1 /**************************************************************************//**
2  * @file     m460.h
3  * @version  V3.00
4  * @brief    M460 peripheral access layer header file.
5  *           This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions,
6  *           bits definitions and memory mapping for NuMicro M460 MCU.
7  *
8  * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
9  * @copyright (C) 2022 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
10  *****************************************************************************/
11 /**
12   \mainpage NuMicro M460 Driver Reference Guide
13   *
14   * <b>Introduction</b>
15   *
16   * This user manual describes the usage of M460 Series MCU device driver
17   *
18   * <b>Disclaimer</b>
19   *
20   * The Software is furnished "AS IS", without warranty as to performance or results, and
21   * the entire risk as to performance or results is assumed by YOU. Nuvoton disclaims all
22   * warranties, express, implied or otherwise, with regard to the Software, its use, or
23   * operation, including without limitation any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness
24   * for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of intellectual property rights.
25   *
26   * <b>Important Notice</b>
27   *
28   * Nuvoton Products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in systems or equipment,
29   * any malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or severe
30   * property damage. Such applications are deemed, "Insecure Usage".
31   *
32   * Insecure usage includes, but is not limited to: equipment for surgical implementation,
33   * atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, the control or
34   * operation of dynamic, brake or safety systems designed for vehicular use, traffic signal
35   * instruments, all types of safety devices, and other applications intended to support or
36   * sustain life.
37   *
38   * All Insecure Usage shall be made at customer's risk, and in the event that third parties
39   * lay claims to Nuvoton as a result of customer's Insecure Usage, customer shall indemnify
40   * the damages and liabilities thus incurred by Nuvoton.
41   *
42   * Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the
43   * trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this datasheet belong to their respective
44   * owners.
45   *
46   * <b>Copyright Notice</b>
47   *
48   * Copyright (C) 2022~2023 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
49   */
50 #ifndef __M460_H__
51 #define __M460_H__
53 #ifdef __cplusplus
54 extern "C" {
55 #endif
57 /******************************************************************************/
58 /*                Processor and Core Peripherals                              */
59 /******************************************************************************/
60 /** @addtogroup CMSIS_Device Device CMSIS Definitions
61   Configuration of the Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals
62   @{
63 */
65 /**
66  * @details  Interrupt Number Definition.
67  */
68 typedef enum IRQn
69 {
70     /******  Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/
71     NonMaskableInt_IRQn           = -14,      /*!<  2 Non Maskable Interrupt                        */
72     MemoryManagement_IRQn         = -12,      /*!<  4 Memory Management Interrupt                   */
73     BusFault_IRQn                 = -11,      /*!<  5 Bus Fault Interrupt                           */
74     UsageFault_IRQn               = -10,      /*!<  6 Usage Fault Interrupt                         */
75     SVCall_IRQn                   = -5,       /*!< 11 SV Call Interrupt                             */
76     DebugMonitor_IRQn             = -4,       /*!< 12 Debug Monitor Interrupt                       */
77     PendSV_IRQn                   = -2,       /*!< 14 Pend SV Interrupt                             */
78     SysTick_IRQn                  = -1,       /*!< 15 System Tick Interrupt                         */
80     /******  M460 Specific Interrupt Numbers ********************************************************/
82     BOD_IRQn                      = 0,        /*!< Brown Out detection Interrupt                    */
83     IRC_IRQn                      = 1,        /*!< Internal RC Interrupt                            */
84     PWRWU_IRQn                    = 2,        /*!< Power Down Wake Up Interrupt                     */
85     RAMPE_IRQn                    = 3,        /*!< SRAM parity check failed Interrupt               */
86     CKFAIL_IRQn                   = 4,        /*!< Clock failed Interrupt                           */
87     ISP_IRQn                      = 5,        /*!< FMC ISP Interrupt                                */
88     RTC_IRQn                      = 6,        /*!< Real Time Clock Interrupt                        */
89     TAMPER_IRQn                   = 7,        /*!< Tamper detection Interrupt                       */
90     WDT_IRQn                      = 8,        /*!< Watchdog timer Interrupt                         */
91     WWDT_IRQn                     = 9,        /*!< Window Watchdog timer Interrupt                  */
92     EINT0_IRQn                    = 10,       /*!< External Input 0 Interrupt                       */
93     EINT1_IRQn                    = 11,       /*!< External Input 1 Interrupt                       */
94     EINT2_IRQn                    = 12,       /*!< External Input 2 Interrupt                       */
95     EINT3_IRQn                    = 13,       /*!< External Input 3 Interrupt                       */
96     EINT4_IRQn                    = 14,       /*!< External Input 4 Interrupt                       */
97     EINT5_IRQn                    = 15,       /*!< External Input 5 Interrupt                       */
98     GPA_IRQn                      = 16,       /*!< GPIO Port A Interrupt                            */
99     GPB_IRQn                      = 17,       /*!< GPIO Port B Interrupt                            */
100     GPC_IRQn                      = 18,       /*!< GPIO Port C Interrupt                            */
