1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32l1xx_hal_adc.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   Header file containing functions prototypes of ADC HAL library.
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.
11   *
12   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
13   * in the root directory of this software component.
14   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
15   *
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef __STM32L1xx_HAL_ADC_H
21 #define __STM32L1xx_HAL_ADC_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24  extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "stm32l1xx_hal_def.h"
30 /** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver
31   * @{
32   */
34 /** @addtogroup ADC
35   * @{
36   */
38 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
39 /** @defgroup ADC_Exported_Types ADC Exported Types
40   * @{
41   */
43 /**
44   * @brief  Structure definition of ADC and regular group initialization
45   * @note   Parameters of this structure are shared within 2 scopes:
46   *          - Scope entire ADC (affects regular and injected groups): ClockPrescaler, Resolution, ScanConvMode, DataAlign, ScanConvMode, EOCSelection, LowPowerAutoWait, LowPowerAutoPowerOff, ChannelsBank.
47   *          - Scope regular group: ContinuousConvMode, NbrOfConversion, DiscontinuousConvMode, NbrOfDiscConversion, ExternalTrigConvEdge, ExternalTrigConv.
48   * @note   The setting of these parameters with function HAL_ADC_Init() is conditioned to ADC state.
49   *         ADC state can be either:
50   *          - For all parameters: ADC disabled
51   *          - For all parameters except 'Resolution', 'ScanConvMode', 'LowPowerAutoWait', 'LowPowerAutoPowerOff', 'DiscontinuousConvMode', 'NbrOfDiscConversion' : ADC enabled without conversion on going on regular group.
52   *          - For parameters 'ExternalTrigConv' and 'ExternalTrigConvEdge': ADC enabled, even with conversion on going.
53   *         If ADC is not in the appropriate state to modify some parameters, these parameters setting is bypassed
54   *         without error reporting (as it can be the expected behaviour in case of intended action to update another parameter (which fulfills the ADC state condition) on the fly).
55   */
56 typedef struct
57 {
58   uint32_t ClockPrescaler;        /*!< Select ADC clock source (asynchronous clock derived from HSI RC oscillator) and clock prescaler.
59                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_ClockPrescaler
60                                        Note: In case of usage of channels on injected group, ADC frequency should be lower than AHB clock frequency /4 for resolution 12 or 10 bits,
61                                              AHB clock frequency /3 for resolution 8 bits, AHB clock frequency /2 for resolution 6 bits.
62                                        Note: HSI RC oscillator must be preliminarily enabled at RCC top level. */
63   uint32_t Resolution;            /*!< Configures the ADC resolution.
64                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_Resolution */
65   uint32_t DataAlign;             /*!< Specifies ADC data alignment to right (MSB on register bit 11 and LSB on register bit 0) (default setting)
66                                        or to left (if regular group: MSB on register bit 15 and LSB on register bit 4, if injected group (MSB kept as signed value due to potential negative value after offset application): MSB on register bit 14 and LSB on register bit 3).
67                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_Data_align */
68   uint32_t ScanConvMode;          /*!< Configures the sequencer of regular and injected groups.
69                                        This parameter can be associated to parameter 'DiscontinuousConvMode' to have main sequence subdivided in successive parts.
70                                        If disabled: Conversion is performed in single mode (one channel converted, the one defined in rank 1).
71                                                     Parameters 'NbrOfConversion' and 'InjectedNbrOfConversion' are discarded (equivalent to set to 1).
72                                        If enabled:  Conversions are performed in sequence mode (multiple ranks defined by 'NbrOfConversion'/'InjectedNbrOfConversion' and each channel rank).
73                                                     Scan direction is upward: from rank1 to rank 'n'.
74                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_Scan_mode */
75   uint32_t EOCSelection;          /*!< Specifies what EOC (End Of Conversion) flag is used for conversion by polling and interruption: end of conversion of each rank or complete sequence.
76                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_EOCSelection.
77                                        Note: For injected group, end of conversion (flag&IT) is raised only at the end of the sequence.
78                                              Therefore, if end of conversion is set to end of each conversion, injected group should not be used with interruption (HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT)
79                                              or polling (HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart and HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion). By the way, polling is still possible since driver will use an estimated timing for end of injected conversion.
80                                        Note: If overrun feature is intended to be used, use ADC in mode 'interruption' (function HAL_ADC_Start_IT() ) with parameter EOCSelection set to end of each conversion or in mode 'transfer by DMA' (function HAL_ADC_Start_DMA()).
81                                              If overrun feature is intended to be bypassed, use ADC in mode 'polling' or 'interruption' with parameter EOCSelection must be set to end of sequence */
82   uint32_t LowPowerAutoWait;      /*!< Selects the dynamic low power Auto Delay: new conversion start only when the previous
83                                        conversion (for regular group) or previous sequence (for injected group) has been treated by user software, using function HAL_ADC_GetValue() or HAL_ADCEx_InjectedGetValue().
84                                        This feature automatically adapts the speed of ADC to the speed of the system that reads the data. Moreover, this avoids risk of overrun for low frequency applications.
85                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_LowPowerAutoWait.
86                                        Note: Do not use with interruption or DMA (HAL_ADC_Start_IT(), HAL_ADC_Start_DMA()) since they have to clear immediately the EOC flag to free the IRQ vector sequencer.
87                                              Do use with polling: 1. Start conversion with HAL_ADC_Start(), 2. Later on, when conversion data is needed: use HAL_ADC_PollForConversion() to ensure that conversion is completed
88                                              and use HAL_ADC_GetValue() to retrieve conversion result and trig another conversion (in case of usage of injected group, use the equivalent functions HAL_ADCExInjected_Start(), HAL_ADCEx_InjectedGetValue(), ...).
89                                        Note: ADC clock latency and some timing constraints depending on clock prescaler have to be taken into account: refer to reference manual (register ADC_CR2 bit DELS description). */
90   uint32_t LowPowerAutoPowerOff;  /*!< Selects the auto-off mode: the ADC automatically powers-off after a conversion and automatically wakes-up when a new conversion is triggered (with startup time between trigger and start of sampling).
91                                        This feature can be combined with automatic wait mode (parameter 'LowPowerAutoWait').
92                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_LowPowerAutoPowerOff. */
93   uint32_t ChannelsBank;          /*!< Selects the ADC channels bank.
94                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_ChannelsBank.
95                                        Note: Banks availability depends on devices categories.
96                                        Note: To change bank selection on the fly, without going through execution of 'HAL_ADC_Init()', macro '__HAL_ADC_CHANNELS_BANK()' can be used directly. */
97   FunctionalState ContinuousConvMode; /*!< Specifies whether the conversion is performed in single mode (one conversion) or continuous mode for regular group,
98                                        after the selected trigger occurred (software start or external trigger).
99                                        This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. */
100 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
101   uint32_t NbrOfConversion;       /*!< Specifies the number of ranks that will be converted within the regular group sequencer.
102                                        To use regular group sequencer and convert several ranks, parameter 'ScanConvMode' must be enabled.
103                                        This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 28. */
104 #else
105   uint32_t NbrOfConversion;       /*!< Specifies the number of ranks that will be converted within the regular group sequencer.
106                                        To use regular group sequencer and convert several ranks, parameter 'ScanConvMode' must be enabled.
107                                        This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 27. */
108 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
109   FunctionalState DiscontinuousConvMode; /*!< Specifies whether the conversions sequence of regular group is performed in Complete-sequence/Discontinuous-sequence (main sequence subdivided in successive parts).
