1 /**************************************************************************//**
2  * @file     timer.h
3  * @version  V1.00
4  * @brief    M480 series Timer Controller(Timer) driver header file
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright (C) 2016-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8  *****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __TIMER_H__
10 #define __TIMER_H__
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C"
14 {
15 #endif
18 /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
19   @{
20 */
22 /** @addtogroup TIMER_Driver TIMER Driver
23   @{
24 */
26 /** @addtogroup TIMER_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS TIMER Exported Constants
27   @{
28 */
29 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*  TIMER Operation Mode, External Counter and Capture Mode Constant Definitions                           */
31 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #define TIMER_ONESHOT_MODE                      (0UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in one-shot mode \hideinitializer */
33 #define TIMER_PERIODIC_MODE                     (1UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in periodic mode \hideinitializer */
34 #define TIMER_TOGGLE_MODE                       (2UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in toggle-output mode \hideinitializer */
35 #define TIMER_CONTINUOUS_MODE                   (3UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in continuous counting mode \hideinitializer */
36 #define TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TMX                 (0UL << TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos)   /*!< Timer toggle-output pin is from TMx pin \hideinitializer */
37 #define TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TMX_EXT             (1UL << TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos)   /*!< Timer toggle-output pin is from TMx_EXT pin \hideinitializer */
39 #define TIMER_COUNTER_EVENT_FALLING             (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos) /*!< Counter increase on falling edge detection \hideinitializer */
40 #define TIMER_COUNTER_EVENT_RISING              (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos) /*!< Counter increase on rising edge detection \hideinitializer */
41 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_FREE_COUNTING_MODE        (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos) /*!< Timer capture event to get timer counter value \hideinitializer */
42 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_COUNTER_RESET_MODE        (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos) /*!< Timer capture event to reset timer counter \hideinitializer */
44 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_FALLING             (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Falling edge detection to trigger capture event \hideinitializer */
45 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_RISING              (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Rising edge detection to trigger capture event \hideinitializer */
46 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_FALLING_RISING      (2UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Both falling and rising edge detection to trigger capture event, and first event at falling edge \hideinitializer */
47 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_RISING_FALLING      (3UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Both rising and falling edge detection to trigger capture event, and first event at rising edge \hideinitializer */
48 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_GET_LOW_PERIOD      (6UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< First capture event is at falling edge, follows are at at rising edge \hideinitializer */
49 #define TIMER_CAPTURE_EVENT_GET_HIGH_PERIOD     (7UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< First capture event is at rising edge, follows are at at falling edge \hideinitializer */
51 #define TIMER_TRGSRC_TIMEOUT_EVENT              (0UL << TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGSSEL_Pos) /*!< Select internal trigger source from timer time-out event \hideinitializer */
52 #define TIMER_TRGSRC_CAPTURE_EVENT              (1UL << TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGSSEL_Pos) /*!< Select internal trigger source from timer capture event \hideinitializer */
53 #define TIMER_TRG_TO_EPWM                       (TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGEPWM_Msk)        /*!< Each timer event as EPWM counter clock source \hideinitializer */
54 #define TIMER_TRG_TO_EADC                       (TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGEADC_Msk)        /*!< Each timer event to start ADC conversion \hideinitializer */
55 #define TIMER_TRG_TO_DAC                        (TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGDAC_Msk)         /*!< Each timer event to start DAC conversion \hideinitializer */
56 #define TIMER_TRG_TO_PDMA                       (TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGPDMA_Msk)        /*!< Each timer event to trigger PDMA transfer \hideinitializer */
58 /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
61 /** @addtogroup TIMER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS TIMER Exported Functions
62   @{
63 */
65 /**
66   * @brief      Set Timer Compared Value
67   *
68   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
69   * @param[in]  u32Value    Timer compare value. Valid values are between 2 to 0xFFFFFF.
70   *
71   * @return     None
72   *
73   * @details    This macro is used to set timer compared value to adjust timer time-out interval.
74   * @note       1. Never write 0x0 or 0x1 in this field, or the core will run into unknown state. \n
75   *             2. If update timer compared value in continuous counting mode, timer counter value will keep counting continuously. \n
76   *                But if timer is operating at other modes, the timer up counter will restart counting and start from 0.
77   * \hideinitializer
78   */
79 #define TIMER_SET_CMP_VALUE(timer, u32Value)        ((timer)->CMP = (u32Value))
81 /**
82   * @brief      Set Timer Prescale Value
83   *
84   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
85   * @param[in]  u32Value    Timer prescale value. Valid values are between 0 to 0xFF.
