1 /*! 2 \file gd32e10x_adc.h 3 \brief definitions for the ADC 4 5 \version 2017-12-26, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32E10x 6 \version 2020-09-30, V1.1.0, firmware for GD32E10x 7 \version 2020-12-31, V1.2.0, firmware for GD32E10x 8 \version 2022-06-30, V1.3.0, firmware for GD32E10x 9 */ 10 11 /* 12 Copyright (c) 2022, GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. 13 14 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, 15 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 16 17 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this 18 list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 19 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 20 this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 21 and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 22 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors 23 may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without 24 specific prior written permission. 25 26 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 27 AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 28 WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 29 IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, 30 INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 31 NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 32 PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, 33 WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 34 ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY 35 OF SUCH DAMAGE. 36 */ 37 38 #ifndef GD32E10X_ADC_H 39 #define GD32E10X_ADC_H 40 41 #include "gd32e10x.h" 42 43 /* ADC definitions */ 44 #define ADC0 ADC_BASE 45 #define ADC1 (ADC_BASE + 0x400U) 46 47 /* registers definitions */ 48 #define ADC_STAT(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x00U) /*!< ADC status register */ 49 #define ADC_CTL0(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x04U) /*!< ADC control register 0 */ 50 #define ADC_CTL1(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x08U) /*!< ADC control register 1 */ 51 #define ADC_SAMPT0(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x0CU) /*!< ADC sampling time register 0 */ 52 #define ADC_SAMPT1(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x10U) /*!< ADC sampling time register 1 */ 53 #define ADC_IOFF0(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x14U) /*!< ADC inserted channel data offset register 0 */ 54 #define ADC_IOFF1(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x18U) /*!< ADC inserted channel data offset register 1 */ 55 #define ADC_IOFF2(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x1CU) /*!< ADC inserted channel data offset register 2 */ 56 #define ADC_IOFF3(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x20U) /*!< ADC inserted channel data offset register 3 */ 57 #define ADC_WDHT(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x24U) /*!< ADC watchdog high threshold register */ 58 #define ADC_WDLT(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x28U) /*!< ADC watchdog low threshold register */ 59 #define ADC_RSQ0(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x2CU) /*!< ADC regular sequence register 0 */ 60 #define ADC_RSQ1(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x30U) /*!< ADC regular sequence register 1 */ 61 #define ADC_RSQ2(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x34U) /*!< ADC regular sequence register 2 */ 62 #define ADC_ISQ(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x38U) /*!< ADC inserted sequence register */ 63 #define ADC_IDATA0(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x3CU) /*!< ADC inserted data register 0 */ 64 #define ADC_IDATA1(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x40U) /*!< ADC inserted data register 1 */ 65 #define ADC_IDATA2(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x44U) /*!< ADC inserted data register 2 */ 66 #define ADC_IDATA3(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x48U) /*!< ADC inserted data register 3 */ 67 #define ADC_RDATA(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x4CU) /*!< ADC regular data register */ 68 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL(adcx) REG32((adcx) + 0x80U) /*!< ADC oversampling control register */ 69 70 /* bits definitions */ 71 /* ADC_STAT */ 72 #define ADC_STAT_WDE BIT(0) /*!< analog watchdog event flag */ 73 #define ADC_STAT_EOC BIT(1) /*!< end of conversion */ 74 #define ADC_STAT_EOIC BIT(2) /*!< inserted channel end of conversion */ 75 #define ADC_STAT_STIC BIT(3) /*!< inserted channel start flag */ 76 #define ADC_STAT_STRC BIT(4) /*!