1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cy_sar2.h
3 * \version 1.0
4 *
5 * Provides an API declaration of the SAR2 driver
6 *
7 *******************************************************************************
8 * \copyright
9 * (c) (2022), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
10 * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
11 *******************************************************************************
12 * You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
13 * disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
14 * the software package with which this file was provided.
15 *******************************************************************************/
17 /**
18 * \addtogroup group_sar2
19 * \{
20 * The SAR2 driver provides an API to configure the SAR2 ADC.
21 * The SAR2 has up to 4 ADCs and up to 32 channels for each ADC module. About
22 * actual number of supported modules and channels, refer to the technical
23 * reference manual (TRM) and device datasheet.
24 *
25 * \section group_sar2_configuration Configuration Considerations
26 * Typical usage:
27 *  - Call Cy_SAR2_Init to initialize the ADC module and its channels
28 *  - Call Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterruptMask if you need to use the interrupt.
29 * After initializing channel(s) call, trigger a call by the software
30 * (calling Cy_SAR2_Channel_SoftwareTrigger) or start a peripheral
31 * configured for the HW trigger.
32 *
33 \note It is not recommended to set the  triggerSelection structure member
34 * of the \ref cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t to CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_CONTINUOUS if
35 * cy_en_sar2_preemption_type_t is set to CY_SAR2_PREEMPTION_ABORT_CANCEL.
36 * It may work to the effect that the channel or channel group will not be able
37 * to complete without advanced priority tuning.
38 * \par
39 *
40 * \note If you use an interrupt for ADC, create an interrupt handler
41 * and register it by using the sysint module. In the handler, you can check
42 * which interrupt is occurred by Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatusMasked
43 * and can get the conversion result by Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetResult.
44 * If you do not use the interrupt, you can poll the conversion status by
45 * Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatus.
46 * For both of polling and interrupt, clear the interrupt flags by
47 * Cy_SAR2_Channel_ClearInterrupt after handling data.
48 * \par
49 *
50 * \note SAR2 block can operate in Active or Sleep mode only.
51 *
52 * \subsection group_sar2_config Configuration Example
53 * First step would be to configure clock:
54 *
55 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_CLOCK_INIT
56 *
57 * Group of two SAR2 ADC channels are configured, one for bandgap voltage
58 * and one for the AN0 analogue input:
59 *
60 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_CONFIG
61 *
62 * \subsection group_sar2_init Initialization
63 *
64 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_INIT
65 *
66 * \subsection group_sar2_result Obtaining results in counts
67 *
68 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_GET_RESULT
69 *
70 * \subsection group_sar2_calc_volts Calculating results in V, mV or uV
71 *
72 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_CALC_VOLTS
73 *
74 * \subsection group_sar2_die_temperature Die temperature
75 *
76 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_DIE_TEMPERATURE
77 *
78 * Once done, in the variable, returned by the
79 * \ref Cy_SAR2_CalculateDieTemperature function will contain the die temperature
80 * value in Celsius degrees.
81 *
82 * The accuracy can be increased by executing the calibration procedure
83 * (see \ref group_sar2_calibration section) before doing the conversion.
84 *
85 * In the function call, the first argument is the enumeration value,
86 * representing the VDDA value range supplied to this particular chip being used,
87 * see \ref cy_en_sar2_vdda_range_t.
88 *
89 * \subsection group_sar2_channel_grouping Channel grouping
90 * The SAR2 driver supports the channel grouping. Each channel can be either in
91 * an individual group or in a group of 2 or more channels. By default, the
92 * hardware will execute the next channel if it exists and is in the Enabled
93 * state if the current channel does not have the flag 'Group End' set. You can
94 * set triggers to start either the first channel or any channel of the group to
95 * execute all the next channels.
96 *
97 * \section group_sar2_more_information More Information
98 * Refer to the technical reference manual (TRM) and the device datasheet.
