1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cyip_csd.h
3 *
4 * \brief
5 * CSD IP definitions
6 *
7 * \note
8 * Generator version:
9 *
10 ********************************************************************************
11 * \copyright
12 * Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
13 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
14 *
15 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
16 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
17 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
18 *
19 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
20 *
21 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
22 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
23 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
24 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
25 * limitations under the License.
26 *******************************************************************************/
28 #ifndef _CYIP_CSD_H_
29 #define _CYIP_CSD_H_
31 #include "cyip_headers.h"
33 /*******************************************************************************
34 *                                     CSD
35 *******************************************************************************/
37 #define CSD_SECTION_SIZE                        0x00001000UL
39 /**
40   * \brief Capsense Controller (CSD)
41   */
42 typedef struct {
43   __IOM uint32_t CONFIG;                        /*!< 0x00000000 Configuration and Control */
44   __IOM uint32_t SPARE;                         /*!< 0x00000004 Spare MMIO */
45    __IM uint32_t RESERVED[30];
46    __IM uint32_t STATUS;                        /*!< 0x00000080 Status Register */
47    __IM uint32_t STAT_SEQ;                      /*!< 0x00000084 Current Sequencer status */
48    __IM uint32_t STAT_CNTS;                     /*!< 0x00000088 Current status counts */
49    __IM uint32_t STAT_HCNT;                     /*!< 0x0000008C Current count of the HSCMP counter */
50    __IM uint32_t RESERVED1[16];
51    __IM uint32_t RESULT_VAL1;                   /*!< 0x000000D0 Result CSD/CSX accumulation counter value 1 */
52    __IM uint32_t RESULT_VAL2;                   /*!< 0x000000D4 Result CSX accumulation counter value 2 */
53    __IM uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
54    __IM uint32_t ADC_RES;                       /*!< 0x000000E0 ADC measurement */
55    __IM uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
56   __IOM uint32_t INTR;                          /*!< 0x000000F0 CSD Interrupt Request Register */
57   __IOM uint32_t INTR_SET;                      /*!< 0x000000F4 CSD Interrupt set register */
58   __IOM uint32_t INTR_MASK;                     /*!< 0x000000F8 CSD Interrupt mask register */
59    __IM uint32_t INTR_MASKED;                   /*!< 0x000000FC CSD Interrupt masked register */
60    __IM uint32_t RESERVED4[32];
61   __IOM uint32_t HSCMP;                         /*!< 0x00000180 High Speed Comparator configuration */
62   __IOM uint32_t AMBUF;                         /*!< 0x00000184 Reference Generator configuration */
63   __IOM uint32_t REFGEN;                        /*!< 0x00000188 Reference Generator configuration */
64   __IOM uint32_t CSDCMP;                        /*!< 0x0000018C CSD Comparator configuration */
65    __IM uint32_t RESERVED5[24];
66   __IOM uint32_t SW_RES;                        /*!< 0x000001F0 Switch Resistance configuration */
67    __IM uint32_t RESERVED6[3];
68   __IOM uint32_t SENSE_PERIOD;                  /*!< 0x00000200 Sense clock period */
69   __IOM uint32_t SENSE_DUTY;                    /*!< 0x00000204 Sense clock duty cycle */
70    __IM uint32_t RESERVED7[30];
71   __IOM uint32_t SW_HS_P_SEL;                   /*!< 0x00000280 HSCMP Pos input switch Waveform selection */
72   __IOM uint32_t SW_HS_N_SEL;                   /*!< 0x00000284 HSCMP Neg input switch Waveform selection */
73   __IOM uint32_t SW_SHIELD_SEL;                 /*!< 0x00000288 Shielding switches Waveform selection */
74    __IM uint32_t RESERVED8;
75   __IOM uint32_t SW_AMUXBUF_SEL;                /*!< 0x00000290 Amuxbuffer switches Waveform selection */
76   __IOM uint32_t SW_BYP_SEL;                    /*!< 0x00000294 AMUXBUS bypass switches Waveform selection */
77    __IM uint32_t RESERVED9[2];
78   __IOM uint32_t SW_CMP_P_SEL;                  /*!< 0x000002A0 CSDCMP Pos Switch Waveform selection */
79   __IOM uint32_t SW_CMP_N_SEL;                  /*!< 0x000002A4 CSDCMP Neg Switch Waveform selection */