101     GPD_IRQn                      = 19,       /*!< GPIO Port D Interrupt                            */
102     GPE_IRQn                      = 20,       /*!< GPIO Port E Interrupt                            */
103     GPF_IRQn                      = 21,       /*!< GPIO Port F Interrupt                            */
104     QSPI0_IRQn                    = 22,       /*!< QSPI0 Interrupt                                   */
105     SPI0_IRQn                     = 23,       /*!< SPI0 Interrupt                                   */
106     BRAKE0_IRQn                   = 24,       /*!< BRAKE0 Interrupt                                 */
107     EPWM0P0_IRQn                  = 25,       /*!< EPWM0P0 Interrupt                                */
108     EPWM0P1_IRQn                  = 26,       /*!< EPWM0P1 Interrupt                                */
109     EPWM0P2_IRQn                  = 27,       /*!< EPWM0P2 Interrupt                                */
110     BRAKE1_IRQn                   = 28,       /*!< BRAKE1 Interrupt                                 */
111     EPWM1P0_IRQn                  = 29,       /*!< EPWM1P0 Interrupt                                */
112     EPWM1P1_IRQn                  = 30,       /*!< EPWM1P1 Interrupt                                */
113     EPWM1P2_IRQn                  = 31,       /*!< EPWM1P2 Interrupt                                */
114     TMR0_IRQn                     = 32,       /*!< Timer 0 Interrupt                                */
115     TMR1_IRQn                     = 33,       /*!< Timer 1 Interrupt                                */
116     TMR2_IRQn                     = 34,       /*!< Timer 2 Interrupt                                */
117     TMR3_IRQn                     = 35,       /*!< Timer 3 Interrupt                                */
118     UART0_IRQn                    = 36,       /*!< UART 0 Interrupt                                 */
119     UART1_IRQn                    = 37,       /*!< UART 1 Interrupt                                 */
120     I2C0_IRQn                     = 38,       /*!< I2C 0 Interrupt                                  */
121     I2C1_IRQn                     = 39,       /*!< I2C 1 Interrupt                                  */
122     PDMA0_IRQn                    = 40,       /*!< Peripheral DMA 0 Interrupt                       */
123     DAC_IRQn                      = 41,       /*!< DAC Interrupt                                    */
124     EADC00_IRQn                   = 42,       /*!< EADC00 Interrupt                                 */
125     EADC01_IRQn                   = 43,       /*!< EADC01 Interrupt                                 */
126     ACMP01_IRQn                   = 44,       /*!< Analog Comparator 0 and 1 Interrupt              */
127     ACMP23_IRQn                   = 45,       /*!< Analog Comparator 2 and 3 Interrupt              */
128     EADC02_IRQn                   = 46,       /*!< EADC02 Interrupt                                 */
129     EADC03_IRQn                   = 47,       /*!< EADC03 Interrupt                                 */
130     UART2_IRQn                    = 48,       /*!< UART2 Interrupt                                  */
131     UART3_IRQn                    = 49,       /*!< UART3 Interrupt                                  */
132     QSPI1_IRQn                    = 50,       /*!< QSPI1 Interrupt                                  */
133     SPI1_IRQn                     = 51,       /*!< SPI1 Interrupt                                   */
134     SPI2_IRQn                     = 52,       /*!< SPI2 Interrupt                                   */
135     USBD_IRQn                     = 53,       /*!< USB device Interrupt                             */
136     USBH_IRQn                     = 54,       /*!< USB host Interrupt                               */
137     USBOTG_IRQn                   = 55,       /*!< USB OTG Interrupt                                */
138     BMC_IRQn                      = 56,       /*!< BMC Interrupt                                    */
139     SPI5_IRQn                     = 57,       /*!< SPI5 Interrupt                                   */
140     SC0_IRQn                      = 58,       /*!< Smart Card 0 Interrupt                           */
141     SC1_IRQn                      = 59,       /*!< Smart Card 1 Interrupt                           */
142     SC2_IRQn                      = 60,       /*!< Smart Card 2 Interrupt                           */
143     GPJ_IRQn                      = 61,       /*!< GPIO Port J Interrupt                            */
144     SPI3_IRQn                     = 62,       /*!< SPI3 Interrupt                                   */
145     SPI4_IRQn                     = 63,       /*!< SPI4 Interrupt                                   */
146     EMAC0_TXRX_IRQn               = 66,       /*!< Ethernet MAC 0 Interrupt                         */
147     SDH0_IRQn                     = 64,       /*!< Secure Digital Host Controller 0 Interrupt       */
148     USBD20_IRQn                   = 65,       /*!< High Speed USB device Interrupt                  */
149     I2S0_IRQn                     = 68,       /*!< I2S0 Interrupt                                   */
150     I2S1_IRQn                     = 69,       /*!< I2S1 Interrupt                                   */
151     SPI6_IRQn                     = 70,       /*!< SPI6 Interrupt                                   */
152     CRPT_IRQn                     = 71,       /*!< CRPT Interrupt                                   */
153     GPG_IRQn                      = 72,       /*!< GPIO Port G Interrupt                            */
154     EINT6_IRQn                    = 73,       /*!< External Input 6 Interrupt                       */
155     UART4_IRQn                    = 74,       /*!< UART4 Interrupt                                  */
156     UART5_IRQn                    = 75,       /*!< UART5 Interrupt                                  */
157     USCI0_IRQn                    = 76,       /*!< USCI0 Interrupt                                  */
158     SPI7_IRQn                     = 77,       /*!< SPI7 Interrupt                                   */