99 *
100 * \section group_sar2_changelog Changelog
101 * <table class="doxtable">
102 *   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
103 *   <tr>
104 *     <td>1.0</td>
105 *     <td>Initial version</td>
106 *     <td></td>
107 *   </tr>
108 * </table>
109 *
110 * \defgroup group_sar2_macro Macros
111 * \{
112 *   \defgroup group_sar2_macros_interrupt        Interrupt Masks
113 *   \defgroup group_sar2_macros_status           Status Masks
114 * \}
115 * \defgroup group_sar2_functions Functions
116 * \defgroup group_sar2_data_structures Data structures
117 * \defgroup group_sar2_enums Enumerated Types
118 * \defgroup group_sar2_calibration Calibration procedure
119 *
120 * \n
121 * \addtogroup group_sar2_calibration
122 * \{
123 * To start the procedure, perform \ref group_sar2_config and
124 * \ref group_sar2_init with included extra channel, which can be re-used
125 * after this procedure is complete:
126 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_CALIB_CH_INIT
127 * The ADC has an offset adjustment function to compensate for offset error.
128 * It is possible to select code from +127 to -128 in a dec. for analog
129 * calibration.
130 * \n
131 * The offset adjustment step is a quarter of 1LSb. \n
132 * Offset = max( 0, min( 4095, floor( VIN/VREFH x 4096 + OFST/4 ) ) )
133 * \image html sar2_offset_calibration.png
134 * \note Enable reference buffer mode using \ref Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode
135 * function.
136 *
137 * \n
138 * Following code snippet can be used:
139 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_OFFSET_CALIBRATION
140 *
141 * After that, the Gain should also be calibrated as well.
142 * The ADC has a gain adjustment function to compensate for gain error.
143 * It is possible to set code from +15 to -15 dec.
144 * The gain adjustment step is a quarter of 1LSb. \n
145 * Gain = max(0, min(4095, floor((4096 - GAIN)/VREFH x (VIN - VREFH/2) + 2048)))
146 * \image html sar2_gain_calibration.png
147 * \snippet sar2/snippet/main.c SNIPPET_SAR2_GAIN_CALIBRATION
148 * \n
149 * Once done, the calibrationConfig global structure contains calibration data
150 * for SAR2 block 0. Calibration is advised to be done as frequent as possible.
151 * \}
152 */
155 #if !defined(CY_SAR2_H)
156 #define CY_SAR2_H
158 #include <stdint.h>
159 #include <stdbool.h>
160 #include <stddef.h>
161 #include <math.h>
162 #include "cy_syslib.h"
163 #include "cy_utils.h"
164 #include "cy_device.h"
166 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40EPASS_ESAR)
168 #if defined(__cplusplus)
169 extern "C" {
170 #endif
172 /***************************************
173 *       Macro definitions
174 ***************************************/
176 /**
177 * \addtogroup group_sar2_macro
178 * \{
179 */
181 /** Driver major version */
182 #define CY_SAR2_DRV_VERSION_MAJOR  1
184 /** Driver minor version */
185 #define CY_SAR2_DRV_VERSION_MINOR  0
187 /** Sar2 driver ID */
188 #define CY_SAR2_ID                 CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x4BUL)
190 /** Number of input triggers */
191 #define CY_SAR2_TR_IN_NUM          (5UL)
193 /** Number of output triggers */
194 #define CY_SAR2_TR_OUT_NUM         (2UL)
196 /** Maximum generic input trigger */
197 #define CY_SAR2_GEN_TR_IN_NUM      (16UL)
199 /** Maximum generic output trigger */
200 #define CY_SAR2_GEN_TR_OUT_NUM     (64UL)
202 /** Temperature matrix sixe */
203 #define CY_SAR2_TEMP_MATRIX_SIZE   (3UL)
205 /** Channel number */
206 #define CY_SAR2_NUM_CHANNELS       (32UL)
208 /***************************************
209 *       Group status
210 ***************************************/
211 /** \addtogroup group_sar2_macros_status
212 * \{
213 */
214 /** If this bit is true, "out of range" was detected and the value was above the High threshold. */
217 /** If this bit is true, the range is detected. */
220 /** If this bit is true, the pulse is detected. */
223 /** If this bit is true, the result data is valid. */
226 /** Group acquisition completed. This bit can be set for the last channel of a group if the group scan is done. */
229 /** Group Cancelled. This bit can be set for the last channel of a group if the group scan was
230  *  preempted and cancelled. */
233 /** Group Overflow. This bit can be set for the last channel of a group if the group scan is
234  *  done and the Done interrupt is already (still) pending. */
237 /** Channel Range completed. This bit can be set for each channel if the conversion result
238  *  (after averaging) of that channel met the condition specified by the range detection
239  *  mode settings of the channel. */
242 /** Channel Pulse completed. This bit can be set for each channel if the positive pulse counter reaches zero. */
245 /** Channel Overflow. This bit can be set for each channel if a new Pulse or Range interrupt is detected
246  *  while the interrupt is still pending or when HW did not acknowledge data pickup.*/
249 /** Group acquisition busy. */
250 #define CY_SAR2_GRP_BUSY           (PASS_SAR_CH_GRP_STAT_GRP_BUSY_Msk)
252 /** \} group_sar2_macros_status */
255 /***************************************
256 *       Interrupts
257 ***************************************/
258 /** \addtogroup group_sar2_macros_interrupt
259 * \{
260 */
261 /** Group done. */