80   __IOM uint32_t SW_REFGEN_SEL;                 /*!< 0x000002A8 Reference Generator Switch Waveform selection */
81    __IM uint32_t RESERVED10;
82   __IOM uint32_t SW_FW_MOD_SEL;                 /*!< 0x000002B0 Full Wave Cmod Switch Waveform selection */
83   __IOM uint32_t SW_FW_TANK_SEL;                /*!< 0x000002B4 Full Wave Csh_tank Switch Waveform selection */
84    __IM uint32_t RESERVED11[2];
85   __IOM uint32_t SW_DSI_SEL;                    /*!< 0x000002C0 DSI output switch control Waveform selection */
86    __IM uint32_t RESERVED12[3];
87   __IOM uint32_t IO_SEL;                        /*!< 0x000002D0 IO output control Waveform selection */
88    __IM uint32_t RESERVED13[11];
89   __IOM uint32_t SEQ_TIME;                      /*!< 0x00000300 Sequencer Timing */
90    __IM uint32_t RESERVED14[3];
91   __IOM uint32_t SEQ_INIT_CNT;                  /*!< 0x00000310 Sequencer Initial conversion and sample counts */
92   __IOM uint32_t SEQ_NORM_CNT;                  /*!< 0x00000314 Sequencer Normal conversion and sample counts */
93    __IM uint32_t RESERVED15[2];
94   __IOM uint32_t ADC_CTL;                       /*!< 0x00000320 ADC Control */
95    __IM uint32_t RESERVED16[7];
96   __IOM uint32_t SEQ_START;                     /*!< 0x00000340 Sequencer start */
97    __IM uint32_t RESERVED17[47];
98   __IOM uint32_t IDACA;                         /*!< 0x00000400 IDACA Configuration */
99    __IM uint32_t RESERVED18[63];
100   __IOM uint32_t IDACB;                         /*!< 0x00000500 IDACB Configuration */
101 } CSD_V1_Type;                                  /*!< Size = 1284 (0x504) */
104 /* CSD.CONFIG */
105 #define CSD_CONFIG_IREF_SEL_Pos                 0UL
106 #define CSD_CONFIG_IREF_SEL_Msk                 0x1UL
107 #define CSD_CONFIG_FILTER_DELAY_Pos             4UL
108 #define CSD_CONFIG_FILTER_DELAY_Msk             0x1F0UL
109 #define CSD_CONFIG_SHIELD_DELAY_Pos             10UL
110 #define CSD_CONFIG_SHIELD_DELAY_Msk             0xC00UL
111 #define CSD_CONFIG_SENSE_EN_Pos                 12UL
112 #define CSD_CONFIG_SENSE_EN_Msk                 0x1000UL
113 #define CSD_CONFIG_FULL_WAVE_Pos                17UL
114 #define CSD_CONFIG_FULL_WAVE_Msk                0x20000UL
115 #define CSD_CONFIG_MUTUAL_CAP_Pos               18UL
116 #define CSD_CONFIG_MUTUAL_CAP_Msk               0x40000UL
117 #define CSD_CONFIG_CSX_DUAL_CNT_Pos             19UL
118 #define CSD_CONFIG_CSX_DUAL_CNT_Msk             0x80000UL
119 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_COUNT_SEL_Pos            24UL
120 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_COUNT_SEL_Msk            0x1000000UL
121 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_SAMPLE_EN_Pos            25UL
122 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_SAMPLE_EN_Msk            0x2000000UL
123 #define CSD_CONFIG_SAMPLE_SYNC_Pos              26UL
124 #define CSD_CONFIG_SAMPLE_SYNC_Msk              0x4000000UL
125 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_SENSE_EN_Pos             27UL
126 #define CSD_CONFIG_DSI_SENSE_EN_Msk             0x8000000UL
127 #define CSD_CONFIG_LP_MODE_Pos                  30UL
128 #define CSD_CONFIG_LP_MODE_Msk                  0x40000000UL
129 #define CSD_CONFIG_ENABLE_Pos                   31UL
130 #define CSD_CONFIG_ENABLE_Msk                   0x80000000UL
131 /* CSD.SPARE */
132 #define CSD_SPARE_SPARE_Pos                     0UL
133 #define CSD_SPARE_SPARE_Msk                     0xFUL
134 /* CSD.STATUS */
135 #define CSD_STATUS_CSD_SENSE_Pos                1UL
136 #define CSD_STATUS_CSD_SENSE_Msk                0x2UL
137 #define CSD_STATUS_HSCMP_OUT_Pos                2UL
138 #define CSD_STATUS_HSCMP_OUT_Msk                0x4UL
139 #define CSD_STATUS_CSDCMP_OUT_Pos               3UL
140 #define CSD_STATUS_CSDCMP_OUT_Msk               0x8UL
141 /* CSD.STAT_SEQ */
142 #define CSD_STAT_SEQ_SEQ_STATE_Pos              0UL
143 #define CSD_STAT_SEQ_SEQ_STATE_Msk              0x7UL
144 #define CSD_STAT_SEQ_ADC_STATE_Pos              16UL
145 #define CSD_STAT_SEQ_ADC_STATE_Msk              0x70000UL
146 /* CSD.STAT_CNTS */
147 #define CSD_STAT_CNTS_NUM_CONV_Pos              0UL
148 #define CSD_STAT_CNTS_NUM_CONV_Msk              0xFFFFUL
149 /* CSD.STAT_HCNT */
150 #define CSD_STAT_HCNT_CNT_Pos                   0UL
151 #define CSD_STAT_HCNT_CNT_Msk                   0xFFFFUL
152 /* CSD.RESULT_VAL1 */
153 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL1_VALUE_Pos               0UL
