1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 /*! \file sensor_fusion.c
10     \brief The sensor_fusion.c file implements the top level programming interface
11 */
13 /* Including needed modules to compile this module/procedure */
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include "sensor_fusion.h"
16 #include "magnetic.h"
17 #include "drivers.h"
18 #include "sensor_drv.h"
19 #include "status.h"
20 #include "control.h"
21 #include "fusion.h"
22 //#include "debug.h"
24 /// Poor man's inheritance for status subsystem setStatus command
25 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
setStatus(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg,fusion_status_t status)26 void setStatus(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg, fusion_status_t status)
27 {
28     sfg->pStatusSubsystem->set(sfg->pStatusSubsystem, status);
29 }
31 /// Poor man's inheritance for status subsystem queueStatus command.
32 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
queueStatus(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg,fusion_status_t status)33 void queueStatus(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg, fusion_status_t status)
34 {
35     sfg->pStatusSubsystem->queue(sfg->pStatusSubsystem, status);
36 }
38 /// Poor man's inheritance for status subsystem updateStatus command.
39 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
updateStatus(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)40 void updateStatus(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
41 {
42     sfg->pStatusSubsystem->update(sfg->pStatusSubsystem);
43 }
testStatus(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)45 void testStatus(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
46 {
47     sfg->pStatusSubsystem->test(sfg->pStatusSubsystem);
48 }
50 /// utility function to insert default values in the top level structure
initSensorFusionGlobals(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg,StatusSubsystem * pStatusSubsystem,ControlSubsystem * pControlSubsystem)51 void initSensorFusionGlobals(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg,
52                              StatusSubsystem *pStatusSubsystem,
53                              ControlSubsystem *pControlSubsystem)
54 {
55     sfg->iFlags = // all of the following defines are either 0x0000 or a 1-bit value (2, 4, 8 ...) and are defined in build.h
56                 F_USING_ACCEL           |
57                 F_USING_MAG             |
58                 F_USING_GYRO            |
59                 F_USING_PRESSURE        |
60                 F_USING_TEMPERATURE     |
61                 F_ALL_SENSORS           |       // refers to all applicable sensor types for the given physical unit
62                 F_1DOF_P_BASIC	        |       // 1DOF pressure (altitude) and temperature: (pressure)
63                 F_3DOF_G_BASIC	        |	// 3DOF accel tilt: (accel)
64                 F_3DOF_B_BASIC	        |	// 3DOF mag eCompass (vehicle): (mag)
65                 F_3DOF_Y_BASIC	        |	// 3DOF gyro integration: (gyro)
66                 F_6DOF_GB_BASIC	        |	// 6DOF accel and mag eCompass)
67                 F_6DOF_GY_KALMAN        |	// 6DOF accel and gyro (Kalman): (accel + gyro)
68                 F_9DOF_GBY_KALMAN	;	// 9DOF accel, mag and gyro (Kalman): (accel + mag + gyro)
70     sfg->pControlSubsystem = pControlSubsystem;
71     sfg->pStatusSubsystem = pStatusSubsystem;
72     sfg->loopcounter = 0;                     // counter incrementing each iteration of sensor fusion (typically 25Hz)
73     sfg->systick_I2C = 0;                     // systick counter to benchmark I2C reads
74     sfg->systick_Spare = 0;                   // systick counter for counts spare waiting for timing interrupt
75     sfg->iPerturbation = 0;                   // no perturbation to be applied
76     sfg->installSensor = installSensor;       // function for installing a new sensor into the structures
77     sfg->initializeFusionEngine = initializeFusionEngine;   // function for installing a new sensor into the structures
78     sfg->readSensors = readSensors;           // function for installing a new sensor into the structures
79     sfg->runFusion = runFusion;               // function for installing a new sensor into the structures
80     sfg->applyPerturbation = ApplyPerturbation; // function used for step function testing
81     sfg->conditionSensorReadings = conditionSensorReadings; // function does averaging, HAL adjustments, etc.
