1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# esp-idf serial output monitor tool. Does some helpful things:
4# - Looks up hex addresses in ELF file with addr2line
5# - Reset ESP32 via serial RTS line (Ctrl-T Ctrl-R)
6# - Run flash build target to rebuild and flash entire project (Ctrl-T Ctrl-F)
7# - Run app-flash build target to rebuild and flash app only (Ctrl-T Ctrl-A)
8# - If gdbstub output is detected, gdb is automatically loaded
9# - If core dump output is detected, it is converted to a human-readable report
10#   by espcoredump.py.
12# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
13# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
15# Contains elements taken from miniterm "Very simple serial terminal" which
16# is part of pySerial. https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial
17# (C)2002-2015 Chris Liechti <cliechti@gmx.net>
19# Originally released under BSD-3-Clause license.
22import codecs
23import os
24import queue
25import re
26import shlex
27import subprocess
28import sys
29import threading
30import time
31from builtins import bytes
32from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type, Union
34import serial
35import serial.tools.list_ports
36# Windows console stuff
37from idf_monitor_base.ansi_color_converter import get_converter
38from idf_monitor_base.argument_parser import get_parser
39from idf_monitor_base.console_parser import ConsoleParser
40from idf_monitor_base.console_reader import ConsoleReader
41from idf_monitor_base.constants import (CTRL_C, CTRL_H, DEFAULT_PRINT_FILTER, DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX,
42                                        ESPPORT_ENVIRON, EVENT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT, GDB_EXIT_TIMEOUT,
44                                        PANIC_DECODE_DISABLE, PANIC_IDLE, TAG_CMD, TAG_KEY, TAG_SERIAL,
45                                        TAG_SERIAL_FLUSH)
46from idf_monitor_base.coredump import COREDUMP_DECODE_INFO, CoreDump
47from idf_monitor_base.exceptions import SerialStopException
48from idf_monitor_base.gdbhelper import GDBHelper
49from idf_monitor_base.line_matcher import LineMatcher
50from idf_monitor_base.logger import Logger
51from idf_monitor_base.output_helpers import normal_print, yellow_print
52from idf_monitor_base.serial_handler import SerialHandler, run_make
53from idf_monitor_base.serial_reader import LinuxReader, SerialReader
54from idf_monitor_base.web_socket_client import WebSocketClient
55from serial.tools import miniterm
57key_description = miniterm.key_description
59class Monitor:
60    """
61    Monitor application base class.
63    This was originally derived from miniterm.Miniterm, but it turned out to be easier to write from scratch for this
64    purpose.
66    Main difference is that all event processing happens in the main thread, not the worker threads.
67    """
69    def __init__(
70        self,
71        serial_instance,  # type: serial.Serial
72        elf_file,  # type: str
73        print_filter,  # type: str
74        make='make',  # type: str
75        encrypted=False,  # type: bool
76        toolchain_prefix=DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX,  # type: str
77        eol='CRLF',  # type: str
78        decode_coredumps=COREDUMP_DECODE_INFO,  # type: str
79        decode_panic=PANIC_DECODE_DISABLE,  # type: str
80        target='esp32',  # type: str
81        websocket_client=None,  # type: Optional[WebSocketClient]
82        enable_address_decoding=True,  # type: bool
83        timestamps=False,  # type: bool
84        timestamp_format=''  # type: str
85    ):
86        self.event_queue = queue.Queue()  # type: queue.Queue
87        self.cmd_queue = queue.Queue()  # type: queue.Queue
88        self.console = miniterm.Console()
90        sys.stderr = get_converter(sys.stderr, decode_output=True)
91        self.console.output = get_converter(self.console.output)
92        self.console.byte_output = get_converter(self.console.byte_output)
94        self.elf_file = elf_file
95        self.logger = Logger(self.elf_file, self.console, timestamps, timestamp_format, b'', enable_address_decoding,
96                             toolchain_prefix)
97        self.coredump = CoreDump(decode_coredumps, self.event_queue, self.logger, websocket_client, self.elf_file)
99        # allow for possibility the "make" arg is a list of arguments (for idf.py)
100        self.make = make if os.path.exists(make) else shlex.split(make)  # type: Any[Union[str, List[str]], str]
101        self.target = target
103        # testing hook - data from serial can make exit the monitor
104        if isinstance(self, SerialMonitor):
105            socket_mode = serial_instance.port.startswith('socket://')
106            self.serial = serial_instance
107            self.serial_reader = SerialReader(self.serial, self.event_queue)
109            self.gdb_helper = GDBHelper(toolchain_prefix, websocket_client, self.elf_file, self.serial.port,