154 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL1_VALUE_Msk               0xFFFFUL
155 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL1_BAD_CONVS_Pos           16UL
156 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL1_BAD_CONVS_Msk           0xFF0000UL
157 /* CSD.RESULT_VAL2 */
158 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL2_VALUE_Pos               0UL
159 #define CSD_RESULT_VAL2_VALUE_Msk               0xFFFFUL
160 /* CSD.ADC_RES */
161 #define CSD_ADC_RES_VIN_CNT_Pos                 0UL
162 #define CSD_ADC_RES_VIN_CNT_Msk                 0xFFFFUL
163 #define CSD_ADC_RES_HSCMP_POL_Pos               16UL
164 #define CSD_ADC_RES_HSCMP_POL_Msk               0x10000UL
165 #define CSD_ADC_RES_ADC_OVERFLOW_Pos            30UL
166 #define CSD_ADC_RES_ADC_OVERFLOW_Msk            0x40000000UL
167 #define CSD_ADC_RES_ADC_ABORT_Pos               31UL
168 #define CSD_ADC_RES_ADC_ABORT_Msk               0x80000000UL
169 /* CSD.INTR */
170 #define CSD_INTR_SAMPLE_Pos                     1UL
171 #define CSD_INTR_SAMPLE_Msk                     0x2UL
172 #define CSD_INTR_INIT_Pos                       2UL
173 #define CSD_INTR_INIT_Msk                       0x4UL
174 #define CSD_INTR_ADC_RES_Pos                    8UL
175 #define CSD_INTR_ADC_RES_Msk                    0x100UL
176 /* CSD.INTR_SET */
177 #define CSD_INTR_SET_SAMPLE_Pos                 1UL
178 #define CSD_INTR_SET_SAMPLE_Msk                 0x2UL
179 #define CSD_INTR_SET_INIT_Pos                   2UL
180 #define CSD_INTR_SET_INIT_Msk                   0x4UL
181 #define CSD_INTR_SET_ADC_RES_Pos                8UL
182 #define CSD_INTR_SET_ADC_RES_Msk                0x100UL
183 /* CSD.INTR_MASK */
184 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_SAMPLE_Pos                1UL
185 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_SAMPLE_Msk                0x2UL
186 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_INIT_Pos                  2UL
187 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_INIT_Msk                  0x4UL
188 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_ADC_RES_Pos               8UL
189 #define CSD_INTR_MASK_ADC_RES_Msk               0x100UL
191 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_SAMPLE_Pos              1UL
192 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_SAMPLE_Msk              0x2UL
193 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_INIT_Pos                2UL
194 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_INIT_Msk                0x4UL
195 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_ADC_RES_Pos             8UL
196 #define CSD_INTR_MASKED_ADC_RES_Msk             0x100UL
197 /* CSD.HSCMP */
198 #define CSD_HSCMP_HSCMP_EN_Pos                  0UL
199 #define CSD_HSCMP_HSCMP_EN_Msk                  0x1UL
200 #define CSD_HSCMP_HSCMP_INVERT_Pos              4UL
201 #define CSD_HSCMP_HSCMP_INVERT_Msk              0x10UL
202 #define CSD_HSCMP_AZ_EN_Pos                     31UL
203 #define CSD_HSCMP_AZ_EN_Msk                     0x80000000UL
204 /* CSD.AMBUF */
205 #define CSD_AMBUF_PWR_MODE_Pos                  0UL
206 #define CSD_AMBUF_PWR_MODE_Msk                  0x3UL
207 /* CSD.REFGEN */
208 #define CSD_REFGEN_REFGEN_EN_Pos                0UL
209 #define CSD_REFGEN_REFGEN_EN_Msk                0x1UL
210 #define CSD_REFGEN_BYPASS_Pos                   4UL
211 #define CSD_REFGEN_BYPASS_Msk                   0x10UL
212 #define CSD_REFGEN_VDDA_EN_Pos                  5UL
213 #define CSD_REFGEN_VDDA_EN_Msk                  0x20UL
214 #define CSD_REFGEN_RES_EN_Pos                   6UL
215 #define CSD_REFGEN_RES_EN_Msk                   0x40UL
216 #define CSD_REFGEN_GAIN_Pos                     8UL
217 #define CSD_REFGEN_GAIN_Msk                     0x1F00UL
218 #define CSD_REFGEN_VREFLO_SEL_Pos               16UL
219 #define CSD_REFGEN_VREFLO_SEL_Msk               0x1F0000UL
220 #define CSD_REFGEN_VREFLO_INT_Pos               23UL
221 #define CSD_REFGEN_VREFLO_INT_Msk               0x800000UL
222 /* CSD.CSDCMP */
223 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CSDCMP_EN_Pos                0UL
224 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CSDCMP_EN_Msk                0x1UL
225 #define CSD_CSDCMP_POLARITY_SEL_Pos             4UL
226 #define CSD_CSDCMP_POLARITY_SEL_Msk             0x30UL
227 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CMP_PHASE_Pos                8UL
228 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CMP_PHASE_Msk                0x300UL
