/Zephyr-latest/tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/src/ |
D | test_transport.c | 671 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 681 TEST_CASE(tx, unicast, "Transport: send to unicast addr"), 682 TEST_CASE(tx, group, "Transport: send to group addr"), 683 TEST_CASE(tx, fixed, "Transport: send to fixed group addr"), 684 TEST_CASE(tx, va, "Transport: send to virtual addr"), 685 TEST_CASE(tx, va_collision, "Transport: send to virtual addr"), 686 TEST_CASE(tx, loopback, "Transport: send loopback"), 687 TEST_CASE(tx, loopback_group, "Transport: send loopback and group"), 688 TEST_CASE(tx, unknown_app, "Transport: send with unknown app key"), 689 TEST_CASE(tx, seg_block, "Transport: send blocked segmented"), [all …]
D | test_proxy_sol.c | 286 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 296 TEST_CASE(tester, beacon_rcvd, "Check for beacon after solicitation"), 297 TEST_CASE(tester, immediate_replay_attack, "Perform replay attack immediately"), 298 TEST_CASE(tester, power_replay_attack, "Perform replay attack after power cycle of iut"), 300 TEST_CASE(iut, beacon_send, "Respond with beacon after solicitation"), 301 TEST_CASE(iut, immediate_replay_attack, "Device is under immediate replay attack"), 302 TEST_CASE(iut, power_replay_attack, "Device is under power cycle replay attack"),
D | test_friendship.c | 1158 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1168 TEST_CASE(friend, est, "Friend: establish friendship"), 1169 TEST_CASE(friend, est_multi, "Friend: establish multiple friendships"), 1170 TEST_CASE(friend, msg, "Friend: message exchange"), 1171 TEST_CASE(friend, overflow, "Friend: message queue overflow"), 1172 TEST_CASE(friend, group, "Friend: send to group addrs"), 1173 TEST_CASE(friend, no_est, "Friend: do not establish friendship"), 1174 TEST_CASE(friend, va_collision, "Friend: send to virtual addrs with collision"), 1176 TEST_CASE(lpn, est, "LPN: establish friendship"), 1177 TEST_CASE(lpn, msg_frnd, "LPN: message exchange with friend"), [all …]
D | test_heartbeat.c | 198 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 208 TEST_CASE(publish, unicast, "Heartbeat: Publish heartbeat to unicast"), 209 TEST_CASE(subscribe, unicast, "Heartbeat: Subscribe to heartbeat from unicast"), 210 TEST_CASE(publish, all, "Heartbeat: Publish heartbeat to all nodes"), 211 TEST_CASE(subscribe, all, "Heartbeat: Subscribe to heartbeat all nodes"),
D | test_scanner.c | 193 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 203 TEST_CASE(tx, invalid_ad_type, "Scanner: Invalid AD Type"), 204 TEST_CASE(tx, wrong_packet_length, "Scanner: Wrong data length"), 206 TEST_CASE(rx, invalid_packet, "Scanner: Invalid packet"),
D | test_op_agg.c | 278 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 287 TEST_CASE(cli, max_len_sequence_msg_send, 290 TEST_CASE(tester, model_coex, "Tester: Coexistence of OpAggSrv and OpAggCli."), 291 TEST_CASE(srv, max_len_status_msg_send, 293 TEST_CASE(dut, model_coex, "DUT: Coexistence of OpAggSrv and OpAggCli."), 294 TEST_CASE(dut, model_coex_loopback, "DUT: Coexistence for OpAggSrv and OpAggCli loopback."),
D | test_replay_cache.c | 467 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 477 TEST_CASE(tx, immediate_replay_attack, "RPC: perform replay attack immediately"), 478 TEST_CASE(tx, power_replay_attack, "RPC: perform replay attack after power cycle"), 479 TEST_CASE(tx, rpl_frag, "RPC: Send messages after double IVI Update"), 481 TEST_CASE(rx, immediate_replay_attack, "RPC: device under immediate attack"), 482 TEST_CASE(rx, power_replay_attack, "RPC: device under power cycle reply attack"), 483 TEST_CASE(rx, rpl_frag, "RPC: Test RPL fragmentation after double IVI Update"), 484 TEST_CASE(rx, reboot_after_defrag, "RPC: Test PRL after defrag and reboot"),
