/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/freertos/ |
D | linker.lf | 9 tasks: uxTaskGetSnapshotAll (default) 10 tasks: prvTaskGetSnapshot (default) 11 tasks: prvTaskGetSnapshotsFromList (default) 14 tasks: xTaskCreateRestricted (default) 16 tasks: vTaskAllocateMPURegions (default) 17 tasks: prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace (default) 18 tasks: prvInitialiseNewTask (default) 19 tasks: prvInitialiseTaskLists (default) 20 tasks: prvDeleteTCB (default) 21 tasks: prvCheckTasksWaitingTermination (default) [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/freertos/test/ |
D | test_task_priorities.c | 27 TaskHandle_t tasks[portNUM_PROCESSORS][2] = { 0 }; variable 35 …", 2048, (void *)&(counters[cpu][task]), UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - task, &(tasks[cpu][task]), cpu); 42 TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - task, uxTaskPriorityGet(tasks[cpu][task])); 56 vTaskPrioritySet(tasks[cpu][0], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1); 57 vTaskPrioritySet(tasks[cpu][1], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY); 62 TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY -1, uxTaskPriorityGet(tasks[cpu][0])); 63 TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY, uxTaskPriorityGet(tasks[cpu][1])); 79 vTaskDelete(tasks[cpu][task]);
D | test_tasks_snapshot.c | 17 TaskSnapshot_t tasks[TEST_MAX_TASKS_NUM]; variable 29 UBaseType_t task_num = uxTaskGetSnapshotAll(tasks, TEST_MAX_TASKS_NUM, &tcb_sz);
D | test_suspend_scheduler.c | 137 TaskHandle_t tasks[portNUM_PROCESSORS][TASKS_PER_PROC] = { 0 }; variable 148 &tasks[p][t], p); 149 TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( tasks[p][t] ); 199 vTaskDelete(tasks[p][t]);
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/tools/test_idf_monitor/tests/ |
D | core1_out.txt | 38 I (434) esp_core_dump_elf: Found tasks: 8 163 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb5e80 0x15c RW 164 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb5cf0 0x188 RW 165 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb6d48 0x15c RW 166 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb6c20 0x120 RW 167 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb65e4 0x15c RW 168 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb64b0 0x12c RW 169 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb77a0 0x15c RW 170 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb75d0 0x1c8 RW 171 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb4bf0 0x15c RW [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/espcoredump/test/ |
D | expected_output | 78 …9 process 1073434712 xQueueGenericReceive (xQueue=0x3ffb4bdc <tasks+576>, pvBuffer=0x0, xTicksT… 101 …eckTasksWaitingTermination () at /home/alexey/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:3630 108 …eckTasksWaitingTermination () at /home/alexey/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:3630 113 …skDelay (xTicksToDelay=72812) at /home/alexey/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:1437 119 …skDelay (xTicksToDelay=72812) at /home/alexey/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:1437 136 #0 xQueueGenericReceive (xQueue=0x3ffb4bdc <tasks+576>, pvBuffer=0x0, xTicksToWait=<optimized out>… 162 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb6260 0x17c RW 163 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffbaa10 0x1f0 RW 164 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffba278 0x17c RW 165 .coredump.tasks.data 0x3ffb9f60 0x304 RW [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/examples/system/freertos/real_time_stats/ |
D | README.md | 5 FreeRTOS provides the function `vTaskGetRunTimeStats()` to obtain CPU usage statistics of tasks. Ho… 7 This example demonstrates how to get CPU usage statistics of tasks with respect to a specified dura… 66 ### Spin tasks 68 During the examples initialization process, multiple `spin` tasks are created. These tasks will sim… 72 …tasks consume nearly an equal amount of time over the specified stats collection period of `print_…
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/esp_gdbstub/ |
D | Kconfig | 9 bool "Enable listing FreeRTOS tasks through GDB Stub" 13 If enabled, GDBStub can supply the list of FreeRTOS tasks to GDB. 19 int "Maximum number of tasks supported by GDB Stub" 23 Set the number of tasks which GDB Stub will support.