229 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CMP_MODE_Pos                 28UL
230 #define CSD_CSDCMP_CMP_MODE_Msk                 0x10000000UL
231 #define CSD_CSDCMP_FEEDBACK_MODE_Pos            29UL
232 #define CSD_CSDCMP_FEEDBACK_MODE_Msk            0x20000000UL
233 #define CSD_CSDCMP_AZ_EN_Pos                    31UL
234 #define CSD_CSDCMP_AZ_EN_Msk                    0x80000000UL
235 /* CSD.SW_RES */
236 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCAV_Pos                 0UL
237 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCAV_Msk                 0x3UL
238 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCAG_Pos                 2UL
239 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCAG_Msk                 0xCUL
240 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCBV_Pos                 4UL
241 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCBV_Msk                 0x30UL
242 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCBG_Pos                 6UL
243 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_HCBG_Msk                 0xC0UL
244 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_F1PM_Pos                 16UL
245 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_F1PM_Msk                 0x30000UL
246 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_F2PT_Pos                 18UL
247 #define CSD_SW_RES_RES_F2PT_Msk                 0xC0000UL
249 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_SENSE_DIV_Pos          0UL
250 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_SENSE_DIV_Msk          0xFFFUL
251 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_SIZE_Pos          16UL
252 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_SIZE_Msk          0x70000UL
253 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_SCALE_Pos         20UL
254 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_SCALE_Msk         0xF00000UL
255 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_CLEAR_Pos         24UL
256 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_CLEAR_Msk         0x1000000UL
257 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_SEL_LFSR_MSB_Pos       25UL
258 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_SEL_LFSR_MSB_Msk       0x2000000UL
259 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_BITS_Pos          26UL
260 #define CSD_SENSE_PERIOD_LFSR_BITS_Msk          0xC000000UL
261 /* CSD.SENSE_DUTY */
262 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_SENSE_WIDTH_Pos          0UL
263 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_SENSE_WIDTH_Msk          0xFFFUL
264 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_SENSE_POL_Pos            16UL
265 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_SENSE_POL_Msk            0x10000UL
266 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_OVERLAP_PHI1_Pos         18UL
267 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_OVERLAP_PHI1_Msk         0x40000UL
268 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_OVERLAP_PHI2_Pos         19UL
269 #define CSD_SENSE_DUTY_OVERLAP_PHI2_Msk         0x80000UL
270 /* CSD.SW_HS_P_SEL */
271 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPM_Pos             0UL
272 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPM_Msk             0x1UL
273 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPT_Pos             4UL
274 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPT_Msk             0x10UL
275 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPS_Pos             8UL
276 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMPS_Msk             0x100UL
277 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMMA_Pos             12UL
278 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMMA_Msk             0x1000UL
279 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMMB_Pos             16UL
280 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMMB_Msk             0x10000UL
281 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMCA_Pos             20UL
282 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMCA_Msk             0x100000UL
283 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMCB_Pos             24UL
284 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMCB_Msk             0x1000000UL
285 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMRH_Pos             28UL
286 #define CSD_SW_HS_P_SEL_SW_HMRH_Msk             0x10000000UL
287 /* CSD.SW_HS_N_SEL */