82     sfg->clearFIFOs = clearFIFOs;             // function to clear FIFO flags    sfg->applyPerturbation = ApplyPerturbation; // function used for step function testing
83     sfg->setStatus = setStatus;               // function to immediately set status change
84     sfg->queueStatus = queueStatus;           // function to queue status change
85     sfg->updateStatus = updateStatus;         // function to promote queued status change
86     sfg->testStatus = testStatus;             // function for unit testing the status subsystem
87     sfg->pSensors = NULL;                     // pointer to linked list of physical sensors
88 //  put error value into whoAmI as initial value
90     sfg->Accel.iWhoAmI = 0;
91 #endif
92 #if F_USING_MAG
93     sfg->Mag.iWhoAmI = 0;
94 #endif
96     sfg->Gyro.iWhoAmI = 0;
97 #endif
99     sfg->Pressure.iWhoAmI = 0;
100 #endif
101 }
102 /// installSensor is used to instantiate a physical sensor driver into the
103 /// sensor fusion system.
104 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
installSensor(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg,struct PhysicalSensor * pSensor,uint16_t addr,uint16_t schedule,void * bus_driver,registerDeviceInfo_t * busInfo,initializeSensor_t * initialize,readSensor_t * read)105 int8_t installSensor(
106                      SensorFusionGlobals *sfg,  ///< top level fusion structure
107                      struct PhysicalSensor *pSensor,    ///< pointer to structure describing physical sensor
108                      uint16_t addr,             ///< I2C address for sensor (if applicable)
109                      uint16_t schedule,         ///< Parameter to control sensor sampling rate
110                      void *bus_driver,          ///< ISSDK sensor bus driver (usually KSDK I2C bus)
111                      registerDeviceInfo_t *busInfo, ///< information required for bus power management
112                      initializeSensor_t *initialize,    ///< pointer to sensor initialization function
113                      readSensor_t *read)        ///< pointer to sensor read function
114 {
115     if (sfg && pSensor && bus_driver && initialize && read)
116     {
117         pSensor->bus_driver = bus_driver;
118         pSensor->deviceInfo.deviceInstance = busInfo->deviceInstance;
119         pSensor->deviceInfo.functionParam = busInfo->functionParam;
120         pSensor->deviceInfo.idleFunction = busInfo->idleFunction;
122         pSensor->initialize = initialize;       // The initialization function is responsible for putting the sensor
123                                                 // into the proper mode for sensor fusion.  It is normally KSDK-based.
124         pSensor->read = read;                   // The read function is responsible for taking sensor readings and
125                                                 // loading them into the sensor fusion input structures.  Also KDSK-based.
126         pSensor->addr = addr;                   // I2C address if applicable
127         pSensor->schedule = schedule;
128         pSensor->slaveParams.pReadPreprocessFN = NULL;  // SPI-specific parameters get overwritten later if used
129         pSensor->slaveParams.pWritePreprocessFN = NULL;
130         pSensor->slaveParams.pTargetSlavePinID = NULL;
131         pSensor->slaveParams.spiCmdLen = 0;
132         pSensor->slaveParams.ssActiveValue = 0;
133         // Now add the new sensor at the head of the linked list
134         pSensor->next = sfg->pSensors;
135         sfg->pSensors = pSensor;
136         return (0);
137     }
138     else
139     {
140         return (1);
141     }
142 }
143 // The initializeSensors function traverses the linked list of physical sensor
144 // types and calls the initialization function for each one.
initializeSensors(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)145 int8_t initializeSensors(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
146 {
147     struct PhysicalSensor  *pSensor;
148     int8_t          s;
149     int8_t          status = 0;
150     for (pSensor = sfg->pSensors; pSensor != NULL; pSensor = pSensor->next)
151     {
152         s = pSensor->initialize(pSensor, sfg);
153         if (status == 0) status = s;            // will return 1st error flag, but try all sensors
154     }
155     return (status);
156 }
158 // process<Sensor>Data routines do post processing for HAL and averaging.  They
159 // are called from the readSensors() function below.