110                                        Discontinuous mode is used only if sequencer is enabled (parameter 'ScanConvMode'). If sequencer is disabled, this parameter is discarded.
111                                        Discontinuous mode can be enabled only if continuous mode is disabled. If continuous mode is enabled, this parameter setting is discarded.
112                                        This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. */
113   uint32_t NbrOfDiscConversion;   /*!< Specifies the number of discontinuous conversions in which the  main sequence of regular group (parameter NbrOfConversion) will be subdivided.
114                                        If parameter 'DiscontinuousConvMode' is disabled, this parameter is discarded.
115                                        This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 8. */
116   uint32_t ExternalTrigConv;      /*!< Selects the external event used to trigger the conversion start of regular group.
117                                        If set to ADC_SOFTWARE_START, external triggers are disabled.
118                                        If set to external trigger source, triggering is on event rising edge by default.
119                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_External_trigger_source_Regular */
120   uint32_t ExternalTrigConvEdge;  /*!< Selects the external trigger edge of regular group.
121                                        If trigger is set to ADC_SOFTWARE_START, this parameter is discarded.
122                                        This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_External_trigger_edge_Regular */
123   FunctionalState DMAContinuousRequests; /*!< Specifies whether the DMA requests are performed in one shot mode (DMA transfer stop when number of conversions is reached)
124                                        or in Continuous mode (DMA transfer unlimited, whatever number of conversions).
125                                        Note: In continuous mode, DMA must be configured in circular mode. Otherwise an overrun will be triggered when DMA buffer maximum pointer is reached.
126                                        Note: This parameter must be modified when no conversion is on going on both regular and injected groups (ADC disabled, or ADC enabled without continuous mode or external trigger that could launch a conversion).
127                                        This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. */
128 }ADC_InitTypeDef;
130 /**
131   * @brief  Structure definition of ADC channel for regular group
132   * @note   The setting of these parameters with function HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel() is conditioned to ADC state.
133   *         ADC can be either disabled or enabled without conversion on going on regular group.
134   */
135 typedef struct
136 {
137   uint32_t Channel;                /*!< Specifies the channel to configure into ADC regular group.
138                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_channels
139                                         Note: Depending on devices, some channels may not be available on package pins. Refer to device datasheet for channels availability.
140                                               Maximum number of channels by device category (without taking in account each device package constraints):
141                                               STM32L1 category 1, 2: 24 channels on external pins + 3 channels on internal measurement paths (VrefInt, Temp sensor, Vcomp): Channel 0 to channel 26.
142                                               STM32L1 category 3:    25 channels on external pins + 3 channels on internal measurement paths (VrefInt, Temp sensor, Vcomp): Channel 0 to channel 26, 1 additional channel in bank B. Note: OPAMP1 and OPAMP2 are connected internally but not increasing internal channels number: they are sharing ADC input with external channels ADC_IN3 and ADC_IN8.
143                                               STM32L1 category 4, 5: 40 channels on external pins + 3 channels on internal measurement paths (VrefInt, Temp sensor, Vcomp): Channel 0 to channel 31, 11 additional channels in bank B. Note: OPAMP1 and OPAMP2 are connected internally but not increasing internal channels number: they are sharing ADC input with external channels ADC_IN3 and ADC_IN8.
144                                         Note: In case of peripherals OPAMPx not used: 3 channels (3, 8, 13) can be configured as direct channels (fast channels). Refer to macro ' __HAL_ADC_CHANNEL_SPEED_FAST() '.
145                                         Note: In case of peripheral OPAMP3 and ADC channel OPAMP3 used (OPAMP3 available on STM32L1 devices Cat.4 only): the analog switch COMP1_SW1 must be closed. Refer to macro: ' __HAL_OPAMP_OPAMP3OUT_CONNECT_ADC_COMP1() '. */
146   uint32_t Rank;                   /*!< Specifies the rank in the regular group sequencer.
147                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_regular_rank
148                                         Note: In case of need to disable a channel or change order of conversion sequencer, rank containing a previous channel setting can be overwritten by the new channel setting (or parameter number of conversions can be adjusted) */
149   uint32_t SamplingTime;           /*!< Sampling time value to be set for the selected channel.
150                                         Unit: ADC clock cycles
151                                         Conversion time is the addition of sampling time and processing time (12 ADC clock cycles at ADC resolution 12 bits, 11 cycles at 10 bits, 9 cycles at 8 bits, 7 cycles at 6 bits).
152                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_sampling_times
153                                         Caution: This parameter updates the parameter property of the channel, that can be used into regular and/or injected groups.
154                                                  If this same channel has been previously configured in the other group (regular/injected), it will be updated to last setting.
155                                         Note: In case of usage of internal measurement channels (VrefInt/Vbat/TempSensor),
156                                               sampling time constraints must be respected (sampling time can be adjusted in function of ADC clock frequency and sampling time setting)
157                                               Refer to device datasheet for timings values, parameters TS_vrefint, TS_temp (values rough order: 4us min). */
158 }ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef;
160 /**
161   * @brief  ADC Configuration analog watchdog definition
162   * @note   The setting of these parameters with function is conditioned to ADC state.
163   *         ADC state can be either disabled or enabled without conversion on going on regular and injected groups.
164   */
165 typedef struct
166 {
167   uint32_t WatchdogMode;      /*!< Configures the ADC analog watchdog mode: single/all channels, regular/injected group.
168                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_analog_watchdog_mode. */
169   uint32_t Channel;           /*!< Selects which ADC channel to monitor by analog watchdog.
170                                    This parameter has an effect only if watchdog mode is configured on single channel (parameter WatchdogMode)
171                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_channels. */
172   FunctionalState ITMode;     /*!< Specifies whether the analog watchdog is configured in interrupt or polling mode.
173                                    This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE */
174   uint32_t HighThreshold;     /*!< Configures the ADC analog watchdog High threshold value.
175                                    This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF. */
176   uint32_t LowThreshold;      /*!< Configures the ADC analog watchdog High threshold value.
