1 /**************************************************************************//**
2  * @file     usbd_reg.h
3  * @version  V1.00
4  * @brief    USBD register definition header file
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8  *****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __USBD_REG_H__
10 #define __USBD_REG_H__
12 #if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
13 #pragma anon_unions
14 #endif
16 /**
17    @addtogroup REGISTER Control Register
18    @{
19 */
21 /**
22     @addtogroup USBD USB Device Controller(USBD)
23     Memory Mapped Structure for USBD Controller
24 @{ */
26 typedef struct
27 {
29     /**
30      * @var USBD_EP_T::BUFSEG
31      * Offset: 0x000  Endpoint n Buffer Segmentation Register
32      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
34      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
35      * |[8:3]   |BUFSEG    |Endpoint Buffer Segmentation
36      * |        |          |It is used to indicate the offset address for each endpoint with the USB SRAM starting address The effective starting address of the endpoint is
37      * |        |          |USBD_SRAM address + { BUFSEG, 3'b000}
38      * |        |          |Where the USBD_SRAM address = USBD_BA+0x100h.
39      * |        |          |Refer to the section for the endpoint SRAM structure and its description.
40      * @var USBD_EP_T::MXPLD
41      * Offset: 0x004  Endpoint n Maximal Payload Register
42      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
44      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
45      * |[8:0]   |MXPLD     |Maximal Payload
46      * |        |          |Define the data length which is transmitted to host (IN token) or the actual data length which is received from the host (OUT token)
47      * |        |          |It also used to indicate that the endpoint is ready to be transmitted in IN token or received in OUT token.
48      * |        |          |(1) When the register is written by CPU,
49      * |        |          |For IN token, the value of MXPLD is used to define the data length to be transmitted and indicate the data buffer is ready.
50      * |        |          |For OUT token, it means that the controller is ready to receive data from the host and the value of MXPLD is the maximal data length comes from host.
51      * |        |          |(2) When the register is read by CPU,
52      * |        |          |For IN token, the value of MXPLD is indicated by the data length be transmitted to host
53      * |        |          |For OUT token, the value of MXPLD is indicated the actual data length receiving from host.
54      * |        |          |Note: Once MXPLD is written, the data packets will be transmitted/received immediately after IN/OUT token arrived.
55      * @var USBD_EP_T::CFG
56      * Offset: 0x008  Endpoint n Configuration Register
57      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
59      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
60      * |[3:0]   |EPNUM     |Endpoint Number
61      * |        |          |These bits are used to define the endpoint number of the current endpoint
62      * |[4]     |ISOCH     |Isochronous Endpoint
63      * |        |          |This bit is used to set the endpoint as Isochronous endpoint, no handshake.
64      * |        |          |0 = No Isochronous endpoint.
65      * |        |          |1 = Isochronous endpoint.
66      * |[6:5]   |STATE     |Endpoint STATE
67      * |        |          |00 = Endpoint is Disabled.
68      * |        |          |01 = Out endpoint.
69      * |        |          |10 = IN endpoint.
70      * |        |          |11 = Undefined.
71      * |[7]     |DSQSYNC   |Data Sequence Synchronization
72      * |        |          |0 = DATA0 PID.
73      * |        |          |1 = DATA1 PID.
74      * |        |          |Note: It is used to specify the DATA0 or DATA1 PID in the following IN token transaction
75      * |        |          |hardware will toggle automatically in IN token base on the bit.
76      * |[9]     |CSTALL    |Clear STALL Response
77      * |        |          |0 = Disable the device to clear the STALL handshake in setup stage.
78      * |        |          |1 = Clear the device to response STALL handshake in setup stage.
79      * @var USBD_EP_T::CFGP
80      * Offset: 0x00C  Endpoint n Set Stall and Clear In/Out Ready Control Register
81      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
83      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
84      * |[0]     |CLRRDY    |Clear Ready
85      * |        |          |When the USBD_MXPLDx register is set by user, it means that the endpoint is ready to transmit or receive data
86      * |        |          |If the user wants to disable this transaction before the transaction start, users can set this bit to 1 to disable it and it is auto clear to 0.
87      * |        |          |For IN token, write '1' to clear the IN token had ready to transmit the data to USB.
88      * |        |          |For OUT token, write '1' to clear the OUT token had ready to receive the data from USB.
89      * |        |          |This bit is write 1 only and is always 0 when it is read back.