159     BPWM0_IRQn                    = 78,       /*!< BPWM0 Interrupt                                  */
160     BPWM1_IRQn                    = 79,       /*!< BPWM1 Interrupt                                  */
161     SPIM_IRQn                     = 80,       /*!< SPIM Interrupt                                   */
162     CCAP_IRQn                     = 81,       /*!< CCAP Interrupt                                   */
163     I2C2_IRQn                     = 82,       /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                   */
164     I2C3_IRQn                     = 83,       /*!< I2C3 Interrupt                                   */
165     EQEI0_IRQn                    = 84,       /*!< EQEI0 Interrupt                                  */
166     EQEI1_IRQn                    = 85,       /*!< EQEI1 Interrupt                                  */
167     ECAP0_IRQn                    = 86,       /*!< ECAP0 Interrupt                                  */
168     ECAP1_IRQn                    = 87,       /*!< ECAP1 Interrupt                                  */
169     GPH_IRQn                      = 88,       /*!< GPIO Port H Interrupt                            */
170     EINT7_IRQn                    = 89,       /*!< External Input 7 Interrupt                       */
171     SDH1_IRQn                     = 90,       /*!< Secure Digital Host Controller 1 Interrupt       */
172     PSIO_IRQn                     = 91,       /*!< PSIO Interrupt                                   */
173     HSUSBH_IRQn                   = 92,       /*!< High speed USB host Interrupt                    */
174     USBOTG20_IRQn                 = 93,       /*!< High speed USB OTG Interrupt                     */
175     ECAP2_IRQn                    = 94,       /*!< ECAP2 Interrupt                                  */
176     ECAP3_IRQn                    = 95,       /*!< ECAP3 Interrupt                                  */
177     KPI_IRQn                      = 96,       /*!< Keypad Interface Interrupt                       */
178     HBI_IRQn                      = 97,       /*!< HBI Interrupt                                    */
179     PDMA1_IRQn                    = 98,       /*!< Peripheral DMA 1 Interrupt                       */
180     UART8_IRQn                    = 99,       /*!< UART8 Interrupt                                  */
181     UART9_IRQn                    = 100,      /*!< UART9 Interrupt                                  */
182     TRNG_IRQn                     = 101,      /*!< TRNG Interrupt                                   */
183     UART6_IRQn                    = 102,      /*!< UART6 Interrupt                                  */
184     UART7_IRQn                    = 103,      /*!< UART7 Interrupt                                  */
185     EADC10_IRQn                   = 104,      /*!< EADC10 Interrupt                                 */
186     EADC11_IRQn                   = 105,      /*!< EADC11 Interrupt                                 */
187     EADC12_IRQn                   = 106,      /*!< EADC12 Interrupt                                 */
188     EADC13_IRQn                   = 107,      /*!< EADC13 Interrupt                                 */
189     SPI8_IRQn                     = 108,      /*!< SPI8 Interrupt                                   */
190     KS_IRQn                       = 109,      /*!< Keystore Interrupt                               */
191     GPI_IRQn                      = 110,      /*!< GPIO Port I Interrupt                            */
192     SPI9_IRQn                     = 111,      /*!< SPI9 Interrupt                                   */
193     CANFD00_IRQn                  = 112,      /*!< CANFD00 Interrupt                                */
194     CANFD01_IRQn                  = 113,      /*!< CANFD01 Interrupt                                */
195     CANFD10_IRQn                  = 114,      /*!< CANFD10 Interrupt                                */
196     CANFD11_IRQn                  = 115,      /*!< CANFD11 Interrupt                                */
197     EQEI2_IRQn                    = 116,      /*!< EQEI2 Interrupt                                  */
198     EQEI3_IRQn                    = 117,      /*!< EQEI3 Interrupt                                  */
199     I2C4_IRQn                     = 118,      /*!< I2C4 Interrupt                                   */
200     SPI10_IRQn                    = 119,      /*!< SPI10 Interrupt                                  */
201     CANFD20_IRQn                  = 120,      /*!< CANFD20 Interrupt                                */
202     CANFD21_IRQn                  = 121,      /*!< CANFD21 Interrupt                                */
203     CANFD30_IRQn                  = 122,      /*!< CANFD30 Interrupt                                */
204     CANFD31_IRQn                  = 123,      /*!< CANFD31 Interrupt                                */
205     EADC20_IRQn                   = 124,      /*!< EADC20 Interrupt                                 */
206     EADC21_IRQn                   = 125,      /*!< EADC21 Interrupt                                 */
207     EADC22_IRQn                   = 126,      /*!< EADC22 Interrupt                                 */
208     EADC23_IRQn                   = 127,      /*!< EADC23 Interrupt                                 */
209 }
210 IRQn_Type;
213 /*
214  * ==========================================================================
215  * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------
216  * ==========================================================================
217  */
219 /* Configuration of the Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals */
220 #define __CM4_REV                 0x0201UL    /*!< Core Revision r2p1                               */
221 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          4UL         /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels          */
222 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0UL         /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used     */
223 #define __MPU_PRESENT             1UL         /*!< MPU present or not                               */
224 #ifdef __FPU_PRESENT