D | test_sar.c | 292 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 301 TEST_CASE(cli, max_len_sdu_send, 303 TEST_CASE(srv, max_len_sdu_receive, 305 TEST_CASE(cli, max_len_sdu_slow_send, 307 TEST_CASE(srv, max_len_sdu_slow_receive, 320 TEST_CASE(srv, cfg_store, "Set and save SAR RX/TX configuration"), 321 TEST_CASE(srv, cfg_restore, "Restore SAR RX/TX configuration"),
D | test_dfu.c | 1630 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1641 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu, "Distributor performs DFU"), 1642 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_self_update, "Distributor performs DFU with self update"), 1643 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_create, "Distributor creates image slots"), 1644 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_create_recover, 1646 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_delete_all, "Distributor deletes all image slots"), 1647 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_check_delete_all, 1649 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_reservation, 1651 TEST_CASE(dist, dfu_slot_idempotency, 1653 TEST_CASE(cli, stop, "DFU Client stops at configured point of Firmware Distribution"), [all …]
D | test_blob.c | 1668 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1678 TEST_CASE(cli, caps_all_rsp, "Caps procedure: All responsive targets"), 1679 TEST_CASE(cli, caps_partial_rsp, "Caps procedure: Mixed response from targets"), 1680 TEST_CASE(cli, caps_no_rsp, "Caps procedure: No response from targets"), 1681 TEST_CASE(cli, caps_cancelled, "Caps procedure: Cancel caps"), 1682 TEST_CASE(cli, broadcast_basic, "Test basic broadcast API and CBs "), 1683 TEST_CASE(cli, broadcast_trans, "Test all broadcast transmission types"), 1684 TEST_CASE(cli, broadcast_unicast_seq, "Test broadcast with unicast addr (Sequential)"), 1685 TEST_CASE(cli, broadcast_unicast, "Test broadcast with unicast addr"), 1686 TEST_CASE(cli, trans_complete, "Transfer completes successfully on client (Default: Push)"), [all …]
D | test_iv_index.c | 151 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 161 TEST_CASE(ivu, recovery, "IVI: IV recovery procedure"), 162 TEST_CASE(ivu, normal, "IVI: IV update procedure"), 163 TEST_CASE(ivu, deferring, "IVI: deferring of the IV update procedure"),
D | test_advertiser.c | 952 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 962 TEST_CASE(tx, cb_single, "ADV: tx cb parameter checker"), 963 TEST_CASE(tx, cb_multi, "ADV: tx cb sequence checker"), 964 TEST_CASE(tx, proxy_mixin, "ADV: proxy mix-in gatt adv"), 965 TEST_CASE(tx, send_cancel, "ADV: tx send cancel"), 966 TEST_CASE(tx, send_terminate, "ADV: tx send terminate"), 967 TEST_CASE(tx, send_order, "ADV: tx send order"), 968 TEST_CASE(tx, send_relay, "ADV: tx relay sent order"), 969 TEST_CASE(tx, reverse_order, "ADV: tx reversed order"), 970 TEST_CASE(tx, random_order, "ADV: tx random order"), [all …]
D | test_provision.c | 1784 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1804 TEST_CASE(device, unresponsive, 1806 TEST_CASE(device, no_oob, "Device: provisioning use no-oob method"), 1811 TEST_CASE(device, reprovision, "Device: provisioning, reprovision"), 1813 TEST_CASE(device, pb_remote_server_unproved, 1815 TEST_CASE(device, pb_remote_server_nppi_robustness, 1817 TEST_CASE(device, pb_remote_server_unproved_unresponsive, 1819 TEST_CASE(device, pb_remote_client_server_same_dev, 1821 TEST_CASE(device, pb_remote_server_same_dev, 1824 TEST_CASE(provisioner, iv_update_flag_zero, [all …]