288 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCCC_Pos             16UL
289 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCCC_Msk             0x10000UL
290 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCCD_Pos             20UL
291 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCCD_Msk             0x100000UL
292 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCRH_Pos             24UL
293 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCRH_Msk             0x7000000UL
294 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCRL_Pos             28UL
295 #define CSD_SW_HS_N_SEL_SW_HCRL_Msk             0x70000000UL
297 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCAV_Pos           0UL
298 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCAV_Msk           0x7UL
299 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCAG_Pos           4UL
300 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCAG_Msk           0x70UL
301 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCBV_Pos           8UL
302 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCBV_Msk           0x700UL
303 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCBG_Pos           12UL
304 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCBG_Msk           0x7000UL
305 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCCV_Pos           16UL
306 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCCV_Msk           0x10000UL
307 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCCG_Pos           20UL
308 #define CSD_SW_SHIELD_SEL_SW_HCCG_Msk           0x100000UL
310 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRBY_Pos          4UL
311 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRBY_Msk          0x10UL
312 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRLB_Pos          8UL
313 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRLB_Msk          0x100UL
314 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_ICA_Pos           12UL
315 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_ICA_Msk           0x1000UL
316 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_ICB_Pos           16UL
317 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_ICB_Msk           0x70000UL
318 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRLI_Pos          20UL
319 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRLI_Msk          0x100000UL
320 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRH_Pos           24UL
321 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRH_Msk           0x1000000UL
322 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRL_Pos           28UL
323 #define CSD_SW_AMUXBUF_SEL_SW_IRL_Msk           0x10000000UL
324 /* CSD.SW_BYP_SEL */
325 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_BYA_Pos               12UL
326 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_BYA_Msk               0x1000UL
327 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_BYB_Pos               16UL
328 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_BYB_Msk               0x10000UL
329 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_CBCC_Pos              20UL
330 #define CSD_SW_BYP_SEL_SW_CBCC_Msk              0x100000UL
331 /* CSD.SW_CMP_P_SEL */
332 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPM_Pos            0UL
333 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPM_Msk            0x7UL
334 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPT_Pos            4UL
335 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPT_Msk            0x70UL
336 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPS_Pos            8UL
337 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFPS_Msk            0x700UL
338 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFMA_Pos            12UL
339 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFMA_Msk            0x1000UL
340 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFMB_Pos            16UL
341 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFMB_Msk            0x10000UL
342 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFCA_Pos            20UL
343 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFCA_Msk            0x100000UL
344 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFCB_Pos            24UL
345 #define CSD_SW_CMP_P_SEL_SW_SFCB_Msk            0x1000000UL
346 /* CSD.SW_CMP_N_SEL */
347 #define CSD_SW_CMP_N_SEL_SW_SCRH_Pos            24UL
348 #define CSD_SW_CMP_N_SEL_SW_SCRH_Msk            0x7000000UL
