1 /*!
2  * \file      i2c.h
3  *
4  * \brief     I2C driver implementation
5  *
6  * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
7  *
8  * \code
9  *                ______                              _
10  *               / _____)             _              | |
11  *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
12  *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
13  *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
14  *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
15  *              (C)2013-2017 Semtech
16  *
17  * \endcode
18  *
19  * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
20  *
21  * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
22  */
23 #ifndef __I2C_H__
24 #define __I2C_H__
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 extern "C"
28 {
29 #endif
31 #include "utilities.h"
32 #include "gpio.h"
34 /*!
35  * I2C peripheral ID
36  */
37 typedef enum
38 {
39     I2C_1,
40     I2C_2,
41 }I2cId_t;
43 /*!
44  * I2C object type definition
45  */
46 typedef struct
47 {
48     I2cId_t I2cId;
49     Gpio_t Scl;
50     Gpio_t Sda;
51 }I2c_t;
53 /*!
54  * \brief Initializes the I2C object and MCU peripheral
55  *
56  * \param [IN] obj  I2C object
57  * \param [IN] scl  I2C Scl pin name to be used
58  * \param [IN] sda  I2C Sda pin name to be used
59  */
60 void I2cInit( I2c_t *obj, I2cId_t i2cId, PinNames scl, PinNames sda );
62 /*!
63  * \brief DeInitializes the I2C object and MCU peripheral
64  *
65  * \param [IN] obj  I2C object
66  */
67 void I2cDeInit( I2c_t *obj );
69 /*!
70  * \brief Reset the I2C object and MCU peripheral
71  *
72  * \param [IN] obj  I2C object
73  */
74 void I2cResetBus( I2c_t *obj );
76 /*!
77  * \brief Write data to the I2C device
78  *
79  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
80  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
81  * \param [IN] data             data to write
82  */
83 LmnStatus_t I2cWrite( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint8_t data );
85 /*!
86  * \brief Write data buffer to the I2C device
87  *
88  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
89  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
90  * \param [IN] buffer           data buffer to write
91  * \param [IN] size             number of bytes to write
92  */
93 LmnStatus_t I2cWriteBuffer( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
95 /*!
96  * \brief Write data at addr to the I2C device
97  *
98  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
99  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
100  * \param [IN] addr             data address
101  * \param [IN] data             data to write
102  */
103 LmnStatus_t I2cWriteMem( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint16_t addr, uint8_t data );
105 /*!
106  * \brief Write data buffer starting at addr to the I2C device
107  *
108  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
109  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
110  * \param [IN] addr             data address
111  * \param [IN] buffer           data buffer to write
112  * \param [IN] size             number of bytes to write
113  */
114 LmnStatus_t I2cWriteMemBuffer( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
116 /*!
117  * \brief Read data from the I2C device
118  *
119  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
120  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
121  * \param [OUT] data            data to read
122  */
123 LmnStatus_t I2cRead( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint8_t *data );
125 /*!
126  * \brief Read data buffer from the I2C device
127  *
128  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
129  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
130  * \param [OUT] buffer          data buffer to read
131  * \param [IN] size             number of data bytes to read
132  */
133 LmnStatus_t I2cReadBuffer( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
135 /*!
136  * \brief Read data at addr from the I2C device
137  *
138  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
139  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
140  * \param [IN] addr             data address
141  * \param [OUT] data            data to read
142  */
143 LmnStatus_t I2cReadMem( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *data );
145 /*!
146  * \brief Read data buffer starting at addr from the I2C device
147  *
148  * \param [IN] obj              I2C object
149  * \param [IN] deviceAddr       device address
150  * \param [IN] addr             data address
151  * \param [OUT] buffer          data buffer to read
152  * \param [IN] size             number of data bytes to read
153  */
154 LmnStatus_t I2cReadMemBuffer( I2c_t *obj, uint8_t deviceAddr, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
156 #ifdef __cplusplus
157 }
158 #endif
160 #endif // __I2C_H__