1.. zephyr:board:: nucleo_f722ze 2 3Overview 4******** 5 6The Nucleo F722ZE board features an ARM Cortex-M7 based STM32F722ZE MCU. 7 8Key Features: 9 10- STM32 microcontroller in LQFP144 package 11- USB full-speed/high-speed device 12- 3 user LEDs 13- 1 user button and 1 reset button 14- 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator 15- Board connectors: 16 - USB Micro-AB 17 - SWD 18 - ST Zio connector (Arduino Uno R3 compatible) 19 - ST Morpho connector 20- On-board ST-LINK debugger/programmer 21- Flexible power supply options, including ST-LINK VBUS and external sources. 22 23Hardware 24******** 25 26Nucleo F722ZE provides the following hardware components: 27 28- STM32F722ZET6 microcontroller in LQFP144 package 29- ARM |reg| Cortex |reg|-M4 with FPU 30- Adaptive Real-Time Accelerator (ART Accelerator) 31- 216MHz max CPU frequency 32- 512 KB flash 33- 256 KB RAM 34- I2C (3) 35- USART/UART (4) 36- SPI (5) 37- I2S (3) 38- SAI (2) 39- USB OTG Full-speed (1) 40- USB OTG Full-speed/high-speed (1) 41- SDMMC (2) 42- CAN (1) 43- Dual mode Quad-SPI 44- Random number generator (RNG) 45- 3x 12-bit ADC, up to 2.4 MSPS with 24 channels or 7.2 MSPS in triple-interleaved mode 46- 2x 12-bit DAC 47- 16-channel DMA controller 48- 16-bit timers (13) with PWM, pulse counter, and quadrature features 49- 32-bit timers (2) with PWM, pulse counter, and quadrature features 50- CRC 51- 96-bit unique ID 52- Die temperature 53 54Supported Features 55================== 56 57.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 58 59Connections and IOs 60=================== 61 62- SDMMC1: Pins marked as "SDMMC" on the ST Zio connector. 63 - D0: PC8 (CN8 pin 2) 64 - D1: PC9 (CN8 pin 4) 65 - D2: PC10 (CN8 pin 6) 66 - D3: PC11 (CN8 pin 8) 67 - CK: PC12 (CN8 pin 10) 68 - CMD: PD2 (CN8 pin 12) 69- ADC1: 70 - IN3: PA3 (CN9 pin 1, Arduino A0) 71 - IN10: PC0 (CN9 pin 3, Arduino A1) 72- DAC1: 73 - OUT1: PA4 (CN7 pin 17) 74- I2C2: Pins marked as "I2C" on the ST Zio connector. 75 - SCL: PF1 (CN9 pin 19) 76 - SDA: PF0 (CN9 pin 21) 77- CAN1: Pins marked as "CAN" on the ST Zio connector. 78 - RX: PD0 (CN9 pin 25) 79 - TX: PD1 (CN9 pin 27) 80- USART2: Pins marked as "USART" on the ST Zio connector. 81 - RX: PD6 (CN9 pin 4) 82 - TX: PD5 (CN9 pin 6) 83 - RTS: PD4 (CN9 pin 8) 84 - CTS: PD3 (CN9 pin 10) 85- PWM1: Uses TIMER1. 86 - PE13 (CN10 pin 10, Arduino D3) 87 - PE11 (CN10 pin 6, Arduino D5) 88- USART3: Connected to ST-Link virtual COM port. 89 - TX: PD8 90 - RX: PD9 91- USART6: Arduino UART port. 92 - RX: PG9 (CN10 pin 16, Arduino D0) 93 - TX: PG14 (CN10 pin 14, Arduino D1) 94- USBOTG_FS: Connected to USB Micro-AB connector (CN13) 95 - DM: PA11 96 - DP: PA12 97 - ID: PA10 98- QUADSPI: Pins marked as "QSPI" on the ST Zio connector. 99 - CS: PB6 (CN10 pin 13) 100 - CLK: PB2 (CN10 pin 15) 101 - IO3: PD13 (CN10 pin 19) 102 - IO1: PD12 (CN10 pin 21) 103 - IO0: PD11 (CN10 pin 23) 104 - IO2: PE2 (CN10 pin 25) 105 106System Clock 107------------ 108 109By default, the system clock is driven by the external clock supplied by 110the ST-LINK interface. Nucleo F722ZE system clock can be driven by internal 111or external sources. 112 113Serial Port 114----------- 115 116Zephyr console is assigned to UART3 (ST-Link Virtual COM Port) by default, 117using 115200 8N1. 118 119Programming and Debugging 120************************* 121 122The ``nucleo_f722ze`` can be flashed and debugged in the typical manner. 123The Nucleo F722ZE board includes an ST-LINK V2-1 debugger. 124 125Refer to :ref:`build_an_application` and :ref:`application_run` for detailed 126instructions. 127 128Flashing 129======== 130 131The board is configured to be flashed using west `STM32CubeProgrammer`_ runner, 132so its :ref:`installation <stm32cubeprog-flash-host-tools>` is required. 133 134Alternatively, OpenOCD or JLink can also be used to flash the board using 135the ``--runner`` (or ``-r``) option: 136 137.. code-block:: console 138 139 $ west flash --runner openocd 140 $ west flash --runner jlink 141 142Build the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application and flash it using the on-board 143ST-LINK interface: 144 145.. zephyr-app-commands:: 146 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 147 :board: nucleo_f722ze 148 :goals: build flash 149 150Debugging 151========= 152 153.. zephyr-app-commands:: 154 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 155 :board: nucleo_f722ze 156 :maybe-skip-config: 157 :goals: debug 158 159 160References 161********** 162 163More information about the STM32F722ZE: 164 165- `STM32F722ZE on www.st.com`_ 166- `STM32F722ZE Reference Manual (RM0431)`_ (PDF) 167 168More information about Nucleo F722ZE: 169 170- `Nucleo F722ZE on www.st.com`_ 171- `STM32 Nucleo-144 User Manual (UM1974)`_ (PDF) 172 173.. _SEGGER J-Link OB firmware: 174 https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/other-j-links/st-link-on-board/ 175 176.. _STM32F722ZE on www.st.com: 177 https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32f722ze.html 178 179.. _STM32F722ZE Reference Manual (RM0431): 180 https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/rm0431-stm32f72xxx-and-stm32f73xxx-advanced-armbased-32bit-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf 181 182.. _Nucleo F722ZE on www.st.com: 183 https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-f722ze.html 184 185.. _STM32 Nucleo-144 User Manual (UM1974): 186 https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um1974-stm32-nucleo144-boards-mb1137-stmicroelectronics.pdf 187 188.. _STM32CubeProgrammer: 189 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html 190