262 #define CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_DONE                 (PASS_SAR_CH_INTR_GRP_DONE_Msk)
264 /** Group cancelled. */
267 /** Group overflow. */
270 /** Channel range event. */
271 #define CY_SAR2_INT_CH_RANGE                 (PASS_SAR_CH_INTR_CH_RANGE_Msk)
273 /** Channel pulse event. */
274 #define CY_SAR2_INT_CH_PULSE                 (PASS_SAR_CH_INTR_CH_PULSE_Msk)
276 /** Channel overflow event. */
279 /** Combined interrupt mask. */
280 #define CY_SAR2_INTR                     (CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_DONE | \
281                                          CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_CANCELLED | \
282                                          CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_OVERFLOW | \
283                                          CY_SAR2_INT_CH_RANGE | \
284                                          CY_SAR2_INT_CH_PULSE | \
285                                          CY_SAR2_INT_CH_OVERFLOW)
287 /** \} group_sar2_macros_interrupt */
289 /** \cond INTERNAL */
290 /** Macro that returns the channel number for a specified SAR instance. */
291 #define CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM(base)               ((PASS0_SAR0 == (base)) ? PASS_SAR_SLICE_NR0_SAR_SAR_MUX_IN :\
292                                               (PASS0_SAR1 == (base)) ? PASS_SAR_SLICE_NR1_SAR_SAR_MUX_IN :\
293                                                                        PASS_SAR_SLICE_NR2_SAR_SAR_MUX_IN)
295 #define CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel) (CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM(base) > (channel))
297 /** \endcond */
299 /** \} group_sar2_macro */
301 /***************************************
302 *       Enumeration
303 ***************************************/
305 /**
306 * \addtogroup group_sar2_enums
307 * \{
308 */
310 /**
311 * SAR2 Driver error codes
312 */
313 typedef enum {
314     CY_SAR2_SUCCESS   = 0x00U,                                    /**< Returned successful */
315     CY_SAR2_BAD_PARAM = CY_SAR2_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01U, /**< A bad parameter was passed */
316 } cy_en_sar2_status_t;
318 /** When set uses 2 cycles for the Most Significant Bit (MSB). */
319 typedef enum {
320     CY_SAR2_MSB_STRETCH_MODE_1CYCLE = 0U, /**< Use 1 clock cycles per conversion. */
321     CY_SAR2_MSB_STRETCH_MODE_2CYCLE = 1U  /**< Use 2 clock cycles per conversion. */
322 } cy_en_sar2_msb_stretch_mode_t;
324 /** The Diagnostic Reference function selection. */
325 typedef enum {
326     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFL       = 0U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefL */
327     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_1DIV8 = 1U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 1/8 */
328     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_2DIV8 = 2U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 2/8 */
329     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_3DIV8 = 3U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 3/8 */
330     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_4DIV8 = 4U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 4/8 */
331     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_5DIV8 = 5U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 5/8 */
332     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_6DIV8 = 6U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 6/8 */
333     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH_7DIV8 = 7U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH * 7/8 */
334     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFH       = 8U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefH */
335     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VREFX       = 9U,  /**< DiagOut = VrefX = VrefH * 199/200 */
336     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VBG         = 10U, /**< DiagOut = Vbg from SRSS */
337     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VIN1        = 11U, /**< DiagOut = Vin1 */
338     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VIN2        = 12U, /**< DiagOut = Vin2 */
339     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_VIN3        = 13U, /**< DiagOut = Vin3 */
340     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_I_SOURCE    = 14U, /**< DiagOut = Isource (10uA) */
341     CY_SAR2_DIAG_REFERENCE_SELECT_I_SINK      = 15U  /**< DiagOut = Isink (10uA) */
342 } cy_en_sar2_diag_reference_select_t;
344 /** The SAR2 trigger mode selection. */
345 typedef enum {
346     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_OFF        = 0U, /**< Use for channels in group, except the first channel */
347     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_TCPWM      = 1U, /**< Trigger from corresponding TCPWM channel */
348     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_GENERIC0   = 2U, /**< Generic trigger input 0 */
349     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_GENERIC1   = 3U, /**< Generic trigger input 1 */
350     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_GENERIC2   = 4U, /**< Generic trigger input 2 */
351     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_GENERIC3   = 5U, /**< Generic trigger input 3 */
