/hal_espressif-3.6.0/tools/esp_app_trace/test/sysview/ |
D | blink.c | 26 if (xTaskNotifyWait(0, 0, NULL, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { in blink_task2() 42 if (xTaskNotify(task, 0, eNoAction) != pdPASS) { in blink_task2() 61 if (xTaskNotify(task, 0, eNoAction) != pdPASS) { in blink_task() 77 if (xTaskNotifyWait(0, 0, NULL, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { in blink_task()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/touch_element/test/ |
D | test_touch_button.c | 167 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "Button queue timeout"); in test_button_callback_trigger_and_check() 264 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "test_button_handler: queue timeout"); in test_button_handler() 365 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "Button LongPress queue timeout"); in test_button_callback_change_lp() 381 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "test_button_handler: queue timeout"); in test_button_change_lp_handler() 482 TEST_ASSERT(os_ret == pdPASS); in test_button_random_trigger_concurrent() 529 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(res_sem_ret == pdPASS, "Response timeout"); in test_random_trigger_concurrent_task() 539 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(res_sem_ret == pdPASS, "Response timeout"); in test_random_trigger_concurrent_task() 549 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(res_sem_ret == pdPASS, "Response timeout"); in test_random_trigger_concurrent_task() 561 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "valid message timeout"); in random_trigger_concurrent_handler()
D | test_touch_element.c | 267 …SSERT(monitor.valid_msg_handle != NULL && monitor.response_sig_handle != NULL && os_ret == pdPASS); in test_integrat_btn_sld_mat() 349 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "response queue timeout (500ms)"); in test_integrat_btn_sld_mat() 372 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "response queue timeout (500ms)"); in test_integrat_btn_sld_mat() 402 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "trigger queue timeout (500ms)"); in test_integration_monitor_task()
D | test_touch_slider.c | 118 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "Button queue timeout"); in test_slider_callback_trigger_and_check() 206 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "test_slider_handler: queue timeout"); in test_slider_handler()
D | test_touch_matrix.c | 184 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "Matrix queue timeout"); in test_matrix_callback_trigger_and_check() 278 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "test_matrix_handler: queue timeout"); in test_matrix_handler() 438 TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(os_ret == pdPASS, "test_matrix_handler: queue timeout"); in test_matrix_change_lp_handler()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freertos/ |
D | queue.c | 339 return pdPASS; in xQueueGenericReset() 692 xReturn = pdPASS; in xQueueGiveMutexRecursive() 727 xReturn = pdPASS; in xQueueTakeMutexRecursive() 947 return pdPASS; in xQueueGenericSend() 1188 xReturn = pdPASS; in xQueueGenericSendFromISR() 1358 xReturn = pdPASS; in xQueueGiveFromISR() 1433 return pdPASS; in xQueueReceive() 1613 return pdPASS; in xQueueSemaphoreTake() 1836 return pdPASS; in xQueuePeek() 2018 xReturn = pdPASS; in xQueueReceiveFromISR() [all …]
D | tasks.c | 760 xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() 810 xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskCreateRestricted() 901 xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskCreatePinnedToCore() 2291 xReturn = pdPASS; in vTaskStartScheduler() 2311 xReturn = pdPASS; in vTaskStartScheduler() 2322 if( xReturn == pdPASS ) in vTaskStartScheduler() 2333 if( xReturn == pdPASS ) in vTaskStartScheduler() 3010 xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskAbortDelay() 5527 BaseType_t xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskGenericNotify() 5656 BaseType_t xReturn = pdPASS; in xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/examples/system/sysview_tracing_heap_log/main/ |
D | sysview_heap_log.c | 26 if (xQueueReceive(queue, ( void * )&p, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { in free_task() 61 if (xQueueSend(queue, ( void * )&p, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { in alloc_task()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freertos/include/freertos/ |
D | croutine.h | 435 *pxResult = pdPASS; \ 533 *( pxResult ) = pdPASS; \
D | projdefs.h | 51 #define pdPASS ( pdTRUE ) macro
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freertos/test/ |
D | test_queuesets.c | 28 …TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(xQueueAddToSet(handles[i], set_handle) == pdPASS, "Failed to add to queue set"… 97 …TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(xQueueAddToSet(queue_handles[i], queueset_handle) == pdPASS, "Failed to add to…
D | test_freertos_task_utilities.c | 96 TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdPASS, xTaskAbortDelay(task_hdl));
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/protocomm/src/transports/ |
D | protocomm_console.c | 97 if (ret != pdPASS) { in protocomm_console_task() 224 config->stack_size, NULL, config->task_priority, &console_task) != pdPASS) { in protocomm_console_start()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freemodbus/tcp_slave/modbus_controller/ |
D | mbc_tcp_slave.c | 197 if (status != pdPASS) { in mbc_tcp_slave_create() 199 MB_SLAVE_CHECK((status == pdPASS), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, in mbc_tcp_slave_create()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/mdns/host_test/components/freertos_linux/include/freertos/ |
D | FreeRTOS.h | 39 #define pdPASS ( pdTRUE ) macro
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freemodbus/serial_slave/modbus_controller/ |
D | mbc_serial_slave.c | 223 if (status != pdPASS) { in mbc_serial_slave_create() 225 MB_SLAVE_CHECK((status == pdPASS), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, in mbc_serial_slave_create()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/esp_http_server/src/port/esp32/ |
D | osal.h | 31 if (ret == pdPASS) { in httpd_os_thread_create()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/mdns/test_afl_fuzz_host/ |
D | esp32_mock.c | 78 return pdPASS; in xQueueSend()
D | esp32_mock.h | 48 #define pdPASS ( pdTRUE ) macro
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/examples/bluetooth/nimble/bleprph/main/ |
D | scli.c | 116 if (ret != pdPASS) { in scli_task()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/freertos/port/riscv/include/freertos/ |
D | portmacro.h | 356 BaseType_t ret = pdPASS; \
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/examples/system/sysview_tracing/main/ |
D | sysview_tracing.c | 118 …mISR(tim_arg->thnd, tim_arg->count, eSetValueWithOverwrite, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken) != pdPASS) { in example_timer_isr()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/examples/system/eventfd/main/ |
D | eventfd_example.c | 113 assert( xTaskNotifyGive(s_worker_handle) == pdPASS ); in collector_task()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/components/wpa_supplicant/esp_supplicant/src/ |
D | esp_common.c | 267 if (ret != pdPASS) { in esp_supplicant_common_init() 591 if (xQueueSend(s_supplicant_evt_queue, &evt, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) != pdPASS) { in esp_supplicant_post_evt()
/hal_espressif-3.6.0/examples/bluetooth/nimble/blehr/main/ |
D | main.c | 143 if (xTimerReset(blehr_tx_timer, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) == pdPASS) { in blehr_tx_hrate_reset()