1 /*
2  *  PSA cipher driver entry points and associated auxiliary functions
3  */
4 /*
5  *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
6  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
7  */
12 #include <mbedtls/cipher.h>
13 #include <psa/crypto.h>
15 /** Get Mbed TLS cipher information given the cipher algorithm PSA identifier
16  *  as well as the PSA type and size of the key to be used with the cipher
17  *  algorithm.
18  *
19  * \param[in]      alg          PSA cipher algorithm identifier
20  * \param[in]      key_type     PSA key type
21  * \param[in,out]  key_bits     Size of the key in bits. The value provided in input
22  *                              might be updated if necessary.
23  * \param[out]     mode         Mbed TLS cipher mode
24  * \param[out]     cipher_id    Mbed TLS cipher algorithm identifier
25  *
26  * \return  On success \c PSA_SUCCESS is returned and key_bits, mode and cipher_id
27  *          are properly updated.
28  *          \c PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned if the cipher algorithm is not
29  *          supported.
30  */
32 psa_status_t mbedtls_cipher_values_from_psa(psa_algorithm_t alg, psa_key_type_t key_type,
33                                             size_t *key_bits, mbedtls_cipher_mode_t *mode,
34                                             mbedtls_cipher_id_t *cipher_id);
36 #if defined(MBEDTLS_CIPHER_C)
37 /** Get Mbed TLS cipher information given the cipher algorithm PSA identifier
38  *  as well as the PSA type and size of the key to be used with the cipher
39  *  algorithm.
40  *
41  * \param       alg        PSA cipher algorithm identifier
42  * \param       key_type   PSA key type
43  * \param       key_bits   Size of the key in bits
44  * \param[out]  cipher_id  Mbed TLS cipher algorithm identifier
45  *
46  * \return  The Mbed TLS cipher information of the cipher algorithm.
47  *          \c NULL if the PSA cipher algorithm is not supported.
48  */
49 const mbedtls_cipher_info_t *mbedtls_cipher_info_from_psa(
50     psa_algorithm_t alg, psa_key_type_t key_type, size_t key_bits,
51     mbedtls_cipher_id_t *cipher_id);
52 #endif /* MBEDTLS_CIPHER_C */
54 /**
55  * \brief Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation.
56  *
57  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
58  *       cipher_encrypt_setup entry point. This function behaves as a
59  *       cipher_encrypt_setup entry point as defined in the PSA driver
60  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
61  *
62  * \param[in,out] operation     The operation object to set up. It has been
63  *                              initialized as per the documentation for
64  *                              #psa_cipher_operation_t and not yet in use.
65  * \param[in] attributes        The attributes of the key to use for the
66  *                              operation.
67  * \param[in] key_buffer        The buffer containing the key context.
68  * \param[in] key_buffer_size   Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
69  * \param[in] alg               The cipher algorithm to compute
70  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
71  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_CIPHER(\p alg) is true).
72  *
73  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
74  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED \emptydescription
75  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
76  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
77  */
78 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_encrypt_setup(
79     mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation,
80     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
81     const uint8_t *key_buffer, size_t key_buffer_size,
82     psa_algorithm_t alg);
84 /**
85  * \brief Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation.
86  *
87  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
88  *       cipher_decrypt_setup entry point. This function behaves as a
89  *       cipher_decrypt_setup entry point as defined in the PSA driver
90  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
91  *
92  * \param[in,out] operation     The operation object to set up. It has been
93  *                              initialized as per the documentation for
94  *                              #psa_cipher_operation_t and not yet in use.
95  * \param[in] attributes        The attributes of the key to use for the
96  *                              operation.
97  * \param[in] key_buffer        The buffer containing the key context.
98  * \param[in] key_buffer_size   Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
99  * \param[in] alg               The cipher algorithm to compute
100  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
101  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_CIPHER(\p alg) is true).
102  *
103  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
104  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED \emptydescription
105  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
106  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
107  */
108 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_decrypt_setup(
109     mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation,
110     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
111     const uint8_t *key_buffer, size_t key_buffer_size,
112     psa_algorithm_t alg);
114 /** Set the IV for a symmetric encryption or decryption operation.
115  *
116  * This function sets the IV (initialization vector), nonce
117  * or initial counter value for the encryption or decryption operation.
118  *
119  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
120  *       cipher_set_iv entry point. This function behaves as a
121  *       cipher_set_iv entry point as defined in the PSA driver
122  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
123  *
124  * \param[in,out] operation     Active cipher operation.
125  * \param[in] iv                Buffer containing the IV to use.
126  * \param[in] iv_length         Size of the IV in bytes. It is guaranteed by
127  *                              the core to be less or equal to
128  *                              PSA_CIPHER_IV_MAX_SIZE.
129  *
130  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
132  *         The size of \p iv is not acceptable for the chosen algorithm,
133  *         or the chosen algorithm does not use an IV.
134  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
135  */
136 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_set_iv(
137     mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation,
138     const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_length);
140 /** Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation.
141  *
142  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
143  *       cipher_update entry point. This function behaves as a
144  *       cipher_update entry point as defined in the PSA driver
145  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
146  *
147  * \param[in,out] operation     Active cipher operation.
148  * \param[in] input             Buffer containing the message fragment to
149  *                              encrypt or decrypt.
150  * \param[in] input_length      Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
151  * \param[out] output           Buffer where the output is to be written.
152  * \param[in]  output_size      Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
153  * \param[out] output_length    On success, the number of bytes
154  *                              that make up the returned output.