processAccelData(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)161 void processAccelData(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
162 {
163     int32 iSum[3];		        // channel sums
164     int16 i, j;			        // counters
165     if (sfg->Accel.iFIFOExceeded > 0) {
166       sfg->setStatus(sfg, SOFT_FAULT);
167     }
169     ApplyAccelHAL(&(sfg->Accel));     // This function is board-dependent
171     // calculate the average HAL-corrected measurement
172     for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++) iSum[j] = 0;
173     for (i = 0; i < sfg->Accel.iFIFOCount; i++)
174         for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++) iSum[j] += sfg->Accel.iGsFIFO[i][j];
175     if (sfg->Accel.iFIFOCount > 0)
176     {
177         for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++)
178         {
179             sfg->Accel.iGs[j] = (int16)(iSum[j] / (int32) sfg->Accel.iFIFOCount);
180             sfg->Accel.fGs[j] = (float)sfg->Accel.iGs[j] * sfg->Accel.fgPerCount;
181         }
182     }
184     // apply precision accelerometer calibration (offset V, inverse gain invW and rotation correction R^T)
185     // to map fGs onto fGc (g), iGc (counts)
186     fInvertAccelCal(&(sfg->Accel), &(sfg->AccelCal));
188     // update the precision accelerometer data buffer
189     fUpdateAccelBuffer(&(sfg->AccelCal),
190                        &(sfg->AccelBuffer),
191                        &(sfg->Accel),
192                        &(sfg->pControlSubsystem->AccelCalPacketOn));
193     return;
194 }
195 #endif
196 #if F_USING_MAG
processMagData(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)197 void processMagData(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
198 {
199     int32 iSum[3];		        // channel sums
200     int16 i, j;			        // counters
202     // printf("ProcessingMagData()\n");
203     if (sfg->Mag.iFIFOExceeded > 0) {
204       sfg->setStatus(sfg, SOFT_FAULT);
205     }
207     ApplyMagHAL(&(sfg->Mag));         // This function is board-dependent
209     // calculate the average HAL-corrected measurement
210     for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++) iSum[j] = 0;
211     for (i = 0; i < sfg->Mag.iFIFOCount; i++)
212 	for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++) iSum[j] += sfg->Mag.iBsFIFO[i][j];
213     if (sfg->Mag.iFIFOCount > 0)
214     {
215       for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++)
216       {
217           sfg->Mag.iBs[j] = (int16)(iSum[j] / (int32) sfg->Mag.iFIFOCount);
218           sfg->Mag.fBs[j] = (float)sfg->Mag.iBs[j] * sfg->Mag.fuTPerCount;
219       }
220     }
222     // remove hard and soft iron terms from fBs (uT) to get calibrated data fBc (uT), iBc (counts) and
223     // update magnetic buffer avoiding a write while a magnetic calibration is in progress.
224     // run one iteration of the time sliced magnetic calibration
225     fInvertMagCal(&(sfg->Mag), &(sfg->MagCal));
226     if (!sfg->MagCal.iMagBufferReadOnly)
227         iUpdateMagBuffer(&(sfg->MagBuffer), &(sfg->Mag), sfg->loopcounter);
228     fRunMagCalibration(&(sfg->MagCal), &(sfg->MagBuffer), &(sfg->Mag),
229                            sfg->loopcounter);
231     return;
232 }
233 #endif
234 #if F_USING_GYRO
processGyroData(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)235 void processGyroData(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
236 {
237     int32 iSum[3];		        // channel sums
238     int16 i, j;			        // counters
239     if (sfg->Gyro.iFIFOExceeded > 0) {
240       sfg->setStatus(sfg, SOFT_FAULT);
241     }
243     ApplyGyroHAL(&(sfg->Gyro));       // This function is board-dependent
245     // calculate the average HAL-corrected measurement.  This is used for offset
246     // initialization, display purposes and in the 3-axis gyro-only algorithm.
247     // The Kalman filters both do the full incremental rotation integration
248     // right in the filters themselves.