90      * |[1]     |SSTALL    |Set STALL
91      * |        |          |0 = Disable the device to response STALL.
92      * |        |          |1 = Set the device to respond STALL automatically.
93      */
94     __IO uint32_t BUFSEG;               /*!< [0x0000] Endpoint n Buffer Segmentation Register                          */
95     __IO uint32_t MXPLD;                /*!< [0x0004] Endpoint n Maximal Payload Register                              */
96     __IO uint32_t CFG;                  /*!< [0x0008] Endpoint n Configuration Register                                */
97     __IO uint32_t CFGP;                 /*!< [0x000c] Endpoint n Set Stall and Clear In/Out Ready Control Register     */
99 } USBD_EP_T;
101 typedef struct
102 {
105     /**
106      * @var USBD_T::INTEN
107      * Offset: 0x00  USB Device Interrupt Enable Register
108      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
110      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
111      * |[0]     |BUSIEN    |Bus Event Interrupt Enable Bit
112      * |        |          |0 = BUS event interrupt Disabled.
113      * |        |          |1 = BUS event interrupt Enabled.
114      * |[1]     |USBIEN    |USB Event Interrupt Enable Bit
115      * |        |          |0 = USB event interrupt Disabled.
116      * |        |          |1 = USB event interrupt Enabled.
117      * |[2]     |VBDETIEN  |VBUS Detection Interrupt Enable Bit
118      * |        |          |0 = VBUS detection Interrupt Disabled.
119      * |        |          |1 = VBUS detection Interrupt Enabled.
120      * |[3]     |NEVWKIEN  |USB No-event-wake-up Interrupt Enable Bit
121      * |        |          |0 = No-event-wake-up Interrupt Disabled.
122      * |        |          |1 = No-event-wake-up Interrupt Enabled.
123      * |[4]     |SOFIEN    |Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit
124      * |        |          |0 = SOF Interrupt Disabled.
125      * |        |          |1 = SOF Interrupt Enabled.
126      * |[8]     |WKEN      |Wake-up Function Enable Bit
127      * |        |          |0 = USB wake-up function Disabled.
128      * |        |          |1 = USB wake-up function Enabled.
129      * |[15]    |INNAKEN   |Active NAK Function and Its Status in IN Token
130      * |        |          |0 = When device responds NAK after receiving IN token, IN NAK status will not be updated to USBD_EPSTS0 and USBD_EPSTS1register, so that the USB interrupt event will not be asserted.
131      * |        |          |1 = IN NAK status will be updated to USBD_EPSTS0 and USBD_EPSTS1 register and the USB interrupt event will be asserted, when the device responds NAK after receiving IN token.
132      * @var USBD_T::INTSTS
133      * Offset: 0x04  USB Device Interrupt Event Status Register
134      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
136      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
137      * |[0]     |BUSIF     |BUS Interrupt Status
138      * |        |          |The BUS event means that there is one of the suspense or the resume function in the bus.
139      * |        |          |0 = No BUS event occurred.
140      * |        |          |1 = Bus event occurred; check USBD_ATTR[3:0] to know which kind of bus event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[0].
141      * |[1]     |USBIF     |USB Event Interrupt Status
142      * |        |          |The USB event includes the SETUP Token, IN Token, OUT ACK, ISO IN, or ISO OUT events in the bus.
143      * |        |          |0 = No USB event occurred.
144      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred, check EPSTS0~5[2:0] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[1] or EPSTS0~11 and SETUP (USBD_INTSTS[31]).
145      * |[2]     |VBDETIF   |VBUS Detection Interrupt Status
146      * |        |          |0 = There is not attached/detached event in the USB.
147      * |        |          |1 = There is attached/detached event in the USB bus and it is cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[2].
148      * |[3]     |NEVWKIF   |No-event-wake-up Interrupt Status
149      * |        |          |0 = NEVWK event does not occur.
150      * |        |          |1 = No-event-wake-up event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[3].
151      * |[4]     |SOFIF     |Start of Frame Interrupt Status
152      * |        |          |0 = SOF event does not occur.
153      * |        |          |1 = SOF event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[4].
154      * |[16]    |EPEVT0    |Endpoint 0's USB Event Status
155      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 0.
156      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 0, check USBD_EPSTS0[3:0] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[16] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
157      * |[17]    |EPEVT1    |Endpoint 1's USB Event Status
158      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 1.