349 #define CSD_SW_CMP_N_SEL_SW_SCRL_Pos            28UL
350 #define CSD_SW_CMP_N_SEL_SW_SCRL_Msk            0x70000000UL
352 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_IAIB_Pos           0UL
353 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_IAIB_Msk           0x1UL
354 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_IBCB_Pos           4UL
355 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_IBCB_Msk           0x10UL
356 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGMB_Pos           16UL
357 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGMB_Msk           0x10000UL
358 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGRP_Pos           20UL
359 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGRP_Msk           0x100000UL
360 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGRE_Pos           24UL
361 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGRE_Msk           0x1000000UL
362 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGR_Pos            28UL
363 #define CSD_SW_REFGEN_SEL_SW_SGR_Msk            0x10000000UL
364 /* CSD.SW_FW_MOD_SEL */
365 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1PM_Pos           0UL
366 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1PM_Msk           0x1UL
367 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1MA_Pos           8UL
368 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1MA_Msk           0x700UL
369 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1CA_Pos           16UL
370 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_F1CA_Msk           0x70000UL
371 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1CC_Pos           20UL
372 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1CC_Msk           0x100000UL
373 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1CD_Pos           24UL
374 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1CD_Msk           0x1000000UL
375 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1F1_Pos           28UL
376 #define CSD_SW_FW_MOD_SEL_SW_C1F1_Msk           0x10000000UL
377 /* CSD.SW_FW_TANK_SEL */
378 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2PT_Pos          4UL
379 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2PT_Msk          0x10UL
380 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2MA_Pos          8UL
381 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2MA_Msk          0x700UL
382 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2CA_Pos          12UL
383 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2CA_Msk          0x7000UL
384 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2CB_Pos          16UL
385 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_F2CB_Msk          0x70000UL
386 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2CC_Pos          20UL
387 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2CC_Msk          0x100000UL
388 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2CD_Pos          24UL
389 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2CD_Msk          0x1000000UL
390 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2F2_Pos          28UL
391 #define CSD_SW_FW_TANK_SEL_SW_C2F2_Msk          0x10000000UL
392 /* CSD.SW_DSI_SEL */
393 #define CSD_SW_DSI_SEL_DSI_CSH_TANK_Pos         0UL
394 #define CSD_SW_DSI_SEL_DSI_CSH_TANK_Msk         0xFUL
395 #define CSD_SW_DSI_SEL_DSI_CMOD_Pos             4UL
396 #define CSD_SW_DSI_SEL_DSI_CMOD_Msk             0xF0UL
397 /* CSD.IO_SEL */
398 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_OUT_Pos               0UL
399 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_OUT_Msk               0xFUL
400 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_OUT_EN_Pos            4UL
401 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_OUT_EN_Msk            0xF0UL
402 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_AMUXB_EN_Pos          12UL
403 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_AMUXB_EN_Msk          0xF000UL
404 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_OUT_Pos             16UL
405 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_OUT_Msk             0xF0000UL
406 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_OUT_EN_Pos          20UL
407 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_OUT_EN_Msk          0xF00000UL
408 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_AMUXA_EN_Pos        24UL
409 #define CSD_IO_SEL_CSD_TX_N_AMUXA_EN_Msk        0xF000000UL
