1; MEC1727 SPI Image Generator configuration file for internal 512KB flash 2[SPI] 3SPISizeMegabits = 4 4Flashmap = false 5FlshmapAddr = 0 6 7[DEVICE] 8TagAddr0 = 0 9TagAddr1 = 0 10; BoardID is used by a Boot-ROM feature named PlatformID. By default PlatformID 11; is disabled. If PlatformID is enabled in OTP Boot-ROM will check the image 12; BoardID value with an OTP PlatformID value. Load is aborted if the ID's do 13; not match. 14BoardID = 0 15 16[IMAGE "0"] 17ImageLocation = 0x100 18SpiFreqMHz = 24 19SpiReadCommand = Quad 20SpiDriveStrength = 8 21SpiSlewFast = false 22SpiSignalControl = 0x00 23FwBinFile = zephyr.bin 24ImageRevision = 0x56 25FwOffset = 0 26FwLoadAddress = 0xC0000 27FwEntryAddress = 0 28UseECDSA = false 29AuthenticateKeySelt = 5 30AutoKeyRevEn = true 31KeyRevPermission = 0x11223344 32AutoRollBackProtEn = false 33RollbackProtPerm031000 = 0x11223344 34RollbackProtPerm063032 = 0x55667788 35RollbackProtPerm095063 = 0 36RollbackProtPerm127096 = 0xDDEEFF99 37ECDSAPrivKeyFile = ec384.pem 38ECDSAPrivKeyPassword = ec384 39FwEncrypt = false 40AesGenECPubKeyFile = ec384_crt.pem 41SHA256andECDSA = false 42TagBuildNumber= 0x1156 43Comp0ProgDrvStrenEN = true 44Comp0WritCmdTotByts = 1 45Comp0ReadCmdByte = 0x15 46Comp0WritCmdByte = 0x11 47Comp0DrvValue = 0x40 48Comp0DrvMask = 0x60 49Comp1ProgDrvStrenEN = true 50Comp1WritCmdTotByts = 1 51Comp1ReadCmdByte = 0x15 52Comp1WritCmdByte = 0x11 53Comp1DrvValue = 0x20 54Comp1DrvMask = 0x60 55