159      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 1, check USBD_EPSTS0[7:4] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[17] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
160      * |[18]    |EPEVT2    |Endpoint 2's USB Event Status
161      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 2.
162      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 2, check USBD_EPSTS0[11:8] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[18] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
163      * |[19]    |EPEVT3    |Endpoint 3's USB Event Status
164      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 3.
165      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 3, check USBD_EPSTS0[15:12] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[19] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
166      * |[20]    |EPEVT4    |Endpoint 4's USB Event Status
167      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 4.
168      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 4, check USBD_EPSTS0[19:16] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[20] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
169      * |[21]    |EPEVT5    |Endpoint 5's USB Event Status
170      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 5.
171      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 5, check USBD_EPSTS0[23:20] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[21] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
172      * |[22]    |EPEVT6    |Endpoint 6's USB Event Status
173      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 6.
174      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 6, check USBD_EPSTS0[27:24] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[22] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
175      * |[23]    |EPEVT7    |Endpoint 7's USB Event Status
176      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 7.
177      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 7, check USBD_EPSTS0[31:28] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[23] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
178      * |[24]    |EPEVT8    |Endpoint 8's USB Event Status
179      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 8.
180      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 8, check USBD_EPSTS1[3 :0] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[24] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
181      * |[25]    |EPEVT9    |Endpoint 9's USB Event Status
182      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 9.
183      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 9, check USBD_EPSTS1[7 :4] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[25] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
184      * |[26]    |EPEVT10   |Endpoint 10's USB Event Status
185      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 10.
186      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 10, check USBD_EPSTS1[11 :8] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[26] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
187      * |[27]    |EPEVT11   |Endpoint 11's USB Event Status
188      * |        |          |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 11.
189      * |        |          |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 11, check USBD_EPSTS1[ 15:12] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[27] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
190      * |[31]    |SETUP     |Setup Event Status
191      * |        |          |0 = No Setup event.
192      * |        |          |1 = Setup event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[31].
193      * @var USBD_T::FADDR
194      * Offset: 0x08  USB Device Function Address Register
195      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
196      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
197      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
198      * |[6:0]   |FADDR     |USB Device Function Address
199      * @var USBD_T::EPSTS
200      * Offset: 0x0C  USB Device Endpoint Status Register
201      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
203      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
204      * |[7]     |OV        |Overrun
205      * |        |          |It indicates that the received data is over the maximum payload number or not.
206      * |        |          |0 = No overrun.
207      * |        |          |1 = Out Data is more than the Max Payload in MXPLD register or the Setup Data is more than 8 Bytes.
208      * @var USBD_T::ATTR
209      * Offset: 0x10  USB Device Bus Status and Attribution Register
210      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
211      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
212      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
213      * |[0]     |USBRST    |USB Reset Status
214      * |        |          |0 = Bus no reset.
215      * |        |          |1 = Bus reset when SE0 (single-ended 0) more than 2.5us.
216      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
217      * |[1]     |SUSPEND   |Suspend Status
218      * |        |          |0 = Bus no suspend.
219      * |        |          |1 = Bus idle more than 3ms, either cable is plugged off or host is sleeping.
220      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
221      * |[2]     |RESUME    |Resume Status
222      * |        |          |0 = No bus resume.
223      * |        |          |1 = Resume from suspend.
224      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
225      * |[3]     |TOUT      |Time-out Status
226      * |        |          |0 = No time-out.
227      * |        |          |1 = No Bus response more than 18 bits time.
228      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
229      * |[4]     |PHYEN     |PHY Transceiver Function Enable Bit
230      * |        |          |0 = PHY transceiver function Disabled.
231      * |        |          |1 = PHY transceiver function Enabled.
232      * |[5]     |RWAKEUP   |Remote Wake-up
233      * |        |          |0 = Release the USB bus from K state.
234      * |        |          |1 = Force USB bus to K (USB_D+ low, USB_D-: high) state, used for remote wake-up.
235      * |[7]     |USBEN     |USB Controller Enable Bit
236      * |        |          |0 = USB Controller Disabled.
237      * |        |          |1 = USB Controller Enabled.
238      * |[8]     |DPPUEN    |Pull-up Resistor on USB_DP Enable Bit
239      * |        |          |0 = Pull-up resistor in USB_D+ bus Disabled.
