1 /*
2  *  PSA AEAD driver entry points
3  */
4 /*
5  *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
6  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
7  */
10 #define PSA_CRYPTO_AEAD_H
12 #include <psa/crypto.h>
14 /**
15  * \brief Process an authenticated encryption operation.
16  *
17  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
18  *       aead_encrypt entry point. This function behaves as an aead_encrypt
19  *       entry point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
20  *       transparent drivers.
21  *
22  * \param[in]  attributes         The attributes of the key to use for the
23  *                                operation.
24  * \param[in]  key_buffer         The buffer containing the key context.
25  * \param      key_buffer_size    Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
26  * \param      alg                The AEAD algorithm to compute.
27  * \param[in]  nonce              Nonce or IV to use.
28  * \param      nonce_length       Size of the nonce buffer in bytes. This must
29  *                                be appropriate for the selected algorithm.
30  *                                The default nonce size is
31  *                                PSA_AEAD_NONCE_LENGTH(key_type, alg) where
32  *                                key_type is the type of key.
33  * \param[in]  additional_data    Additional data that will be authenticated
34  *                                but not encrypted.
35  * \param      additional_data_length  Size of additional_data in bytes.
36  * \param[in]  plaintext          Data that will be authenticated and encrypted.
37  * \param      plaintext_length   Size of plaintext in bytes.
38  * \param[out] ciphertext         Output buffer for the authenticated and
39  *                                encrypted data. The additional data is not
40  *                                part of this output. For algorithms where the
41  *                                encrypted data and the authentication tag are
42  *                                defined as separate outputs, the
43  *                                authentication tag is appended to the
44  *                                encrypted data.
45  * \param      ciphertext_size    Size of the ciphertext buffer in bytes. This
46  *                                must be appropriate for the selected algorithm
47  *                                and key:
48  *                                - A sufficient output size is
49  *                                  PSA_AEAD_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE(key_type, alg,
50  *                                  plaintext_length) where key_type is the type
51  *                                  of key.
52  *                                - PSA_AEAD_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE(
53  *                                  plaintext_length) evaluates to the maximum
54  *                                  ciphertext size of any supported AEAD
55  *                                  encryption.
56  * \param[out] ciphertext_length  On success, the size of the output in the
57  *                                ciphertext buffer.
58  *
59  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS Success.
61  *         \p alg is not supported.
62  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
64  *         ciphertext_size is too small.
65  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
66  */
67 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt(
68     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
69     const uint8_t *key_buffer, size_t key_buffer_size,
70     psa_algorithm_t alg,
71     const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nonce_length,
72     const uint8_t *additional_data, size_t additional_data_length,
73     const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_length,
74     uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_size, size_t *ciphertext_length);
76 /**
77  * \brief Process an authenticated decryption operation.
78  *
79  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
80  *       aead_decrypt entry point. This function behaves as an aead_decrypt
81  *       entry point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
82  *       transparent drivers.
83  *
84  * \param[in]  attributes         The attributes of the key to use for the
85  *                                operation.
86  * \param[in]  key_buffer         The buffer containing the key context.
87  * \param      key_buffer_size    Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
88  * \param      alg                The AEAD algorithm to compute.
89  * \param[in]  nonce              Nonce or IV to use.
90  * \param      nonce_length       Size of the nonce buffer in bytes. This must
91  *                                be appropriate for the selected algorithm.
92  *                                The default nonce size is
93  *                                PSA_AEAD_NONCE_LENGTH(key_type, alg) where
94  *                                key_type is the type of key.
95  * \param[in]  additional_data    Additional data that has been authenticated
96  *                                but not encrypted.
97  * \param      additional_data_length  Size of additional_data in bytes.
98  * \param[in]  ciphertext         Data that has been authenticated and
99  *                                encrypted. For algorithms where the encrypted
100  *                                data and the authentication tag are defined
101  *                                as separate inputs, the buffer contains
102  *                                encrypted data followed by the authentication
103  *                                tag.
104  * \param      ciphertext_length  Size of ciphertext in bytes.
105  * \param[out] plaintext          Output buffer for the decrypted data.
106  * \param      plaintext_size     Size of the plaintext buffer in bytes. This
107  *                                must be appropriate for the selected algorithm
108  *                                and key:
109  *                                - A sufficient output size is
110  *                                  PSA_AEAD_DECRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE(key_type, alg,
111  *                                  ciphertext_length) where key_type is the
112  *                                  type of key.