< regular channel start flag */ 77 78 /* ADC_CTL0 */ 79 #define ADC_CTL0_WDCHSEL BITS(0,4) /*!< analog watchdog channel select bits */ 80 #define ADC_CTL0_EOCIE BIT(5) /*!< interrupt enable for EOC */ 81 #define ADC_CTL0_WDEIE BIT(6) /*!< analog watchdog interrupt enable */ 82 #define ADC_CTL0_EOICIE BIT(7) /*!< interrupt enable for inserted channels */ 83 #define ADC_CTL0_SM BIT(8) /*!< scan mode */ 84 #define ADC_CTL0_WDSC BIT(9) /*!< when in scan mode, analog watchdog is effective on a single channel */ 85 #define ADC_CTL0_ICA BIT(10) /*!< automatic inserted group conversion */ 86 #define ADC_CTL0_DISRC BIT(11) /*!< discontinuous mode on regular channels */ 87 #define ADC_CTL0_DISIC BIT(12) /*!< discontinuous mode on inserted channels */ 88 #define ADC_CTL0_DISNUM BITS(13,15) /*!< discontinuous mode channel count */ 89 #define ADC_CTL0_SYNCM BITS(16,19) /*!< sync mode selection */ 90 #define ADC_CTL0_IWDEN BIT(22) /*!< analog watchdog enable on inserted channels */ 91 #define ADC_CTL0_RWDEN BIT(23) /*!< analog watchdog enable on regular channels */ 92 93 /* ADC_CTL1 */ 94 #define ADC_CTL1_ADCON BIT(0) /*!< ADC converter on */ 95 #define ADC_CTL1_CTN BIT(1) /*!< continuous conversion */ 96 #define ADC_CTL1_CLB BIT(2) /*!< ADC calibration */ 97 #define ADC_CTL1_RSTCLB BIT(3) /*!< reset calibration */ 98 #define ADC_CTL1_DMA BIT(8) /*!< direct memory access mode */ 99 #define ADC_CTL1_DAL BIT(11) /*!< data alignment */ 100 #define ADC_CTL1_ETSIC BITS(12,14) /*!< external trigger select for inserted channel */ 101 #define ADC_CTL1_ETEIC BIT(15) /*!< external trigger enable for inserted channel */ 102 #define ADC_CTL1_ETSRC BITS(17,19) /*!< external trigger select for regular channel */ 103 #define ADC_CTL1_ETERC BIT(20) /*!< external trigger conversion mode for inserted channels */ 104 #define ADC_CTL1_SWICST BIT(21) /*!< start on inserted channel */ 105 #define ADC_CTL1_SWRCST BIT(22) /*!< start on regular channel */ 106 #define ADC_CTL1_TSVREN BIT(23) /*!< channel 16 and 17 enable of ADC0 */ 107 108 /* ADC_SAMPTx x=0..1 */ 109 #define ADC_SAMPTX_SPTN BITS(0,2) /*!< channel n sample time selection */ 110 111 /* ADC_IOFFx x=0..3 */ 112 #define ADC_IOFFX_IOFF BITS(0,11) /*!< data offset for inserted channel x */ 113 114 /* ADC_WDHT */ 115 #define ADC_WDHT_WDHT BITS(0,11) /*!< analog watchdog high threshold */ 116 117 /* ADC_WDLT */ 118 #define ADC_WDLT_WDLT BITS(0,11) /*!< analog watchdog low threshold */ 119 120 /* ADC_RSQx x=0..2 */ 121 #define ADC_RSQX_RSQN BITS(0,4) /*!< nth conversion in regular sequence */ 122 #define ADC_RSQ0_RL BITS(20,23) /*!< regular channel sequence length */ 123 124 /* ADC_ISQ */ 125 #define ADC_ISQ_ISQN BITS(0,4) /*!< nth conversion in inserted sequence */ 126 #define ADC_ISQ_IL BITS(20,21) /*!< inserted sequence length */ 127 128 /* ADC_IDATAx x=0..3 */ 129 #define ADC_IDATAX_IDATAN BITS(0,15) /*!< inserted data n */ 130 131 /* ADC_RDATA */ 132 #define ADC_RDATA_RDATA BITS(0,15) /*!< regular data */ 133 #define ADC_RDATA_ADC1RDTR BITS(16,31) /*!< ADC1 regular channel data */ 134 135 /* ADC_OVSAMPCTL */ 136 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL_OVSEN BIT(0) /*!< oversampling enable */ 137 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL_OVSR BITS(2,4) /*!< oversampling ratio */ 138 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL_OVSS BITS(5,8) /*!< oversampling shift */ 139 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL_TOVS BIT(9) /*!< triggered oversampling */ 140 #define ADC_OVSAMPCTL_DRES BITS(12,13) /*!< ADC resolution */ 141 142 /* constants definitions */ 143 /* adc_stat register value */ 144 #define ADC_FLAG_WDE ADC_STAT_WDE /*!< analog watchdog event flag */ 145 #define ADC_FLAG_EOC ADC_STAT_EOC /*!< end of conversion */ 146 #define ADC_FLAG_EOIC ADC_STAT_EOIC /*!< inserted channel end of conversion */ 147 #define ADC_FLAG_STIC ADC_STAT_STIC /*!< inserted channel start flag */ 148 #define ADC_FLAG_STRC ADC_STAT_STRC /*!< regular channel start flag */ 149 150 /* adc_ctl0 register value */ 151 #define CTL0_DISNUM(regval) (BITS(13,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 13)) /*!< write value to ADC_CTL0_DISNUM bit field */ 152 153 /* scan mode */ 154 #define ADC_SCAN_MODE ADC_CTL0_SM /*!< scan mode */ 155 156 /* inserted channel group convert automatically */ 157 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_AUTO ADC_CTL0_ICA /*!< inserted channel group convert automatically */ 158 159 /* ADC sync mode */ 160 #define CTL0_SYNCM(regval) (BITS(16,19) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to ADC_CTL0_SYNCM bit field */ 161 #define ADC_MODE_FREE CTL0_SYNCM(0) /*!