410 /* CSD.SEQ_TIME */
411 #define CSD_SEQ_TIME_AZ_TIME_Pos                0UL
412 #define CSD_SEQ_TIME_AZ_TIME_Msk                0xFFUL
413 /* CSD.SEQ_INIT_CNT */
414 #define CSD_SEQ_INIT_CNT_CONV_CNT_Pos           0UL
415 #define CSD_SEQ_INIT_CNT_CONV_CNT_Msk           0xFFFFUL
416 /* CSD.SEQ_NORM_CNT */
417 #define CSD_SEQ_NORM_CNT_CONV_CNT_Pos           0UL
418 #define CSD_SEQ_NORM_CNT_CONV_CNT_Msk           0xFFFFUL
419 /* CSD.ADC_CTL */
420 #define CSD_ADC_CTL_ADC_TIME_Pos                0UL
421 #define CSD_ADC_CTL_ADC_TIME_Msk                0xFFUL
422 #define CSD_ADC_CTL_ADC_MODE_Pos                16UL
423 #define CSD_ADC_CTL_ADC_MODE_Msk                0x30000UL
424 /* CSD.SEQ_START */
425 #define CSD_SEQ_START_START_Pos                 0UL
426 #define CSD_SEQ_START_START_Msk                 0x1UL
427 #define CSD_SEQ_START_SEQ_MODE_Pos              1UL
428 #define CSD_SEQ_START_SEQ_MODE_Msk              0x2UL
429 #define CSD_SEQ_START_ABORT_Pos                 3UL
430 #define CSD_SEQ_START_ABORT_Msk                 0x8UL
431 #define CSD_SEQ_START_DSI_START_EN_Pos          4UL
432 #define CSD_SEQ_START_DSI_START_EN_Msk          0x10UL
433 #define CSD_SEQ_START_AZ0_SKIP_Pos              8UL
434 #define CSD_SEQ_START_AZ0_SKIP_Msk              0x100UL
435 #define CSD_SEQ_START_AZ1_SKIP_Pos              9UL
436 #define CSD_SEQ_START_AZ1_SKIP_Msk              0x200UL
437 /* CSD.IDACA */
438 #define CSD_IDACA_VAL_Pos                       0UL
439 #define CSD_IDACA_VAL_Msk                       0x7FUL
440 #define CSD_IDACA_POL_DYN_Pos                   7UL
441 #define CSD_IDACA_POL_DYN_Msk                   0x80UL
442 #define CSD_IDACA_POLARITY_Pos                  8UL
443 #define CSD_IDACA_POLARITY_Msk                  0x300UL
444 #define CSD_IDACA_BAL_MODE_Pos                  10UL
445 #define CSD_IDACA_BAL_MODE_Msk                  0xC00UL
446 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG1_MODE_Pos                 16UL
447 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG1_MODE_Msk                 0x30000UL
448 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG2_MODE_Pos                 18UL
449 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG2_MODE_Msk                 0xC0000UL
450 #define CSD_IDACA_DSI_CTRL_EN_Pos               21UL
451 #define CSD_IDACA_DSI_CTRL_EN_Msk               0x200000UL
452 #define CSD_IDACA_RANGE_Pos                     22UL
453 #define CSD_IDACA_RANGE_Msk                     0xC00000UL
454 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG1_EN_Pos                   24UL
455 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG1_EN_Msk                   0x1000000UL
456 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG2_EN_Pos                   25UL
457 #define CSD_IDACA_LEG2_EN_Msk                   0x2000000UL
458 /* CSD.IDACB */
459 #define CSD_IDACB_VAL_Pos                       0UL
460 #define CSD_IDACB_VAL_Msk                       0x7FUL
461 #define CSD_IDACB_POL_DYN_Pos                   7UL
462 #define CSD_IDACB_POL_DYN_Msk                   0x80UL
463 #define CSD_IDACB_POLARITY_Pos                  8UL
464 #define CSD_IDACB_POLARITY_Msk                  0x300UL
465 #define CSD_IDACB_BAL_MODE_Pos                  10UL
466 #define CSD_IDACB_BAL_MODE_Msk                  0xC00UL
467 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG1_MODE_Pos                 16UL
468 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG1_MODE_Msk                 0x30000UL
469 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG2_MODE_Pos                 18UL
470 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG2_MODE_Msk                 0xC0000UL
471 #define CSD_IDACB_DSI_CTRL_EN_Pos               21UL
472 #define CSD_IDACB_DSI_CTRL_EN_Msk               0x200000UL
473 #define CSD_IDACB_RANGE_Pos                     22UL
474 #define CSD_IDACB_RANGE_Msk                     0xC00000UL
475 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG1_EN_Pos                   24UL
476 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG1_EN_Msk                   0x1000000UL
477 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG2_EN_Pos                   25UL
478 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG2_EN_Msk                   0x2000000UL
479 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG3_EN_Pos                   26UL
480 #define CSD_IDACB_LEG3_EN_Msk                   0x4000000UL
483 #endif /* _CYIP_CSD_H_ */
486 /* [] END OF FILE */