1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2022 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #include "fsl_caam.h"
10 #include "fsl_clock.h"
12 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_HAS_L1CACHE) || defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT)
13 #include "fsl_cache.h"
16 #define CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE (1u)
17 #else
18 #warning "DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!!"
21 #endif /* defined(FSL_FEATURE_HAS_L1CACHE) || defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT) */
23 /*******************************************************************************
24  * Definitions
25  ******************************************************************************/
27 /* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
29 #define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.caam"
30 #endif
32 /*! Compile time sizeof() check */
33 #define BUILD_ASSURE(condition, msg) extern int msg[1 - 2 * (!(condition))] __attribute__((unused))
35 /*! AESA XCBC-MAC or CMAC request CLASS 1 (default) or CLASS 2 CHA */
37 #define CAAM_AES_MAC_CLASS_1 0x02000000u
38 #define CAAM_AES_MAC_CLASS_2 0x04000000u
40 #endif
42 /*! IRBAR and ORBAR job ring registers are 64-bit. these macros access least significant address 32-bit word. */
43 #define IRBAR0 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[0].IRBAR_JR)) + 1)
44 #define ORBAR0 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[0].ORBAR_JR)) + 1)
45 #define IRBAR1 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[1].IRBAR_JR)) + 1)
46 #define ORBAR1 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[1].ORBAR_JR)) + 1)
47 #define IRBAR2 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[2].IRBAR_JR)) + 1)
48 #define ORBAR2 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[2].ORBAR_JR)) + 1)
49 #define IRBAR3 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[3].IRBAR_JR)) + 1)
50 #define ORBAR3 *(((volatile uint32_t *)(uint32_t) & (base->JOBRING[3].ORBAR_JR)) + 1)
52 /*! Job Descriptor defines */
53 #define DESC_SIZE_MASK         0x0000003Fu
54 #define DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK     0x3FFu
56 #define DESC_LC1_MASK          0x00020000u
57 #define DESC_TAG_SIZE_MASK     0xFFu
58 #define DESC_HALT              0xA0C00000u
59 #define DESC_JUMP_2            0xA0000002u
60 #define DESC_JUMP_4            0xA0000004u
61 #define DESC_JUMP_6            0xA0000006u
62 #define DESC_BLACKKEY_NOMMEN   0x4u
63 #define SEC_MEM                0x8u
65 typedef enum _caam_algorithm
66 {
67     kCAAM_AlgorithmAES    = 0x10u << 16,
68     kCAAM_AlgorithmDES    = 0x20u << 16,
69     kCAAM_Algorithm3DES   = 0x21u << 16,
70     kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA1   = 0x41u << 16,
71     kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA224 = 0x42u << 16,
72     kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA256 = 0x43u << 16,
73     kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA384 = 0x44u << 16,
74     kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA512 = 0x45u << 16,
75     kCAAM_AlgorithmCRC    = 0x90u << 16,
76 } caam_algorithm_t;
78 typedef enum _caam_aai_symmetric_alg
79 {
80     kCAAM_ModeCTR     = 0x00U << 4,
81     kCAAM_ModeCBC     = 0x10U << 4,
82     kCAAM_ModeECB     = 0x20U << 4,
83     kCAAM_ModeCFB     = 0x30U << 4,
84     kCAAM_ModeOFB     = 0x40U << 4,
85     kCAAM_ModeCMAC    = 0x60U << 4,
86     kCAAM_ModeXCBCMAC = 0x70U << 4,
87     kCAAM_ModeCCM     = 0x80U << 4,
88     kCAAM_ModeGCM     = 0x90U << 4,
89 } caam_aai_symmetric_alg_t;
91 typedef enum _caam_algorithm_state
92 {
93     kCAAM_AlgStateUpdate    = 0u,
94     kCAAM_AlgStateInit      = 1u,
95     kCAAM_AlgStateFinal     = 2u,
96     kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal = 3u,
97 } caam_algorithm_state_t;
99 /*******************************************************************************
100  * HASH Definitions
101  ******************************************************************************/
102 enum _caam_sha_digest_len
103 {
104     kCAAM_RunLenSha1   = 28u,
105     kCAAM_OutLenSha1   = 20u,
106     kCAAM_RunLenSha224 = 40u,
107     kCAAM_OutLenSha224 = 28u,
108     kCAAM_RunLenSha256 = 40u,
109     kCAAM_OutLenSha256 = 32u,
110     kCAAM_RunLenSha384 = 64u,
111     kCAAM_OutLenSha384 = 48u,
112     kCAAM_RunLenSha512 = 64u,
113     kCAAM_OutLenSha512 = 64u,
114 };
116 /*! Internal states of the HASH creation process */
117 typedef enum _caam_hash_algo_state
118 {
119     kCAAM_HashInit = 1u, /*!< Key in the HASH context is the input key. */
120     kCAAM_HashUpdate,    /*!< HASH context has algorithm specific context: MAC, K2 and K3 (XCBC-MAC), MAC and L (CMAC),
121                              running digest (MDHA). Key in the HASH context is the derived key. */
122 } caam_hash_algo_state_t;
124 /*! 64-byte block represented as byte array or 16 32-bit words */
125 typedef union _caam_hash_block
126 {
127     uint32_t w[CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE / 4]; /*!< array of 32-bit words */
128     uint8_t b[CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE];      /*!< byte array */
129 } caam_hash_block_t;
131 /*! Definitions of indexes into hash context array */
132 typedef enum _caam_hash_ctx_indexes
133 {
134     kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx = 12, /*!< context word array index where key is stored */
135     kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize     = 20, /*!< context word array index where key size is stored */
136     kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords    = 21, /*!< number of context array 32-bit words  */
137 } caam_hash_ctx_indexes;
139 typedef struct _caam_hash_ctx_internal
140 {
141     caam_hash_block_t blk; /*!< memory buffer. only full 64-byte blocks are written to CAAM during hash updates */
142     uint32_t word[kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords]; /*!< CAAM module context that needs to be saved/restored between CAAM jobs */
143     uint32_t blksz;                       /*!< number of valid bytes in memory buffer */
144     CAAM_Type *base;                      /*!< CAAM peripheral base address */
145     caam_handle_t *handle;                /*!< CAAM handle (specifies jobRing and optional callback function) */
146     caam_hash_algo_t algo; /*!< selected algorithm from the set of supported algorithms in caam_hash_algo_t */
147     caam_hash_algo_state_t fsm_state; /*!< finite machine state of the hash software process */
148 } caam_hash_ctx_internal_t;
150 /*! Definitions of indexes into hash job descriptor */
151 enum _caam_hash_sgt_index
152 {
153     kCAAM_HashDescriptorSgtIdx = 14u, /*!< Index of the hash job descriptor[] where the two entry SGT starts. */
154 };
156 /*! One entry in the SGT */
157 typedef struct _caam_sgt_entry
158 {
159     /* 64-bit address. */
160     uint32_t address_h;
161     uint32_t address_l;
162     uint32_t length;
163     uint32_t offset;
164 } caam_sgt_entry_t;
166 /*! Definitions SGT entry type */
167 typedef enum _caam_hash_sgt_entry_type
168 {
169     kCAAM_HashSgtEntryNotLast = 0u, /*!< Do not set the Final Bit in SGT entries */
170     kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast    = 1u, /*!< Sets Final Bit in the last SGT entry */
171 } caam_hash_sgt_entry_type_t;
173 /*! Two entry SGT, embedded in the hash job descriptor */
174 typedef caam_sgt_entry_t caam_hash_internal_sgt_t[2];
176 /*! Definitions of SGT type */
177 typedef enum _caam_hash_sgt_type
178 {
179     kCAAM_HashSgtInternal = 0u, /*!< Two entry SGT is copied into the hash job descriptor. */
180     kCAAM_HashSgtExternal = 1u, /*!< Use external SGT. */
181 } caam_hash_sgt_type_t;
183 enum _caam_hash_non_blocking_sgt_entries
184 {
185     kCAAM_HashSgtMaxCtxEntries =
186         (sizeof(caam_hash_block_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) * kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx) / sizeof(caam_sgt_entry_t),
187 };
189 typedef struct _caam_crc_ctx_internal
190 {
191     caam_hash_block_t blk; /*!< memory buffer. only full 64-byte blocks are written to CAAM during hash updates */
192     uint32_t word[kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords]; /*!< CAAM module context that needs to be saved/restored between CAAM jobs */
193     uint32_t blksz;                       /*!< number of valid bytes in memory buffer */
194     CAAM_Type *base;                      /*!< CAAM peripheral base address */
195     caam_handle_t *handle;                /*!< CAAM handle (specifies jobRing and optional callback function) */
196     caam_crc_algo_t algo;       /*!< selected algorithm from the set of supported algorithms in caam_hash_algo_t */
197     caam_aai_crc_alg_t crcmode; /*!< Specifies how CRC engine manipulates input and output data */
198     caam_hash_algo_state_t fsm_state; /*!< finite machine state of the hash software process */
199 } caam_crc_ctx_internal_t;
201 /*******************************************************************************
202  * Variables
203  ******************************************************************************/
204 static caam_job_ring_interface_t *s_jr0 = NULL; /*!< Pointer to job ring interface 0. */
205 static uint32_t s_jrIndex0              = 0;    /*!< Current index in the input job ring 0. */
207 static caam_job_ring_interface_t *s_jr1 = NULL; /*!< Pointer to job ring interface 1. */
208 static uint32_t s_jrIndex1              = 0;    /*!< Current index in the input job ring 1. */
210 static caam_job_ring_interface_t *s_jr2 = NULL; /*!< Pointer to job ring interface 2. */
211 static uint32_t s_jrIndex2              = 0;    /*!< Current index in the input job ring 2. */
213 static caam_job_ring_interface_t *s_jr3 = NULL; /*!< Pointer to job ring interface 3. */
214 static uint32_t s_jrIndex3              = 0;    /*!< Current index in the input job ring 3. */
216 AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION(static caam_rng_config_t rngConfig);
217 AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION(static caam_desc_rng_t rngGenSeckey);
218 AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION(static caam_desc_rng_t rngInstantiate);
219 AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION(static caam_desc_rng_t descBuf);
220 /*******************************************************************************
221  * Code
222  ******************************************************************************/
224 /*******************************************************************************
225  * CAAM Common code static
226  ******************************************************************************/
228 /* Macros and functions computing data offset for descriptors */
230 #include "fsl_memory.h"
232 #ifndef FSL_MEM_M4_TCM_OFFSET
233 #define CAAM_OFFSET 0U
234 #else
236 #endif
ADD_OFFSET(uint32_t addr)238 static uint32_t ADD_OFFSET(uint32_t addr)
239 {
240     if (addr > FSL_MEM_M4_TCM_END)
241     {
242         return addr;
243     }
244     else if (addr < FSL_MEM_M4_TCM_BEGIN)
245     {
246         return addr;
247     }
248     else
249     {
250         return addr + CAAM_OFFSET;
251     }
252 }
254 #else  /* !defined(FLS_FEATURE_CAAM_OFFSET) */
ADD_OFFSET(uint32_t addr)255 static uint32_t ADD_OFFSET(uint32_t addr)
256 {
257     return addr;
258 }
259 #endif /* FLS_FEATURE_CAAM_OFFSET */
261 #if 0
262 /* for build without string.h memcpy() */
263 static void caam_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
264 {
265     register uint8_t *to = (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)dst;
266     register const uint8_t *from = (const uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)src;
268     /* if it is possible to move data with 32-bit aligned access, do it so */
269     if ((size >= sizeof(uint32_t)) && (0u == ((uintptr_t)dst & 0x3u)) && (0u == ((uintptr_t)src & 0x3u)))
270     {
271         register uint32_t *to32 = (uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)dst;
272         register const uint32_t *from32 = (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)src;
273         while (size >= sizeof(uint32_t))
274         {
275             *to32 = *from32;
276             size -= sizeof(uint32_t);
277             to32++;
278             from32++;
279         }
281         to = (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)to32;
282         from = (const uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)from32;
283     }
285     while (size)
286     {
287         *to = *from;
288         size--;
289         to++;
290         from++;
291     }
292 }
293 #else
294 #include <string.h>
295 #define caam_memcpy memcpy
296 #endif
caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jr,uint32_t * inputRingBase,size_t inputRingSize,uint32_t * outputRingBase,uint32_t outputRingSize)298 static void caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(CAAM_Type *base,
299                                                     caam_job_ring_t jr,
300                                                     uint32_t *inputRingBase,
301                                                     size_t inputRingSize,
302                                                     uint32_t *outputRingBase,
303                                                     uint32_t outputRingSize)
304 {
305     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jr)
306     {
307         IRBAR0                   = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)inputRingBase);
308         base->JOBRING[0].IRSR_JR = inputRingSize;
309         ORBAR0                   = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)outputRingBase);
310         base->JOBRING[0].ORSR_JR = outputRingSize;
311     }
313     if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jr)
314     {
315         IRBAR1                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)inputRingBase);
316         base->JOBRING[1].IRSR_JR = inputRingSize;
317         ORBAR1                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)outputRingBase);
318         base->JOBRING[1].ORSR_JR = outputRingSize;
319     }
321     if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jr)
322     {
323         IRBAR2                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)inputRingBase);
324         base->JOBRING[2].IRSR_JR = inputRingSize;
325         ORBAR2                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)outputRingBase);
326         base->JOBRING[2].ORSR_JR = outputRingSize;
327     }
329     if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jr)
330     {
331         IRBAR3                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)inputRingBase);
332         base->JOBRING[3].IRSR_JR = inputRingSize;
333         ORBAR3                   = (uintptr_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)outputRingBase);
334         base->JOBRING[3].ORSR_JR = outputRingSize;
335     }
336 }
caam_input_ring_set_jobs_added(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jr,uint32_t numJobsAdded)338 static inline void caam_input_ring_set_jobs_added(CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jr, uint32_t numJobsAdded)
339 {
340     /* Data and Instruction Synchronization Barrier to make sure */
341     /* that the descriptor will be loaded into CAAM in time*/
342     __ISB();
343     __DSB();
345     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jr)
346     {
347         base->JOBRING[0].IRJAR_JR = numJobsAdded;
348     }
350     if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jr)
351     {
352         base->JOBRING[1].IRJAR_JR = numJobsAdded;
353     }
355     if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jr)
356     {
357         base->JOBRING[2].IRJAR_JR = numJobsAdded;
358     }
360     if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jr)
361     {
362         base->JOBRING[3].IRJAR_JR = numJobsAdded;
363     }
364 }
caam_output_ring_set_jobs_removed(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jr,uint32_t numJobsRemoved)366 static inline void caam_output_ring_set_jobs_removed(CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jr, uint32_t numJobsRemoved)
367 {
368     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jr)
369     {
370         base->JOBRING[0].ORJRR_JR = numJobsRemoved;
371     }
373     if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jr)
374     {
375         base->JOBRING[1].ORJRR_JR = numJobsRemoved;
376     }
378     if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jr)
379     {
380         base->JOBRING[2].ORJRR_JR = numJobsRemoved;
381     }
383     if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jr)
384     {
385         base->JOBRING[3].ORJRR_JR = numJobsRemoved;
386     }
387 }
caam_output_ring_get_slots_full(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jr)389 static uint32_t caam_output_ring_get_slots_full(CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jr)
390 {
391     uint32_t retVal = 0;
393     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jr)
394     {
395         retVal = base->JOBRING[0].ORSFR_JR;
396     }
398     if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jr)
399     {
400         retVal = base->JOBRING[1].ORSFR_JR;
401     }
403     if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jr)
404     {
405         retVal = base->JOBRING[2].ORSFR_JR;
406     }
408     if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jr)
409     {
410         retVal = base->JOBRING[3].ORSFR_JR;
411     }
413     return retVal;
414 }
416 /*!
417  * @brief Tests the correct key size.
418  *
419  * This function tests the correct key size.
420  * @param keySize Input key length in bytes.
421  * @return True if the key length is supported, false if not.
422  */
423 bool caam_check_key_size(const uint32_t keySize);
caam_check_key_size(const uint32_t keySize)424 bool caam_check_key_size(const uint32_t keySize)
425 {
426     return ((keySize == 16u) || ((keySize == 24u)) || ((keySize == 32u)));
427 }
caam_in_job_ring_add(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jobRing,uint32_t * descaddr)429 static status_t caam_in_job_ring_add(CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jobRing, uint32_t *descaddr)
430 {
431     /* adding new job to the s_inJobRing[] must be atomic
432      * as this is global variable
433      */
434     uint32_t currPriMask = DisableGlobalIRQ();
436     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jobRing)
437     {
438         s_jr0->inputJobRing[s_jrIndex0] = (ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)descaddr));
439         s_jrIndex0++;
440         if (s_jrIndex0 >= ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr0->inputJobRing))
441         {
442             s_jrIndex0 = 0;
443         }
444     }
445     else if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jobRing)
446     {
447         s_jr1->inputJobRing[s_jrIndex1] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)descaddr);
448         s_jrIndex1++;
449         if (s_jrIndex1 >= ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr1->inputJobRing))
450         {
451             s_jrIndex1 = 0;
452         }
453     }
454     else if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jobRing)
455     {
456         s_jr2->inputJobRing[s_jrIndex2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)descaddr);
457         s_jrIndex2++;
458         if (s_jrIndex2 >= ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr2->inputJobRing))
459         {
460             s_jrIndex2 = 0;
461         }
462     }
463     else if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jobRing)
464     {
465         s_jr3->inputJobRing[s_jrIndex3] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)descaddr);
466         s_jrIndex3++;
467         if (s_jrIndex3 >= ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr3->inputJobRing))
468         {
469             s_jrIndex3 = 0;
470         }
471     }
472     else
473     {
474         EnableGlobalIRQ(currPriMask);
475         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
476     }
478     caam_input_ring_set_jobs_added(base, jobRing, 1);
480     /* Enable IRQ */
481     EnableGlobalIRQ(currPriMask);
483     return kStatus_Success;
484 }
486 /* this function shall be only called inside CAAM driver critical section
487  * because it accesses global variables.
488  */
caam_out_job_ring_remove(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jobRing,int outIndex)489 static status_t caam_out_job_ring_remove(CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jobRing, int outIndex)
490 {
491     if (kCAAM_JobRing0 == jobRing)
492     {
493         s_jr0->outputJobRing[outIndex++] = 0; /* clear descriptor address */
494         s_jr0->outputJobRing[outIndex]   = 0; /* clear status */
495     }
496     else if (kCAAM_JobRing1 == jobRing)
497     {
498         s_jr1->outputJobRing[outIndex++] = 0; /* clear descriptor address */
499         s_jr1->outputJobRing[outIndex]   = 0; /* clear status */
500     }
501     else if (kCAAM_JobRing2 == jobRing)
502     {
503         s_jr2->outputJobRing[outIndex++] = 0; /* clear descriptor address */
504         s_jr2->outputJobRing[outIndex]   = 0; /* clear status */
505     }
506     else if (kCAAM_JobRing3 == jobRing)
507     {
508         s_jr3->outputJobRing[outIndex++] = 0; /* clear descriptor address */
509         s_jr3->outputJobRing[outIndex]   = 0; /* clear status */
510     }
511     else
512     {
513         /* Intentional empty */
514     }
516     caam_output_ring_set_jobs_removed(base, jobRing, 1);
517     return 0;
518 }
caam_out_job_ring_test_and_remove(CAAM_Type * base,caam_job_ring_t jobRing,uint32_t * descriptor,bool * wait,bool * found)520 static status_t caam_out_job_ring_test_and_remove(
521     CAAM_Type *base, caam_job_ring_t jobRing, uint32_t *descriptor, bool *wait, bool *found)
522 {
523     uint32_t currPriMask = DisableGlobalIRQ();
524     uint32_t i;
525     status_t status;
527     *found = false;
528     *wait  = true;
529     status = kStatus_Success;
530     uint32_t *jr;
531     uint32_t jrEntries;
533     if (jobRing == kCAAM_JobRing0)
534     {
535         jr        = s_jr0->outputJobRing;
536         jrEntries = ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr0->outputJobRing);
537     }
538     else if (jobRing == kCAAM_JobRing1)
539     {
540         jr        = s_jr1->outputJobRing;
541         jrEntries = ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr1->outputJobRing);
542     }
543     else if (jobRing == kCAAM_JobRing2)
544     {
545         jr        = s_jr2->outputJobRing;
546         jrEntries = ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr2->outputJobRing);
547     }
548     else if (jobRing == kCAAM_JobRing3)
549     {
550         jr        = s_jr3->outputJobRing;
551         jrEntries = ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr3->outputJobRing);
552     }
553     else
554     {
555         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
556     }
558     /* check if an interrupt or other thread consumed the result that we just saw */
559     if ((caam_output_ring_get_slots_full(base, jobRing)) != 0U)
560     {
561         /* check if our descriptor is in the output job ring
562          * look from the beginning of the out job ring
563          */
564         i = 0;
566         while ((!*found) && (i < jrEntries))
567         {
568             if (jr[i] == (uint32_t)descriptor)
569             {
570                 *found = true;
571                 *wait  = false;
572                 /* check for error in status word */
573                 if ((jr[i + 1U]) != 0U)
574                 {
575                     /* printf("Error 0x%lx\r\n", jr[i + 1]); */
577                     /* for JMP/HALT commands with User specified status, return the user status, just to allow the
578                      * software to test for user status termination status words */
579                     /* This is used by PKHA PrimalityTest to report a candidate is believed not being prime */
580                     if (0x30000000u == (jr[i + 1U] & 0xff000000u))
581                     {
582                         status = (int32_t)jr[i + 1U];
583                     }
584                     else
585                     {
586                         status = kStatus_Fail;
587                     }
588                 }
589                 (void)caam_out_job_ring_remove(base, jobRing, (int)i);
590             }
591             else
592             {
593                 /* try next result */
594                 i += 2u;
595             }
596         }
597     }
598     EnableGlobalIRQ(currPriMask);
599     return status;
600 }
602 typedef union _caam_xcm_block_t
603 {
604     uint32_t w[4]; /*!< CAAM context register is 16 bytes written as four 32-bit words */
605     uint8_t b[16]; /*!< 16 octets block for CCM B0 and CTR0 and for GCM */
606 } caam_xcm_block_t;
swap_bytes(uint32_t in)608 static uint32_t swap_bytes(uint32_t in)
609 {
610     return (((in & 0x000000ffu) << 24) | ((in & 0x0000ff00u) << 8) | ((in & 0x00ff0000u) >> 8) |
611             ((in & 0xff000000u) >> 24));
612 }
614 /*!
615  * @brief AES GCM check validity of input arguments.
616  *
617  * This function checks the validity of input arguments.
618  *
619  * @param base LTC peripheral base address.
620  * @param src Source address (plaintext or ciphertext).
621  * @param iv Initialization vector address.
622  * @param aad Additional authenticated data address.
623  * @param dst Destination address (plaintext or ciphertext).
624  * @param inputSize Size of input (same size as output) data in bytes.
625  * @param ivSize Size of Initialization vector in bytes.
626  * @param aadSize Size of additional data in bytes.
627  * @param tagSize Size of the GCM tag in bytes.
628  */
caam_aes_gcm_check_input_args(CAAM_Type * base,const uint8_t * src,const uint8_t * iv,const uint8_t * aad,uint8_t * dst,size_t inputSize,size_t ivSize,size_t aadSize,size_t tagSize)629 static status_t caam_aes_gcm_check_input_args(CAAM_Type *base,
630                                               const uint8_t *src,
631                                               const uint8_t *iv,
632                                               const uint8_t *aad,
633                                               uint8_t *dst,
634                                               size_t inputSize,
635                                               size_t ivSize,
636                                               size_t aadSize,
637                                               size_t tagSize)
638 {
639     if (base == NULL)
640     {
641         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
642     }
644     /* tag can be NULL to skip tag processing */
645     if (((ivSize != 0U) && (iv == NULL)) || ((aadSize != 0U) && (aad == NULL)) ||
646         ((inputSize != 0U) && ((src == NULL) || (dst == NULL))))
647     {
648         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
649     }
651     /* octet length of tag (tagSize) must be element of 4,8,12,13,14,15,16 */
652     if (((tagSize > 16u) || (tagSize < 12u)) && (tagSize != 4u) && (tagSize != 8u))
653     {
654         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
655     }
657     /* no IV AAD DATA makes no sense */
658     if (0U == (inputSize + ivSize + aadSize))
659     {
660         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
661     }
663     /* check length of input strings. This is more strict than the GCM specificaiton due to 32-bit architecture.
664      * The API interface would work on 64-bit architecture as well, but as it has not been tested, let it limit to
665      * 32-bits.
666      */
667     if (!((ivSize >= 1u) && (sizeof(size_t) <= 4u)))
668     {
669         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
670     }
672     return kStatus_Success;
673 }
675 static const uint32_t templateAesGcm[] = {
676     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
677     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY */
678     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
680     /* 03 */ 0x82100908u, /* OPERATION: AES GCM Decrypt Finalize */
682     /* 04 */ 0x12830004u, /* LOAD Class 1 ICV Size Register by IMM data */
683     /* 05 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: received ICV size */
685     /* 06 */ 0x22210000u, /* FIFO LOAD IV (flush) */
686     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: IV address */
688     /* 08 */ 0x22310000u, /* FIFO LOAD AAD (flush) */
689     /* 09 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: AAD address */
691     /* 10 */ 0x22530000u, /* FIFO LOAD message */
692     /* 11 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: message address */
693     /* 12 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: message size */
695     /* 13 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE Message */
696     /* 14 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
697     /* 15 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
699     /* 16 */ 0xA3001201u, /* JMP always to next command. Load/store checkpoint. Class 1 done checkpoint. */
701     /* For encryption, write the computed and encrypted MAC to user buffer */
702     /* For decryption, compare the computed tag with the received tag, CICV-only job. */
703     /* 17 */ 0x10880004u, /* LOAD Immediate to Clear Written Register. */
704     /* 18 */ 0x08000004u, /* value for Clear Written Register: C1D and C1DS bits are set */
705     /* 19 */ 0x12820004u, /* LOAD Immediate to C1DS Register. */
706     /* 20 */ 0x00000000u, /* zero data size */
707     /* 21 */ 0x12830004u, /* LOAD Class 1 ICV Size Register by IMM data */
708     /* 22 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: received ICV size */
709     /* 23 */ 0x82100902u, /* OPERATION: AES GCM Decrypt Update ICV_TEST */
710     /* 24 */ 0x223B0000u, /* FIFO LOAD ICV */
711     /* 25 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: received ICV address */
712 };
714 status_t caam_aes_gcm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type *base,
715                                    caam_handle_t *handle,
716                                    caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,
717                                    const uint8_t *input,
718                                    uint8_t *output,
719                                    size_t size,
720                                    const uint8_t *iv,
721                                    size_t ivSize,
722                                    const uint8_t *aad,
723                                    size_t aadSize,
724                                    const uint8_t *key,
725                                    size_t keySize,
726                                    uint32_t tag,
727                                    size_t tagSize,
728                                    int encrypt);
caam_aes_gcm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * input,uint8_t * output,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint32_t tag,size_t tagSize,int encrypt)730 status_t caam_aes_gcm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type *base,
731                                    caam_handle_t *handle,
732                                    caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,
733                                    const uint8_t *input,
734                                    uint8_t *output,
735                                    size_t size,
736                                    const uint8_t *iv,
737                                    size_t ivSize,
738                                    const uint8_t *aad,
739                                    size_t aadSize,
740                                    const uint8_t *key,
741                                    size_t keySize,
742                                    uint32_t tag,
743                                    size_t tagSize,
744                                    int encrypt)
745 {
746     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateAesGcm) <= sizeof(caam_desc_aes_gcm_t), caam_desc_aes_gcm_t_size);
747     status_t status;
749     status = caam_aes_gcm_check_input_args(base, input, iv, aad, output, size, ivSize, aadSize, tagSize);
750     if (status != kStatus_Success)
751     {
752         return status;
753     }
755     /* get template descriptor and it's size */
756     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesGcm);
757     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesGcm, sizeof(templateAesGcm));
759     /* add descriptor size */
760     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
762     /* key address and key size */
763     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
764     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
766     /* Encrypt decrypt */
767     if (0 != encrypt)
768     {
769         descriptor[3] |= 1u; /* ENC */
770     }
772     /* ICV Size */
773     descriptor[5] = tagSize;
775     bool ivLast  = (aadSize == 0U) && (size == 0U);
776     bool aadLast = (size == 0U);
778     /* IV address and size */
779     descriptor[6] |= (ivSize & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
780     descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
781     if (ivLast)
782     {
783         descriptor[6] |= DESC_LC1_MASK; /* LC1 */
784     }
786     /* AAD address and size */
787     descriptor[8] |= (aadSize & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
788     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)aad);
789     if ((!ivLast) && aadLast)
790     {
791         descriptor[8] |= DESC_LC1_MASK; /* LC1 */
792     }
794     /* Message source address and size */
795     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)input);
796     descriptor[12] = size;
798     /* Message destination address and size */
799     descriptor[14] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)output);
800     descriptor[15] = size;
802     if (tag != 0U)
803     {
804         if (encrypt == 0)
805         {
806             descriptor[22] = tagSize;
807             descriptor[24] |= (tagSize & DESC_TAG_SIZE_MASK);
808             descriptor[25] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)tag);
809         }
810         else
811         {
812             /* For encryption change the command to FIFO STORE, as tag data needs to be put into tag output */
813             descriptor[16] = 0x52200000u | (tagSize & DESC_TAG_SIZE_MASK); /* STORE from Class 1 context to tag */
814             descriptor[17] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)tag);                    /* place: tag address */
815             ;
816             descriptor[18] = DESC_HALT; /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
817         }
818     }
819     else
820     {
821         /* tag is NULL, skip tag processing */
822         descriptor[16] = DESC_HALT; /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
823     }
825     /* add operation specified by descriptor to CAAM Job Ring */
826     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
827 }
caam_aes_ccm_check_input_args(CAAM_Type * base,const uint8_t * src,const uint8_t * iv,const uint8_t * key,uint8_t * dst,size_t ivSize,size_t aadSize,size_t keySize,size_t tagSize)829 static status_t caam_aes_ccm_check_input_args(CAAM_Type *base,
830                                               const uint8_t *src,
831                                               const uint8_t *iv,
832                                               const uint8_t *key,
833                                               uint8_t *dst,
834                                               size_t ivSize,
835                                               size_t aadSize,
836                                               size_t keySize,
837                                               size_t tagSize)
838 {
839     if (base == NULL)
840     {
841         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
842     }
844     /* tag can be NULL to skip tag processing */
845     if ((src == NULL) || (iv == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (dst == NULL))
846     {
847         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
848     }
850     /* size of Nonce (ivSize) must be element of 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 */
851     if ((ivSize < 7u) || (ivSize > 13u))
852     {
853         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
854     }
855     /* octet length of MAC (tagSize) must be element of 4,6,8,10,12,14,16 for tag processing or zero to skip tag
856      * processing */
857     if (((tagSize > 0U) && (tagSize < 4u)) || (tagSize > 16u) || ((tagSize & 1u) != 0U))
858     {
859         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
860     }
862     /* check if keySize is supported */
863     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
864     {
865         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
866     }
868     /* AESA does not support more AAD than this */
869     if (aadSize >= 65280u)
870     {
871         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
872     }
873     return kStatus_Success;
874 }
caam_aes_ccm_context_init(uint32_t inputSize,const uint8_t * iv,uint32_t ivSize,uint32_t aadSize,uint32_t tagSize,void * b0,void * ctr0)876 static void caam_aes_ccm_context_init(
877     uint32_t inputSize, const uint8_t *iv, uint32_t ivSize, uint32_t aadSize, uint32_t tagSize, void *b0, void *ctr0)
878 {
879     caam_xcm_block_t blk;
880     caam_xcm_block_t blkZero = {{0x0u, 0x0u, 0x0u, 0x0u}};
882     uint8_t q; /* octet length of binary representation of the octet length of the payload. computed as (15 - n), where
883               n is length of nonce(=ivSize) */
884     uint8_t flags_field; /* flags field in B0 and CTR0 */
886     /* compute B0 */
887     (void)caam_memcpy(&blk, &blkZero, sizeof(blk));
888     /* tagSize - size of output MAC */
889     q           = 15U - (uint8_t)ivSize;
890     flags_field = (uint8_t)(8U * ((tagSize - 2U) / 2U) + q - 1U); /* 8*M' + L' */
891     if (aadSize != 0U)
892     {
893         flags_field |= 0x40U; /* Adata */
894     }
895     blk.b[0] = flags_field;                   /* flags field */
896     blk.w[3] = swap_bytes(inputSize);         /* message size, most significant byte first */
897     (void)caam_memcpy(&blk.b[1], iv, ivSize); /* nonce field */
899     /* Write B0 data to the context register.