240      * |        |          |1 = Pull-up resistor in USB_D+ bus Active.
241      * |[10]    |BYTEM     |CPU Access USB SRAM Size Mode Selection
242      * |        |          |0 = Word mode: The size of the transfer from CPU to USB SRAM can be Word only.
243      * |        |          |1 = Byte mode: The size of the transfer from CPU to USB SRAM can be Byte only.
244      * |[11]    |LPMACK    |LPM Token Acknowledge Enable Bit
245      * |        |          |The NYET/ACK will be returned only on a successful LPM transaction if no errors in both the EXT token and the LPM token and a valid bLinkState = 0001 (L1) is received, else ERROR and STALL will be returned automatically, respectively.
246      * |        |          |0= the valid LPM Token will be NYET.
247      * |        |          |1= the valid LPM Token will be ACK.
248      * |[12]    |L1SUSPEND |LPM L1 Suspend
249      * |        |          |0 = Bus no L1 state suspend.
250      * |        |          |1 = This bit is set by the hardware when LPM command to enter the L1 state is successfully received and acknowledged.
251      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
252      * |[13]    |L1RESUME  |LPM L1 Resume
253      * |        |          |0 = Bus no LPM L1 state resume.
254      * |        |          |1 = LPM L1 state Resume from LPM L1 state suspend.
255      * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only.
256      * @var USBD_T::VBUSDET
257      * Offset: 0x14  USB Device VBUS Detection Register
258      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
260      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
261      * |[0]     |VBUSDET   |Device VBUS Detection
262      * |        |          |0 = Controller is not attached to the USB host.
263      * |        |          |1 = Controller is attached to the USB host.
264      * @var USBD_T::STBUFSEG
265      * Offset: 0x18  SETUP Token Buffer Segmentation Register
266      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
267      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
268      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
269      * |[8:3]   |STBUFSEG  |SETUP Token Buffer Segmentation
270      * |        |          |It is used to indicate the offset address for the SETUP token with the USB Device SRAM starting address The effective starting address is
271      * |        |          |USBD_SRAM address + {STBUFSEG, 3'b000}
272      * |        |          |Where the USBD_SRAM address = USBD_BA+0x100h.
273      * |        |          |Note: It is used for SETUP token only.
274      * @var USBD_T::EPSTS0
275      * Offset: 0x20  USB Device Endpoint Status Register 0
276      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
277      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
278      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
279      * |[03:00] |EPSTS0    |Endpoint 0 Status
280      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
281      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
282      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
283      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
284      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
285      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
286      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
287      * |[07:04] |EPSTS1    |Endpoint 1 Status
288      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
289      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
290      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
291      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
292      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
293      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
294      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
295      * |[11:08] |EPSTS2    |Endpoint 2 Status
296      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
297      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
298      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
299      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
300      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
301      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
302      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
303      * |[15:12] |EPSTS3    |Endpoint 3 Status
304      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
305      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
306      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
307      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
308      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
309      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
310      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
311      * |[19:16] |EPSTS4    |Endpoint 4 Status
312      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
313      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
314      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
315      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
316      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
317      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
318      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
319      * |[23:20] |EPSTS5    |Endpoint 5 Status
320      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
321      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
322      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
323      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
324      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
325      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
326      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
327      * |[27:24] |EPSTS6    |Endpoint 6 Status
328      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
329      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
330      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
331      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
332      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
333      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
334      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
335      * |[31:28] |EPSTS7    |Endpoint 7 Status
336      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
337      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
338      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
339      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
340      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
341      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
342      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
343      * @var USBD_T::EPSTS1
344      * Offset: 0x24  USB Device Endpoint Status Register 1
345      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
347      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
348      * |[3:0]   |EPSTS8    |Endpoint 8 Status
349      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
350      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
351      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
352      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
353      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
354      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
355      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
356      * |[7:4]   |EPSTS9    |Endpoint 9 Status
357      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
358      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
359      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
360      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
361      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
362      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
363      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
364      * |[11:8]  |EPSTS10   |Endpoint 10 Status
365      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
366      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
367      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
368      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
369      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
370      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
371      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
372      * |[15:12] |EPSTS11   |Endpoint 11 Status
373      * |        |          |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
374      * |        |          |0000 = In ACK.
375      * |        |          |0001 = In NAK.
376      * |        |          |0010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
377      * |        |          |0011 = Setup ACK.