352     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_GENERIC4   = 6U, /**< Generic trigger input 4 */
353     CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_CONTINUOUS = 7U  /**< Always triggered (also called idle), can only be used for at most 1 channel */
354 } cy_en_sar2_trigger_selection_t;
356 /** The SAR2 ADC preemption type selection. */
357 typedef enum {
358     CY_SAR2_PREEMPTION_ABORT_CANCEL  = 0U, /**< Abort the ongoing acquisition, does not return. */
359     CY_SAR2_PREEMPTION_ABORT_RESTART = 1U, /**< Abort ongoing acquisition, up on return Restart
360                                                group from the first channel. */
361     CY_SAR2_PREEMPTION_ABORT_RESUME  = 2U, /**< Abort the ongoing acquisition, up on return Resume group from
362                                                the aborted channel. */
363     CY_SAR2_PREEMPTION_FINISH_RESUME = 3U  /**< Completed ongoing acquisition (including averaging), up on return
364                                                Resume group from the next channel. */
365 } cy_en_sar2_preemption_type_t;
367 /** Conversion done, trigger output selection. */
368 typedef enum {
369     CY_SAR2_DONE_LEVEL_PULSE = 0U,   /**< The conversion done signal for other IPs is a 2-cycle pulse (clk_sys), no need
370                                          to read the result register. Typically used for triggering another IPs other
371                                          than DW. */
372     CY_SAR2_DONE_LEVEL_LEVEL = 1U    /**< The conversion done signal for other IPs is the level output until the result
373                                          register is read. Typically used for DW and also overflowed? detection. */
374 } cy_en_sar2_done_level_t;
376 /** The address of the analog signal (pin) to be sampled by a corresponding channel. */
377 typedef enum {
378     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN0       = 0U,  /**<  Vout = AN0, select the corresponding analog input. */
379     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN1       = 1U,
380     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN2       = 2U,
381     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN3       = 3U,
382     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN4       = 4U,
383     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN5       = 5U,
384     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN6       = 6U,
385     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN7       = 7U,
386     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN8       = 8U,
387     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN9       = 9U,
388     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN10      = 10U,
389     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN11      = 11U,
390     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN12      = 12U,
391     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN13      = 13U,
392     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN14      = 14U,
393     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN15      = 15U,
394     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN16      = 16U,
395     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN17      = 17U,
396     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN18      = 18U,
397     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN19      = 19U,
398     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN20      = 20U,
399     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN21      = 21U,
400     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN22      = 22U,
401     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN23      = 23U,
402     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN24      = 24U,
403     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN25      = 25U,
404     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN26      = 26U,
405     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN27      = 27U,
406     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN28      = 28U,
407     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN29      = 29U,
408     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN30      = 30U,
409     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AN31      = 31U,
410     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VMOTOR    = 32U, /**< Vout = Vmotor, select the motor input. */
411     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VAUX      = 33U, /**< Vout = Vaux, select the auxiliarly input. */
412     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AMUXBUS_A = 34U, /**< Vout = AmuxbusA. */
413     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_AMUXBUS_B = 35U, /**< Vout = AmuxbusB. */
414     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VCCD      = 36U, /**< Vout = Vccd. */
415     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VDDA      = 37U, /**< Vout = Vdda. */
416     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VBG       = 38U, /**< Vout = Vbg, Bandgap voltage from SRSS. */
417     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VTEMP     = 39U, /**< Vout = Vtemp, select the temperature sensor.