900      */
901     (void)caam_memcpy(b0, (void *)&blk.b[0], 16);
903     /* Write CTR0 to the context register.
904      */
905     (void)caam_memcpy(&blk, &blkZero, sizeof(blk)); /* ctr(0) field = zero */
906     blk.b[0] = q - 1U;                              /* flags field */
907     (void)caam_memcpy(&blk.b[1], iv, ivSize);       /* nonce field */
908     (void)caam_memcpy(ctr0, (void *)&blk.b[0], 16);
909 }
911 static const uint32_t templateAesCcm[] = {
912     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
913     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY */
914     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
916     /* 03 */ 0x12A00010u, /* LOAD 16 immediate bytes of B0 to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
917     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: B0[0-3] */
918     /* 05 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: B0[4-7] */
919     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: B0[8-11] */
920     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: B0[12-15] */
922     /* 08 */ 0x12A01010u, /* LOAD 16 immediate bytes of CTR0 to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 16 bytes. */
923     /* 09 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTR0[0-3] */
924     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTR0[4-7] */
925     /* 11 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTR0[8-11] */
926     /* 12 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTR0[12-15] */
928     /* 13 */ 0x8210080Cu, /* OPERATION: AES CCM Decrypt Initialize/Finalize */
930     /* 14 */ 0x22B00004u, /* FIFO LOAD additional authentication data. Immediate 32-bit word with aadSize encoded */
931     /* 15 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: encoded aadSize followed by first byte(s) of authentication data */
932     /* 16 */ 0x22310000u, /* FIFO LOAD additional authentication data. Flush as this is last data of AAD type. */
933     /* 17 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: AAD address */
935     /* 18 */ 0x22530000u, /* FIFO LOAD message */
936     /* 19 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: message address */
937     /* 20 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: message size */
939     /* 21 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE Message */
940     /* 22 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
941     /* 23 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
943     /* For encryption, write the computed and encrypted MAC to user buffer */
944     /* 24 */ 0x52202000u, /* STORE from Class 1 context to tag */
945     /* 25 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: tag address */
947     /* For decryption, compare the computed tag with the received tag */
949 };
951 status_t caam_aes_ccm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type *base,
952                                    caam_handle_t *handle,
953                                    caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,
954                                    const uint8_t *input,
955                                    uint8_t *output,
956                                    size_t size,
957                                    const uint8_t *iv,
958                                    size_t ivSize,
959                                    const uint8_t *aad,
960                                    size_t aadSize,
961                                    const uint8_t *key,
962                                    size_t keySize,
963                                    uint32_t tag,
964                                    size_t tagSize,
965                                    int encrypt);
caam_aes_ccm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * input,uint8_t * output,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint32_t tag,size_t tagSize,int encrypt)967 status_t caam_aes_ccm_non_blocking(CAAM_Type *base,
968                                    caam_handle_t *handle,
969                                    caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,
970                                    const uint8_t *input,
971                                    uint8_t *output,
972                                    size_t size,
973                                    const uint8_t *iv,
974                                    size_t ivSize,
975                                    const uint8_t *aad,
976                                    size_t aadSize,
977                                    const uint8_t *key,
978                                    size_t keySize,
979                                    uint32_t tag,
980                                    size_t tagSize,
981                                    int encrypt)
982 {
983     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateAesCcm) <= sizeof(caam_desc_aes_ccm_t), caam_desc_aes_ccm_t_size);
984     status_t status;
986     /* get template descriptor and it's size */
987     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesCcm);
988     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesCcm, sizeof(templateAesCcm));
990     status = caam_aes_ccm_check_input_args(base, input, iv, key, output, ivSize, aadSize, keySize, tagSize);
991     if (status != kStatus_Success)
992     {
993         return status;
994     }
996     /* add descriptor size */
997     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
999     /* key address and key size */
1000     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1001     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1003     /* B0 and CTR0 */
1004     caam_aes_ccm_context_init(size, iv, ivSize, aadSize, tagSize, &descriptor[4], &descriptor[9]);
1006     /* Encrypt decrypt */
1007     if (encrypt != 0)
1008     {
1009         descriptor[13] |= 1u; /* ENC */
1010     }
1011     else if (tag != 0U)
1012     {
1013         /* If we decrypt message with tag, then desc[18] is not last FIFO LOAD because FIFO LOAD is used for TAG */
1014         /* So desc[18] is changed from 0x22530000u to 0x22510000u*/
1015         descriptor[18] = 0x22510000u;
1016         descriptor[13] |= 2u; /* ICV_TEST */
1017     }
1018     else
1019     {
1020         /* decrypt with tag NULL (skip tag processing). nothing needs to be changed in descriptor[13] for this case */
1021     }
1023     /* AAD address and size */
1024     /* encoding is two octets, msbyte first */
1025     if (aadSize != 0U)
1026     {
1027         uint32_t swapped = swap_bytes(aadSize);
1028         uint32_t sz;
1029         (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[15], (uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)(((uint8_t *)&swapped) + sizeof(uint16_t)),
1030                           sizeof(uint16_t));
1031         sz = aadSize > 2u ? 2u : aadSize;                             /* limit aad to the end of 16 bytes blk */
1032         (void)caam_memcpy(((uint8_t *)&descriptor[15]) + 2, aad, sz); /* fill B1 with aad */
1033         /* track consumed AAD. sz bytes have been moved to fifo. */
1034         aadSize -= sz;
1035         aad += sz;
1037         if (aadSize == 0U)
1038         {
1039             /* in case aadSize is 1 or 2, we add Flush bit to the command and skip FIFO LOAD AAD */
1040             descriptor[14] |= 0x00010000U; /* Flush (last AAD data) */
1041             descriptor[16] = DESC_JUMP_2;  /* jump to current index + 2 (=18) */
1042         }
1043         else
1044         {
1045             descriptor[16] |= (aadSize & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
1046             descriptor[17] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)aad);
1047         }
1048     }
1049     else
1050     {
1051         /* no AAD, jump directly to message */
1052         descriptor[14] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* jump to current index + 4 (=18) */
1053     }
1055     /* Message source address and size */
1056     descriptor[19] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)input);
1057     descriptor[20] = size;
1059     /* Message destination address and size */
1060     descriptor[22] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)output);
1061     descriptor[23] = size;
1063     if (tag != 0U)
1064     {
1065         /* For decryption change the command to FIFO LOAD, as tag data needs to be put into input FIFO */
1066         if (encrypt == 0)
1067         {
1068             /* FIFO LOAD ICV */
1069             descriptor[24] = 0x223B0000u;
1070         }
1071         descriptor[24] |= (tagSize & DESC_TAG_SIZE_MASK);
1072         descriptor[25] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)tag);
1073     }
1074     else
1075     {
1076         /* tag is NULL, skip tag processing */
1077         descriptor[24] = DESC_HALT; /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
1078     }
1080     /* add operation specified by descriptor to CAAM Job Ring */
1081     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1082 }
1084 /*!
1085  * brief Encrypts AES and tags using CCM block mode.
1086  *
1087  * Puts AES CCM encrypt and tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1088  *
1089  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1090  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1091  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1092  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
1093  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text.
1094  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication only.
1095  * param iv Nonce
1096  * param ivSize Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
1097  * param aad Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
1098  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication skipped).
1099  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1100  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1101  * param[out] tag Generated output tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
1102  * param tagSize Input size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
1103  * return Status from job descriptor push
1104  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)1105 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1106                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
1107                                            caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,
1108                                            const uint8_t *plaintext,
1109                                            uint8_t *ciphertext,
1110                                            size_t size,
1111                                            const uint8_t *iv,
1112                                            size_t ivSize,
1113                                            const uint8_t *aad,
1114                                            size_t aadSize,
1115                                            const uint8_t *key,
1116                                            size_t keySize,
1117                                            uint8_t *tag,
1118                                            size_t tagSize)
1119 {
1120     return caam_aes_ccm_non_blocking(base, handle, descriptor, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, ivSize, aad, aadSize,
1121                                      key, keySize, (uint32_t)tag, tagSize, 1);
1122 }
1124 /*!
1125  * brief Decrypts AES and authenticates using CCM block mode.
1126  *
1127  * Puts AES CCM decrypt and check tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1128  *
1129  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1130  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1131  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1132  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
1133  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text.
1134  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication data only.
1135  * param iv Nonce
1136  * param ivSize Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
1137  * param aad Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
1138  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication data skipped).
1139  * param key Input key to use for decryption
1140  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1141  * param tag Received tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
1142  * param tagSize Input size of the received tag to compare with the computed tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
1143  *                14, or 16.
1144  * return Status from job descriptor push
1145  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,const uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)1147 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1148                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
1149                                            caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor,
1150                                            const uint8_t *ciphertext,
1151                                            uint8_t *plaintext,
1152                                            size_t size,
1153                                            const uint8_t *iv,
1154                                            size_t ivSize,
1155                                            const uint8_t *aad,
1156                                            size_t aadSize,
1157                                            const uint8_t *key,
1158                                            size_t keySize,
1159                                            const uint8_t *tag,
1160                                            size_t tagSize)
1161 {
1162     return caam_aes_ccm_non_blocking(base, handle, descriptor, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, ivSize, aad, aadSize,
1163                                      key, keySize, (uint32_t)tag, tagSize, 0);
1164 }
1166 static const uint32_t templateAesCtr[] = {
1167     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
1168     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY */
1169     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
1170     /* 03 */ 0x12201010u, /* LOAD 16 bytes of CTR0 to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 16 bytes. */
1171     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTR0 address */
1173     /* 05 */ 0x82100000u, /* OPERATION: AES CTR (de)crypt in Update mode */
1174     /* 06 */ 0x22530000u, /* FIFO LOAD Message */
1175     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source address */
1176     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source size */
1177     /* 09 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE Message */
1178     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
1179     /* 11 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
1181     /* 12 */ 0xA2000001u, /* JMP always to next command. Done checkpoint (wait for Class 1 Done) */
1182     /* 13 */ 0x10880004u, /* LOAD Immediate to Clear Written Register. */
1183     /* 14 */ 0x08000004u, /* value for Clear Written Register: C1D and C1DS bits are set */
1184     /* 15 */ 0x22930010u, /* FIFO LOAD Message Immediate 16 bytes */
1185     /* 16 */ 0x00000000u, /* all zeroes 0-3 */
1187     /* 17 */ 0x00000000u, /* all zeroes 4-7 */
1188     /* 18 */ 0x00000000u, /* all zeroes 8-11 */
1189     /* 19 */ 0x00000000u, /* all zeroes 12-15 */
1190     /* 20 */ 0x60300010u, /* FIFO STORE Message 16 bytes */
1191     /* 21 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: counterlast[] block address */
1193     /* 22 */ 0x82100000u, /* OPERATION: AES CTR (de)crypt in Update mode */
1194     /* 23 */ 0x52201010u, /* STORE 16 bytes of CTRi from Class 1 Context Register offset 16 bytes. */
1195     /* 24 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: CTRi address */
1196 };
1198 /*!
1199  * brief Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
1200  *
1201  * Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
1202  * AES CTR mode uses only forward AES cipher and same algorithm for encryption and decryption.
1203  * The only difference between encryption and decryption is that, for encryption, the input argument
1204  * is plain text and the output argument is cipher text. For decryption, the input argument is cipher text
1205  * and the output argument is plain text.
1206  *
1207  * Puts AES CTR crypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1208  *
1209  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1210  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1211  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1212  * param input Input data for CTR block mode
1213  * param[out] output Output data for CTR block mode
1214  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
1215  * param[in,out] counter Input counter (updates on return)
1216  * param key Input key to use for forward AES cipher
1217  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1218  * param[out] counterlast Output cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are
1219  * not used.
1220  * param[out] szLeft Output number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls
1221  * are not used.
1222  * return Status from job descriptor push
1223  */
CAAM_AES_CryptCtrNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ctr_t descriptor,const uint8_t * input,uint8_t * output,size_t size,uint8_t * counter,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * counterlast,size_t * szLeft)1224 status_t CAAM_AES_CryptCtrNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1225                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
1226                                       caam_desc_aes_ctr_t descriptor,
1227                                       const uint8_t *input,
1228                                       uint8_t *output,
1229                                       size_t size,
1230                                       uint8_t *counter,
1231                                       const uint8_t *key,
1232                                       size_t keySize,
1233                                       uint8_t *counterlast,
1234                                       size_t *szLeft)
1235 {
1236     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateAesCtr) <= sizeof(caam_desc_aes_ctr_t), caam_desc_aes_ctr_t_size);
1237     uint32_t descriptorSize;
1239     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
1240     {
1241         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1242     }
1244     /* get template descriptor and it's size */
1245     descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesCtr);
1246     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesCtr, sizeof(templateAesCtr));
1248     /* add descriptor size */
1249     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
1251     /* key address and key size */
1252     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1253     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1255     /* descriptor[3] configures 16 bytes length for CTR0 in templateAesCtr */
1256     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)counter);
1258     /* source address and size */
1259     descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)input);
1260     descriptor[8] = size;
1262     /* destination address and size */
1263     descriptor[10] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)output);
1264     descriptor[11] = size;
1266     /* AES CTR Crypt OPERATION in descriptor[5]
1267      * Algorithm State (AS) in template is Update (0h)
1268      * Only in case we are chaining the AES CTR calls (counterlast[] != NULL),
1269      * we have to change the algorithm state to Finalize (2h)
1270      * and so the CTRi for the last message block is not written to Class 1 Context.
1271      * This allows us to repeat AES CTR of the last CTRi, with destination to counterlast[],
1272      * and with using all zeroes in message data, the counterlast[] gets ECB of the last CTRi.
1273      */
1275     /* if counterlast or szLeft is NULL, the caller is not interested in AES of last counter
1276      * Thus, we can skip the counterlast processing
1277      * and only read the last CTRi from context.
1278      * So, we replace descriptor[11] with a jump command to STORE
1279      */
1280     if ((counterlast == NULL) || (szLeft == NULL))
1281     {
1282         /*  To create an unconditional jump, use TEST TYPE = 00 (all specified conditions true) and
1283             clear all TEST CONDITION bits because the tested condition is considered to be true if
1284             no test condition bits are set. */
1285         descriptor[12] = 0xA000000Bu; /* jump to current index + 11 (=23) */
1286     }
1287     else
1288     {
1289         uint32_t lastSize;
1291         descriptor[5] |= 0x08u; /* finalize */
1292         descriptor[21] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)counterlast);
1294         lastSize = size % 16u;
1295         if (lastSize != 0U)
1296         {
1297             *szLeft = 16u - lastSize;
1298         }
1299         else
1300         {
1301             *szLeft = 0;
1302             /* descriptor[12] = 0xA000000Bu; */ /* jump to current index + 11 (=23) */
1303         }
1304     }
1306     /* read last CTRi from AES back to caller */
1307     descriptor[24] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)counter);
1309     /* add operation specified by descriptor to CAAM Job Ring */
1310     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1311 }
1313 static const uint32_t templateAesEcb[] = {
1314     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
1315     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY */
1316     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
1317     /* 03 */ 0x22530000u, /* FIFO LOAD Message with EXT size */
1318     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source address */
1319     /* 05 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source size */
1320     /* 06 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE Message with EXT size */
1321     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
1322     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
1323     /* 09 */ 0x82100200u, /* OPERATION: AES ECB Decrypt */
1324 };
1326 /*!
1327  * brief Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
1328  *
1329  * Puts AES ECB encrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1330  *
1331  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1332  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
1333  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1334  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text
1335  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
1336  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1337  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1338  * return Status from job descriptor push
1339  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)1340 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1341                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
1342                                         caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor,
1343                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
1344                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
1345                                         size_t size,
1346                                         const uint8_t *key,
1347                                         size_t keySize)
1348 {
1349     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateAesEcb) <= sizeof(caam_desc_aes_ecb_t), caam_desc_aes_ecb_t_size);
1350     uint32_t descriptorSize;
1352     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
1353     {
1354         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1355     }
1356     /* ECB mode, size must be non-zero 16-byte multiple */
1357     if (0U != (size % 16u))
1358     {
1359         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1360     }
1362     descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesEcb);
1363     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesEcb, sizeof(templateAesEcb));
1364     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
1365     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1366     descriptor[2] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1367     /* descriptor[3] FIFO LOAD copied from template */
1368     descriptor[4] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
1369     descriptor[5] = size; /* FIFO LOAD EXT size */
1370                           /* descriptor[6] FIFO STORE copied from template */
1371     descriptor[7] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
1372     descriptor[8] = size; /* FIFO STORE EXT size */
1373     descriptor[9] |= 1u;  /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
1375     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1376 }
1378 /*!
1379  * brief Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
1380  *
1381  * Puts AES ECB decrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1382  *
1383  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1384  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1385  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1386  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
1387  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text
1388  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
1389  * param key Input key.
1390  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1391  * return Status from job descriptor push
1392  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)1393 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1394                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
1395                                         caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor,
1396                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
1397                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
1398                                         size_t size,
1399                                         const uint8_t *key,
1400                                         size_t keySize)
1401 {
1402     uint32_t descriptorSize;
1404     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
1405     {
1406         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1407     }
1408     /* ECB mode, size must be non-zero 16-byte multiple */
1409     if (0U != (size % 16u))
1410     {
1411         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1412     }
1414     descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesEcb);
1415     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesEcb, sizeof(templateAesEcb));
1416     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
1417     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1418     descriptor[2] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1419     /* descriptor[3] FIFO LOAD copied from template */
1420     descriptor[4] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
1421     descriptor[5] = size;
1422     /* descriptor[6] FIFO STORE copied from template */
1423     descriptor[7] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
1424     descriptor[8] = size; /* FIFO STORE EXT size */
1426     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1427 }
1429 static const uint32_t templateAesCbc[] = {
1430     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
1431     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY */
1432     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
1433     /* 03 */ 0x12200010u, /* LOAD 16 bytes of iv to Class 1 Context Register */
1434     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: iv address */
1435     /* 05 */ 0x22530000u, /* FIFO LOAD Message */
1436     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source address */
1437     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source size */
1438     /* 08 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE Message */
1439     /* 09 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
1440     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
1441     /* 11 */ 0x82100100u, /* OPERATION: AES CBC Decrypt */
1442 };
1444 /*!
1445  * brief Encrypts AES using CBC block mode.
1446  *
1447  * Puts AES CBC encrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1448  *
1449  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1450  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1451  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1452  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
1453  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text
1454  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
1455  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
1456  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1457  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1458  * return Status from job descriptor push
1459  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)1460 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1461                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
1462                                         caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor,
1463                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
1464                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
1465                                         size_t size,
1466                                         const uint8_t *iv,
1467                                         const uint8_t *key,
1468                                         size_t keySize)
1469 {
1470     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateAesCbc) <= sizeof(caam_desc_aes_cbc_t), caam_desc_aes_cbc_t_size);
1471     uint32_t descriptorSize;
1473     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
1474     {
1475         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1476     }
1478     /* CBC mode, size must be non-zero 16-byte multiple */
1479     if (0U != (size % 16u))
1480     {
1481         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1482     }
1484     /* get template descriptor and it's size */
1485     descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesCbc);
1486     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesCbc, sizeof(templateAesCbc));
1488     /* add descriptor size */
1489     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
1491     /* key address and key size */
1492     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1493     descriptor[2] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1495     /* descriptor[3] configures 16 bytes length for IV in templateAesCbc */
1496     descriptor[4] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
1498     /* source address and size */
1499     descriptor[6] = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
1500     descriptor[7] = size;
1502     /* destination address and size */
1503     descriptor[9]  = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
1504     descriptor[10] = size;
1506     /* AES CBC */
1507     descriptor[11] |= 1u; /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
1509     /* add operation specified by descriptor to CAAM Job Ring */
1510     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1511 }
1513 /*!
1514  * brief Decrypts AES using CBC block mode.
1515  *
1516  * Puts AES CBC decrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1517  *
1518  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1519  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1520  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1521  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
1522  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text
1523  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
1524  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
1525  * param key Input key to use for decryption
1526  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1527  * return Status from job descriptor push
1528  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)1529 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1530                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
1531                                         caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor,
1532                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
1533                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
1534                                         size_t size,
1535                                         const uint8_t *iv,
1536                                         const uint8_t *key,
1537                                         size_t keySize)
1538 {
1539     uint32_t descriptorSize;
1541     if (!caam_check_key_size(keySize))
1542     {
1543         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1544     }
1546     /* CBC mode, size must be non-zero 16-byte multiple */
1547     if (0U != (size % 16u))
1548     {
1549         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1550     }
1552     /* get template descriptor and it's size */
1553     descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateAesCbc);
1554     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateAesCbc, sizeof(templateAesCbc));
1556     /* add descriptor size */
1557     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
1559     /* key address and key size */
1560     descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
1561     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)key);
1563     /* descriptor[3] configures 16 bytes length for IV in templateAesCbc */
1564     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
1566     /* source address and size */
1567     descriptor[6] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
1568     descriptor[7] = size;
1570     /* destination address and size */
1571     descriptor[9]  = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
1572     descriptor[10] = size;
1574     /* AES CBC Decrypt OPERATION in descriptor[11] */
1576     /* add operation specified by descriptor to CAAM Job Ring */
1577     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
1578 }
1580 /*!
1581  * brief Encrypts AES and tags using GCM block mode.
1582  *
1583  * Encrypts AES and optionally tags using GCM block mode. If plaintext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated and output
1584  * in the 'tag' field.
1585  * Puts AES GCM encrypt and tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1586  *
1587  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1588  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1589  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1590  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
1591  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text.
1592  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
1593  * param iv Input initial vector
1594  * param ivSize Size of the IV
1595  * param aad Input additional authentication data
1596  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD
1597  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1598  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1599  * param[out] tag Output hash tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
1600  * param tagSize Input size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4,8,12,13,14,15 or 16.
1601  * return Status from job descriptor push
1602  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)1603 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1604                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
1605                                            caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,
1606                                            const uint8_t *plaintext,
1607                                            uint8_t *ciphertext,
1608                                            size_t size,
1609                                            const uint8_t *iv,
1610                                            size_t ivSize,
1611                                            const uint8_t *aad,
1612                                            size_t aadSize,
1613                                            const uint8_t *key,
1614                                            size_t keySize,
1615                                            uint8_t *tag,
1616                                            size_t tagSize)
1617 {
1618     return caam_aes_gcm_non_blocking(base, handle, descriptor, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, ivSize, aad, aadSize,
1619                                      key, keySize, (uint32_t)tag, tagSize, 1);
1620 }
1622 /*!
1623  * brief Decrypts AES and authenticates using GCM block mode.
1624  *
1625  * Decrypts AES and optionally authenticates using GCM block mode. If ciphertext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated
1626  * and compared with the received GHASH in 'tag' field.
1627  * Puts AES GCM decrypt and check tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.
1628  *
1629  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1630  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
1631  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
1632  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
1633  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text.
1634  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
1635  * param iv Input initial vector
1636  * param ivSize Size of the IV
1637  * param aad Input additional authentication data
1638  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD
1639  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1640  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1641  * param tag Input hash tag to compare. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
1642  * param tagSize Input size of the tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16.
1643  * return Status from job descriptor push
1644  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,const uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)1645 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcmNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
1646                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
1647                                            caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor,
1648                                            const uint8_t *ciphertext,
1649                                            uint8_t *plaintext,
1650                                            size_t size,
1651                                            const uint8_t *iv,
1652                                            size_t ivSize,
1653                                            const uint8_t *aad,
1654                                            size_t aadSize,
1655                                            const uint8_t *key,
1656                                            size_t keySize,
1657                                            const uint8_t *tag,
1658                                            size_t tagSize)
1659 {
1660     return caam_aes_gcm_non_blocking(base, handle, descriptor, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, ivSize, aad, aadSize,
1661                                      key, keySize, (uint32_t)tag, tagSize, 0);
1662 }
1664 /*!
1665  * brief Gets the default configuration structure.
1666  *
1667  * This function initializes the CAAM configuration structure to a default value. The default
1668  * values are as follows.
1669  *   caamConfig->rngSampleMode = kCAAM_RNG_SampleModeVonNeumann;
1670  *   caamConfig->rngRingOscDiv = kCAAM_RNG_RingOscDiv4;
1671  *
1672  * param[out] config Pointer to configuration structure.
1673  */
CAAM_GetDefaultConfig(caam_config_t * config)1674 void CAAM_GetDefaultConfig(caam_config_t *config)
1675 {
1676     /* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */
1677     (void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
1679     caam_config_t userConfig = {
1680         {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},   kCAAM_RNG_SampleModeVonNeumann, kCAAM_RNG_RingOscDiv4, true, true, true, true,
1681         kCAAM_NormalOperationBlobs,
1682     };
1684     *config = userConfig;
1685 }
1687 /*!
1688  * brief Initializes the CAAM driver.
1689  *
1690  * This function initializes the CAAM driver, including CAAM's internal RNG.
1691  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1692  * param config Pointer to configuration structure.
1693  * return kStatus_Success the CAAM Init has completed with zero termination status word
1694  * return kStatus_Fail the CAAM Init has completed with non-zero termination status word
1695  */
CAAM_Init(CAAM_Type * base,const caam_config_t * config)1696 status_t CAAM_Init(CAAM_Type *base, const caam_config_t *config)
1697 {
1699     CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Caam);
1700 #endif
1701     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
1703     base->MCFGR = 0x80000000u; /* reset */
1704     base->MCFGR = 0x90000000u; /* reset DMA */
1705     base->MCFGR = 0x00082300u; /* (reset value) */
1707     /* job ring interface 0 is mandatory */
1708     assert(config->jobRingInterface[0]);
1709     if (NULL == config->jobRingInterface[0])
1710     {
1711         return kStatus_Fail; /* return if user wishes to use the job ring but does not configure it. */
1712     }
1714     /* Job Rings Configuration
1715      * number of entries in both input and output ring is equal.
1716      * Note the size of an entry is different. an entry in the input ring is a 32-bit word.
1717      * an entry in the output ring is two 32-bit words. (descriptor pointer followed by termination status word)
1718      */
1719     s_jr0 = config->jobRingInterface[0];
1720     (void)memset(s_jr0, 0, sizeof(*s_jr0));
1721     s_jrIndex0 = 0;
1722     caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(base, kCAAM_JobRing0, s_jr0->inputJobRing, ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr0->inputJobRing),
1723                                             s_jr0->outputJobRing, ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr0->outputJobRing) / 2U);
1725     if (config->jobRingInterface[1] != NULL)
1726     {
1727         s_jr1 = config->jobRingInterface[1];
1728         (void)memset(s_jr1, 0, sizeof(*s_jr1));
1729         s_jrIndex1 = 0;
1730         caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(base, kCAAM_JobRing1, s_jr1->inputJobRing,
1731                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr1->inputJobRing), s_jr1->outputJobRing,
1732                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr1->outputJobRing) / 2U);
1733     }
1735     if (config->jobRingInterface[2] != NULL)
1736     {
1737         s_jr2 = config->jobRingInterface[2];
1738         (void)memset(s_jr2, 0, sizeof(*s_jr2));
1739         s_jrIndex2 = 0;
1740         caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(base, kCAAM_JobRing2, s_jr2->inputJobRing,
1741                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr2->inputJobRing), s_jr2->outputJobRing,
1742                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr2->outputJobRing) / 2U);
1743     }
1745     if (config->jobRingInterface[3] != NULL)
1746     {
1747         s_jr3 = config->jobRingInterface[3];
1748         (void)memset(s_jr3, 0, sizeof(*s_jr3));
1749         s_jrIndex3 = 0;
1750         caam_job_ring_set_base_address_and_size(base, kCAAM_JobRing3, s_jr3->inputJobRing,
1751                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr3->inputJobRing), s_jr3->outputJobRing,
1752                                                 ARRAY_SIZE(s_jr3->outputJobRing) / 2U);
1753     }
1755     /*
1756      * Instantiate RNG in normal (non-deterministic) mode and load the JDKEK, TDKEK and TDSK registers
1757      * this step is required for example
1758      * for FIFO STORE command to be able to store Key register as Black key
1759      * for example during AES XCBC-MAC context switch (need to store derived key K1 to memory)
1760      */
1761     (void)CAAM_RNG_GetDefaultConfig(&rngConfig);
1763     /* reset RNG */
1765                    CAAM_RTMCTL_SAMP_MODE(kCAAM_RNG_SampleModeRaw);
1766     base->RTMCTL = CAAM_RTMCTL_ERR_MASK | CAAM_RTMCTL_SAMP_MODE(config->rngSampleMode) |
1767                    CAAM_RTMCTL_OSC_DIV(config->rngRingOscDiv);
1769     caam_handle_t handle;
1770     handle.jobRing = kCAAM_JobRing0;
1772     /* Check if Instantiated State Handle 0 or 1 has been instantiated */
1773     if ((base->RDSTA & (CAAM_RDSTA_IF0_MASK | CAAM_RDSTA_IF1_MASK)) == 0U)
1774     {
1775         status = CAAM_RNG_Init(base, &handle, kCAAM_RngStateHandle0, &rngConfig);
1776         if (status != kStatus_Success)
1777         {
1778             return status;
1779         }
1780     }
1781     else
1782     {
1783         status = kStatus_Success;
1784     }
1786     /* Check if JDKEK, TDKEK and TDSK are already generated, generate if not */
1787     /* Note: second secure keys generate per one PoR will generate Secure Key error */
1788     if ((base->JDKEKR[0U] == 0U) && (base->TDKEKR[0U] == 0U) && (base->TDSKR[0U] == 0U))
1789     {
1790         /* Note: Secure key is cleared only during POR reset */
1791         status = CAAM_RNG_GenerateSecureKey(base, &handle, NULL);
1792         if (status != kStatus_Success)
1793         {
1794             return status;
1795         }
1796     }
1797     else
1798     {
1799         status = kStatus_Success;
1800     }
1802     /* set RANDDPAR bit for the AESA to reseed its DPA mask using data from kCAAM_RngStateHandle0 */
1803     /* also set other bits to 1 for security */
1804     base->SCFGR =
1806         CAAM_SCFGR_RANDDPAR(config->scfgrRandomDpaResistance) |
1809         CAAM_SCFGR_RDB(config->scfgrEnableRandomDataBuffer) |
1810 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_CAAM_HAS_RDB */
1811         CAAM_SCFGR_LCK_TRNG(config->scfgrLockTrngProgramMode) | CAAM_SCFGR_RNGSH0(config->scfgrRandomRngStateHandle0) |
1812         CAAM_SCFGR_PRIBLOB(config->scfgrPriblob);
1814     return status;
1815 }
1817 /*!
1818  * brief Wait for a CAAM job to complete.
1819  *
1820  * This function polls CAAM output ring for a specific job.
1821  *
1822  * The CAAM job ring is specified by the jobRing field in the caam_handle_t structure.
1823  * The job to be waited is specified by it's descriptor address.
1824  *
1825  * This function has two modes, determined by the mode argument.
1826  * In blocking mode, the function polls the specified jobRing until the descriptor
1827  * is available in the CAAM output job ring.