249     for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++) iSum[j] = 0;
250     for (i = 0; i < sfg->Gyro.iFIFOCount; i++)
251         for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++)
252           iSum[j] += sfg->Gyro.iYsFIFO[i][j];
253     if (sfg->Gyro.iFIFOCount > 0)
254     {
255         for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++)
256         {
257             sfg->Gyro.iYs[j] = (int16)(iSum[j] / (int32) sfg->Gyro.iFIFOCount);
258             sfg->Gyro.fYs[j] = (float)sfg->Gyro.iYs[j] * sfg->Gyro.fDegPerSecPerCount;
259         }
260     }
261     return;
262 }
263 #endif
264 /// readSensors traverses the linked list of physical sensors, calling the
265 /// individual read functions one by one.
266 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
readSensors(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg,uint16_t read_loop_counter)267 int8_t readSensors(
268     SensorFusionGlobals *sfg,   ///< pointer to global sensor fusion data structure
269     uint16_t read_loop_counter  ///< current loop counter (used for multirate processing)
270 )
271 {
272     struct PhysicalSensor  *pSensor;
273     int8_t          s;
274     int8_t          status = 0;
275     float           remainder;
277     pSensor = sfg->pSensors;
279     for (pSensor = sfg->pSensors; pSensor != NULL; pSensor = pSensor->next)
280     {   if (pSensor->isInitialized) {
281             remainder = fmod(read_loop_counter, pSensor->schedule);
282             if (remainder==0) {
283                 s = pSensor->read(pSensor, sfg);
284                 if (status == 0) status = s;            // will return 1st error flag, but try all sensors
285             }
286         }
287     }
288     if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_INIT) sfg->setStatus(sfg, HARD_FAULT);  // Never returns
289     return (status);
290 }
291 /// conditionSensorReadings() transforms raw software FIFO readings into forms that
292 /// can be consumed by the sensor fusion engine.  This include sample averaging
293 /// and (in the case of the gyro) integrations, applying hardware abstraction layers,
294 /// and calibration functions.
295 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
conditionSensorReadings(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)296 void conditionSensorReadings(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg) {
298     if (sfg->Accel.isEnabled) processAccelData(sfg);
299 #endif
301 #if F_USING_MAG
302     if (sfg->Mag.isEnabled) processMagData(sfg);
303 #endif
305 #if F_USING_GYRO
306     if (sfg->Gyro.isEnabled) processGyroData(sfg);
307 #endif
308     return;
309 }
zeroArray(StatusSubsystem * pStatus,void * data,uint16_t size,uint16_t numElements,uint8_t check)311 void zeroArray(StatusSubsystem *pStatus, void* data, uint16_t size, uint16_t numElements, uint8_t check) {
312   uint16_t i;
313   uint8_t *d8;
314   uint16_t *d16;
315   uint32_t *d32;
316   switch(size) {
317   case 8:
318     d8 = data;
319     for (i=0; i<numElements; i++) d8[i]=0;
320     break;
321   case 16:
322     d16 = data;
323     for (i=0; i<numElements; i++) d16[i]=0;
324     break;
325   case 32:
326     d32 = data;
327     for (i=0; i<numElements; i++) d32[i]=0;
328     break;
329   default:
330     pStatus->set(pStatus, HARD_FAULT);
331   }
332   if (check) {
333     switch(size) {
334     case 8:
335       d8 = data;
336       for (i=0; i<numElements; i++)
337         if (d8[i]!=0) pStatus->set(pStatus, HARD_FAULT);
338       break;
339     case 16:
340       d16 = data;
341       for (i=0; i<numElements; i++)
342         if (d16[i]!=0) pStatus->set(pStatus, HARD_FAULT);
343       break;
344     case 32:
345       d32 = data;
346       for (i=0; i<numElements; i++)
347         if (d32[i]!=0) pStatus->set(pStatus, HARD_FAULT);
348       break;
349     }
350     return;
351   }
352 }
353 /// Function to clear FIFO at the end of each fusion computation
clearFIFOs(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)354 void clearFIFOs(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg) {
355   // We only clear FIFOs if the sensors are enabled.  This allows us
356   // to continue to use these values when we've shut higher power consumption
357   // sensors down during periods of no activity.