225 #undef __FPU_PRESENT
226 #define __FPU_PRESENT             1UL         /*!< FPU present or not                               */
227 #else
228 #define __FPU_PRESENT             1UL         /*!< FPU present or not                               */
229 #endif
231 /*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_Device */
234 #include "core_cm4.h"               /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals           */
235 #include "system_m460.h"            /* System include file                         */
236 #include <stdint.h>
240 #if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
241 #pragma anon_unions
242 #endif
244 /******************************************************************************/
245 /*                            Register definitions                            */
246 /******************************************************************************/
248 #include "sys_reg.h"
249 #include "clk_reg.h"
250 #include "fmc_reg.h"
251 #include "gpio_reg.h"
252 #include "pdma_reg.h"
253 #include "timer_reg.h"
254 #include "wdt_reg.h"
255 #include "wwdt_reg.h"
256 #include "rtc_reg.h"
257 #include "epwm_reg.h"
258 #include "bpwm_reg.h"
259 #include "eqei_reg.h"
260 #include "ecap_reg.h"
261 #include "uart_reg.h"
262 #include "emac_reg.h"
263 #include "sc_reg.h"
264 #include "i2s_reg.h"
265 #include "spi_reg.h"
266 #include "qspi_reg.h"
267 #include "spim_reg.h"
268 #include "i2c_reg.h"
269 #include "uuart_reg.h"
270 #include "uspi_reg.h"
271 #include "ui2c_reg.h"
272 #include "canfd_reg.h"
273 #include "sdh_reg.h"
274 #include "ebi_reg.h"
275 #include "usbd_reg.h"
276 #include "hsusbd_reg.h"
277 #include "usbh_reg.h"
278 #include "hsusbh_reg.h"
279 #include "otg_reg.h"
280 #include "hsotg_reg.h"
281 #include "crc_reg.h"
282 #include "crypto_reg.h"
283 #include "trng_reg.h"
284 #include "eadc_reg.h"
285 #include "dac_reg.h"
286 #include "acmp_reg.h"
287 #include "ccap_reg.h"
288 #include "keystore_reg.h"
289 #include "kpi_reg.h"
290 #include "psio_reg.h"
291 #include "hbi_reg.h"
292 #include "bmc_reg.h"
294 /** @addtogroup PERIPHERAL_MEM_MAP Peripheral Memory Base
295   Memory Mapped Structure for Peripherals
296   @{
297  */
298 /* Peripheral and SRAM base address */
299 #define FLASH_BASE           ((uint32_t)0x00000000)      /*!< Flash base address      */
300 #define SRAM_BASE            ((uint32_t)0x20000000)      /*!< SRAM Base Address       */
301 #define PERIPH_BASE          ((uint32_t)0x40000000)      /*!< Peripheral Base Address */
303 #define TCM_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0xBE000)
305 /*!< AHB peripherals */
306 //HCLK
308 #define SYS_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00000UL)
309 #define CLK_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00200UL)
310 #define NMI_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00300UL)
311 #define GPIOA_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04000UL)
312 #define GPIOB_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04040UL)
313 #define GPIOC_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04080UL)
314 #define GPIOD_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x040C0UL)
315 #define GPIOE_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04100UL)
316 #define GPIOF_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04140UL)
317 #define GPIOG_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04180UL)
318 #define GPIOH_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x041C0UL)
319 #define GPIOI_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04200UL)
320 #define GPIOJ_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04240UL)
321 #define GPIO_INT_BASE          (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04450UL)
322 #define GPIO_PIN_DATA_BASE     (PERIPH_BASE + 0x04800UL)
323 #define SPIM_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x07000UL)
324 #define PDMA0_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x08000UL)
325 #define PDMA1_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x18000UL)
326 #define USBH_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x09000UL)
327 #define HSUSBH_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x1A000UL)
328 #define EMAC_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x12000UL)
329 #define FMC_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0C000UL)
330 #define SDH0_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0D000UL)
331 #define SDH1_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0E000UL)
332 #define EBI_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000UL)
333 #define HSUSBD_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x19000UL)
334 #define CCAP_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x30000UL)
335 #define CRC_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x31000UL)
336 #define CRPT_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x32000UL)
337 #define KS_BASE                (PERIPH_BASE + 0x35000UL)
338 #define TAMPER_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xE1000UL)
339 #define HBI_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0xCE000UL)
340 #define BMC_BASE               (PERIPH_BASE + 0x1B000UL)
342 //PCLK0
343 // BPWM0,QSPI0,ECAP2,I2C0/2/4,I2S0,OPA,EPWM0,EQEI0/2,SC0/2,SPI1/3/5/7/9,TMR01,UR0/2/4/6/8,USBD,USCI0,WDT
345 /*!< APB0 peripherals */
346 #define WDT_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x40000UL)
347 #define WWDT_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x40100UL)
348 #define OPA_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x46000UL)
349 #define I2S0_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x48000UL)
350 #define EADC1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x4B000UL)
351 #define TIMER0_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x50000UL)
352 #define TIMER1_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x50100UL)
353 #define EPWM0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x58000UL)
354 #define BPWM0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x5A000UL)
355 #define QSPI0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x60000UL)