< all the ADCs work independently */ 162 #define ADC_DAUL_REGULAL_PARALLEL_INSERTED_PARALLEL CTL0_SYNCM(1) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel + inserted parallel mode */ 163 #define ADC_DAUL_REGULAL_PARALLEL_INSERTED_ROTATION CTL0_SYNCM(2) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel + trigger rotation mode */ 164 #define ADC_DAUL_INSERTED_PARALLEL_REGULAL_FOLLOWUP_FAST CTL0_SYNCM(3) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined inserted parallel + follow-up fast mode */ 165 #define ADC_DAUL_INSERTED_PARALLEL_REGULAL_FOLLOWUP_SLOW CTL0_SYNCM(4) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined inserted parallel + follow-up slow mode */ 166 #define ADC_DAUL_INSERTED_PARALLEL CTL0_SYNCM(5) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in inserted parallel mode only */ 167 #define ADC_DAUL_REGULAL_PARALLEL CTL0_SYNCM(6) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in regular parallel mode only */ 168 #define ADC_DAUL_REGULAL_FOLLOWUP_FAST CTL0_SYNCM(7) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in follow-up fast mode only */ 169 #define ADC_DAUL_REGULAL_FOLLOWUP_SLOW CTL0_SYNCM(8) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in follow-up slow mode only */ 170 #define ADC_DAUL_INSERTED_TRIGGER_ROTATION CTL0_SYNCM(9) /*!< ADC0 and ADC1 work in trigger rotation mode only */ 171 172 /* adc_ctl1 register value */ 173 #define ADC_DATAALIGN_RIGHT ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< LSB alignment */ 174 #define ADC_DATAALIGN_LEFT ADC_CTL1_DAL /*!< MSB alignment */ 175 176 /* continuous mode */ 177 #define ADC_CONTINUOUS_MODE ADC_CTL1_CTN /*!< continuous mode */ 178 179 /* external trigger select for regular channel */ 180 #define CTL1_ETSRC(regval) (BITS(17,19) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 17)) /*!< write value to ADC_CTL1_ETSRC bit field */ 181 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T0_CH0 CTL1_ETSRC(0) /*!< timer 0 CC0 event select */ 182 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T0_CH1 CTL1_ETSRC(1) /*!< timer 0 CC1 event select */ 183 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T0_CH2 CTL1_ETSRC(2) /*!< timer 0 CC2 event select */ 184 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T1_CH1 CTL1_ETSRC(3) /*!< timer 1 CC1 event select */ 185 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T2_TRGO CTL1_ETSRC(4) /*!< timer 2 TRGO event select */ 186 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T3_CH3 CTL1_ETSRC(5) /*!< timer 3 CC3 event select */ 187 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_T7_TRGO CTL1_ETSRC(6) /*!< timer 7 TRGO event select */ 188 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_EXTI_11 CTL1_ETSRC(6) /*!< external interrupt line 11 */ 189 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_REGULAR_NONE CTL1_ETSRC(7) /*!< software trigger */ 190 191 /* external trigger mode for inserted channel */ 192 #define CTL1_ETSIC(regval) (BITS(12,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 12)) /*!< write value to ADC_CTL1_ETSIC bit field */ 193 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T0_TRGO CTL1_ETSIC(0) /*!< timer 0 TRGO event select */ 194 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T0_CH3 CTL1_ETSIC(1) /*!< timer 0 CC3 event select */ 195 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T1_TRGO CTL1_ETSIC(2) /*!< timer 1 TRGO event select */ 196 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T1_CH0 CTL1_ETSIC(3) /*!< timer 1 CC0 event select */ 197 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T2_CH3 CTL1_ETSIC(4) /*!< timer 2 CC3 event select */ 198 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T3_TRGO CTL1_ETSIC(5) /*!< timer 3 TRGO event select */ 199 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_EXTI_15 CTL1_ETSIC(6) /*!< external interrupt line 15 */ 200 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_T7_CH3 CTL1_ETSIC(6) /*!< timer 7 CC3 event select */ 201 #define ADC0_1_EXTTRIG_INSERTED_NONE CTL1_ETSIC(7) /*!< software trigger */ 202 203 /* adc_samptx register value */ 204 #define SAMPTX_SPT(regval) (BITS(0,2) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to ADC_SAMPTX_SPT bit field */ 205 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_1POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(0) /*!< 1.5 sampling cycles */ 206 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_7POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(1) /*!< 7.5 sampling cycles */ 207 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_13POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(2) /*!