86   *
87   * @return     None
88   *
89   * @details    This macro is used to set timer prescale value and timer source clock will be divided by (prescale + 1) \n
90   *             before it is fed into timer.
91   * \hideinitializer
92   */
93 #define TIMER_SET_PRESCALE_VALUE(timer, u32Value)   ((timer)->CTL = ((timer)->CTL & ~TIMER_CTL_PSC_Msk) | (u32Value))
95 /**
96   * @brief      Check specify Timer Status
97   *
98   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
99   *
100   * @retval     0   Timer 24-bit up counter is inactive
101   * @retval     1   Timer 24-bit up counter is active
102   *
103   * @details    This macro is used to check if specify Timer counter is inactive or active.
104   * \hideinitializer
105   */
106 #define TIMER_IS_ACTIVE(timer)                      (((timer)->CTL & TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk)? 1 : 0)
108 /**
109   * @brief      Select Toggle-output Pin
110   *
111   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
112   * @param[in]  u32ToutSel  Toggle-output pin selection, valid values are:
113   *                         - \ref TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TMX
114   *                         - \ref TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TMX_EXT
115   *
116   * @return     None
117   *
118   * @details    This macro is used to select timer toggle-output pin is output on TMx or TMx_EXT pin.
119   * \hideinitializer
120   */
121 #define TIMER_SELECT_TOUT_PIN(timer, u32ToutSel)    ((timer)->CTL = ((timer)->CTL & ~TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Msk) | (u32ToutSel))
123 /**
124   * @brief      Select Timer operating mode
125   *
126   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
127   * @param[in]  u32OpMode   Operation mode. Possible options are
128   *                         - \ref TIMER_ONESHOT_MODE
129   *                         - \ref TIMER_PERIODIC_MODE
130   *                         - \ref TIMER_TOGGLE_MODE
131   *                         - \ref TIMER_CONTINUOUS_MODE
132   *
133   * @return     None
134   * \hideinitializer
135   */
136 #define TIMER_SET_OPMODE(timer, u32OpMode)   ((timer)->CTL = ((timer)->CTL & ~TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Msk) | (u32OpMode))
138 /* Declare these inline functions here to avoid MISRA C 2004 rule 8.1 error */
139 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_Start(TIMER_T *timer);
140 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_Stop(TIMER_T *timer);
141 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableWakeup(TIMER_T *timer);
142 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableWakeup(TIMER_T *timer);
143 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_StartCapture(TIMER_T *timer);
144 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_StopCapture(TIMER_T *timer);
145 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T *timer);
146 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T *timer);
147 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T *timer);
148 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T *timer);
149 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableInt(TIMER_T *timer);
150 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableInt(TIMER_T *timer);
151 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableCaptureInt(TIMER_T *timer);
152 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableCaptureInt(TIMER_T *timer);
153 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
154 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
155 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
156 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
157 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetWakeupFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
158 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearWakeupFlag(TIMER_T *timer);
159 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCaptureData(TIMER_T *timer);
160 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCounter(TIMER_T *timer);
161 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ResetCounter(TIMER_T *timer);
163 /**
164   * @brief      Start Timer Counting
165   *
166   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
167   *
168   * @return     None
169   *
170   * @details    This function is used to start Timer counting.
171   */
TIMER_Start(TIMER_T * timer)172 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_Start(TIMER_T *timer)
173 {
174     timer->CTL |= TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk;
175 }
177 /**
178   * @brief      Stop Timer Counting
179   *
180   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
181   *
182   * @return     None
183   *
184   * @details    This function is used to stop/suspend Timer counting.
185   */
TIMER_Stop(TIMER_T * timer)186 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_Stop(TIMER_T *timer)
187 {
188     timer->CTL &= ~TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk;
189 }
191 /**
192   * @brief      Enable Timer Interrupt Wake-up Function
193   *
194   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
195   *
196   * @return     None
197   *
198   * @details    This function is used to enable the timer interrupt wake-up function and interrupt source could be time-out interrupt, \n
199   *             counter event interrupt or capture trigger interrupt.
200   * @note       To wake the system from Power-down mode, timer clock source must be ether LXT or LIRC.
201   */
TIMER_EnableWakeup(TIMER_T * timer)202 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableWakeup(TIMER_T *timer)
203 {
204     timer->CTL |= TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Msk;
205 }
207 /**
208   * @brief      Disable Timer Wake-up Function
209   *
210   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
211   *
212   * @return     None
213   *
214   * @details    This function is used to disable the timer interrupt wake-up function.