1828  * In non-blocking mode, it polls the output ring once and returns status
1829  * immediately.
1830  *
1831  * The function can be called from multiple threads or interrupt service routines,
1832  * as internally it uses global critical section (global interrupt disable enable)
1833  * to protect it's operation against concurrent accesses.
1834  * The global interrupt is disabled only when the descriptor is found
1835  * in the output ring, for a very short time, to remove the descriptor from the output ring
1836  * safely.
1837  *
1838  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1839  * param handle Data structure with CAAM jobRing used for this request
1840  * param descriptor
1841  * param mode Blocking and non-blocking mode. Zero is blocking. Non-zero is non-blocking.
1842  * return kStatus_Success the CAAM job has completed with zero job termination status word
1843  * return kStatus_Fail the CAAM job has completed with non-zero job termination status word
1844  * return kStatus_Again In non-blocking mode, the job is not ready in the CAAM Output Ring
1845  */
CAAM_Wait(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,uint32_t * descriptor,caam_wait_mode_t mode)1846 status_t CAAM_Wait(CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *descriptor, caam_wait_mode_t mode)
1847 {
1848     /* poll output ring for the specified job descriptor */
1849     status_t status;
1850     bool wait;
1851     bool found;
1853     wait   = true;
1854     status = kStatus_Success;
1855     found  = false;
1857     while (wait)
1858     {
1859         /* any result available on this job ring? */
1860         if ((caam_output_ring_get_slots_full(base, handle->jobRing)) != 0U)
1861         {
1862             status = caam_out_job_ring_test_and_remove(base, handle->jobRing,
1863                                                        (uint32_t *)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)descriptor), &wait, &found);
1864         }
1866         /* non-blocking mode polls output ring once */
1867         if (mode == kCAAM_Nonblocking)
1868         {
1869             wait = false; /* exit the while() */
1870             if (!found)
1871             {
1872                 status = kStatus_CAAM_Again; /* job not in the tested ring */
1873             }
1874         }
1875     }
1876     return status;
1877 }
1879 /*!
1880  * brief Deinitializes the CAAM driver.
1881  * This function deinitializes the CAAM driver.
1882  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1883  * return kStatus_Success the CAAM Deinit has completed with zero termination status word
1884  * return kStatus_Fail the CAAM Deinit has completed with non-zero termination status word
1885  */
CAAM_Deinit(CAAM_Type * base)1886 status_t CAAM_Deinit(CAAM_Type *base)
1887 {
1888     caam_handle_t handle;
1889     handle.jobRing  = kCAAM_JobRing0;
1890     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
1891     status          = CAAM_RNG_Deinit(base, &handle, kCAAM_RngStateHandle0);
1892     if (status != kStatus_Success)
1893     {
1894         return status;
1895     }
1901     base->DRR                = CAAM_DRR_RST0_MASK;
1902     base->MCFGR              = CAAM_MCFGR_SWRST_MASK;                           /* reset */
1903     base->MCFGR              = CAAM_MCFGR_SWRST_MASK | CAAM_MCFGR_DMA_RST_MASK; /* reset DMA */
1904     base->MCFGR              = 0x00082300u;                                     /* (reset value) */
1906     while (0U == (base->RTMCTL & CAAM_RTMCTL_TSTOP_OK_MASK))
1907     {
1908     }
1910     /* reset RNG */
1912                    CAAM_RTMCTL_SAMP_MODE(kCAAM_RNG_SampleModeRaw);
1915     CLOCK_DisableClock(kCLOCK_Caam);
1916 #endif
1918     return status;
1919 }
1921 /*!
1922  * brief External Key Transfer.
1923  *
1924  * This function loads the given key source to an CAAM external destination via a private interface,
1925  * such as Inline Encryption Engine IEE Private Key bus.
1926  *
1927  * The CAAM job ring is specified by the jobRing field in the caam_handle_t structure.
1928  *
1929  * This function is blocking.
1930  *
1931  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1932  * param handle Data structure with CAAM jobRing used for this request.
1933  * param keySource The source from which the key will be obtained.
1934  * param keySize Size of the key in bytes.
1935  * return kStatus_Success the CAAM job has completed with zero job termination status word
1936  * return kStatus_Fail the CAAM job has completed with non-zero job termination status word
1937  */
CAAM_ExternalKeyTransfer(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_ext_key_xfr_source_t keySource,size_t keySize)1938 status_t CAAM_ExternalKeyTransfer(CAAM_Type *base,
1939                                   caam_handle_t *handle,
1940                                   caam_ext_key_xfr_source_t keySource,
1941                                   size_t keySize)
1942 {
1943     caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descBuf = {0};
1944     status_t status;
1946     descBuf[0] = 0xB0800002u; /* HEADER */
1947     descBuf[1] = 0x40000000u; /* EXT KEY XFR command. */
1949     switch (keySource)
1950     {
1951         case kCAAM_ExtKeyXfr_KeyRegisterClass1:
1952         case kCAAM_ExtKeyXfr_KeyRegisterClass2:
1953         case kCAAM_ExtKeyXfr_PkhaRamE:
1954             descBuf[1] |= ((uint32_t)keySource << 16) | keySize;
1955             status = kStatus_Success;
1956             break;
1958         default:
1959             status = kStatus_InvalidArgument;
1960             break;
1961     }
1963     if (status != kStatus_Success)
1964     {
1965         return status;
1966     }
1968     /* schedule the job and block wait for result */
1969     do
1970     {
1971         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descBuf[0]);
1972     } while (status != kStatus_Success);
1974     return CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
1975 }
1977 /*!
1978  * brief Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
1979  *
1980  * Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
1981  *
1982  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
1983  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
1984  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text
1985  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
1986  * param key Input key to use for encryption
1987  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
1988  * return Status from encrypt operation
1989  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)1990 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
1991                              caam_handle_t *handle,
1992                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
1993                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
1994                              size_t size,
1995                              const uint8_t *key,
1996                              size_t keySize)
1997 {
1998     caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descBuf;
1999     status_t status;
2001     do
2002     {
2003         status = CAAM_AES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, key, keySize);
2004     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2006     if (status != 0)
2007     {
2008         return status;
2009     }
2011     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2013     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2014     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2015     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
2016 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2017     return status;
2018 }
2020 /*!
2021  * brief Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
2022  *
2023  * Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
2024  *
2025  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2026  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2027  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
2028  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text
2029  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
2030  * param key Input key.
2031  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2032  * return Status from decrypt operation
2033  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)2034 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
2035                              caam_handle_t *handle,
2036                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
2037                              uint8_t *plaintext,
2038                              size_t size,
2039                              const uint8_t *key,
2040                              size_t keySize)
2041 {
2042     caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descBuf;
2043     status_t status;
2045     do
2046     {
2047         status = CAAM_AES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, key, keySize);
2048     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2050     if (status != 0)
2051     {
2052         return status;
2053     }
2055     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2057     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2058     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2059     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
2060 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2061     return status;
2062 }
2064 /*!
2065  * brief Encrypts AES using CBC block mode.
2066  *
2067  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2068  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2069  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
2070  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text
2071  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
2072  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
2073  * param key Input key to use for encryption
2074  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2075  * return Status from encrypt operation
2076  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[16],const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)2077 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
2078                              caam_handle_t *handle,
2079                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
2080                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
2081                              size_t size,
2082                              const uint8_t iv[16],
2083                              const uint8_t *key,
2084                              size_t keySize)
2085 {
2086     caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descBuf;
2087     status_t status;
2089     do
2090     {
2091         status = CAAM_AES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key, keySize);
2092     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2094     if (status != 0)
2095     {
2096         return status;
2097     }
2099     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2101     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2102     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2103     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
2104 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2105     return status;
2106 }
2108 /*!
2109  * brief Decrypts AES using CBC block mode.
2110  *
2111  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2112  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2113  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
2114  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text
2115  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
2116  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
2117  * param key Input key to use for decryption
2118  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2119  * return Status from decrypt operation
2120  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[16],const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)2121 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
2122                              caam_handle_t *handle,
2123                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
2124                              uint8_t *plaintext,
2125                              size_t size,
2126                              const uint8_t iv[16],
2127                              const uint8_t *key,
2128                              size_t keySize)
2129 {
2130     caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descBuf;
2131     status_t status;
2133     do
2134     {
2135         status = CAAM_AES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key, keySize);
2136     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2138     if (status != 0)
2139     {
2140         return status;
2141     }
2143     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2145     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2146     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2147     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
2148 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2149     return status;
2150 }
2152 /*!
2153  * brief Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
2154  *
2155  * Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
2156  * AES CTR mode uses only forward AES cipher and same algorithm for encryption and decryption.
2157  * The only difference between encryption and decryption is that, for encryption, the input argument
2158  * is plain text and the output argument is cipher text. For decryption, the input argument is cipher text
2159  * and the output argument is plain text.
2160  *
2161  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2162  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2163  * param input Input data for CTR block mode
2164  * param[out] output Output data for CTR block mode
2165  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
2166  * param[in,out] counter Input counter (updates on return)
2167  * param key Input key to use for forward AES cipher
2168  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2169  * param[out] counterlast Output cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are
2170  * not used.
2171  * param[out] szLeft Output number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls
2172  * are not used.
2173  * return Status from encrypt operation
2174  */
CAAM_AES_CryptCtr(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * input,uint8_t * output,size_t size,uint8_t counter[16],const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t counterlast[16],size_t * szLeft)2175 status_t CAAM_AES_CryptCtr(CAAM_Type *base,
2176                            caam_handle_t *handle,
2177                            const uint8_t *input,
2178                            uint8_t *output,
2179                            size_t size,
2180                            uint8_t counter[16],
2181                            const uint8_t *key,
2182                            size_t keySize,
2183                            uint8_t counterlast[16],
2184                            size_t *szLeft)
2185 {
2186     caam_desc_aes_ctr_t descBuf;
2187     status_t status;
2189     do
2190     {
2191         status = CAAM_AES_CryptCtrNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, input, output, size, counter, key, keySize,
2192                                               counterlast, szLeft);
2193     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2195     if (status != 0)
2196     {
2197         return status;
2198     }
2200     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2202     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2203     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2204     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)output, size);
2205     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)counter, 16u);
2206     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)szLeft, sizeof(szLeft));
2207     if (counterlast != NULL)
2208     {
2209         DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)counterlast, 16u);
2210     }
2211 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2212     return status;
2213 }
2215 /*!
2216  * brief Encrypts AES and tags using CCM block mode.
2217  *
2218  * Encrypts AES and optionally tags using CCM block mode.
2219  *
2220  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2221  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2222  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
2223  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text.
2224  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication only.
2225  * param iv Nonce
2226  * param ivSize Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
2227  * param aad Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
2228  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication skipped).
2229  * param key Input key to use for encryption
2230  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2231  * param[out] tag Generated output tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
2232  * param tagSize Input size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
2233  * return Status from encrypt operation
2234  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcm(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)2235 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcm(CAAM_Type *base,
2236                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
2237                                 const uint8_t *plaintext,
2238                                 uint8_t *ciphertext,
2239                                 size_t size,
2240                                 const uint8_t *iv,
2241                                 size_t ivSize,
2242                                 const uint8_t *aad,
2243                                 size_t aadSize,
2244                                 const uint8_t *key,
2245                                 size_t keySize,
2246                                 uint8_t *tag,
2247                                 size_t tagSize)
2248 {
2249     caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descBuf;
2250     status_t status;
2252     do
2253     {
2254         status = CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcmNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, ivSize, aad,
2255                                                    aadSize, key, keySize, tag, tagSize);
2256     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2258     if (status != 0)
2259     {
2260         return status;
2261     }
2263     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2266     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2267     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2268     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
2269     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)tag, tagSize);
2270 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2271     return status;
2272 }
2274 /*!
2275  * brief Decrypts AES and authenticates using CCM block mode.
2276  *
2277  * Decrypts AES and optionally authenticates using CCM block mode.
2278  *
2279  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2280  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2281  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
2282  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text.
2283  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication data only.
2284  * param iv Nonce
2285  * param ivSize Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
2286  * param aad Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
2287  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication data skipped).
2288  * param key Input key to use for decryption
2289  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2290  * param tag Received tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
2291  * param tagSize Input size of the received tag to compare with the computed tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
2292  *                14, or 16.
2293  * return Status from decrypt operation
2294  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcm(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,const uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)2295 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcm(CAAM_Type *base,
2296                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
2297                                 const uint8_t *ciphertext,
2298                                 uint8_t *plaintext,
2299                                 size_t size,
2300                                 const uint8_t *iv,
2301                                 size_t ivSize,
2302                                 const uint8_t *aad,
2303                                 size_t aadSize,
2304                                 const uint8_t *key,
2305                                 size_t keySize,
2306                                 const uint8_t *tag,
2307                                 size_t tagSize)
2308 {
2309     caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descBuf;
2310     status_t status;
2312     do
2313     {
2314         status = CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcmNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, ivSize, aad,
2315                                                    aadSize, key, keySize, tag, tagSize);
2316     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2318     if (status != 0)
2319     {
2320         return status;
2321     }
2322     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2324     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2325     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2326     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
2327 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2328     return status;
2329 }
2331 /*!
2332  * brief Encrypts AES and tags using GCM block mode.
2333  *
2334  * Encrypts AES and optionally tags using GCM block mode. If plaintext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated and output
2335  * in the 'tag' field.
2336  *
2337  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2338  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2339  * param plaintext Input plain text to encrypt
2340  * param[out] ciphertext Output cipher text.
2341  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
2342  * param iv Input initial vector
2343  * param ivSize Size of the IV
2344  * param aad Input additional authentication data
2345  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD
2346  * param key Input key to use for encryption
2347  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2348  * param[out] tag Output hash tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
2349  * param tagSize Input size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4,8,12,13,14,15 or 16.
2350  * return Status from encrypt operation
2351  */
CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcm(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)2352 status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcm(CAAM_Type *base,
2353                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
2354                                 const uint8_t *plaintext,
2355                                 uint8_t *ciphertext,
2356                                 size_t size,
2357                                 const uint8_t *iv,
2358                                 size_t ivSize,
2359                                 const uint8_t *aad,
2360                                 size_t aadSize,
2361                                 const uint8_t *key,
2362                                 size_t keySize,
2363                                 uint8_t *tag,
2364                                 size_t tagSize)
2365 {
2366     caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descBuf;
2367     status_t status;
2369     do
2370     {
2371         status = CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcmNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, ivSize, aad,
2372                                                    aadSize, key, keySize, tag, tagSize);
2373     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2375     if (status != 0)
2376     {
2377         return status;
2378     }
2380     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2383     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2384     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2385     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
2386     if (tag != NULL)
2387     {
2388         DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)tag, tagSize);
2389     }
2390 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2391     return status;
2392 }
2394 /*!
2395  * brief Decrypts AES and authenticates using GCM block mode.
2396  *
2397  * Decrypts AES and optionally authenticates using GCM block mode. If ciphertext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated
2398  * and compared with the received GHASH in 'tag' field.
2399  *
2400  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2401  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
2402  * param ciphertext Input cipher text to decrypt
2403  * param[out] plaintext Output plain text.
2404  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
2405  * param iv Input initial vector
2406  * param ivSize Size of the IV
2407  * param aad Input additional authentication data
2408  * param aadSize Input size in bytes of AAD
2409  * param key Input key to use for encryption
2410  * param keySize Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
2411  * param tag Input hash tag to compare. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
2412  * param tagSize Input size of the tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16.
2413  * return Status from decrypt operation
2414  */
CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcm(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t * iv,size_t ivSize,const uint8_t * aad,size_t aadSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,const uint8_t * tag,size_t tagSize)2415 status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcm(CAAM_Type *base,
2416                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
2417                                 const uint8_t *ciphertext,
2418                                 uint8_t *plaintext,
2419                                 size_t size,
2420                                 const uint8_t *iv,
2421                                 size_t ivSize,
2422                                 const uint8_t *aad,
2423                                 size_t aadSize,
2424                                 const uint8_t *key,
2425                                 size_t keySize,
2426                                 const uint8_t *tag,
2427                                 size_t tagSize)
2428 {
2429     caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descBuf;
2430     status_t status;
2432     do
2433     {
2434         status = CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcmNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, ivSize, aad,
2435                                                    aadSize, key, keySize, tag, tagSize);
2436     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
2438     if (status != 0)
2439     {
2440         return status;
2441     }
2442     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
2445     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
2446     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
2447     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
2448 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
2449     return status;
2450 }
2452 /*******************************************************************************
2453  * HASH Code static
2454  ******************************************************************************/
caam_hash_check_input_alg(caam_hash_algo_t algo)2455 static status_t caam_hash_check_input_alg(caam_hash_algo_t algo)
2456 {
2457     if ((algo != kCAAM_XcbcMac) && (algo != kCAAM_Cmac) && (algo != kCAAM_Sha1) && (algo != kCAAM_Sha224) &&
2458         (algo != kCAAM_Sha256) && (algo != kCAAM_Sha384) && (algo != kCAAM_Sha512))
2459     {
2460         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
2461     }
2462     return kStatus_Success;
2463 }
caam_hash_alg_is_cmac(caam_hash_algo_t algo)2465 static inline bool caam_hash_alg_is_cmac(caam_hash_algo_t algo)
2466 {
2467     return ((algo == kCAAM_XcbcMac) || (algo == kCAAM_Cmac));
2468 }
caam_hash_alg_is_sha(caam_hash_algo_t algo)2470 static inline bool caam_hash_alg_is_sha(caam_hash_algo_t algo)
2471 {
2472     return ((algo == kCAAM_Sha1) || (algo == kCAAM_Sha224) || (algo == kCAAM_Sha256) || (algo == kCAAM_Sha384) ||
2473             (algo == kCAAM_Sha512));
2474 }
caam_hash_check_input_args(CAAM_Type * base,caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,caam_hash_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * key,uint32_t keySize)2476 static status_t caam_hash_check_input_args(
2477     CAAM_Type *base, caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx, caam_hash_algo_t algo, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
2478 {
2479     /* Check validity of input algorithm */
2480     if (kStatus_Success != caam_hash_check_input_alg(algo))
2481     {
2482         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
2483     }
2485     if ((NULL == ctx) || (NULL == base))
2486     {
2487         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
2488     }
2490     if (caam_hash_alg_is_cmac(algo))
2491     {
2492         if ((NULL == key) || (!caam_check_key_size(keySize)))
2493         {
2494             return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
2495         }
2496     }
2498     return kStatus_Success;
2499 }
caam_hash_check_context(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * data)2501 static status_t caam_hash_check_context(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal, const uint8_t *data)
2502 {
2503     if ((NULL == data) || (NULL == ctxInternal) || (NULL == ctxInternal->base) ||
2504         (kStatus_Success != caam_hash_check_input_alg(ctxInternal->algo)))
2505     {
2506         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
2507     }
2508     return kStatus_Success;
2509 }
caam_hash_algo2mode(caam_hash_algo_t algo,uint32_t algState,uint32_t * algOutSize)2511 static uint32_t caam_hash_algo2mode(caam_hash_algo_t algo, uint32_t algState, uint32_t *algOutSize)
2512 {
2513     uint32_t modeReg = 0u;
2514     uint32_t outSize = 0u;
2516     /* Set CAAM algorithm */
2517     switch (algo)
2518     {
2519         case kCAAM_XcbcMac:
2520             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmAES | (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeXCBCMAC;
2521             outSize = 16u;
2522             break;
2523         case kCAAM_Cmac:
2524             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmAES | (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCMAC;
2525             outSize = 16u;
2526             break;
2527         case kCAAM_Sha1:
2528             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA1;
2529             outSize = (uint32_t)kCAAM_OutLenSha1;
2530             break;
2531         case kCAAM_Sha224:
2532             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA224;
2533             outSize = (uint32_t)kCAAM_OutLenSha224;
2534             break;
2535         case kCAAM_Sha256:
2536             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA256;
2537             outSize = (uint32_t)kCAAM_OutLenSha256;
2538             break;
2539         case kCAAM_Sha384:
2540             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA384;
2541             outSize = (uint32_t)kCAAM_OutLenSha384;
2542             break;
2543         case kCAAM_Sha512:
2544             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmSHA512;
2545             outSize = (uint32_t)kCAAM_OutLenSha512;
2546             break;
2547         default:
2548             /* All the cases have been listed above, the default clause should not be reached. */
2549             break;
2550     }
2552     modeReg |= algState;
2553     if (algOutSize != NULL)
2554     {
2555         *algOutSize = outSize;
2556     }
2558     return modeReg;
2559 }
caam_hash_algo2ctx_size(caam_hash_algo_t algo,uint32_t how)2561 static uint32_t caam_hash_algo2ctx_size(caam_hash_algo_t algo, uint32_t how)
2562 {
2563     uint32_t ctxSize = 0u;
2565     /* Size of context in bytes for context switching */
2566     switch (algo)
2567     {
2568         case kCAAM_XcbcMac:
2569             if (how == 0U)
2570             {
2571                 ctxSize = 48u; /* add K3 and K2 */
2572             }
2573             else
2574             {
2575                 ctxSize = 16u; /* only running or final MAC during UPDATE or FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE */
2576             }
2577             break;
2578         case kCAAM_Cmac:
2579             if (how == 0U)
2580             {
2581                 ctxSize = 32u; /* add L */
2582             }
2583             else
2584             {
2585                 ctxSize = 16u; /* only running or final MAC during UPDATE or FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE */
2586             }
2587             break;
2588         /* MDHA use of the Context Register
2589         The Context Register stores the current digest and running message length. The running
2590         message length will be 8 bytes immediately following the active digest. The digest size is
2591         defined as follows:
2592         MD5: 16 bytes
2593         SHA-1: 20 bytes
2594         SHA-224: 28 bytes final digest; 32 bytes running digest
2595         SHA-256: 32 bytes
2596         SHA-384: 48 bytes final digest; 64 bytes running digest
2597         SHA-512: 64 bytes */
2598         case kCAAM_Sha1:
2599             ctxSize = 28u; /* 8 + 20 */
2600             break;
2601         case kCAAM_Sha224:
2602         case kCAAM_Sha256:
2603             ctxSize = 40u; /* 8 + 32 */
2604             break;
2605         case kCAAM_Sha384:
2606         case kCAAM_Sha512:
2607             ctxSize = 72u; /* 8 + 64 */
2608             break;
2609         default:
2610             /* All the cases have been listed above, the default clause should not be reached. */
2611             break;
2612     }
2613     return ctxSize;
2614 }
2616 static const uint32_t templateHash[] = {
2617     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
2618     /* 01 */ 0x00000000u, /* KEY */
2619     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: key address */
2620     /* 03 */ 0x10200000u, /* LOAD bytes to Class Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
2621     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: context address */
2623     /* 05 */ 0x80000000u, /* OPERATION (place either AES MAC or MDHA SHA) */
2624     /* 06 */ 0x21570000u, /* FIFO LOAD Class Message via SGT and EXT length */
2625     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: SGT address */
2626     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: FIFO LOAD EXT Length size */
2627     /* 09 */ 0x50200000u, /* STORE bytes from Class Context Register offset 0 bytes. */
2628     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: context address */
2630     /* 11 */ 0x60240000u, /* FIFO STORE from KEY to memory. */
2631     /* 12 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: derived key address ECB encrypted */
2632     /* 13 */ 0xA0C00000u, /* halt always with status 0 */
2634     /* 14 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 0 word 0 */
2635     /* 15 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 0 word 1 */
2636     /* 16 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 0 word 2 */
2637     /* 17 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 0 word 3 */
2639     /* 18 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 1 word 0 */
2640     /* 19 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 1 word 1 */
2641     /* 20 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 1 word 2 */
2642     /* 21 */ 0x00000000u, /* SGT entry 1 word 3 */
2643 };
2645 /*!
2646  * @brief Add data chunk to SGT table. Append after uncomplete block in ctxInternal if there is any.
2647  *
2648  * @param ctxInternal uncomplete block in the hash context - to be inserted before new data chunk
2649  * @param input new data chunk to insert
2650  * @param inputSize size in bytes of new data chunk to insert
2651  * @param numRemain number of bytes that remain in the last uncomplete block
2652  * @param algState in FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE we add also last uncomplete block bytes
2653  * @param sgt address of the SGT
2654  * @param last last call to this function adds Final Bit
2655  */
caam_hash_sgt_insert(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,size_t * numRemain,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_sgt_entry_t * sgt,caam_hash_sgt_entry_type_t last)2656 static uint32_t caam_hash_sgt_insert(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal,
2657                                      const uint8_t *input,
2658                                      size_t inputSize,
2659                                      size_t *numRemain,
2660                                      caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
2661                                      caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt,
2662                                      caam_hash_sgt_entry_type_t last)
2663 {
2664     /* configure SGT
2665      * *64 bytes multiple in kCAAM_HashInit or kCAAM_HashUpdate
2666      * *arbitrary amount of data in kCAAM_HashInitFinal or kCAAM_HashFinal
2667      * min 1 and max 2 SGT entries
2668      * 1) if there is any data in the context buffer, use it as one entry
2669      * 2) input as one entry
2670      */
2671     uint32_t numBlocks;
2672     uint32_t remain;
2673     uint32_t num;
2674     uint32_t currSgtEntry;
2676     uint32_t ctxBlksz   = (ctxInternal != NULL) ? ctxInternal->blksz : 0U;
2677     uint32_t ctxBlkAddr = (ctxInternal != NULL) ? (uint32_t)&ctxInternal->blk.b[0] : 0U;
2679     currSgtEntry = 0;
2680     numBlocks    = (inputSize + ctxBlksz) / CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
2681     remain       = (inputSize + ctxBlksz) % CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
2683     /* number of bytes for processing
2684      * only full block multiple in INITIALIZE or UPDATE
2685      * any size in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE or FINALIZE
2686      */
2687     num = (CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE * numBlocks);
2688     if ((algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal) || (algState == kCAAM_AlgStateFinal))
2689     {
2690         num += remain; /* add also uncomplete bytes from last block in one of FINALIZE states */
2691         remain = 0;
2692     }
2693     if (numRemain != NULL)
2694     {
2695         *numRemain = remain;
2696     }
2698     if ((ctxBlksz != 0U) || (0U == ctxBlksz + inputSize))
2699     {
2700         sgt[currSgtEntry].address_l = ADD_OFFSET(ctxBlkAddr);
2701         sgt[currSgtEntry].length    = ctxBlksz;
2702         if ((kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast == last) && (0U == inputSize))
2703         {
2704             sgt[currSgtEntry].length |= 0x40000000u; /* Final SG entry */
2705         }
2706         currSgtEntry++;
2707     }
2709     if (inputSize != 0U)
2710     {
2711         /* number of bytes for processing
2712          * only full block multiple in INITIALIZE or UPDATE
2713          * any size in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE or FINALIZE
2714          */
2715         sgt[currSgtEntry].address_l = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)input);
2716         sgt[currSgtEntry].length    = inputSize - remain;
2717         if (kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast == last)
2718         {
2719             sgt[currSgtEntry].length |= 0x40000000u; /* Final SG entry */
2720             sgt[currSgtEntry].offset = 0x80000000u;
2721         }
2722     }
2723     return num; /* no of bytes processed in total by these 1 or 2 SGT entries */
2724 }
2726 /*!
2727  * @brief Create job descriptor for the HASH request and schedule at CAAM job ring
2728  *
2729  *
2730  */
caam_hash_schedule_input_data(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_hash_algo_t algo,caam_sgt_entry_t * sgt,uint32_t dataSize,caam_hash_sgt_type_t sgtType,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,size_t * outputSize,void * output,void * context,uint32_t keyAddr,uint32_t keySize)2731 static status_t caam_hash_schedule_input_data(CAAM_Type *base,
2732                                               caam_handle_t *handle,
2733                                               caam_hash_algo_t algo,
2734                                               caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt,
2735                                               uint32_t dataSize,
2736                                               caam_hash_sgt_type_t sgtType,
2737                                               caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
2738                                               caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
2739                                               size_t *outputSize,
2740                                               void *output,
2741                                               void *context,
2742                                               uint32_t keyAddr,
2743                                               uint32_t keySize)
2744 {
2745     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateHash) <= sizeof(caam_desc_hash_t), caam_desc_hash_t_size);
2746     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateHash);
2747     uint32_t algOutSize     = 0;
2749     bool isSha = caam_hash_alg_is_sha(algo); /* MDHA engine */
2750                                              /* how many bytes to read from context register
2751                                               * we need caam_hash_algo2ctx_size() to return
2752                                               * full context size (to be used for context restore in descriptor[3])
2753                                               */
2754     uint32_t caamCtxSz = caam_hash_algo2ctx_size(algo, 0 /* full context */);
2756     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateHash, sizeof(templateHash));
2758     /* MDHA is always Class 2 CHA, AESA configured at build time as Class 1 CHA */
2759     uint32_t hashClass = isSha ? 0x04000000u : CAAM_AES_MAC_CLASS;
2761     /* add class to all commands that need it */
2762     descriptor[1] |= hashClass;
2763     descriptor[3] |= hashClass;
2764     descriptor[5] |= hashClass;
2765     descriptor[6] |= hashClass;
2766     descriptor[9] |= hashClass;
2767     descriptor[11] |= hashClass;
2769     /* add descriptor size */
2770     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
2772     /* kCAAM_AlgStateInit or kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal needs to skip context load as there is no context */
2773     if ((algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInit) || (algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal))
2774     {
2775         if (isSha)
2776         {
2777             /* HEADER can jump directly to MDHA operation */
2778             descriptor[0] |= 0x00050000U; /* JUMP to descriptor[5] */
2779         }
2780         else
2781         {
2782             /* load KEY, then directly to AESA MAC operation */
2783             descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
2784             descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET(keyAddr);
2785             descriptor[3] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* JUMP to descriptor[5] */
2786         }
2787     }
2788     else
2789     {
2790         if (isSha)
2791         {
2792             /* MDHA SHA in Update state skips loading the KEY, as MDHA SHA has no configurable key
2793              * HEADER can jump directly to context restore
2794              */
2795             descriptor[0] |= 0x00030000U;      /* JUMP to descriptor[3] */
2796             /* descriptor[1] = 0xA0000002u; */ /* JUMP to descriptor[3] */
2797         }
2798         else
2799         {
2800             /* load KEY */
2801             descriptor[1] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
2802             descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET(keyAddr);
2804             /* XCBC-MAC K1 derived key has been ECB encrypted (black key)
2805              * so it needs decrypt
2806              */
2807             if (kCAAM_XcbcMac == algo)
2808             {
2809                 descriptor[1] |= (uint32_t)1u << 22; /* ENC */
2810             }
2811         }
2813         /* context restore */
2814         descriptor[3] |= caamCtxSz;
2815         descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)context);
2816     }
2818     /* OPERATION:
2819      * alg MDHA or AESA
2820      * mode INITIALIZE or UPDATE or FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE in algState argument
2821      */
2823     /* ALGORITHM OPERATION | CLASS | alg | aai | algState */
2824     descriptor[5] |= caam_hash_algo2mode(algo, (uint32_t)algState << 2, &algOutSize);
2826     /* configure SGT */
2827     descriptor[8] = dataSize;
2828     if (kCAAM_HashSgtInternal == sgtType)
2829     {
2830         descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET(
2831             (uint32_t)&descriptor[(uint32_t)kCAAM_HashDescriptorSgtIdx]); /* use SGT embedded in the job descriptor */
2832         (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[(uint32_t)kCAAM_HashDescriptorSgtIdx], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)sgt,
2833                           sizeof(caam_hash_internal_sgt_t));
2834     }
2835     else
2836     {
2837         descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)sgt);
2838     }
2840     /* save context: context switch init or running or result */
2841     if ((kCAAM_AlgStateFinal == algState) || (kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal == algState))
2842     {
2843         if (outputSize != NULL)
2844         {
2845             *outputSize = algOutSize;
2846         }
2847         caamCtxSz = algOutSize;
2848     }
2849     else
2850     {
2851         uint32_t how = (algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInit) ? 0U : 1U; /* context switch needs full, then running */
2852         caamCtxSz    = caam_hash_algo2ctx_size(algo, how);
2853     }
2854     descriptor[9] |= caamCtxSz;
2855     if ((kCAAM_AlgStateFinal == algState) || (kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal == algState))
2856     {
2857         /* final result write to output */
2858         descriptor[10] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)output);
2859     }
2860     else
2861     {
2862         /* context switch write to ctxInternal */
2863         descriptor[10] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)context);
2864     }
2866     /* save the derived key K1 in XCBC-MAC. only if context switch. */
2867     if ((kCAAM_AlgStateInit == algState) && (kCAAM_XcbcMac == algo))
2868     {
2869         descriptor[11] |= (keySize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
2870         descriptor[12] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)&keyAddr);
2871     }
2872     else
2873     {
2874         descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET(descriptor[13]); /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
2875     }
2877     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
2878 }
2880 /*!
