1Bluetooth: Coordinated Set Identification Profile Shell 2####################################################### 3 4This document describes how to run the coordinated set identification 5functionality, both as a client and as a server. 6Note that in the examples below, some lines of debug have been removed to make 7this shorter and provide a better overview. 8 9Set Coordinator (Client) 10************************ 11 12The client will typically be a resource-rich device, such as a smartphone 13or a laptop. The client is able to lock and release members of a coordinated 14set. While the coordinated set is locked, no other clients may lock the set. 15 16To lock a set, the client must connect to each of the set members it wants to 17lock. This implementation will always try to connect to all the members of 18the set, and at the same time. Thus if the set size is 3, then 19:code:`BT_MAX_CONN` shall be at least 3. 20 21If the locks on set members shall persists through disconnects, it is 22necessary to bond with the set members. If you need to bond with multiple 23set members, make sure that :code:`BT_MAX_PAIRED` is correctly configured. 24 25Using the Set Coordinator 26========================= 27 28When the Bluetooth stack has been initialized (:code:`bt init`), 29and a set member device has been connected, the call control client can be 30initialized by calling :code:`csip_set_coordinator init`, which will start a discovery 31for the TBS uuids and store the handles, and optionally subscribe to all 32notifications (default is to subscribe to all). 33 34Once the client has connected and discovered the handles, then it can 35read the set information, which is needed to identify other set members. 36The client can then scan for and connect to the remaining set members, and once 37all the members has been connected to, it can lock and release the set. 38 39It is necessary to enable 40:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_CSIP_SET_COORDINATOR_LOG_LEVEL_DBG` to properly use 41the set coordinator. 42 43.. code-block:: console 44 45 csip_set_coordinator --help 46 csip_set_coordinator - Bluetooth CSIP_SET_COORDINATOR shell commands 47 Subcommands: 48 init :Initialize CSIP_SET_COORDINATOR 49 discover :Run discover for CSIS on peer device [member_index] 50 discover_members :Scan for set members <set_pointer> 51 lock_set :Lock set 52 release_set :Release set 53 lock :Lock specific member [member_index] 54 release :Release specific member [member_index] 55 lock_get :Get the lock value of the specific member and instance 56 [member_index [inst_idx]] 57 58 59Example usage 60============= 61 62Setup 63----- 64 65.. code-block:: console 66 67 uart:~$ init 68 uart:~$ bt connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx public 69 70When connected 71-------------- 72 73Discovering sets on a device: 74 75.. code-block:: console 76 77 uart:~$ csip_set_coordinator init 78 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.primary_discover_func: [ATTRIBUTE] handle 0x0048 79 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.primary_discover_func: Discover complete, found 1 instances 80 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.discover_func: Setup complete for 1 / 1 81 Found 1 sets on device 82 uart:~$ csip_set_coordinator discover_sets 83 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.SIRK 84 36 04 9a dc 66 3a a1 a1 |6...f:.. 85 1d 9a 2f 41 01 73 3e 01 |../A.s>. 86 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_set_size_cb: 2 87 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_set_lock_cb: 1 88 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_rank_cb: 1 89 Set size 2 (pointer: 0x566fdfe8) 90 91Discover set members, based on the set pointer above: 92 93.. code-block:: console 94 95 uart:~$ csip_set_coordinator discover_members 0x566fdfe8 96 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_found: Found CSIS advertiser with address 34:02:86:03:86:c0 (public) 97 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.is_set_member: hash: 0x33ccb1, prand 0x5bfe6a 98 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.is_discovered: 34:02:86:03:86:c0 (public) 99 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.is_discovered: 34:13:e8:b3:7f:9e (public) 100 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_found: Found member (2 / 2) 101 Discovered 2/2 set members 102 103Lock set members: 104 105.. code-block:: console 106 107 uart:~$ csip_set_coordinator lock_set 108 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.bt_csip_set_coordinator_lock_set: Connecting to 34:02:86:03:86:c0 (public) 109 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_connected: Connected to 34:02:86:03:86:c0 (public) 110 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.discover_func: Setup complete for 1 / 1 111 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_lock_set_init_cb: 112 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.SIRK 113 36 04 9a dc 66 3a a1 a1 |6...f:.. 114 1d 9a 2f 41 01 73 3e 01 |../A.s>. 115 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_set_size_cb: 2 116 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_set_lock_cb: 1 117 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_discover_sets_read_rank_cb: 2 118 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_write_lowest_rank: Locking member with rank 1 119 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.notify_func: Instance 0 lock was locked 120 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_write_lowest_rank: Locking member with rank 2 121 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.notify_func: Instance 0 lock was locked 122 Set locked 123 124Release set members: 125 126.. code-block:: console 127 128 uart:~$ csip_set_coordinator release_set 129 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_release_highest_rank: Releasing member with rank 2 130 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.notify_func: Instance 0 lock was released 131 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.csip_set_coordinator_release_highest_rank: Releasing member with rank 1 132 <dbg> bt_csip_set_coordinator.notify_func: Instance 0 lock was released 133 Set released 134 135Coordinated Set Member (Server) 136********************************************** 137The server on devices that are part of a set, 138consisting of at least two devices, e.g. a pair of earbuds. 139 140Using the Set Member 141===================== 142 143.. code-block:: console 144 145 csip_set_member --help 146 csip_set_member - Bluetooth CSIP set member shell commands 147 Subcommands: 148 register :Initialize the service and register callbacks [size <int>] 149 [rank <int>] [not-lockable] [sirk <data>] 150 lock :Lock the set 151 release :Release the set [force] 152 sirk :Set the currently used SIRK <sirk> 153 get_sirk :Get the currently used SIRK 154 sirk_rsp :Set the response used in SIRK requests <accept, accept_enc, 155 reject, oob> 156 157Example Usage 158============= 159 160Setup 161----- 162 163.. code-block:: console 164 165 uart:~$ bt init 166 uart:~$ csip_set_member register 167 168 169Setting a new SIRK 170------------------ 171 172This command can modify the currently used SIRK. To get the new RSI to advertise on air, 173:code:`bt adv-data` or :code:`bt advertise` must be called again to set the new advertising data. 174If :code:`CONFIG_BT_CSIP_SET_MEMBER_SIRK_NOTIFIABLE` is enabled, this will also notify connected 175clients. 176 177.. code-block:: console 178 179 uart:~$ csip_set_member sirk 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff 180 SIRK updated 181 182Getting the current SIRK 183------------------------ 184 185This command can get the currently used SIRK. 186 187.. code-block:: console 188 189 uart:~$ csip_set_member get_sirk 190 SIRK 191 36 04 9a dc 66 3a a1 a1 |6...f:.. 192 1d 9a 2f 41 01 73 3e 01 |../A.s>. 193