215   */
TIMER_DisableWakeup(TIMER_T * timer)216 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableWakeup(TIMER_T *timer)
217 {
218     timer->CTL &= ~TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Msk;
219 }
221 /**
222   * @brief      Start Timer Capture Function
223   *
224   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
225   *
226   * @return     None
227   *
228   * @details    This function is used to start Timer capture function.
229   */
TIMER_StartCapture(TIMER_T * timer)230 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_StartCapture(TIMER_T *timer)
231 {
232     timer->EXTCTL |= TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Msk;
233 }
235 /**
236   * @brief      Stop Timer Capture Function
237   *
238   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
239   *
240   * @return     None
241   *
242   * @details    This function is used to stop Timer capture function.
243   */
TIMER_StopCapture(TIMER_T * timer)244 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_StopCapture(TIMER_T *timer)
245 {
246     timer->EXTCTL &= ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Msk;
247 }
249 /**
250   * @brief      Enable Capture Pin De-bounce
251   *
252   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
253   *
254   * @return     None
255   *
256   * @details    This function is used to enable the detect de-bounce function of capture pin.
257   */
TIMER_EnableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T * timer)258 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T *timer)
259 {
260     timer->EXTCTL |= TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Msk;
261 }
263 /**
264   * @brief      Disable Capture Pin De-bounce
265   *
266   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
267   *
268   * @return     None
269   *
270   * @details    This function is used to disable the detect de-bounce function of capture pin.
271   */
TIMER_DisableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T * timer)272 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableCaptureDebounce(TIMER_T *timer)
273 {
274     timer->EXTCTL &= ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Msk;
275 }
277 /**
278   * @brief      Enable Counter Pin De-bounce
279   *
280   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
281   *
282   * @return     None
283   *
284   * @details    This function is used to enable the detect de-bounce function of counter pin.
285   */
TIMER_EnableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T * timer)286 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T *timer)
287 {
288     timer->EXTCTL |= TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Msk;
289 }
291 /**
292   * @brief      Disable Counter Pin De-bounce
293   *
294   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
295   *
296   * @return     None
297   *
298   * @details    This function is used to disable the detect de-bounce function of counter pin.
299   */
TIMER_DisableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T * timer)300 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableEventCounterDebounce(TIMER_T *timer)
301 {
302     timer->EXTCTL &= ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Msk;
303 }
305 /**
306   * @brief      Enable Timer Time-out Interrupt
307   *
308   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
309   *
310   * @return     None
311   *
312   * @details    This function is used to enable the timer time-out interrupt function.
313   */
TIMER_EnableInt(TIMER_T * timer)314 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableInt(TIMER_T *timer)
315 {
316     timer->CTL |= TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Msk;
317 }
319 /**
320   * @brief      Disable Timer Time-out Interrupt
321   *
322   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
323   *
324   * @return     None
325   *
326   * @details    This function is used to disable the timer time-out interrupt function.
327   */
TIMER_DisableInt(TIMER_T * timer)328 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableInt(TIMER_T *timer)
329 {
330     timer->CTL &= ~TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Msk;
331 }
333 /**
334   * @brief      Enable Capture Trigger Interrupt
335   *
336   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
337   *
338   * @return     None
339   *
340   * @details    This function is used to enable the timer capture trigger interrupt function.
341   */
TIMER_EnableCaptureInt(TIMER_T * timer)342 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_EnableCaptureInt(TIMER_T *timer)
343 {
344     timer->EXTCTL |= TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Msk;
345 }
347 /**
348   * @brief      Disable Capture Trigger Interrupt
349   *
350   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
351   *
352   * @return     None
353   *
354   * @details    This function is used to disable the timer capture trigger interrupt function.
355   */
TIMER_DisableCaptureInt(TIMER_T * timer)356 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_DisableCaptureInt(TIMER_T *timer)
357 {
358     timer->EXTCTL &= ~TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Msk;
359 }
361 /**
362   * @brief      Get Timer Time-out Interrupt Flag
363   *
364   * @param[in]  timer   The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
365   *
366   * @retval     0   Timer time-out interrupt did not occur
367   * @retval     1   Timer time-out interrupt occurred
368   *
369   * @details    This function indicates timer time-out interrupt occurred or not.