2881  * @brief Add uncomplete block (ctxInternal), then append new data (to current hash).
2882  *
2883  *
2884  */
caam_hash_append_data(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,size_t * numRemain,void * output,size_t * outputSize)2885 static status_t caam_hash_append_data(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal,
2886                                       const uint8_t *input,
2887                                       size_t inputSize,
2888                                       caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
2889                                       caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
2890                                       size_t *numRemain,
2891                                       void *output,
2892                                       size_t *outputSize)
2893 {
2894     caam_hash_internal_sgt_t sgt;
2895     (void)memset(&sgt, 0, sizeof(sgt));
2896     size_t num = caam_hash_sgt_insert(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, numRemain, algState, sgt, kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast);
2897     return caam_hash_schedule_input_data(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, ctxInternal->algo, sgt, num,
2898                                          kCAAM_HashSgtInternal, algState, descriptor, outputSize, output,
2899                                          &ctxInternal->word[0], (uint32_t)&ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx],
2900                                          ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize]);
2901 }
2903 /*******************************************************************************
2904  * HASH Code public
2905  ******************************************************************************/
2907 /*!
2908  * brief Initialize HASH context
2909  *
2910  * This function initializes the HASH.
2911  * Key shall be supplied if the underlaying algoritm is AES XCBC-MAC or CMAC.
2912  * Key shall be NULL if the underlaying algoritm is SHA.
2913  *
2914  * For XCBC-MAC, the key length must be 16. For CMAC, the key length can be
2915  * the AES key lengths supported by AES engine. For MDHA the key length argument
2916  * is ignored.
2917  *
2918  * This functions is used to initialize the context for both blocking and non-blocking
2919  * CAAM_HASH API.
2920  * For blocking CAAM HASH API, the HASH context contains all information required for context switch,
2921  * such as running hash or MAC. For non-blocking CAAM HASH API, the HASH context is used
2922  * to hold SGT. Therefore, the HASH context cannot be shared between blocking and non-blocking HASH API.
2923  * With one HASH context, either use only blocking HASH API or only non-blocking HASH API.
2924  *
2925  *
2926  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
2927  * param handle Handle used for this request.
2928  * param[out] ctx Output hash context
2929  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for hash computation.
2930  * param key Input key (NULL if underlaying algorithm is SHA)
2931  * param keySize Size of input key in bytes
2932  * return Status of initialization
2933  */
CAAM_HASH_Init(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,caam_hash_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize)2934 status_t CAAM_HASH_Init(CAAM_Type *base,
2935                         caam_handle_t *handle,
2936                         caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx,
2937                         caam_hash_algo_t algo,
2938                         const uint8_t *key,
2939                         size_t keySize)
2940 {
2941     status_t ret;
2942     caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
2943     uint32_t i;
2945     ret = caam_hash_check_input_args(base, ctx, algo, key, keySize);
2946     if (ret != kStatus_Success)
2947     {
2948         return ret;
2949     }
2951     /* set algorithm in context struct for later use */
2952     ctxInternal       = (caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
2953     ctxInternal->algo = algo;
2954     for (i = 0U; i < (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords; i++)
2955     {
2956         ctxInternal->word[i] = 0u;
2957     }
2959     /* Steps required only using AES engine */
2960     if (caam_hash_alg_is_cmac(algo))
2961     {
2962         /* store input key and key length in context struct for later use */
2963         ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize] = keySize;
2964         (void)caam_memcpy(&ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, keySize);
2965     }
2967     ctxInternal->blksz = 0u;
2968     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctxInternal->blk.w); i++)
2969     {
2970         ctxInternal->blk.w[i] = 0u;
2971     }
2972     ctxInternal->fsm_state = kCAAM_HashInit;
2973     ctxInternal->base      = base;
2974     ctxInternal->handle    = handle;
2976     return kStatus_Success;
2977 }
2979 /*!
2980  * brief Add data to current HASH
2981  *
2982  * Add data to current HASH. This can be called repeatedly with an arbitrary amount of data to be
2983  * hashed. The functions blocks. If it returns kStatus_Success, the running hash or mac
2984  * has been updated (CAAM has processed the input data), so the memory at input pointer
2985  * can be released back to system. The context is updated with the running hash or mac
2986  * and with all necessary information to support possible context switch.
2987  *
2988  * param[in,out] ctx HASH context
2989  * param input Input data
2990  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
2991  * return Status of the hash update operation
2992  */
CAAM_HASH_Update(caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize)2993 status_t CAAM_HASH_Update(caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx, const uint8_t *input, size_t inputSize)
2994 {
2995     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
2996     status_t status;
2997     caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
2998     bool isUpdateState;
2999     size_t numRemain = 0;
3001     /* compile time check for the correct structure size */
3002     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(caam_hash_ctx_internal_t) <= sizeof(caam_hash_ctx_t), caam_hash_ctx_internal_t_size);
3004     if (0U == inputSize)
3005     {
3006         return kStatus_Success;
3007     }
3009     /* we do caam_memcpy() input stream, up to buffer size
3010      * of 64 bytes. then if I have more I have to
3011      * 1) load Class 2 context
3012      * 2) schedule CAAM job with INITIALIZE or UPDATE mode (simple if only 64 bytes block is processed. SG table for 2
3013      * and more)
3014      * 3) in step 2 process all full 64 bytes blocks
3015      * 4) copy last not-full buffer size data to buffer.
3016      * 5) save Class 2 context
3017      */
3018     ctxInternal = (caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3019     status      = caam_hash_check_context(ctxInternal, input);
3020     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3021     {
3022         return status;
3023     }
3025     /* if we are still less than 64 bytes, keep only in context */
3026     if ((ctxInternal->blksz + inputSize) <= CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
3027     {
3028         (void)caam_memcpy((&ctxInternal->blk.b[0]) + ctxInternal->blksz, input, inputSize);
3029         ctxInternal->blksz += inputSize;
3030         return status;
3031     }
3032     else
3033     {
3034         isUpdateState = ctxInternal->fsm_state == kCAAM_HashUpdate;
3035         if (!isUpdateState)
3036         {
3037             /* Step 2: schedule CAAM job in INITIALIZE mode.
3038              */
3039             ctxInternal->fsm_state = kCAAM_HashUpdate;
3040             /* skip load context as there is no running context yet. */
3041             status = caam_hash_append_data(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, kCAAM_AlgStateInit, descBuf, &numRemain, NULL,
3042                                            NULL);
3043         }
3044     }
3046     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3047     {
3048         return status;
3049     }
3051     if (isUpdateState)
3052     {
3053         /* Step 2: schedule CAAM job in UPDATE mode.
3054          */
3056         /* process input data and save CAAM context to context structure */
3057         status =
3058             caam_hash_append_data(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, kCAAM_AlgStateUpdate, descBuf, &numRemain, NULL, NULL);
3059         if (status != kStatus_Success)
3060         {
3061             return status;
3062         }
3063     }
3065     /* blocking wait */
3066     status = CAAM_Wait(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3067     if (status != kStatus_Success)
3068     {
3069         return status;
3070     }
3073     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3074     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3075     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)&ctxInternal->word[0u], (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords * sizeof(uint32_t));
3076 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3078     /* after job is complete, copy numRemain bytes at the end of the input[] to the context */
3079     (void)caam_memcpy((&ctxInternal->blk.b[0]), input + inputSize - numRemain, numRemain);
3080     ctxInternal->blksz = numRemain;
3082     return status;
3083 }
3085 /*!
3086  * brief Add input address and size to input data table
3087  *
3088  * Add data input pointer to a table maintained internally in the context.
3089  * Each call of this function creates one entry in the table.
3090  * The entry consists of the input pointer and inputSize.
3091  * All entries created by one or multiple calls of this function can be processed
3092  * in one call to CAAM_HASH_FinishNonBlocking() function.
3093  * Individual entries can point to non-continuous data in the memory.
3094  * The processing will occur in the order in which the CAAM_HASH_UpdateNonBlocking()
3095  * have been called.
3096  *
3097  * Memory pointers will be later accessed by CAAM (at time of CAAM_HASH_FinishNonBlocking()),
3098  * so the memory must stay valid
3099  * until CAAM_HASH_FinishNonBlocking() has been called and CAAM completes the processing.
3100  *
3101  * param[in,out] ctx HASH context
3102  * param input Input data
3103  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
3104  * return Status of the hash update operation
3105  */
CAAM_HASH_UpdateNonBlocking(caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize)3106 status_t CAAM_HASH_UpdateNonBlocking(caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx, const uint8_t *input, size_t inputSize)
3107 {
3108     status_t status;
3110     caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3112     if (0U == inputSize)
3113     {
3114         return kStatus_Success;
3115     }
3117     /* runtime input validity check */
3118     ctxInternal = (caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3119     status      = caam_hash_check_context(ctxInternal, input);
3120     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3121     {
3122         return status;
3123     }
3125     /* Add input data chunk to SGT */
3126     uint32_t currSgtEntry = ctxInternal->blksz;
3127     if (currSgtEntry >= (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashSgtMaxCtxEntries)
3128     {
3129         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3130     }
3132     caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt = &((caam_sgt_entry_t *)(uint32_t)ctxInternal)[currSgtEntry];
3133     (void)caam_hash_sgt_insert(NULL, input, inputSize, NULL, kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal, sgt,
3134                                kCAAM_HashSgtEntryNotLast /* not last. we don't know if this is the last chunk */);
3135     if (inputSize != 0U)
3136     {
3137         ctxInternal->blksz++;
3138     }
3140     return status;
3141 }
3143 /*!
3144  * brief Finalize hashing
3145  *
3146  * Outputs the final hash (computed by CAAM_HASH_Update()) and erases the context.
3147  *
3148  * param[in,out] ctx Input hash context
3149  * param[out] output Output hash data
3150  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
3151  * return Status of the hash finish operation
3152  */
CAAM_HASH_Finish(caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3153 status_t CAAM_HASH_Finish(caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *output, size_t *outputSize)
3154 {
3155     status_t status;
3156     caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3157     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
3158     caam_algorithm_state_t algState;
3159     size_t outputSizeTmp;
3161     /* runtime input validity check */
3162     ctxInternal = (caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3163     status      = caam_hash_check_context(ctxInternal, output);
3164     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3165     {
3166         return status;
3167     }
3169     /* determine algorithm state to configure
3170      * based on prior processing.
3171      * If at least one full block has been processed during HASH_Update() then the state in ctxInternal
3172      * will be set to kCAAM_HashUpdate and so we will configure FINALIZE algorithm state.
3173      * Otherwise there is data only in the ctxInternal that we can process in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE.
3174      */
3175     if (ctxInternal->fsm_state == kCAAM_HashInit)
3176     {
3177         algState = kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal;
3178     }
3179     else
3180     {
3181         algState = kCAAM_AlgStateFinal;
3182     }
3184     status = caam_hash_append_data(
3185         ctxInternal, NULL, 0, /* we process only blksz bytes in ctxInternal, so giving NULL and zero size here */
3186         algState, descBuf, NULL, output, &outputSizeTmp);
3187     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3188     {
3189         return status;
3190     }
3192     /* blocking wait */
3193     status = CAAM_Wait(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3196     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3197     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3198     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)output, outputSizeTmp);
3199 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3201     if (outputSize != NULL)
3202     {
3203         *outputSize = outputSizeTmp;
3204     }
3206     (void)memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(caam_hash_ctx_t));
3207     return status;
3208 }
3210 /*!
3211  * brief Finalize hashing
3212  *
3213  * The actual algorithm is computed with all input data, the memory pointers
3214  * are accessed by CAAM after the function returns.
3215  * The input data chunks have been specified by prior calls to CAAM_HASH_UpdateNonBlocking().
3216  * The function schedules the request at CAAM, then returns.
3217  * After a while, when the CAAM completes processing of the input data chunks,
3218  * the result is written to the output[] array, outputSize is written and the context
3219  * is cleared.
3220  *
3221  * param[in,out] ctx Input hash context
3222  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
3223  * param[out] output Output hash data
3224  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
3225  * return Status of the hash finish operation
3226  */
CAAM_HASH_FinishNonBlocking(caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3227 status_t CAAM_HASH_FinishNonBlocking(caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx,
3228                                      caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
3229                                      uint8_t *output,
3230                                      size_t *outputSize)
3231 {
3232     status_t status;
3233     caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3235     /* runtime input validity check */
3236     ctxInternal = (caam_hash_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3237     status      = caam_hash_check_context(ctxInternal, output);
3238     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3239     {
3240         return status;
3241     }
3243     uint32_t currSgtEntry = ctxInternal->blksz;
3244     if (currSgtEntry > (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashSgtMaxCtxEntries)
3245     {
3246         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3247     }
3249     caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt = &((caam_sgt_entry_t *)(uint32_t)ctxInternal)[0];
3251     /* mark currSgtEntry with Final Bit */
3252     uint32_t i;
3253     uint32_t totalLength = 0;
3254     for (i = 0; i < currSgtEntry; i++)
3255     {
3256         totalLength += sgt[i].length;
3257     }
3258     sgt[currSgtEntry].length |= 0x40000000u; /* Final SG entry */
3260     status = caam_hash_schedule_input_data(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, ctxInternal->algo, sgt, totalLength,
3261                                            kCAAM_HashSgtExternal, kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal, descriptor, outputSize,
3262                                            output, NULL, (uint32_t)&ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx],
3263                                            ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize]);
3264     return status;
3265 }
3267 /*!
3268  * brief Create HASH on given data
3269  *
3270  * Perform the full keyed XCBC-MAC/CMAC or SHA in one function call.
3271  *
3272  * Key shall be supplied if the underlaying algoritm is AES XCBC-MAC or CMAC.
3273  * Key shall be NULL if the underlaying algoritm is SHA.
3274  *
3275  * For XCBC-MAC, the key length must be 16. For CMAC, the key length can be
3276  * the AES key lengths supported by AES engine. For MDHA the key length argument
3277  * is ignored.
3278  *
3279  * The function is blocking.
3280  *
3281  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
3282  * param handle Handle used for this request.
3283  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for hash computation.
3284  * param input Input data
3285  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
3286  * param key Input key (NULL if underlaying algorithm is SHA)
3287  * param keySize Size of input key in bytes
3288  * param[out] output Output hash data
3289  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
3290  * return Status of the one call hash operation.
3291  */
CAAM_HASH(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_hash_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3292 status_t CAAM_HASH(CAAM_Type *base,
3293                    caam_handle_t *handle,
3294                    caam_hash_algo_t algo,
3295                    const uint8_t *input,
3296                    size_t inputSize,
3297                    const uint8_t *key,
3298                    size_t keySize,
3299                    uint8_t *output,
3300                    size_t *outputSize)
3301 {
3302     status_t status;
3303     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
3305     status = CAAM_HASH_NonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, algo, input, inputSize, key, keySize, output, outputSize);
3306     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3307     {
3308         return status;
3309     }
3311     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3313     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3314     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3315     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)output, *outputSize);
3316 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3317     return status;
3318 }
3320 /*!
3321  * brief Create HASH on given data
3322  *
3323  * Perform the full keyed XCBC-MAC/CMAC or SHA in one function call.
3324  *
3325  * Key shall be supplied if the underlaying algoritm is AES XCBC-MAC or CMAC.
3326  * Key shall be NULL if the underlaying algoritm is SHA.
3327  *
3328  * For XCBC-MAC, the key length must be 16. For CMAC, the key length can be
3329  * the AES key lengths supported by AES engine. For MDHA the key length argument
3330  * is ignored.
3331  *
3332  * The function is non-blocking. The request is scheduled at CAAM.
3333  *
3334  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
3335  * param handle Handle used for this request.
3336  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
3337  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for hash computation.
3338  * param input Input data
3339  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
3340  * param key Input key (NULL if underlaying algorithm is SHA)
3341  * param keySize Size of input key in bytes
3342  * param[out] output Output hash data
3343  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
3344  * return Status of the one call hash operation.
3345  */
CAAM_HASH_NonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,caam_hash_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,const uint8_t * key,size_t keySize,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3346 status_t CAAM_HASH_NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
3347                                caam_handle_t *handle,
3348                                caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
3349                                caam_hash_algo_t algo,
3350                                const uint8_t *input,
3351                                size_t inputSize,
3352                                const uint8_t *key,
3353                                size_t keySize,
3354                                uint8_t *output,
3355                                size_t *outputSize)
3356 {
3357     status_t status;
3358     caam_algorithm_state_t algState;
3359     caam_hash_internal_sgt_t sgt;
3361     (void)memset(&sgt, 0, sizeof(sgt));
3363     algState     = kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal;
3364     uint32_t num = caam_hash_sgt_insert(NULL,             /* no ctxInternal data to pre-pend before input data chunk */
3365                                         input, inputSize, /* data and size in bytes */
3366                                         NULL, /* all data is processed during kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal, nothing remain */
3367                                         algState, sgt, kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast); /* sgt table, entry 0 word 0 */
3369     /* schedule the request at CAAM */
3370     status = caam_hash_schedule_input_data(base, handle, algo, sgt, num, kCAAM_HashSgtInternal, algState, descriptor,
3371                                            outputSize, output, NULL, (uint32_t)key, keySize);
3372     return status;
3373 }
3374 /*******************************************************************************
3375  * CRC Code static
3376  ******************************************************************************/
caam_crc_check_input_alg(caam_crc_algo_t algo)3377 static status_t caam_crc_check_input_alg(caam_crc_algo_t algo)
3378 {
3379     if ((algo != kCAAM_CrcIEEE) && (algo != kCAAM_CrciSCSI) && (algo != kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY))
3380     {
3381         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3382     }
3383     return kStatus_Success;
3384 }
caam_crc_alg_is_customcrc(caam_crc_algo_t algo)3386 static inline bool caam_crc_alg_is_customcrc(caam_crc_algo_t algo)
3387 {
3388     return (algo == kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY);
3389 }
caam_crc_check_input_args(CAAM_Type * base,caam_hash_ctx_t * ctx,caam_crc_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * polynomial,size_t polynomialSize)3391 static status_t caam_crc_check_input_args(
3392     CAAM_Type *base, caam_hash_ctx_t *ctx, caam_crc_algo_t algo, const uint8_t *polynomial, size_t polynomialSize)
3393 {
3394     /* Check validity of input algorithm */
3395     if (kStatus_Success != caam_crc_check_input_alg(algo))
3396     {
3397         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3398     }
3400     if ((NULL == ctx) || (NULL == base))
3401     {
3402         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3403     }
3405     if (caam_crc_alg_is_customcrc(algo))
3406     {
3407         if ((NULL == polynomial) && ((polynomialSize > 4u) || (polynomialSize < 1u)))
3408         {
3409             return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3410         }
3411     }
3413     return kStatus_Success;
3414 }
caam_crc_check_context(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * data)3416 static status_t caam_crc_check_context(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal, const uint8_t *data)
3417 {
3418     if ((NULL == data) || (NULL == ctxInternal) || (NULL == ctxInternal->base) ||
3419         (kStatus_Success != caam_crc_check_input_alg(ctxInternal->algo)))
3420     {
3421         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
3422     }
3423     return kStatus_Success;
3424 }
caam_crc_algo2mode(caam_crc_algo_t algo,uint32_t crcMode,uint32_t algState)3426 static uint32_t caam_crc_algo2mode(caam_crc_algo_t algo, uint32_t crcMode, uint32_t algState)
3427 {
3428     uint32_t modeReg = 0u;
3430     /* Set CAAM algorithm */
3431     switch (algo)
3432     {
3433         case kCAAM_CrcIEEE:
3434             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmCRC | (uint32_t)kCAAM_CRC_ModeIEEE802;
3435             break;
3436         case kCAAM_CrciSCSI:
3437             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmCRC | (uint32_t)kCAAM_CRC_ModeIETF3385;
3438             break;
3439         case kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY:
3440             modeReg = (uint32_t)kCAAM_AlgorithmCRC | crcMode | (uint32_t)kCAAM_CRC_ModeCUSTPOLY;
3441             break;
3442         default:
3443             /* All the cases have been listed above, the default clause should not be reached. */
3444             break;
3445     }
3447     modeReg |= algState;
3449     return modeReg;
3450 }
3452 /*!
3453  * @brief Add data chunk to SGT table. Append after uncomplete block in ctxInternal if there is any.
3454  *
3455  * @param ctxInternal uncomplete block in the crc context - to be inserted before new data chunk
3456  * @param input new data chunk to insert
3457  * @param inputSize size in bytes of new data chunk to insert
3458  * @param numRemain number of bytes that remain in the last uncomplete block
3459  * @param algState in FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE we add also last uncomplete block bytes
3460  * @param sgt address of the SGT
3461  * @param last last call to this function adds Final Bit
3462  */
caam_crc_sgt_insert(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,size_t * numRemain,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_sgt_entry_t * sgt,caam_hash_sgt_entry_type_t last)3463 static uint32_t caam_crc_sgt_insert(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal,
3464                                     const uint8_t *input,
3465                                     size_t inputSize,
3466                                     size_t *numRemain,
3467                                     caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
3468                                     caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt,
3469                                     caam_hash_sgt_entry_type_t last)
3470 {
3471     /* configure SGT
3472      * *64 bytes multiple in kCAAM_HashInit or kCAAM_HashUpdate
3473      * *arbitrary amount of data in kCAAM_HashInitFinal or kCAAM_HashFinal
3474      * min 1 and max 2 SGT entries
3475      * 1) if there is any data in the context buffer, use it as one entry
3476      * 2) input as one entry
3477      */
3478     uint32_t numBlocks;
3479     uint32_t remain;
3480     uint32_t num;
3481     uint32_t currSgtEntry;
3483     uint32_t ctxBlksz   = (ctxInternal != NULL) ? ctxInternal->blksz : 0U;
3484     uint32_t ctxBlkAddr = (ctxInternal != NULL) ? (uint32_t)&ctxInternal->blk.b[0] : 0U;
3486     currSgtEntry = 0;
3487     numBlocks    = (inputSize + ctxBlksz) / CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
3488     remain       = (inputSize + ctxBlksz) % CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
3490     /* number of bytes for processing
3491      * only full block multiple in INITIALIZE or UPDATE
3492      * any size in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE or FINALIZE
3493      */
3494     num = (CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE * numBlocks);
3495     if ((algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal) || (algState == kCAAM_AlgStateFinal))
3496     {
3497         num += remain; /* add also uncomplete bytes from last block in one of FINALIZE states */
3498         remain = 0;
3499     }
3500     if (numRemain != NULL)
3501     {
3502         *numRemain = remain;
3503     }
3505     if ((ctxBlksz != 0U) || (0U == ctxBlksz + inputSize))
3506     {
3507         sgt[currSgtEntry].address_l = ADD_OFFSET(ctxBlkAddr);
3508         sgt[currSgtEntry].length    = ctxBlksz;
3509         if ((kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast == last) && (0U == inputSize))
3510         {
3511             sgt[currSgtEntry].length |= 0x40000000u; /* Final SG entry */
3512         }
3513         currSgtEntry++;
3514     }
3516     if (inputSize != 0U)
3517     {
3518         /* number of bytes for processing
3519          * only full block multiple in INITIALIZE or UPDATE
3520          * any size in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE or FINALIZE
3521          */
3522         sgt[currSgtEntry].address_l = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)input);
3523         sgt[currSgtEntry].length    = inputSize - remain;
3524         if (kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast == last)
3525         {
3526             sgt[currSgtEntry].length |= 0x40000000u; /* Final SG entry */
3527             sgt[currSgtEntry].offset = 0x80000000u;
3528         }
3529     }
3530     return num; /* no of bytes processed in total by these 1 or 2 SGT entries */
3531 }
3533 /*!
3534  * @brief Create job descriptor for the CRC request and schedule at CAAM job ring
3535  *
3536  *
3537  */
caam_crc_schedule_input_data(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_crc_algo_t algo,caam_aai_crc_alg_t crcMode,caam_sgt_entry_t * sgt,uint32_t dataSize,caam_hash_sgt_type_t sgtType,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,size_t * outputSize,void * output,void * context,uint32_t polynomialAddr,uint32_t polynomialSize)3538 static status_t caam_crc_schedule_input_data(CAAM_Type *base,
3539                                              caam_handle_t *handle,
3540                                              caam_crc_algo_t algo,
3541                                              caam_aai_crc_alg_t crcMode,
3542                                              caam_sgt_entry_t *sgt,
3543                                              uint32_t dataSize,
3544                                              caam_hash_sgt_type_t sgtType,
3545                                              caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
3546                                              caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
3547                                              size_t *outputSize,
3548                                              void *output,
3549                                              void *context,
3550                                              uint32_t polynomialAddr,
3551                                              uint32_t polynomialSize)
3552 {
3553     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateHash) <= sizeof(caam_desc_hash_t), caam_desc_hash_t_size);
3554     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateHash);
3555     uint32_t algOutSize     = 4u;
3557     bool isCustomCRC = caam_crc_alg_is_customcrc(algo);
3559     /* MDHA use of the Context Register
3560         The Context Register stores the current digest and running message length. The running
3561         message length will be 8 bytes immediately following the active digest. The digest size is
3562         defined as follows:
3563  CRC: 4 bytes so caamCtxSz = 8 +4 */
3564     uint32_t caamCtxSz = 12u;
3566     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateHash, sizeof(templateHash));
3568     /* CRC is Class 2 CHA */
3570     /* add class to all commands that need it */
3571     descriptor[1] |= 0x04000000u;
3572     descriptor[3] |= 0x04000000u;
3573     descriptor[5] |= 0x04000000u;
3574     descriptor[6] |= 0x04000000u;
3575     descriptor[9] |= 0x04000000u;
3576     descriptor[11] |= 0x04000000u;
3578     /* add descriptor size */
3579     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
3581     /* kCAAM_AlgStateInit or kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal needs to skip context load as there is no context */
3582     if ((algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInit) || (algState == kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal))
3583     {
3584         if (!isCustomCRC)
3585         {
3586             /* HEADER can jump directly to MDHA operation */
3587             descriptor[0] |= 0x00050000U; /* JUMP to descriptor[5] */
3588         }
3589         else
3590         {
3591             /* load Polynomial, then directly to CRC operation */
3592             descriptor[1] |= (polynomialSize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
3593             descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET(polynomialAddr);
3594             descriptor[3] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* JUMP to descriptor[5] */
3595         }
3596     }
3597     else
3598     {
3599         if (!isCustomCRC)
3600         {
3601             /* CRC without custom polynomial in Update state skips loading the Polynomial
3602              * HEADER can jump directly to context restore
3603              */
3604             descriptor[0] |= 0x00030000U; /* JUMP to descriptor[3] */
3605         }
3606         else
3607         {
3608             /* load Polynomial */
3609             descriptor[1] |= (polynomialSize & DESC_KEY_SIZE_MASK);
3610             descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET(polynomialAddr);
3611         }
3613         /* context restore */
3614         descriptor[3] |= caamCtxSz;
3615         descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)context);
3616     }
3618     /* OPERATION:
3619      * alg MDHA
3620      * mode INITIALIZE or UPDATE or FINALIZE or INITIALIZE/FINALIZE in algState argument
3621      */
3623     /* ALGORITHM OPERATION | CLASS | alg | aai | algState */
3624     descriptor[5] |= caam_crc_algo2mode(algo, (uint32_t)crcMode, (uint32_t)algState << 2);
3626     /* configure SGT */
3627     descriptor[8] = dataSize;
3628     if (kCAAM_HashSgtInternal == sgtType)
3629     {
3630         descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET(
3631             (uint32_t)&descriptor[(uint32_t)kCAAM_HashDescriptorSgtIdx]); /* use SGT embedded in the job descriptor */
3632         (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[(uint32_t)kCAAM_HashDescriptorSgtIdx], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)sgt,
3633                           sizeof(caam_hash_internal_sgt_t));
3634     }
3635     else
3636     {
3637         descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)sgt);
3638     }
3640     /* save context: context switch init or running or result */
3641     if ((kCAAM_AlgStateFinal == algState) || (kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal == algState))
3642     {
3643         if (outputSize != NULL)
3644         {
3645             if (algOutSize < *outputSize)
3646             {
3647                 *outputSize = algOutSize;
3648             }
3649             else
3650             {
3651                 algOutSize = *outputSize;
3652             }
3653         }
3654         caamCtxSz = algOutSize;
3655     }
3656     else
3657     {
3658         caamCtxSz = 12u;
3659     }
3660     descriptor[9] |= caamCtxSz;
3661     if ((kCAAM_AlgStateFinal == algState) || (kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal == algState))
3662     {
3663         /* final result write to output */
3664         descriptor[10] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)output);
3665     }
3666     else
3667     {
3668         /* context switch write to ctxInternal */
3669         descriptor[10] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)context);
3670     }
3672     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET(descriptor[13]); /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
3674     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
3675 }
3677 /*!
3678  * @brief Add uncomplete block (ctxInternal), then append new data (to current crc calculation).
3679  *
3680  *
3681  */
caam_crc_append_data(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t * ctxInternal,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,caam_algorithm_state_t algState,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,size_t * numRemain,void * output,size_t * outputSize)3682 static status_t caam_crc_append_data(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal,
3683                                      const uint8_t *input,
3684                                      size_t inputSize,
3685                                      caam_algorithm_state_t algState,
3686                                      caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
3687                                      size_t *numRemain,
3688                                      void *output,
3689                                      size_t *outputSize)
3690 {
3691     caam_hash_internal_sgt_t sgt;
3692     (void)memset(&sgt, 0, sizeof(sgt));
3693     size_t num = caam_crc_sgt_insert(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, numRemain, algState, sgt, kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast);
3694     return caam_crc_schedule_input_data(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, ctxInternal->algo, ctxInternal->crcmode,
3695                                         sgt, num, kCAAM_HashSgtInternal, algState, descriptor, outputSize, output,
3696                                         &ctxInternal->word[0], (uint32_t)&ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx],
3697                                         ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize]);
3698 }
3700 /*******************************************************************************
3701  * CRC Code public
3702  ******************************************************************************/
3704 /*!
3705  * brief Initialize CRC context
3706  *
3707  * This function initializes the CRC context.
3708  * polynomial shall be supplied if the underlaying algoritm is kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY.
3709  * polynomial shall be NULL if the underlaying algoritm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI.
3710  *
3711  * This functions is used to initialize the context for CAAM_CRC API
3712  *
3713  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
3714  * param handle Handle used for this request.