177                                    This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF. */
178   uint32_t WatchdogNumber;    /*!< Reserved for future use, can be set to 0 */
179 }ADC_AnalogWDGConfTypeDef;
181 /**
182   * @brief  HAL ADC state machine: ADC states definition (bitfields)
183   */
184 /* States of ADC global scope */
185 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_RESET             (0x00000000U)    /*!< ADC not yet initialized or disabled */
186 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_READY             (0x00000001U)    /*!< ADC peripheral ready for use */
187 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INTERNAL     (0x00000002U)    /*!< ADC is busy to internal process (initialization, calibration) */
188 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_TIMEOUT           (0x00000004U)    /*!< TimeOut occurrence */
190 /* States of ADC errors */
191 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_INTERNAL    (0x00000010U)    /*!< Internal error occurrence */
192 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG      (0x00000020U)    /*!< Configuration error occurrence */
193 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_DMA         (0x00000040U)    /*!< DMA error occurrence */
195 /* States of ADC group regular */
196 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY          (0x00000100U)    /*!< A conversion on group regular is ongoing or can occur (either by continuous mode,
197                                                                        external trigger, low power auto power-on (if feature available), multimode ADC master control (if feature available)) */
198 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_EOC           (0x00000200U)    /*!< Conversion data available on group regular */
199 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_OVR           (0x00000400U)    /*!< Overrun occurrence */
200 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_EOSMP         (0x00000800U)    /*!< Not available on STM32L1 device: End Of Sampling flag raised  */
202 /* States of ADC group injected */
203 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY          (0x00001000U)    /*!< A conversion on group injected is ongoing or can occur (either by auto-injection mode,
204                                                                        external trigger, low power auto power-on (if feature available), multimode ADC master control (if feature available)) */
205 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_EOC           (0x00002000U)    /*!< Conversion data available on group injected */
206 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_JQOVF         (0x00004000U)    /*!< Not available on STM32L1 device: Injected queue overflow occurrence */
208 /* States of ADC analog watchdogs */
209 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_AWD1              (0x00010000U)    /*!< Out-of-window occurrence of analog watchdog 1 */
210 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_AWD2              (0x00020000U)    /*!< Not available on STM32L1 device: Out-of-window occurrence of analog watchdog 2 */
211 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_AWD3              (0x00040000U)    /*!< Not available on STM32L1 device: Out-of-window occurrence of analog watchdog 3 */
213 /* States of ADC multi-mode */
214 #define HAL_ADC_STATE_MULTIMODE_SLAVE   (0x00100000U)    /*!< Not available on STM32L1 device: ADC in multimode slave state, controlled by another ADC master ( */
217 /**
218   * @brief  ADC handle Structure definition
219   */
220 typedef struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef
221 {
222   ADC_TypeDef                   *Instance;              /*!< Register base address */
224   ADC_InitTypeDef               Init;                   /*!< ADC required parameters */
226   __IO uint32_t                 NbrOfConversionRank ;   /*!< ADC conversion rank counter */
228   DMA_HandleTypeDef             *DMA_Handle;            /*!< Pointer DMA Handler */
230   HAL_LockTypeDef               Lock;                   /*!< ADC locking object */
232   __IO uint32_t                 State;                  /*!< ADC communication state (bitmap of ADC states) */
234   __IO uint32_t                 ErrorCode;              /*!< ADC Error code */
237   void (* ConvCpltCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);              /*!< ADC conversion complete callback */
238   void (* ConvHalfCpltCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);          /*!< ADC conversion DMA half-transfer callback */
239   void (* LevelOutOfWindowCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 callback */
240   void (* ErrorCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);                 /*!< ADC error callback */
241   void (* InjectedConvCpltCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);      /*!< ADC group injected conversion complete callback */       /*!< ADC end of sampling callback */
242   void (* MspInitCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);               /*!< ADC Msp Init callback */
243   void (* MspDeInitCallback)(struct __ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);             /*!< ADC Msp DeInit callback */
245 }ADC_HandleTypeDef;
248 /**
249   * @brief  HAL ADC Callback ID enumeration definition
250   */
251 typedef enum
252 {
253   HAL_ADC_CONVERSION_COMPLETE_CB_ID     = 0x00U,  /*!< ADC conversion complete callback ID */
254   HAL_ADC_CONVERSION_HALF_CB_ID         = 0x01U,  /*!< ADC conversion DMA half-transfer callback ID */
255   HAL_ADC_LEVEL_OUT_OF_WINDOW_1_CB_ID   = 0x02U,  /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 callback ID */
256   HAL_ADC_ERROR_CB_ID                   = 0x03U,  /*!< ADC error callback ID */
257   HAL_ADC_INJ_CONVERSION_COMPLETE_CB_ID = 0x04U,  /*!< ADC group injected conversion complete callback ID */
258   HAL_ADC_MSPINIT_CB_ID                 = 0x09U,  /*!< ADC Msp Init callback ID          */
259   HAL_ADC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID               = 0x0AU   /*!< ADC Msp DeInit callback ID        */
260 } HAL_ADC_CallbackIDTypeDef;
262 /**
263   * @brief  HAL ADC Callback pointer definition
264   */
265 typedef  void (*pADC_CallbackTypeDef)(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc); /*!< pointer to a ADC callback function */
269 /**
270   * @}
271   */
275 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
277 /** @defgroup ADC_Exported_Constants ADC Exported Constants
278   * @{
279   */
281 /** @defgroup ADC_Error_Code ADC Error Code
282   * @{
283   */
284 #define HAL_ADC_ERROR_NONE        (0x00U)   /*!< No error                                              */
285 #define HAL_ADC_ERROR_INTERNAL    (0x01U)   /*!< ADC IP internal error: if problem of clocking,
286                                                           enable/disable, erroneous state                       */
287 #define HAL_ADC_ERROR_OVR         (0x02U)   /*!< Overrun error                                         */
288 #define HAL_ADC_ERROR_DMA         (0x04U)   /*!< DMA transfer error                                    */
291 #define HAL_ADC_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK  (0x10U)   /*!< Invalid Callback error */
293 /**
294   * @}
295   */
297 /** @defgroup ADC_ClockPrescaler ADC ClockPrescaler
298   * @{
299   */
300 #define ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV1          (0x00000000U)                   /*!< ADC asynchronous clock derived from ADC dedicated HSI without prescaler */
301 #define ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV2          ((uint32_t)ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_0)    /*!< ADC asynchronous clock derived from ADC dedicated HSI divided by a prescaler of 2 */
302 #define ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV4          ((uint32_t)ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_1)    /*!< ADC asynchronous clock derived from ADC dedicated HSI divided by a prescaler of 4 */
303 /**
304   * @}
305   */
307 /** @defgroup ADC_Resolution ADC Resolution
308   * @{
309   */
310 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_12B      (0x00000000U)                   /*!<  ADC 12-bit resolution */
311 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_10B      ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_RES_0)       /*!<  ADC 10-bit resolution */
312 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_8B       ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_RES_1)       /*!<  ADC 8-bit resolution */
313 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_6B       ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_RES)         /*!<  ADC 6-bit resolution */
314 /**
315   * @}
316   */
318 /** @defgroup ADC_Data_align ADC Data_align
319   * @{
320   */
321 #define ADC_DATAALIGN_RIGHT      (0x00000000U)
322 #define ADC_DATAALIGN_LEFT       ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_ALIGN)
323 /**
324   * @}
325   */
327 /** @defgroup ADC_Scan_mode ADC Scan mode
328   * @{
329   */
330 #define ADC_SCAN_DISABLE         (0x00000000U)
331 #define ADC_SCAN_ENABLE          ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_SCAN)
332 /**
333   * @}
334   */
336 /** @defgroup ADC_External_trigger_edge_Regular ADC external trigger enable for regular group
337   * @{
338   */
339 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_NONE           (0x00000000U)
340 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_RISING         ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_EXTEN_0)
343 /**
344   * @}
345   */
347 /** @defgroup ADC_External_trigger_source_Regular ADC External trigger source Regular
348   * @{
349   */
350 /* List of external triggers with generic trigger name, sorted by trigger     */
351 /* name:                                                                      */
353 /* External triggers of regular group for ADC1 */
366 #define ADC_SOFTWARE_START               (0x00000010U)
367 /**
368   * @}
369   */
371 /** @defgroup ADC_EOCSelection ADC EOCSelection
372   * @{
373   */
374 #define ADC_EOC_SEQ_CONV            (0x00000000U)
375 #define ADC_EOC_SINGLE_CONV         ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_EOCS)
376 /**
377   * @}
378   */
380 /** @defgroup ADC_LowPowerAutoWait ADC LowPowerAutoWait
381   * @{
382   */
383 /*!< Note : For compatibility with other STM32 devices with ADC autowait      */
384 /* feature limited to enable or disable settings:                             */
385 /* Setting "ADC_AUTOWAIT_UNTIL_DATA_READ" is equivalent to "ENABLE".          */
387 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_DISABLE                (0x00000000U)
388 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_UNTIL_DATA_READ        ((uint32_t)(                                  ADC_CR2_DELS_0)) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: infinite delay, until the result of previous conversion is read */
389 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_7_APBCLOCKCYCLES       ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_CR2_DELS_1                 )) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 7 APB clock cycles */
390 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_15_APBCLOCKCYCLES      ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_CR2_DELS_1 | ADC_CR2_DELS_0)) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 15 APB clock cycles */
391 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_31_APBCLOCKCYCLES      ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_DELS_2                                  )) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 31 APB clock cycles */
392 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_63_APBCLOCKCYCLES      ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_DELS_2                  | ADC_CR2_DELS_0)) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 63 APB clock cycles */
393 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_127_APBCLOCKCYCLES     ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_DELS_2 | ADC_CR2_DELS_1                 )) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 127 APB clock cycles */