378      * |        |          |0110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
379      * |        |          |0111 = Isochronous transfer end.
380      * @var USBD_T::LPMATTR
381      * Offset: 0x88  USB LPM Attribution Register
382      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
383      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
384      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
385      * |[3:0]   |LPMLINKSTS|LPM Link State
386      * |        |          |These bits contain the bLinkState received with last ACK LPM Token
387      * |[7:4]   |LPMBESL   |LPM Best Effort Service Latency
388      * |        |          |These bits contain the BESL value received with last ACK LPM Token
389      * |[8]     |LPMRWAKUP |LPM Remote Wakeup
390      * |        |          |This bit contains the bRemoteWake value received with last ACK LPM Token
391      * @var USBD_T::FN
392      * Offset: 0x8C  USB Frame number Register
393      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
395      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
396      * |[10:0]  |FN        |Frame Number
397      * |        |          |These bits contain the 11-bits frame number in the last received SOF packet.
398      * @var USBD_T::SE0
399      * Offset: 0x90  USB Device Drive SE0 Control Register
400      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401      * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
402      * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
403      * |[0]     |SE0       |Drive Single Ended Zero in USB Bus
404      * |        |          |The Single Ended Zero (SE0) is when both lines (USB_D+ and USB_D-) are being pulled low.
405      * |        |          |0 = Normal operation.
406      * |        |          |1 = Force USB PHY transceiver to drive SE0.
407      */
409     __IO uint32_t INTEN;                 /*!< [0x0000] USB Device Interrupt Enable Register                             */
410     __IO uint32_t INTSTS;                /*!< [0x0004] USB Device Interrupt Event Status Register                       */
411     __IO uint32_t FADDR;                 /*!< [0x0008] USB Device Function Address Register                             */
412     __I  uint32_t EPSTS;                 /*!< [0x000c] USB Device Endpoint Status Register                              */
413     __IO uint32_t ATTR;                  /*!< [0x0010] USB Device Bus Status and Attribution Register                   */
414     __I  uint32_t VBUSDET;               /*!< [0x0014] USB Device VBUS Detection Register                               */
415     __IO uint32_t STBUFSEG;              /*!< [0x0018] SETUP Token Buffer Segmentation Register                         */
416     /// @cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
417     __I  uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
418     /// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
419     __I  uint32_t EPSTS0;                /*!< [0x0020] USB Device Endpoint Status Register 0                            */
420     __I  uint32_t EPSTS1;                /*!< [0x0024] USB Device Endpoint Status Register 1                            */
421     /// @cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
422     __I  uint32_t RESERVE1[24];
423     /// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
424     __I  uint32_t LPMATTR;               /*!< [0x0088] USB LPM Attribution Register                                     */
425     __I  uint32_t FN;                    /*!< [0x008c] USB Frame number Register                                        */
426     __IO uint32_t SE0;                   /*!< [0x0090] USB Device Drive SE0 Control Register                            */
427     /// @cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
428     __I  uint32_t RESERVE2[283];
429     /// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
430     USBD_EP_T     EP[12];                /*!< [0x500~0x5bc] USB End Point 0 ~ 11 Configuration Register                 */
432 } USBD_T;
435 /**
436     @addtogroup USBD_CONST USBD Bit Field Definition
437     Constant Definitions for USBD Controller
438 @{ */
440 #define USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Pos            (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: BUSIEN Position         */
441 #define USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: BUSIEN Mask             */
443 #define USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Pos            (1)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: USBIEN Position         */
444 #define USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: USBIEN Mask             */
446 #define USBD_INTEN_VBDETIEN_Pos          (2)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: VBDETIEN Position       */
447 #define USBD_INTEN_VBDETIEN_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_VBDETIEN_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: VBDETIEN Mask           */
449 #define USBD_INTEN_NEVWKIEN_Pos          (3)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: NEVWKIEN Position       */
450 #define USBD_INTEN_NEVWKIEN_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_NEVWKIEN_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: NEVWKIEN Mask           */
452 #define USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Pos            (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: SOFIEN Position         */
453 #define USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: SOFIEN Mask             */
455 #define USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Pos              (8)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: WKEN Position           */
456 #define USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Msk              (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Pos)                    /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: WKEN Mask               */
458 #define USBD_INTEN_INNAKEN_Pos           (15)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: INNAKEN Position        */
459 #define USBD_INTEN_INNAKEN_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_INNAKEN_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: INNAKEN Mask            */
461 #define USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Pos            (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: BUSIF Position         */
462 #define USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: BUSIF Mask             */
464 #define USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Pos            (1)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: USBIF Position         */
465 #define USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: USBIF Mask             */
467 #define USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Pos          (2)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: VBDETIF Position       */
468 #define USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: VBDETIF Mask           */
470 #define USBD_INTSTS_NEVWKIF_Pos          (3)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: NEVWKIF Position       */
471 #define USBD_INTSTS_NEVWKIF_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_NEVWKIF_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: NEVWKIF Mask           */
473 #define USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Pos            (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SOFIF Position         */
474 #define USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SOFIF Mask             */
476 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Pos           (16)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT0 Position        */
477 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT0 Mask            */
479 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Pos           (17)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT1 Position        */
480 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT1 Mask            */
482 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Pos           (18)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT2 Position        */
483 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT2 Mask            */
485 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Pos           (19)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT3 Position        */
486 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT3 Mask            */
488 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Pos           (20)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT4 Position        */
489 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT4 Mask            */