155  *
156  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
158  *         The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
159  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
160  */
161 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_update(
162     mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation,
163     const uint8_t *input, size_t input_length,
164     uint8_t *output, size_t output_size, size_t *output_length);
166 /** Finish encrypting or decrypting a message in a cipher operation.
167  *
168  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
169  *       cipher_finish entry point. This function behaves as a
170  *       cipher_finish entry point as defined in the PSA driver
171  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
172  *
173  * \param[in,out] operation     Active cipher operation.
174  * \param[out] output           Buffer where the output is to be written.
175  * \param[in]  output_size      Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
176  * \param[out] output_length    On success, the number of bytes
177  *                              that make up the returned output.
178  *
179  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
181  *         The total input size passed to this operation is not valid for
182  *         this particular algorithm. For example, the algorithm is a based
183  *         on block cipher and requires a whole number of blocks, but the
184  *         total input size is not a multiple of the block size.
186  *         This is a decryption operation for an algorithm that includes
187  *         padding, and the ciphertext does not contain valid padding.
189  *         The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
190  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
191  */
192 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_finish(
193     mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation,
194     uint8_t *output, size_t output_size, size_t *output_length);
196 /** Abort a cipher operation.
197  *
198  * Aborting an operation frees all associated resources except for the
199  * \p operation structure itself. Once aborted, the operation object
200  * can be reused for another operation.
201  *
202  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
203  *       cipher_abort entry point. This function behaves as a
204  *       cipher_abort entry point as defined in the PSA driver
205  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
206  *
207  * \param[in,out] operation     Initialized cipher operation.
208  *
209  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
210  */
211 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_abort(mbedtls_psa_cipher_operation_t *operation);
213 /** Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher.
214  *
215  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
216  *       cipher_encrypt entry point. This function behaves as a
217  *       cipher_encrypt entry point as defined in the PSA driver
218  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
219  *
220  * \param[in] attributes        The attributes of the key to use for the
221  *                              operation.
222  * \param[in] key_buffer        The buffer containing the key context.
223  * \param[in] key_buffer_size   Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
224  * \param[in] alg               The cipher algorithm to compute
225  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
226  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_CIPHER(\p alg) is true).
227  * \param[in] iv                Buffer containing the IV for encryption. The
228  *                              IV has been generated by the core.
229  * \param[in] iv_length         Size of the \p iv in bytes.
230  * \param[in] input             Buffer containing the message to encrypt.
231  * \param[in] input_length      Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
232  * \param[in,out] output        Buffer where the output is to be written.
233  * \param[in]  output_size      Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
234  * \param[out] output_length    On success, the number of bytes that make up
235  *                              the returned output. Initialized to zero
236  *                              by the core.
237  *
238  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
239  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED \emptydescription
240  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
241  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
243  *         The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
245  *         The size \p iv_length is not acceptable for the chosen algorithm,
246  *         or the chosen algorithm does not use an IV.
247  *         The total input size passed to this operation is not valid for
248  *         this particular algorithm. For example, the algorithm is a based
249  *         on block cipher and requires a whole number of blocks, but the
250  *         total input size is not a multiple of the block size.
252  *         This is a decryption operation for an algorithm that includes
253  *         padding, and the ciphertext does not contain valid padding.
254  */
255 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_encrypt(const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
256                                         const uint8_t *key_buffer,
257                                         size_t key_buffer_size,
258                                         psa_algorithm_t alg,
259                                         const uint8_t *iv,
260                                         size_t iv_length,
261                                         const uint8_t *input,
262                                         size_t input_length,
263                                         uint8_t *output,
264                                         size_t output_size,
265                                         size_t *output_length);
267 /** Decrypt a message using a symmetric cipher.
268  *
269  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
270  *       cipher_decrypt entry point. This function behaves as a
271  *       cipher_decrypt entry point as defined in the PSA driver
272  *       interface specification for transparent drivers.
273  *
274  * \param[in]  attributes       The attributes of the key to use for the
275  *                              operation.
276  * \param[in]  key_buffer       The buffer containing the key context.
277  * \param[in]  key_buffer_size  Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
278  * \param[in]  alg              The cipher algorithm to compute
279  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
280  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_CIPHER(\p alg) is true).
281  * \param[in]  input            Buffer containing the iv and the ciphertext.
282  * \param[in]  input_length     Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
283  * \param[out] output           Buffer where the output is to be written.
284  * \param[in]  output_size      Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
285  * \param[out] output_length    On success, the number of bytes that make up
286  *                              the returned output. Initialized to zero
287  *                              by the core.
288  *
289  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS \emptydescription
290  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED \emptydescription
291  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
292  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
294  *         The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
296  *         The size of \p iv is not acceptable for the chosen algorithm,
297  *         or the chosen algorithm does not use an IV.
298  *         The total input size passed to this operation is not valid for
299  *         this particular algorithm. For example, the algorithm is a based
300  *         on block cipher and requires a whole number of blocks, but the
301  *         total input size is not a multiple of the block size.
303  *         This is a decryption operation for an algorithm that includes
304  *         padding, and the ciphertext does not contain valid padding.
305  */
306 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_cipher_decrypt(const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
307                                         const uint8_t *key_buffer,
308                                         size_t key_buffer_size,
309                                         psa_algorithm_t alg,
310                                         const uint8_t *input,
311                                         size_t input_length,
312                                         uint8_t *output,
313                                         size_t output_size,
314                                         size_t *output_length);
316 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_CIPHER_H */