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/examples/system/task_watchdog/ |
D | README.md | 3 This test code shows how to initialize the task watchdog, add tasks to the 4 watchdog task list, feeding the tasks, deleting tasks from the watchdog task
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/tools/idf_py_actions/ |
D | debug_ext.py | 218 def global_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks): argument 220 for index, task in enumerate(tasks): 222 tasks.insert(0, tasks.pop(index)) 225 debug_targets = any([task.name in ('openocd', 'gdbgui') for task in tasks]) 234 if any([task.name in ('monitor', 'gdb', 'gdbtui') for task in tasks]): 238 tasks.append(post_action) # always last 239 if any([task.name == 'openocd' for task in tasks]): 240 for task in tasks:
D | serial_ext.py | 133 def global_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks): argument 134 … encryption = any([task.name in ('encrypted-flash', 'encrypted-app-flash') for task in tasks]) 136 for task in tasks:
D | README.md | 32 Where function `global_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks)` accepts 3 arguments: 36 - tasks - list of Task objects
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/app_trace/test/ |
D | test_trace.c | 122 esp_apptrace_test_task_arg_t *tasks; member 416 test_cfg->tasks[i].data.mask = 0xFF; in esp_apptrace_test() 417 test_cfg->tasks[i].stop = 0; in esp_apptrace_test() 418 test_cfg->tasks[i].done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); in esp_apptrace_test() 419 if (!test_cfg->tasks[i].done) { in esp_apptrace_test() 423 for (k = 0; k < test_cfg->tasks[i].timers_num; k++) { in esp_apptrace_test() 424 test_cfg->tasks[i].timers[k].data.mask = 0xFF; in esp_apptrace_test() 425 tims_in_use[test_cfg->tasks[i].timers[k].group][test_cfg->tasks[i].timers[k].id] = 1; in esp_apptrace_test() 452 …atePinnedToCore(test_cfg->tasks[i].task_func, name, 2048, &test_cfg->tasks[i], test_cfg->tasks[i].… in esp_apptrace_test() 461 xSemaphoreTake(test_cfg->tasks[i].done, portMAX_DELAY); in esp_apptrace_test() [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/tools/ |
D | idf.py | 536 def execute_tasks(self, tasks, **kwargs): argument 546 [item for item, count in Counter(task.name for task in tasks).items() if count > 1]) 555 for task in tasks: 585 action_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks) 588 if not tasks: 593 while tasks: 594 task = tasks[0] 595 tasks_dict = dict([(t.name, t) for t in tasks]) 604 dep_task = tasks.pop(tasks.index(tasks_dict[dep])) 619 tasks.insert(0, dep_task) [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/docs/en/api-guides/ |
D | freertos-smp.rst | 13 run tasks interchangeably between them. 26 :ref:`tasks-and-task-creation`: Use :cpp:func:`xTaskCreatePinnedToCore` or 27 :cpp:func:`xTaskCreateStaticPinnedToCore` to create tasks in ESP-IDF FreeRTOS. The 33 :ref:`round-robin-scheduling`: The ESP-IDF FreeRTOS scheduler will skip tasks when 34 implementing Round-Robin scheduling between multiple tasks in the Ready state 35 that are of the same priority. To avoid this behavior, ensure that those tasks either 61 Therefore, tasks that utilize ``float`` will automatically be pinned to a core if 91 For more details see :component_file:`freertos/tasks.c` 123 to run from a list of tasks in the Ready state known as the Ready Tasks List 136 Given multiple tasks in the Ready state and of the same priority, vanilla [all …]
D | thread-local-storage.rst | 29 …er can allocate thread local variables of an arbitrary size and assign them to any number of tasks. 30 Different tasks can have different sets of TLS variables. 61 ESP-IDF system tasks (like ``ipc``, ``timer`` tasks etc.) will also have that extra stack space all… 64 with the cost of additional stack usage for all tasks in the system. 65 Due to static nature of variables allocation all tasks in the system have the same sets of C11 thre…
D | core_dump.rst | 15 …r on. Core dump contains snapshots of all tasks in the system at the moment of failure. Snapshots … 20 * info_corefile - prints crashed task's registers, callstack, list of available tasks in the system… 21 … GDB debug session with this file. User can examine memory, variables and tasks states manually. N… 41 The ELF format contains extended features and allow to save more information about broken tasks and… 45 3. Maximum number of tasks snapshots in core dump (`Components -> Core dump -> Maximum number of ta… 72 …B and stack for every task. So partirion size should be at least 20 + max tasks number x (12 + TCB… 95 It is possible situation that at the moment of crash some tasks or/and crashed task itself have one…
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/examples/system/sysview_tracing_heap_log/ |
D | README.md | 9 …tasks. One task allocates memory and puts obtained addresses into the queue. Another task waits on… 71 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:804 75 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:809 83 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:804 87 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:809 135 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:804 139 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:809 147 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:804 151 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:809 161 /home/user/projects/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:809 [all …]
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/docs/en/api-reference/system/ |
D | wdts.rst | 12 time. The TWDT is responsible for detecting instances of tasks running without 19 is bad because no other tasks, including potentially important ones like the WiFi task and the idle… 60 The Task Watchdog Timer (TWDT) is responsible for detecting instances of tasks 73 information about which tasks failed to reset the TWDT in time and which 74 tasks are currently running. 84 any subscribed tasks to periodically call :cpp:func:`esp_task_wdt_reset` 85 indicates that one or more tasks have been starved of CPU time or are stuck in a 90 longer call :cpp:func:`esp_task_wdt_reset`. Once all tasks have unsubscribed 97 intensive calculation and should not yield to other tasks). It is also possible to change this
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/examples/system/select/ |
D | README.md | 4 function with UART and socket file descriptors. The example starts three tasks: 9 UART1 or the socket, and receives the sent messages from the other tasks.
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/pthread/ |
D | Kconfig | 8 Priority used to create new tasks with default pthread parameters. 14 Stack size used to create new tasks with default pthread parameters.
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/components/heap/ |
D | heap_task_info.c | 105 if (params->tasks) { in heap_caps_get_per_task_info() 108 if (btask == params->tasks[i]) { in heap_caps_get_per_task_info()
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/tools/test_idf_py/extra_path/ |
D | some_ext.py | 5 def some_global_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks): argument
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/tools/test_idf_py/test_idf_extensions/test_ext/ |
D | test_extension.py | 8 def test_global_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks): argument
/hal_espressif-2.7.6/examples/ethernet/iperf/ |
D | sdkconfig.defaults | 9 # Enable FreeRTOS stats formatting functions, needed for 'tasks' command