491 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Pos           (21)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT5 Position        */
492 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT5 Mask            */
494 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Pos           (22)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT6 Position        */
495 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT6 Mask            */
497 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Pos           (23)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT7 Position        */
498 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT7 Mask            */
500 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT8_Pos           (24)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT8 Position        */
501 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT8_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT8_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT8 Mask            */
503 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT9_Pos           (25)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT9 Position        */
504 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT9_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT9_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT9 Mask            */
506 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT10_Pos          (26)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT10 Position       */
507 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT10_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT10_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT10 Mask           */
509 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT11_Pos          (27)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT11 Position       */
510 #define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT11_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT11_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT11 Mask           */
512 #define USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Pos            (31)                                              /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SETUP Position         */
513 #define USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SETUP Mask             */
515 #define USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Pos             (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::FADDR: FADDR Position          */
516 #define USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Msk             (0x7ful << USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::FADDR: FADDR Mask              */
518 #define USBD_EPSTS_OV_Pos                (7)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: OV Position             */
519 #define USBD_EPSTS_OV_Msk                (0x1ul << USBD_EPSTS_OV_Pos)                      /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: OV Mask                 */
521 #define USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Pos             (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBRST Position          */
522 #define USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBRST Mask              */
524 #define USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Pos            (1)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: SUSPEND Position         */
525 #define USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: SUSPEND Mask             */
527 #define USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Pos             (2)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RESUME Position          */
528 #define USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RESUME Mask              */
530 #define USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Pos               (3)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: TOUT Position            */
531 #define USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Msk               (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Pos)                     /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: TOUT Mask                */
533 #define USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Pos              (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: PHYEN Position           */
534 #define USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Msk              (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Pos)                    /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: PHYEN Mask               */
536 #define USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Pos            (5)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RWAKEUP Position         */
537 #define USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Msk            (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Pos)                  /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RWAKEUP Mask             */
539 #define USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Pos              (7)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBEN Position           */
540 #define USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Msk              (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Pos)                    /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBEN Mask               */
542 #define USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Pos             (8)                                               /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: DPPUEN Position          */
543 #define USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: DPPUEN Mask              */
545 #define USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Pos              (10)                                              /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: BYTEM Position           */
546 #define USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk              (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Pos)                    /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: BYTEM Mask               */
548 #define USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Pos             (11)                                              /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: LPMACK Position          */
549 #define USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: LPMACK Mask              */
551 #define USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Pos          (12)                                              /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1SUSPEND Position       */
552 #define USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Msk          (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1SUSPEND Mask           */
554 #define USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Pos           (13)                                              /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1RESUME Position        */
555 #define USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Msk           (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1RESUME Mask            */
557 #define USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Pos         (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::VBUSDET: VBUSDET Position      */
558 #define USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Msk         (0x1ul << USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Pos)               /*!< USBD_T::VBUSDET: VBUSDET Mask          */
560 #define USBD_STBUFSEG_STBUFSEG_Pos       (3)                                               /*!< USBD_T::STBUFSEG: STBUFSEG Position    */
561 #define USBD_STBUFSEG_STBUFSEG_Msk       (0x3ful << USBD_STBUFSEG_STBUFSEG_Pos)            /*!< USBD_T::STBUFSEG: STBUFSEG Mask        */
563 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS0_Pos           (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS0 Position        */
564 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS0_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS0_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS0 Mask            */
566 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS1_Pos           (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS1 Position        */
567 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS1_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS1_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS1 Mask            */
569 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS2_Pos           (8)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS2 Position        */