110                                        self.serial.baudrate)
111        else:
112            socket_mode = False
113            self.serial = subprocess.Popen([elf_file], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
114                                           stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
115            self.serial_reader = LinuxReader(self.serial, self.event_queue)
117            self.gdb_helper = None
119        self.serial_handler = SerialHandler(b'', socket_mode, self.logger, decode_panic, PANIC_IDLE, b'', target,
120                                            False, False, self.serial, encrypted)
122        self.console_parser = ConsoleParser(eol)
123        self.console_reader = ConsoleReader(self.console, self.event_queue, self.cmd_queue, self.console_parser,
124                                            socket_mode)
126        self._line_matcher = LineMatcher(print_filter)
128        # internal state
129        self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer = None  # type: Optional[threading.Timer]
131    def __enter__(self) -> None:
132        """ Use 'with self' to temporarily disable monitoring behaviour """
133        self.serial_reader.stop()
134        self.console_reader.stop()
136    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:  # type: ignore
137        raise NotImplementedError
139    def run_make(self, target: str) -> None:
140        with self:
141            run_make(target, self.make, self.console, self.console_parser, self.event_queue, self.cmd_queue,
142                     self.logger)
144    def _pre_start(self) -> None:
145        self.console_reader.start()
146        self.serial_reader.start()
148    def main_loop(self) -> None:
149        self._pre_start()
151        try:
152            while self.console_reader.alive and self.serial_reader.alive:
153                try:
154                    self._main_loop()
155                except KeyboardInterrupt:
156                    yellow_print('To exit from IDF monitor please use \"Ctrl+]\" or \"Ctrl+C\"')
157                    self.serial_write(codecs.encode(CTRL_C))
158        except SerialStopException:
159            normal_print('Stopping condition has been received\n')
160        except KeyboardInterrupt:
161            pass
162        finally:
163            try:
164                self.console_reader.stop()
165                self.serial_reader.stop()
166                self.logger.stop_logging()
167                # Cancelling _invoke_processing_last_line_timer is not
168                # important here because receiving empty data doesn't matter.
169                self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer = None
170            except Exception:  # noqa
171                pass
172            normal_print('\n')
174    def serial_write(self, *args, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
175        raise NotImplementedError
177    def check_gdb_stub_and_run(self, line: bytes) -> None:
178        raise NotImplementedError
180    def invoke_processing_last_line(self) -> None:
181        self.event_queue.put((TAG_SERIAL_FLUSH, b''), False)
183    def _main_loop(self) -> None:
184        try:
185            item = self.cmd_queue.get_nowait()
186        except queue.Empty:
187            try:
188                item = self.event_queue.get(timeout=EVENT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT)
189            except queue.Empty:
190                return
192        event_tag, data = item
193        if event_tag == TAG_CMD:
194            self.serial_handler.handle_commands(data, self.target, self.run_make, self.console_reader,
195                                                self.serial_reader)
196        elif event_tag == TAG_KEY:
197            self.serial_write(codecs.encode(data))
198        elif event_tag == TAG_SERIAL:
199            self.serial_handler.handle_serial_input(data, self.console_parser, self.coredump,
200                                                    self.gdb_helper, self._line_matcher,
201                                                    self.check_gdb_stub_and_run)
202            if self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer is not None:
203                self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer.cancel()
204            self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer = threading.Timer(LAST_LINE_THREAD_INTERVAL,
205                                                                      self.invoke_processing_last_line)
206            self._invoke_processing_last_line_timer.start()
207            # If no further data is received in the next short period
208            # of time then the _invoke_processing_last_line_timer
209            # generates an event which will result in the finishing of
210            # the last line. This is fix for handling lines sent
211            # without EOL.