394 #define ADC_AUTOWAIT_255_APBCLOCKCYCLES     ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_DELS_2 | ADC_CR2_DELS_1 | ADC_CR2_DELS_0)) /*!< Insert a delay between ADC conversions: 255 APB clock cycles */
396 /**
397   * @}
398   */
400 /** @defgroup ADC_LowPowerAutoPowerOff ADC LowPowerAutoPowerOff
401   * @{
402   */
403 #define ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_DISABLE            (0x00000000U)
404 #define ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_IDLE_PHASE         ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_PDI)                     /*!< ADC power off when ADC is not converting (idle phase) */
405 #define ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_DELAY_PHASE        ((uint32_t)ADC_CR1_PDD)                     /*!< ADC power off when a delay is inserted between conversions (see parameter ADC_LowPowerAutoWait) */
406 #define ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_IDLE_DELAY_PHASES  ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR1_PDI | ADC_CR1_PDD))     /*!< ADC power off when ADC is not converting (idle phase) and when a delay is inserted between conversions */
407 /**
408   * @}
409   */
412 /** @defgroup ADC_ChannelsBank ADC ChannelsBank
413   * @{
414   */
415 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
416 #define ADC_CHANNELS_BANK_A                 (0x00000000U)
417 #define ADC_CHANNELS_BANK_B                 ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_CFG)
420                                    ((BANK) == ADC_CHANNELS_BANK_B)   )
421 #else
422 #define ADC_CHANNELS_BANK_A                 (0x00000000U)
425 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
426 /**
427   * @}
428   */
430 /** @defgroup ADC_channels ADC channels
431   * @{
432   */
433 /* Note: Depending on devices, some channels may not be available on package  */
434 /*       pins. Refer to device datasheet for channels availability.           */
435 #define ADC_CHANNEL_0           (0x00000000U)                                                                                     /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
436 #define ADC_CHANNEL_1           ((uint32_t)(                                                                    ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
437 #define ADC_CHANNEL_2           ((uint32_t)(                                                   ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
438 #define ADC_CHANNEL_3           ((uint32_t)(                                                   ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
439 #define ADC_CHANNEL_4           ((uint32_t)(                                  ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                                  ))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
440 #define ADC_CHANNEL_5           ((uint32_t)(                                  ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
441 #define ADC_CHANNEL_6           ((uint32_t)(                                  ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
442 #define ADC_CHANNEL_7           ((uint32_t)(                                  ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
443 #define ADC_CHANNEL_8           ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                                                   ))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
444 #define ADC_CHANNEL_9           ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                                   | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
445 #define ADC_CHANNEL_10          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
446 #define ADC_CHANNEL_11          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
447 #define ADC_CHANNEL_12          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                                  ))  /* Channel different in bank A and bank B */
448 #define ADC_CHANNEL_13          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
449 #define ADC_CHANNEL_14          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
450 #define ADC_CHANNEL_15          ((uint32_t)(                 ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
451 #define ADC_CHANNEL_16          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                                                                    ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
452 #define ADC_CHANNEL_17          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                                                    | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
453 #define ADC_CHANNEL_18          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                                   | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
454 #define ADC_CHANNEL_19          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                                   | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
455 #define ADC_CHANNEL_20          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                                  ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
456 #define ADC_CHANNEL_21          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
457 #define ADC_CHANNEL_22          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
458 #define ADC_CHANNEL_23          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
459 #define ADC_CHANNEL_24          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                                                   ))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
460 #define ADC_CHANNEL_25          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                                   | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Direct (fast) channel */
461 #define ADC_CHANNEL_26          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
462 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
463 #define ADC_CHANNEL_27          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
464 #define ADC_CHANNEL_28          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                                  ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
465 #define ADC_CHANNEL_29          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2                  | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
466 #define ADC_CHANNEL_30          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1                 ))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
467 #define ADC_CHANNEL_31          ((uint32_t)(ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 | ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0))  /* Channel common to both bank A and bank B */
468 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
470 #define ADC_CHANNEL_TEMPSENSOR  ADC_CHANNEL_16  /* ADC internal channel (no connection on device pin). Channel common to both bank A and bank B. */
471 #define ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT     ADC_CHANNEL_17  /* ADC internal channel (no connection on device pin). Channel common to both bank A and bank B. */
472 #define ADC_CHANNEL_VCOMP       ADC_CHANNEL_26  /* ADC internal channel (no connection on device pin). Channel common to both bank A and bank B. */
474 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
475 #define ADC_CHANNEL_VOPAMP1     ADC_CHANNEL_3   /* Internal connection from OPAMP1 output to ADC switch matrix */
476 #define ADC_CHANNEL_VOPAMP2     ADC_CHANNEL_8   /* Internal connection from OPAMP2 output to ADC switch matrix */
477 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD)
478 #define ADC_CHANNEL_VOPAMP3     ADC_CHANNEL_13  /* Internal connection from OPAMP3 output to ADC switch matrix */
479 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD */
480 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
481 /**
482   * @}
483   */
485 /** @defgroup ADC_sampling_times ADC sampling times
486   * @{
487   */
488 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_4CYCLES      (0x00000000U)                                     /*!< Sampling time 4 ADC clock cycles */
489 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_9CYCLES      ((uint32_t) ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_0)                     /*!< Sampling time 9 ADC clock cycles */
490 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_16CYCLES     ((uint32_t) ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_1)                     /*!< Sampling time 16 ADC clock cycles */
491 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_24CYCLES     ((uint32_t)(ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_0)) /*!< Sampling time 24 ADC clock cycles */
492 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_48CYCLES     ((uint32_t) ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_2)                     /*!< Sampling time 48 ADC clock cycles */
493 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_96CYCLES     ((uint32_t)(ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_0)) /*!< Sampling time 96 ADC clock cycles */
494 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_192CYCLES    ((uint32_t)(ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_1)) /*!< Sampling time 192 ADC clock cycles */
495 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_384CYCLES    ((uint32_t) ADC_SMPR3_SMP0)                       /*!< Sampling time 384 ADC clock cycles */
496 /**
497   * @}
498   */
500 /** @defgroup ADC_sampling_times_all_channels ADC sampling times all channels
501   * @{
502   */
503 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR3BIT2                                          \
504      (ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_2 |     \
505       ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_2 |     \
506       ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_2 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_2)
507 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR2BIT2                                          \
508      (ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_2 | \
509       ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_2 | \
510       ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_2)
511 #if defined(STM32L100xB) || defined (STM32L151xB) || defined (STM32L152xB) || defined(STM32L100xBA) || defined (STM32L151xBA) || defined (STM32L152xBA) || defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC)
512 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT2                                          \
513      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_2 | \
514       ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_2)
515 #endif /* STM32L100xB || STM32L151xB || STM32L152xB || STM32L100xBA || STM32L151xBA || STM32L152xBA || STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC */
516 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
517 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT2                                          \
518      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_2 | \
519       ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_2 | \
520       ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_2 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_2)
521 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR0BIT2                                          \
522      (ADC_SMPR0_SMP31_2 | ADC_SMPR0_SMP30_2 )
523 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
525 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR3BIT1                                          \
526      (ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_1 |     \
527       ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_1 |     \
528       ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_1 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_1)
529 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR2BIT1                                          \