< 13.5 sampling cycles */ 208 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_28POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(3) /*!< 28.5 sampling cycles */ 209 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_41POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(4) /*!< 41.5 sampling cycles */ 210 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_55POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(5) /*!< 55.5 sampling cycles */ 211 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_71POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(6) /*!< 71.5 sampling cycles */ 212 #define ADC_SAMPLETIME_239POINT5 SAMPTX_SPT(7) /*!< 239.5 sampling cycles */ 213 214 /* adc_ioffx register value */ 215 #define IOFFX_IOFF(regval) (BITS(0,11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to ADC_IOFFX_IOFF bit field */ 216 217 /* adc_wdht register value */ 218 #define WDHT_WDHT(regval) (BITS(0,11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to ADC_WDHT_WDHT bit field */ 219 220 /* adc_wdlt register value */ 221 #define WDLT_WDLT(regval) (BITS(0,11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to ADC_WDLT_WDLT bit field */ 222 223 /* adc_rsqx register value */ 224 #define RSQ0_RL(regval) (BITS(20,23) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 20)) /*!< write value to ADC_RSQ0_RL bit field */ 225 226 /* adc_isq register value */ 227 #define ISQ_IL(regval) (BITS(20,21) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 20)) /*!< write value to ADC_ISQ_IL bit field */ 228 229 /* adc_ovsampctl register value */ 230 /* ADC resolution */ 231 #define OVSAMPCTL_DRES(regval) (BITS(12,13) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 12)) /*!< write value to ADC_OVSAMPCTL_DRES bit field */ 232 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_12B OVSAMPCTL_DRES(0) /*!< 12-bit ADC resolution */ 233 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_10B OVSAMPCTL_DRES(1) /*!< 10-bit ADC resolution */ 234 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_8B OVSAMPCTL_DRES(2) /*!< 8-bit ADC resolution */ 235 #define ADC_RESOLUTION_6B OVSAMPCTL_DRES(3) /*!< 6-bit ADC resolution */ 236 237 /* oversampling shift */ 238 #define OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(regval) (BITS(5,8) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 5)) /*!< write value to ADC_OVSAMPCTL_OVSS bit field */ 239 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_NONE OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(0) /*!< no oversampling shift */ 240 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_1B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(1) /*!< 1-bit oversampling shift */ 241 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_2B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(2) /*!< 2-bit oversampling shift */ 242 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_3B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(3) /*!< 3-bit oversampling shift */ 243 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_4B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(4) /*!< 4-bit oversampling shift */ 244 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_5B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(5) /*!< 5-bit oversampling shift */ 245 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_6B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(6) /*!< 6-bit oversampling shift */ 246 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_7B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(7) /*!< 7-bit oversampling shift */ 247 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_SHIFT_8B OVSAMPCTL_OVSS(8) /*!< 8-bit oversampling shift */ 248 249 /* oversampling ratio */ 250 #define OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(regval) (BITS(2,4) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 2)) /*!< write value to ADC_OVSAMPCTL_OVSR bit field */ 251 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL2 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(0) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 2 */ 252 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL4 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(1) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 4 */ 253 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL8 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(2) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 8 */ 254 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL16 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(3) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 16 */ 255 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL32 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(4) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 32 */ 256 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL64 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(5) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 64 */ 257 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL128 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(6) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 128 */ 258 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_MUL256 OVSAMPCTL_OVSR(7) /*!