3715  * param[out] ctx Output crc context
3716  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for CRC computation
3717  * param polynomial CRC polynomial (NULL if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI)
3718  * param polynomialSize Size of polynomial in bytes (0u if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI)
3719  * param mode Specify how CRC engine manipulates its input and output data
3720  * return Status of initialization
3721  */
CAAM_CRC_Init(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_crc_ctx_t * ctx,caam_crc_algo_t algo,const uint8_t * polynomial,size_t polynomialSize,caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode)3722 status_t CAAM_CRC_Init(CAAM_Type *base,
3723                        caam_handle_t *handle,
3724                        caam_crc_ctx_t *ctx,
3725                        caam_crc_algo_t algo,
3726                        const uint8_t *polynomial,
3727                        size_t polynomialSize,
3728                        caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode)
3729 {
3730     status_t ret = kStatus_Fail;
3731     caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3732     uint32_t i;
3734     ret = caam_crc_check_input_args(base, ctx, algo, polynomial, polynomialSize);
3735     if (ret != kStatus_Success)
3736     {
3737         return ret;
3738     }
3740     /* set algorithm in context struct for later use */
3741     ctxInternal          = (caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3742     ctxInternal->algo    = algo;
3743     ctxInternal->crcmode = mode;
3744     for (i = 0U; i < (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords; i++)
3745     {
3746         ctxInternal->word[i] = 0u;
3747     }
3749     /* Steps required only using CRC engine with custom polynomial */
3750     if (caam_crc_alg_is_customcrc(algo))
3751     {
3752         /* store polynomial and polynomial length in context struct for later use */
3753         ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeySize] = polynomialSize;
3754         (void)caam_memcpy(&ctxInternal->word[kCAAM_HashCtxKeyStartIdx], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)polynomial,
3755                           polynomialSize);
3756     }
3758     ctxInternal->blksz = 0u;
3759     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctxInternal->blk.w); i++)
3760     {
3761         ctxInternal->blk.w[i] = 0u;
3762     }
3763     ctxInternal->fsm_state = kCAAM_HashInit;
3764     ctxInternal->base      = base;
3765     ctxInternal->handle    = handle;
3767     return kStatus_Success;
3768 }
3770 /*!
3771  * brief Add data to current CRC
3772  *
3773  * Add data to current CRC. This can be called repeatedly. The functions blocks. If it returns kStatus_Success, the
3774  * running CRC has been updated (CAAM has processed the input data), so the memory at input pointer can be released back
3775  * to system. The context is updated with the running CRC and with all necessary information to support possible context
3776  * switch.
3777  *
3778  * param[in,out] ctx CRC context
3779  * param input Input data
3780  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
3781  * return Status of the crc update operation
3782  */
CAAM_CRC_Update(caam_crc_ctx_t * ctx,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize)3783 status_t CAAM_CRC_Update(caam_crc_ctx_t *ctx, const uint8_t *input, size_t inputSize)
3784 {
3785     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
3786     status_t status;
3787     caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3788     bool isUpdateState;
3789     size_t numRemain = 0;
3791     /* compile time check for the correct structure size */
3792     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(caam_crc_ctx_internal_t) <= sizeof(caam_crc_ctx_t), caam_crc_ctx_internal_t_size);
3794     if (0U == inputSize)
3795     {
3796         return kStatus_Success;
3797     }
3799     /* we do caam_memcpy() input stream, up to buffer size
3800      * of 64 bytes. then if I have more I have to
3801      * 1) load Class 2 context
3802      * 2) schedule CAAM job with INITIALIZE or UPDATE mode (simple if only 64 bytes block is processed. SG table for 2
3803      * and more)
3804      * 3) in step 2 process all full 64 bytes blocks
3805      * 4) copy last not-full buffer size data to buffer.
3806      * 5) save Class 2 context
3807      */
3808     ctxInternal = (caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3809     status      = caam_crc_check_context(ctxInternal, input);
3810     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3811     {
3812         return status;
3813     }
3815     /* if we are still less than 64 bytes, keep only in context */
3816     if ((ctxInternal->blksz + inputSize) <= CAAM_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
3817     {
3818         (void)caam_memcpy((&ctxInternal->blk.b[0]) + ctxInternal->blksz, input, inputSize);
3819         ctxInternal->blksz += inputSize;
3820         return status;
3821     }
3822     else
3823     {
3824         isUpdateState = ctxInternal->fsm_state == kCAAM_HashUpdate;
3825         if (!isUpdateState)
3826         {
3827             /* Step 2: schedule CAAM job in INITIALIZE mode.
3828              */
3829             ctxInternal->fsm_state = kCAAM_HashUpdate;
3830             /* skip load context as there is no running context yet. */
3831             status = caam_crc_append_data(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, kCAAM_AlgStateInit, descBuf, &numRemain, NULL,
3832                                           NULL);
3833         }
3834     }
3836     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3837     {
3838         return status;
3839     }
3841     if (isUpdateState)
3842     {
3843         /* Step 2: schedule CAAM job in UPDATE mode.
3844          */
3846         /* process input data and save CAAM context to context structure */
3847         status =
3848             caam_crc_append_data(ctxInternal, input, inputSize, kCAAM_AlgStateUpdate, descBuf, &numRemain, NULL, NULL);
3849         if (status != kStatus_Success)
3850         {
3851             return status;
3852         }
3853     }
3855     /* blocking wait */
3856     status = CAAM_Wait(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3857     if (status != kStatus_Success)
3858     {
3859         return status;
3860     }
3863     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3864     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3865     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)&ctxInternal->word[0u], (uint32_t)kCAAM_HashCtxNumWords * sizeof(uint32_t));
3866 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3868     /* after job is complete, copy numRemain bytes at the end of the input[] to the context */
3869     (void)caam_memcpy((&ctxInternal->blk.b[0]), input + inputSize - numRemain, numRemain);
3870     ctxInternal->blksz = numRemain;
3872     return status;
3873 }
3875 /*!
3876  * brief Finalize CRC
3877  *
3878  * Outputs the final CRC (computed by CAAM_CRC_Update()) and erases the context.
3879  *
3880  * param[in,out] ctx Input crc context
3881  * param[out] output Output crc data
3882  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output crc in bytes
3883  * return Status of the crc finish operation
3884  */
CAAM_CRC_Finish(caam_crc_ctx_t * ctx,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3885 status_t CAAM_CRC_Finish(caam_crc_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *output, size_t *outputSize)
3886 {
3887     status_t status;
3888     caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *ctxInternal;
3889     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
3890     caam_algorithm_state_t algState;
3892     /* runtime input validity check */
3893     ctxInternal = (caam_crc_ctx_internal_t *)(uint32_t)ctx;
3894     status      = caam_crc_check_context(ctxInternal, output);
3895     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3896     {
3897         return status;
3898     }
3900     /* determine algorithm state to configure
3901      * based on prior processing.
3902      * If at least one full block has been processed during HASH_Update() then the state in ctxInternal
3903      * will be set to kCAAM_HashUpdate and so we will configure FINALIZE algorithm state.
3904      * Otherwise there is data only in the ctxInternal that we can process in INITIALIZE/FINALIZE.
3905      */
3906     if (ctxInternal->fsm_state == kCAAM_HashInit)
3907     {
3908         algState = kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal;
3909     }
3910     else
3911     {
3912         algState = kCAAM_AlgStateFinal;
3913     }
3915     status = caam_crc_append_data(ctxInternal, NULL,
3916                                   0, /* we process only blksz bytes in ctxInternal, so giving NULL and zero size here */
3917                                   algState, descBuf, NULL, output, outputSize);
3918     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3919     {
3920         return status;
3921     }
3923     /* blocking wait */
3924     status = CAAM_Wait(ctxInternal->base, ctxInternal->handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3927     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3928     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3929     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)output, 32u);
3930 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3932     (void)memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(caam_crc_ctx_t));
3933     return status;
3934 }
3936 /*!
3937  * brief Create CRC on given data
3938  *
3939  * Perform CRC in one function call.
3940  *
3941  * Polynomial shall be supplied if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY.
3942  * Polynomial shall be NULL if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI.
3943  *
3944  *
3945  * The function is blocking.
3946  *
3947  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
3948  * param handle Handle used for this request.
3949  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for crc computation.
3950  * param mode Specify how CRC engine manipulates its input and output data.
3951  * param input Input data
3952  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
3953  * param polynomial CRC polynomial (NULL if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI)
3954  * param polynomialSize Size of input polynomial in bytes (0U if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or
3955  * kCAAM_CrciSCSI) param[out] output Output crc data param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the
3956  * output crc in bytes return Status of the one call crc operation.
3957  */
CAAM_CRC(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_crc_algo_t algo,caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,const uint8_t * polynomial,size_t polynomialSize,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)3958 status_t CAAM_CRC(CAAM_Type *base,
3959                   caam_handle_t *handle,
3960                   caam_crc_algo_t algo,
3961                   caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode,
3962                   const uint8_t *input,
3963                   size_t inputSize,
3964                   const uint8_t *polynomial,
3965                   size_t polynomialSize,
3966                   uint8_t *output,
3967                   size_t *outputSize)
3968 {
3969     status_t status;
3970     caam_desc_hash_t descBuf;
3972     status = CAAM_CRC_NonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, algo, mode, input, inputSize, polynomial, polynomialSize,
3973                                   output, outputSize);
3974     if (kStatus_Success != status)
3975     {
3976         return status;
3977     }
3979     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
3981     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
3982     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
3983     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)output, *outputSize);
3984 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
3985     return status;
3986 }
3988 /*!
3989  * brief Create CRC on given data
3990  *
3991  * Perform CRC in one function call.
3992  *
3993  * Polynomial shall be supplied if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcCUSTPOLY.
3994  * Polynomial shall be NULL if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI.
3995  *
3996  * The function is non-blocking. The request is scheduled at CAAM.
3997  *
3998  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
3999  * param handle Handle used for this request.
4000  * param[out] descriptor Memory for the CAAM descriptor.
4001  * param algo Underlaying algorithm to use for crc computation.
4002  * param mode Specify how CRC engine manipulates its input and output data.
4003  * param input Input data
4004  * param inputSize Size of input data in bytes
4005  * param polynomial CRC polynomial (NULL if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI)
4006  * param polynomialSize Size of polynomial in bytes (0U if underlaying algorithm is kCAAM_CrcIEEE or kCAAM_CrciSCSI)
4007  * param[out] output Output crc data
4008  * param[out] outputSize Output parameter storing the size of the output crc in bytes
4009  * return Status of the one call crc operation.
4010  */
CAAM_CRC_NonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,caam_crc_algo_t algo,caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputSize,const uint8_t * polynomial,size_t polynomialSize,uint8_t * output,size_t * outputSize)4011 status_t CAAM_CRC_NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
4012                               caam_handle_t *handle,
4013                               caam_desc_hash_t descriptor,
4014                               caam_crc_algo_t algo,
4015                               caam_aai_crc_alg_t mode,
4016                               const uint8_t *input,
4017                               size_t inputSize,
4018                               const uint8_t *polynomial,
4019                               size_t polynomialSize,
4020                               uint8_t *output,
4021                               size_t *outputSize)
4022 {
4023     status_t status;
4024     caam_algorithm_state_t algState;
4025     caam_hash_internal_sgt_t sgt;
4027     (void)memset(&sgt, 0, sizeof(sgt));
4029     algState     = kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal;
4030     uint32_t num = caam_hash_sgt_insert(NULL,             /* no ctxInternal data to pre-pend before input data chunk */
4031                                         input, inputSize, /* data and size in bytes */
4032                                         NULL, /* all data is processed during kCAAM_AlgStateInitFinal, nothing remain */
4033                                         algState, sgt, kCAAM_HashSgtEntryLast); /* sgt table, entry 0 word 0 */
4035     /* schedule the request at CAAM */
4036     status = caam_crc_schedule_input_data(base, handle, algo, mode, sgt, num, kCAAM_HashSgtInternal, algState,
4037                                           descriptor, outputSize, output, NULL, (uint32_t)polynomial, polynomialSize);
4038     return status;
4039 }
4040 /*******************************************************************************
4041  * RNG Code public
4042  ******************************************************************************/
4044 /*!
4045  * brief Initializes user configuration structure to default.
4046  *
4047  * This function initializes the configure structure to default value. the default
4048  * value are:
4049  * code
4050  *     config->autoReseedInterval = 0;
4051  *     config->personalString = NULL;
4052  * endcode
4053  *
4054  * param config   User configuration structure.
4055  * return status of the request
4056  */
CAAM_RNG_GetDefaultConfig(caam_rng_config_t * config)4057 status_t CAAM_RNG_GetDefaultConfig(caam_rng_config_t *config)
4058 {
4059     status_t status;
4061     if (config != NULL)
4062     {
4063         config->autoReseedInterval = 0; /* zero means hardware default of 10.000.000 will be used */
4064         config->personalString     = NULL;
4065         status                     = kStatus_Success;
4066     }
4067     else
4068     {
4069         status = kStatus_InvalidArgument;
4070     }
4072     return status;
4073 }
4075 /*!
4076  * brief Instantiate the CAAM RNG state handle
4077  *
4078  * This function instantiates CAAM RNG state handle.
4079  * The function is blocking and returns after CAAM has processed the request.
4080  *
4081  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4082  * param handle CAAM jobRing used for this request
4083  * param stateHandle RNG state handle to instantiate
4084  * param config Pointer to configuration structure.
4085  * return Status of the request
4086  */
CAAM_RNG_Init(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,const caam_rng_config_t * config)4087 status_t CAAM_RNG_Init(CAAM_Type *base,
4088                        caam_handle_t *handle,
4089                        caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,
4090                        const caam_rng_config_t *config)
4091 {
4092     status_t status;
4094     /* create job descriptor */
4095     rngInstantiate[0]              = 0xB0800006u;
4096     rngInstantiate[1]              = 0x12200020u; /* LOAD 32 bytes of  to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
4097     rngInstantiate[2]              = (uint32_t)ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)config->personalString);
4098     rngInstantiate[3]              = 0x12820004u; /* LOAD Immediate 4 bytes to Class 1 Data Size Register. */
4099     rngInstantiate[4]              = config->autoReseedInterval; /* value for the Class 1 Data Size Register */
4100     rngInstantiate[5]              = 0x82500006u;                /* RNG instantiate state handle:
4101                                                                   *   TST=0 for normal non-deterministic mode
4102                                                                   *   PR=1 for prediction resistance
4103                                                                   */
4105     if (kCAAM_RngStateHandle1 == stateHandle)
4106     {
4107         rngInstantiate[5] |= 1u << 4;
4108     }
4110     /* default auto reseed interval */
4111     if (config->autoReseedInterval == 0U)
4112     {
4113         rngInstantiate[3] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=5) */
4114     }
4116     /* optional personalization string present */
4117     if ((config->personalString) != NULL)
4118     {
4119         rngInstantiate[5] |= (uint32_t)1u << 10; /* set PS bit in ALG OPERATION (AS=01 Instantiate) */
4120     }
4121     else
4122     {
4123         rngInstantiate[1] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=3) */
4124     }
4126     /* schedule the job and block wait for result */
4127     do
4128     {
4129         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &rngInstantiate[0]);
4130     } while (status != kStatus_Success);
4132     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, &rngInstantiate[0], kCAAM_Blocking);
4134     return status;
4135 }
4137 /*!
4138  * brief Uninstantiate the CAAM RNG state handle
4139  *
4140  * This function uninstantiates CAAM RNG state handle.
4141  * The function is blocking and returns after CAAM has processed the request.
4142  *
4143  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4144  * param handle jobRing used for this request.
4145  * param stateHandle RNG state handle to uninstantiate
4146  * return Status of the request
4147  */
CAAM_RNG_Deinit(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle)4148 status_t CAAM_RNG_Deinit(CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle)
4149 {
4150     status_t status;
4152     /* create job descriptor */
4153     caam_desc_rng_t rngUninstantiate = {0};
4154     rngUninstantiate[0]              = 0xB0800002u; /* HEADER */
4155     rngUninstantiate[1] = 0x8250000Cu; /* ALG OPERATION: RNG uninstantiate state handle (AS=11 Uninstantiate) */
4157     if (kCAAM_RngStateHandle1 == stateHandle)
4158     {
4159         rngUninstantiate[1] |= 1u << 4;
4160     }
4162     /* schedule the job and block wait for result */
4163     do
4164     {
4165         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &rngUninstantiate[0]);
4166     } while (status != kStatus_Success);
4168     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, &rngUninstantiate[0], kCAAM_Blocking);
4170     return status;
4171 }
4173 /*!
4174  * brief Generate Secure Key
4175  *
4176  * This function generates random data writes it to Secure Key registers.
4177  * The function is blocking and returns after CAAM has processed the request.
4178  * RNG state handle 0 is always used.
4179  *
4180  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4181  * param handle jobRing used for this request
4182  * param additionalEntropy NULL or Pointer to optional 256-bit additional entropy.
4183  * return Status of the request
4184  */
CAAM_RNG_GenerateSecureKey(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)4185 status_t CAAM_RNG_GenerateSecureKey(CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)
4186 {
4187     status_t status;
4189     /* create job descriptor */
4190     rngGenSeckey[0]              = 0xB0800004u; /* HEADER */
4191     rngGenSeckey[1]              = 0x12200020u; /* LOAD 32 bytes of  to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
4192     rngGenSeckey[2]              = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)additionalEntropy);
4193     rngGenSeckey[3]              = 0x82501000u; /* set SK bit in ALG OPERATION (AS=00 Generate) */
4195     /* optional additional input included */
4196     if ((additionalEntropy) != NULL)
4197     {
4198         rngGenSeckey[3] |= (uint32_t)1u << 11; /* set AI bit in ALG OPERATION */
4199     }
4200     else
4201     {
4202         rngGenSeckey[1] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=3) */
4203     }
4205     /* schedule the job and block wait for result */
4206     do
4207     {
4208         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &rngGenSeckey[0]);
4209     } while (status != kStatus_Success);
4211     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, &rngGenSeckey[0], kCAAM_Blocking);
4212     return status;
4213 }
4215 /*!
4216  * brief Reseed the CAAM RNG state handle
4217  *
4218  * This function reseeds the CAAM RNG state handle.
4219  * For a state handle in nondeterministic mode, the DRNG is seeded with 384 bits of
4220  * entropy from the TRNG and an optional 256-bit additional input from the descriptor
4221  * via the Class 1 Context Register.
4222  *
4223  * The function is blocking and returns after CAAM has processed the request.
4224  *
4225  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4226  * param handle jobRing used for this request
4227  * param stateHandle RNG state handle to reseed
4228  * param additionalEntropy NULL or Pointer to optional 256-bit additional entropy.
4229  * return Status of the request
4230  */
CAAM_RNG_Reseed(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)4231 status_t CAAM_RNG_Reseed(CAAM_Type *base,
4232                          caam_handle_t *handle,
4233                          caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,
4234                          caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)
4235 {
4236     status_t status;
4238     /* create job descriptor */
4239     caam_desc_rng_t rngReseed = {0};
4240     rngReseed[0]              = 0xB0800004u; /* HEADER */
4241     rngReseed[1]              = 0x12200020u; /* LOAD 32 bytes of  to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
4242     rngReseed[2]              = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)additionalEntropy);
4243     rngReseed[3]              = 0x8250000Au; /* ALG OPERATION: RNG reseed state handle (AS=10 Reseed) */
4245     /* optional additional input included */
4246     if ((additionalEntropy) != NULL)
4247     {
4248         rngReseed[3] |= (uint32_t)1u << 11; /* set AI bit in ALG OPERATION */
4249     }
4250     else
4251     {
4252         rngReseed[1] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=3) */
4253     }
4255     /* select state handle */
4256     if (kCAAM_RngStateHandle1 == stateHandle)
4257     {
4258         rngReseed[3] |= 1u << 4;
4259     }
4261     /* schedule the job and block wait for result */
4262     do
4263     {
4264         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &rngReseed[0]);
4265     } while (status != kStatus_Success);
4267     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, &rngReseed[0], kCAAM_Blocking);
4268     return status;
4269 }
4271 /*!
4272  * brief Get random data
4273  *
4274  * This function gets random data from CAAM RNG.
4275  *
4276  * The function is blocking and returns after CAAM has generated the requested data or an error occurred.
4277  *
4278  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4279  * param handle jobRing used for this request
4280  * param stateHandle RNG state handle used to generate random data
4281  * param[out] data Pointer address used to store random data
4282  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter
4283  * param dataType Type of random data to be generated
4284  * param additionalEntropy NULL or Pointer to optional 256-bit additional entropy.
4285  * return Status of the request
4286  */
CAAM_RNG_GetRandomData(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize,caam_rng_random_type_t dataType,caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)4287 status_t CAAM_RNG_GetRandomData(CAAM_Type *base,
4288                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
4289                                 caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,
4290                                 uint8_t *data,
4291                                 size_t dataSize,
4292                                 caam_rng_random_type_t dataType,
4293                                 caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)
4294 {
4295     status_t status;
4297     do
4298     {
4299         status = CAAM_RNG_GetRandomDataNonBlocking(base, handle, stateHandle, descBuf, data, dataSize, dataType,
4300                                                    additionalEntropy);
4301     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4303     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4304     {
4305         return status;
4306     }
4308     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
4310     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4311     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4312     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)data, dataSize);
4313 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4314     return status;
4315 }
4317 static const uint32_t templateRng[] = {
4318     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
4319     /* 01 */ 0x12200020u, /* LOAD 32 bytes of  to Class 1 Context Register. Offset 0 bytes. */
4320     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: additional input address */
4321     /* 03 */ 0x12820004u, /* LOAD Class 1 Data Size Register by IMM data */
4322     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: data size to generate */
4323     /* 05 */ 0x82500000u, /* RNG generate */
4324     /* 06 */ 0x60700000u, /* FIFO STORE message */
4325     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
4326     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination size */
4327 };
4329 /*!
4330  * brief Request random data
4331  *
4332  * This function schedules the request for random data from CAAM RNG.
4333  * Memory at memory pointers will be accessed by CAAM shortly after this function
4334  * returns, according to actual CAAM schedule.
4335  *
4336  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4337  * param handle RNG handle used for this request
4338  * param stateHandle RNG state handle used to generate random data
4339  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
4340  * param[out] data Pointer address used to store random data
4341  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter, in bytes.
4342  * param dataType Type of random data to be generated.
4343  * param additionalEntropy NULL or Pointer to optional 256-bit additional entropy.
4344  * return status of the request
4345  */
CAAM_RNG_GetRandomDataNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,caam_desc_rng_t descriptor,void * data,size_t dataSize,caam_rng_random_type_t dataType,caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)4346 status_t CAAM_RNG_GetRandomDataNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
4347                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
4348                                            caam_rng_state_handle_t stateHandle,
4349                                            caam_desc_rng_t descriptor,
4350                                            void *data,
4351                                            size_t dataSize,
4352                                            caam_rng_random_type_t dataType,
4353                                            caam_rng_generic256_t additionalEntropy)
4354 {
4355     /* create job descriptor */
4356     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateRng) <= sizeof(caam_desc_rng_t), caam_desc_rng_t_size);
4357     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateRng);
4359     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateRng, sizeof(templateRng));
4360     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4362     /* optional additional input included */
4363     if (additionalEntropy != NULL)
4364     {
4365         descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)additionalEntropy);
4366         descriptor[5] |= (uint32_t)1U << 11; /* set AI bit in ALG OPERATION */
4367         descriptor[5] |= (uint32_t)1U << 1;  /* set PR bit in ALG OPERATION (entropy seed) */
4368     }
4369     else
4370     {
4371         descriptor[0] |= (uint32_t)3u << 16; /* start at index 3 */
4372     }
4374     descriptor[4] = dataSize; /* Generate OPERATION */
4375     descriptor[7] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(uint32_t *)data);
4376     descriptor[8] = dataSize; /* FIFO STORE */
4378     /* select state handle */
4379     if (kCAAM_RngStateHandle1 == stateHandle)
4380     {
4381         descriptor[5] |= 1u << 4;
4382     }
4384     /* configure type of data */
4385     if (dataType == kCAAM_RngDataNonZero)
4386     {
4387         descriptor[5] |= (uint32_t)1u << 8; /* set NZB bit in ALG OPERATION */
4388     }
4390     if (dataType == kCAAM_RngDataOddParity)
4391     {
4392         descriptor[5] |= (uint32_t)1u << 9; /* set OBP bit in ALG OPERATION */
4393     }
4395     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4396 }
4398 /*******************************************************************************
4399  * BLACK Code public
4400  ******************************************************************************/
4401 static const uint32_t templateBlack[] = {
4402     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
4403     /* 01 */ 0x02000000u, /* KEY command of  to Class 1 Context Register. */
4404     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: a pointer to the key to be loaded */
4405     /* 03 */ 0x62000000u, /* FIFO STORE message */
4406     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
4407 };
4409 /*!
4410  * brief Construct a black key
4411  *
4412  * This function constructs a job descriptor capable of performing
4413  * a key blackening operation on a plaintext secure memory resident object.
4414  *
4415  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4416  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4417  * param data Pointer address used to pointed the plaintext.
4418  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter
4419  * param fifostType Type of AES-CBC or AEC-CCM to encrypt plaintext
4420  * param[out] blackdata Pointer address uses to pointed the black key
4421  * return Status of the request
4422  */
CAAM_BLACK_GetKeyBlacken(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize,caam_fifost_type_t fifostType,uint8_t * blackdata)4424 status_t CAAM_BLACK_GetKeyBlacken(CAAM_Type *base,
4425                                   caam_handle_t *handle,
4426                                   const uint8_t *data,
4427                                   size_t dataSize,
4428                                   caam_fifost_type_t fifostType,
4429                                   uint8_t *blackdata)
4430 {
4431     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
4433     caam_desc_key_black_t descriptor;
4435     /* create job descriptor */
4436     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateBlack) <= sizeof(caam_desc_key_black_t), caam_desc_key_black_t_size);
4437     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateBlack);
4439     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateBlack, sizeof(templateBlack));
4440     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4441     /* optional additional input included */
4442     descriptor[1] |= dataSize;
4443     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)data);
4445     descriptor[3] |= ((uint32_t)fifostType << 16) | (dataSize & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
4446     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)blackdata);
4448     do
4449     {
4450         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4451     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4453     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4454     {
4455         return status;
4456     }
4458     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descriptor, kCAAM_Blocking);
4460     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4461     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4462     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)blackdata, dataSize);
4463 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4464     return status;
4465 }
4467 /*******************************************************************************
4468  * Key blob Code public
4469  ******************************************************************************/
4471 static const uint32_t templateBlob[] = {
4472     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
4473     /* 01 */ 0x04000000u, /* KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 64/128bits RNG KEY. */
4474     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: a pointer to the key to be loaded */
4475     /* 03 */ 0xF0000000u, /* SEQ IN PTR command to load plain data or key blob depending on operation */
4476     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: a pointer to plain data/ key blob to be loaded */
4477     /* 05 */ 0xF8000000u, /* SEQ OUT PTR command to store blob datas */
4478     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: a pointer to blob data or plain data to be stored depending on operation*/
4479     /* 07 */ 0x800D0000u, /* OPERATION:Encrypt/Decrypt BLOB  */
4480 };
4482 /*!
4483  * brief Construct a encrypted Red Blob
4484  *
4485  * This function constructs a job descriptor capable of performing
4486  * a encrypted blob operation on a plaintext object.
4487  *
4488  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4489  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4490  * param keyModifier Address of the random key modifier generated by RNG
4491  * param keyModifierSize Size of keyModifier buffer in bytes
4492  * param data Data adress
4493  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter
4494  * param[out] blob_data Output blob data adress
4495  * return Status of the request
4496  */
CAAM_RedBlob_Encapsule(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * keyModifier,size_t keyModifierSize,const uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize,uint8_t * blob_data)4497 status_t CAAM_RedBlob_Encapsule(CAAM_Type *base,
4498                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
4499                                 const uint8_t *keyModifier,
4500                                 size_t keyModifierSize,
4501                                 const uint8_t *data,
4502                                 size_t dataSize,
4503                                 uint8_t *blob_data)
4504 {
4505     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
4507     caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t descriptor;
4508     size_t blob_size;
4510     /* output blob will have 32 bytes key blob in beginning and 16 bytes MAC identifier at end of data blob */
4511     blob_size = 32u + dataSize + 16u;
4513     /* Key modifier size must 8 bytes long when used Secure memory or 16bytes long when General memory is used*/
4514     if ((keyModifierSize != 8u) && (keyModifierSize != 16u))
4515     {
4516         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
4517     }
4519     /* create job descriptor */
4520     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateBlob) <= sizeof(caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t), caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t_size);
4521     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateBlob);
4522     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateBlob, sizeof(templateBlob));
4523     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4525     descriptor[1] |= 8u; // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register,  64bits RNG KEY.
4526 #else
4527     descriptor[1] |= 16u;         // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 128bits RNG KEY.
4528 #endif                                                 /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4529     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)keyModifier); // Key modifier adress
4530     descriptor[3] |= dataSize;                         // SEQ IN PTR command to load plain data
4531     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)data);        // Plain data adress
4532     descriptor[5] |= blob_size;                        // SEQ OUT PTR Set outputing key blob
4533     descriptor[6] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)blob_data);   // Key blob adress
4535     descriptor[7] |= (7UL << 24) | SEC_MEM; // OPERATION:Encrypt Red Blob in secure memory
4536 #else
4537     descriptor[7] |= (7UL << 24); // OPERATION:Encrypt Red Blob in normal memory
4538 #endif /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4540     // schedule the job and block wait for result
4541     do
4542     {
4543         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4544     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4546     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4547     {
4548         return status;
4549     }
4551     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descriptor, kCAAM_Blocking);
4553     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4554     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4555     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)blob_data, blob_size);
4556 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4557     return status;
4558 }
4560 /*! brief Decrypt red blob
4561  *
4562  * This function constructs a job descriptor capable of performing
4563  * decrypting red blob.
4564  *
4565  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4566  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4567  * param keyModifier Address of the random key modifier generated by RNG
4568  * param keyModifierSize Size of keyModifier buffer in bytes
4569  * param blob_data Address of blob data
4570  * param[out] data Output data adress.
4571  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter in bytes
4572  * return Status of the request
4573  */
CAAM_RedBlob_Decapsule(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * keyModifier,size_t keyModifierSize,const uint8_t * blob_data,uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize)4575 status_t CAAM_RedBlob_Decapsule(CAAM_Type *base,
4576                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
4577                                 const uint8_t *keyModifier,
4578                                 size_t keyModifierSize,
4579                                 const uint8_t *blob_data,
4580                                 uint8_t *data,
4581                                 size_t dataSize)
4582 {
4583     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
4585     size_t blob_size;
4586     caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t descriptor;
4588     /* blob have 32 bytes key blob in beginning and 16 bytes MAC identifier at end of data blob */
4589     blob_size = 32u + dataSize + 16u;
4591     /* Key modifier size must 8 bytes long when used Secure memory or 16bytes long when General memory is used*/
4592     if ((keyModifierSize != 8u) && (keyModifierSize != 16u))
4593     {
4594         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
4595     }
4597     /* create job descriptor */
4599     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateBlob) <= sizeof(caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t), caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t_size);
4600     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateBlob);
4602     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateBlob, sizeof(templateBlob));
4603     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4605     descriptor[1] |= 8u; // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 64bits RNG KEY.
4606 #else
4607     descriptor[1] |= 16u;         // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 128bits RNG KEY.
4608 #endif                                                 /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4609     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)keyModifier); // Key modifier adress
4610     descriptor[3] |= blob_size;                        // SEQ IN PTR command to load blob data
4611     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)blob_data);   // Key blob adress
4612     descriptor[5] |= dataSize;                         // SEQ OUT PTR command to load plain data
4613     descriptor[6] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)data);        // Plain data adress
4615     descriptor[7] |= (6UL << 24) | SEC_MEM; // OPERATION:Decrypt red blob in secure memory
4616 #else
4617     descriptor[7] |= (6UL << 24); // OPERATION:Decrypt red blob in normal memory
4618 #endif /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4619     // schedule the job and block wait for result
4620     do
4621     {
4622         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4623     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4625     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4626     {
4627         return status;
4628     }
4630     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descriptor, kCAAM_Blocking);
4632     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4633     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4634     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)data, dataSize);
4635 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4636     return status;
4637 }
4639 /*!