113  *                                - PSA_AEAD_DECRYPT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE(
114  *                                  ciphertext_length) evaluates to the maximum
115  *                                  plaintext size of any supported AEAD
116  *                                  decryption.
117  * \param[out] plaintext_length   On success, the size of the output in the
118  *                                plaintext buffer.
119  *
120  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS Success.
122  *         The cipher is not authentic.
124  *         \p alg is not supported.
125  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY \emptydescription
127  *         plaintext_size is too small.
128  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED \emptydescription
129  */
130 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt(
131     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
132     const uint8_t *key_buffer, size_t key_buffer_size,
133     psa_algorithm_t alg,
134     const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nonce_length,
135     const uint8_t *additional_data, size_t additional_data_length,
136     const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_length,
137     uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_size, size_t *plaintext_length);
139 /** Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation.
140  *
141  *  \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
142  *       aead_encrypt_setup entry point. This function behaves as an
143  *       aead_encrypt_setup entry point as defined in the PSA driver interface
144  *       specification for transparent drivers.
145  *
146  * If an error occurs at any step after a call to
147  * mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup(), the operation is reset by the PSA core by a
148  * call to mbedtls_psa_aead_abort(). The PSA core may call
149  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort() at any time after the operation has been
150  * initialized, and is required to when the operation is no longer needed.
151  *
152  * \param[in,out] operation     The operation object to set up. It must have
153  *                              been initialized as per the documentation for
154  *                              #mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t and not yet in
155  *                              use.
156  * \param[in]  attributes       The attributes of the key to use for the
157  *                              operation.
158  * \param[in]  key_buffer       The buffer containing the key context.
159  * \param      key_buffer_size  Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
160                                 It must be consistent with the size in bits
161                                 recorded in \p attributes.
162  * \param alg                   The AEAD algorithm to compute
163  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
164  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p alg) is true).
165  *
166  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
167  *         Success.
169  *         An invalid block length was supplied.
171  *         \p alg is not supported.
173  *         Failed to allocate memory for key material
174  */
175 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup(
176     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
177     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
178     const uint8_t *key_buffer,
179     size_t key_buffer_size,
180     psa_algorithm_t alg);
182 /** Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation.
183  *
184  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
185  *       aead_decrypt_setup entry point. This function behaves as an
186  *       aead_decrypt_setup entry point as defined in the PSA driver interface
187  *       specification for transparent drivers.
188  *
189  * If an error occurs at any step after a call to
190  * mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup(), the PSA core resets the operation by a
191  * call to mbedtls_psa_aead_abort(). The PSA core may call
192  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort() at any time after the operation has been
193  * initialized, and is required to when the operation is no longer needed.
194  *
195  * \param[in,out] operation     The operation object to set up. It must have
196  *                              been initialized as per the documentation for
197  *                              #mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t and not yet in
198  *                              use.
199  * \param[in]  attributes       The attributes of the key to use for the
200  *                              operation.
201  * \param[in]  key_buffer       The buffer containing the key context.
202  * \param      key_buffer_size  Size of the \p key_buffer buffer in bytes.
203                                 It must be consistent with the size in bits
204                                 recorded in \p attributes.
205  * \param alg                   The AEAD algorithm to compute
206  *                              (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
207  *                              #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p alg) is true).
208  *
209  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
210  *         Success.
212  *         An invalid block length was supplied.
214  *         \p alg is not supported.
216  *         Failed to allocate memory for key material
217  */
218 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup(
219     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
220     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
221     const uint8_t *key_buffer,
222     size_t key_buffer_size,
223     psa_algorithm_t alg);
225 /** Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption or decryption operation.
226  *
227  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver aead_set_nonce
228  *       entry point. This function behaves as an aead_set_nonce entry point as
229  *       defined in the PSA driver interface specification for transparent
230  *       drivers.
231  *
232  * This function sets the nonce for the authenticated
233  * encryption or decryption operation.
234  *
235  * The PSA core calls mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or
236  * mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup() before calling this function.
237  *
238  * If this function returns an error status, the PSA core will call
239  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort().
240  *
241  * \param[in,out] operation     Active AEAD operation.
242  * \param[in] nonce             Buffer containing the nonce to use.
243  * \param nonce_length          Size of the nonce in bytes.
244  *
245  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
246  *         Success.
248  *         The size of \p nonce is not acceptable for the chosen algorithm.
250  *         Algorithm previously set is not supported in this configuration of
251  *         the library.
252  */
253 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_set_nonce(
254     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
255     const uint8_t *nonce,
256     size_t nonce_length);
258 /** Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD.