356 #define SPI1_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x62000UL)
357 #define SPI3_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x64000UL)
358 #define SPI5_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x66000UL)
359 #define SPI7_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x68000UL)
360 #define SPI9_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x6C000UL)
361 #define UART0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x70000UL)
362 #define UART2_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x72000UL)
363 #define UART4_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x74000UL)
364 #define UART6_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x76000UL)
365 #define UART8_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x78000UL)
366 #define I2C0_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x80000UL)
367 #define I2C2_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x82000UL)
368 #define CANFD0_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x20000UL)
369 #define CANFD2_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x28000UL)
370 #define EQEI0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB0000UL)
371 #define ECAP0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB4000UL)
372 #define USCI0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xD0000UL)
376 //PCLK1
377 // ACMP01/23,EADC0/1/2,BPWM1,DAC,ECAP1/3,I2C1/3,I2S1,OTG,HSOTG,EPWM1,QEI1/3,RTC,SC1,SPI0/2/4/6/8/10,QSPI1,TMR23,UR1/3/5/7/9,PSIO
379 /*!< APB1 peripherals */
380 #define RTC_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x41000UL)
381 #define EADC0_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x43000UL)
382 #define ACMP01_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x45000UL)
383 #define I2S1_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x49000UL)
384 #define USBD_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0xC0000UL)
385 #define EADC1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x4B000UL)
386 #define OTG_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x4D000UL)
387 #define HSOTG_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x4F000UL)
388 #define TIMER2_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x51000UL)
389 #define TIMER3_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x51100UL)
390 #define EADC2_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x97000UL)
391 #define EPWM1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x59000UL)
392 #define BPWM1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x5B000UL)
393 #define SPI0_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x61000UL)
394 #define SPI2_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x63000UL)
395 #define SPI4_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x65000UL)
396 #define SPI6_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x67000UL)
397 #define QSPI1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x69000UL)
398 #define SPI8_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x6B000UL)
399 #define SPI10_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x6D000UL)
400 #define UART1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x71000UL)
401 #define UART3_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x73000UL)
402 #define UART5_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x75000UL)
403 #define UART7_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x77000UL)
404 #define UART9_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0x79000UL)
405 #define I2C1_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x81000UL)
406 #define CANFD1_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x24000UL)
407 #define CANFD3_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x2C000UL)
408 #define EQEI1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB1000UL)
409 #define ECAP1_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB5000UL)
410 #define TRNG_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB9000UL)
411 #define ECAP2_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB6000UL)
412 #define ECAP3_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB7000UL)
413 #define EQEI2_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB2000UL)
414 #define EQEI3_BASE            (PERIPH_BASE + 0xB3000UL)
415 #define I2C3_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x83000UL)
416 #define I2C4_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x84000UL)
417 #define SC0_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x90000UL)
418 #define SC1_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x91000UL)
419 #define SC2_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x92000UL)
420 #define DAC0_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x47000UL)
421 #define DAC1_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x47040UL)
422 #define DACDBG_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x47FECUL)
423 #define OPA0_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x46000UL)
425 #define KPI_BASE              (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0C2000UL)
426 #define PSIO_BASE             (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0C3000UL)
427 #define ACMP23_BASE           (PERIPH_BASE + 0x0C9000UL)
431 /*@}*/ /* end of group PERIPHERAL_MEM_MAP */
434 /** @addtogroup PERIPHERAL_DECLARATION Peripheral Pointer
435   The Declaration of Peripherals
436   @{
437  */
439 #define TCM                  ((TCM_T *)   TCM_BASE)
440 #define SYS                  ((SYS_T *)   SYS_BASE)
441 #define CLK                  ((CLK_T *)   CLK_BASE)
442 #define NMI                  ((NMI_T *)   NMI_BASE)
443 #define PA                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOA_BASE)
444 #define PB                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOB_BASE)
445 #define PC                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOC_BASE)
446 #define PD                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOD_BASE)
447 #define PE                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOE_BASE)
448 #define PF                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOF_BASE)