< oversampling ratio multiple 256 */ 259 260 /* triggered Oversampling */ 261 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_ALL_CONVERT ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< all oversampled conversions for a channel are done consecutively after a trigger */ 262 #define ADC_OVERSAMPLING_ONE_CONVERT ADC_OVSAMPCTL_TOVS /*!< each oversampled conversion for a channel needs a trigger */ 263 264 /* ADC channel group definitions */ 265 #define ADC_REGULAR_CHANNEL ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< adc regular channel group */ 266 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< adc inserted channel group */ 267 #define ADC_REGULAR_INSERTED_CHANNEL ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< both regular and inserted channel group */ 268 269 #define ADC_CHANNEL_DISCON_DISABLE ((uint8_t)0x04U) /*!< disable discontinuous mode of regular & inserted channel */ 270 271 /* ADC inserted channel definitions */ 272 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_0 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< adc inserted channel 0 */ 273 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< adc inserted channel 1 */ 274 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< adc inserted channel 2 */ 275 #define ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_3 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< adc inserted channel 3 */ 276 277 /* ADC channel definitions */ 278 #define ADC_CHANNEL_0 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< ADC channel 0 */ 279 #define ADC_CHANNEL_1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< ADC channel 1 */ 280 #define ADC_CHANNEL_2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< ADC channel 2 */ 281 #define ADC_CHANNEL_3 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< ADC channel 3 */ 282 #define ADC_CHANNEL_4 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /*!< ADC channel 4 */ 283 #define ADC_CHANNEL_5 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /*!< ADC channel 5 */ 284 #define ADC_CHANNEL_6 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /*!< ADC channel 6 */ 285 #define ADC_CHANNEL_7 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /*!< ADC channel 7 */ 286 #define ADC_CHANNEL_8 ((uint8_t)0x08U) /*!< ADC channel 8 */ 287 #define ADC_CHANNEL_9 ((uint8_t)0x09U) /*!< ADC channel 9 */ 288 #define ADC_CHANNEL_10 ((uint8_t)0x0AU) /*!< ADC channel 10 */ 289 #define ADC_CHANNEL_11 ((uint8_t)0x0BU) /*!< ADC channel 11 */ 290 #define ADC_CHANNEL_12 ((uint8_t)0x0CU) /*!< ADC channel 12 */ 291 #define ADC_CHANNEL_13 ((uint8_t)0x0DU) /*!< ADC channel 13 */ 292 #define ADC_CHANNEL_14 ((uint8_t)0x0EU) /*!< ADC channel 14 */ 293 #define ADC_CHANNEL_15 ((uint8_t)0x0FU) /*!< ADC channel 15 */ 294 #define ADC_CHANNEL_16 ((uint8_t)0x10U) /*!< ADC channel 16 */ 295 #define ADC_CHANNEL_17 ((uint8_t)0x11U) /*!< ADC channel 17 */ 296 297 /* ADC interrupt */ 298 #define ADC_INT_WDE ADC_STAT_WDE /*!< analog watchdog event interrupt */ 299 #define ADC_INT_EOC ADC_STAT_EOC /*!< end of group conversion interrupt */ 300 #define ADC_INT_EOIC ADC_STAT_EOIC /*!< end of inserted group conversion interrupt */ 301 302 /* ADC interrupt flag */ 303 #define ADC_INT_FLAG_WDE ADC_STAT_WDE /*!< analog watchdog event interrupt flag */ 304 #define ADC_INT_FLAG_EOC ADC_STAT_EOC /*!< end of group conversion interrupt flag */ 305 #define ADC_INT_FLAG_EOIC ADC_STAT_EOIC /*!