
577     }
578     else
579     {
580         base->IPCR &= ~QuadSPI_IPCR_PAR_EN_MASK;
581     }
582 }
584 /*! @brief Enables/disables the QSPI AHB command parallel mode.
585  *
586  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
587  * @param enable True means enable parallel mode, false means disable parallel mode.
588  */
QSPI_EnableAHBParallelMode(QuadSPI_Type * base,bool enable)589 static inline void QSPI_EnableAHBParallelMode(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
590 {
591     if (enable)
592     {
593         base->BFGENCR |= QuadSPI_BFGENCR_PAR_EN_MASK;
594     }
595     else
596     {
597         base->BFGENCR &= ~QuadSPI_BFGENCR_PAR_EN_MASK;
598     }
599 }
602 /*! @brief Updates the LUT table.
603  *
604  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
605  * @param index Which LUT index needs to be located. It should be an integer divided by 4.
606  * @param cmd Command sequence array.
607  */
608 void QSPI_UpdateLUT(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index, uint32_t *cmd);
610 /*! @brief Clears the QSPI FIFO logic.
611  *
612  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
613  * @param mask Which kind of QSPI FIFO to be cleared.
614  */
QSPI_ClearFifo(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t mask)615 static inline void QSPI_ClearFifo(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
616 {
617     base->MCR |= mask;
618 }
620 /*!@ brief Clears the command sequence for the IP/buffer command.
621  *
622  * This function can reset the command sequence.
623  * @param base QSPI base address.
624  * @param seq Which command sequence need to reset, IP command, buffer command or both.
625  */
QSPI_ClearCommandSequence(QuadSPI_Type * base,qspi_command_seq_t seq)626 static inline void QSPI_ClearCommandSequence(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_command_seq_t seq)
627 {
628     base->SPTRCLR = (uint32_t)seq;
629 }
631 /*!
632  * @brief Enable or disable DDR mode.
633  *
634  * @param base QSPI base pointer
635  * @param enable True means enable DDR mode, false means disable DDR mode.
636  */
QSPI_EnableDDRMode(QuadSPI_Type * base,bool enable)637 static inline void QSPI_EnableDDRMode(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
638 {
639     if (enable)
640     {
641         base->MCR |= QuadSPI_MCR_DDR_EN_MASK;
642     }
643     else
644     {
645         base->MCR &= ~QuadSPI_MCR_DDR_EN_MASK;
646     }
647 }
651 /*! @brief Clears the QSPI cache.
652  *
653  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
654  */
655 void QSPI_ClearCache(QuadSPI_Type *base);
656 #endif
658 /*!@ brief Set the RX buffer readout area.
659  *
660  * This function can set the RX buffer readout, from AHB bus or IP Bus.
661  * @param base QSPI base address.
662  * @param area QSPI Rx buffer readout area. AHB bus buffer or IP bus buffer.
663  */
664 void QSPI_SetReadDataArea(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_read_area_t area);
666 /*!
667  * @brief Sends a buffer of data bytes using a  blocking method.
668  * @note This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
669  * @param base QSPI base pointer
670  * @param buffer The data bytes to send
671  * @param size The number of data bytes to send
672  */
673 void QSPI_WriteBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t *buffer, size_t size);
675 /*!
676  * @brief Writes data into FIFO.
677  *
678  * @param base QSPI base pointer
679  * @param data The data bytes to send
680  */
QSPI_WriteData(QuadSPI_Type * base,uint32_t data)681 static inline void QSPI_WriteData(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t data)
682 {
683     base->TBDR = data;
684 }
686 /*!
687  * @brief Receives a buffer of data bytes using a blocking method.
688  * @note This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent. Users shall notice that
689  * this receive size shall not bigger than 64 bytes. As this interface is used to read flash status registers.
690  * For flash contents read, please use AHB bus read, this is much more efficiency.
691  *
692  * @param base QSPI base pointer
693  * @param buffer The data bytes to send
694  * @param size The number of data bytes to receive
695  */
696 void QSPI_ReadBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t *buffer, size_t size);
698 /*!
699  * @brief Receives data from data FIFO.
700  *
701  * @param base QSPI base pointer
702  * @return The data in the FIFO.
703  */
704 uint32_t QSPI_ReadData(QuadSPI_Type *base);
706 /*! @} */
708 /*!
709  * @name Transactional
710  * @{
711  */
713 /*!
714  * @brief Writes data to the QSPI transmit buffer.
715  *
716  * This function writes a continuous data to the QSPI transmit FIFO. This function is a block function
717  * and can return only when finished. This function uses polling methods.
718  *
719  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
720  * @param xfer QSPI transfer structure.
721  */
QSPI_TransferSendBlocking(QuadSPI_Type * base,qspi_transfer_t * xfer)722 static inline void QSPI_TransferSendBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
723 {
724     QSPI_WriteBlocking(base, xfer->data, xfer->dataSize);
725 }
727 /*!
728  * @brief Reads data from the QSPI receive buffer in polling way.
729  *
730  * This function reads continuous data from the QSPI receive buffer/FIFO. This function is a blocking
731  * function and can return only when finished. This function uses polling methods. Users shall notice that
732  * this receive size shall not bigger than 64 bytes. As this interface is used to read flash status registers.
733  * For flash contents read, please use AHB bus read, this is much more efficiency.
734  *
735  * @param base Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
736  * @param xfer QSPI transfer structure.
737  */
QSPI_TransferReceiveBlocking(QuadSPI_Type * base,qspi_transfer_t * xfer)738 static inline void QSPI_TransferReceiveBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
739 {
740     QSPI_ReadBlocking(base, xfer->data, xfer->dataSize);
741 }
743 /*! @} */
745 #if defined(__cplusplus)
746 }
747 #endif
749 /* @}*/
751 #endif /* _FSL_QSPI_H_*/