449 #define PG                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOG_BASE)
450 #define PH                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOH_BASE)
451 #define PI                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOI_BASE)
452 #define PJ                   ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOJ_BASE)
453 #define GPA                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOA_BASE)
454 #define GPB                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOB_BASE)
455 #define GPC                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOC_BASE)
456 #define GPD                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOD_BASE)
457 #define GPE                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOE_BASE)
458 #define GPF                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOF_BASE)
459 #define GPG                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOG_BASE)
460 #define GPH                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOH_BASE)
461 #define GPI                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOI_BASE)
462 #define GPJ                  ((GPIO_T *)  GPIOJ_BASE)
463 #define GPIO                 ((GPIO_INT_T *) GPIO_INT_BASE)
464 #define PDMA0                ((PDMA_T *)  PDMA0_BASE)
465 #define PDMA1                ((PDMA_T *)  PDMA1_BASE)
466 #define USBH                 ((USBH_T *)  USBH_BASE)
467 #define HSUSBH               ((HSUSBH_T *)  HSUSBH_BASE)
468 #define EMAC                 ((EMAC_T *)  EMAC_BASE)
469 #define FMC                  ((FMC_T *)   FMC_BASE)
470 #define SDH0                 ((SDH_T *)   SDH0_BASE)
471 #define SDH1                 ((SDH_T *)   SDH1_BASE)
472 #define EBI                  ((EBI_T *)   EBI_BASE)
473 #define CRC                  ((CRC_T *)   CRC_BASE)
474 #define TAMPER               ((TAMPER_T *) TAMPER_BASE)
475 #define KS                   ((KS_T *) KS_BASE)
476 #define HBI                  ((HBI_T *) HBI_BASE)
477 #define WDT                  ((WDT_T *)   WDT_BASE)
478 #define WWDT                 ((WWDT_T *)  WWDT_BASE)
479 #define RTC                  ((RTC_T *)   RTC_BASE)
480 #define EADC0                ((EADC_T *)  EADC0_BASE)
481 #define EADC1                ((EADC_T *)  EADC1_BASE)
482 #define EADC2                ((EADC_T *)  EADC2_BASE)
483 #define ACMP01               ((ACMP_T *)  ACMP01_BASE)
484 #define ACMP23               ((ACMP_T *)  ACMP23_BASE)
485 #define KPI                  ((KPI_T *) KPI_BASE)
487 #define I2S0                 ((I2S_T *)   I2S0_BASE)
488 #define I2S1                 ((I2S_T *)   I2S1_BASE)
489 #define USBD                 ((USBD_T *)  USBD_BASE)
490 #define OTG                  ((OTG_T *)   OTG_BASE)
491 #define HSUSBD               ((HSUSBD_T *)HSUSBD_BASE)
492 #define HSOTG                ((HSOTG_T *) HSOTG_BASE)
493 #define TIMER0               ((TIMER_T *) TIMER0_BASE)
494 #define TIMER1               ((TIMER_T *) TIMER1_BASE)
495 #define TIMER2               ((TIMER_T *) TIMER2_BASE)
496 #define TIMER3               ((TIMER_T *) TIMER3_BASE)
497 #define EPWM0                ((EPWM_T *)  EPWM0_BASE)
498 #define EPWM1                ((EPWM_T *)  EPWM1_BASE)
499 #define BPWM0                ((BPWM_T *)  BPWM0_BASE)
500 #define BPWM1                ((BPWM_T *)  BPWM1_BASE)
501 #define ECAP0                ((ECAP_T *)  ECAP0_BASE)
502 #define ECAP1                ((ECAP_T *)  ECAP1_BASE)
503 #define ECAP2                ((ECAP_T *)  ECAP2_BASE)
504 #define ECAP3                ((ECAP_T *)  ECAP3_BASE)
505 #define EQEI0                ((EQEI_T *)   EQEI0_BASE)
506 #define EQEI1                ((EQEI_T *)   EQEI1_BASE)
507 #define EQEI2                ((EQEI_T *)   EQEI2_BASE)
508 #define EQEI3                ((EQEI_T *)   EQEI3_BASE)
509 #define QSPI0                ((QSPI_T *)  QSPI0_BASE)
510 #define QSPI1                ((QSPI_T *)  QSPI1_BASE)
511 #define SPI0                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI0_BASE)
512 #define SPI1                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI1_BASE)
513 #define SPI2                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI2_BASE)
514 #define SPI3                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI3_BASE)
515 #define SPI4                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI4_BASE)
516 #define SPI5                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI5_BASE)
517 #define SPI6                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI6_BASE)
518 #define SPI7                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI7_BASE)
519 #define SPI8                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI8_BASE)
520 #define SPI9                 ((SPI_T *)   SPI9_BASE)
521 #define SPI10                ((SPI_T *)   SPI10_BASE)
522 #define UART0                ((UART_T *)  UART0_BASE)
523 #define UART1                ((UART_T *)  UART1_BASE)
524 #define UART2                ((UART_T *)  UART2_BASE)
525 #define UART3                ((UART_T *)  UART3_BASE)
526 #define UART4                ((UART_T *)  UART4_BASE)
527 #define UART5                ((UART_T *)  UART5_BASE)
528 #define UART6                ((UART_T *)  UART6_BASE)
529 #define UART7                ((UART_T *)  UART7_BASE)
530 #define UART8                ((UART_T *)  UART8_BASE)
531 #define UART9                ((UART_T *)  UART9_BASE)
532 #define I2C0                 ((I2C_T *)   I2C0_BASE)
533 #define I2C1                 ((I2C_T *)   I2C1_BASE)
534 #define I2C2                 ((I2C_T *)   I2C2_BASE)
535 #define I2C3                 ((I2C_T *)   I2C3_BASE)
536 #define I2C4                 ((I2C_T *)   I2C4_BASE)
537 #define SC0                  ((SC_T *)    SC0_BASE)
538 #define SC1                  ((SC_T *)    SC1_BASE)
539 #define SC2                  ((SC_T *)    SC2_BASE)
540 #define CANFD0               ((CANFD_T *)   CANFD0_BASE)
541 #define CANFD1               ((CANFD_T *)   CANFD1_BASE)
542 #define CANFD2               ((CANFD_T *)   CANFD2_BASE)