< end of inserted group conversion interrupt flag */ 306 307 /* function declarations */ 308 /* initialization config */ 309 /* reset ADC */ 310 void adc_deinit(uint32_t adc_periph); 311 /* configure the ADC sync mode */ 312 void adc_mode_config(uint32_t mode); 313 /* enable or disable ADC special function */ 314 void adc_special_function_config(uint32_t adc_periph , uint32_t function , ControlStatus newvalue); 315 /* configure ADC data alignment */ 316 void adc_data_alignment_config(uint32_t adc_periph , uint32_t data_alignment); 317 /* enable ADC interface */ 318 void adc_enable(uint32_t adc_periph); 319 /* disable ADC interface */ 320 void adc_disable(uint32_t adc_periph); 321 /* ADC calibration and reset calibration */ 322 void adc_calibration_enable(uint32_t adc_periph); 323 /* enable the temperature sensor and Vrefint channel */ 324 void adc_tempsensor_vrefint_enable(void); 325 /* disable the temperature sensor and Vrefint channel */ 326 void adc_tempsensor_vrefint_disable(void); 327 /* configure ADC resolution */ 328 void adc_resolution_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t resolution); 329 /* configure ADC oversample mode */ 330 void adc_oversample_mode_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t mode, uint16_t shift, uint8_t ratio); 331 /* enable ADC oversample mode */ 332 void adc_oversample_mode_enable(uint32_t adc_periph); 333 /* disable ADC oversample mode */ 334 void adc_oversample_mode_disable(uint32_t adc_periph); 335 336 /* DMA config */ 337 /* enable DMA request */ 338 void adc_dma_mode_enable(uint32_t adc_periph); 339 /* disable DMA request */ 340 void adc_dma_mode_disable(uint32_t adc_periph); 341 342 /* regular group and inserted group config */ 343 /* configure ADC discontinuous mode */ 344 void adc_discontinuous_mode_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group, uint8_t length); 345 /* configure the length of regular channel group or inserted channel group */ 346 void adc_channel_length_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group, uint32_t length); 347 /* configure ADC regular channel */ 348 void adc_regular_channel_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t rank, uint8_t adc_channel, uint32_t sample_time); 349 /* configure ADC inserted channel */ 350 void adc_inserted_channel_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t rank, uint8_t adc_channel, uint32_t sample_time); 351 /* configure ADC inserted channel offset */ 352 void adc_inserted_channel_offset_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t inserted_channel, uint16_t offset); 353 /* configure ADC external trigger source */ 354 void adc_external_trigger_source_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group, uint32_t external_trigger_source); 355 /* enable ADC external trigger */ 356 void adc_external_trigger_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group, ControlStatus newvalue); 357 /* enable ADC software trigger */ 358 void adc_software_trigger_enable(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group); 359 360 /* get channel data */ 361 /* read ADC regular group data register */ 362 uint16_t adc_regular_data_read(uint32_t adc_periph); 363 /* read ADC inserted group data register */ 364 uint16_t adc_inserted_data_read(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t inserted_channel); 365 /* read the last ADC0 and ADC1 conversion result data in sync mode */ 366 uint32_t adc_sync_mode_convert_value_read(void); 367 368 /* watchdog config */ 369 /* configure ADC analog watchdog single channel */ 370 void adc_watchdog_single_channel_enable(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel); 371 /* configure ADC analog watchdog group channel */ 372 void adc_watchdog_group_channel_enable(uint32_t adc_periph, uint8_t adc_channel_group); 373 /* disable ADC analog watchdog */ 374 void adc_watchdog_disable(uint32_t adc_periph); 375 /* configure ADC analog watchdog threshold */ 376 void adc_watchdog_threshold_config(uint32_t adc_periph, uint16_t low_threshold, uint16_t high_threshold); 377 378 /* interrupt & flag functions */ 379 /* get the ADC flag bits */ 380 FlagStatus adc_flag_get(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_flag); 381 /* clear the ADC flag bits */ 382 void adc_flag_clear(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_flag); 383 /* get the bit state of ADCx software start conversion */ 384 FlagStatus adc_regular_software_startconv_flag_get(uint32_t adc_periph); 385 /* get the bit state of ADCx software inserted channel start conversion */ 386 FlagStatus adc_inserted_software_startconv_flag_get(uint32_t adc_periph); 387 /* get the ADC interrupt bits */ 388 FlagStatus adc_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_interrupt); 389 /* clear the ADC flag */ 390 void adc_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_interrupt); 391 /* enable ADC interrupt */ 392 void adc_interrupt_enable(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_interrupt); 393 /* disable ADC interrupt */ 394 void adc_interrupt_disable(uint32_t adc_periph, uint32_t adc_interrupt); 395 396 #endif /* GD32E10X_ADC_H */ 397