4640  * brief Construct a encrypted  Black Blob
4641  *
4642  * This function constructs a job descriptor capable of performing
4643  * a encrypted blob operation on a plaintext object.
4644  *
4645  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4646  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4647  * param keyModifier Address of the random key modifier generated by RNG
4648  * param keyModifierSize Size of keyModifier buffer in bytes
4649  * param data Data adress
4650  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter
4651  * param[out] blob_data Output blob data adress
4652  * param blackKeyType  Type of black key see enum caam_desc_type_t for more info
4653  * return Status of the request
4654  */
CAAM_BlackBlob_Encapsule(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * keyModifier,size_t keyModifierSize,const uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize,uint8_t * blob_data,caam_desc_type_t blackKeyType)4655 status_t CAAM_BlackBlob_Encapsule(CAAM_Type *base,
4656                                   caam_handle_t *handle,
4657                                   const uint8_t *keyModifier,
4658                                   size_t keyModifierSize,
4659                                   const uint8_t *data,
4660                                   size_t dataSize,
4661                                   uint8_t *blob_data,
4662                                   caam_desc_type_t blackKeyType)
4663 {
4664     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
4666     caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t descriptor;
4667     size_t blob_size;
4669     /* output blob will have 32 bytes key blob in beginning and 16 bytes MAC identifier at end of data blob */
4670     blob_size = 32u + dataSize + 16u;
4672     /* Key modifier size must 8 bytes long when used Secure memory or 16bytes long when General memory is used*/
4673     if ((keyModifierSize != 8u) && (keyModifierSize != 16u))
4674     {
4675         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
4676     }
4678     /* create job descriptor */
4679     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateBlob) <= sizeof(caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t), caam_desc_gen_enc_blob_t);
4680     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateBlob);
4682     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateBlob, sizeof(templateBlob));
4683     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4685     descriptor[1] |= 8u; // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 64bits RNG KEY.
4686 #else
4687     descriptor[1] |= 16u;         // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 128bits RNG KEY.
4688 #endif                                                 /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4689     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)keyModifier); // Key modifier adress
4690     descriptor[3] |= dataSize;                         // SEQ IN PTR command to load plain data
4691     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)data);        // Plain data adress
4692     descriptor[5] |= blob_size;                        // Key blob adress
4693     descriptor[6] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)blob_data);   // Key blob adress
4695     descriptor[7] |= (7UL << 24) | ((uint32_t)blackKeyType << 8) | DESC_BLACKKEY_NOMMEN |
4696                      SEC_MEM; // OPERATION:Encrypt black blob in secure memory
4697 #else
4698     descriptor[7] |= (7UL << 24) | ((uint32_t)blackKeyType << 8) |
4699                      DESC_BLACKKEY_NOMMEN; // OPERATION:Encrypt black blob in normal memory
4700 #endif /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4702     // schedule the job and block wait for result
4703     do
4704     {
4705         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4706     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4708     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4709     {
4710         return status;
4711     }
4713     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descriptor, kCAAM_Blocking);
4715     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4716     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4717     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)blob_data, blob_size);
4718 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4719     return status;
4720 }
4722 /*! brief Construct a decrypted black blob
4723  *
4724  * This function constructs a job descriptor capable of performing
4725  * decrypting black blob.
4726  *
4727  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4728  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4729  * param keyModifier Address of the random key modifier generated by RNG
4730  * param keyModifierSize Size of keyModifier buffer in bytes
4731  * param blob_data Address of blob data
4732  * param[out] data Output data adress.
4733  * param dataSize Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter in bytes
4734  * param blackKeyType   Type of black key see enum caam_desc_type_t for more info
4735  * return Status of the request
4736  */
CAAM_BlackBlob_Decapsule(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * keyModifier,size_t keyModifierSize,const uint8_t * blob_data,uint8_t * data,size_t dataSize,caam_desc_type_t blackKeyType)4738 status_t CAAM_BlackBlob_Decapsule(CAAM_Type *base,
4739                                   caam_handle_t *handle,
4740                                   const uint8_t *keyModifier,
4741                                   size_t keyModifierSize,
4742                                   const uint8_t *blob_data,
4743                                   uint8_t *data,
4744                                   size_t dataSize,
4745                                   caam_desc_type_t blackKeyType)
4746 {
4747     status_t status = kStatus_Fail;
4749     caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t descriptor;
4750     size_t blob_size;
4752     /* blob have 32 bytes key blob in beginning and 16 bytes MAC identifier at end of data blob */
4753     blob_size = 32u + dataSize + 16u;
4755     /* Key modifier size must 8 bytes long when used Secure memory or 16bytes long when General memory is used*/
4756     if ((keyModifierSize != 8u) && (keyModifierSize != 16u))
4757     {
4758         return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
4759     }
4761     /* create job descriptor */
4762     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(templateBlob) <= sizeof(caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t), caam_desc_gen_dep_blob_t_size);
4763     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateBlob);
4765     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateBlob, sizeof(templateBlob));
4766     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4768     descriptor[1] |= 8u; // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 64bits RNG KEY.
4769 #else
4770     descriptor[1] |= 16u;                  // KEY command to Class 2 Context Register, 128bits RNG KEY.
4771 #endif                                                 /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4772     descriptor[2] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)keyModifier); // Key modifier adress
4773     descriptor[3] |= blob_size;                        // SEQ IN PTR command to load blob data
4774     descriptor[4] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)blob_data);   // Key blob adress
4775     descriptor[5] |= dataSize;
4776     descriptor[6] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)data); // Plain data adress
4778     descriptor[7] |= (6UL << 24) | ((uint32_t)blackKeyType << 8) | DESC_BLACKKEY_NOMMEN |
4779                      SEC_MEM; // OPERATION:Decrypt black blob in secure memory
4780 #else
4781     descriptor[7] |= (6UL << 24) | ((uint32_t)blackKeyType << 8) |
4782                      DESC_BLACKKEY_NOMMEN; // OPERATION:Decrypt black blob in normal memory
4783 #endif /* (KEYBLOB_USE_SECURE_MEMORY) */
4784     // schedule the job and block wait for result
4785     do
4786     {
4787         status = caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4788     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
4790     if (kStatus_Success != status)
4791     {
4792         return status;
4793     }
4795     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descriptor, kCAAM_Blocking);
4797     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4798     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4799     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)data, dataSize);
4800 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4801     return status;
4802 }
4804 /*******************************************************************************
4805  * DES Code public
4806  ******************************************************************************/
4807 static const uint32_t templateCipherDes[] = {
4808     /* 00 */ 0xB0800000u, /* HEADER */
4809     /* 01 */ 0x02800000u, /* KEY Class 1 IMM */
4810     /* 02 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key1 0-3 */
4811     /* 03 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key1 4-8 */
4812     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key2 0-3 */
4813     /* 05 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key2 4-8 */
4814     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key3 0-3 */
4815     /* 07 */ 0x00000000u, /* IMM key3 4-8 */
4816     /* 08 */ 0x12200008u, /* LOAD 8 bytes of iv to Class 1 Context Register */
4817     /* 09 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: iv address */
4818     /* 10 */ 0x22130000u, /* FIFO LOAD Message */
4819     /* 11 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: source address */
4820     /* 12 */ 0x60300000u, /* FIFO STORE Message */
4821     /* 13 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: destination address */
4822     /* 14 */ 0x82200000u, /* OPERATION: DES Decrypt, AS = zeroes, AAI = zeroes (CTR) */
4823 };
4825 /*!
4826  * brief Encrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4827  *
4828  * Encrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4829  *
4830  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4831  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4832  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
4833  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
4834  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
4835  * param key Input key to use for encryption
4836  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
4837  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])4838 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
4839                              caam_handle_t *handle,
4840                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
4841                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
4842                              size_t size,
4843                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
4844 {
4845     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
4846     status_t status;
4848     status = CAAM_DES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, key);
4849     if (status != 0)
4850     {
4851         return status;
4852     }
4853     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
4855     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4856     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4857     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
4858 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4859     return status;
4860 }
4862 /*!
4863  * brief Encrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4864  *
4865  * Encrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4866  *
4867  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4868  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4869  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
4870  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
4871  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
4872  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
4873  * param key Input key to use for encryption
4874  * return Status from descriptor push
4875  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])4876 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
4877                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
4878                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
4879                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
4880                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
4881                                         size_t size,
4882                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
4883 {
4884     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(caam_desc_cipher_des_t) >= sizeof(templateCipherDes), caam_desc_cipher_des_t_size);
4885     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
4887     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
4888      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
4889      * Note: You can still call several times instead
4890      */
4891     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
4892     {
4893         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
4894     }
4896     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
4897     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4898     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
4899     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
4900     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_6; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+6 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
4901     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
4902     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
4903     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
4904     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
4905     descriptor[14] |= 0x201u; /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION, AAI = 20h */
4907     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4908 }
4910 /*!
4911  * brief Decrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4912  *
4913  * Decrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4914  *
4915  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4916  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4917  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
4918  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
4919  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
4920  * param key Input key to use for decryption
4921  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
4922  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])4923 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
4924                              caam_handle_t *handle,
4925                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
4926                              uint8_t *plaintext,
4927                              size_t size,
4928                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
4929 {
4930     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
4931     status_t status;
4933     status = CAAM_DES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, key);
4934     if (status != 0)
4935     {
4936         return status;
4937     }
4938     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
4940     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
4941     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
4942     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
4943 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
4944     return status;
4945 }
4947 /*!
4948  * brief Decrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4949  *
4950  * Decrypts DES using ECB block mode.
4951  *
4952  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
4953  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
4954  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
4955  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
4956  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
4957  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
4958  * param key Input key to use for decryption
4959  * return Status from descriptor push
4960  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])4961 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
4962                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
4963                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
4964                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
4965                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
4966                                         size_t size,
4967                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
4968 {
4969     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
4971     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
4972      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
4973      * Note: You can still call several times instead
4974      */
4975     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
4976     {
4977         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
4978     }
4980     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
4981     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
4982     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
4983     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
4984     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_6; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+6 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
4985     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
4986     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
4987     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
4988     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
4989     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeECB; /* AAI = 20h */
4991     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
4992 }
4994 /*!
4995  * brief Encrypts DES using CBC block mode.
4996  *
4997  * Encrypts DES using CBC block mode.
4998  *
4999  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5000  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5001  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5002  * param[out] ciphertext Ouput ciphertext
5003  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5004  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5005  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5006  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5007  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5008  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5009 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
5010                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5011                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
5012                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
5013                              size_t size,
5014                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5015                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5016 {
5017     status_t status;
5018     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5020     do
5021     {
5022         status = CAAM_DES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key);
5023     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5025     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5027     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5028     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5029     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5030 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5031     return status;
5032 }
5034 /*!
5035  * brief Encrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5036  *
5037  * Encrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5038  *
5039  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5040  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5041  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5042  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5043  * param[out] ciphertext Ouput ciphertext
5044  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5045  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5046  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5047  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5048  * return Status from descriptor push
5049  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5050 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5051                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5052                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5053                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
5054                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
5055                                         size_t size,
5056                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5057                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5058 {
5059     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5061     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5062      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5063      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5064      */
5065     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5066     {
5067         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5068     }
5070     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5071     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5072     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5073     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5074     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5075     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5076     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5077     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5078     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5079     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5080     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
5081     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
5082     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5083 }
5085 /*!
5086  * brief Decrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5087  *
5088  * Decrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5089  *
5090  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5091  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5092  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5093  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5094  * param size Size of input data in bytes
5095  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5096  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5097  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5098  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5099  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5100 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
5101                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5102                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5103                              uint8_t *plaintext,
5104                              size_t size,
5105                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5106                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5107 {
5108     status_t status;
5109     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5111     do
5112     {
5113         status = CAAM_DES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key);
5114     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5116     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5118     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5119     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5120     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
5121 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5122     return status;
5123 }
5125 /*!
5126  * brief Decrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5127  *
5128  * Decrypts DES using CBC block mode.
5129  *
5130  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5131  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5132  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5133  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5134  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5135  * param size Size of input data in bytes
5136  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5137  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5138  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5139  * return Status from descriptor push
5140  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5141 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5142                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5143                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5144                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5145                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
5146                                         size_t size,
5147                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5148                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5149 {
5150     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5152     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5153      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5154      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5155      */
5156     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5157     {
5158         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5159     }
5161     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5162     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5163     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5164     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5165     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5166     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5167     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5168     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5169     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5170     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5171     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
5173     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5174 }
5176 /*!
5177  * brief Encrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5178  *
5179  * Encrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5180  *
5181  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5182  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5183  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5184  * param size Size of input data in bytes
5185  * param iv Input initial block.
5186  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5187  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5188  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5189  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5190 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
5191                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5192                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
5193                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
5194                              size_t size,
5195                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5196                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5197 {
5198     status_t status;
5199     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5201     do
5202     {
5203         status = CAAM_DES_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key);
5204     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5206     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5208     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5209     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5210     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5211 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5212     return status;
5213 }
5215 /*!
5216  * brief Encrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5217  *
5218  * Encrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5219  *
5220  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5221  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5222  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5223  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5224  * param size Size of input data in bytes
5225  * param iv Input initial block.
5226  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5227  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5228  * return Status from descriptor push
5229  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5230 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5231                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5232                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5233                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
5234                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
5235                                         size_t size,
5236                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5237                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5238 {
5239     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5241     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5242      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5243      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5244      */
5245     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5246     {
5247         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5248     }
5250     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5251     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5252     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5253     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5254     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5255     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5256     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5257     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5258     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5259     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5260     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
5261     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
5262     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5263 }
5265 /*!
5266  * brief Decrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5267  *
5268  * Decrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5269  *
5270  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5271  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5272  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5273  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5274  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5275  * param iv Input initial block.
5276  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5277  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5278  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5279 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
5280                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5281                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5282                              uint8_t *plaintext,
5283                              size_t size,
5284                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5285                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5286 {
5287     status_t status;
5288     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5290     do
5291     {
5292         status = CAAM_DES_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key);
5293     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5295     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5297     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5298     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5299     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
5300 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5301     return status;
5302 }
5304 /*!
5305  * brief Decrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5306  *
5307  * Decrypts DES using CFB block mode.
5308  *
5309  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5310  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5311  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5312  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5313  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5314  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5315  * param iv Input initial block.
5316  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5317  * return Status from descriptor push
5318  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5319 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5320                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5321                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5322                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5323                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
5324                                         size_t size,
5325                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5326                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5327 {
5328     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5330     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5331      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5332      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5333      */
5334     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5335     {
5336         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5337     }
5339     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5340     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5341     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5342     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5343     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5344     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5345     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5346     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5347     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5348     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5349     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
5351     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5352 }
5354 /*!
5355  * brief Encrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5356  *
5357  * Encrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5358  *
5359  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5360  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5361  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5362  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5363  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5364  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
5365  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
5366  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5367  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5368  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5369 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
5370                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5371                              const uint8_t *plaintext,
5372                              uint8_t *ciphertext,
5373                              size_t size,
5374                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5375                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5376 {
5377     status_t status;
5378     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5380     do
5381     {
5382         status = CAAM_DES_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key);
5383     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5385     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5387     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5388     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5389     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5390 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5391     return status;
5392 }
5394 /*!
5395  * brief Encrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5396  *
5397  * Encrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5398  *
5399  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5400  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5401  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5402  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5403  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5404  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5405  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
5406  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
5407  * param key Input key to use for encryption
5408  * return Status from descriptor push
5409  */
CAAM_DES_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5410 status_t CAAM_DES_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5411                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5412                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5413                                         const uint8_t *plaintext,
5414                                         uint8_t *ciphertext,
5415                                         size_t size,
5416                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5417                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5418 {
5419     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5421     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5422      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5423      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5424      */
5425     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5426     {
5427         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5428     }
5430     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5431     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5432     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5433     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5434     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5435     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5436     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5437     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5438     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5439     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5440     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
5441     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
5442     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5443 }
5445 /*!
5446  * brief Decrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5447  *
5448  * Decrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5449  *
5450  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5451  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5452  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5453  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5454  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5455  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
5456  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
5457  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5458  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5459  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5460 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
5461                              caam_handle_t *handle,
5462                              const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5463                              uint8_t *plaintext,
5464                              size_t size,
5465                              const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5466                              const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5467 {
5468     status_t status;
5469     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5471     do
5472     {
5473         status = CAAM_DES_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key);
5474     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5476     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5478     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5479     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5480     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
5481 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5482     return status;
5483 }
5485 /*!
5486  * brief Decrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5487  *
5488  * Decrypts DES using OFB block mode.
5489  *
5490  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5491  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5492  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5493  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5494  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5495  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5496  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
5497  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
5498  * param key Input key to use for decryption
5499  * return Status from descriptor push
5500  */
CAAM_DES_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5501 status_t CAAM_DES_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5502                                         caam_handle_t *handle,
5503                                         caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5504                                         const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5505                                         uint8_t *plaintext,
5506                                         size_t size,
5507                                         const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5508                                         const uint8_t key[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5509 {
5510     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5512     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5513      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5514      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5515      */
5516     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5517     {
5518         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5519     }
5521     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5522     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5523     descriptor[1] |= CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5524     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5525     descriptor[4] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* context, jump to currIdx+4 = 8 (LOAD) */
5526     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5527     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5528     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5529     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5530     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5531     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
5533     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5534 }
5536 /*!
5537  * brief Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5538  *
5539  * Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5540  *
5541  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5542  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5543  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5544  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5545  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5546  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5547  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5548  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5549  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5550 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
5551                               caam_handle_t *handle,
5552                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
5553                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
5554                               size_t size,
5555                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5556                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5557 {
5558     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5559     status_t status;
5561     status = CAAM_DES2_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, key1, key2);
5562     if (status != 0)
5563     {
5564         return status;
5565     }
5566     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5568     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5569     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5570     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5571 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5572     return status;
5573 }
5575 /*!
5576  * brief Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5577  *
5578  * Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5579  *
5580  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5581  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5582  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5583  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5584  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5585  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5586  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5587  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5588  * return Status from descriptor push
5589  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5590 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5591                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
5592                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5593                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
5594                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
5595                                          size_t size,
5596                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5597                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5598 {
5599     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5601     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5602      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5603      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5604      */
5605     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5606     {
5607         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5608     }
5610     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5611     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5612     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5613     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5614     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5615     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+4 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
5616     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5617     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5618     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5619     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5620     descriptor[14] |= 0x201u;   /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION, AAI = 20h */
5621     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U; /* 3DES */
5623     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5624 }
5626 /*!
5627  * brief Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5628  *
5629  * Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5630  *
5631  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5632  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5633  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5634  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5635  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5636  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5637  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5638  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5639  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5640 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
5641                               caam_handle_t *handle,
5642                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5643                               uint8_t *plaintext,
5644                               size_t size,
5645                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5646                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5647 {
5648     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5649     status_t status;
5651     status = CAAM_DES2_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, key1, key2);
5652     if (status != 0)
5653     {
5654         return status;
5655     }
5656     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5658     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5659     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5660     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
5661 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5662     return status;
5663 }
5665 /*!
5666  * brief Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5667  *
5668  * Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with two keys.
5669  *
5670  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5671  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5672  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5673  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5674  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5675  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
5676  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5677  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5678  * return Status from descriptor push
5679  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5680 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5681                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
5682                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5683                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5684                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
5685                                          size_t size,
5686                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5687                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5688 {
5689     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5691     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5692      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5693      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5694      */
5695     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5696     {
5697         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5698     }
5700     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5701     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5702     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5703     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5704     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5705     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+4 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
5706     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5707     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5708     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5709     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5710     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeECB; /* AAI = 20h */
5711     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
5713     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5714 }
5716 /*!
5717  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5718  *
5719  * Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5720  *
5721  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5722  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5723  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5724  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5725  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5726  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5727  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5728  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5729  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5730  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5731  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5732 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
5733                               caam_handle_t *handle,
5734                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
5735                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
5736                               size_t size,
5737                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5738                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5739                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5740 {
5741     status_t status;
5742     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5744     do
5745     {
5746         status = CAAM_DES2_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2);
5747     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5749     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5751     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5752     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5753     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5754 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5755     return status;
5756 }
5758 /*!
5759  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5760  *
5761  * Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5762  *
5763  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5764  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5765  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5766  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5767  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5768  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5769  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5770  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5771  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5772  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5773  * return Status from descriptor push
5774  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5775 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5776                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
5777                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5778                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
5779                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
5780                                          size_t size,
5781                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5782                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5783                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5784 {
5785     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5787     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5788      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5789      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5790      */
5791     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5792     {
5793         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5794     }
5796     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5797     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5798     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5799     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5800     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5801     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
5802     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5803     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5804     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5805     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5806     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5807     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
5808     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
5809     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
5810     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5811 }
5813 /*!
5814  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5815  *
5816  * Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5817  *
5818  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5819  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5820  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5821  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5822  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5823  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5824  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5825  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5826  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5827  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5828  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5829 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
5830                               caam_handle_t *handle,
5831                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5832                               uint8_t *plaintext,
5833                               size_t size,
5834                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5835                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5836                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5837 {
5838     status_t status;
5839     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5841     do
5842     {
5843         status = CAAM_DES2_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2);
5844     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5846     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5848     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5849     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5850     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
5851 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5852     return status;
5853 }
5855 /*!
5856  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5857  *
5858  * Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with two keys.
5859  *
5860  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5861  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5862  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5863  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
5864  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
5865  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5866  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
5867  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
5868  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5869  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5870  * return Status from descriptor push
5871  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5872 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5873                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
5874                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5875                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
5876                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
5877                                          size_t size,
5878                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5879                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5880                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5881 {
5882     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5884     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5885      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5886      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5887      */
5888     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5889     {
5890         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5891     }
5893     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5894     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5895     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5896     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5897     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5898     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
5899     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5900     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5901     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5902     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5903     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5904     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
5905     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
5906     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
5907 }
5909 /*!
5910  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
5911  *
5912  * Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
5913  *
5914  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5915  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5916  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5917  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5918  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5919  * param iv Input initial block.
5920  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5921  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5922  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
5923  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5924 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
5925                               caam_handle_t *handle,
5926                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
5927                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
5928                               size_t size,
5929                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5930                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5931                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5932 {
5933     status_t status;
5934     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
5936     do
5937     {
5938         status = CAAM_DES2_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2);
5939     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
5941     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
5943     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
5944     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
5945     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
5946 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
5947     return status;
5948 }
5950 /*!
5951  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
5952  *
5953  * Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
5954  *
5955  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
5956  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
5957  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
5958  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
5959  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
5960  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
5961  * param iv Input initial block.
5962  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
5963  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
5964  * return Status from descriptor push
5965  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])5966 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
5967                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
5968                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
5969                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
5970                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
5971                                          size_t size,
5972                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
5973                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
5974                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
5975 {
5976     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
5978     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
5979      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
5980      * Note: You can still call several times instead
5981      */
5982     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
5983     {
5984         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
5985     }
5987     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
5988     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
5989     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
5990     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5991     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
5992     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
5993     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
5994     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5995     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
5996     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
5997     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
5998     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
5999     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
6000     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6001     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6002 }
6004 /*!
6005  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
6006  *
6007  * Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
6008  *
6009  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6010  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6011  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6012  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6013  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6014  * param iv Input initial block.
6015  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6016  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6017  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6018  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6019 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6020                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6021                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6022                               uint8_t *plaintext,
6023                               size_t size,
6024                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6025                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6026                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6027 {
6028     status_t status;
6029     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6031     do
6032     {
6033         status = CAAM_DES2_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2);
6034     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6036     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6038     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6039     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6040     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
6041 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6042     return status;
6043 }
6045 /*!
6046  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
6047  *
6048  * Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with two keys.
6049  *
6050  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6051  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6052  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6053  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6054  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6055  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6056  * param iv Input initial block.
6057  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6058  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6059  * return Status from descriptor push
6060  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6061 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6062                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6063                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6064                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6065                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
6066                                          size_t size,
6067                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6068                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6069                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6070 {
6071     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6073     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6074      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6075      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6076      */
6077     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6078     {
6079         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6080     }
6082     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6083     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6084     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6085     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6086     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6087     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
6088     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6089     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6090     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6091     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6092     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6093     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
6094     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6095     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6096 }
6098 /*!
6099  * brief Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6100  *
6101  * Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6102  *
6103  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6104  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6105  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6106  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6107  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6108  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6109  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6110  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6111  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6112  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6113  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6114 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6115                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6116                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
6117                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
6118                               size_t size,
6119                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6120                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6121                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6122 {
6123     status_t status;
6124     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6126     do
6127     {
6128         status = CAAM_DES2_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2);
6129     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6131     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6133     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6134     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6135     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
6136 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6137     return status;
6138 }
6140 /*!
6141  * brief Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6142  *
6143  * Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6144  *
6145  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6146  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6147  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6148  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6149  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6150  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6151  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6152  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6153  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6154  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6155  * return Status from descriptor push
6156  */
CAAM_DES2_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6157 status_t CAAM_DES2_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6158                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6159                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6160                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
6161                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
6162                                          size_t size,
6163                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6164                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6165                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6166 {
6167     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6169     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6170      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6171      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6172      */
6173     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6174     {
6175         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6176     }
6178     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6179     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6180     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6181     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6182     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6183     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
6184     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6185     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6186     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6187     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6188     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6189     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
6190     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
6191     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6192     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6193 }
6195 /*!
6196  * brief Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6197  *
6198  * Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6199  *
6200  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6201  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6202  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6203  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6204  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6205  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6206  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6207  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6208  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6209  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6210  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6211 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6212                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6213                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6214                               uint8_t *plaintext,
6215                               size_t size,
6216                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6217                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6218                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6219 {
6220     status_t status;
6221     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6223     do
6224     {
6225         status = CAAM_DES2_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2);
6226     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6228     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6230     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6231     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6232     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
6233 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6234     return status;
6235 }
6237 /*!
6238  * brief Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6239  *
6240  * Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with two keys.
6241  *
6242  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6243  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6244  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6245  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6246  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6247  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6248  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6249  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6250  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6251  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6252  * return Status from descriptor push
6253  */
CAAM_DES2_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6254 status_t CAAM_DES2_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6255                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6256                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6257                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6258                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
6259                                          size_t size,
6260                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6261                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6262                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6263 {
6264     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6266     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6267      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6268      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6269      */
6270     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6271     {
6272         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6273     }
6275     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6276     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6277     descriptor[1] |= 2U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6278     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6279     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6280     descriptor[6] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* context, jump to currIdx+2 = 8 (LOAD) */
6281     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6282     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6283     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6284     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6285     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6286     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
6287     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6288     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6289 }
6291 /*!
6292  * brief Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6293  *
6294  * Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6295  *
6296  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6297  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6298  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6299  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6300  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
6301  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6302  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6303  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6304  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6305  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6306 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
6307                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6308                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
6309                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
6310                               size_t size,
6311                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6312                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6313                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6314 {
6315     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6316     status_t status;
6318     status = CAAM_DES3_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, key1, key2, key3);
6319     if (status != 0)
6320     {
6321         return status;
6322     }
6323     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6325     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6326     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6327     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
6328 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6329     return status;
6330 }
6332 /*!
6333  * brief Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6334  *
6335  * Encrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6336  *
6337  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6338  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6339  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6340  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6341  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6342  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
6343  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6344  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6345  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6346  * return Status from descriptor push
6347  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6348 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6349                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6350                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6351                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
6352                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
6353                                          size_t size,
6354                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6355                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6356                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6357 {
6358     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6360     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6361      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6362      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6363      */
6364     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6365     {
6366         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6367     }
6369     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6370     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6371     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6372     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6373     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6374     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6375     descriptor[8] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+2 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
6376     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6377     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6378     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6379     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6380     descriptor[14] |= 0x201u;   /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION, AAI = 20h */
6381     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U; /* 3DES */
6383     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6384 }
6386 /*!
6387  * brief Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6388  *
6389  * Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6390  *
6391  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6392  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6393  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6394  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6395  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
6396  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6397  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6398  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6399  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6400  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6401 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptEcb(CAAM_Type *base,
6402                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6403                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6404                               uint8_t *plaintext,
6405                               size_t size,
6406                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6407                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6408                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6409 {
6410     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6411     status_t status;
6413     status = CAAM_DES3_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, key1, key2, key3);
6414     if (status != 0)
6415     {
6416         return status;
6417     }
6418     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6420     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6421     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6422     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
6423 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6424     return status;
6425 }
6427 /*!
6428  * brief Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6429  *
6430  * Decrypts triple DES using ECB block mode with three keys.
6431  *
6432  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6433  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6434  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6435  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6436  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6437  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 8 bytes.
6438  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6439  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6440  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6441  * return Status from descriptor push
6442  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6443 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptEcbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6444                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6445                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6446                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6447                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
6448                                          size_t size,
6449                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6450                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6451                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6452 {
6453     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6455     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6456      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6457      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6458      */
6459     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6460     {
6461         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6462     }
6464     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6465     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6466     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6467     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6468     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6469     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6470     descriptor[8] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* ECB has no context, jump to currIdx+2 = 10 (FIFO LOAD) */
6471     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6472     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6473     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6474     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6475     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeECB; /* AAI = 20h */
6476     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6478     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6479 }
6481 /*!
6482  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6483  *
6484  * Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6485  *
6486  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6487  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6488  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6489  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6490  * param size Size of input data in bytes
6491  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
6492  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
6493  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6494  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6495  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6496  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6497  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6498 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
6499                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6500                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
6501                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
6502                               size_t size,
6503                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6504                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6505                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6506                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6507 {
6508     status_t status;
6509     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6511     do
6512     {
6513         status =
6514             CAAM_DES3_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
6515     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6517     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6519     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6520     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6521     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
6522 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6523     return status;
6524 }
6526 /*!
6527  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6528  *
6529  * Encrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6530  *
6531  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6532  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6533  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6534  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6535  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6536  * param size Size of input data in bytes
6537  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
6538  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
6539  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6540  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6541  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6542  * return Status from descriptor push
6543  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6544 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6545                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6546                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6547                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
6548                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
6549                                          size_t size,
6550                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6551                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6552                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6553                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6554 {
6555     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6557     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6558      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6559      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6560      */
6561     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6562     {
6563         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6564     }
6566     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6567     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6568     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6569     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6570     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6571     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6572     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6573     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6574     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6575     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6576     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6577     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
6578     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
6579     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6580     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6581 }
6583 /*!
6584  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6585  *
6586  * Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6587  *
6588  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6589  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6590  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6591  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6592  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6593  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
6594  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
6595  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6596  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6597  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6598  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6599  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6600 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptCbc(CAAM_Type *base,
6601                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6602                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6603                               uint8_t *plaintext,
6604                               size_t size,
6605                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6606                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6607                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6608                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6609 {
6610     status_t status;
6611     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6613     do
6614     {
6615         status =
6616             CAAM_DES3_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
6617     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6619     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6621     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6622     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6623     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
6624 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6625     return status;
6626 }
6628 /*!
6629  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6630  *
6631  * Decrypts triple DES using CBC block mode with three keys.
6632  *
6633  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6634  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6635  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6636  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6637  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6638  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6639  * param iv Input initial vector to combine with the first plaintext block.
6640  *           The iv does not need to be secret, but it must be unpredictable.
6641  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6642  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6643  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6644  * return Status from descriptor push
6645  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6646 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptCbcNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6647                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6648                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6649                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6650                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
6651                                          size_t size,
6652                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6653                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6654                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6655                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6656 {
6657     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6659     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6660      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6661      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6662      */
6663     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6664     {
6665         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6666     }
6668     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6669     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6670     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6671     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6672     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6673     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6674     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6675     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6676     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6677     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6678     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6679     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCBC; /* AAI = 10h */
6680     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6681     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6682 }
6684 /*!
6685  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6686  *
6687  * Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6688  *
6689  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6690  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6691  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6692  * param size Size of input and ouput data in bytes
6693  * param iv Input initial block.