543 #define CANFD3               ((CANFD_T *)   CANFD3_BASE)
544 #define CRPT                 ((CRPT_T *)  CRPT_BASE)
545 #define TRNG                 ((TRNG_T *)  TRNG_BASE)
546 #define SPIM                 ((volatile SPIM_T *)  SPIM_BASE)
547 #define DAC0                 ((DAC_T *)   DAC0_BASE)
548 #define DAC1                 ((DAC_T *)   DAC1_BASE)
549 #define USPI0                ((USPI_T *) USCI0_BASE)                     /*!< USPI0 Configuration Struct                       */
550 #define OPA                  ((OPA_T *) OPA_BASE)
551 #define UI2C0                ((UI2C_T *) USCI0_BASE)                     /*!< UI2C0 Configuration Struct                       */
552 #define UI2C1                ((UI2C_T *) USCI1_BASE)                     /*!< UI2C1 Configuration Struct                       */
553 #define UUART0               ((UUART_T *) USCI0_BASE)                    /*!< UUART0 Configuration Struct                      */
554 #define CCAP                 ((CCAP_T *)  CCAP_BASE)
555 #define PSIO                 ((PSIO_T *)  PSIO_BASE)
556 #define BMC                  ((BMC_T *)  BMC_BASE)
558 /*@}*/ /* end of group ERIPHERAL_DECLARATION */
560 /** @addtogroup IO_ROUTINE I/O Routines
561   The Declaration of I/O Routines
562   @{
563  */
565 typedef volatile unsigned char  vu8;        ///< Define 8-bit unsigned volatile data type
566 typedef volatile unsigned short vu16;       ///< Define 16-bit unsigned volatile data type
567 typedef volatile unsigned int   vu32;       ///< Define 32-bit unsigned volatile data type
569 /**
570   * @brief Get a 8-bit unsigned value from specified address
571   * @param[in] addr Address to get 8-bit data from
572   * @return  8-bit unsigned value stored in specified address
573   */
574 #define M8(addr)  (*((vu8  *) (addr)))
576 /**
577   * @brief Get a 16-bit unsigned value from specified address
578   * @param[in] addr Address to get 16-bit data from
579   * @return  16-bit unsigned value stored in specified address
580   * @note The input address must be 16-bit aligned
581   */
582 #define M16(addr) (*((vu16 *) (addr)))
584 /**
585   * @brief Get a 32-bit unsigned value from specified address
586   * @param[in] addr Address to get 32-bit data from
587   * @return  32-bit unsigned value stored in specified address
588   * @note The input address must be 32-bit aligned
589   */
590 #define M32(addr) (*((vu32 *) (addr)))
592 /**
593   * @brief Set a 32-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
594   * @param[in] port Port address to set 32-bit data
595   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
596   * @return  None
597   * @note The output port must be 32-bit aligned
598   */
599 #define outpw(port,value)     *((volatile unsigned int *)(port)) = (value)
601 /**
602   * @brief Get a 32-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
603   * @param[in] port Port address to get 32-bit data from
604   * @return  32-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
605   * @note The input port must be 32-bit aligned
606   */
607 #define inpw(port)            (*((volatile unsigned int *)(port)))
609 /**
610   * @brief Set a 16-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
611   * @param[in] port Port address to set 16-bit data
612   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
613   * @return  None
614   * @note The output port must be 16-bit aligned
615   */
616 #define outps(port,value)     *((volatile unsigned short *)(port)) = (value)
618 /**
619   * @brief Get a 16-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
620   * @param[in] port Port address to get 16-bit data from
621   * @return  16-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
622   * @note The input port must be 16-bit aligned
623   */
624 #define inps(port)            (*((volatile unsigned short *)(port)))
626 /**
627   * @brief Set a 8-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
628   * @param[in] port Port address to set 8-bit data
629   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
630   * @return  None
631   */
632 #define outpb(port,value)     *((volatile unsigned char *)(port)) = (value)
634 /**
635   * @brief Get a 8-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
636   * @param[in] port Port address to get 8-bit data from
637   * @return  8-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
638   */
639 #define inpb(port)            (*((volatile unsigned char *)(port)))
641 /**
642   * @brief Set a 32-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
643   * @param[in] port Port address to set 32-bit data
644   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
645   * @return  None
646   * @note The output port must be 32-bit aligned
647   */
648 #define outp32(port,value)    *((volatile unsigned int *)(port)) = (value)
650 /**
651   * @brief Get a 32-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
652   * @param[in] port Port address to get 32-bit data from
653   * @return  32-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
654   * @note The input port must be 32-bit aligned
655   */
656 #define inp32(port)           (*((volatile unsigned int *)(port)))
658 /**
659   * @brief Set a 16-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
660   * @param[in] port Port address to set 16-bit data
661   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
662   * @return  None
663   * @note The output port must be 16-bit aligned
664   */
665 #define outp16(port,value)    *((volatile unsigned short *)(port)) = (value)
667 /**
668   * @brief Get a 16-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
669   * @param[in] port Port address to get 16-bit data from
670   * @return  16-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
671   * @note The input port must be 16-bit aligned
672   */
673 #define inp16(port)           (*((volatile unsigned short *)(port)))
675 /**
676   * @brief Set a 8-bit unsigned value to specified I/O port
677   * @param[in] port Port address to set 8-bit data
678   * @param[in] value Value to write to I/O port
679   * @return  None
680   */
681 #define outp8(port,value)     *((volatile unsigned char *)(port)) = (value)
683 /**