D | test_beacon.c | 2196 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 2207 TEST_CASE(tx, on_iv_update, "Beacon: send on IV update"), 2208 TEST_CASE(tx, on_key_refresh, "Beacon: send on key refresh"), 2209 TEST_CASE(tx, invalid, "Beacon: send invalid beacon"), 2210 TEST_CASE(tx, kr_old_key, "Beacon: send old Net Key"), 2211 TEST_CASE(tx, multiple_netkeys, "Beacon: multiple Net Keys"), 2212 TEST_CASE(tx, secure_beacon_interval, "Beacon: send secure beacons"), 2213 TEST_CASE(tx, beacon_cache, "Beacon: advertise duplicate SNBs"), 2214 TEST_CASE(tx, priv_on_iv_update, "Private Beacon: send on IV update"), 2215 TEST_CASE(tx, priv_on_key_refresh, "Private Beacon: send on Key Refresh"), [all …]
D | test_suspend.c | 467 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 474 TEST_CASE(dut, suspend_resume, 476 TEST_CASE(dut, suspend_disable_resume, 478 TEST_CASE(dut, gatt_suspend_resume, 480 TEST_CASE(dut, gatt_suspend_disable_resume, 483 TEST_CASE(tester, pub, "Scan and verify behavior of periodic publishing adv"), 484 TEST_CASE(tester, gatt, "Scan and verify behavior of GATT proxy adv"),
D | test_access.c | 975 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 984 TEST_CASE(tx, ext_model, "Access: tx data of extended models"), 985 TEST_CASE(sub, ext_model, "Access: data subscription of extended models"), 986 TEST_CASE(sub_capacity, ext_model, "Access: subscription capacity of extended models"), 987 TEST_CASE(tx, period, "Access: Publish a message periodically"), 988 TEST_CASE(rx, period, "Access: Receive periodically published message"), 989 TEST_CASE(tx, transmit, "Access: Publish and retransmit message"), 990 TEST_CASE(rx, transmit, "Access: Receive retransmitted messages"), 991 TEST_CASE(tx, cancel, "Access: Cancel a message during publication"), 992 TEST_CASE(rx, cancel, "Access: Receive published messages except cancelled"), [all …]
D | test_lcd.c | 458 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 469 TEST_CASE(cli, max_sdu_comp_data_request, "Request comp data with max SDU length"), 470 TEST_CASE(cli, split_comp_data_request, "Request continuous comp data in two samples."), 471 TEST_CASE(cli, max_sdu_metadata_request, "Request metadata with max SDU length"), 472 TEST_CASE(cli, split_metadata_request, "Request continuous metadata in two samples."), 474 TEST_CASE(srv, comp_data_status_respond, "Process incoming GET LCD messages."), 475 TEST_CASE(srv, metadata_status_respond, "Process incoming GET metadata messages."),
D | test_brg.c | 1136 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1146 TEST_CASE(tester, simple, 1149 TEST_CASE(tester, simple_group, 1152 TEST_CASE(tester, simple_va, 1155 TEST_CASE(tester, table_state_change, 1158 TEST_CASE(tester, net_key_remove, 1162 TEST_CASE(tester, persistence, "Tester node: test persistence of subnet bridge states"), 1164 TEST_CASE(tester, ivu, "Tester node: tests subnet bridge with IV Update procedure"), 1165 TEST_CASE(tester, key_refresh, 1167 TEST_CASE(bridge, simple, "Subnet Bridge node"), [all …]
D | test_persistence.c | 1134 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 1144 TEST_CASE(provisioning, data_save, "Save provisioning data"), 1145 TEST_CASE(provisioning, data_load, "Load previously saved data and verify"), 1146 TEST_CASE(access, data_save, "Save access data"), 1147 TEST_CASE(access, data_load, "Load previously saved access data and verify"), 1148 TEST_CASE(access, sub_overwrite, "Overwrite Subscription List and store"), 1149 TEST_CASE(access, data_remove, "Remove stored access data"), 1150 TEST_CASE(cfg, save, "Save mesh configuration"), 1151 TEST_CASE(cfg, load, "Load previously stored mesh configuration and verify"), 1152 TEST_CASE(reprovisioning, device, "Reprovisioning test, device role"), [all …]
D | test_cdp1.c | 419 #define TEST_CASE(role, name, description) \ macro 426 TEST_CASE(node, data_comparison, "Compare encoded and decoded CDP1 data."),