6694  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6695  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6696  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6697  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6698  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6699 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6700                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6701                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
6702                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
6703                               size_t size,
6704                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6705                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6706                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6707                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6708 {
6709     status_t status;
6710     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6712     do
6713     {
6714         status =
6715             CAAM_DES3_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
6716     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6718     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6720     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6721     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6722     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
6723 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6724     return status;
6725 }
6727 /*!
6728  * brief Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6729  *
6730  * Encrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6731  *
6732  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6733  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6734  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6735  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6736  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6737  * param size Size of input and ouput data in bytes
6738  * param iv Input initial block.
6739  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6740  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6741  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6742  * return Status from descriptor push
6743  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6744 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6745                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6746                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6747                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
6748                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
6749                                          size_t size,
6750                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6751                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6752                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6753                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6754 {
6755     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6757     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6758      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6759      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6760      */
6761     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6762     {
6763         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6764     }
6766     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6767     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6768     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6769     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6770     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6771     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6772     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6773     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6774     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6775     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6776     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6777     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
6778     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
6779     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6780     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6781 }
6783 /*!
6784  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6785  *
6786  * Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6787  *
6788  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6789  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6790  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6791  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6792  * param size Size of input data in bytes
6793  * param iv Input initial block.
6794  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6795  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6796  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6797  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6798  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6799 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptCfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6800                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6801                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6802                               uint8_t *plaintext,
6803                               size_t size,
6804                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6805                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6806                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6807                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6808 {
6809     status_t status;
6810     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6812     do
6813     {
6814         status =
6815             CAAM_DES3_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
6816     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6818     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6820     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6821     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6822     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
6823 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6824     return status;
6825 }
6827 /*!
6828  * brief Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6829  *
6830  * Decrypts triple DES using CFB block mode with three keys.
6831  *
6832  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6833  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6834  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6835  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6836  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6837  * param size Size of input data in bytes
6838  * param iv Input initial block.
6839  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6840  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6841  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6842  * return Status from descriptor push
6843  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6844 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptCfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6845                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6846                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6847                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
6848                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
6849                                          size_t size,
6850                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6851                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6852                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6853                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6854 {
6855     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6857     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6858      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6859      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6860      */
6861     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6862     {
6863         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6864     }
6866     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6867     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6868     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6869     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6870     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6871     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6872     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6873     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6874     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6875     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6876     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6877     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeCFB; /* AAI = 30h = CFB */
6878     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6879     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6880 }
6882 /*!
6883  * brief Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6884  *
6885  * Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6886  *
6887  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6888  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6889  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6890  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6891  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6892  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6893  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6894  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6895  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6896  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6897  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6898 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
6899                               caam_handle_t *handle,
6900                               const uint8_t *plaintext,
6901                               uint8_t *ciphertext,
6902                               size_t size,
6903                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6904                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6905                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6906                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6907 {
6908     status_t status;
6909     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
6911     do
6912     {
6913         status =
6914             CAAM_DES3_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, plaintext, ciphertext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
6915     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
6917     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
6919     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
6920     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
6921     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)ciphertext, size);
6922 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
6923     return status;
6924 }
6926 /*!
6927  * brief Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6928  *
6929  * Encrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6930  *
6931  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6932  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6933  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
6934  * param plaintext Input plaintext to encrypt
6935  * param[out] ciphertext Output ciphertext
6936  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6937  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6938  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6939  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6940  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6941  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6942  * return Status from descriptor push
6943  */
CAAM_DES3_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * plaintext,uint8_t * ciphertext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])6944 status_t CAAM_DES3_EncryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
6945                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
6946                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
6947                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
6948                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
6949                                          size_t size,
6950                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
6951                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6952                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
6953                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
6954 {
6955     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
6957     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
6958      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
6959      * Note: You can still call several times instead
6960      */
6961     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
6962     {
6963         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
6964     }
6966     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
6967     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
6968     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
6969     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6970     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6971     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
6972     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
6973     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6974     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
6975     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
6976     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
6977     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
6978     descriptor[14] |= 1u;                      /* add ENC bit to specify Encrypt OPERATION */
6979     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
6980     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
6981 }
6983 /*!
6984  * brief Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6985  *
6986  * Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
6987  *
6988  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
6989  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
6990  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
6991  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
6992  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
6993  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
6994  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
6995  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
6996  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
6997  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
6998  * return Status from encrypt/decrypt operation
6999  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])7000 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptOfb(CAAM_Type *base,
7001                               caam_handle_t *handle,
7002                               const uint8_t *ciphertext,
7003                               uint8_t *plaintext,
7004                               size_t size,
7005                               const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
7006                               const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
7007                               const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
7008                               const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
7009 {
7010     status_t status;
7011     caam_desc_cipher_des_t descBuf;
7013     do
7014     {
7015         status =
7016             CAAM_DES3_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, ciphertext, plaintext, size, iv, key1, key2, key3);
7017     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
7019     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
7021     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
7022     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
7023     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)plaintext, size);
7024 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
7025     return status;
7026 }
7028 /*!
7029  * brief Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
7030  *
7031  * Decrypts triple DES using OFB block mode with three keys.
7032  *
7033  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
7034  * param handle Handle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
7035  * param[out] descriptor memory for CAAM commands
7036  * param ciphertext Input ciphertext to decrypt
7037  * param[out] plaintext Output plaintext
7038  * param size Size of input and output data in bytes
7039  * param iv Input unique input vector. The OFB mode requires that the IV be unique
7040  *           for each execution of the mode under the given key.
7041  * param key1 First input key for key bundle
7042  * param key2 Second input key for key bundle
7043  * param key3 Third input key for key bundle
7044  * return Status from descriptor push
7045  */
CAAM_DES3_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,const uint8_t * ciphertext,uint8_t * plaintext,size_t size,const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])7046 status_t CAAM_DES3_DecryptOfbNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7047                                          caam_handle_t *handle,
7048                                          caam_desc_cipher_des_t descriptor,
7049                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
7050                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
7051                                          size_t size,
7052                                          const uint8_t iv[CAAM_DES_IV_SIZE],
7053                                          const uint8_t key1[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
7054                                          const uint8_t key2[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE],
7055                                          const uint8_t key3[CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE])
7056 {
7057     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateCipherDes);
7059     /* DES do not support EXTENDED lenght in FIFO LOAD/STORE command.
7060      * Data lenght limit is 2^16 bytes = 65 536 bytes.
7061      * Note: You can still call several times instead
7062      */
7063     if (size > 0xFFFFUL)
7064     {
7065         return kStatus_CAAM_DataOverflow;
7066     }
7068     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateCipherDes, sizeof(templateCipherDes));
7069     descriptor[0] |= (descriptorSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK);
7070     descriptor[1] |= 3U * CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE;
7071     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[2], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key1, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
7072     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[4], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key2, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
7073     (void)caam_memcpy(&descriptor[6], (const uint32_t *)(uintptr_t)key3, CAAM_DES_KEY_SIZE);
7074     descriptor[9] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)iv);
7075     descriptor[10] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
7076     descriptor[11] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)ciphertext);
7077     descriptor[12] |= (size & DESC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MASK);
7078     descriptor[13] = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)plaintext);
7079     descriptor[14] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_ModeOFB; /* AAI = 40h = OFB */
7080     descriptor[14] |= 0x10000U;                /* 3DES */
7081     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
7082 }
7084 #define DESC_HEADER                           0xB0800000u
7085 #define DESC_HEADER_ADD_DESCLEN(cmdWord, len) ((cmdWord) |= (len))
7087 #define DESC_FLOADA                  0x220C0000u
7088 #define DESC_FLOADB                  0x220D0000u
7089 #define DESC_FLOADN                  0x22080000u
7090 #define DESC_KEY_E_                  0x02010000u
7091 #define DESC_STOREB                  0x600D0000u
7092 #define DESC_STORE_                  0x52110004u
7093 #define DESC_ADD_LEN(cmdWord, len)   ((cmdWord) |= (len))
7094 #define DESC_SET_ADDR(cmdWord, addr) ((cmdWord) = ADD_OFFSET((uint32_t)(addr)))
7096 #define DESC_FLOADA0 0x22000000u
7097 #define DESC_FLOADA1 0x22010000u
7098 #define DESC_FLOADA3 0x22030000u
7099 #define DESC_FLOADB0 0x22040000u
7100 #define DESC_FLOADB1 0x22050000u
7101 #define DESC_FLOADB2 0x22060000u
7102 #define DESC_FLOADB3 0x22070000u
7103 #define DESC_STOREB1 0x60050000u
7104 #define DESC_STOREB2 0x60060000u
7106 static const uint32_t templateArithmeticPKHA[] = {
7107     /* 00 */ DESC_HEADER, /* HEADER */
7108     /* 01 */ 0x81800001u, /* OPERATION: PKHA OPERATION: clear memory function. */
7109     /* 02 */ 0xA2000001u, /* JMP always to next command. Done checkpoint (wait for Class 1 Done) */
7110     /* 03 */ DESC_FLOADN, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA N */
7111     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: N address */
7112     /* 05 */ DESC_FLOADA, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA A */
7113     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: A address */
7114     /* 07 */ DESC_FLOADB, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA B */
7115     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: B address */
7116     /* 09 */ DESC_KEY_E_, /* KEY PKHA E */
7117     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: E address */
7118     /* 11 */ 0x81800000u, /* OPERATION: PKHA OPERATION: Arithmetic Functions. */
7119     /* 12 */ DESC_STOREB, /* FIFO STORE PKHA B */
7120     /* 13 */ 0x00000000u, /* place: result address */
7121 };
7123 /*! @brief PKHA functions - arithmetic, copy/clear memory. */
7124 typedef enum _caam_pkha_func_t
7125 {
7126     kCAAM_PKHA_ClearMem           = 1U,
7127     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModAdd        = 2U,  /*!< (A + B) mod N */
7128     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModSub1       = 3U,  /*!< (A - B) mod N */
7129     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModSub2       = 4U,  /*!< (B - A) mod N */
7130     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModMul        = 5U,  /*!< (A x B) mod N */
7131     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModExp        = 6U,  /*!< (A^E) mod N */
7132     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModRed        = 7U,  /*!< (A) mod N */
7133     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModInv        = 8U,  /*!< (A^-1) mod N */
7134     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccAdd        = 9U,  /*!< (P1 + P2) */
7135     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccDouble     = 10U, /*!< (P2 + P2) */
7136     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccMul        = 11U, /*!< (E x P1) */
7137     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModR2         = 12U, /*!< (R^2 mod N) */
7138     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithGcd           = 14U, /*!< GCD (A, N) */
7139     kCAAM_PKHA_ArithPrimalityTest = 15U, /*!< Miller-Rabin */
7140     kCAAM_PKHA_CopyMemSizeN       = 16U,
7141     kCAAM_PKHA_CopyMemSizeSrc     = 17U,
7142 } caam_pkha_func_t;
7144 /*! @brief Register areas for PKHA clear memory operations. */
7145 typedef enum _caam_pkha_reg_area
7146 {
7147     kCAAM_PKHA_RegA   = 8U,
7148     kCAAM_PKHA_RegB   = 4U,
7149     kCAAM_PKHA_RegE   = 2U,
7150     kCAAM_PKHA_RegN   = 1U,
7152 } caam_pkha_reg_area_t;
7154 /*! @brief Quadrant areas for 4096-bit registers for PKHA copy memory
7155  * operations. */
7156 typedef enum _caam_pkha_quad_area_t
7157 {
7158     kCAAM_PKHA_Quad0 = 0U,
7159     kCAAM_PKHA_Quad1 = 1U,
7160     kCAAM_PKHA_Quad2 = 2U,
7161     kCAAM_PKHA_Quad3 = 3U,
7162 } caam_pkha_quad_area_t;
7164 /*! @brief User-supplied (R^2 mod N) input or CAAM should calculate. */
7165 typedef enum _caam_pkha_r2_t
7166 {
7167     kCAAM_PKHA_CalcR2  = 0U, /*!< Calculate (R^2 mod N) */
7168     kCAAM_PKHA_InputR2 = 1U  /*!< (R^2 mod N) supplied as input */
7169 } caam_pkha_r2_t;
7171 /*! @brief CAAM PKHA parameters */
7172 typedef struct _caam_pkha_mode_params_t
7173 {
7174     caam_pkha_func_t func;
7175     caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType;
7176     caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montFormIn;
7177     caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montFormOut;
7178     caam_pkha_reg_area_t srcReg;
7179     caam_pkha_quad_area_t srcQuad;
7180     caam_pkha_reg_area_t dstReg;
7181     caam_pkha_quad_area_t dstQuad;
7182     caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime;
7183     caam_pkha_r2_t r2modn;
7184 } caam_pkha_mode_params_t;
caam_pkha_default_parms(caam_pkha_mode_params_t * params)7186 static void caam_pkha_default_parms(caam_pkha_mode_params_t *params)
7187 {
7188     params->func        = (caam_pkha_func_t)0;
7189     params->arithType   = kCAAM_PKHA_IntegerArith;
7190     params->montFormIn  = kCAAM_PKHA_NormalValue;
7191     params->montFormOut = kCAAM_PKHA_NormalValue;
7192     params->srcReg      = kCAAM_PKHA_RegAll;
7193     params->srcQuad     = kCAAM_PKHA_Quad0;
7194     params->dstReg      = kCAAM_PKHA_RegAll;
7195     params->dstQuad     = kCAAM_PKHA_Quad0;
7196     params->equalTime   = kCAAM_PKHA_NoTimingEqualized;
7197     params->r2modn      = kCAAM_PKHA_CalcR2;
7198 }
caam_pkha_mode_set_src_reg_copy(uint32_t * outMode,caam_pkha_reg_area_t reg)7200 static void caam_pkha_mode_set_src_reg_copy(uint32_t *outMode, caam_pkha_reg_area_t reg)
7201 {
7202     int i = 0;
7204     do
7205     {
7206         reg = (caam_pkha_reg_area_t)(uint32_t)(((uint32_t)reg) >> 1u);
7207         i++;
7208     } while (0U != (uint32_t)reg);
7210     i = 4 - i;
7211     /* Source register must not be E. */
7212     if (i != 2)
7213     {
7214         *outMode |= ((uint32_t)i << 17u);
7215     }
7216 }
caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_reg_copy(uint32_t * outMode,caam_pkha_reg_area_t reg)7218 static void caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_reg_copy(uint32_t *outMode, caam_pkha_reg_area_t reg)
7219 {
7220     int i = 0;
7222     do
7223     {
7224         reg = (caam_pkha_reg_area_t)(uint32_t)(((uint32_t)reg) >> 1u);
7225         i++;
7226     } while (0U != (uint32_t)reg);
7228     i = 4 - i;
7229     *outMode |= ((uint32_t)i << 10u);
7230 }
caam_pkha_mode_set_src_seg_copy(uint32_t * outMode,const caam_pkha_quad_area_t quad)7232 static void caam_pkha_mode_set_src_seg_copy(uint32_t *outMode, const caam_pkha_quad_area_t quad)
7233 {
7234     *outMode |= ((uint32_t)quad << 8u);
7235 }
caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_seg_copy(uint32_t * outMode,const caam_pkha_quad_area_t quad)7237 static void caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_seg_copy(uint32_t *outMode, const caam_pkha_quad_area_t quad)
7238 {
7239     *outMode |= ((uint32_t)quad << 6u);
7240 }
caam_pkha_get_mode(const caam_pkha_mode_params_t * params)7242 static uint32_t caam_pkha_get_mode(const caam_pkha_mode_params_t *params)
7243 {
7244     uint32_t modeReg;
7246     /* Set the PKHA algorithm and the appropriate function. */
7247     modeReg = (uint32_t)params->func;
7249     if ((params->func == kCAAM_PKHA_CopyMemSizeN) || (params->func == kCAAM_PKHA_CopyMemSizeSrc))
7250     {
7251         /* Set source and destination registers and quads. */
7252         caam_pkha_mode_set_src_reg_copy(&modeReg, params->srcReg);
7253         caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_reg_copy(&modeReg, params->dstReg);
7254         caam_pkha_mode_set_src_seg_copy(&modeReg, params->srcQuad);
7255         caam_pkha_mode_set_dst_seg_copy(&modeReg, params->dstQuad);
7256     }
7257     else
7258     {
7259         /* Set the arithmetic type - integer or binary polynomial (F2m). */
7260         modeReg |= ((uint32_t)params->arithType << 17u);
7262         /* Set to use Montgomery form of inputs and/or outputs. */
7263         modeReg |= ((uint32_t)params->montFormIn << 19u);
7264         modeReg |= ((uint32_t)params->montFormOut << 18u);
7266         /* Set to use pre-computed R2modN */
7267         modeReg |= ((uint32_t)params->r2modn << 16u);
7268     }
7270     modeReg |= ((uint32_t)params->equalTime << 10u);
7272     return modeReg;
7273 }
7275 enum _caam_user_specified_status
7276 {
7277     /* the value below is used as LOCAL_OFFSET field for the JMP/HALT command, in which we test the PRM flag */
7278     kCAAM_UserSpecifiedStatus_NotPrime = 0x55u,
7280     /* the value below is returned in Job termination status word in case PrimalityTest result is NotPrime.
7281      */
7282     kCAAM_StatusNotPrime = 0x30000000u | kCAAM_UserSpecifiedStatus_NotPrime,
7283 };
caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,caam_pkha_mode_params_t * params,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize)7285 static status_t caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(CAAM_Type *base,
7286                                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
7287                                                       caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7288                                                       const uint8_t *A,
7289                                                       size_t sizeA,
7290                                                       const uint8_t *B,
7291                                                       size_t sizeB,
7292                                                       const uint8_t *N,
7293                                                       size_t sizeN,
7294                                                       const uint8_t *E,
7295                                                       size_t sizeE,
7296                                                       caam_pkha_mode_params_t *params,
7297                                                       uint8_t *result,
7298                                                       size_t *resultSize)
7299 {
7300     uint32_t clearMask      = 0;
7301     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateArithmeticPKHA);
7302     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(caam_desc_pkha_t) >= sizeof(templateArithmeticPKHA), caam_desc_pkha_t_size_too_low);
7304     /* initialize descriptor from template */
7305     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateArithmeticPKHA, sizeof(templateArithmeticPKHA));
7307     /* add descriptor lenght in bytes to HEADER descriptor command */
7308     DESC_HEADER_ADD_DESCLEN(descriptor[0], descriptorSize);
7310     /* input data */
7311     if ((N != NULL) && (sizeN != 0U))
7312     {
7313         clearMask |= (uint32_t)1u << 16; /* add Nram bit to PKHA_MODE_MS */
7314         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[3], sizeN);
7315         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[4], N);
7316     }
7317     else
7318     {
7319         /* jump to descriptor[4] */
7320         descriptor[3] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=4) */
7321     }
7323     if ((A != NULL) && (sizeA != 0U))
7324     {
7325         clearMask |= (uint32_t)1u << 19; /* add Aram bit to PKHA_MODE_MS */
7326         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[5], sizeA);
7327         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[6], A);
7328     }
7329     else
7330     {
7331         /* jump to descriptor[6] */
7332         descriptor[5] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=6) */
7333     }
7335     if ((B != NULL) && (sizeB != 0U))
7336     {
7337         clearMask |= (uint32_t)1u << 18; /* add Bram bit to PKHA_MODE_MS */
7338         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[7], sizeB);
7339         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[8], B);
7340     }
7341     else
7342     {
7343         /* jump to descriptor[8] */
7344         descriptor[7] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=8) */
7345     }
7347     if ((E != NULL) && (sizeE != 0U))
7348     {
7349         clearMask |= (uint32_t)1u << 17; /* add Eram bit to PKHA_MODE_MS */
7350         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[9], sizeE);
7351         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[10], E);
7352     }
7353     else
7354     {
7355         /* jump to descriptor[11] */
7356         descriptor[9] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=11) */
7357     }
7359     /* add registers to clear into the pkha clear memory function */
7360     descriptor[1] |= clearMask;
7362     /* add functions details for pkha arithmetic functions */
7363     descriptor[11] |= caam_pkha_get_mode(params);
7365     /* RESULTS */
7366     if ((result != NULL) && (resultSize != NULL))
7367     {
7368         /* We don't know the size of result at this point. But, we know it will be <= modulus. */
7369         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[12], sizeN);
7370         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[13], result);
7371         *resultSize = sizeN;
7372     }
7373     else
7374     {
7375         /* special case for Primality Test - instead of reading result, check PRM bit and return user-specified status
7376          * if it is set. */
7377         /* conditional HALT, return user-specificed status if condition evaluated is true. this condition checks if (PRM
7378          * is false). */
7379         descriptor[12] = 0xA0C12000u;
7380         descriptor[12] |= (uint32_t)kCAAM_UserSpecifiedStatus_NotPrime;
7382         descriptor[13] = DESC_HALT; /* always halt with status 0x0 (normal) */
7383     }
7385     /* schedule the job */
7386     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
7387 }
7389 static const uint32_t templateArithmeticECC[] = {
7390     /* 00 */ DESC_HEADER,  /* HEADER */
7391     /* 01 */ 0x818F0001u,  /* OPERATION: PKHA OPERATION: clear memory function. Clear ABNE. */
7392     /* 02 */ 0xA2000001u,  /* JMP always to next command. Done checkpoint (wait for Class 1 Done) */
7393     /* 03 */ DESC_FLOADN,  /* FIFO LOAD PKHA N */
7394     /* 04 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: N address */
7395     /* 05 */ DESC_FLOADA0, /* FIFO LOAD A0 */
7396     /* 06 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: A0 address */
7397     /* 07 */ DESC_FLOADA1, /* FIFO LOAD A1 */
7398     /* 08 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: A1 address */
7399     /* 09 */ DESC_FLOADA3, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA A3 */
7400     /* 10 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: A3 address */
7401     /* 11 */ DESC_FLOADB0, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA B0 */
7402     /* 12 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: B0 address */
7403     /* 13 */ DESC_FLOADB1, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA B1 */
7404     /* 14 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: B1 address */
7405     /* 15 */ DESC_FLOADB2, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA B2 */
7406     /* 16 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: B2 address */
7407     /* 17 */ DESC_FLOADB3, /* FIFO LOAD PKHA B3 */
7408     /* 18 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: B3 address */
7409     /* 19 */ DESC_KEY_E_,  /* KEY PKHA E */
7410     /* 20 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: E address */
7411     /* 21 */ 0x81800000u,  /* OPERATION: PKHA OPERATION: Arithmetic Functions. */
7412     /* 22 */ DESC_STOREB1, /* FIFO STORE PKHA B1 */
7413     /* 23 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: result X address */
7414     /* 24 */ DESC_STOREB2, /* FIFO STORE PKHA B2 */
7415     /* 25 */ 0x00000000u,  /* place: result Y address */
7416 };
caam_pkha_ecc_algorithm_operation_command(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * A,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * B,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * R2modN_B1,const uint8_t * R2modN_B3,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result,caam_pkha_mode_params_t * params)7418 static status_t caam_pkha_ecc_algorithm_operation_command(CAAM_Type *base,
7419                                                           caam_handle_t *handle,
7420                                                           caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
7421                                                           const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
7422                                                           const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
7423                                                           const uint8_t *E,
7424                                                           size_t sizeE,
7425                                                           const uint8_t *N,
7426                                                           const uint8_t *R2modN_B1,
7427                                                           const uint8_t *R2modN_B3,
7428                                                           const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
7429                                                           const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
7430                                                           size_t size,
7431                                                           caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result,
7432                                                           caam_pkha_mode_params_t *params)
7433 {
7434     uint32_t descriptorSize = ARRAY_SIZE(templateArithmeticECC);
7435     BUILD_ASSURE(sizeof(caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t) >= sizeof(templateArithmeticECC), caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t_size_too_low);
7437     /* initialize descriptor from template */
7438     (void)caam_memcpy(descriptor, templateArithmeticECC, sizeof(templateArithmeticECC));
7440     /* add descriptor lenght in bytes to HEADER descriptor command */
7441     DESC_HEADER_ADD_DESCLEN(descriptor[0], descriptorSize);
7443     /* N = modulus */
7444     DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[3], size);
7445     DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[4], N);
7447     /* [A0, A1] first point in affine coordinates */
7448     if (A != NULL)
7449     {
7450         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[5], size);
7451         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[6], A->X);
7452         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[7], size);
7453         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[8], A->Y);
7454     }
7455     else
7456     {
7457         /* jump to descriptor[9] */
7458         descriptor[5] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* jump to current index + 4 (=9) */
7459     }
7461     /* aCurveParam */
7462     DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[9], size);
7463     DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[10], aCurveParam);
7465     /* bCurveParam */
7466     DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[11], size);
7467     DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[12], bCurveParam);
7469     /* [B1, B2] second point in affine coordinates */
7470     if (B != NULL)
7471     {
7472         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[13], size);
7473         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[14], B->X);
7474         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[15], size);
7475         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[16], B->Y);
7476     }
7477     else if (R2modN_B1 != NULL) /* R2modN for ECC_MOD_MUL goes to B1 */
7478     {
7479         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[13], size);
7480         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[14], R2modN_B1);
7481         /* jump to descriptor[17] */
7482         descriptor[15] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=17) */
7483     }
7484     else
7485     {
7486         /* jump to descriptor[17] */
7487         descriptor[13] = DESC_JUMP_4; /* jump to current index + 4 (=17) */
7488     }
7490     if (R2modN_B3 != NULL)
7491     {
7492         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[17], size);
7493         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[18], R2modN_B3);
7494     }
7495     else
7496     {
7497         /* jump to descriptor[19] */
7498         descriptor[17] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=19) */
7499     }
7501     if ((E != NULL) && (sizeE != 0U))
7502     {
7503         DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[19], sizeE);
7504         DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[20], E);
7505     }
7506     else
7507     {
7508         /* jump to descriptor[21] */
7509         descriptor[19] = DESC_JUMP_2; /* jump to current index + 2 (=21) */
7510     }
7512     /* add functions details for pkha arithmetic functions */
7513     descriptor[21] |= caam_pkha_get_mode(params);
7515     /* store [B1, B2] result point */
7516     DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[22], size);
7517     DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[23], result->X);
7518     DESC_ADD_LEN(descriptor[24], size);
7519     DESC_SET_ADDR(descriptor[25], result->Y);
7521     /* schedule the job */
7522     return caam_in_job_ring_add(base, handle->jobRing, &descriptor[0]);
7523 }
7525 /*!
7526  * addtogroup caam_driver_pkha
7527  * {
7528  */
CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(const uint8_t * a,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * b,size_t sizeB)7530 int CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(const uint8_t *a, size_t sizeA, const uint8_t *b, size_t sizeB)
7531 {
7532     int retval = 0;
7534     /* skip zero msbytes - integer a */
7535     while ((sizeA != 0U) && (0u == a[0]))
7536     {
7537         sizeA--;
7538         a++;
7539     }
7541     /* skip zero msbytes - integer b */
7542     while ((sizeB != 0U) && (0u == b[0]))
7543     {
7544         sizeB--;
7545         b++;
7546     }
7548     if (sizeA > sizeB)
7549     {
7550         retval = 1;
7551     } /* int a has more non-zero bytes, thus it is bigger than b */
7552     else if (sizeA < sizeB)
7553     {
7554         retval = -1;
7555     } /* int b has more non-zero bytes, thus it is bigger than a */
7556     else if (sizeA == 0U)
7557     {
7558         retval = 0;
7559     } /* sizeA = sizeB = 0 */
7560     else
7561     {
7562         int n;
7563         uint32_t equal;
7564         int val;
7566         n     = (int)sizeA - 1;
7567         equal = 0;
7569         /* compare all bytes - does not leak (in time domain) how many bytes equal */
7570         /* move from lsbyte to msbyte */
7571         while (n >= 0)
7572         {
7573             uint32_t chXor = ((uint32_t)a[n] ^ (uint32_t)b[n]);
7575             equal |= chXor;
7576             val = (int)chXor * ((int)a[n] - (int)b[n]);
7578             if (val < 0)
7579             {
7580                 retval = -1;
7581             }
7583             if (val > 0)
7584             {
7585                 retval = 1;
7586             }
7588             if (val == 0)
7589             {
7590                 val = 1;
7591             }
7593             if (val != 0)
7594             {
7595                 n--;
7596             }
7597         }
7599         if (0U == equal)
7600         {
7601             retval = 0;
7602         }
7603     }
7604     return (retval);
7605 }
7607 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7608                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
7609                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7610                                      const uint8_t *A,
7611                                      size_t sizeA,
7612                                      const uint8_t *B,
7613                                      size_t sizeB,
7614                                      const uint8_t *N,
7615                                      size_t sizeN,
7616                                      uint8_t *result,
7617                                      size_t *resultSize,
7618                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType);
CAAM_PKHA_ModAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)7620 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7621                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
7622                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7623                                      const uint8_t *A,
7624                                      size_t sizeA,
7625                                      const uint8_t *B,
7626                                      size_t sizeB,
7627                                      const uint8_t *N,
7628                                      size_t sizeN,
7629                                      uint8_t *result,
7630                                      size_t *resultSize,
7631                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
7632 {
7633     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
7634     status_t status;
7636     if (arithType == kCAAM_PKHA_IntegerArith)
7637     {
7638         if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(A, sizeA, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7639         {
7640             return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7641         }
7643         if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(B, sizeB, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7644         {
7645             return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7646         }
7647     }
7649     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
7650     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModAdd;
7651     params.arithType = arithType;
7653     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
7654                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
7655     return status;
7656 }
7658 /*!
7659  * brief Performs modular addition - (A + B) mod N.
7660  *
7661  * This function performs modular addition of (A + B) mod N, with either
7662  * integer or binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.  In the F2m form, this function is
7663  * equivalent to a bitwise XOR and it is functionally the same as subtraction.
7664  *
7665  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
7666  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7667  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
7668  * param B second addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7669  * param sizeB Size of B in bytes
7670  * param N modulus.
7671  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes.
7672  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
7673  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
7674  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
7675  * return Operation status.
7676  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModAdd(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)7677 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModAdd(CAAM_Type *base,
7678                           caam_handle_t *handle,
7679                           const uint8_t *A,
7680                           size_t sizeA,
7681                           const uint8_t *B,
7682                           size_t sizeB,
7683                           const uint8_t *N,
7684                           size_t sizeN,
7685                           uint8_t *result,
7686                           size_t *resultSize,
7687                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
7688 {
7689     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
7690     status_t status;
7692     do
7693     {
7694         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModAddNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, result, resultSize,
7695                                              arithType);
7696     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
7698     if (status != kStatus_Success)
7699     {
7700         return status;
7701     }
7703     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
7705     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
7706     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
7707     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
7708 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
7709     return status;
7710 }
7712 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7713                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
7714                                       caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7715                                       const uint8_t *A,
7716                                       size_t sizeA,
7717                                       const uint8_t *B,
7718                                       size_t sizeB,
7719                                       const uint8_t *N,
7720                                       size_t sizeN,
7721                                       uint8_t *result,
7722                                       size_t *resultSize);
CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1NonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize)7724 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7725                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
7726                                       caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7727                                       const uint8_t *A,
7728                                       size_t sizeA,
7729                                       const uint8_t *B,
7730                                       size_t sizeB,
7731                                       const uint8_t *N,
7732                                       size_t sizeN,
7733                                       uint8_t *result,
7734                                       size_t *resultSize)
7735 {
7736     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
7737     status_t status;
7739     if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(A, sizeA, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7740     {
7741         return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7742     }
7744     if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(B, sizeB, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7745     {
7746         return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7747     }
7749     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
7750     params.func = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModSub1;
7752     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
7753                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
7754     return status;
7755 }
7757 /*!
7758  * brief Performs modular subtraction - (A - B) mod N.
7759  *
7760  * This function performs modular subtraction of (A - B) mod N with
7761  * integer inputs.
7762  *
7763  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
7764  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7765  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
7766  * param B second addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7767  * param sizeB Size of B in bytes
7768  * param N modulus
7769  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
7770  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
7771  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
7772  * return Operation status.