212            # finalizing the line when coredump is in progress causes decoding issues
213            # the espcoredump loader uses empty line as a sign for end-of-coredump
214            # line is finalized only for non coredump data
215        elif event_tag == TAG_SERIAL_FLUSH:
216            self.serial_handler.handle_serial_input(data, self.console_parser, self.coredump,
217                                                    self.gdb_helper, self._line_matcher,
218                                                    self.check_gdb_stub_and_run,
219                                                    finalize_line=not self.coredump.in_progress)
220        else:
221            raise RuntimeError('Bad event data %r' % ((event_tag, data),))
224class SerialMonitor(Monitor):
225    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:  # type: ignore
226        """ Use 'with self' to temporarily disable monitoring behaviour """
227        self.console_reader.start()
228        self.serial_reader.gdb_exit = self.gdb_helper.gdb_exit  # write gdb_exit flag
229        self.serial_reader.start()
231    def _pre_start(self) -> None:
232        super()._pre_start()
233        self.gdb_helper.gdb_exit = False
234        self.serial_handler.start_cmd_sent = False
236    def serial_write(self, *args, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
237        self.serial: serial.Serial
238        try:
239            self.serial.write(*args, **kwargs)
240        except serial.SerialException:
241            pass  # this shouldn't happen, but sometimes port has closed in serial thread
242        except UnicodeEncodeError:
243            pass  # this can happen if a non-ascii character was passed, ignoring
245    def check_gdb_stub_and_run(self, line: bytes) -> None:  # type: ignore # The base class one is a None value
246        if self.gdb_helper.check_gdb_stub_trigger(line):
247            with self:  # disable console control
248                self.gdb_helper.run_gdb()
250    def _main_loop(self) -> None:
251        if self.gdb_helper.gdb_exit:
252            self.gdb_helper.gdb_exit = False
253            time.sleep(GDB_EXIT_TIMEOUT)
254            # Continue the program after exit from the GDB
255            self.serial_write(codecs.encode(GDB_UART_CONTINUE_COMMAND))
256            self.serial_handler.start_cmd_sent = True
258        super()._main_loop()
261class LinuxMonitor(Monitor):
262    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:  # type: ignore
263        """ Use 'with self' to temporarily disable monitoring behaviour """
264        self.console_reader.start()
265        self.serial_reader.start()
267    def serial_write(self, *args, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
268        self.serial.stdin.write(*args, **kwargs)
270    def check_gdb_stub_and_run(self, line: bytes) -> None:
271        return  # fake function for linux target
274def main() -> None:
275    parser = get_parser()
276    args = parser.parse_args()
278    # GDB uses CreateFile to open COM port, which requires the COM name to be r'\\.\COMx' if the COM
279    # number is larger than 10
280    if os.name == 'nt' and args.port.startswith('COM'):
281        args.port = args.port.replace('COM', r'\\.\COM')
282        yellow_print('--- WARNING: GDB cannot open serial ports accessed as COMx')
283        yellow_print('--- Using %s instead...' % args.port)
284    elif args.port.startswith('/dev/tty.') and sys.platform == 'darwin':
285        args.port = args.port.replace('/dev/tty.', '/dev/cu.')
286        yellow_print('--- WARNING: Serial ports accessed as /dev/tty.* will hang gdb if launched.')
287        yellow_print('--- Using %s instead...' % args.port)
289    args.elf_file.close()  # don't need this as a file
291    # remove the parallel jobserver arguments from MAKEFLAGS, as any
292    # parent make is only running 1 job (monitor), so we can re-spawn
293    # all of the child makes we need (the -j argument remains part of
294    # MAKEFLAGS)
295    try:
296        makeflags = os.environ[MAKEFLAGS_ENVIRON]
297        makeflags = re.sub(r'--jobserver[^ =]*=[0-9,]+ ?', '', makeflags)
298        os.environ[MAKEFLAGS_ENVIRON] = makeflags
299    except KeyError:
300        pass  # not running a make jobserver
302    ws = WebSocketClient(args.ws) if args.ws else None
303    try:
304        cls: Type[Monitor]
305        if args.target == 'linux':
306            serial_instance = None
307            cls = LinuxMonitor
308            yellow_print('--- idf_monitor on linux ---')
309        else:
310            serial_instance = serial.serial_for_url(args.port, args.baud, do_not_open=True)
311            serial_instance.dtr = False
312            serial_instance.rts = False
314            # Pass the actual used port to callee of idf_monitor (e.g. make) through `ESPPORT` environment
315            # variable
316            # To make sure the key as well as the value are str type, by the requirements of subprocess
317            espport_val = str(args.port)
318            os.environ.update({ESPPORT_ENVIRON: espport_val})
320            cls = SerialMonitor
321            yellow_print('--- idf_monitor on {p.name} {p.baudrate} ---'.format(p=serial_instance))
323        monitor = cls(serial_instance,
324                      args.elf_file.name,
325                      args.print_filter,
326                      args.make,
327                      args.encrypted,
328                      args.toolchain_prefix,
329                      args.eol,
330                      args.decode_coredumps,
331                      args.decode_panic,
332                      args.target,
333                      ws,
334                      not args.disable_address_decoding,
335                      args.timestamps,
336                      args.timestamp_format)
338        yellow_print('--- Quit: {} | Menu: {} | Help: {} followed by {} ---'.format(
339            key_description(monitor.console_parser.exit_key),
340            key_description(monitor.console_parser.menu_key),
341            key_description(monitor.console_parser.menu_key),
342            key_description(CTRL_H)))
343        if args.print_filter != DEFAULT_PRINT_FILTER:
344            yellow_print('--- Print filter: {} ---'.format(args.print_filter))
345        monitor.main_loop()
346    except KeyboardInterrupt:
347        pass
348    finally:
349        if ws:
350            ws.close()
353if __name__ == '__main__':
354    main()