1 /**
2  * \file
3  *
4  * \brief Instance description for MCLK
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2016 Atmel Corporation,
7  *                    a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.
8  *
9  * \asf_license_start
10  *
11  * \page License
12  *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15  * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at
16  *
17  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18  *
19  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23  * limitations under the License.
24  *
25  * \asf_license_stop
26  *
27  */
29 #ifndef _SAML21_MCLK_INSTANCE_
30 #define _SAML21_MCLK_INSTANCE_
32 /* ========== Register definition for MCLK peripheral ========== */
33 #if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
34 #define REG_MCLK_CTRLA             (0x40000400) /**< \brief (MCLK) Control A */
35 #define REG_MCLK_INTENCLR          (0x40000401) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Enable Clear */
36 #define REG_MCLK_INTENSET          (0x40000402) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Enable Set */
37 #define REG_MCLK_INTFLAG           (0x40000403) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
38 #define REG_MCLK_CPUDIV            (0x40000404) /**< \brief (MCLK) CPU Clock Division */
39 #define REG_MCLK_LPDIV             (0x40000405) /**< \brief (MCLK) Low-Power Clock Division */
40 #define REG_MCLK_BUPDIV            (0x40000406) /**< \brief (MCLK) Backup Clock Division */
41 #define REG_MCLK_AHBMASK           (0x40000410) /**< \brief (MCLK) AHB Mask */
42 #define REG_MCLK_APBAMASK          (0x40000414) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBA Mask */
43 #define REG_MCLK_APBBMASK          (0x40000418) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBB Mask */
44 #define REG_MCLK_APBCMASK          (0x4000041C) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBC Mask */
45 #define REG_MCLK_APBDMASK          (0x40000420) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBD Mask */
46 #define REG_MCLK_APBEMASK          (0x40000424) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBE Mask */
47 #else
48 #define REG_MCLK_CTRLA             (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000400UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Control A */
49 #define REG_MCLK_INTENCLR          (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000401UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Enable Clear */
50 #define REG_MCLK_INTENSET          (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000402UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Enable Set */
51 #define REG_MCLK_INTFLAG           (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000403UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
52 #define REG_MCLK_CPUDIV            (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000404UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) CPU Clock Division */
53 #define REG_MCLK_LPDIV             (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000405UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Low-Power Clock Division */
54 #define REG_MCLK_BUPDIV            (*(RwReg8 *)0x40000406UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) Backup Clock Division */
55 #define REG_MCLK_AHBMASK           (*(RwReg  *)0x40000410UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) AHB Mask */
56 #define REG_MCLK_APBAMASK          (*(RwReg  *)0x40000414UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBA Mask */
57 #define REG_MCLK_APBBMASK          (*(RwReg  *)0x40000418UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBB Mask */
58 #define REG_MCLK_APBCMASK          (*(RwReg  *)0x4000041CUL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBC Mask */
59 #define REG_MCLK_APBDMASK          (*(RwReg  *)0x40000420UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBD Mask */
60 #define REG_MCLK_APBEMASK          (*(RwReg  *)0x40000424UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APBE Mask */
61 #endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
63 /* ========== Instance parameters for MCLK peripheral ========== */
64 #define MCLK_CTRLA_MCSEL_GCLK       1
65 #define MCLK_CTRLA_MCSEL_OSC8M      0
66 #define MCLK_MCLK_CLK_APB_NUM       5
67 #define MCLK_SYSTEM_CLOCK           4000000  // System Clock Frequency at Reset
69 #endif /* _SAML21_MCLK_INSTANCE_ */