259  *
260  * \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver aead_set_lengths
261  *       entry point. This function behaves as an aead_set_lengths entry point
262  *       as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for transparent
263  *       drivers.
264  *
265  * The PSA core calls this function before calling mbedtls_psa_aead_update_ad()
266  * or mbedtls_psa_aead_update() if the algorithm for the operation requires it.
267  * If the algorithm does not require it, calling this function is optional, but
268  * if this function is called then the implementation must enforce the lengths.
269  *
270  * The PSA core may call this function before or after setting the nonce with
271  * mbedtls_psa_aead_set_nonce().
272  *
273  * - For #PSA_ALG_CCM, calling this function is required.
274  * - For the other AEAD algorithms defined in this specification, calling
275  *   this function is not required.
276  *
277  * If this function returns an error status, the PSA core calls
278  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort().
279  *
280  * \param[in,out] operation     Active AEAD operation.
281  * \param ad_length             Size of the non-encrypted additional
282  *                              authenticated data in bytes.
283  * \param plaintext_length      Size of the plaintext to encrypt in bytes.
284  *
285  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
286  *         Success.
288  *         At least one of the lengths is not acceptable for the chosen
289  *         algorithm.
291  *         Algorithm previously set is not supported in this configuration of
292  *         the library.
293  */
294 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_set_lengths(
295     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
296     size_t ad_length,
297     size_t plaintext_length);
299 /** Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation.
300  *
301  *  \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
302  *       aead_update_ad entry point. This function behaves as an aead_update_ad
303  *       entry point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
304  *       transparent drivers.
305  *
306  * Additional data is authenticated, but not encrypted.
307  *
308  * The PSA core can call this function multiple times to pass successive
309  * fragments of the additional data. It will not call this function after
310  * passing data to encrypt or decrypt with mbedtls_psa_aead_update().
311  *
312  * Before calling this function, the PSA core will:
313  *    1. Call either mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or
314  *       mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup().
315  *    2. Set the nonce with mbedtls_psa_aead_set_nonce().
316  *
317  * If this function returns an error status, the PSA core will call
318  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort().
319  *
320  * \param[in,out] operation     Active AEAD operation.
321  * \param[in] input             Buffer containing the fragment of
322  *                              additional data.
323  * \param input_length          Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
324  *
325  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
326  *         Success.
328  *         Algorithm previously set is not supported in this configuration of
329  *         the library.
330  */
331 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_update_ad(
332     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
333     const uint8_t *input,
334     size_t input_length);
336 /** Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation.
337  *
338  *  \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
339  *       aead_update entry point. This function behaves as an aead_update entry
340  *       point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
341  *       transparent drivers.
342  *
343  * Before calling this function, the PSA core will:
344  *    1. Call either mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or
345  *       mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup(). The choice of setup function
346  *       determines whether this function encrypts or decrypts its input.
347  *    2. Set the nonce with mbedtls_psa_aead_set_nonce().
348  *    3. Call mbedtls_psa_aead_update_ad() to pass all the additional data.
349  *
350  * If this function returns an error status, the PSA core will call
351  * mbedtls_psa_aead_abort().
352  *
353  * This function does not require the input to be aligned to any
354  * particular block boundary. If the implementation can only process
355  * a whole block at a time, it must consume all the input provided, but
356  * it may delay the end of the corresponding output until a subsequent
357  * call to mbedtls_psa_aead_update(), mbedtls_psa_aead_finish() provides
358  * sufficient input. The amount of data that can be delayed in this way is
359  * bounded by #PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE.
360  *
361  * \param[in,out] operation     Active AEAD operation.
362  * \param[in] input             Buffer containing the message fragment to
363  *                              encrypt or decrypt.
364  * \param input_length          Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
365  * \param[out] output           Buffer where the output is to be written.
366  * \param output_size           Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
367  *                              This must be appropriate for the selected
368  *                                algorithm and key:
369  *                                - A sufficient output size is
370  *                                  #PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE(\c key_type,
371  *                                  \c alg, \p input_length) where
372  *                                  \c key_type is the type of key and \c alg is
373  *                                  the algorithm that were used to set up the
374  *                                  operation.
375  *                                - #PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE(\p
376  *                                  input_length) evaluates to the maximum
377  *                                  output size of any supported AEAD
378  *                                  algorithm.
379  * \param[out] output_length    On success, the number of bytes
380  *                              that make up the returned output.
381  *
382  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
383  *         Success.