530      (ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_1 | \
531       ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_1 | \
532       ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_1)
533 #if defined(STM32L100xB) || defined (STM32L151xB) || defined (STM32L152xB) || defined(STM32L100xBA) || defined (STM32L151xBA) || defined (STM32L152xBA) || defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC)
534 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT1                                          \
535      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_1 | \
536       ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_1)
537 #endif /* STM32L100xB || STM32L151xB || STM32L152xB || STM32L100xBA || STM32L151xBA || STM32L152xBA || STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC */
538 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
539 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT1                                          \
540      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_1 | \
541       ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_1 | \
542       ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_1 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_1)
543 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR0BIT1                                          \
544      (ADC_SMPR0_SMP31_1 | ADC_SMPR0_SMP30_1 )
545 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
547 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR3BIT0                                          \
548      (ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_0 |     \
549       ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_0 |     \
550       ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_0 | ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_0)
551 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR2BIT0                                          \
552      (ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_0 | \
553       ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_0 | \
554       ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_0 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_0)
555 #if defined(STM32L100xB) || defined (STM32L151xB) || defined (STM32L152xB) || defined(STM32L100xBA) || defined (STM32L151xBA) || defined (STM32L152xBA) || defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC)
556 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT0                                          \
557      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_0 | \
558       ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_0)
559 #endif /* STM32L100xB || STM32L151xB || STM32L152xB || STM32L100xBA || STM32L151xBA || STM32L152xBA || STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC */
560 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
561 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR1BIT0                                          \
562      (ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_0 | \
563       ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_0 | \
564       ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_0 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_0)
565 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_ALLCHANNELS_SMPR0BIT0                                          \
566      (ADC_SMPR0_SMP31_0 | ADC_SMPR0_SMP30_0 )
567 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
568 /**
569   * @}
570   */
572 /** @defgroup ADC_regular_rank ADC rank into regular group
573   * @{
574   */
575 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_1    (0x00000001U)
576 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_2    (0x00000002U)
577 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_3    (0x00000003U)
578 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_4    (0x00000004U)
579 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_5    (0x00000005U)
580 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_6    (0x00000006U)
581 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_7    (0x00000007U)
582 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_8    (0x00000008U)
583 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_9    (0x00000009U)
584 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_10   (0x0000000AU)
585 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_11   (0x0000000BU)
586 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_12   (0x0000000CU)
587 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_13   (0x0000000DU)
588 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_14   (0x0000000EU)
589 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_15   (0x0000000FU)
590 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_16   (0x00000010U)
591 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_17   (0x00000011U)
592 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_18   (0x00000012U)
593 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_19   (0x00000013U)
594 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_20   (0x00000014U)
595 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_21   (0x00000015U)
596 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_22   (0x00000016U)
597 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_23   (0x00000017U)
598 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_24   (0x00000018U)
599 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_25   (0x00000019U)
600 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_26   (0x0000001AU)
601 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_27   (0x0000001BU)
602 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
603 #define ADC_REGULAR_RANK_28   (0x0000001CU)
604 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
605 /**
606   * @}
607   */
609 /** @defgroup ADC_analog_watchdog_mode ADC analog watchdog mode
610   * @{
611   */
612 #define ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_NONE                 (0x00000000U)
613 #define ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR1_AWDSGL | ADC_CR1_AWDEN))
616 #define ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALL_REG              ((uint32_t) ADC_CR1_AWDEN)
617 #define ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALL_INJEC            ((uint32_t) ADC_CR1_JAWDEN)
619 /**
620   * @}
621   */
623 /** @defgroup ADC_conversion_group ADC conversion group
624   * @{
625   */
626 #define ADC_REGULAR_GROUP             ((uint32_t)(ADC_FLAG_EOC))
627 #define ADC_INJECTED_GROUP            ((uint32_t)(ADC_FLAG_JEOC))
629 /**
630   * @}
631   */
633 /** @defgroup ADC_Event_type ADC Event type
634   * @{
635   */
636 #define ADC_AWD_EVENT               ((uint32_t)ADC_FLAG_AWD)   /*!< ADC Analog watchdog event */
637 #define ADC_OVR_EVENT               ((uint32_t)ADC_FLAG_OVR)   /*!< ADC overrun event */
638 /**
639   * @}
640   */
642 /** @defgroup ADC_interrupts_definition ADC interrupts definition
643   * @{
644   */
645 #define ADC_IT_EOC           ADC_CR1_EOCIE        /*!< ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source */
646 #define ADC_IT_JEOC          ADC_CR1_JEOCIE       /*!< ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source */
647 #define ADC_IT_AWD           ADC_CR1_AWDIE        /*!< ADC Analog watchdog interrupt source */
648 #define ADC_IT_OVR           ADC_CR1_OVRIE        /*!< ADC overrun interrupt source */
649 /**
650   * @}
651   */
653 /** @defgroup ADC_flags_definition ADC flags definition
654   * @{
655   */
656 #define ADC_FLAG_AWD           ADC_SR_AWD      /*!< ADC Analog watchdog flag */
657 #define ADC_FLAG_EOC           ADC_SR_EOC      /*!< ADC End of Regular conversion flag */
658 #define ADC_FLAG_JEOC          ADC_SR_JEOC     /*!< ADC End of Injected conversion flag */
659 #define ADC_FLAG_JSTRT         ADC_SR_JSTRT    /*!< ADC Injected group start flag */
660 #define ADC_FLAG_STRT          ADC_SR_STRT     /*!< ADC Regular group start flag */
661 #define ADC_FLAG_OVR           ADC_SR_OVR      /*!< ADC overrun flag */
662 #define ADC_FLAG_ADONS         ADC_SR_ADONS    /*!< ADC ready status flag */
663 #define ADC_FLAG_RCNR          ADC_SR_RCNR     /*!< ADC Regular group ready status flag */
664 #define ADC_FLAG_JCNR          ADC_SR_JCNR     /*!< ADC Injected group ready status flag */
665 /**
666   * @}
667   */
669 /**
670   * @}
671   */
674 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
676 /** @addtogroup ADC_Private_Constants ADC Private Constants
677   * @{
678   */
680 /* List of external triggers of regular group for ADC1:                       */
681 /* (used internally by HAL driver. To not use into HAL structure parameters)  */
683 /* External triggers of regular group for ADC1 */
684 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T9_CC2         (0x00000000U)
685 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T9_TRGO        ((uint32_t)(                                                         ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
686 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T2_CC3         ((uint32_t)(                                      ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1                   ))
687 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T2_CC2         ((uint32_t)(                                      ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
688 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T3_TRGO        ((uint32_t)(                   ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2                                      ))
689 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T4_CC4         ((uint32_t)(                   ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2 |                    ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
690 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T2_TRGO        ((uint32_t)(                   ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1                   ))
691 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T3_CC1         ((uint32_t)(                   ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
692 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T3_CC3         ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_3                                                         ))
693 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T4_TRGO        ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_3                                       | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
694 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_T6_TRGO        ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_3                    | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1                   ))
695 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIG_EXT_IT11       ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1 | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0))
697 /* Combination of all post-conversion flags bits: EOC/EOS, JEOC/JEOS, OVR, AWDx */
699                                  ADC_FLAG_OVR)
701 /**
702   * @}
703   */
706 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
708 /** @defgroup ADC_Exported_Macros ADC Exported Macros
709   * @{
710   */
711 /* Macro for internal HAL driver usage, and possibly can be used into code of */
712 /* final user.                                                                */
714 /**
715   * @brief Enable the ADC peripheral
716   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
717   * @retval None
718   */
719 #define __HAL_ADC_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                                           \
720   (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_ADON
722 /**
723   * @brief Disable the ADC peripheral
724   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
725   * @retval None
726   */
727 #define __HAL_ADC_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                                          \
728   (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 &= ~ADC_CR2_ADON
730 /**
731   * @brief Enable the ADC end of conversion interrupt.