370   */
TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER_T * timer)371 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
372 {
373     return ((timer->INTSTS & TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Msk) ? 1UL : 0UL);
374 }
376 /**
377   * @brief      Clear Timer Time-out Interrupt Flag
378   *
379   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
380   *
381   * @return     None
382   *
383   * @details    This function clears timer time-out interrupt flag to 0.
384   */
TIMER_ClearIntFlag(TIMER_T * timer)385 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
386 {
387     timer->INTSTS = TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Msk;
388 }
390 /**
391   * @brief      Get Timer Capture Interrupt Flag
392   *
393   * @param[in]  timer   The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
394   *
395   * @retval     0   Timer capture interrupt did not occur
396   * @retval     1   Timer capture interrupt occurred
397   *
398   * @details    This function indicates timer capture trigger interrupt occurred or not.
399   */
TIMER_GetCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T * timer)400 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
401 {
402     return timer->EINTSTS;
403 }
405 /**
406   * @brief      Clear Timer Capture Interrupt Flag
407   *
408   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
409   *
410   * @return     None
411   *
412   * @details    This function clears timer capture trigger interrupt flag to 0.
413   */
TIMER_ClearCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T * timer)414 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearCaptureIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
415 {
417 }
419 /**
420   * @brief      Get Timer Wake-up Flag
421   *
422   * @param[in]  timer   The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
423   *
424   * @retval     0   Timer does not cause CPU wake-up
425   * @retval     1   Timer interrupt event cause CPU wake-up
426   *
427   * @details    This function indicates timer interrupt event has waked up system or not.
428   */
TIMER_GetWakeupFlag(TIMER_T * timer)429 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetWakeupFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
430 {
431     return (timer->INTSTS & TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Msk ? 1UL : 0UL);
432 }
434 /**
435   * @brief      Clear Timer Wake-up Flag
436   *
437   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
438   *
439   * @return     None
440   *
441   * @details    This function clears the timer wake-up system flag to 0.
442   */
TIMER_ClearWakeupFlag(TIMER_T * timer)443 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ClearWakeupFlag(TIMER_T *timer)
444 {
445     timer->INTSTS = TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Msk;
446 }
448 /**
449   * @brief      Get Capture value
450   *
451   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
452   *
453   * @return     24-bit Capture Value
454   *
455   * @details    This function reports the current 24-bit timer capture value.
456   */
TIMER_GetCaptureData(TIMER_T * timer)457 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCaptureData(TIMER_T *timer)
458 {
459     return timer->CAP;
460 }
462 /**
463   * @brief      Get Counter value
464   *
465   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
466   *
467   * @return     24-bit Counter Value
468   *
469   * @details    This function reports the current 24-bit timer counter value.
470   */
TIMER_GetCounter(TIMER_T * timer)471 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t TIMER_GetCounter(TIMER_T *timer)
472 {
473     return timer->CNT;
474 }
476 /**
477   * @brief      Reset Counter
478   *
479   * @param[in]  timer       The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
480   *
481   * @return     None
482   *
483   * @details    This function is used to reset current counter value and internal prescale counter value.
484   */
TIMER_ResetCounter(TIMER_T * timer)485 __STATIC_INLINE void TIMER_ResetCounter(TIMER_T *timer)
486 {
487     timer->CNT = 0UL;
488     while((timer->CNT&TIMER_CNT_RSTACT_Msk) == TIMER_CNT_RSTACT_Msk)
489     {
490         ;
491     }
492 }
495 uint32_t TIMER_Open(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32Freq);
496 void TIMER_Close(TIMER_T *timer);
497 void TIMER_Delay(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Usec);
498 void TIMER_EnableCapture(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32CapMode, uint32_t u32Edge);
499 void TIMER_DisableCapture(TIMER_T *timer);
500 void TIMER_EnableEventCounter(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Edge);
501 void TIMER_DisableEventCounter(TIMER_T *timer);
502 uint32_t TIMER_GetModuleClock(TIMER_T *timer);
503 void TIMER_EnableFreqCounter(TIMER_T *timer,
504                              uint32_t u32DropCount,
505                              uint32_t u32Timeout,
506                              uint32_t u32EnableInt);
507 void TIMER_DisableFreqCounter(TIMER_T *timer);
508 void TIMER_SetTriggerSource(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Src);
509 void TIMER_SetTriggerTarget(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Mask);
511 /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
513 /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_Driver */
515 /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
517 #ifdef __cplusplus
518 }
519 #endif
521 #endif /* __TIMER_H__ */