384  *
386  *         The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
387  *         #PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE(\c key_type, \c alg, \p input_length) or
388  *         #PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE(\p input_length) can be used to
389  *         determine the required buffer size.
390  */
391 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_update(
392     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
393     const uint8_t *input,
394     size_t input_length,
395     uint8_t *output,
396     size_t output_size,
397     size_t *output_length);
399 /** Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation.
400  *
401  *  \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
402  *       aead_finish entry point. This function behaves as an aead_finish entry
403  *       point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
404  *       transparent drivers.
405  *
406  * The operation must have been set up by the PSA core with
407  * mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup().
408  *
409  * This function finishes the authentication of the additional data
410  * formed by concatenating the inputs passed to preceding calls to
411  * mbedtls_psa_aead_update_ad() with the plaintext formed by concatenating the
412  * inputs passed to preceding calls to mbedtls_psa_aead_update().
413  *
414  * This function has two output buffers:
415  * - \p ciphertext contains trailing ciphertext that was buffered from
416  *   preceding calls to mbedtls_psa_aead_update().
417  * - \p tag contains the authentication tag.
418  *
419  * Whether or not this function returns successfully, the PSA core subsequently
420  * calls mbedtls_psa_aead_abort() to deactivate the operation.
421  *
422  * \param[in,out] operation     Active AEAD operation.
423  * \param[out] ciphertext       Buffer where the last part of the ciphertext
424  *                              is to be written.
425  * \param ciphertext_size       Size of the \p ciphertext buffer in bytes.
426  *                              This must be appropriate for the selected
427  *                              algorithm and key:
428  *                              - A sufficient output size is
429  *                                #PSA_AEAD_FINISH_OUTPUT_SIZE(\c key_type,
430  *                                \c alg) where \c key_type is the type of key
431  *                                and \c alg is the algorithm that were used to
432  *                                set up the operation.
433  *                              - #PSA_AEAD_FINISH_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE evaluates to
434  *                                the maximum output size of any supported AEAD
435  *                                algorithm.
436  * \param[out] ciphertext_length On success, the number of bytes of
437  *                              returned ciphertext.
438  * \param[out] tag              Buffer where the authentication tag is
439  *                              to be written.
440  * \param tag_size              Size of the \p tag buffer in bytes.
441  *                              This must be appropriate for the selected
442  *                              algorithm and key:
443  *                              - The exact tag size is #PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH(\c
444  *                                key_type, \c key_bits, \c alg) where
445  *                                \c key_type and \c key_bits are the type and
446  *                                bit-size of the key, and \c alg are the
447  *                                algorithm that were used in the call to
448  *                                mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup().
449  *                              - #PSA_AEAD_TAG_MAX_SIZE evaluates to the
450  *                                maximum tag size of any supported AEAD
451  *                                algorithm.
452  * \param[out] tag_length       On success, the number of bytes
453  *                              that make up the returned tag.
454  *
455  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
456  *         Success.
458  *         The size of the \p tag buffer is too small.
459  *         #PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH(\c key_type, key_bits, \c alg) or
460  *         #PSA_AEAD_TAG_MAX_SIZE can be used to determine the required \p tag
461  *         buffer size.
462  */
463 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_finish(
464     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
465     uint8_t *ciphertext,
466     size_t ciphertext_size,
467     size_t *ciphertext_length,
468     uint8_t *tag,
469     size_t tag_size,
470     size_t *tag_length);
472 /** Abort an AEAD operation.
473  *
474  *  \note The signature of this function is that of a PSA driver
475  *       aead_abort entry point. This function behaves as an aead_abort entry
476  *       point as defined in the PSA driver interface specification for
477  *       transparent drivers.
478  *
479  * Aborting an operation frees all associated resources except for the
480  * \p operation structure itself. Once aborted, the operation object
481  * can be reused for another operation by the PSA core by it calling
482  * mbedtls_psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or mbedtls_psa_aead_decrypt_setup() again.
483  *
484  * The PSA core may call this function any time after the operation object has
485  * been initialized as described in #mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t.
486  *
487  * In particular, calling mbedtls_psa_aead_abort() after the operation has been
488  * terminated by a call to mbedtls_psa_aead_abort() or
489  * mbedtls_psa_aead_finish() is safe and has no effect.
490  *
491  * \param[in,out] operation     Initialized AEAD operation.
492  *
493  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
494  *         Success.
495  */
496 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_aead_abort(
497     mbedtls_psa_aead_operation_t *operation);
499 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_AEAD_H */