732   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
733   * @param __INTERRUPT__: ADC Interrupt
734   *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
735   *            @arg ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
736   *            @arg ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
737   *            @arg ADC_IT_AWD: ADC Analog watchdog interrupt source
738   *            @arg ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
739   * @retval None
740   */
741 #define __HAL_ADC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                         \
742   (SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1, (__INTERRUPT__)))
744 /**
745   * @brief Disable the ADC end of conversion interrupt.
746   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
747   * @param __INTERRUPT__: ADC Interrupt
748   *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
749   *            @arg ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
750   *            @arg ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
751   *            @arg ADC_IT_AWD: ADC Analog watchdog interrupt source
752   *            @arg ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
753   * @retval None
754   */
755 #define __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                        \
756   (CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1, (__INTERRUPT__)))
758 /** @brief  Checks if the specified ADC interrupt source is enabled or disabled.
759   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
760   * @param __INTERRUPT__: ADC interrupt source to check
761   *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
762   *            @arg ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
763   *            @arg ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
764   *            @arg ADC_IT_AWD: ADC Analog watchdog interrupt source
765   *            @arg ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
766   * @retval State of interruption (SET or RESET)
767   */
768 #define __HAL_ADC_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)                     \
769   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 & (__INTERRUPT__)) == (__INTERRUPT__))
771 /**
772   * @brief Get the selected ADC's flag status.
773   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
774   * @param __FLAG__: ADC flag
775   *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
776   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_STRT: ADC Regular group start flag
777   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: ADC Injected group start flag
778   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: ADC End of Regular conversion flag
779   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JEOC: ADC End of Injected conversion flag
780   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_AWD: ADC Analog watchdog flag
781   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_OVR: ADC overrun flag
782   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_ADONS: ADC ready status flag
783   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_RCNR: ADC Regular group ready status flag
784   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JCNR: ADC Injected group ready status flag
785   * @retval None
786   */
787 #define __HAL_ADC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                               \
788   ((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->SR) & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))
790 /**
791   * @brief Clear the ADC's pending flags
792   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
793   * @param __FLAG__: ADC flag
794   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_STRT: ADC Regular group start flag
795   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: ADC Injected group start flag
796   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: ADC End of Regular conversion flag
797   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JEOC: ADC End of Injected conversion flag
798   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_AWD: ADC Analog watchdog flag
799   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_OVR: ADC overrun flag
800   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_ADONS: ADC ready status flag
801   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_RCNR: ADC Regular group ready status flag
802   *            @arg ADC_FLAG_JCNR: ADC Injected group ready status flag
803   * @retval None
804   */
805 #define __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                             \
806   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->SR) = ~(__FLAG__))
808 /** @brief  Reset ADC handle state
809   * @param  __HANDLE__ ADC handle
810   * @retval None
811   */
813 #define __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)                               \
814   do{                                                                          \
815      (__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_RESET;                               \
816      (__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL;                                     \
817      (__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;                                   \
818     } while(0)
819 #else
820 #define __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)                               \
821   ((__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_RESET)
822 #endif
824 /**
825   * @}
826   */
828 /* Private macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
830 /** @defgroup ADC_Private_Macros ADC Private Macros
831   * @{
832   */
833 /* Macro reserved for internal HAL driver usage, not intended to be used in   */
834 /* code of final user.                                                        */
836 /**
837   * @brief Verification of ADC state: enabled or disabled
838   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
839   * @retval SET (ADC enabled) or RESET (ADC disabled)
840   */
841 #define ADC_IS_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                                              \
842   ((( ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->SR & ADC_SR_ADONS) == ADC_SR_ADONS )            \
843   ) ? SET : RESET)
845 /**
846   * @brief Test if conversion trigger of regular group is software start
847   *        or external trigger.
848   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
849   * @retval SET (software start) or RESET (external trigger)
850   */
851 #define ADC_IS_SOFTWARE_START_REGULAR(__HANDLE__)                              \
852   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_EXTEN) == RESET)
854 /**
855   * @brief Test if conversion trigger of injected group is software start
856   *        or external trigger.
857   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
858   * @retval SET (software start) or RESET (external trigger)
859   */
860 #define ADC_IS_SOFTWARE_START_INJECTED(__HANDLE__)                             \
861   (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_JEXTEN) == RESET)
863 /**
864   * @brief Simultaneously clears and sets specific bits of the handle State
865   * @note: ADC_STATE_CLR_SET() macro is merely aliased to generic macro MODIFY_REG(),
866   *        the first parameter is the ADC handle State, the second parameter is the
867   *        bit field to clear, the third and last parameter is the bit field to set.
868   * @retval None
869   */
872 /**
873   * @brief Clear ADC error code (set it to error code: "no error")
874   * @param __HANDLE__: ADC handle
875   * @retval None
876   */
877 #define ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(__HANDLE__)                                        \
878   ((__HANDLE__)->ErrorCode = HAL_ADC_ERROR_NONE)
880 /**
881   * @brief Set ADC number of ranks into regular channel sequence length.
882   * @param _NbrOfConversion_: Regular channel sequence length
883   * @retval None
884   */
885 #define ADC_SQR1_L_SHIFT(_NbrOfConversion_)                                    \
886   (((_NbrOfConversion_) - (uint8_t)1) << POSITION_VAL(ADC_SQR1_L))
888 /**
889   * @brief Set the ADC's sample time for channel numbers between 10 and 18.
890   * @param _SAMPLETIME_: Sample time parameter.
891   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
892   * @retval None
893   */
894 #define ADC_SMPR2(_SAMPLETIME_, _CHANNELNB_)                                   \
895   ((_SAMPLETIME_) << (3 * ((_CHANNELNB_) - 10)))
897 /**
898   * @brief Set the ADC's sample time for channel numbers between 0 and 9.
899   * @param _SAMPLETIME_: Sample time parameter.
900   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
901   * @retval None
902   */
903 #define ADC_SMPR3(_SAMPLETIME_, _CHANNELNB_)                                   \
904   ((_SAMPLETIME_) << (3 * (_CHANNELNB_)))
906 /**
907   * @brief Set the selected regular channel rank for rank between 1 and 6.
908   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
909   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
910   * @retval None
911   */
912 #define ADC_SQR5_RK(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_)                                     \
913   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((_RANKNB_) - 1)))
915 /**
916   * @brief Set the selected regular channel rank for rank between 7 and 12.
917   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
918   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
919   * @retval None
920   */
921 #define ADC_SQR4_RK(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_)                                     \
922   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((_RANKNB_) - 7)))
924 /**
925   * @brief Set the selected regular channel rank for rank between 13 and 18.
926   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
927   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
928   * @retval None
929   */
930 #define ADC_SQR3_RK(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_)                                     \
931   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((_RANKNB_) - 13)))
933 /**
934   * @brief Set the selected regular channel rank for rank between 19 and 24.
935   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
936   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
937   * @retval None
938   */
939 #define ADC_SQR2_RK(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_)                                     \
940   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((_RANKNB_) - 19)))
942 /**
943   * @brief Set the selected regular channel rank for rank between 25 and 28.
