1/* Taken from esp-idf */ 2/* 3ESP32 ROM address table 4Generated for ROM with MD5sum: 5ab8282ae908fe9e7a63fb2a4ac2df013 ../../rom_image/prorom.elf 6*/ 7PROVIDE ( abort = 0x4000bba4 ); 8PROVIDE ( abs = 0x40056340 ); 9PROVIDE ( __absvdi2 = 0x4006387c ); 10PROVIDE ( __absvsi2 = 0x40063868 ); 11PROVIDE ( Add2SelfBigHex256 = 0x40015b7c ); 12PROVIDE ( AddBigHex256 = 0x40015b28 ); 13PROVIDE ( AddBigHexModP256 = 0x40015c98 ); 14PROVIDE ( __adddf3 = 0x40002590 ); 15PROVIDE ( AddP256 = 0x40015c74 ); 16PROVIDE ( AddPdiv2_256 = 0x40015ce0 ); 17PROVIDE ( __addsf3 = 0x400020e8 ); 18PROVIDE ( __addvdi3 = 0x40002cbc ); 19PROVIDE ( __addvsi3 = 0x40002c98 ); 20PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x4005cc7c ); 21PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x4005cc18 ); 22PROVIDE ( aes_unwrap = 0x4005ccf0 ); 23PROVIDE ( app_gpio_arg = 0x3ffe003c ); 24PROVIDE ( app_gpio_handler = 0x3ffe0040 ); 25PROVIDE ( __ascii_wctomb = 0x40058ef0 ); 26PROVIDE ( asctime = 0x40059588 ); 27PROVIDE ( asctime_r = 0x40000ec8 ); 28PROVIDE ( __ashldi3 = 0x4000c818 ); 29PROVIDE ( __ashrdi3 = 0x4000c830 ); 30PROVIDE ( atoi = 0x400566c4 ); 31PROVIDE ( _atoi_r = 0x400566d4 ); 32PROVIDE ( atol = 0x400566ec ); 33PROVIDE ( _atol_r = 0x400566fc ); 34PROVIDE ( base64_decode = 0x4005ced8 ); 35PROVIDE ( base64_encode = 0x4005cdbc ); 36PROVIDE ( BasePoint_x_256 = 0x3ff97488 ); 37PROVIDE ( BasePoint_y_256 = 0x3ff97468 ); 38PROVIDE ( bigHexInversion256 = 0x400168f0 ); 39PROVIDE ( bigHexP256 = 0x3ff973bc ); 40PROVIDE ( __bswapdi2 = 0x400649c4 ); 41PROVIDE ( __bswapsi2 = 0x4006499c ); 42PROVIDE ( btdm_r_ble_bt_handler_tab_p_get = 0x40019b0c ); 43PROVIDE ( btdm_r_btdm_option_data_p_get = 0x40010004 ); 44PROVIDE ( btdm_r_btdm_rom_version_get = 0x40010078 ); 45PROVIDE ( btdm_r_data_init = 0x4001002c ); 46PROVIDE ( btdm_r_import_rf_phy_func_p_get = 0x40054298 ); 47PROVIDE ( btdm_r_ip_func_p_get = 0x40019af0 ); 48PROVIDE ( btdm_r_ip_func_p_set = 0x40019afc ); 49PROVIDE ( btdm_r_modules_func_p_get = 0x4005427c ); 50PROVIDE ( btdm_r_modules_func_p_set = 0x40054270 ); 51PROVIDE ( btdm_r_plf_func_p_set = 0x40054288 ); 52PROVIDE ( bt_util_buf_env = 0x3ffb8bd4 ); 53PROVIDE ( bzero = 0x4000c1f4 ); 54PROVIDE ( cache_flash_mmu_set = 0x400095e0 ); 55PROVIDE ( Cache_Flush = 0x40009a14 ); 56PROVIDE ( Cache_Read_Disable = 0x40009ab8 ); 57PROVIDE ( Cache_Read_Enable = 0x40009a84 ); 58PROVIDE ( Cache_Read_Init = 0x40009950 ); 59PROVIDE ( cache_sram_mmu_set = 0x400097f4 ); 60/* This is static function, but can be used, not generated by script*/ 61PROVIDE ( calc_rtc_memory_crc = 0x40008170 ); 62PROVIDE ( calloc = 0x4000bee4 ); 63PROVIDE ( _calloc_r = 0x4000bbf8 ); 64PROVIDE ( check_pos = 0x400068b8 ); 65PROVIDE ( _cleanup = 0x40001df8 ); 66PROVIDE ( _cleanup_r = 0x40001d48 ); 67PROVIDE ( __clear_cache = 0x40063860 ); 68PROVIDE ( close = 0x40001778 ); 69PROVIDE ( _close_r = 0x4000bd3c ); 70PROVIDE ( __clrsbdi2 = 0x40064a38 ); 71PROVIDE ( __clrsbsi2 = 0x40064a20 ); 72PROVIDE ( __clzdi2 = 0x4000ca50 ); 73PROVIDE ( __clzsi2 = 0x4000c7e8 ); 74PROVIDE ( __cmpdi2 = 0x40063820 ); 75PROVIDE ( co_default_bdaddr = 0x3ffae704 ); 76PROVIDE ( co_null_bdaddr = 0x3ffb80e0 ); 77PROVIDE ( co_sca2ppm = 0x3ff971e8 ); 78PROVIDE ( crc16_be = 0x4005d09c ); 79PROVIDE ( crc16_le = 0x4005d05c ); 80PROVIDE ( crc32_be = 0x4005d024 ); 81PROVIDE ( crc32_le = 0x4005cfec ); 82PROVIDE ( crc8_be = 0x4005d114 ); 83PROVIDE ( crc8_le = 0x4005d0e0 ); 84PROVIDE ( creat = 0x40000e8c ); 85PROVIDE ( ctime = 0x400595b0 ); 86PROVIDE ( ctime_r = 0x400595c4 ); 87PROVIDE ( _ctype_ = 0x3ff96354 ); 88PROVIDE ( __ctype_ptr__ = 0x3ff96350 ); 89PROVIDE ( __ctzdi2 = 0x4000ca64 ); 90PROVIDE ( __ctzsi2 = 0x4000c7f0 ); 91PROVIDE ( _data_end = 0x4000d5c8 ); 92PROVIDE ( _data_end_btdm_rom = 0x4000d4f8 ); 93PROVIDE ( _data_start = 0x4000d4f8 ); 94PROVIDE ( _data_start_btdm_rom = 0x4000d4f4 ); 95PROVIDE ( _data_start_btdm = 0x3ffae6e0); 96PROVIDE ( _data_end_btdm = 0x3ffaff10); 97PROVIDE ( _bss_start_btdm = 0x3ffb8000); 98PROVIDE ( _bss_end_btdm = 0x3ffbff70); 99PROVIDE ( _daylight = 0x3ffae0a4 ); 100PROVIDE ( dbg_default_handler = 0x3ff97218 ); 101PROVIDE ( dbg_state = 0x3ffb8d5d ); 102PROVIDE ( DebugE256PublicKey_x = 0x3ff97428 ); 103PROVIDE ( DebugE256PublicKey_y = 0x3ff97408 ); 104PROVIDE ( DebugE256SecretKey = 0x3ff973e8 ); 105PROVIDE ( _DebugExceptionVector = 0x40000280 ); 106PROVIDE ( debug_timer = 0x3ffe042c ); 107PROVIDE ( debug_timerfn = 0x3ffe0430 ); 108PROVIDE ( dh_group14_generator = 0x3ff9ac60 ); 109PROVIDE ( dh_group14_prime = 0x3ff9ab60 ); 110PROVIDE ( dh_group15_generator = 0x3ff9ab5f ); 111PROVIDE ( dh_group15_prime = 0x3ff9a9df ); 112PROVIDE ( dh_group16_generator = 0x3ff9a9de ); 113PROVIDE ( dh_group16_prime = 0x3ff9a7de ); 114PROVIDE ( dh_group17_generator = 0x3ff9a7dd ); 115PROVIDE ( dh_group17_prime = 0x3ff9a4dd ); 116PROVIDE ( dh_group18_generator = 0x3ff9a4dc ); 117PROVIDE ( dh_group18_prime = 0x3ff9a0dc ); 118PROVIDE ( dh_group1_generator = 0x3ff9ae03 ); 119PROVIDE ( dh_group1_prime = 0x3ff9ada3 ); 120PROVIDE ( dh_group2_generator = 0x3ff9ada2 ); 121PROVIDE ( dh_group2_prime = 0x3ff9ad22 ); 122PROVIDE ( dh_group5_generator = 0x3ff9ad21 ); 123PROVIDE ( dh_group5_prime = 0x3ff9ac61 ); 124PROVIDE ( div = 0x40056348 ); 125PROVIDE ( __divdc3 = 0x40064460 ); 126PROVIDE ( __divdf3 = 0x40002954 ); 127PROVIDE ( __divdi3 = 0x4000ca84 ); 128PROVIDE ( __divsc3 = 0x40064200 ); 129PROVIDE ( __divsf3 = 0x4000234c ); 130PROVIDE ( __divsi3 = 0x4000c7b8 ); 131PROVIDE ( _DoubleExceptionVector = 0x400003c0 ); 132PROVIDE ( dummy_len_plus = 0x3ffae290 ); 133PROVIDE ( __dummy_lock = 0x4000c728 ); 134PROVIDE ( __dummy_lock_try = 0x4000c730 ); 135PROVIDE ( ecc_env = 0x3ffb8d60 ); 136PROVIDE ( ecc_Jacobian_InfinityPoint256 = 0x3ff972e8 ); 137PROVIDE ( em_buf_env = 0x3ffb8d74 ); 138PROVIDE ( environ = 0x3ffae0b4 ); 139PROVIDE ( __env_lock = 0x40001fd4 ); 140PROVIDE ( __env_unlock = 0x40001fe0 ); 141PROVIDE ( __eqdf2 = 0x400636a8 ); 142PROVIDE ( __eqsf2 = 0x40063374 ); 143PROVIDE ( esp_crc8 = 0x4005d144 ); 144PROVIDE ( _etext = 0x4000d66c ); 145PROVIDE ( ets_aes_crypt = 0x4005c9b8 ); 146PROVIDE ( ets_aes_disable = 0x4005c8f8 ); 147PROVIDE ( ets_aes_enable = 0x4005c8cc ); 148PROVIDE ( ets_aes_set_endian = 0x4005c928 ); 149PROVIDE ( ets_aes_setkey_dec = 0x4005c994 ); 150PROVIDE ( ets_aes_setkey_enc = 0x4005c97c ); 151PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_disable = 0x4005c4e0 ); 152PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_enable = 0x4005c498 ); 153PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mod_mult_getz = 0x4005c818 ); 154PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mod_mult_prepare = 0x4005c7b4 ); 155PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mod_power_getz = 0x4005c614 ); 156PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mod_power_prepare = 0x4005c54c ); 157PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_montgomery_mult_getz = 0x4005c7a4 ); 158PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_montgomery_mult_prepare = 0x4005c6fc ); 159PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mult_getz = 0x4005c6e8 ); 160PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_mult_prepare = 0x4005c630 ); 161PROVIDE ( ets_bigint_wait_finish = 0x4005c520 ); 162PROVIDE ( ets_delay_us = 0x40008534 ); 163PROVIDE ( ets_efuse_get_8M_clock = 0x40008710 ); 164PROVIDE ( ets_efuse_get_spiconfig = 0x40008658 ); 165PROVIDE ( ets_efuse_program_op = 0x40008628 ); 166PROVIDE ( ets_efuse_read_op = 0x40008600 ); 167PROVIDE ( ets_get_cpu_frequency = 0x4000855c ); 168PROVIDE ( ets_get_detected_xtal_freq = 0x40008588 ); 169PROVIDE ( ets_get_xtal_scale = 0x4000856c ); 170PROVIDE ( ets_install_putc1 = 0x40007d18 ); 171PROVIDE ( ets_install_putc2 = 0x40007d38 ); 172PROVIDE ( ets_install_uart_printf = 0x40007d28 ); 173PROVIDE ( ets_post = 0x4000673c ); 174PROVIDE ( ets_printf = 0x40007d54 ); 175PROVIDE ( ets_readySet_ = 0x3ffe01f0 ); 176PROVIDE ( ets_run = 0x400066bc ); 177PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_check = 0x4005cb40 ); 178PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_check_finish = 0x4005cc04 ); 179PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_check_start = 0x4005cbcc ); 180PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_finish = 0x4005ca84 ); 181PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_hash = 0x4005cad4 ); 182PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_obtain = 0x4005cb14 ); 183PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_rd_abstract = 0x4005cba8 ); 184PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_rd_iv = 0x4005cb84 ); 185PROVIDE ( ets_secure_boot_start = 0x4005ca34 ); 186PROVIDE ( ets_set_appcpu_boot_addr = 0x4000689c ); 187PROVIDE ( ets_set_idle_cb = 0x40006674 ); 188PROVIDE ( ets_set_startup_callback = 0x4000688c ); 189PROVIDE ( ets_set_user_start = 0x4000687c ); 190PROVIDE ( ets_sha_disable = 0x4005c0a8 ); 191PROVIDE ( ets_sha_enable = 0x4005c07c ); 192PROVIDE ( ets_sha_finish = 0x4005c104 ); 193PROVIDE ( ets_sha_init = 0x4005c0d4 ); 194PROVIDE ( ets_sha_update = 0x4005c2a0 ); 195PROVIDE ( ets_startup_callback = 0x3ffe0404 ); 196PROVIDE ( ets_task = 0x40006688 ); 197PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm = 0x40008368 ); 198PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm_us = 0x400083ac ); 199PROVIDE ( ets_timer_disarm = 0x400083ec ); 200PROVIDE ( ets_timer_done = 0x40008428 ); 201PROVIDE ( ets_timer_handler_isr = 0x40008454 ); 202PROVIDE ( ets_timer_init = 0x400084e8 ); 203PROVIDE ( ets_timer_setfn = 0x40008350 ); 204PROVIDE ( ets_unpack_flash_code = 0x40007018 ); 205PROVIDE ( ets_unpack_flash_code_legacy = 0x4000694c ); 206PROVIDE ( ets_update_cpu_frequency = 0x40008550 ); 207PROVIDE ( ets_waiti0 = 0x400067d8 ); 208PROVIDE ( exc_cause_table = 0x3ff991d0 ); 209PROVIDE ( _exit_r = 0x4000bd28 ); 210PROVIDE ( __extendsfdf2 = 0x40002c34 ); 211PROVIDE ( fclose = 0x400020ac ); 212PROVIDE ( _fclose_r = 0x40001fec ); 213PROVIDE ( fflush = 0x40059394 ); 214PROVIDE ( _fflush_r = 0x40059320 ); 215PROVIDE ( __ffsdi2 = 0x4000ca2c ); 216PROVIDE ( __ffssi2 = 0x4000c804 ); 217PROVIDE ( FilePacketSendDeflatedReqMsgProc = 0x40008b24 ); 218PROVIDE ( FilePacketSendReqMsgProc = 0x40008860 ); 219PROVIDE ( _findenv_r = 0x40001f44 ); 220PROVIDE ( __fixdfdi = 0x40002ac4 ); 221PROVIDE ( __fixdfsi = 0x40002a78 ); 222PROVIDE ( __fixsfdi = 0x4000244c ); 223PROVIDE ( __fixsfsi = 0x4000240c ); 224PROVIDE ( __fixunsdfsi = 0x40002b30 ); 225PROVIDE ( __fixunssfdi = 0x40002504 ); 226PROVIDE ( __fixunssfsi = 0x400024ac ); 227PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdDeflatedStartMsgProc = 0x40008ad8 ); 228PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdParamCfgMsgProc = 0x4000891c ); 229PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdStartMsgProc = 0x40008820 ); 230PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdStopDeflatedReqMsgProc = 0x40008c18 ); 231PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdStopReqMsgProc = 0x400088ec ); 232PROVIDE ( __floatdidf = 0x4000c988 ); 233PROVIDE ( __floatdisf = 0x4000c8c0 ); 234PROVIDE ( __floatsidf = 0x4000c944 ); 235PROVIDE ( __floatsisf = 0x4000c870 ); 236PROVIDE ( __floatundidf = 0x4000c978 ); 237PROVIDE ( __floatundisf = 0x4000c8b0 ); 238PROVIDE ( __floatunsidf = 0x4000c938 ); 239PROVIDE ( __floatunsisf = 0x4000c864 ); 240PROVIDE ( __fp_lock_all = 0x40001f1c ); 241PROVIDE ( __fp_unlock_all = 0x40001f30 ); 242PROVIDE ( fputwc = 0x40058ea8 ); 243PROVIDE ( __fputwc = 0x40058da0 ); 244PROVIDE ( _fputwc_r = 0x40058e4c ); 245PROVIDE ( free = 0x4000beb8 ); 246PROVIDE ( _free_r = 0x4000bbcc ); 247PROVIDE ( _fstat_r = 0x4000bccc ); 248PROVIDE ( _fwalk = 0x4000c738 ); 249PROVIDE ( _fwalk_reent = 0x4000c770 ); 250PROVIDE ( __gcc_bcmp = 0x40064a70 ); 251PROVIDE ( __gedf2 = 0x40063768 ); 252PROVIDE ( _GeneralException = 0x40000e14 ); 253PROVIDE ( __gesf2 = 0x4006340c ); 254PROVIDE ( __get_current_time_locale = 0x40001834 ); 255PROVIDE ( _getenv_r = 0x40001fbc ); 256PROVIDE ( _getpid_r = 0x4000bcfc ); 257PROVIDE ( __getreent = 0x4000be8c ); 258PROVIDE ( _gettimeofday_r = 0x4000bc58 ); 259PROVIDE ( __gettzinfo = 0x40001fcc ); 260PROVIDE ( GetUartDevice = 0x40009598 ); 261PROVIDE ( GF_Jacobian_Point_Addition256 = 0x400163a4 ); 262PROVIDE ( GF_Jacobian_Point_Double256 = 0x40016260 ); 263PROVIDE ( GF_Point_Jacobian_To_Affine256 = 0x40016b0c ); 264PROVIDE ( _global_impure_ptr = 0x3ffae0b0 ); 265PROVIDE ( gmtime = 0x40059848 ); 266PROVIDE ( gmtime_r = 0x40059868 ); 267PROVIDE ( g_phyFuns_instance = 0x3ffae0c4 ); 268PROVIDE ( g_rom_flashchip = 0x3ffae270 ); 269PROVIDE ( gpio_init = 0x40009c20 ); 270PROVIDE ( gpio_input_get = 0x40009b88 ); 271PROVIDE ( gpio_input_get_high = 0x40009b9c ); 272PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_ack = 0x40009dd4 ); 273PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_ack_high = 0x40009e1c ); 274PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_handler_register = 0x40009e6c ); 275PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_pending = 0x40009cec ); 276PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_pending_high = 0x40009cf8 ); 277PROVIDE ( gpio_matrix_in = 0x40009edc ); 278PROVIDE ( gpio_matrix_out = 0x40009f0c ); 279PROVIDE ( gpio_output_set = 0x40009b24 ); 280PROVIDE ( gpio_output_set_high = 0x40009b5c ); 281PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_hold = 0x4000a734 ); 282PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_pulldown = 0x4000a348 ); 283PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_pullup = 0x4000a22c ); 284PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_select_gpio = 0x40009fdc ); 285PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_set_drv = 0x4000a11c ); 286PROVIDE ( gpio_pad_unhold = 0x4000a484 ); 287PROVIDE ( gpio_pending_mask = 0x3ffe0038 ); 288PROVIDE ( gpio_pending_mask_high = 0x3ffe0044 ); 289PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_intr_state_set = 0x40009d04 ); 290PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_wakeup_disable = 0x40009eb0 ); 291PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_wakeup_enable = 0x40009e7c ); 292PROVIDE ( gpio_register_get = 0x40009cbc ); 293PROVIDE ( gpio_register_set = 0x40009bbc ); 294PROVIDE ( __gtdf2 = 0x400636dc ); 295PROVIDE ( __gtsf2 = 0x400633a0 ); 296PROVIDE ( gTxMsg = 0x3ffe0050 ); 297PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_root_tab = 0x3ff976d4 ); 298PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_ctrl_bb = 0x3ff97b70 ); 299PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_info_par = 0x3ff97b1c ); 300PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_le = 0x3ff97870 ); 301PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_lk_ctrl = 0x3ff97fc0 ); 302PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_lk_pol = 0x3ff97f3c ); 303PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_stat_par = 0x3ff97ac8 ); 304PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_testing = 0x3ff97a98 ); 305PROVIDE ( hci_cmd_desc_tab_vs = 0x3ff97714 ); 306PROVIDE ( hci_command_handler = 0x4004c928 ); 307PROVIDE ( hci_env = 0x3ffb9350 ); 308PROVIDE ( hci_evt_dbg_desc_tab = 0x3ff9750c ); 309PROVIDE ( hci_evt_desc_tab = 0x3ff9751c ); 310PROVIDE ( hci_evt_le_desc_tab = 0x3ff974b4 ); 311PROVIDE ( hci_fc_env = 0x3ffb9340 ); 312PROVIDE ( hmac_md5 = 0x4005d264 ); 313PROVIDE ( hmac_md5_vector = 0x4005d17c ); 314PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1 = 0x40060acc ); 315PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1_vector = 0x400609e4 ); 316PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256 = 0x40060d58 ); 317PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256_vector = 0x40060c84 ); 318PROVIDE ( intr_matrix_set = 0x4000681c ); 319PROVIDE ( isalnum = 0x40000f04 ); 320PROVIDE ( isalpha = 0x40000f18 ); 321PROVIDE ( isascii = 0x4000c20c ); 322PROVIDE ( _isatty_r = 0x40000ea0 ); 323PROVIDE ( isblank = 0x40000f2c ); 324PROVIDE ( iscntrl = 0x40000f50 ); 325PROVIDE ( isdigit = 0x40000f64 ); 326PROVIDE ( isgraph = 0x40000f94 ); 327PROVIDE ( islower = 0x40000f78 ); 328PROVIDE ( isprint = 0x40000fa8 ); 329PROVIDE ( ispunct = 0x40000fc0 ); 330PROVIDE ( isspace = 0x40000fd4 ); 331PROVIDE ( isupper = 0x40000fe8 ); 332PROVIDE ( itoa = 0x400566b4 ); 333PROVIDE ( __itoa = 0x40056678 ); 334PROVIDE ( jd_decomp = 0x400613e8 ); 335PROVIDE ( jd_prepare = 0x40060fa8 ); 336PROVIDE ( ke_env = 0x3ffb93cc ); 337PROVIDE ( _KernelExceptionVector = 0x40000300 ); 338PROVIDE ( _kill_r = 0x4000bd10 ); 339PROVIDE ( labs = 0x40056370 ); 340PROVIDE ( lb_default_handler = 0x3ff982b8 ); 341PROVIDE ( lb_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x4001c198 ); 342PROVIDE ( lb_env = 0x3ffb9424 ); 343PROVIDE ( lb_hci_cmd_handler_tab_p_get = 0x4001c18c ); 344PROVIDE ( lb_state = 0x3ffb94e8 ); 345PROVIDE ( lc_default_handler = 0x3ff98648 ); 346PROVIDE ( lc_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x4002f494 ); 347PROVIDE ( lc_env = 0x3ffb94ec ); 348PROVIDE ( lc_hci_cmd_handler_tab_p_get = 0x4002f488 ); 349PROVIDE ( lc_state = 0x3ffb9508 ); 350PROVIDE ( ld_acl_br_sizes = 0x3ff98a2a ); 351PROVIDE ( ld_acl_br_types = 0x3ff98a36 ); 352PROVIDE ( ld_acl_edr_sizes = 0x3ff98a14 ); 353PROVIDE ( ld_acl_edr_types = 0x3ff98a22 ); 354PROVIDE ( ld_env = 0x3ffb9510 ); 355PROVIDE ( ldiv = 0x40056378 ); 356PROVIDE ( ld_pcm_settings_dft = 0x3ff98a0c ); 357PROVIDE ( ld_sched_params = 0x3ffb96c0 ); 358PROVIDE ( ld_sync_train_channels = 0x3ff98a3c ); 359PROVIDE ( __ledf2 = 0x40063704 ); 360PROVIDE ( __lesf2 = 0x400633c0 ); 361PROVIDE ( _Level2FromVector = 0x40000954 ); 362PROVIDE ( _Level2Vector = 0x40000180 ); 363PROVIDE ( _Level3FromVector = 0x40000a28 ); 364PROVIDE ( _Level3Vector = 0x400001c0 ); 365PROVIDE ( _Level4FromVector = 0x40000af8 ); 366PROVIDE ( _Level4Vector = 0x40000200 ); 367PROVIDE ( _Level5FromVector = 0x40000c68 ); 368PROVIDE ( _Level5Vector = 0x40000240 ); 369PROVIDE ( _LevelOneInterrupt = 0x40000835 ); 370PROVIDE ( _link_r = 0x4000bc9c ); 371PROVIDE ( llc_default_handler = 0x3ff98b3c ); 372PROVIDE ( llc_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x40046058 ); 373PROVIDE ( llc_env = 0x3ffb96d0 ); 374PROVIDE ( llc_hci_acl_data_tx_handler = 0x40042398 ); 375PROVIDE ( llc_hci_cmd_handler_tab_p_get = 0x40042358 ); 376PROVIDE ( llc_hci_command_handler = 0x40042360 ); 377PROVIDE ( llcp_pdu_handler_tab_p_get = 0x40043f64 ); 378PROVIDE ( llc_state = 0x3ffb96f8 ); 379PROVIDE ( lldesc_build_chain = 0x4000a850 ); 380PROVIDE ( lldesc_num2link = 0x4000a948 ); 381PROVIDE ( lldesc_set_owner = 0x4000a974 ); 382PROVIDE ( lld_evt_env = 0x3ffb9704 ); 383PROVIDE ( lld_pdu_adv_pk_desc_tab = 0x3ff98c70 ); 384PROVIDE ( lld_pdu_llcp_pk_desc_tab = 0x3ff98b68 ); 385PROVIDE ( LLM_AA_CT1 = 0x3ff98d8a ); 386PROVIDE ( LLM_AA_CT2 = 0x3ff98d88 ); 387PROVIDE ( llm_default_handler = 0x3ff98d80 ); 388PROVIDE ( llm_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x4004e718 ); 389PROVIDE ( llm_hci_cmd_handler_tab_p_get = 0x4004c920 ); 390PROVIDE ( llm_le_env = 0x3ffb976c ); 391PROVIDE ( llm_local_cmds = 0x3ff98d38 ); 392PROVIDE ( llm_local_data_len_values = 0x3ff98d1c ); 393PROVIDE ( llm_local_le_feats = 0x3ff98d30 ); 394PROVIDE ( llm_local_le_states = 0x3ff98d28 ); 395PROVIDE ( llm_state = 0x3ffb985c ); 396PROVIDE ( lm_default_handler = 0x3ff990e0 ); 397PROVIDE ( lm_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x40054268 ); 398PROVIDE ( lm_env = 0x3ffb9860 ); 399PROVIDE ( lm_hci_cmd_handler_tab_p_get = 0x4005425c ); 400PROVIDE ( lm_local_supp_feats = 0x3ff990ee ); 401PROVIDE ( lm_n_page_tab = 0x3ff990e8 ); 402PROVIDE ( lmp_desc_tab = 0x3ff96e6c ); 403PROVIDE ( lmp_ext_desc_tab = 0x3ff96d9c ); 404PROVIDE ( lm_state = 0x3ffb9a1c ); 405PROVIDE ( __locale_charset = 0x40059540 ); 406PROVIDE ( __locale_cjk_lang = 0x40059558 ); 407PROVIDE ( localeconv = 0x4005957c ); 408PROVIDE ( _localeconv_r = 0x40059560 ); 409PROVIDE ( __locale_mb_cur_max = 0x40059548 ); 410PROVIDE ( __locale_msgcharset = 0x40059550 ); 411PROVIDE ( localtime = 0x400595dc ); 412PROVIDE ( localtime_r = 0x400595fc ); 413PROVIDE ( _lock_acquire = 0x4000be14 ); 414PROVIDE ( _lock_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be28 ); 415PROVIDE ( _lock_close = 0x4000bdec ); 416PROVIDE ( _lock_close_recursive = 0x4000be00 ); 417PROVIDE ( _lock_init = 0x4000bdc4 ); 418PROVIDE ( _lock_init_recursive = 0x4000bdd8 ); 419PROVIDE ( _lock_release = 0x4000be64 ); 420PROVIDE ( _lock_release_recursive = 0x4000be78 ); 421PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire = 0x4000be3c ); 422PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be50 ); 423PROVIDE ( longjmp = 0x400562cc ); 424PROVIDE ( _lseek_r = 0x4000bd8c ); 425PROVIDE ( __lshrdi3 = 0x4000c84c ); 426PROVIDE ( __ltdf2 = 0x40063790 ); 427PROVIDE ( __ltsf2 = 0x4006342c ); 428PROVIDE ( malloc = 0x4000bea0 ); 429PROVIDE ( _malloc_r = 0x4000bbb4 ); 430PROVIDE ( maxSecretKey_256 = 0x3ff97448 ); 431PROVIDE ( __mb_cur_max = 0x3ff96530 ); 432PROVIDE ( MD5Final = 0x4005db1c ); 433PROVIDE ( MD5Init = 0x4005da7c ); 434PROVIDE ( MD5Update = 0x4005da9c ); 435PROVIDE ( md5_vector = 0x4005db80 ); 436PROVIDE ( memccpy = 0x4000c220 ); 437PROVIDE ( memchr = 0x4000c244 ); 438PROVIDE ( memcmp = 0x4000c260 ); 439PROVIDE ( memcpy = 0x4000c2c8 ); 440PROVIDE ( MemDwnLdStartMsgProc = 0x40008948 ); 441PROVIDE ( MemDwnLdStopReqMsgProc = 0x400089dc ); 442PROVIDE ( memmove = 0x4000c3c0 ); 443PROVIDE ( MemPacketSendReqMsgProc = 0x40008978 ); 444PROVIDE ( memrchr = 0x4000c400 ); 445PROVIDE ( memset = 0x4000c44c ); 446PROVIDE ( mktime = 0x4005a5e8 ); 447PROVIDE ( mmu_init = 0x400095a4 ); 448PROVIDE ( __moddi3 = 0x4000cd4c ); 449PROVIDE ( __modsi3 = 0x4000c7c0 ); 450PROVIDE ( __month_lengths = 0x3ff9609c ); 451PROVIDE ( __muldc3 = 0x40063bf4 ); 452PROVIDE ( __muldf3 = 0x4006358c ); 453PROVIDE ( __muldi3 = 0x4000c9fc ); 454PROVIDE ( __mulsc3 = 0x40063934 ); 455PROVIDE ( __mulsf3 = 0x400632c8 ); 456PROVIDE ( __mulsi3 = 0x4000c7b0 ); 457PROVIDE ( MultiplyBigHexByUint32_256 = 0x40016214 ); 458PROVIDE ( MultiplyBigHexModP256 = 0x400160b8 ); 459PROVIDE ( MultiplyByU32ModP256 = 0x40015fdc ); 460PROVIDE ( multofup = 0x4000ab8c ); 461PROVIDE ( __mulvdi3 = 0x40002d78 ); 462PROVIDE ( __mulvsi3 = 0x40002d60 ); 463PROVIDE ( mz_adler32 = 0x4005edbc ); 464PROVIDE ( mz_crc32 = 0x4005ee88 ); 465PROVIDE ( mz_free = 0x4005eed4 ); 466PROVIDE ( __nedf2 = 0x400636a8 ); 467PROVIDE ( __negdf2 = 0x400634a0 ); 468PROVIDE ( __negdi2 = 0x4000ca14 ); 469PROVIDE ( __negsf2 = 0x400020c0 ); 470PROVIDE ( __negvdi2 = 0x40002e98 ); 471PROVIDE ( __negvsi2 = 0x40002e78 ); 472PROVIDE ( __nesf2 = 0x40063374 ); 473PROVIDE ( _NMIExceptionVector = 0x400002c0 ); 474PROVIDE ( notEqual256 = 0x40015b04 ); 475PROVIDE ( __nsau_data = 0x3ff96544 ); 476PROVIDE ( one_bits = 0x3ff971f8 ); 477PROVIDE ( open = 0x4000178c ); 478PROVIDE ( _open_r = 0x4000bd54 ); 479PROVIDE ( __paritysi2 = 0x40002f3c ); 480PROVIDE ( pbkdf2_sha1 = 0x40060ba4 ); 481PROVIDE ( phy_get_romfuncs = 0x40004100 ); 482PROVIDE ( __popcountdi2 = 0x40002ef8 ); 483PROVIDE ( __popcountsi2 = 0x40002ed0 ); 484PROVIDE ( __popcount_tab = 0x3ff96544 ); 485PROVIDE ( __powidf2 = 0x400638d4 ); 486PROVIDE ( __powisf2 = 0x4006389c ); 487PROVIDE ( _Pri_4_HandlerAddress = 0x3ffe0648 ); 488PROVIDE ( _Pri_5_HandlerAddress = 0x3ffe064c ); 489PROVIDE ( qsort = 0x40056424 ); 490PROVIDE ( _raise_r = 0x4000bc70 ); 491PROVIDE ( rand = 0x40001058 ); 492PROVIDE ( rand_r = 0x400010d4 ); 493PROVIDE ( r_btdm_option_data = 0x3ffae6e0 ); 494PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_acl_rx_alloc = 0x40010218 ); 495PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_acl_rx_free = 0x40010234 ); 496PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_acl_tx_alloc = 0x40010268 ); 497PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_acl_tx_free = 0x40010280 ); 498PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_init = 0x400100e4 ); 499PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_lmp_tx_alloc = 0x400101d0 ); 500PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_lmp_tx_free = 0x400101ec ); 501PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_clear = 0x400103c8 ); 502PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_init = 0x400102c4 ); 503PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_rx_alloc = 0x40010468 ); 504PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_rx_free = 0x4001049c ); 505PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_tx_alloc = 0x400103ec ); 506PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_tx_free = 0x40010428 ); 507PROVIDE ( rc4_skip = 0x40060928 ); 508PROVIDE ( r_co_bdaddr_compare = 0x40014324 ); 509PROVIDE ( r_co_bytes_to_string = 0x400142e4 ); 510PROVIDE ( r_co_list_check_size_available = 0x400142c4 ); 511PROVIDE ( r_co_list_extract = 0x4001404c ); 512PROVIDE ( r_co_list_extract_after = 0x40014118 ); 513PROVIDE ( r_co_list_find = 0x4001419c ); 514PROVIDE ( r_co_list_init = 0x40013f14 ); 515PROVIDE ( r_co_list_insert_after = 0x40014254 ); 516PROVIDE ( r_co_list_insert_before = 0x40014200 ); 517PROVIDE ( r_co_list_merge = 0x400141bc ); 518PROVIDE ( r_co_list_pool_init = 0x40013f30 ); 519PROVIDE ( r_co_list_pop_front = 0x40014028 ); 520PROVIDE ( r_co_list_push_back = 0x40013fb8 ); 521PROVIDE ( r_co_list_push_front = 0x40013ff4 ); 522PROVIDE ( r_co_list_size = 0x400142ac ); 523PROVIDE ( r_co_nb_good_channels = 0x40014360 ); 524PROVIDE ( r_co_slot_to_duration = 0x40014348 ); 525PROVIDE ( RcvMsg = 0x4000954c ); 526PROVIDE ( r_dbg_init = 0x40014394 ); 527PROVIDE ( r_dbg_platform_reset_complete = 0x400143d0 ); 528PROVIDE ( r_dbg_swdiag_init = 0x40014470 ); 529PROVIDE ( r_dbg_swdiag_read = 0x400144a4 ); 530PROVIDE ( r_dbg_swdiag_write = 0x400144d0 ); 531PROVIDE ( r_E1 = 0x400108e8 ); 532PROVIDE ( r_E21 = 0x40010968 ); 533PROVIDE ( r_E22 = 0x400109b4 ); 534PROVIDE ( r_E3 = 0x40010a58 ); 535PROVIDE ( r_ea_alarm_clear = 0x40015ab4 ); 536PROVIDE ( r_ea_alarm_set = 0x40015a10 ); 537PROVIDE ( read = 0x400017dc ); 538PROVIDE ( _read_r = 0x4000bda8 ); 539PROVIDE ( r_ea_elt_cancel = 0x400150d0 ); 540PROVIDE ( r_ea_elt_create = 0x40015264 ); 541PROVIDE ( r_ea_elt_insert = 0x400152a8 ); 542PROVIDE ( r_ea_elt_remove = 0x400154f0 ); 543PROVIDE ( r_ea_finetimer_isr = 0x400155d4 ); 544PROVIDE ( r_ea_init = 0x40015228 ); 545PROVIDE ( r_ea_interval_create = 0x4001555c ); 546PROVIDE ( r_ea_interval_delete = 0x400155a8 ); 547PROVIDE ( r_ea_interval_duration_req = 0x4001597c ); 548PROVIDE ( r_ea_interval_insert = 0x4001557c ); 549PROVIDE ( r_ea_interval_remove = 0x40015590 ); 550PROVIDE ( realloc = 0x4000becc ); 551PROVIDE ( _realloc_r = 0x4000bbe0 ); 552PROVIDE ( r_ea_offset_req = 0x40015748 ); 553PROVIDE ( r_ea_sleep_check = 0x40015928 ); 554PROVIDE ( r_ea_sw_isr = 0x40015724 ); 555PROVIDE ( r_ea_time_get_halfslot_rounded = 0x40015894 ); 556PROVIDE ( r_ea_time_get_slot_rounded = 0x400158d4 ); 557PROVIDE ( r_ecc_abort_key256_generation = 0x40017070 ); 558PROVIDE ( r_ecc_generate_key256 = 0x40016e00 ); 559PROVIDE ( r_ecc_gen_new_public_key = 0x400170c0 ); 560PROVIDE ( r_ecc_gen_new_secret_key = 0x400170e4 ); 561PROVIDE ( r_ecc_get_debug_Keys = 0x40017224 ); 562PROVIDE ( r_ecc_init = 0x40016dbc ); 563PROVIDE ( RecvBuff = 0x3ffe009c ); 564PROVIDE ( recv_packet = 0x40009424 ); 565PROVIDE ( r_em_buf_init = 0x4001729c ); 566PROVIDE ( r_em_buf_rx_buff_addr_get = 0x400173e8 ); 567PROVIDE ( r_em_buf_rx_free = 0x400173c4 ); 568PROVIDE ( r_em_buf_tx_buff_addr_get = 0x40017404 ); 569PROVIDE ( r_em_buf_tx_free = 0x4001741c ); 570PROVIDE ( _rename_r = 0x4000bc28 ); 571PROVIDE ( _ResetHandler = 0x40000450 ); 572PROVIDE ( _ResetVector = 0x40000400 ); 573PROVIDE ( r_F1_256 = 0x400133e4 ); 574PROVIDE ( r_F2_256 = 0x40013568 ); 575PROVIDE ( r_F3_256 = 0x40013664 ); 576PROVIDE ( RFPLL_ICP_TABLE = 0x3ffb8b7c ); 577PROVIDE ( r_G_256 = 0x40013470 ); 578PROVIDE ( r_H3 = 0x40013760 ); 579PROVIDE ( r_H4 = 0x40013830 ); 580PROVIDE ( r_h4tl_init = 0x40017878 ); 581PROVIDE ( r_h4tl_start = 0x40017924 ); 582PROVIDE ( r_h4tl_stop = 0x40017934 ); 583PROVIDE ( r_h4tl_write = 0x400178d0 ); 584PROVIDE ( r_H5 = 0x400138dc ); 585PROVIDE ( r_hashConcat = 0x40013a38 ); 586PROVIDE ( r_hci_acl_tx_data_alloc = 0x4001951c ); 587PROVIDE ( r_hci_acl_tx_data_received = 0x40019654 ); 588PROVIDE ( r_hci_bt_acl_bdaddr_register = 0x40018900 ); 589PROVIDE ( r_hci_bt_acl_bdaddr_unregister = 0x400189ac ); 590PROVIDE ( r_hci_bt_acl_conhdl_register = 0x4001895c ); 591PROVIDE ( r_hci_cmd_get_max_param_size = 0x400192d0 ); 592PROVIDE ( r_hci_cmd_received = 0x400192f8 ); 593PROVIDE ( r_hci_evt_filter_add = 0x40018a64 ); 594PROVIDE ( r_hci_evt_mask_set = 0x400189e4 ); 595PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_acl_buf_size_set = 0x40017988 ); 596PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_acl_en = 0x400179d8 ); 597PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_acl_packet_sent = 0x40017a3c ); 598PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_check_host_available_nb_acl_packets = 0x40017aa4 ); 599PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_check_host_available_nb_sync_packets = 0x40017ac8 ); 600PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_host_nb_acl_pkts_complete = 0x40017a6c ); 601PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_host_nb_sync_pkts_complete = 0x40017a88 ); 602PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_init = 0x40017974 ); 603PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_sync_buf_size_set = 0x400179b0 ); 604PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_sync_en = 0x40017a30 ); 605PROVIDE ( r_hci_fc_sync_packet_sent = 0x40017a54 ); 606PROVIDE ( r_hci_init = 0x40018538 ); 607PROVIDE ( r_hci_look_for_cmd_desc = 0x40018454 ); 608PROVIDE ( r_hci_look_for_dbg_evt_desc = 0x400184c4 ); 609PROVIDE ( r_hci_look_for_evt_desc = 0x400184a0 ); 610PROVIDE ( r_hci_look_for_le_evt_desc = 0x400184e0 ); 611PROVIDE ( r_hci_reset = 0x4001856c ); 612PROVIDE ( r_hci_send_2_host = 0x400185bc ); 613PROVIDE ( r_hci_sync_tx_data_alloc = 0x40019754 ); 614PROVIDE ( r_hci_sync_tx_data_received = 0x400197c0 ); 615PROVIDE ( r_hci_tl_init = 0x40019290 ); 616PROVIDE ( r_hci_tl_send = 0x40019228 ); 617PROVIDE ( r_hci_util_pack = 0x40019874 ); 618PROVIDE ( r_hci_util_unpack = 0x40019998 ); 619PROVIDE ( r_hci_voice_settings_get = 0x40018bdc ); 620PROVIDE ( r_hci_voice_settings_set = 0x40018be8 ); 621PROVIDE ( r_HMAC = 0x40013968 ); 622PROVIDE ( r_import_rf_phy_func = 0x3ffb8354 ); 623PROVIDE ( r_import_rf_phy_func_p = 0x3ffafd64 ); 624PROVIDE ( r_ip_funcs = 0x3ffae710 ); 625PROVIDE ( r_ip_funcs_p = 0x3ffae70c ); 626PROVIDE ( r_ke_check_malloc = 0x40019de0 ); 627PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_callback_set = 0x40019ba8 ); 628PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_clear = 0x40019c2c ); 629PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_flush = 0x40019ccc ); 630PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_get = 0x40019c78 ); 631PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_get_all = 0x40019cc0 ); 632PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_init = 0x40019b90 ); 633PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_schedule = 0x40019cdc ); 634PROVIDE ( r_ke_event_set = 0x40019be0 ); 635PROVIDE ( r_ke_flush = 0x4001a374 ); 636PROVIDE ( r_ke_free = 0x4001a014 ); 637PROVIDE ( r_ke_get_max_mem_usage = 0x4001a1c8 ); 638PROVIDE ( r_ke_get_mem_usage = 0x4001a1a0 ); 639PROVIDE ( r_ke_init = 0x4001a318 ); 640PROVIDE ( r_ke_is_free = 0x4001a184 ); 641PROVIDE ( r_ke_malloc = 0x40019eb4 ); 642PROVIDE ( r_ke_mem_init = 0x40019d3c ); 643PROVIDE ( r_ke_mem_is_empty = 0x40019d8c ); 644PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_alloc = 0x4001a1e0 ); 645PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_dest_id_get = 0x4001a2e0 ); 646PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_discard = 0x4001a850 ); 647PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_forward = 0x4001a290 ); 648PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_forward_new_id = 0x4001a2ac ); 649PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_free = 0x4001a2cc ); 650PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_in_queue = 0x4001a2f8 ); 651PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_save = 0x4001a858 ); 652PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_send = 0x4001a234 ); 653PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_send_basic = 0x4001a26c ); 654PROVIDE ( r_ke_msg_src_id_get = 0x4001a2ec ); 655PROVIDE ( r_ke_queue_extract = 0x40055fd0 ); 656PROVIDE ( r_ke_queue_insert = 0x40056020 ); 657PROVIDE ( r_ke_sleep_check = 0x4001a3d8 ); 658PROVIDE ( r_ke_state_get = 0x4001a7d8 ); 659PROVIDE ( r_ke_state_set = 0x4001a6fc ); 660PROVIDE ( r_ke_stats_get = 0x4001a3f0 ); 661PROVIDE ( r_ke_task_check = 0x4001a8a4 ); 662PROVIDE ( r_ke_task_create = 0x4001a674 ); 663PROVIDE ( r_ke_task_delete = 0x4001a6c0 ); 664PROVIDE ( r_ke_task_init = 0x4001a650 ); 665PROVIDE ( r_ke_task_msg_flush = 0x4001a860 ); 666PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_active = 0x4001ac08 ); 667PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_adjust_all = 0x4001ac30 ); 668PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_clear = 0x4001ab90 ); 669PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_init = 0x4001aa9c ); 670PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_set = 0x4001aac0 ); 671PROVIDE ( r_ke_timer_sleep_check = 0x4001ac50 ); 672PROVIDE ( r_KPrimC = 0x40010ad4 ); 673PROVIDE ( r_lb_clk_adj_activate = 0x4001ae70 ); 674PROVIDE ( r_lb_clk_adj_id_get = 0x4001af14 ); 675PROVIDE ( r_lb_clk_adj_period_update = 0x4001af20 ); 676PROVIDE ( r_lb_init = 0x4001acd4 ); 677PROVIDE ( r_lb_mst_key = 0x4001afc0 ); 678PROVIDE ( r_lb_mst_key_cmp = 0x4001af74 ); 679PROVIDE ( r_lb_mst_key_restart_enc = 0x4001b0d4 ); 680PROVIDE ( r_lb_mst_start_act_bcst_enc = 0x4001b198 ); 681PROVIDE ( r_lb_mst_stop_act_bcst_enc = 0x4001b24c ); 682PROVIDE ( r_lb_reset = 0x4001ad38 ); 683PROVIDE ( r_lb_send_lmp = 0x4001adbc ); 684PROVIDE ( r_lb_send_pdu_clk_adj = 0x4001af3c ); 685PROVIDE ( r_lb_util_get_csb_mode = 0x4001ada4 ); 686PROVIDE ( r_lb_util_get_nb_broadcast = 0x4001ad80 ); 687PROVIDE ( r_lb_util_get_res_lt_addr = 0x4001ad98 ); 688PROVIDE ( r_lb_util_set_nb_broadcast = 0x4001ad8c ); 689PROVIDE ( r_lc_afh_set = 0x4001cc74 ); 690PROVIDE ( r_lc_afh_start = 0x4001d240 ); 691PROVIDE ( r_lc_auth_cmp = 0x4001cd54 ); 692PROVIDE ( r_lc_calc_link_key = 0x4001ce7c ); 693PROVIDE ( r_lc_chg_pkt_type_cmp = 0x4001d038 ); 694PROVIDE ( r_lc_chg_pkt_type_cont = 0x4001cfbc ); 695PROVIDE ( r_lc_chg_pkt_type_retry = 0x4001d0ac ); 696PROVIDE ( r_lc_chk_to = 0x4001d2a8 ); 697PROVIDE ( r_lc_cmd_stat_send = 0x4001c914 ); 698PROVIDE ( r_lc_comb_key_svr = 0x4001d30c ); 699PROVIDE ( r_lc_con_cmp = 0x4001d44c ); 700PROVIDE ( r_lc_con_cmp_evt_send = 0x4001d4fc ); 701PROVIDE ( r_lc_conn_seq_done = 0x40021334 ); 702PROVIDE ( r_lc_detach = 0x4002037c ); 703PROVIDE ( r_lc_dhkey = 0x4001d564 ); 704PROVIDE ( r_lc_enc_cmp = 0x4001d8bc ); 705PROVIDE ( r_lc_enc_key_refresh = 0x4001d720 ); 706PROVIDE ( r_lc_end_chk_colli = 0x4001d858 ); 707PROVIDE ( r_lc_end_of_sniff_nego = 0x4001d9a4 ); 708PROVIDE ( r_lc_enter_sniff_mode = 0x4001ddb8 ); 709PROVIDE ( r_lc_epr_change_lk = 0x4001db38 ); 710PROVIDE ( r_lc_epr_cmp = 0x4001da88 ); 711PROVIDE ( r_lc_epr_resp = 0x4001e0b4 ); 712PROVIDE ( r_lc_epr_rsw_cmp = 0x4001dd40 ); 713PROVIDE ( r_lc_ext_feat = 0x40020d6c ); 714PROVIDE ( r_lc_feat = 0x40020984 ); 715PROVIDE ( r_lc_hl_connect = 0x400209e8 ); 716PROVIDE ( r_lc_init = 0x4001c948 ); 717PROVIDE ( r_lc_init_calc_f3 = 0x4001deb0 ); 718PROVIDE ( r_lc_initiator_epr = 0x4001e064 ); 719PROVIDE ( r_lc_init_passkey_loop = 0x4001dfc0 ); 720PROVIDE ( r_lc_init_start_mutual_auth = 0x4001df60 ); 721PROVIDE ( r_lc_key_exch_end = 0x4001e140 ); 722PROVIDE ( r_lc_legacy_pair = 0x4001e1c0 ); 723PROVIDE ( r_lc_local_switch = 0x4001e22c ); 724PROVIDE ( r_lc_local_trans_mode = 0x4001e2e4 ); 725PROVIDE ( r_lc_local_untrans_mode = 0x4001e3a0 ); 726PROVIDE ( r_lc_loc_auth = 0x40020ecc ); 727PROVIDE ( r_lc_locepr_lkref = 0x4001d648 ); 728PROVIDE ( r_lc_locepr_rsw = 0x4001d5d0 ); 729PROVIDE ( r_lc_loc_sniff = 0x40020a6c ); 730PROVIDE ( r_lc_max_slot_mgt = 0x4001e410 ); 731PROVIDE ( r_lc_mst_key = 0x4001e7c0 ); 732PROVIDE ( r_lc_mst_qos_done = 0x4001ea80 ); 733PROVIDE ( r_lc_mst_send_mst_key = 0x4001e8f4 ); 734PROVIDE ( r_lc_mutual_auth_end = 0x4001e670 ); 735PROVIDE ( r_lc_mutual_auth_end2 = 0x4001e4f4 ); 736PROVIDE ( r_lc_packet_type = 0x40021038 ); 737PROVIDE ( r_lc_pair = 0x40020ddc ); 738PROVIDE ( r_lc_pairing_cont = 0x4001eafc ); 739PROVIDE ( r_lc_passkey_comm = 0x4001ed20 ); 740PROVIDE ( r_lc_prepare_all_links_for_clk_adj = 0x40021430 ); 741PROVIDE ( r_lc_proc_rcv_dhkey = 0x4001edec ); 742PROVIDE ( r_lc_ptt = 0x4001ee2c ); 743PROVIDE ( r_lc_ptt_cmp = 0x4001eeec ); 744PROVIDE ( r_lc_qos_setup = 0x4001ef50 ); 745PROVIDE ( r_lc_rd_rem_name = 0x4001efd0 ); 746PROVIDE ( r_lc_release = 0x4001f8a8 ); 747PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_enc = 0x4001f124 ); 748PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_name_cont = 0x4001f290 ); 749PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_nego_trans_mode = 0x4001f1b4 ); 750PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_sniff = 0x40020ca4 ); 751PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_sniff_sub_rate = 0x40020b10 ); 752PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_switch = 0x4001f070 ); 753PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_trans_mode = 0x4001f314 ); 754PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_unsniff = 0x400207a0 ); 755PROVIDE ( r_lc_rem_untrans_mode = 0x4001f36c ); 756PROVIDE ( r_lc_reset = 0x4001c99c ); 757PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_auth = 0x4001f518 ); 758PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_calc_f3 = 0x4001f710 ); 759PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_num_comp = 0x40020074 ); 760PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_oob_nonce = 0x4001f694 ); 761PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_oob_wait_nonce = 0x4001f66c ); 762PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_pair = 0x400208a4 ); 763PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_sec_auth = 0x4001f4a0 ); 764PROVIDE ( r_lc_resp_wait_dhkey_cont = 0x4001f86c ); 765PROVIDE ( r_lc_restart_enc = 0x4001f8ec ); 766PROVIDE ( r_lc_restart_enc_cont = 0x4001f940 ); 767PROVIDE ( r_lc_restore_afh_reporting = 0x4001f028 ); 768PROVIDE ( r_lc_restore_to = 0x4001f9e0 ); 769PROVIDE ( r_lc_ret_sniff_max_slot_chg = 0x4001fa30 ); 770PROVIDE ( r_lc_rsw_clean_up = 0x4001dc70 ); 771PROVIDE ( r_lc_rsw_done = 0x4001db94 ); 772PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_baseband_ack = 0x40022b00 ); 773PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_detach = 0x40021e40 ); 774PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_host_accept = 0x40022118 ); 775PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_host_reject = 0x400222b8 ); 776PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_host_request = 0x40021f4c ); 777PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_host_request_disc = 0x4002235c ); 778PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_init = 0x40021dc8 ); 779PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_accept = 0x40022780 ); 780PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_accept_disc = 0x40022a08 ); 781PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_reject = 0x40022824 ); 782PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_reject_disc = 0x40022a8c ); 783PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_request = 0x4002240c ); 784PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_peer_request_disc = 0x400228ec ); 785PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_release = 0x40021eec ); 786PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_reset = 0x40021dfc ); 787PROVIDE ( r_lc_sco_timeout = 0x40022bd4 ); 788PROVIDE ( r_lc_sec_auth_compute_sres = 0x4001f3ec ); 789PROVIDE ( r_lc_semi_key_cmp = 0x40020294 ); 790PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_enc_chg_evt = 0x4002134c ); 791PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_enc_mode = 0x40020220 ); 792PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_lmp = 0x4001c1a8 ); 793PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_acc = 0x4001c21c ); 794PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_acc_ext4 = 0x4001c240 ); 795PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_au_rand = 0x4001c308 ); 796PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_auto_rate = 0x4001c5d0 ); 797PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_clk_adj_ack = 0x4001c46c ); 798PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_clk_adj_req = 0x4001c494 ); 799PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_comb_key = 0x4001c368 ); 800PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_dhkey_chk = 0x4001c8e8 ); 801PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_encaps_head = 0x4001c440 ); 802PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_encaps_payl = 0x4001c410 ); 803PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_enc_key_sz_req = 0x4001c670 ); 804PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_esco_lk_rem_req = 0x4001c5a8 ); 805PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_feats_ext_req = 0x4001c6ec ); 806PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_feats_res = 0x4001c694 ); 807PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_in_rand = 0x4001c338 ); 808PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_io_cap_res = 0x4001c72c ); 809PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_lsto = 0x4001c64c ); 810PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_max_slot = 0x4001c3c8 ); 811PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_max_slot_req = 0x4001c3ec ); 812PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_not_acc = 0x4001c26c ); 813PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_not_acc_ext4 = 0x4001c294 ); 814PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_num_comp_fail = 0x4001c770 ); 815PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_pause_enc_aes_req = 0x4001c794 ); 816PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_paus_enc_req = 0x4001c7c0 ); 817PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_ptt_req = 0x4001c4c0 ); 818PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_qos_req = 0x4001c82c ); 819PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_resu_enc_req = 0x4001c7e4 ); 820PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_sco_lk_rem_req = 0x4001c580 ); 821PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_set_afh = 0x4001c2c8 ); 822PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_setup_cmp = 0x4001c808 ); 823PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_slot_off = 0x4001c854 ); 824PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_sniff_req = 0x4001c5f0 ); 825PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_sp_cfm = 0x4001c518 ); 826PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_sp_nb = 0x4001c4e8 ); 827PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_sres = 0x4001c548 ); 828PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_tim_acc = 0x4001c6cc ); 829PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_unit_key = 0x4001c398 ); 830PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_unsniff_req = 0x4001c894 ); 831PROVIDE ( r_lc_send_pdu_vers_req = 0x4001c8b4 ); 832PROVIDE ( r_lc_skip_hl_oob_req = 0x400201bc ); 833PROVIDE ( r_lc_sniff_init = 0x40022cac ); 834PROVIDE ( r_lc_sniff_max_slot_chg = 0x40020590 ); 835PROVIDE ( r_lc_sniff_reset = 0x40022cc8 ); 836PROVIDE ( r_lc_sniff_slot_unchange = 0x40021100 ); 837PROVIDE ( r_lc_sniff_sub_mode = 0x400204fc ); 838PROVIDE ( r_lc_sp_end = 0x400213a8 ); 839PROVIDE ( r_lc_sp_fail = 0x40020470 ); 840PROVIDE ( r_lc_sp_oob_tid_fail = 0x400204cc ); 841PROVIDE ( r_lc_ssr_nego = 0x4002125c ); 842PROVIDE ( r_lc_start = 0x4001ca28 ); 843PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_enc = 0x4001fb28 ); 844PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_enc_key_size = 0x4001fd9c ); 845PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_key_exch = 0x4001fe10 ); 846PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_lmp_to = 0x4001fae8 ); 847PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_oob = 0x4001fffc ); 848PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_passkey = 0x4001feac ); 849PROVIDE ( r_lc_start_passkey_loop = 0x4001ff88 ); 850PROVIDE ( r_lc_stop_afh_report = 0x40020184 ); 851PROVIDE ( r_lc_stop_enc = 0x40020110 ); 852PROVIDE ( r_lc_switch_cmp = 0x40020448 ); 853PROVIDE ( r_lc_unit_key_svr = 0x400206d8 ); 854PROVIDE ( r_lc_unsniff = 0x40020c50 ); 855PROVIDE ( r_lc_unsniff_cmp = 0x40020810 ); 856PROVIDE ( r_lc_unsniff_cont = 0x40020750 ); 857PROVIDE ( r_lc_upd_to = 0x4002065c ); 858PROVIDE ( r_lc_util_convert_pref_rate_to_packet_type = 0x4002f9b0 ); 859PROVIDE ( r_lc_util_get_max_packet_size = 0x4002f4ac ); 860PROVIDE ( r_lc_util_get_offset_clke = 0x4002f538 ); 861PROVIDE ( r_lc_util_get_offset_clkn = 0x4002f51c ); 862PROVIDE ( r_lc_util_set_loc_trans_coll = 0x4002f500 ); 863PROVIDE ( r_lc_version = 0x40020a30 ); 864PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_active_hop_types_get = 0x40036e10 ); 865PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_afh_confirm = 0x40036d40 ); 866PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_afh_prepare = 0x40036c84 ); 867PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_afh_set = 0x40036b60 ); 868PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_allowed_tx_packet_types_set = 0x40036810 ); 869PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_bcst_rx_dec = 0x40036394 ); 870PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_bit_off_get = 0x40036b18 ); 871PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_clk_adj_set = 0x40036a00 ); 872PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_clk_off_get = 0x40036b00 ); 873PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_clk_set = 0x40036950 ); 874PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_clock_offset_get = 0x400364c0 ); 875PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_current_tx_power_get = 0x400368f0 ); 876PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_data_flush = 0x400357bc ); 877PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_data_tx = 0x4003544c ); 878PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_edr_set = 0x4003678c ); 879PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_enc_key_load = 0x40036404 ); 880PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_flow_off = 0x40035400 ); 881PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_flow_on = 0x4003541c ); 882PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_flush_timeout_get = 0x40035f9c ); 883PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_flush_timeout_set = 0x40035fe0 ); 884PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_init = 0x40034d08 ); 885PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_lmp_flush = 0x40035d80 ); 886PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_lmp_tx = 0x40035b34 ); 887PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_lsto_get = 0x400366b4 ); 888PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_lsto_set = 0x400366f8 ); 889PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_reset = 0x40034d24 ); 890PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_role_get = 0x40036b30 ); 891PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_rssi_delta_get = 0x40037028 ); 892PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_rsw_req = 0x40035e74 ); 893PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_rx_enc = 0x40036344 ); 894PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_rx_max_slot_get = 0x40036e58 ); 895PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_rx_max_slot_set = 0x40036ea0 ); 896PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_slot_offset_get = 0x4003653c ); 897PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_slot_offset_set = 0x40036658 ); 898PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_sniff = 0x4003617c ); 899PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_sniff_trans = 0x400360a8 ); 900PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_ssr_set = 0x40036274 ); 901PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_start = 0x40034ddc ); 902PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_stop = 0x4003532c ); 903PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_test_mode_set = 0x40036f24 ); 904PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_timing_accuracy_set = 0x4003673c ); 905PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_t_poll_get = 0x40036024 ); 906PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_t_poll_set = 0x40036068 ); 907PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_tx_enc = 0x400362f8 ); 908PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_unsniff = 0x400361e0 ); 909PROVIDE ( r_ld_active_check = 0x4003cac4 ); 910PROVIDE ( r_ld_afh_ch_assess_data_get = 0x4003caec ); 911PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_acl_data_tx = 0x40038d3c ); 912PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_acl_init = 0x40038bd0 ); 913PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_acl_reset = 0x40038bdc ); 914PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_acl_start = 0x4003882c ); 915PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_afh_update = 0x40038f3c ); 916PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_enc_key_load = 0x4003906c ); 917PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_lmp_tx = 0x40038bf8 ); 918PROVIDE ( r_ld_bcst_tx_enc = 0x40038ff8 ); 919PROVIDE ( r_ld_bd_addr_get = 0x4003ca20 ); 920PROVIDE ( r_ld_channel_assess = 0x4003c184 ); 921PROVIDE ( r_ld_class_of_dev_get = 0x4003ca34 ); 922PROVIDE ( r_ld_class_of_dev_set = 0x4003ca50 ); 923PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_rx_afh_update = 0x40039af4 ); 924PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_rx_init = 0x40039690 ); 925PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_rx_reset = 0x4003969c ); 926PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_rx_start = 0x4003972c ); 927PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_rx_stop = 0x40039bb8 ); 928PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_afh_update = 0x4003a5fc ); 929PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_clr_data = 0x4003a71c ); 930PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_dis = 0x4003a5e8 ); 931PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_en = 0x4003a1c0 ); 932PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_init = 0x4003a0e8 ); 933PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_reset = 0x4003a0f8 ); 934PROVIDE ( r_ld_csb_tx_set_data = 0x4003a6c0 ); 935PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_clk_isr = 0x4003a7a8 ); 936PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_frame_isr = 0x4003a82c ); 937PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_init = 0x4003a760 ); 938PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_prog_check = 0x4003ab28 ); 939PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_prog_disable = 0x4003a984 ); 940PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_prog_enable = 0x4003a944 ); 941PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_prog_push = 0x4003a9d4 ); 942PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_reset = 0x4003a794 ); 943PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_rx_isr = 0x4003a7f4 ); 944PROVIDE ( r_ld_fm_sket_isr = 0x4003a8a4 ); 945PROVIDE ( r_ld_init = 0x4003c294 ); 946PROVIDE ( r_ld_inq_init = 0x4003b15c ); 947PROVIDE ( r_ld_inq_reset = 0x4003b168 ); 948PROVIDE ( r_ld_inq_start = 0x4003b1f0 ); 949PROVIDE ( r_ld_inq_stop = 0x4003b4f0 ); 950PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_eir_get = 0x4003c118 ); 951PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_eir_set = 0x4003bfa0 ); 952PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_init = 0x4003b9f0 ); 953PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_reset = 0x4003ba14 ); 954PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_restart = 0x4003ba44 ); 955PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_start = 0x4003bb28 ); 956PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_stop = 0x4003bf1c ); 957PROVIDE ( r_ld_iscan_tx_pwr_get = 0x4003c138 ); 958PROVIDE ( r_ld_page_init = 0x4003d808 ); 959PROVIDE ( r_ld_page_reset = 0x4003d814 ); 960PROVIDE ( r_ld_page_start = 0x4003d848 ); 961PROVIDE ( r_ld_page_stop = 0x4003da54 ); 962PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_coarse_clock_adjust = 0x4003e324 ); 963PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_init = 0x4003deb4 ); 964PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_initiate_clock_dragging = 0x4003e4ac ); 965PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_local_config = 0x4003df6c ); 966PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_mws_frame_sync = 0x4003e104 ); 967PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_mws_moment_offset_gt = 0x4003e278 ); 968PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_mws_moment_offset_lt = 0x4003e280 ); 969PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_reporting_enable = 0x4003e018 ); 970PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_reset = 0x4003df0c ); 971PROVIDE ( r_ld_pca_update_target_offset = 0x4003e050 ); 972PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_evt_handler = 0x4003f238 ); 973PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_init = 0x4003f474 ); 974PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_reset = 0x4003f498 ); 975PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_restart = 0x4003f4b8 ); 976PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_start = 0x4003f514 ); 977PROVIDE ( r_ld_pscan_stop = 0x4003f618 ); 978PROVIDE ( r_ld_read_clock = 0x4003c9e4 ); 979PROVIDE ( r_ld_reset = 0x4003c714 ); 980PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_acl_add = 0x4003f978 ); 981PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_acl_remove = 0x4003f99c ); 982PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_compute = 0x4003f6f8 ); 983PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_init = 0x4003f7ac ); 984PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_inq_add = 0x4003f8a8 ); 985PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_inq_remove = 0x4003f8d0 ); 986PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_iscan_add = 0x4003f7e8 ); 987PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_iscan_remove = 0x4003f808 ); 988PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_page_add = 0x4003f910 ); 989PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_page_remove = 0x4003f938 ); 990PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_pscan_add = 0x4003f828 ); 991PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_pscan_remove = 0x4003f848 ); 992PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_reset = 0x4003f7d4 ); 993PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sco_add = 0x4003fa4c ); 994PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sco_remove = 0x4003fa9c ); 995PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sniff_add = 0x4003f9c4 ); 996PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sniff_remove = 0x4003fa0c ); 997PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sscan_add = 0x4003f868 ); 998PROVIDE ( r_ld_sched_sscan_remove = 0x4003f888 ); 999PROVIDE ( r_ld_sco_audio_isr = 0x40037cc8 ); 1000PROVIDE ( r_ld_sco_data_tx = 0x40037ee8 ); 1001PROVIDE ( r_ld_sco_start = 0x40037110 ); 1002PROVIDE ( r_ld_sco_stop = 0x40037c40 ); 1003PROVIDE ( r_ld_sco_update = 0x40037a74 ); 1004PROVIDE ( r_ld_sscan_activated = 0x4004031c ); 1005PROVIDE ( r_ld_sscan_init = 0x400402f0 ); 1006PROVIDE ( r_ld_sscan_reset = 0x400402fc ); 1007PROVIDE ( r_ld_sscan_start = 0x40040384 ); 1008PROVIDE ( r_ld_strain_init = 0x400409f4 ); 1009PROVIDE ( r_ld_strain_reset = 0x40040a00 ); 1010PROVIDE ( r_ld_strain_start = 0x40040a8c ); 1011PROVIDE ( r_ld_strain_stop = 0x40040df0 ); 1012PROVIDE ( r_ld_timing_accuracy_get = 0x4003caac ); 1013PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_active_master_afh_map_get = 0x4004131c ); 1014PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_active_master_afh_map_set = 0x40041308 ); 1015PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_bch_create = 0x40040fcc ); 1016PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_fhs_pk = 0x400411c8 ); 1017PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_fhs_unpk = 0x40040e54 ); 1018PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_stp_pk = 0x400413f4 ); 1019PROVIDE ( r_ld_util_stp_unpk = 0x40041324 ); 1020PROVIDE ( r_ld_version_get = 0x4003ca6c ); 1021PROVIDE ( r_ld_wlcoex_set = 0x4003caf8 ); 1022PROVIDE ( r_llc_ch_assess_get_current_ch_map = 0x40041574 ); 1023PROVIDE ( r_llc_ch_assess_get_local_ch_map = 0x4004150c ); 1024PROVIDE ( r_llc_ch_assess_local = 0x40041494 ); 1025PROVIDE ( r_llc_ch_assess_merge_ch = 0x40041588 ); 1026PROVIDE ( r_llc_ch_assess_reass_ch = 0x400415c0 ); 1027PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_cmd_complete_send = 0x40044eac ); 1028PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_cmd_status_send = 0x40044ee0 ); 1029PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_enc_change_evt_send = 0x40044f6c ); 1030PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_enc_key_ref_comp_evt_send = 0x40044f38 ); 1031PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_flush_occurred_send = 0x40044f0c ); 1032PROVIDE ( r_llc_common_nb_of_pkt_comp_evt_send = 0x40045000 ); 1033PROVIDE ( r_llc_con_update_complete_send = 0x40044d68 ); 1034PROVIDE ( r_llc_con_update_finished = 0x4004518c ); 1035PROVIDE ( r_llc_con_update_ind = 0x40045038 ); 1036PROVIDE ( r_llc_discon_event_complete_send = 0x40044a30 ); 1037PROVIDE ( r_llc_end_evt_defer = 0x40046330 ); 1038PROVIDE ( r_llc_feats_rd_event_send = 0x40044e0c ); 1039PROVIDE ( r_llc_init = 0x40044778 ); 1040PROVIDE ( r_llc_le_con_cmp_evt_send = 0x40044a78 ); 1041PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_ch_map_update_pdu_send = 0x40043f94 ); 1042PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_con_param_req_pdu_send = 0x400442fc ); 1043PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_con_param_rsp_pdu_send = 0x40044358 ); 1044PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_con_update_pdu_send = 0x400442c4 ); 1045PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_enc_req_pdu_send = 0x40044064 ); 1046PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_enc_rsp_pdu_send = 0x40044160 ); 1047PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_feats_req_pdu_send = 0x400443b4 ); 1048PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_feats_rsp_pdu_send = 0x400443f0 ); 1049PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_get_autorize = 0x4004475c ); 1050PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_length_req_pdu_send = 0x40044574 ); 1051PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_length_rsp_pdu_send = 0x400445ac ); 1052PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_pause_enc_req_pdu_send = 0x40043fd8 ); 1053PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_pause_enc_rsp_pdu_send = 0x40044010 ); 1054PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_ping_req_pdu_send = 0x4004454c ); 1055PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_ping_rsp_pdu_send = 0x40044560 ); 1056PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_recv_handler = 0x40044678 ); 1057PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_reject_ind_pdu_send = 0x4004425c ); 1058PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_start_enc_req_pdu_send = 0x4004441c ); 1059PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_start_enc_rsp_pdu_send = 0x400441f8 ); 1060PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_terminate_ind_pdu_send = 0x400444b0 ); 1061PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_tester_send = 0x400445e4 ); 1062PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_unknown_rsp_send_pdu = 0x40044534 ); 1063PROVIDE ( r_llc_llcp_version_ind_pdu_send = 0x40043f6c ); 1064PROVIDE ( r_llc_lsto_con_update = 0x40045098 ); 1065PROVIDE ( r_llc_ltk_req_send = 0x40044dc0 ); 1066PROVIDE ( r_llc_map_update_finished = 0x40045260 ); 1067PROVIDE ( r_llc_map_update_ind = 0x400450f0 ); 1068PROVIDE ( r_llc_pdu_acl_tx_ack_defer = 0x400464dc ); 1069PROVIDE ( r_llc_pdu_defer = 0x40046528 ); 1070PROVIDE ( r_llc_pdu_llcp_tx_ack_defer = 0x400463ac ); 1071PROVIDE ( r_llc_reset = 0x400447b8 ); 1072PROVIDE ( r_llc_start = 0x400447f4 ); 1073PROVIDE ( r_llc_stop = 0x400449ac ); 1074PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_bw_mgt = 0x4004629c ); 1075PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_clear_operation_ptr = 0x40046234 ); 1076PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_dicon_procedure = 0x40046130 ); 1077PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_get_free_conhdl = 0x400460c8 ); 1078PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_get_nb_active_link = 0x40046100 ); 1079PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_set_auth_payl_to_margin = 0x400461f4 ); 1080PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_set_llcp_discard_enable = 0x400461c8 ); 1081PROVIDE ( r_llc_util_update_channel_map = 0x400461ac ); 1082PROVIDE ( r_llc_version_rd_event_send = 0x40044e60 ); 1083PROVIDE ( r_lld_adv_start = 0x40048b38 ); 1084PROVIDE ( r_lld_adv_stop = 0x40048ea0 ); 1085PROVIDE ( r_lld_ch_map_ind = 0x4004a2f4 ); 1086PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_param_req = 0x40049f0c ); 1087PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_param_rsp = 0x40049e00 ); 1088PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_start = 0x400491f8 ); 1089PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_stop = 0x40049fdc ); 1090PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_update_after_param_req = 0x40049bcc ); 1091PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_update_ind = 0x4004a30c ); 1092PROVIDE ( r_lld_con_update_req = 0x40049b60 ); 1093PROVIDE ( r_lld_core_reset = 0x40048a9c ); 1094PROVIDE ( r_lld_crypt_isr = 0x4004a324 ); 1095PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_adv_create = 0x400481f4 ); 1096PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_canceled = 0x400485c8 ); 1097PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_channel_next = 0x40046aac ); 1098PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_deffered_elt_handler = 0x400482bc ); 1099PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_delete_elt_handler = 0x40046974 ); 1100PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_delete_elt_push = 0x40046a3c ); 1101PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_drift_compute = 0x40047670 ); 1102PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_elt_delete = 0x40047538 ); 1103PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_elt_insert = 0x400474c8 ); 1104PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_end = 0x400483e8 ); 1105PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_end_isr = 0x4004862c ); 1106PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_init = 0x40046b3c ); 1107PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_init_evt = 0x40046cd0 ); 1108PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_move_to_master = 0x40047ba0 ); 1109PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_move_to_slave = 0x40047e18 ); 1110PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_prevent_stop = 0x40047adc ); 1111PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_restart = 0x40046d50 ); 1112PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_rx = 0x40048578 ); 1113PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_rx_isr = 0x40048678 ); 1114PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_scan_create = 0x40047ae8 ); 1115PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_schedule = 0x40047908 ); 1116PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_schedule_next = 0x400477dc ); 1117PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_schedule_next_instant = 0x400476a8 ); 1118PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_slave_update = 0x40048138 ); 1119PROVIDE ( r_lld_evt_update_create = 0x40047cd8 ); 1120PROVIDE ( r_lld_get_mode = 0x40049ff8 ); 1121PROVIDE ( r_lld_init = 0x4004873c ); 1122PROVIDE ( r_lld_move_to_master = 0x400499e0 ); 1123PROVIDE ( r_lld_move_to_slave = 0x4004a024 ); 1124PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_adv_pack = 0x4004b488 ); 1125PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_check = 0x4004ac34 ); 1126PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_data_send = 0x4004b018 ); 1127PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_data_tx_push = 0x4004aecc ); 1128PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_rx_handler = 0x4004b4d4 ); 1129PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_send_packet = 0x4004b774 ); 1130PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_tx_flush = 0x4004b414 ); 1131PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_tx_loop = 0x4004ae40 ); 1132PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_tx_prog = 0x4004b120 ); 1133PROVIDE ( r_lld_pdu_tx_push = 0x4004b080 ); 1134PROVIDE ( r_lld_ral_renew_req = 0x4004a73c ); 1135PROVIDE ( r_lld_scan_start = 0x40048ee0 ); 1136PROVIDE ( r_lld_scan_stop = 0x40049190 ); 1137PROVIDE ( r_lld_test_mode_rx = 0x4004a540 ); 1138PROVIDE ( r_lld_test_mode_tx = 0x4004a350 ); 1139PROVIDE ( r_lld_test_stop = 0x4004a710 ); 1140PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_anchor_point_move = 0x4004bacc ); 1141PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_compute_ce_max = 0x4004bc0c ); 1142PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_connection_param_set = 0x4004ba40 ); 1143PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_dle_set_cs_fields = 0x4004ba90 ); 1144PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_eff_tx_time_set = 0x4004bd88 ); 1145PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_elt_programmed = 0x4004bce0 ); 1146PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_flush_list = 0x4004bbd8 ); 1147PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_freq2chnl = 0x4004b9e4 ); 1148PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_get_bd_address = 0x4004b8ac ); 1149PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_get_local_offset = 0x4004ba10 ); 1150PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_get_peer_offset = 0x4004ba24 ); 1151PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_get_tx_pkt_cnt = 0x4004bd80 ); 1152PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_instant_get = 0x4004b890 ); 1153PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_instant_ongoing = 0x4004bbfc ); 1154PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_priority_set = 0x4004bd10 ); 1155PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_priority_update = 0x4004bd78 ); 1156PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_ral_force_rpa_renew = 0x4004b980 ); 1157PROVIDE ( r_lld_util_set_bd_address = 0x4004b8f8 ); 1158PROVIDE ( r_lld_wlcoex_set = 0x4004bd98 ); 1159PROVIDE ( r_llm_ble_ready = 0x4004cc34 ); 1160PROVIDE ( r_llm_common_cmd_complete_send = 0x4004d288 ); 1161PROVIDE ( r_llm_common_cmd_status_send = 0x4004d2b4 ); 1162PROVIDE ( r_llm_con_req_ind = 0x4004cc54 ); 1163PROVIDE ( r_llm_con_req_tx_cfm = 0x4004d158 ); 1164PROVIDE ( r_llm_create_con = 0x4004de78 ); 1165PROVIDE ( r_llm_encryption_done = 0x4004dff8 ); 1166PROVIDE ( r_llm_encryption_start = 0x4004e128 ); 1167PROVIDE ( r_llm_end_evt_defer = 0x4004eb6c ); 1168PROVIDE ( r_llm_init = 0x4004c9f8 ); 1169PROVIDE ( r_llm_le_adv_report_ind = 0x4004cdf4 ); 1170PROVIDE ( r_llm_pdu_defer = 0x4004ec48 ); 1171PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_clear = 0x4004e1fc ); 1172PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_dev_add = 0x4004e23c ); 1173PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_dev_rm = 0x4004e3bc ); 1174PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_get_rpa = 0x4004e400 ); 1175PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_set_timeout = 0x4004e4a0 ); 1176PROVIDE ( r_llm_ral_update = 0x4004e4f8 ); 1177PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_adv_data = 0x4004d960 ); 1178PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_adv_en = 0x4004d7ec ); 1179PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_adv_param = 0x4004d5f4 ); 1180PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_scan_en = 0x4004db64 ); 1181PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_scan_param = 0x4004dac8 ); 1182PROVIDE ( r_llm_set_scan_rsp_data = 0x4004da14 ); 1183PROVIDE ( r_llm_test_mode_start_rx = 0x4004d534 ); 1184PROVIDE ( r_llm_test_mode_start_tx = 0x4004d2fc ); 1185PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_adv_data_update = 0x4004e8fc ); 1186PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_apply_bd_addr = 0x4004e868 ); 1187PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bd_addr_in_ral = 0x4004eb08 ); 1188PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bd_addr_in_wl = 0x4004e788 ); 1189PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bd_addr_wl_position = 0x4004e720 ); 1190PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bl_add = 0x4004e9ac ); 1191PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bl_check = 0x4004e930 ); 1192PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_bl_rem = 0x4004ea70 ); 1193PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_check_address_validity = 0x4004e7e4 ); 1194PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_check_evt_mask = 0x4004e8b0 ); 1195PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_check_map_validity = 0x4004e800 ); 1196PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_get_channel_map = 0x4004e8d4 ); 1197PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_get_supp_features = 0x4004e8e8 ); 1198PROVIDE ( r_llm_util_set_public_addr = 0x4004e89c ); 1199PROVIDE ( r_llm_wl_clr = 0x4004dc54 ); 1200PROVIDE ( r_llm_wl_dev_add = 0x4004dcc0 ); 1201PROVIDE ( r_llm_wl_dev_add_hdl = 0x4004dd38 ); 1202PROVIDE ( r_llm_wl_dev_rem = 0x4004dcfc ); 1203PROVIDE ( r_llm_wl_dev_rem_hdl = 0x4004dde0 ); 1204PROVIDE ( r_lm_acl_disc = 0x4004f148 ); 1205PROVIDE ( r_LM_AddSniff = 0x40022d20 ); 1206PROVIDE ( r_lm_add_sync = 0x40051358 ); 1207PROVIDE ( r_lm_afh_activate_timer = 0x4004f444 ); 1208PROVIDE ( r_lm_afh_ch_ass_en_get = 0x4004f3f8 ); 1209PROVIDE ( r_lm_afh_host_ch_class_get = 0x4004f410 ); 1210PROVIDE ( r_lm_afh_master_ch_map_get = 0x4004f43c ); 1211PROVIDE ( r_lm_afh_peer_ch_class_set = 0x4004f418 ); 1212PROVIDE ( r_lm_check_active_sync = 0x40051334 ); 1213PROVIDE ( r_LM_CheckEdrFeatureRequest = 0x4002f90c ); 1214PROVIDE ( r_LM_CheckSwitchInstant = 0x4002f8c0 ); 1215PROVIDE ( r_lm_check_sync_hl_rsp = 0x4005169c ); 1216PROVIDE ( r_lm_clk_adj_ack_pending_clear = 0x4004f514 ); 1217PROVIDE ( r_lm_clk_adj_instant_pending_set = 0x4004f4d8 ); 1218PROVIDE ( r_LM_ComputePacketType = 0x4002f554 ); 1219PROVIDE ( r_LM_ComputeSniffSubRate = 0x400233ac ); 1220PROVIDE ( r_lm_debug_key_compare_192 = 0x4004f3a8 ); 1221PROVIDE ( r_lm_debug_key_compare_256 = 0x4004f3d0 ); 1222PROVIDE ( r_lm_dhkey_calc_init = 0x40013234 ); 1223PROVIDE ( r_lm_dhkey_compare = 0x400132d8 ); 1224PROVIDE ( r_lm_dut_mode_en_get = 0x4004f3ec ); 1225PROVIDE ( r_LM_ExtractMaxEncKeySize = 0x4001aca4 ); 1226PROVIDE ( r_lm_f1 = 0x40012bb8 ); 1227PROVIDE ( r_lm_f2 = 0x40012cfc ); 1228PROVIDE ( r_lm_f3 = 0x40013050 ); 1229PROVIDE ( r_lm_g = 0x40012f90 ); 1230PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetAFHSwitchInstant = 0x4002f86c ); 1231PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_auth_en = 0x4004f1ac ); 1232PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_common_pkt_types = 0x4002fa1c ); 1233PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetConnectionAcceptTimeout = 0x4004f1f4 ); 1234PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetFeature = 0x4002f924 ); 1235PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetLinkTimeout = 0x400233ec ); 1236PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetLocalNameSeg = 0x4004f200 ); 1237PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_loopback_mode = 0x4004f248 ); 1238PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetMasterEncKeySize = 0x4001b29c ); 1239PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetMasterEncRand = 0x4001b288 ); 1240PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetMasterKey = 0x4001b260 ); 1241PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetMasterKeyRand = 0x4001b274 ); 1242PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_min_sync_intv = 0x400517a8 ); 1243PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_nb_acl = 0x4004ef9c ); 1244PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_nb_sync_link = 0x4005179c ); 1245PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_nonce = 0x400131c4 ); 1246PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_oob_local_commit = 0x4004f374 ); 1247PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_oob_local_data_192 = 0x4004f2d4 ); 1248PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_oob_local_data_256 = 0x4004f318 ); 1249PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetPINType = 0x4004f1e8 ); 1250PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_priv_key_192 = 0x4004f278 ); 1251PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_priv_key_256 = 0x4004f2b8 ); 1252PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_pub_key_192 = 0x4004f258 ); 1253PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_pub_key_256 = 0x4004f298 ); 1254PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetQoSParam = 0x4002f6e0 ); 1255PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_sec_con_host_supp = 0x4004f1d4 ); 1256PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetSniffSubratingParam = 0x4002325c ); 1257PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_sp_en = 0x4004f1c0 ); 1258PROVIDE ( r_LM_GetSwitchInstant = 0x4002f7f8 ); 1259PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_synchdl = 0x4005175c ); 1260PROVIDE ( r_lm_get_sync_param = 0x400503b4 ); 1261PROVIDE ( r_lm_init = 0x4004ed34 ); 1262PROVIDE ( r_lm_init_sync = 0x400512d8 ); 1263PROVIDE ( r_lm_is_acl_con = 0x4004f47c ); 1264PROVIDE ( r_lm_is_acl_con_role = 0x4004f49c ); 1265PROVIDE ( r_lm_is_clk_adj_ack_pending = 0x4004f4e8 ); 1266PROVIDE ( r_lm_is_clk_adj_instant_pending = 0x4004f4c8 ); 1267PROVIDE ( r_lm_local_ext_fr_configured = 0x4004f540 ); 1268PROVIDE ( r_lm_look_for_stored_link_key = 0x4002f948 ); 1269PROVIDE ( r_lm_look_for_sync = 0x40051774 ); 1270PROVIDE ( r_lm_lt_addr_alloc = 0x4004ef1c ); 1271PROVIDE ( r_lm_lt_addr_free = 0x4004ef74 ); 1272PROVIDE ( r_lm_lt_addr_reserve = 0x4004ef48 ); 1273PROVIDE ( r_LM_MakeCof = 0x4002f84c ); 1274PROVIDE ( r_LM_MakeRandVec = 0x400112d8 ); 1275PROVIDE ( r_lm_master_clk_adj_req_handler = 0x40054180 ); 1276PROVIDE ( r_LM_MaxSlot = 0x4002f694 ); 1277PROVIDE ( r_lm_modif_sync = 0x40051578 ); 1278PROVIDE ( r_lm_n_is_zero = 0x40012170 ); 1279PROVIDE ( r_lm_num_clk_adj_ack_pending_set = 0x4004f500 ); 1280PROVIDE ( r_lm_oob_f1 = 0x40012e54 ); 1281PROVIDE ( r_lm_pca_sscan_link_get = 0x4004f560 ); 1282PROVIDE ( r_lm_pca_sscan_link_set = 0x4004f550 ); 1283PROVIDE ( r_lmp_pack = 0x4001135c ); 1284PROVIDE ( r_lmp_unpack = 0x4001149c ); 1285PROVIDE ( r_lm_read_features = 0x4004f0d8 ); 1286PROVIDE ( r_LM_RemoveSniff = 0x40023124 ); 1287PROVIDE ( r_LM_RemoveSniffSubrating = 0x400233c4 ); 1288PROVIDE ( r_lm_remove_sync = 0x400517c8 ); 1289PROVIDE ( r_lm_reset_sync = 0x40051304 ); 1290PROVIDE ( r_lm_role_switch_finished = 0x4004f028 ); 1291PROVIDE ( r_lm_role_switch_start = 0x4004efe0 ); 1292PROVIDE ( r_lm_sco_nego_end = 0x40051828 ); 1293PROVIDE ( r_LM_SniffSubrateNegoRequired = 0x40023334 ); 1294PROVIDE ( r_LM_SniffSubratingHlReq = 0x40023154 ); 1295PROVIDE ( r_LM_SniffSubratingPeerReq = 0x400231dc ); 1296PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_debug_mode_get = 0x4004f398 ); 1297PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_n192_convert_wnaf = 0x400123c0 ); 1298PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_n_one = 0x400123a4 ); 1299PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_add = 0x40012828 ); 1300PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_dbl = 0x4001268c ); 1301PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_invert = 0x40012b6c ); 1302PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_point_jacobian_to_affine = 0x40012468 ); 1303PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_points_jacobian_to_affine = 0x400124e4 ); 1304PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_p192_point_to_inf = 0x40012458 ); 1305PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_pre_compute_points = 0x40012640 ); 1306PROVIDE ( r_lm_sp_sha256_calculate = 0x400121a0 ); 1307PROVIDE ( r_LM_SuppressAclPacket = 0x4002f658 ); 1308PROVIDE ( r_lm_sync_flow_ctrl_en_get = 0x4004f404 ); 1309PROVIDE ( r_LM_UpdateAclEdrPacketType = 0x4002f5d8 ); 1310PROVIDE ( r_LM_UpdateAclPacketType = 0x4002f584 ); 1311PROVIDE ( r_modules_funcs = 0x3ffafd6c ); 1312PROVIDE ( r_modules_funcs_p = 0x3ffafd68 ); 1313PROVIDE ( r_nvds_del = 0x400544c4 ); 1314PROVIDE ( r_nvds_get = 0x40054488 ); 1315PROVIDE ( r_nvds_init = 0x40054410 ); 1316PROVIDE ( r_nvds_lock = 0x400544fc ); 1317PROVIDE ( r_nvds_put = 0x40054534 ); 1318PROVIDE ( rom_abs_temp = 0x400054f0 ); 1319PROVIDE ( rom_bb_bss_bw_40_en = 0x4000401c ); 1320PROVIDE ( rom_bb_bss_cbw40_dig = 0x40003bac ); 1321PROVIDE ( rom_bb_rx_ht20_cen_bcov_en = 0x40003734 ); 1322PROVIDE ( rom_bb_tx_ht20_cen = 0x40003760 ); 1323PROVIDE ( rom_bb_wdg_test_en = 0x40003b70 ); 1324PROVIDE ( rom_cbw2040_cfg = 0x400040b0 ); 1325PROVIDE ( rom_check_noise_floor = 0x40003c78 ); 1326PROVIDE ( rom_chip_i2c_readReg = 0x40004110 ); 1327PROVIDE ( rom_chip_i2c_writeReg = 0x40004168 ); 1328PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v7_bt_init = 0x40004d8c ); 1329PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v7_rx_init = 0x40004cec ); 1330PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v7_rx_rifs_en = 0x40003d90 ); 1331PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v7_tx_init = 0x40004d18 ); 1332PROVIDE ( rom_clk_force_on_vit = 0x40003710 ); 1333PROVIDE ( rom_correct_rf_ana_gain = 0x400062a8 ); 1334PROVIDE ( rom_dc_iq_est = 0x400055c8 ); 1335PROVIDE ( rom_disable_agc = 0x40002fa4 ); 1336PROVIDE ( rom_enable_agc = 0x40002fcc ); 1337PROVIDE ( rom_en_pwdet = 0x4000506c ); 1338PROVIDE ( rom_gen_rx_gain_table = 0x40003e3c ); 1339PROVIDE ( rom_get_data_sat = 0x4000312c ); 1340PROVIDE ( rom_get_fm_sar_dout = 0x40005204 ); 1341PROVIDE ( rom_get_power_db = 0x40005fc8 ); 1342PROVIDE ( rom_get_pwctrl_correct = 0x400065d4 ); 1343PROVIDE ( rom_get_rfcal_rxiq_data = 0x40005bbc ); 1344PROVIDE ( rom_get_rf_gain_qdb = 0x40006290 ); 1345PROVIDE ( rom_get_sar_dout = 0x40006564 ); 1346PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_readReg = 0x40004148 ); 1347PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_readReg_Mask = 0x400041c0 ); 1348PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_writeReg = 0x400041a4 ); 1349PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_writeReg_Mask = 0x400041fc ); 1350PROVIDE ( rom_index_to_txbbgain = 0x40004df8 ); 1351PROVIDE ( rom_iq_est_disable = 0x40005590 ); 1352PROVIDE ( rom_iq_est_enable = 0x40005514 ); 1353PROVIDE ( rom_linear_to_db = 0x40005f64 ); 1354PROVIDE ( rom_loopback_mode_en = 0x400030f8 ); 1355PROVIDE ( rom_main = 0x400076c4 ); 1356PROVIDE ( rom_meas_tone_pwr_db = 0x40006004 ); 1357PROVIDE ( rom_mhz2ieee = 0x4000404c ); 1358PROVIDE ( rom_noise_floor_auto_set = 0x40003bdc ); 1359PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_debugmode = 0x40004458 ); 1360PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_force_mode = 0x40004270 ); 1361PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_force_test = 0x400043c0 ); 1362PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_rd = 0x40004414 ); 1363PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_rd_addr = 0x40004334 ); 1364PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_rd_shift = 0x40004374 ); 1365PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_rx_dco_cal = 0x40005620 ); 1366PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_set_dco = 0x40004638 ); 1367PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_set_rxgain = 0x40004480 ); 1368PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_workmode = 0x4000446c ); 1369PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_rx_off = 0x40004508 ); 1370PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_rx_on = 0x4000453c ); 1371PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_tx_off = 0x40004590 ); 1372PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_tx_on = 0x400045e0 ); 1373PROVIDE ( rom_phy_disable_agc = 0x40002f6c ); 1374PROVIDE ( rom_phy_disable_cca = 0x40003000 ); 1375PROVIDE ( rom_phy_enable_agc = 0x40002f88 ); 1376PROVIDE ( rom_phy_enable_cca = 0x4000302c ); 1377PROVIDE ( rom_phy_freq_correct = 0x40004b44 ); 1378PROVIDE ( rom_phyFuns = 0x3ffae0c0 ); 1379PROVIDE ( rom_phy_get_noisefloor = 0x40003c2c ); 1380PROVIDE ( rom_phy_get_vdd33 = 0x4000642c ); 1381PROVIDE ( rom_pow_usr = 0x40003044 ); 1382PROVIDE ( rom_read_sar_dout = 0x400051c0 ); 1383PROVIDE ( rom_restart_cal = 0x400046e0 ); 1384PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_pwrctrl = 0x40006058 ); 1385PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_rxiq = 0x40005b4c ); 1386PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_txcap = 0x40005dec ); 1387PROVIDE ( rom_rfpll_reset = 0x40004680 ); 1388PROVIDE ( rom_rfpll_set_freq = 0x400047f8 ); 1389PROVIDE ( rom_rtc_mem_backup = 0x40003db4 ); 1390PROVIDE ( rom_rtc_mem_recovery = 0x40003df4 ); 1391PROVIDE ( rom_rx_gain_force = 0x4000351c ); 1392PROVIDE ( rom_rxiq_cover_mg_mp = 0x40005a68 ); 1393PROVIDE ( rom_rxiq_get_mis = 0x400058e4 ); 1394PROVIDE ( rom_rxiq_set_reg = 0x40005a00 ); 1395PROVIDE ( rom_set_cal_rxdc = 0x400030b8 ); 1396PROVIDE ( rom_set_chan_cal_interp = 0x40005ce0 ); 1397PROVIDE ( rom_set_channel_freq = 0x40004880 ); 1398PROVIDE ( rom_set_loopback_gain = 0x40003060 ); 1399PROVIDE ( rom_set_noise_floor = 0x40003d48 ); 1400PROVIDE ( rom_set_pbus_mem = 0x400031a4 ); 1401PROVIDE ( rom_set_rf_freq_offset = 0x40004ca8 ); 1402PROVIDE ( rom_set_rxclk_en = 0x40003594 ); 1403PROVIDE ( rom_set_txcap_reg = 0x40005d50 ); 1404PROVIDE ( rom_set_txclk_en = 0x40003564 ); 1405PROVIDE ( rom_spur_coef_cfg = 0x40003ac8 ); 1406PROVIDE ( rom_spur_reg_write_one_tone = 0x400037f0 ); 1407PROVIDE ( rom_start_tx_tone = 0x400036b4 ); 1408PROVIDE ( rom_start_tx_tone_step = 0x400035d0 ); 1409PROVIDE ( rom_stop_tx_tone = 0x40003f98 ); 1410PROVIDE ( _rom_store = 0x4000d66c ); 1411PROVIDE ( _rom_store_table = 0x4000d4f8 ); 1412PROVIDE ( rom_target_power_add_backoff = 0x40006268 ); 1413PROVIDE ( rom_tx_atten_set_interp = 0x400061cc ); 1414PROVIDE ( rom_txbbgain_to_index = 0x40004dc0 ); 1415PROVIDE ( rom_txcal_work_mode = 0x4000510c ); 1416PROVIDE ( rom_txdc_cal_init = 0x40004e10 ); 1417PROVIDE ( rom_txdc_cal_v70 = 0x40004ea4 ); 1418PROVIDE ( rom_txiq_cover = 0x4000538c ); 1419PROVIDE ( rom_txiq_get_mis_pwr = 0x400052dc ); 1420PROVIDE ( rom_txiq_set_reg = 0x40005154 ); 1421PROVIDE ( rom_tx_pwctrl_bg_init = 0x4000662c ); 1422PROVIDE ( rom_txtone_linear_pwr = 0x40005290 ); 1423PROVIDE ( rom_wait_rfpll_cal_end = 0x400047a8 ); 1424PROVIDE ( rom_write_gain_mem = 0x4000348c ); 1425PROVIDE ( rom_write_rfpll_sdm = 0x40004740 ); 1426PROVIDE ( roundup2 = 0x4000ab7c ); 1427PROVIDE ( r_plf_funcs_p = 0x3ffb8360 ); 1428PROVIDE ( r_rf_rw_bt_init = 0x40054868 ); 1429PROVIDE ( r_rf_rw_init = 0x40054b0c ); 1430PROVIDE ( r_rf_rw_le_init = 0x400549d0 ); 1431PROVIDE ( r_rwble_activity_ongoing_check = 0x40054d8c ); 1432PROVIDE ( r_rwble_init = 0x40054bf4 ); 1433PROVIDE ( r_rwble_isr = 0x40054e08 ); 1434PROVIDE ( r_rwble_reset = 0x40054ce8 ); 1435PROVIDE ( r_rwble_sleep_check = 0x40054d78 ); 1436PROVIDE ( r_rwble_version = 0x40054dac ); 1437PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_init = 0x40055160 ); 1438PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_isr = 0x40055248 ); 1439PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_reset = 0x400551bc ); 1440PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_sleep_check = 0x4005577c ); 1441PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_sleep_enter = 0x400557a4 ); 1442PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_sleep_wakeup = 0x400557fc ); 1443PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_sleep_wakeup_end = 0x400558cc ); 1444PROVIDE ( r_rwbt_version = 0x4005520c ); 1445PROVIDE ( r_rwip_assert_err = 0x40055f88 ); 1446PROVIDE ( r_rwip_check_wakeup_boundary = 0x400558fc ); 1447PROVIDE ( r_rwip_ext_wakeup_enable = 0x40055f3c ); 1448PROVIDE ( r_rwip_init = 0x4005595c ); 1449PROVIDE ( r_rwip_pca_clock_dragging_only = 0x40055f48 ); 1450PROVIDE ( r_rwip_prevent_sleep_clear = 0x40055ec8 ); 1451PROVIDE ( r_rwip_prevent_sleep_set = 0x40055e64 ); 1452PROVIDE ( r_rwip_reset = 0x40055ab8 ); 1453PROVIDE ( r_rwip_schedule = 0x40055b38 ); 1454PROVIDE ( r_rwip_sleep = 0x40055b5c ); 1455PROVIDE ( r_rwip_sleep_enable = 0x40055f30 ); 1456PROVIDE ( r_rwip_version = 0x40055b20 ); 1457PROVIDE ( r_rwip_wakeup = 0x40055dc4 ); 1458PROVIDE ( r_rwip_wakeup_delay_set = 0x40055e4c ); 1459PROVIDE ( r_rwip_wakeup_end = 0x40055e18 ); 1460PROVIDE ( r_rwip_wlcoex_set = 0x40055f60 ); 1461PROVIDE ( r_SHA_256 = 0x40013a90 ); 1462PROVIDE ( rtc_boot_control = 0x4000821c ); 1463PROVIDE ( rtc_get_reset_reason = 0x400081d4 ); 1464PROVIDE ( rtc_get_wakeup_cause = 0x400081f4 ); 1465PROVIDE ( rtc_select_apb_bridge = 0x40008288 ); 1466PROVIDE ( rwip_coex_cfg = 0x3ff9914c ); 1467PROVIDE ( rwip_priority = 0x3ff99159 ); 1468PROVIDE ( rwip_rf = 0x3ffbdb28 ); 1469PROVIDE ( rwip_rf_p_get = 0x400558f4 ); 1470PROVIDE ( r_XorKey = 0x400112c0 ); 1471PROVIDE ( sbrk = 0x400017f4 ); 1472PROVIDE ( _sbrk_r = 0x4000bce4 ); 1473PROVIDE ( __sccl = 0x4000c498 ); 1474PROVIDE ( __sclose = 0x400011b8 ); 1475PROVIDE ( SelectSpiFunction = 0x40061f84 ); 1476PROVIDE ( SelectSpiQIO = 0x40061ddc ); 1477PROVIDE ( SendMsg = 0x40009384 ); 1478PROVIDE ( send_packet = 0x40009340 ); 1479PROVIDE ( __seofread = 0x40001148 ); 1480PROVIDE ( setjmp = 0x40056268 ); 1481PROVIDE ( setlocale = 0x40059568 ); 1482PROVIDE ( _setlocale_r = 0x4005950c ); 1483PROVIDE ( set_rtc_memory_crc = 0x40008208 ); 1484PROVIDE ( SetSpiDrvs = 0x40061e78 ); 1485PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stderr = 0x3ff96458 ); 1486PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stdin = 0x3ff96498 ); 1487PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stdout = 0x3ff96478 ); 1488PROVIDE ( __sflush_r = 0x400591e0 ); 1489PROVIDE ( __sfmoreglue = 0x40001dc8 ); 1490PROVIDE ( __sfp = 0x40001e90 ); 1491PROVIDE ( __sfp_lock_acquire = 0x40001e08 ); 1492PROVIDE ( __sfp_lock_release = 0x40001e14 ); 1493PROVIDE ( __sfputs_r = 0x40057790 ); 1494PROVIDE ( __sfvwrite_r = 0x4005893c ); 1495PROVIDE ( sha1_prf = 0x40060ae8 ); 1496PROVIDE ( sha1_vector = 0x40060b64 ); 1497PROVIDE ( sha256_prf = 0x40060d70 ); 1498PROVIDE ( sha256_vector = 0x40060e08 ); 1499PROVIDE ( sha_blk_bits = 0x3ff99290 ); 1500PROVIDE ( sha_blk_bits_bytes = 0x3ff99288 ); 1501PROVIDE ( sha_blk_hash_bytes = 0x3ff9928c ); 1502PROVIDE ( sig_matrix = 0x3ffae293 ); 1503PROVIDE ( __sinit = 0x40001e38 ); 1504PROVIDE ( __sinit_lock_acquire = 0x40001e20 ); 1505PROVIDE ( __sinit_lock_release = 0x40001e2c ); 1506PROVIDE ( sip_after_tx_complete = 0x4000b358 ); 1507PROVIDE ( sip_alloc_to_host_evt = 0x4000ab9c ); 1508PROVIDE ( sip_get_ptr = 0x4000b34c ); 1509PROVIDE ( sip_get_state = 0x4000ae2c ); 1510PROVIDE ( sip_init_attach = 0x4000ae58 ); 1511PROVIDE ( sip_install_rx_ctrl_cb = 0x4000ae10 ); 1512PROVIDE ( sip_install_rx_data_cb = 0x4000ae20 ); 1513PROVIDE ( sip_is_active = 0x4000b3c0 ); 1514PROVIDE ( sip_post_init = 0x4000aed8 ); 1515PROVIDE ( sip_reclaim_from_host_cmd = 0x4000adbc ); 1516PROVIDE ( sip_reclaim_tx_data_pkt = 0x4000ad5c ); 1517PROVIDE ( sip_send = 0x4000af54 ); 1518PROVIDE ( sip_to_host_chain_append = 0x4000aef8 ); 1519PROVIDE ( sip_to_host_evt_send_done = 0x4000ac04 ); 1520PROVIDE ( slc_add_credits = 0x4000baf4 ); 1521PROVIDE ( slc_enable = 0x4000b64c ); 1522PROVIDE ( slc_from_host_chain_fetch = 0x4000b7e8 ); 1523PROVIDE ( slc_from_host_chain_recycle = 0x4000bb10 ); 1524PROVIDE ( slc_has_pkt_to_host = 0x4000b5fc ); 1525PROVIDE ( slc_init_attach = 0x4000b918 ); 1526PROVIDE ( slc_init_credit = 0x4000badc ); 1527PROVIDE ( slc_reattach = 0x4000b62c ); 1528PROVIDE ( slc_send_to_host_chain = 0x4000b6a0 ); 1529PROVIDE ( slc_set_host_io_max_window = 0x4000b89c ); 1530PROVIDE ( slc_to_host_chain_recycle = 0x4000b758 ); 1531PROVIDE ( __smakebuf_r = 0x40059108 ); 1532PROVIDE ( software_reset = 0x4000824c ); 1533PROVIDE ( software_reset_cpu = 0x40008264 ); 1534PROVIDE ( specialModP256 = 0x4001600c ); 1535PROVIDE ( spi_cache_sram_init = 0x400626e4 ); 1536PROVIDE ( SPIClkConfig = 0x40062bc8 ); 1537PROVIDE ( SPI_Common_Command = 0x4006246c ); 1538PROVIDE ( spi_dummy_len_fix = 0x40061d90 ); 1539PROVIDE ( SPI_Encrypt_Write = 0x40062e78 ); 1540PROVIDE ( SPIEraseArea = 0x400631ac ); 1541PROVIDE ( SPIEraseBlock = 0x40062c4c ); 1542PROVIDE ( SPIEraseChip = 0x40062c14 ); 1543PROVIDE ( SPIEraseSector = 0x40062ccc ); 1544PROVIDE ( spi_flash_attach = 0x40062a6c ); 1545/* NB: SPIUnlock @ 0x400628b0 has been replaced with an updated 1546 version in the "spi_flash" component */ 1547PROVIDE ( SPILock = 0x400628f0 ); 1548PROVIDE ( SPIMasterReadModeCnfig = 0x40062b64 ); 1549PROVIDE ( spi_modes = 0x3ff99270 ); 1550PROVIDE ( SPIParamCfg = 0x40063238 ); 1551PROVIDE ( SPI_Prepare_Encrypt_Data = 0x40062e1c ); 1552PROVIDE ( SPIRead = 0x40062ed8 ); 1553PROVIDE ( SPIReadModeCnfig = 0x40062944 ); 1554/* This is static function, but can be used, not generated by script*/ 1555PROVIDE ( SPI_read_status = 0x4006226c ); 1556/* This is static function, but can be used, not generated by script*/ 1557PROVIDE ( SPI_read_status_high = 0x40062448 ); 1558PROVIDE ( SPI_user_command_read = 0x400621b0 ); 1559PROVIDE ( SPI_flashchip_data = 0x3ffae270 ); 1560PROVIDE ( SPIWrite = 0x40062d50 ); 1561/* This is static function, but can be used, not generated by script*/ 1562PROVIDE ( SPI_write_enable = 0x40062320 ); 1563PROVIDE ( SPI_Write_Encrypt_Disable = 0x40062e60 ); 1564PROVIDE ( SPI_Write_Encrypt_Enable = 0x40062df4 ); 1565/* This is static function, but can be used, not generated by script*/ 1566PROVIDE ( SPI_write_status = 0x400622f0 ); 1567PROVIDE ( srand = 0x40001004 ); 1568PROVIDE ( __sread = 0x40001118 ); 1569PROVIDE ( __srefill_r = 0x400593d4 ); 1570PROVIDE ( __sseek = 0x40001184 ); 1571PROVIDE ( __ssprint_r = 0x40056ff8 ); 1572PROVIDE ( __ssputs_r = 0x40056f2c ); 1573PROVIDE ( __ssrefill_r = 0x40057fec ); 1574PROVIDE ( __stack = 0x3ffe3f20 ); 1575PROVIDE ( __stack_app = 0x3ffe7e30 ); 1576PROVIDE ( _stack_sentry = 0x3ffe1320 ); 1577PROVIDE ( _stack_sentry_app = 0x3ffe5230 ); 1578PROVIDE ( _start = 0x40000704 ); 1579PROVIDE ( start_tb_console = 0x4005a980 ); 1580PROVIDE ( _stat_r = 0x4000bcb4 ); 1581PROVIDE ( _stext = 0x40000560 ); 1582PROVIDE ( strcasecmp = 0x400011cc ); 1583PROVIDE ( strcasestr = 0x40001210 ); 1584PROVIDE ( strcat = 0x4000c518 ); 1585PROVIDE ( strchr = 0x4000c53c ); 1586PROVIDE ( strcmp = 0x40001274 ); 1587PROVIDE ( strcoll = 0x40001398 ); 1588PROVIDE ( strcpy = 0x400013ac ); 1589PROVIDE ( strcspn = 0x4000c558 ); 1590PROVIDE ( strdup = 0x4000143c ); 1591PROVIDE ( _strdup_r = 0x40001450 ); 1592PROVIDE ( strftime = 0x40059ab4 ); 1593PROVIDE ( strlcat = 0x40001470 ); 1594PROVIDE ( strlcpy = 0x4000c584 ); 1595PROVIDE ( strlen = 0x400014c0 ); 1596PROVIDE ( strlwr = 0x40001524 ); 1597PROVIDE ( strncasecmp = 0x40001550 ); 1598PROVIDE ( strncat = 0x4000c5c4 ); 1599PROVIDE ( strncmp = 0x4000c5f4 ); 1600PROVIDE ( strncpy = 0x400015d4 ); 1601PROVIDE ( strndup = 0x400016b0 ); 1602PROVIDE ( _strndup_r = 0x400016c4 ); 1603PROVIDE ( strnlen = 0x4000c628 ); 1604PROVIDE ( strrchr = 0x40001708 ); 1605PROVIDE ( strsep = 0x40001734 ); 1606PROVIDE ( strspn = 0x4000c648 ); 1607PROVIDE ( strstr = 0x4000c674 ); 1608PROVIDE ( __strtok_r = 0x4000c6a8 ); 1609PROVIDE ( strtok_r = 0x4000c70c ); 1610PROVIDE ( strtol = 0x4005681c ); 1611PROVIDE ( _strtol_r = 0x40056714 ); 1612PROVIDE ( strtoul = 0x4005692c ); 1613PROVIDE ( _strtoul_r = 0x40056834 ); 1614PROVIDE ( strupr = 0x4000174c ); 1615PROVIDE ( __subdf3 = 0x400026e4 ); 1616PROVIDE ( __submore = 0x40058f3c ); 1617PROVIDE ( __subsf3 = 0x400021d0 ); 1618PROVIDE ( SubtractBigHex256 = 0x40015bcc ); 1619PROVIDE ( SubtractBigHexMod256 = 0x40015e8c ); 1620PROVIDE ( SubtractBigHexUint32_256 = 0x40015f8c ); 1621PROVIDE ( SubtractFromSelfBigHex256 = 0x40015c20 ); 1622PROVIDE ( SubtractFromSelfBigHexSign256 = 0x40015dc8 ); 1623PROVIDE ( __subvdi3 = 0x40002d20 ); 1624PROVIDE ( __subvsi3 = 0x40002cf8 ); 1625PROVIDE ( _sungetc_r = 0x40057f6c ); 1626PROVIDE ( __swbuf = 0x40058cb4 ); 1627PROVIDE ( __swbuf_r = 0x40058bec ); 1628PROVIDE ( __swrite = 0x40001150 ); 1629PROVIDE ( __swsetup_r = 0x40058cc8 ); 1630PROVIDE ( sw_to_hw = 0x3ffb8d40 ); 1631PROVIDE ( _SyscallException = 0x400007cf ); 1632PROVIDE ( syscall_table_ptr_app = 0x3ffae020 ); 1633PROVIDE ( syscall_table_ptr_pro = 0x3ffae024 ); 1634PROVIDE ( _system_r = 0x4000bc10 ); 1635PROVIDE ( tdefl_compress = 0x400600bc ); 1636PROVIDE ( tdefl_compress_buffer = 0x400607f4 ); 1637PROVIDE ( tdefl_compress_mem_to_mem = 0x40060900 ); 1638PROVIDE ( tdefl_compress_mem_to_output = 0x400608e0 ); 1639PROVIDE ( tdefl_get_adler32 = 0x400608d8 ); 1640PROVIDE ( tdefl_get_prev_return_status = 0x400608d0 ); 1641PROVIDE ( tdefl_init = 0x40060810 ); 1642PROVIDE ( tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory = 0x4006091c ); 1643PROVIDE ( tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory_ex = 0x40060910 ); 1644PROVIDE ( time = 0x40001844 ); 1645PROVIDE ( __time_load_locale = 0x4000183c ); 1646PROVIDE ( times = 0x40001808 ); 1647PROVIDE ( _times_r = 0x4000bc40 ); 1648PROVIDE ( _timezone = 0x3ffae0a0 ); 1649PROVIDE ( tinfl_decompress = 0x4005ef30 ); 1650PROVIDE ( tinfl_decompress_mem_to_callback = 0x40060090 ); 1651PROVIDE ( tinfl_decompress_mem_to_mem = 0x40060050 ); 1652PROVIDE ( toascii = 0x4000c720 ); 1653PROVIDE ( tolower = 0x40001868 ); 1654PROVIDE ( toupper = 0x40001884 ); 1655PROVIDE ( __truncdfsf2 = 0x40002b90 ); 1656PROVIDE ( __tzcalc_limits = 0x400018a0 ); 1657PROVIDE ( __tz_lock = 0x40001a04 ); 1658PROVIDE ( _tzname = 0x3ffae030 ); 1659PROVIDE ( tzset = 0x40001a1c ); 1660PROVIDE ( _tzset_r = 0x40001a28 ); 1661PROVIDE ( __tz_unlock = 0x40001a10 ); 1662PROVIDE ( uartAttach = 0x40008fd0 ); 1663PROVIDE ( uart_baudrate_detect = 0x40009034 ); 1664PROVIDE ( uart_buff_switch = 0x400093c0 ); 1665PROVIDE ( UartConnCheck = 0x40008738 ); 1666PROVIDE ( UartConnectProc = 0x40008a04 ); 1667PROVIDE ( UartDev = 0x3ffe019c ); 1668PROVIDE ( uart_div_modify = 0x400090cc ); 1669PROVIDE ( UartDwnLdProc = 0x40008ce8 ); 1670PROVIDE ( UartGetCmdLn = 0x40009564 ); 1671PROVIDE ( Uart_Init = 0x40009120 ); 1672PROVIDE ( UartRegReadProc = 0x40008a58 ); 1673PROVIDE ( UartRegWriteProc = 0x40008a14 ); 1674PROVIDE ( uart_rx_intr_handler = 0x40008f4c ); 1675PROVIDE ( uart_rx_one_char = 0x400092d0 ); 1676PROVIDE ( uart_rx_one_char_block = 0x400092a4 ); 1677PROVIDE ( uart_rx_readbuff = 0x40009394 ); 1678PROVIDE ( UartRxString = 0x400092fc ); 1679PROVIDE ( UartSetBaudProc = 0x40008aac ); 1680PROVIDE ( UartSpiAttachProc = 0x40008a6c ); 1681PROVIDE ( UartSpiReadProc = 0x40008a80 ); 1682PROVIDE ( uart_tx_flush = 0x40009258 ); 1683/*PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char = 0x40009200 );*/ 1684/* Note: remapping this to uart_tx_one_char2, to keep consistency */ 1685PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char = 0x4000922c ); 1686PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char2 = 0x4000922c ); 1687PROVIDE ( uart_tx_switch = 0x40009028 ); 1688PROVIDE ( uart_tx_wait_idle = 0x40009278 ); 1689PROVIDE ( __ucmpdi2 = 0x40063840 ); 1690PROVIDE ( __udivdi3 = 0x4000cff8 ); 1691PROVIDE ( __udivmoddi4 = 0x40064ab0 ); 1692PROVIDE ( __udivsi3 = 0x4000c7c8 ); 1693PROVIDE ( __udiv_w_sdiv = 0x40064aa8 ); 1694PROVIDE ( __umoddi3 = 0x4000d280 ); 1695PROVIDE ( __umodsi3 = 0x4000c7d0 ); 1696PROVIDE ( __umulsidi3 = 0x4000c7d8 ); 1697PROVIDE ( ungetc = 0x400590f4 ); 1698PROVIDE ( _ungetc_r = 0x40058fa0 ); 1699PROVIDE ( _unlink_r = 0x4000bc84 ); 1700PROVIDE ( __unorddf2 = 0x400637f4 ); 1701PROVIDE ( __unordsf2 = 0x40063478 ); 1702PROVIDE ( user_code_start = 0x3ffe0400 ); 1703PROVIDE ( _UserExceptionVector = 0x40000340 ); 1704PROVIDE ( utoa = 0x40056258 ); 1705PROVIDE ( __utoa = 0x400561f0 ); 1706PROVIDE ( VerifyFlashMd5Proc = 0x40008c44 ); 1707PROVIDE ( veryBigHexP256 = 0x3ff9736c ); 1708PROVIDE ( wcrtomb = 0x40058920 ); 1709PROVIDE ( _wcrtomb_r = 0x400588d8 ); 1710PROVIDE ( __wctomb = 0x3ff96540 ); 1711PROVIDE ( _wctomb_r = 0x40058f14 ); 1712PROVIDE ( _WindowOverflow12 = 0x40000100 ); 1713PROVIDE ( _WindowOverflow4 = 0x40000000 ); 1714PROVIDE ( _WindowOverflow8 = 0x40000080 ); 1715PROVIDE ( _WindowUnderflow12 = 0x40000140 ); 1716PROVIDE ( _WindowUnderflow4 = 0x40000040 ); 1717PROVIDE ( _WindowUnderflow8 = 0x400000c0 ); 1718PROVIDE ( write = 0x4000181c ); 1719PROVIDE ( _write_r = 0x4000bd70 ); 1720PROVIDE ( xthal_bcopy = 0x4000c098 ); 1721PROVIDE ( xthal_copy123 = 0x4000c124 ); 1722PROVIDE ( xthal_get_ccompare = 0x4000c078 ); 1723PROVIDE ( xthal_get_ccount = 0x4000c050 ); 1724PROVIDE ( xthal_get_interrupt = 0x4000c1e4 ); 1725PROVIDE ( xthal_get_intread = 0x4000c1e4 ); 1726PROVIDE ( Xthal_intlevel = 0x3ff9c2b4 ); 1727PROVIDE ( xthal_memcpy = 0x4000c0bc ); 1728PROVIDE ( xthal_set_ccompare = 0x4000c058 ); 1729PROVIDE ( xthal_set_intclear = 0x4000c1ec ); 1730PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_intlevel = 0x4000bfdc ); 1731PROVIDE ( _xtos_alloca_handler = 0x40000010 ); 1732PROVIDE ( _xtos_cause3_handler = 0x40000dd8 ); 1733PROVIDE ( _xtos_c_handler_table = 0x3ffe0548 ); 1734PROVIDE ( _xtos_c_wrapper_handler = 0x40000de8 ); 1735PROVIDE ( _xtos_enabled = 0x3ffe0650 ); 1736PROVIDE ( _xtos_exc_handler_table = 0x3ffe0448 ); 1737PROVIDE ( _xtos_interrupt_mask_table = 0x3ffe0758 ); 1738PROVIDE ( _xtos_interrupt_table = 0x3ffe0658 ); 1739PROVIDE ( _xtos_ints_off = 0x4000bfac ); 1740PROVIDE ( _xtos_ints_on = 0x4000bf88 ); 1741PROVIDE ( _xtos_intstruct = 0x3ffe0650 ); 1742PROVIDE ( _xtos_l1int_handler = 0x40000814 ); 1743PROVIDE ( _xtos_p_none = 0x4000bfd4 ); 1744PROVIDE ( _xtos_restore_intlevel = 0x40000928 ); 1745PROVIDE ( _xtos_return_from_exc = 0x4000c034 ); 1746PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_exception_handler = 0x4000074c ); 1747PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_interrupt_handler = 0x4000bf78 ); 1748PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_interrupt_handler_arg = 0x4000bf34 ); 1749PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_min_intlevel = 0x4000bff8 ); 1750PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_vpri = 0x40000934 ); 1751PROVIDE ( _xtos_syscall_handler = 0x40000790 ); 1752PROVIDE ( _xtos_unhandled_exception = 0x4000c024 ); 1753PROVIDE ( _xtos_unhandled_interrupt = 0x4000c01c ); 1754PROVIDE ( _xtos_vpri_enabled = 0x3ffe0654 ); 1755PROVIDE ( ets_intr_count = 0x3ffe03fc ); 1756PROVIDE ( ets_intr_lock = 0x400067b0 ); 1757PROVIDE ( ets_intr_unlock = 0x400067c4 ); 1758PROVIDE ( ets_isr_attach = 0x400067ec ); 1759PROVIDE ( ets_isr_mask = 0x400067fc ); 1760PROVIDE ( ets_isr_unmask = 0x40006808 ); 1761/* Following are static data, but can be used, not generated by script <<<<< btdm data */ 1762PROVIDE ( ld_acl_env = 0x3ffb8258 ); 1763PROVIDE ( ld_active_ch_map = 0x3ffb8334 ); 1764PROVIDE ( ld_bcst_acl_env = 0x3ffb8274 ); 1765PROVIDE ( ld_csb_rx_env = 0x3ffb8278 ); 1766PROVIDE ( ld_csb_tx_env = 0x3ffb827c ); 1767PROVIDE ( ld_env = 0x3ffb9510 ); 1768PROVIDE ( ld_fm_env = 0x3ffb8284 ); 1769PROVIDE ( ld_inq_env = 0x3ffb82e4 ); 1770PROVIDE ( ld_iscan_env = 0x3ffb82e8 ); 1771PROVIDE ( ld_page_env = 0x3ffb82f0 ); 1772PROVIDE ( ld_pca_env = 0x3ffb82f4 ); 1773PROVIDE ( ld_pscan_env = 0x3ffb8308 ); 1774PROVIDE ( ld_sched_env = 0x3ffb830c ); 1775PROVIDE ( ld_sched_params = 0x3ffb96c0 ); 1776PROVIDE ( ld_sco_env = 0x3ffb824c ); 1777PROVIDE ( ld_sscan_env = 0x3ffb832c ); 1778PROVIDE ( ld_strain_env = 0x3ffb8330 ); 1779 1780 1781PROVIDE ( esp_rom_spiflash_write_encrypted = 0x40062e78 ); 1782/* Above are static data, but can be used, not generated by script >>>>> btdm data */ 1783