1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 */
7 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY)
9 #include "mocks/crypto.h"
10 #include "mocks/crypto_expects.h"
11 #include "testing_common_defs.h"
13 #include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci.h>
14 #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
15 #include <zephyr/ztest.h>
17 #include <host/hci_core.h>
18 #include <host/id.h>
19 #include <mocks/addr.h>
20 #include <mocks/addr_expects.h>
22 static uint8_t testing_irk_value[16] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
23 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15};
tc_setup(void * f)25 static void tc_setup(void *f)
26 {
28 }
30 ZTEST_SUITE(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled, NULL, NULL, tc_setup, NULL, NULL);
bt_rand_custom_fake(void * buf,size_t len)32 static int bt_rand_custom_fake(void *buf, size_t len)
33 {
34 __ASSERT_NO_MSG(buf != NULL);
35 __ASSERT_NO_MSG(len == 16);
37 memcpy(buf, testing_irk_value, len);
39 return 0;
40 }
42 /*
43 * Test creating a new identity.
44 * A valid random static address is passed to bt_id_create() for the address and 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' is
45 * set, the same address is used and copied to bt_dev.id_addr[].
46 *
47 * Constraints:
48 * - Valid private random address is used
49 * - Input IRK is NULL
50 * - 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' flag is set in bt_dev.flags
51 *
52 * Expected behaviour:
53 * - The same address is used and loaded to bt_dev.id_addr[]
54 * - IRK is loaded to bt_dev.irk[]
55 * - bt_dev.id_count is incremented
56 */
ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled,test_create_id_valid_input_address_null_irk)57 ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled, test_create_id_valid_input_address_null_irk)
58 {
59 int id_count, new_id;
60 bt_addr_le_t addr = *BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1;
62 id_count = bt_dev.id_count;
63 atomic_set_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ENABLE);
64 bt_rand_fake.custom_fake = bt_rand_custom_fake;
65 /* Calling bt_addr_le_create_static() isn't expected */
66 bt_addr_le_create_static_fake.return_val = -1;
68 new_id = bt_id_create(&addr, NULL);
70 expect_not_called_bt_addr_le_create_static();
71 expect_single_call_bt_rand(&bt_dev.irk[new_id], 16);
73 zassert_true(new_id >= 0, "Unexpected error code '%d' was returned", new_id);
74 zassert_true(bt_dev.id_count == (id_count + 1), "Incorrect ID count %d was set",
75 bt_dev.id_count);
76 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.id_addr[new_id], BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1, sizeof(bt_addr_le_t),
77 "Incorrect address was set");
78 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.irk[new_id], testing_irk_value, sizeof(testing_irk_value),
79 "Incorrect address was set");
80 }
82 /*
83 * Test creating a new identity.
84 * A valid random static address is passed to bt_id_create() for the address and 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' is
85 * set, the same address is used and copied to bt_dev.id_addr[].
86 *
87 * Constraints:
88 * - Valid private random address is used
89 * - Input IRK is cleared (zero filled)
90 * - 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' flag is set in bt_dev.flags
91 *
92 * Expected behaviour:
93 * - The same address is used and loaded to bt_dev.id_addr[]
94 * - IRK is loaded to bt_dev.irk[]
95 * - IRK is loaded to input IRK buffer
96 * - bt_dev.id_count is incremented
97 */
ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled,test_create_id_valid_input_address_cleared_irk)98 ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled, test_create_id_valid_input_address_cleared_irk)
99 {
100 int id_count, new_id;
101 bt_addr_le_t addr = *BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1;
102 uint8_t zero_irk[16] = {0};
104 id_count = bt_dev.id_count;
105 atomic_set_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ENABLE);
106 bt_rand_fake.custom_fake = bt_rand_custom_fake;
107 /* Calling bt_addr_le_create_static() isn't expected */
108 bt_addr_le_create_static_fake.return_val = -1;
110 new_id = bt_id_create(&addr, zero_irk);
112 expect_not_called_bt_addr_le_create_static();
113 expect_single_call_bt_rand(&bt_dev.irk[new_id], 16);
115 zassert_true(new_id >= 0, "Unexpected error code '%d' was returned", new_id);
116 zassert_true(bt_dev.id_count == (id_count + 1), "Incorrect ID count %d was set",
117 bt_dev.id_count);
118 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.id_addr[new_id], BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1, sizeof(bt_addr_le_t),
119 "Incorrect address was set");
120 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.irk[new_id], testing_irk_value, sizeof(testing_irk_value),
121 "Incorrect address was set");
122 zassert_mem_equal(zero_irk, testing_irk_value, sizeof(testing_irk_value),
123 "Incorrect address was set");
124 }
126 /*
127 * Test creating a new identity.
128 * A valid random static address is passed to bt_id_create() for the address and 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' is
129 * set, the same address is used and copied to bt_dev.id_addr[].
130 *
131 * Constraints:
132 * - Valid private random address is used
133 * - Input IRK is filled with non-zero values
134 * - 'BT_DEV_ENABLE' flag is set in bt_dev.flags
135 *
136 * Expected behaviour:
137 * - The same address is used and loaded to bt_dev.id_addr[]
138 * - Input IRK is loaded to bt_dev.irk[]
139 * - bt_dev.id_count is incremented
140 */
ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled,test_create_id_valid_input_address_filled_irk)141 ZTEST(bt_id_create_privacy_enabled, test_create_id_valid_input_address_filled_irk)
142 {
143 int id_count, new_id;
144 bt_addr_le_t addr = *BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1;
146 id_count = bt_dev.id_count;
147 atomic_set_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ENABLE);
148 bt_rand_fake.custom_fake = bt_rand_custom_fake;
149 /* Calling bt_addr_le_create_static() isn't expected */
150 bt_addr_le_create_static_fake.return_val = -1;
152 new_id = bt_id_create(&addr, testing_irk_value);
154 expect_not_called_bt_addr_le_create_static();
155 expect_not_called_bt_rand();
157 zassert_true(new_id >= 0, "Unexpected error code '%d' was returned", new_id);
158 zassert_true(bt_dev.id_count == (id_count + 1), "Incorrect ID count %d was set",
159 bt_dev.id_count);
160 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.id_addr[new_id], BT_STATIC_RANDOM_LE_ADDR_1, sizeof(bt_addr_le_t),
161 "Incorrect address was set");
162 zassert_mem_equal(&bt_dev.irk[new_id], testing_irk_value, sizeof(testing_irk_value),
163 "Incorrect address was set");
164 }
165 #endif