359     sfg->Accel.iFIFOCount=0;
360     sfg->Accel.iFIFOExceeded = false;
361 #endif
362 #if F_USING_MAG
363     sfg->Mag.iFIFOCount=0;
364     sfg->Mag.iFIFOExceeded = false;
365 #endif
366 #if F_USING_GYRO
367     sfg->Gyro.iFIFOCount=0;
368     sfg->Gyro.iFIFOExceeded = false;
369 #endif
370 }
372 /// runFusion the top level call that actually runs the sensor fusion.
373 /// This is a utility function which manages the various defines in build.h.
374 /// You should feel free to drop down a level and implement only those portions
375 /// of fFuseSensors() that your application needs.
376 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
runFusion(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)377 void runFusion(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
378 {
379     struct SV_1DOF_P_BASIC *pSV_1DOF_P_BASIC;
380     struct SV_3DOF_G_BASIC *pSV_3DOF_G_BASIC;
381     struct SV_3DOF_B_BASIC *pSV_3DOF_B_BASIC;
382     struct SV_3DOF_Y_BASIC *pSV_3DOF_Y_BASIC;
383     struct SV_6DOF_GB_BASIC *pSV_6DOF_GB_BASIC;
384     struct SV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN *pSV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN;
386     struct AccelSensor *pAccel;
387     struct MagSensor *pMag;
388     struct GyroSensor *pGyro;
389     struct PressureSensor *pPressure;
390     struct MagCalibration *pMagCal;
391 #if F_1DOF_P_BASIC
392     pSV_1DOF_P_BASIC = &(sfg->SV_1DOF_P_BASIC);
393 #else
394     pSV_1DOF_P_BASIC = NULL;
395 #endif
396 #if F_3DOF_G_BASIC
397     pSV_3DOF_G_BASIC = &(sfg->SV_3DOF_G_BASIC)  ;
398 #else
399     pSV_3DOF_G_BASIC = NULL;
400 #endif
401 #if F_3DOF_B_BASIC
402     pSV_3DOF_B_BASIC = &(sfg->SV_3DOF_B_BASIC);
403 #else
404     pSV_3DOF_B_BASIC = NULL;
405 #endif
406 #if F_3DOF_Y_BASIC
407     pSV_3DOF_Y_BASIC = &(sfg->SV_3DOF_Y_BASIC);
408 #else
409     pSV_3DOF_Y_BASIC = NULL;
410 #endif
411 #if F_6DOF_GB_BASIC
412     pSV_6DOF_GB_BASIC = &(sfg->SV_6DOF_GB_BASIC);
413 #else
414     pSV_6DOF_GB_BASIC = NULL;
415 #endif
416 #if F_6DOF_GY_KALMAN
417     pSV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN = &(sfg->SV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN);
418 #else
419     pSV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN = NULL;
420 #endif
422     pSV_9DOF_GBY_KALMAN = &(sfg->SV_9DOF_GBY_KALMAN);
423 #else
425 #endif
427     pAccel =  &(sfg->Accel);
428 #else
429     pAccel = NULL;
430 #endif
431 #if F_USING_MAG
432     pMag = &(sfg->Mag);
433     pMagCal = &(sfg->MagCal);
434 #else
435     pMag = NULL;
436     pMagCal = NULL;
437 #endif
438 #if F_USING_GYRO
439     pGyro = &(sfg->Gyro);
440 #else
441     pGyro = NULL;
442 #endif
444     pPressure = &(sfg->Pressure);
445 #else
446     pPressure = NULL;
447 #endif
449     // conditionSensorReadings(sfg);  must be called prior to this function
450     // fuse the sensor data
451     fFuseSensors(pSV_1DOF_P_BASIC, pSV_3DOF_G_BASIC,
452                  pSV_3DOF_B_BASIC, pSV_3DOF_Y_BASIC,
453                  pSV_6DOF_GB_BASIC, pSV_6DOF_GY_KALMAN,
454                  pSV_9DOF_GBY_KALMAN, pAccel, pMag, pGyro,
455                  pPressure, pMagCal);
456     clearFIFOs(sfg);
457 }
459 /// This function is responsible for initializing the system prior to starting
460 /// the main fusion loop.