570 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS2_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS2_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS2 Mask            */
572 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS3_Pos           (12)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS3 Position        */
573 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS3_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS3_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS3 Mask            */
575 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS4_Pos           (16)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS4 Position        */
576 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS4_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS4_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS4 Mask            */
578 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS5_Pos           (20)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS5 Position        */
579 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS5_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS5_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS5 Mask            */
581 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS6_Pos           (24)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS6 Position        */
582 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS6_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS6_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS6 Mask            */
584 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS7_Pos           (28)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS7 Position        */
585 #define USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS7_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS0_EPSTS7_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS0: EPSTS7 Mask            */
587 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS8_Pos           (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS8 Position        */
588 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS8_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS8_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS8 Mask            */
590 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS9_Pos           (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS9 Position        */
591 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS9_Msk           (0xful << USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS9_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS9 Mask            */
593 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS10_Pos          (8)                                               /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS10 Position       */
594 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS10_Msk          (0xful << USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS10_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS10 Mask           */
596 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS11_Pos          (12)                                              /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS11 Position       */
597 #define USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS11_Msk          (0xful << USBD_EPSTS1_EPSTS11_Pos)                /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS1: EPSTS11 Mask           */
599 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMLINKSTS_Pos      (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMLINKSTS Position   */
600 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMLINKSTS_Msk      (0xful << USBD_LPMATTR_LPMLINKSTS_Pos)            /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMLINKSTS Mask       */
602 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMBESL_Pos         (4)                                               /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMBESL Position      */
603 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMBESL_Msk         (0xful << USBD_LPMATTR_LPMBESL_Pos)               /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMBESL Mask          */
605 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMRWAKUP_Pos       (8)                                               /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMRWAKUP Position    */
606 #define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMRWAKUP_Msk       (0x1ul << USBD_LPMATTR_LPMRWAKUP_Pos)             /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMRWAKUP Mask        */
608 #define USBD_FN_FN_Pos                   (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::FN: FN Position                */
609 #define USBD_FN_FN_Msk                   (0x7fful << USBD_FN_FN_Pos)                       /*!< USBD_T::FN: FN Mask                    */
611 #define USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos                 (0)                                               /*!< USBD_T::SE0: SE0 Position              */
612 #define USBD_SE0_SE0_Msk                 (0x1ul << USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos)                       /*!< USBD_T::SE0: SE0 Mask                  */
614 #define USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Pos           (3)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::BUFSEG: BUFSEG Position     */
615 #define USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Msk           (0x3ful << USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Pos)                /*!< USBD_EP_T::BUFSEG: BUFSEG Mask         */
617 #define USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Pos             (0)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::MXPLD: MXPLD Position       */
618 #define USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Msk             (0x1fful << USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Pos)                 /*!< USBD_EP_T::MXPLD: MXPLD Mask           */
620 #define USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos               (0)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: EPNUM Position         */
621 #define USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk               (0xful << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos)                     /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: EPNUM Mask             */
623 #define USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos               (4)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: ISOCH Position         */
624 #define USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Msk               (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos)                     /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: ISOCH Mask             */
626 #define USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos               (5)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: STATE Position         */
627 #define USBD_CFG_STATE_Msk               (0x3ul << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)                     /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: STATE Mask             */
629 #define USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Pos             (7)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: DSQSYNC Position       */
630 #define USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: DSQSYNC Mask           */
632 #define USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Pos              (9)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: CSTALL Position        */
633 #define USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Msk              (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Pos)                    /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: CSTALL Mask            */
635 #define USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Pos             (0)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: CLRRDY Position       */
636 #define USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: CLRRDY Mask           */
638 #define USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Pos             (1)                                               /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: SSTALL Position       */
639 #define USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk             (0x1ul << USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Pos)                   /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: SSTALL Mask           */
641 /**@}*/ /* USBD_CONST */
642 /**@}*/ /* end of USBD register group */
643 /**@}*/ /* end of REGISTER group */
645 #if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
646 #pragma no_anon_unions
647 #endif
649 #endif /* __USBD_REG_H__ */