7773  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize)7774 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1(CAAM_Type *base,
7775                            caam_handle_t *handle,
7776                            const uint8_t *A,
7777                            size_t sizeA,
7778                            const uint8_t *B,
7779                            size_t sizeB,
7780                            const uint8_t *N,
7781                            size_t sizeN,
7782                            uint8_t *result,
7783                            size_t *resultSize)
7784 {
7785     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
7786     status_t status;
7788     do
7789     {
7790         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModSub1NonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, result, resultSize);
7791     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
7793     if (status != kStatus_Success)
7794     {
7795         return status;
7796     }
7798     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
7800     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
7801     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
7802     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
7803 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
7804     return status;
7805 }
7807 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7808                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
7809                                       caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7810                                       const uint8_t *A,
7811                                       size_t sizeA,
7812                                       const uint8_t *B,
7813                                       size_t sizeB,
7814                                       const uint8_t *N,
7815                                       size_t sizeN,
7816                                       uint8_t *result,
7817                                       size_t *resultSize);
CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize)7819 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7820                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
7821                                       caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7822                                       const uint8_t *A,
7823                                       size_t sizeA,
7824                                       const uint8_t *B,
7825                                       size_t sizeB,
7826                                       const uint8_t *N,
7827                                       size_t sizeN,
7828                                       uint8_t *result,
7829                                       size_t *resultSize)
7830 {
7831     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
7832     status_t status;
7834     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
7835     params.func = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModSub2;
7837     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
7838                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
7839     return status;
7840 }
7842 /*!
7843  * brief Performs modular subtraction - (B - A) mod N.
7844  *
7845  * This function performs modular subtraction of (B - A) mod N,
7846  * with integer inputs.
7847  *
7848  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
7849  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7850  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
7851  * param B second addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7852  * param sizeB Size of B in bytes
7853  * param N modulus
7854  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
7855  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
7856  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
7857  * return Operation status.
7858  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize)7859 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2(CAAM_Type *base,
7860                            caam_handle_t *handle,
7861                            const uint8_t *A,
7862                            size_t sizeA,
7863                            const uint8_t *B,
7864                            size_t sizeB,
7865                            const uint8_t *N,
7866                            size_t sizeN,
7867                            uint8_t *result,
7868                            size_t *resultSize)
7869 {
7870     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
7871     status_t status;
7873     do
7874     {
7875         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModSub2NonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, result, resultSize);
7876     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
7878     if (status != kStatus_Success)
7879     {
7880         return status;
7881     }
7883     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
7885     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
7886     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
7887     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
7888 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
7889     return status;
7890 }
7892 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7893                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
7894                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7895                                      const uint8_t *A,
7896                                      size_t sizeA,
7897                                      const uint8_t *B,
7898                                      size_t sizeB,
7899                                      const uint8_t *N,
7900                                      size_t sizeN,
7901                                      uint8_t *result,
7902                                      size_t *resultSize,
7903                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
7904                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
7905                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montOut,
7906                                      caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime);
CAAM_PKHA_ModMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montOut,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)7908 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
7909                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
7910                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
7911                                      const uint8_t *A,
7912                                      size_t sizeA,
7913                                      const uint8_t *B,
7914                                      size_t sizeB,
7915                                      const uint8_t *N,
7916                                      size_t sizeN,
7917                                      uint8_t *result,
7918                                      size_t *resultSize,
7919                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
7920                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
7921                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montOut,
7922                                      caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)
7923 {
7924     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
7925     status_t status;
7927     if (arithType == kCAAM_PKHA_IntegerArith)
7928     {
7929         if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(A, sizeA, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7930         {
7931             return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7932         }
7934         if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(B, sizeB, N, sizeN) >= 0)
7935         {
7936             return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
7937         }
7938     }
7940     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
7941     params.func        = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModMul;
7942     params.arithType   = arithType;
7943     params.montFormIn  = montIn;
7944     params.montFormOut = montOut;
7945     params.equalTime   = equalTime;
7947     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
7948                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
7950     return status;
7951 }
7953 /*!
7954  * brief Performs modular multiplication - (A x B) mod N.
7955  *
7956  * This function performs modular multiplication with either integer or
7957  * binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.  It can optionally specify whether inputs
7958  * and/or outputs will be in Montgomery form or not.
7959  *
7960  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
7961  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7962  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
7963  * param B second addend (integer or binary polynomial)
7964  * param sizeB Size of B in bytes
7965  * param N modulus.
7966  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
7967  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
7968  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
7969  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
7970  * param montIn Format of inputs
7971  * param montOut Format of output
7972  * param equalTime Run the function time equalized or no timing equalization. This argument is ignored for F2m modular
7973  * multiplication.
7974  * return Operation status.
7975  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montOut,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)7976 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(CAAM_Type *base,
7977                           caam_handle_t *handle,
7978                           const uint8_t *A,
7979                           size_t sizeA,
7980                           const uint8_t *B,
7981                           size_t sizeB,
7982                           const uint8_t *N,
7983                           size_t sizeN,
7984                           uint8_t *result,
7985                           size_t *resultSize,
7986                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
7987                           caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
7988                           caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montOut,
7989                           caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)
7990 {
7991     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
7992     status_t status;
7994     do
7995     {
7996         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModMulNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, result, resultSize,
7997                                              arithType, montIn, montOut, equalTime);
7998     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8000     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8001     {
8002         return status;
8003     }
8005     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8007     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8008     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8009     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8010 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8011     return status;
8012 }
8014 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModR2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8015                                     caam_handle_t *handle,
8016                                     caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8017                                     const uint8_t *N,
8018                                     size_t sizeN,
8019                                     uint8_t *result,
8020                                     size_t *resultSize,
8021                                     caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType);
CAAM_PKHA_ModR2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8023 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModR2NonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8024                                     caam_handle_t *handle,
8025                                     caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8026                                     const uint8_t *N,
8027                                     size_t sizeN,
8028                                     uint8_t *result,
8029                                     size_t *resultSize,
8030                                     caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8031 {
8032     status_t status;
8033     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8035     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8036     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModR2;
8037     params.arithType = arithType;
8039     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
8040                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
8041     return status;
8042 }
8044 /*!
8045  * brief Computes integer Montgomery factor R^2 mod N.
8046  *
8047  * This function computes a constant to assist in converting operands
8048  * into the Montgomery residue system representation.
8049  *
8050  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8051  * param N modulus
8052  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8053  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
8054  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
8055  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8056  * return Operation status.
8057  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModR2(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8058 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModR2(CAAM_Type *base,
8059                          caam_handle_t *handle,
8060                          const uint8_t *N,
8061                          size_t sizeN,
8062                          uint8_t *result,
8063                          size_t *resultSize,
8064                          caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8065 {
8066     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8067     status_t status;
8069     do
8070     {
8071         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModR2NonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, N, sizeN, result, resultSize, arithType);
8072     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8074     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8075     {
8076         return status;
8077     }
8079     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8081     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8082     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8083     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8084 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8085     return status;
8086 }
8088 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModExpNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8089                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8090                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8091                                      const uint8_t *A,
8092                                      size_t sizeA,
8093                                      const uint8_t *N,
8094                                      size_t sizeN,
8095                                      const uint8_t *E,
8096                                      size_t sizeE,
8097                                      uint8_t *result,
8098                                      size_t *resultSize,
8099                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8100                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
8101                                      caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime);
CAAM_PKHA_ModExpNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)8103 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModExpNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8104                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8105                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8106                                      const uint8_t *A,
8107                                      size_t sizeA,
8108                                      const uint8_t *N,
8109                                      size_t sizeN,
8110                                      const uint8_t *E,
8111                                      size_t sizeE,
8112                                      uint8_t *result,
8113                                      size_t *resultSize,
8114                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8115                                      caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
8116                                      caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)
8117 {
8118     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8119     status_t status;
8121     if (arithType == kCAAM_PKHA_IntegerArith)
8122     {
8123         if (CAAM_PKHA_CompareBigNum(A, sizeA, N, sizeN) >= 0)
8124         {
8125             return (kStatus_InvalidArgument);
8126         }
8127     }
8129     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8130     params.func       = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModExp;
8131     params.arithType  = arithType;
8132     params.montFormIn = montIn;
8133     params.equalTime  = equalTime;
8135     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, NULL, 0, N, sizeN, E, sizeE,
8136                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
8137     return status;
8138 }
8140 /*!
8141  * brief Performs modular exponentiation - (A^E) mod N.
8142  *
8143  * This function performs modular exponentiation with either integer or
8144  * binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.
8145  *
8146  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8147  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
8148  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
8149  * param N modulus
8150  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8151  * param E exponent
8152  * param sizeE Size of E in bytes
8153  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
8154  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
8155  * param montIn Format of A input (normal or Montgomery)
8156  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8157  * param equalTime Run the function time equalized or no timing equalization.
8158  * return Operation status.
8159  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModExp(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)8160 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModExp(CAAM_Type *base,
8161                           caam_handle_t *handle,
8162                           const uint8_t *A,
8163                           size_t sizeA,
8164                           const uint8_t *N,
8165                           size_t sizeN,
8166                           const uint8_t *E,
8167                           size_t sizeE,
8168                           uint8_t *result,
8169                           size_t *resultSize,
8170                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8171                           caam_pkha_montgomery_form_t montIn,
8172                           caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime)
8173 {
8174     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8175     status_t status;
8177     do
8178     {
8179         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModExpNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, N, sizeN, E, sizeE, result, resultSize,
8180                                              arithType, montIn, equalTime);
8181     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8183     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8184     {
8185         return status;
8186     }
8188     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8190     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8191     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8192     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8193 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8194     return status;
8195 }
8197 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModRedNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8198                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8199                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8200                                      const uint8_t *A,
8201                                      size_t sizeA,
8202                                      const uint8_t *N,
8203                                      size_t sizeN,
8204                                      uint8_t *result,
8205                                      size_t *resultSize,
8206                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType);
CAAM_PKHA_ModRedNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8208 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModRedNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8209                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8210                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8211                                      const uint8_t *A,
8212                                      size_t sizeA,
8213                                      const uint8_t *N,
8214                                      size_t sizeN,
8215                                      uint8_t *result,
8216                                      size_t *resultSize,
8217                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8218 {
8219     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8220     status_t status;
8222     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8223     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModRed;
8224     params.arithType = arithType;
8226     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, NULL, 0, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
8227                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
8228     return status;
8229 }
8231 /*!
8232  * brief Performs modular reduction - (A) mod N.
8233  *
8234  * This function performs modular reduction with either integer or
8235  * binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.
8236  *
8237  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8238  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
8239  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
8240  * param N modulus
8241  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8242  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
8243  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
8244  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8245  * return Operation status.
8246  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModRed(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8247 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModRed(CAAM_Type *base,
8248                           caam_handle_t *handle,
8249                           const uint8_t *A,
8250                           size_t sizeA,
8251                           const uint8_t *N,
8252                           size_t sizeN,
8253                           uint8_t *result,
8254                           size_t *resultSize,
8255                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8256 {
8257     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8258     status_t status;
8260     do
8261     {
8262         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModRedNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, N, sizeN, result, resultSize, arithType);
8263     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8265     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8266     {
8267         return status;
8268     }
8270     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8272     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8273     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8274     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8275 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8276     return status;
8277 }
8279 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModInvNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8280                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8281                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8282                                      const uint8_t *A,
8283                                      size_t sizeA,
8284                                      const uint8_t *N,
8285                                      size_t sizeN,
8286                                      uint8_t *result,
8287                                      size_t *resultSize,
8288                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType);
CAAM_PKHA_ModInvNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8290 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModInvNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8291                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8292                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8293                                      const uint8_t *A,
8294                                      size_t sizeA,
8295                                      const uint8_t *N,
8296                                      size_t sizeN,
8297                                      uint8_t *result,
8298                                      size_t *resultSize,
8299                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8300 {
8301     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8302     status_t status;
8304     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8305     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithModInv;
8306     params.arithType = arithType;
8308     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, NULL, 0, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
8309                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
8310     return status;
8311 }
8313 /*!
8314  * brief Performs modular inversion - (A^-1) mod N.
8315  *
8316  * This function performs modular inversion with either integer or
8317  * binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.
8318  *
8319  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8320  * param A first addend (integer or binary polynomial)
8321  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
8322  * param N modulus
8323  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8324  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
8325  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
8326  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8327  * return Operation status.
8328  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModInv(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8329 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModInv(CAAM_Type *base,
8330                           caam_handle_t *handle,
8331                           const uint8_t *A,
8332                           size_t sizeA,
8333                           const uint8_t *N,
8334                           size_t sizeN,
8335                           uint8_t *result,
8336                           size_t *resultSize,
8337                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8338 {
8339     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8340     status_t status;
8342     do
8343     {
8344         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModInvNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, N, sizeN, result, resultSize, arithType);
8345     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8347     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8348     {
8349         return status;
8350     }
8352     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8354     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8355     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8356     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8357 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8358     return status;
8359 }
8361 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModGcdNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8362                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8363                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8364                                      const uint8_t *A,
8365                                      size_t sizeA,
8366                                      const uint8_t *N,
8367                                      size_t sizeN,
8368                                      uint8_t *result,
8369                                      size_t *resultSize,
8370                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType);
CAAM_PKHA_ModGcdNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8372 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModGcdNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8373                                      caam_handle_t *handle,
8374                                      caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8375                                      const uint8_t *A,
8376                                      size_t sizeA,
8377                                      const uint8_t *N,
8378                                      size_t sizeN,
8379                                      uint8_t *result,
8380                                      size_t *resultSize,
8381                                      caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8382 {
8383     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8384     status_t status;
8386     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8387     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithGcd;
8388     params.arithType = arithType;
8390     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, NULL, 0, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
8391                                                    &params, result, resultSize);
8392     return status;
8393 }
8395 /*!
8396  * brief Calculates the greatest common divisor - GCD (A, N).
8397  *
8398  * This function calculates the greatest common divisor of two inputs with
8399  * either integer or binary polynomial (F2m) inputs.
8400  *
8401  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8402  * param A first value (must be smaller than or equal to N)
8403  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
8404  * param N second value (must be non-zero)
8405  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8406  * param[out] result Output array to store result of operation
8407  * param[out] resultSize Output size of operation in bytes
8408  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8409  * return Operation status.
8410  */
CAAM_PKHA_ModGcd(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * result,size_t * resultSize,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8411 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ModGcd(CAAM_Type *base,
8412                           caam_handle_t *handle,
8413                           const uint8_t *A,
8414                           size_t sizeA,
8415                           const uint8_t *N,
8416                           size_t sizeN,
8417                           uint8_t *result,
8418                           size_t *resultSize,
8419                           caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8420 {
8421     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8422     status_t status;
8424     do
8425     {
8426         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModGcdNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, N, sizeN, result, resultSize, arithType);
8427     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8429     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8430     {
8431         return status;
8432     }
8434     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8436     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8437     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8438     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result, *resultSize);
8439 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8440     return status;
8441 }
8443 status_t CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTestNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8444                                             caam_handle_t *handle,
8445                                             caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8446                                             const uint8_t *A,
8447                                             size_t sizeA,
8448                                             const uint8_t *B,
8449                                             size_t sizeB,
8450                                             const uint8_t *N,
8451                                             size_t sizeN);
CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTestNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN)8453 status_t CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTestNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8454                                             caam_handle_t *handle,
8455                                             caam_desc_pkha_t descriptor,
8456                                             const uint8_t *A,
8457                                             size_t sizeA,
8458                                             const uint8_t *B,
8459                                             size_t sizeB,
8460                                             const uint8_t *N,
8461                                             size_t sizeN)
8462 {
8463     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8464     status_t status;
8466     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8467     params.func = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithPrimalityTest;
8469     status = caam_pkha_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN, NULL, 0,
8470                                                    &params, NULL, NULL);
8471     return status;
8472 }
8474 /*!
8475  * brief Executes Miller-Rabin primality test.
8476  *
8477  * This function calculates whether or not a candidate prime number is likely
8478  * to be a prime.
8479  *
8480  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8481  * param A initial random seed
8482  * param sizeA Size of A in bytes
8483  * param B number of trial runs
8484  * param sizeB Size of B in bytes
8485  * param N candidate prime integer
8486  * param sizeN Size of N in bytes
8487  * param[out] res True if the value is likely prime or false otherwise
8488  * return Operation status.
8489  */
CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTest(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * A,size_t sizeA,const uint8_t * B,size_t sizeB,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,bool * res)8490 status_t CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTest(CAAM_Type *base,
8491                                  caam_handle_t *handle,
8492                                  const uint8_t *A,
8493                                  size_t sizeA,
8494                                  const uint8_t *B,
8495                                  size_t sizeB,
8496                                  const uint8_t *N,
8497                                  size_t sizeN,
8498                                  bool *res)
8499 {
8500     caam_desc_pkha_t descBuf;
8501     status_t status;
8503     do
8504     {
8505         status = CAAM_PKHA_PrimalityTestNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, sizeA, B, sizeB, N, sizeN);
8506     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8508     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8509     {
8510         return status;
8511     }
8513     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8515     if (status == kStatus_Success)
8516     {
8517         /* this return code means that the candidate is believed to be prime. */
8518         *res = true;
8519     }
8520     /* clear DESC INDEX field in the Job termination status word and check if it is our NotPrime user specified status
8521      */
8522     else if (((uint32_t)status & 0xffff00ffu) == (uint32_t)kCAAM_StatusNotPrime)
8523     {
8524         /* change status to Ok to upper layer caller. this return code means that the candidate is believed to not being
8525          * prime. */
8526         status = kStatus_Success;
8527         *res   = false;
8528     }
8529     else
8530     {
8531         *res = false;
8532     }
8534     return status;
8535 }
8537 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8538                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
8539                                            caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8540                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8541                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8542                                            const uint8_t *N,
8543                                            const uint8_t *R2modN,
8544                                            const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8545                                            const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8546                                            size_t size,
8547                                            caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8548                                            caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result);
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * A,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * B,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * R2modN,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8550 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAddNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8551                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
8552                                            caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8553                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8554                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8555                                            const uint8_t *N,
8556                                            const uint8_t *R2modN,
8557                                            const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8558                                            const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8559                                            size_t size,
8560                                            caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8561                                            caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8562 {
8563     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8564     status_t status;
8566     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8567     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccAdd;
8568     params.arithType = arithType;
8569     params.r2modn    = (R2modN != NULL) ? kCAAM_PKHA_InputR2 : kCAAM_PKHA_CalcR2;
8571     status = caam_pkha_ecc_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, B, NULL, 0, N, NULL, R2modN,
8572                                                        aCurveParam, bCurveParam, size, result, &params);
8573     return status;
8574 }
8576 /*!
8577  * brief Adds elliptic curve points - A + B.
8578  *
8579  * This function performs ECC point addition over a prime field (Fp) or binary field (F2m) using
8580  * affine coordinates.
8581  *
8582  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8583  * param A Left-hand point
8584  * param B Right-hand point
8585  * param N Prime modulus of the field
8586  * param R2modN NULL (the function computes R2modN internally) or pointer to pre-computed R2modN (obtained from
8587  *               CAAM_PKHA_ModR2() function).
8588  * param aCurveParam A parameter from curve equation
8589  * param bCurveParam B parameter from curve equation (constant)
8590  * param size Size in bytes of curve points and parameters
8591  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8592  * param[out] result Result point
8593  * return Operation status.
8594  */
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAdd(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * A,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * B,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * R2modN,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8595 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAdd(CAAM_Type *base,
8596                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
8597                                 const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8598                                 const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8599                                 const uint8_t *N,
8600                                 const uint8_t *R2modN,
8601                                 const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8602                                 const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8603                                 size_t size,
8604                                 caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8605                                 caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8606 {
8607     caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descBuf;
8608     status_t status;
8610     do
8611     {
8612         status = CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointAddNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, B, N, R2modN, aCurveParam, bCurveParam,
8613                                                    size, arithType, result);
8614     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8616     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8617     {
8618         return status;
8619     }
8621     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8623     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8624     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8625     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->X, size);
8626     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->Y, size);
8627 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8628     return status;
8629 }
8631 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDoubleNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8632                                               caam_handle_t *handle,
8633                                               caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8634                                               const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8635                                               const uint8_t *N,
8636                                               const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8637                                               const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8638                                               size_t size,
8639                                               caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8640                                               caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result);
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDoubleNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * B,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8642 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDoubleNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8643                                               caam_handle_t *handle,
8644                                               caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8645                                               const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8646                                               const uint8_t *N,
8647                                               const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8648                                               const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8649                                               size_t size,
8650                                               caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8651                                               caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8652 {
8653     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8654     status_t status;
8656     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8657     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccDouble;
8658     params.arithType = arithType;
8660     status = caam_pkha_ecc_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, NULL, B, NULL, 0, N, NULL, NULL,
8661                                                        aCurveParam, bCurveParam, size, result, &params);
8662     return status;
8663 }
8665 /*!
8666  * brief Doubles elliptic curve points - B + B.
8667  *
8668  * This function performs ECC point doubling over a prime field (Fp) or binary field (F2m) using
8669  * affine coordinates.
8670  *
8671  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8672  * param B Point to double
8673  * param N Prime modulus of the field
8674  * param aCurveParam A parameter from curve equation
8675  * param bCurveParam B parameter from curve equation (constant)
8676  * param size Size in bytes of curve points and parameters
8677  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8678  * param[out] result Result point
8679  * return Operation status.
8680  */
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDouble(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * B,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8681 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDouble(CAAM_Type *base,
8682                                    caam_handle_t *handle,
8683                                    const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *B,
8684                                    const uint8_t *N,
8685                                    const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8686                                    const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8687                                    size_t size,
8688                                    caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8689                                    caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8690 {
8691     caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descBuf;
8692     status_t status;
8694     do
8695     {
8696         status = CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointDoubleNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, B, N, aCurveParam, bCurveParam, size,
8697                                                       arithType, result);
8698     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8700     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8701     {
8702         return status;
8703     }
8705     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8707     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8708     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8709     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->X, size);
8710     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->Y, size);
8711 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8712     return status;
8713 }
8715 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8716                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
8717                                            caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8718                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8719                                            const uint8_t *E,
8720                                            size_t sizeE,
8721                                            const uint8_t *N,
8722                                            const uint8_t *R2modN,
8723                                            const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8724                                            const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8725                                            size_t size,
8726                                            caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,
8727                                            caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8728                                            caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result);
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * A,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * R2modN,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8730 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMulNonBlocking(CAAM_Type *base,
8731                                            caam_handle_t *handle,
8732                                            caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descriptor,
8733                                            const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8734                                            const uint8_t *E,
8735                                            size_t sizeE,
8736                                            const uint8_t *N,
8737                                            const uint8_t *R2modN,
8738                                            const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8739                                            const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8740                                            size_t size,
8741                                            caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,
8742                                            caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8743                                            caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8744 {
8745     caam_pkha_mode_params_t params;
8746     status_t status;
8748     caam_pkha_default_parms(&params);
8749     params.func      = kCAAM_PKHA_ArithEccMul;
8750     params.equalTime = equalTime;
8751     params.arithType = arithType;
8752     params.r2modn    = (R2modN != NULL) ? kCAAM_PKHA_InputR2 : kCAAM_PKHA_CalcR2;
8754     status = caam_pkha_ecc_algorithm_operation_command(base, handle, descriptor, A, NULL, E, sizeE, N, R2modN, NULL,
8755                                                        aCurveParam, bCurveParam, size, result, &params);
8756     return status;
8757 }
8759 /*!
8760  * brief Multiplies an elliptic curve point by a scalar - E x (A0, A1).
8761  *
8762  * This function performs ECC point multiplication to multiply an ECC point by
8763  * a scalar integer multiplier over a prime field (Fp) or a binary field (F2m).
8764  *
8765  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8766  * param A Point as multiplicand
8767  * param E Scalar multiple
8768  * param sizeE The size of E, in bytes
8769  * param N Modulus, a prime number for the Fp field or Irreducible polynomial for F2m field.
8770  * param R2modN NULL (the function computes R2modN internally) or pointer to pre-computed R2modN (obtained from
8771  *        CAAM_PKHA_ModR2() function).
8772  * param aCurveParam A parameter from curve equation
8773  * param bCurveParam B parameter from curve equation (C parameter for operation over F2m).
8774  * param size Size in bytes of curve points and parameters
8775  * param equalTime Run the function time equalized or no timing equalization.
8776  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8777  * param[out] result Result point
8778  * return Operation status.
8779  */
CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMul(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * A,const uint8_t * E,size_t sizeE,const uint8_t * N,const uint8_t * R2modN,const uint8_t * aCurveParam,const uint8_t * bCurveParam,size_t size,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,caam_pkha_ecc_point_t * result)8780 status_t CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMul(CAAM_Type *base,
8781                                 caam_handle_t *handle,
8782                                 const caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *A,
8783                                 const uint8_t *E,
8784                                 size_t sizeE,
8785                                 const uint8_t *N,
8786                                 const uint8_t *R2modN,
8787                                 const uint8_t *aCurveParam,
8788                                 const uint8_t *bCurveParam,
8789                                 size_t size,
8790                                 caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,
8791                                 caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType,
8792                                 caam_pkha_ecc_point_t *result)
8793 {
8794     caam_desc_pkha_ecc_t descBuf;
8795     status_t status;
8797     do
8798     {
8799         status = CAAM_PKHA_ECC_PointMulNonBlocking(base, handle, descBuf, A, E, sizeE, N, R2modN, aCurveParam,
8800                                                    bCurveParam, size, equalTime, arithType, result);
8801     } while (status == kStatus_CAAM_Again);
8803     if (status != kStatus_Success)
8804     {
8805         return status;
8806     }
8808     status = CAAM_Wait(base, handle, descBuf, kCAAM_Blocking);
8810     /* NOTE: DCACHE must be set to write-trough mode to safely invalidate cache!! */
8811     /* Invalidate unaligned data can cause memory corruption in write-back mode   */
8812     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->X, size);
8813     DCACHE_InvalidateByRange((uint32_t)result->Y, size);
8814 #endif /* CAAM_OUT_INVALIDATE */
8815     return status;
8816 }
8818 /*!
8819  * brief Converts from integer to Montgomery format.
8820  *
8821  * This function computes R2 mod N and optionally converts A or B into Montgomery format of A or B.
8822  *
8823  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8824  * param N modulus
8825  * param sizeN size of N in bytes
8826  * param[in,out] A The first input in non-Montgomery format. Output Montgomery format of the first input.
8827  * param[in,out] sizeA pointer to size variable. On input it holds size of input A in bytes. On output it holds size of
8828  *                Montgomery format of A in bytes.
8829  * param[in,out] B Second input in non-Montgomery format. Output Montgomery format of the second input.
8830  * param[in,out] sizeB pointer to size variable. On input it holds size of input B in bytes. On output it holds size of
8831  *                Montgomery format of B in bytes.
8832  * param[out] R2 Output Montgomery factor R2 mod N.
8833  * param[out] sizeR2 pointer to size variable. On output it holds size of Montgomery factor R2 mod N in bytes.
8834  * param equalTime Run the function time equalized or no timing equalization.
8835  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8836  * return Operation status.
8837  */
CAAM_PKHA_NormalToMontgomery(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * A,size_t * sizeA,uint8_t * B,size_t * sizeB,uint8_t * R2,size_t * sizeR2,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8838 status_t CAAM_PKHA_NormalToMontgomery(CAAM_Type *base,
8839                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
8840                                       const uint8_t *N,
8841                                       size_t sizeN,
8842                                       uint8_t *A,
8843                                       size_t *sizeA,
8844                                       uint8_t *B,
8845                                       size_t *sizeB,
8846                                       uint8_t *R2,
8847                                       size_t *sizeR2,
8848                                       caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,
8849                                       caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8850 {
8851     status_t status;
8853     /* need to convert our Integer inputs into Montgomery format */
8854     if ((N != NULL) && (sizeN != 0U) && (R2 != NULL) && (sizeR2 != NULL))
8855     {
8856         /* 1. R2 = MOD_R2(N) */
8857         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModR2(base, handle, N, sizeN, R2, sizeR2, arithType);
8858         if (status != kStatus_Success)
8859         {
8860             return status;
8861         }
8863         /* 2. A(Montgomery) = MOD_MUL_IM_OM(A, R2, N) */
8864         if ((A != NULL) && (sizeA != NULL))
8865         {
8866             status = CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(base, handle, A, *sizeA, R2, *sizeR2, N, sizeN, A, sizeA, arithType,
8867                                       kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, equalTime);
8868             if (status != kStatus_Success)
8869             {
8870                 return status;
8871             }
8872         }
8874         /* 2. B(Montgomery) = MOD_MUL_IM_OM(B, R2, N) */
8875         if ((B != NULL) && (sizeB != NULL))
8876         {
8877             status = CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(base, handle, B, *sizeB, R2, *sizeR2, N, sizeN, B, sizeB, arithType,
8878                                       kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, equalTime);
8879             if (status != kStatus_Success)
8880             {
8881                 return status;
8882             }
8883         }
8884     }
8885     else
8886     {
8887         status = kStatus_InvalidArgument;
8888     }
8890     return status;
8891 }
8893 /*!
8894  * brief Converts from Montgomery format to int.
8895  *
8896  * This function converts Montgomery format of A or B into int A or B.
8897  *
8898  * param base CAAM peripheral base address
8899  * param N modulus.
8900  * param sizeN size of N modulus in bytes.
8901  * param[in,out] A Input first number in Montgomery format. Output is non-Montgomery format.
8902  * param[in,out] sizeA pointer to size variable. On input it holds size of the input A in bytes. On output it holds
8903  * size of non-Montgomery A in bytes.
8904  * param[in,out] B Input first number in Montgomery format. Output is non-Montgomery format.
8905  * param[in,out] sizeB pointer to size variable. On input it holds size of the input B in bytes. On output it holds
8906  * size of non-Montgomery B in bytes.
8907  * param equalTime Run the function time equalized or no timing equalization.
8908  * param arithType Type of arithmetic to perform (integer or F2m)
8909  * return Operation status.
8910  */
CAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryToNormal(CAAM_Type * base,caam_handle_t * handle,const uint8_t * N,size_t sizeN,uint8_t * A,size_t * sizeA,uint8_t * B,size_t * sizeB,caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)8911 status_t CAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryToNormal(CAAM_Type *base,
8912                                       caam_handle_t *handle,
8913                                       const uint8_t *N,
8914                                       size_t sizeN,
8915                                       uint8_t *A,
8916                                       size_t *sizeA,
8917                                       uint8_t *B,
8918                                       size_t *sizeB,
8919                                       caam_pkha_timing_t equalTime,
8920                                       caam_pkha_f2m_t arithType)
8921 {
8922     uint8_t one     = 1;
8923     status_t status = kStatus_InvalidArgument;
8925     /* A = MOD_MUL_IM_OM(A(Montgomery), 1, N) */
8926     if ((A != NULL) && (sizeA != NULL))
8927     {
8928         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(base, handle, A, *sizeA, &one, sizeof(one), N, sizeN, A, sizeA, arithType,
8929                                   kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, equalTime);
8930         if (kStatus_Success != status)
8931         {
8932             return status;
8933         }
8934     }
8936     /* B = MOD_MUL_IM_OM(B(Montgomery), 1, N) */
8937     if ((B != NULL) && (sizeB != NULL))
8938     {
8939         status = CAAM_PKHA_ModMul(base, handle, B, *sizeB, &one, sizeof(one), N, sizeN, B, sizeB, arithType,
8940                                   kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, kCAAM_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat, equalTime);
8941         if (kStatus_Success != status)
8942         {
8943             return status;
8944         }
8945     }
8946     return status;
8947 }