684   * @brief Get a 8-bit unsigned value from specified I/O port
685   * @param[in] port Port address to get 8-bit data from
686   * @return  8-bit unsigned value stored in specified I/O port
687   */
688 #define inp8(port)            (*((volatile unsigned char *)(port)))
691 /*@}*/ /* end of group IO_ROUTINE */
693 /******************************************************************************/
694 /*                Legacy Constants                                            */
695 /******************************************************************************/
696 /** @addtogroup Legacy_Constants Legacy Constants
697   Legacy Constants
698   @{
699 */
701 #ifndef NULL
702 #define NULL           (0)      ///< NULL pointer
703 #endif
705 /**
706   * Avoid redefined warning in the integration with RTOS, so change to enum{ FALSE, TRUE }
707   * #define TRUE           (1UL)      ///< Boolean true, define to use in API parameters or return value
708   * #define FALSE          (0UL)      ///< Boolean false, define to use in API parameters or return value
709   */
710 #ifndef TRUE
711 enum { FALSE, TRUE };
712 #endif
714 #define ENABLE         (1UL)      ///< Enable, define to use in API parameters
715 #define DISABLE        (0UL)      ///< Disable, define to use in API parameters
717 /* Define one bit mask */
718 #define BIT0     (0x00000001UL)       ///< Bit 0 mask of an 32 bit integer
719 #define BIT1     (0x00000002UL)       ///< Bit 1 mask of an 32 bit integer
720 #define BIT2     (0x00000004UL)       ///< Bit 2 mask of an 32 bit integer
721 #define BIT3     (0x00000008UL)       ///< Bit 3 mask of an 32 bit integer
722 #define BIT4     (0x00000010UL)       ///< Bit 4 mask of an 32 bit integer
723 #define BIT5     (0x00000020UL)       ///< Bit 5 mask of an 32 bit integer
724 #define BIT6     (0x00000040UL)       ///< Bit 6 mask of an 32 bit integer
725 #define BIT7     (0x00000080UL)       ///< Bit 7 mask of an 32 bit integer
726 #define BIT8     (0x00000100UL)       ///< Bit 8 mask of an 32 bit integer
727 #define BIT9     (0x00000200UL)       ///< Bit 9 mask of an 32 bit integer
728 #define BIT10    (0x00000400UL)       ///< Bit 10 mask of an 32 bit integer
729 #define BIT11    (0x00000800UL)       ///< Bit 11 mask of an 32 bit integer
730 #define BIT12    (0x00001000UL)       ///< Bit 12 mask of an 32 bit integer
731 #define BIT13    (0x00002000UL)       ///< Bit 13 mask of an 32 bit integer
732 #define BIT14    (0x00004000UL)       ///< Bit 14 mask of an 32 bit integer
733 #define BIT15    (0x00008000UL)       ///< Bit 15 mask of an 32 bit integer
734 #define BIT16    (0x00010000UL)       ///< Bit 16 mask of an 32 bit integer
735 #define BIT17    (0x00020000UL)       ///< Bit 17 mask of an 32 bit integer
736 #define BIT18    (0x00040000UL)       ///< Bit 18 mask of an 32 bit integer
737 #define BIT19    (0x00080000UL)       ///< Bit 19 mask of an 32 bit integer
738 #define BIT20    (0x00100000UL)       ///< Bit 20 mask of an 32 bit integer
739 #define BIT21    (0x00200000UL)       ///< Bit 21 mask of an 32 bit integer
740 #define BIT22    (0x00400000UL)       ///< Bit 22 mask of an 32 bit integer
741 #define BIT23    (0x00800000UL)       ///< Bit 23 mask of an 32 bit integer
742 #define BIT24    (0x01000000UL)       ///< Bit 24 mask of an 32 bit integer
743 #define BIT25    (0x02000000UL)       ///< Bit 25 mask of an 32 bit integer
744 #define BIT26    (0x04000000UL)       ///< Bit 26 mask of an 32 bit integer
745 #define BIT27    (0x08000000UL)       ///< Bit 27 mask of an 32 bit integer
746 #define BIT28    (0x10000000UL)       ///< Bit 28 mask of an 32 bit integer
747 #define BIT29    (0x20000000UL)       ///< Bit 29 mask of an 32 bit integer
748 #define BIT30    (0x40000000UL)       ///< Bit 30 mask of an 32 bit integer
749 #define BIT31    (0x80000000UL)       ///< Bit 31 mask of an 32 bit integer
751 /* Byte Mask Definitions */
752 #define BYTE0_Msk              (0x000000FFUL)         ///< Mask to get bit0~bit7 from a 32 bit integer
753 #define BYTE1_Msk              (0x0000FF00UL)         ///< Mask to get bit8~bit15 from a 32 bit integer
754 #define BYTE2_Msk              (0x00FF0000UL)         ///< Mask to get bit16~bit23 from a 32 bit integer
755 #define BYTE3_Msk              (0xFF000000UL)         ///< Mask to get bit24~bit31 from a 32 bit integer
757 #define GET_BYTE0(u32Param)    (((u32Param) & BYTE0_Msk)      )  /*!< Extract Byte 0 (Bit  0~ 7) from parameter u32Param */
758 #define GET_BYTE1(u32Param)    (((u32Param) & BYTE1_Msk) >>  8)  /*!< Extract Byte 1 (Bit  8~15) from parameter u32Param */
759 #define GET_BYTE2(u32Param)    (((u32Param) & BYTE2_Msk) >> 16)  /*!< Extract Byte 2 (Bit 16~23) from parameter u32Param */
760 #define GET_BYTE3(u32Param)    (((u32Param) & BYTE3_Msk) >> 24)  /*!< Extract Byte 3 (Bit 24~31) from parameter u32Param */
762 /*@}*/ /* end of group Legacy_Constants */
765 /******************************************************************************/
766 /*                         Peripheral header files                            */
767 /******************************************************************************/
768 #include "sys.h"
769 #include "clk.h"
771 #include "kpi.h"
772 #include "rng.h"
773 #include "keystore.h"
774 #include "acmp.h"
775 #include "dac.h"
776 #include "uart.h"
777 #include "usci_spi.h"
778 #include "gpio.h"
779 #include "ccap.h"
780 #include "ecap.h"
781 #include "hbi.h"
782 #include "eqei.h"
783 #include "timer.h"
784 #include "timer_pwm.h"
785 #include "pdma.h"
786 #include "crypto.h"
787 #include "trng.h"
788 #include "fmc.h"
789 #include "spim.h"
790 #include "i2c.h"
791 #include "i2s.h"
792 #include "epwm.h"
793 #include "eadc.h"
794 #include "bpwm.h"
795 #include "wdt.h"
796 #include "wwdt.h"
797 #include "crc.h"
798 #include "ebi.h"
799 #include "usci_i2c.h"
800 #include "scuart.h"
801 #include "sc.h"
802 #include "spi.h"
803 #include "qspi.h"
804 #include "canfd.h"
805 #include "rtc.h"
806 #include "usci_uart.h"
807 #include "sdh.h"
808 #include "usbd.h"
809 #include "hsusbd.h"
810 #include "otg.h"
811 #include "hsotg.h"
812 #include "psio.h"
813 #include "bmc.h"
816 #ifdef __cplusplus
817 }
818 #endif
820 #endif  /* __M460_H__ */