944   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
945   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
946   * @retval None
947   */
948 #define ADC_SQR1_RK(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_)                                     \
949   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((_RANKNB_) - 25)))
951 /**
952   * @brief Set the injected sequence length.
953   * @param _JSQR_JL_: Sequence length.
954   * @retval None
955   */
956 #define ADC_JSQR_JL_SHIFT(_JSQR_JL_)   (((_JSQR_JL_) -1) << 20)
958 /**
959   * @brief Set the selected injected channel rank
960   *        Note: on STM32L1 devices, channel rank position in JSQR register
961   *              is depending on total number of ranks selected into
962   *              injected sequencer (ranks sequence starting from 4-JL)
963   * @param _CHANNELNB_: Channel number.
964   * @param _RANKNB_: Rank number.
965   * @param _JSQR_JL_: Sequence length.
966   * @retval None
967   */
968 #define ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_, _JSQR_JL_)                       \
969   ((_CHANNELNB_) << (5 * ((4 - ((_JSQR_JL_) - (_RANKNB_))) - 1)))
971 /**
972   * @brief Enable the ADC DMA continuous request.
973   * @param _DMACONTREQ_MODE_: DMA continuous request mode.
974   * @retval None
975   */
976 #define ADC_CR2_DMACONTREQ(_DMACONTREQ_MODE_)                                  \
979 /**
980   * @brief Enable ADC continuous conversion mode.
981   * @param _CONTINUOUS_MODE_: Continuous mode.
982   * @retval None
983   */
984 #define ADC_CR2_CONTINUOUS(_CONTINUOUS_MODE_)                                  \
987 /**
988   * @brief Configures the number of discontinuous conversions for the regular group channels.
989   * @param _NBR_DISCONTINUOUS_CONV_: Number of discontinuous conversions.
990   * @retval None
991   */
992 #define ADC_CR1_DISCONTINUOUS_NUM(_NBR_DISCONTINUOUS_CONV_)                    \
995 /**
996   * @brief Enable ADC scan mode to convert multiple ranks with sequencer.
997   * @param _SCAN_MODE_: Scan conversion mode.
998   * @retval None
999   */
1000 /* Note: Scan mode is compared to ENABLE for legacy purpose, this parameter   */
1001 /*       is equivalent to ADC_SCAN_ENABLE.                                    */
1002 #define ADC_CR1_SCAN_SET(_SCAN_MODE_)                                          \
1003   (( ((_SCAN_MODE_) == ADC_SCAN_ENABLE) || ((_SCAN_MODE_) == ENABLE)           \
1004    )? (ADC_SCAN_ENABLE) : (ADC_SCAN_DISABLE)                                   \
1005   )
1009                                           ((ADC_CLOCK) == ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV2) || \
1010                                           ((ADC_CLOCK) == ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV4)   )
1013                                        ((RESOLUTION) == ADC_RESOLUTION_10B) || \
1014                                        ((RESOLUTION) == ADC_RESOLUTION_8B)  || \
1015                                        ((RESOLUTION) == ADC_RESOLUTION_6B)    )
1018                                                 ((RESOLUTION) == ADC_RESOLUTION_6B)   )
1021                                   ((ALIGN) == ADC_DATAALIGN_LEFT)    )
1024                                      ((SCAN_MODE) == ADC_SCAN_ENABLE)    )
1027                                    ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_RISING)       || \
1028                                    ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_FALLING)      || \
1029                                    ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_RISINGFALLING)  )
1032                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T2_CC2)   || \
1033                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T2_TRGO)  || \
1034                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T3_CC1)   || \
1035                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T3_CC3)   || \
1036                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T3_TRGO)  || \
1037                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T4_CC4)   || \
1038                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T4_TRGO)  || \
1039                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T6_TRGO)  || \
1040                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T9_CC2)   || \
1041                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_T9_TRGO)  || \
1042                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONV_EXT_IT11) || \
1043                                  ((REGTRIG) == ADC_SOFTWARE_START)              )
1046                                              ((EOC_SELECTION) == ADC_EOC_SEQ_CONV)         )
1049                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_UNTIL_DATA_READ)    || \
1050                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_7_APBCLOCKCYCLES)   || \
1051                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_15_APBCLOCKCYCLES)  || \
1052                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_31_APBCLOCKCYCLES)  || \
1053                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_63_APBCLOCKCYCLES)  || \
1054                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_127_APBCLOCKCYCLES) || \
1055                                    ((AUTOWAIT) == ADC_AUTOWAIT_255_APBCLOCKCYCLES)   )
1058                                            ((AUTOPOWEROFF) == ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_IDLE_PHASE)       || \
1059                                            ((AUTOPOWEROFF) == ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_DELAY_PHASE)      || \
1060                                            ((AUTOPOWEROFF) == ADC_AUTOPOWEROFF_IDLE_DELAY_PHASES)  )
1062 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
1065                                    ((BANK) == ADC_CHANNELS_BANK_B)   )
1066 #else
1069 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
1071 #if defined(STM32L100xB) || defined (STM32L151xB) || defined (STM32L152xB) || defined(STM32L100xBA) || defined (STM32L151xBA) || defined (STM32L152xBA) || defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC)
1072 #define IS_ADC_CHANNEL(CHANNEL) (((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_0)           || \
1073                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_1)           || \
1074                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_2)           || \
1075                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_3)           || \
1076                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_4)           || \
1077                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_5)           || \
1078                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_6)           || \
1079                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_7)           || \
1080                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_8)           || \
1081                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_9)           || \
1082                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_10)          || \
1083                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_11)          || \
1084                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_12)          || \
1085                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_13)          || \
1086                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_14)          || \
1087                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_15)          || \
1088                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_16)          || \
1089                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_17)          || \
1090                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_18)          || \
1091                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_19)          || \
1092                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_20)          || \
1093                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_21)          || \
1094                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_22)          || \
1095                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_23)          || \
1096                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_24)          || \
1097                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_25)          || \
1098                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_26)            )
1099 #endif /* STM32L100xB || STM32L151xB || STM32L152xB || STM32L100xBA || STM32L151xBA || STM32L152xBA || STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC */
1100 #if defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
1101 #define IS_ADC_CHANNEL(CHANNEL) (((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_0)           || \
1102                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_1)           || \
1103                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_2)           || \
1104                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_3)           || \
1105                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_4)           || \
1106                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_5)           || \
1107                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_6)           || \
1108                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_7)           || \
1109                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_8)           || \
1110                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_9)           || \
1111                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_10)          || \
1112                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_11)          || \
1113                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_12)          || \
1114                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_13)          || \
1115                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_14)          || \
1116                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_15)          || \
1117                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_16)          || \
1118                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_17)          || \
1119                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_18)          || \
1120                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_19)          || \
1121                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_20)          || \
1122                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_21)          || \
1123                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_22)          || \
1124                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_23)          || \
1125                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_24)          || \
1126                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_25)          || \
1127                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_26)          || \
1128                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_27)          || \
1129                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_28)          || \
1130                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_29)          || \
1131                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_30)          || \
1132                                  ((CHANNEL) == ADC_CHANNEL_31)            )
1133 #endif /* STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
1136                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_9CYCLES)   || \
1137                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_16CYCLES)  || \
1138                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_24CYCLES)  || \