461 /// This function is normally involved via the "sfg." global pointer.
initializeFusionEngine(SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)462 void initializeFusionEngine(SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
463 {
464     int16_t status = 0;
465     struct ControlSubsystem    *pComm;
466     pComm = sfg->pControlSubsystem;
468     // configure the 24 bit downwards ARM systick timer and wait 50ms=CORE_SYSTICK_HZ / 20 clock ticks
469     // to avoid a race condition between Kinetis and the sensors after power on.
470     ARM_systick_enable();
471     // wait 50ms to avoid a race condition with sensors at power on
472     ARM_systick_delay_ms(CORE_SYSTICK_HZ, 50);
474     sfg->setStatus(sfg, INITIALIZING);
475     status = initializeSensors(sfg);
476     if (status!=SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) {  // fault condition found
477         sfg->setStatus(sfg, HARD_FAULT);  // Never returns
478     }
480     // recall: typedef enum quaternion {Q3, Q3M, Q3G, Q6MA, Q6AG, Q9} quaternion_type;
481     // Set the default quaternion to the most sophisticated supported by this build
482     pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q3;
483     if (sfg->iFlags & F_3DOF_B_BASIC) pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q3M;
484     if (sfg->iFlags & F_3DOF_Y_BASIC) pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q3G;
485     if (sfg->iFlags & F_6DOF_GB_BASIC) pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q6MA;
486     if (sfg->iFlags & F_6DOF_GY_KALMAN) pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q6AG;
487     if (sfg->iFlags & F_9DOF_GBY_KALMAN) pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType = Q9;
488     pComm->QuaternionPacketType = pComm->DefaultQuaternionPacketType ;
490     // initialize the sensor fusion algorithms
491     fInitializeFusion(sfg);
493     // reset the loop counter to zero for first iteration
494     sfg->loopcounter = 0;
496     // initialize the magnetic calibration and magnetometer data buffer
497 #if F_USING_MAG
498     fInitializeMagCalibration(&sfg->MagCal, &sfg->MagBuffer);
499 #endif
501     // initialize the precision accelerometer calibration and accelerometer data buffer
503     fInitializeAccelCalibration(&sfg->AccelCal, &sfg->AccelBuffer, &sfg->pControlSubsystem->AccelCalPacketOn );
504 #endif
505     sfg->setStatus(sfg, NORMAL);
507     clearFIFOs(sfg);
508 }
conditionSample(int16_t sample[3])510 void conditionSample(int16_t sample[3])
511 {
512     // This function should be called for every 16 bit sample read from sensor hardware.
513     // It is responsible for making sure that we never pass on the value of -32768.
514     // That value cannot be properly negated using 16-bit twos complement math.
515     // The ability to be later negated is required for general compatibility
516     // with possible HAL (Hardware abstraction logic) which is run later in
517     // the processing pipeline.
518     if (sample[CHX] == -32768) sample[CHX]++;
519     if (sample[CHY] == -32768) sample[CHY]++;
520     if (sample[CHZ] == -32768) sample[CHZ]++;
521 }
addToFifo(union FifoSensor * sensor,uint16_t maxFifoSize,int16_t sample[3])522 void addToFifo(union FifoSensor *sensor, uint16_t maxFifoSize, int16_t sample[3])
523 {
524   // Note that FifoSensor is a union of GyroSensor, MagSensor and AccelSensor.
525   // All contain FIFO structures in the same location.  We use the Accel
526   // structure to index here.
528   // example usage: if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) addToFifo((FifoSensor*) &(sfg->Mag), MAG_FIFO_SIZE, sample);
529     uint8_t fifoCount = sensor->Accel.iFIFOCount;
530     if (fifoCount < maxFifoSize) {
531         // we have room for the new sample
532         sensor->Accel.iGsFIFO[fifoCount][CHX] = sample[CHX];
533         sensor->Accel.iGsFIFO[fifoCount][CHY] = sample[CHY];
534         sensor->Accel.iGsFIFO[fifoCount][CHZ] = sample[CHZ];
535         sensor->Accel.iFIFOCount += 1;
536         sensor->Accel.iFIFOExceeded = 0;
537     } else {
538         //there is no room for a new sample
539         sensor->Accel.iFIFOExceeded += 1;
540     }
541 }