1139                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_48CYCLES)  || \
1140                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_96CYCLES)  || \
1141                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_192CYCLES) || \
1142                                   ((TIME) == ADC_SAMPLETIME_384CYCLES)   )
1144 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
1147                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_2 ) || \
1148                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_3 ) || \
1149                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_4 ) || \
1150                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_5 ) || \
1151                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_6 ) || \
1152                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_7 ) || \
1153                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_8 ) || \
1154                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_9 ) || \
1155                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_10) || \
1156                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_11) || \
1157                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_12) || \
1158                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_13) || \
1159                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_14) || \
1160                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_15) || \
1161                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_16) || \
1162                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_17) || \
1163                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_18) || \
1164                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_19) || \
1165                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_20) || \
1166                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_21) || \
1167                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_22) || \
1168                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_23) || \
1169                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_24) || \
1170                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_25) || \
1171                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_26) || \
1172                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_27) || \
1173                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_28)   )
1174 #else
1177                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_2 ) || \
1178                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_3 ) || \
1179                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_4 ) || \
1180                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_5 ) || \
1181                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_6 ) || \
1182                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_7 ) || \
1183                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_8 ) || \
1184                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_9 ) || \
1185                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_10) || \
1186                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_11) || \
1187                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_12) || \
1188                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_13) || \
1189                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_14) || \
1190                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_15) || \
1191                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_16) || \
1192                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_17) || \
1193                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_18) || \
1194                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_19) || \
1195                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_20) || \
1196                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_21) || \
1197                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_22) || \
1198                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_23) || \
1199                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_24) || \
1200                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_25) || \
1201                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_26) || \
1202                                       ((CHANNEL) == ADC_REGULAR_RANK_27)   )
1203 #endif /* STM32L100xC || STM32L151xC || STM32L152xC || STM32L162xC || STM32L151xCA || STM32L151xD || STM32L152xCA || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xCA || STM32L162xD || STM32L151xE || STM32L151xDX || STM32L152xE || STM32L152xDX || STM32L162xE || STM32L162xDX */
1206                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG)       || \
1207                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_INJEC)     || \
1208                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REGINJEC)  || \
1209                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALL_REG)          || \
1210                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALL_INJEC)        || \
1211                                                ((WATCHDOG) == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALL_REGINJEC)       )
1214                                              ((CONVERSION) == ADC_INJECTED_GROUP)        || \
1215                                              ((CONVERSION) == ADC_REGULAR_INJECTED_GROUP)  )
1217 #define IS_ADC_EVENT_TYPE(EVENT) (((EVENT) == ADC_AWD_EVENT)  || \
1218                                   ((EVENT) == ADC_FLAG_OVR) )
1220 /**
1221   * @brief Verify that a ADC data is within range corresponding to
1222   *        ADC resolution.
1223   * @param __RESOLUTION__: ADC resolution (12, 10, 8 or 6 bits).
1224   * @param __ADC_DATA__: value checked against the resolution.
1225   * @retval SET: ADC data is within range corresponding to ADC resolution
1226   *         RESET: ADC data is not within range corresponding to ADC resolution
1227   *
1228   */
1229 #define IS_ADC_RANGE(__RESOLUTION__, __ADC_DATA__)                                          \
1230    ((((__RESOLUTION__) == ADC_RESOLUTION_12B) && ((__ADC_DATA__) <= (0x0FFFU))) || \
1231     (((__RESOLUTION__) == ADC_RESOLUTION_10B) && ((__ADC_DATA__) <= (0x03FFU))) || \
1232     (((__RESOLUTION__) == ADC_RESOLUTION_8B)  && ((__ADC_DATA__) <= (0x00FFU))) || \
1233     (((__RESOLUTION__) == ADC_RESOLUTION_6B)  && ((__ADC_DATA__) <= (0x003FU)))   )
1236 #if defined(STM32L100xC) || defined (STM32L151xC) || defined (STM32L152xC) || defined (STM32L162xC) || defined(STM32L151xCA) || defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xCA) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xCA) || defined (STM32L162xD) || defined(STM32L151xE) || defined(STM32L151xDX) || defined (STM32L152xE) || defined (STM32L152xDX) || defined (STM32L162xE) || defined (STM32L162xDX)
1237 #define IS_ADC_REGULAR_NB_CONV(LENGTH) (((LENGTH) >= (1U)) && ((LENGTH) <= (28U)))
1238 #else
1239 #define IS_ADC_REGULAR_NB_CONV(LENGTH) (((LENGTH) >= (1U)) && ((LENGTH) <= (27U)))
1240 #endif
1242 #define IS_ADC_REGULAR_DISCONT_NUMBER(NUMBER) (((NUMBER) >= (1U)) && ((NUMBER) <= (8U)))
1244 /**
1245   * @}
1246   */
1249 /* Include ADC HAL Extension module */
1250 #include "stm32l1xx_hal_adc_ex.h"
1252 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
1253 /** @addtogroup ADC_Exported_Functions
1254   * @{
1255   */
1257 /** @addtogroup ADC_Exported_Functions_Group1
1258   * @{
1259   */
1262 /* Initialization and de-initialization functions  **********************************/
1263 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Init(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1264 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_DeInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);
1265 void                    HAL_ADC_MspInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1266 void                    HAL_ADC_MspDeInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1269 /* Callbacks Register/UnRegister functions  ***********************************/
1270 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_RegisterCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, HAL_ADC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pADC_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
1271 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_UnRegisterCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, HAL_ADC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);
1274 /**
1275   * @}
1276   */
1278 /* IO operation functions  *****************************************************/
1280 /** @addtogroup ADC_Exported_Functions_Group2
1281   * @{
1282   */
1285 /* Blocking mode: Polling */
1286 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Start(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1287 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Stop(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1288 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t Timeout);
1289 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_PollForEvent(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t EventType, uint32_t Timeout);
1291 /* Non-blocking mode: Interruption */
1292 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Start_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1293 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Stop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1295 /* Non-blocking mode: DMA */
1296 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length);
1297 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_Stop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1299 /* ADC retrieve conversion value intended to be used with polling or interruption */
1300 uint32_t                HAL_ADC_GetValue(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1302 /* ADC IRQHandler and Callbacks used in non-blocking modes (Interruption and DMA) */
1303 void                    HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1304 void                    HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1305 void                    HAL_ADC_ConvHalfCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1306 void                    HAL_ADC_LevelOutOfWindowCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1307 void                    HAL_ADC_ErrorCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);
1308 /**
1309   * @}
1310   */
1313 /* Peripheral Control functions ***********************************************/
1314 /** @addtogroup ADC_Exported_Functions_Group3
1315   * @{
1316   */
1317 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef* sConfig);
1318 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_ADC_AnalogWDGConfig(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, ADC_AnalogWDGConfTypeDef* AnalogWDGConfig);
1319 /**
1320   * @}
1321   */
1324 /* Peripheral State functions *************************************************/
1325 /** @addtogroup ADC_Exported_Functions_Group4
1326   * @{
1327   */
1328 uint32_t                HAL_ADC_GetState(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1329 uint32_t                HAL_ADC_GetError(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc);
1330 /**
1331   * @}
1332   */
1335 /**
1336   * @}
1337   */
1340 /* Internal HAL driver functions **********************************************/
1341 /** @addtogroup ADC_Private_Functions
1342   * @{
1343   */
1345 HAL_StatusTypeDef ADC_Enable(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1346 HAL_StatusTypeDef ADC_ConversionStop_Disable(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
1347 /**
1348   * @}
1349   */
1352 /**
1353   * @}
1354   */
1356 /**
1357   * @}
1358   */
1360 #ifdef __cplusplus
1361 }
1362 #endif
1365 #endif /* __STM32L1xx_HAL_ADC_H */