418                                              Ensure that only 1 ADC is allowed to use this. */
419     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VREF_L    = 62U, /**< Vout = VrefL (VrefL actually bypasses the SARMUX (XSL)). */
420     CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VREF_H    = 63U  /**< Vout = VrefH  (VrefH actually bypasses the SARMUX (XSH)) */
421 } cy_en_sar2_pin_address_t;
423 /** The physical port. This field is only valid for the SAR2 ADC0 block. */
424 typedef enum {
425     CY_SAR2_PORT_ADDRESS_SARMUX0 = 0U, /**< ADC uses its own SARMUX. */
426     CY_SAR2_PORT_ADDRESS_SARMUX1 = 1U, /**< ADC0 uses SARMUX1 (only valid for ADC0,
427                                            undefined result if used for ADC1-3). */
428     CY_SAR2_PORT_ADDRESS_SARMUX2 = 2U, /**< ADC0 uses SARMUX2 (only valid for ADC0,
429                                            undefined result if used for ADC1-3). */
430     CY_SAR2_PORT_ADDRESS_SARMUX3 = 3U  /**< ADC0 uses SARMUX3 (only valid for ADC0,
431                                            undefined result if used for ADC1-3). */
432 } cy_en_sar2_port_address_t;
434 /** Preconditioning mode selection.
435     Preconditioning charges or discharges the SAR sample capacitor to the selected reference voltage for precondition
436     time (global) cycles, a break before a make cycle will be inserted before sampling starts the sample time.
437     See also \ref cy_stc_sar2_config_t */
438 typedef enum {
439     CY_SAR2_PRECONDITION_MODE_OFF    = 0U,   /**< No preconditioning. */
440     CY_SAR2_PRECONDITION_MODE_VREFL  = 1U,   /**< Discharge to VREFL. */
441     CY_SAR2_PRECONDITION_MODE_VREFH  = 2U,   /**< Charge to VREFH. */
442     CY_SAR2_PRECONDITION_MODE_DIAG   = 3U    /**< Connect the Diagnostic reference output during preconditioning.
443                                                  Configure the Diagnostic reference to output
444                                                  the reference voltage. */
445 } cy_en_sar2_precondition_mode_t;
447 /** Overlap mode or SARMUX Diagnostics selection, in both cases only used when the Diagnostic reference is used. */
448 typedef enum {
449     CY_SAR2_OVERLAP_DIAG_MODE_OFF        = 0U,   /**< No overlap or SARMUX Diagnostics. */
450     CY_SAR2_OVERLAP_DIAG_MODE_HALF       = 1U,   /**< Sample the selected analog input for 2 sample time periods.
451                                                      During the first period, use the overlap sampling,
452                                                      i.e. connect both the analog input and Diagnostic reference.
453                                                      During the second period only connect the analog input */
454     CY_SAR2_OVERLAP_DIAG_MODE_FULL       = 2U,   /**< The selected analog input for a single sample
455                                                      time period is like a normal sample but use the overlap sampling,
456                                                      i.e. connect both the analog input and Diagnostic reference. */
457     CY_SAR2_OVERLAP_DIAG_MODE_MUX_DIAG   = 3U    /**< Select Diagnostic reference instead of analog signal at the
458                                                      input of the SARMUX. This enables a functional safety check
459                                                      of the SARMUX analog connections. */
460 } cy_en_sar2_overlap_diag_mode_t;
462 /** Calibration values selection. */
463 typedef enum {
464     CY_SAR2_CALIBRATION_VALUE_REGULAR    = 0U,   /**< Use regular calibration values */
465     CY_SAR2_CALIBRATION_VALUE_ALTERNATE  = 1U    /**< Use alternate calibration values */
466 } cy_en_sar2_calibration_value_select_t;
469 /** Post processing mode selection. */
470 typedef enum {
471     CY_SAR2_POST_PROCESSING_MODE_NONE        = 0U,  /**< No post processing. */
472     CY_SAR2_POST_PROCESSING_MODE_AVG         = 1U,  /**< Averaging. */
473     CY_SAR2_POST_PROCESSING_MODE_AVG_RANGE   = 2U,  /**< Averaging followed by Range detect. */
474     CY_SAR2_POST_PROCESSING_MODE_RANGE       = 3U,  /**< Range detect. */
475     CY_SAR2_POST_PROCESSING_MODE_RANGE_PULSE = 4U,  /**< Range detect followed by pulse detect. */
476 } cy_en_sar2_post_processing_mode_t;
478 /** Result data alignment selection. */
479 typedef enum {
480     CY_SAR2_RESULT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT           = 0U, /**< The data is right aligned in result[11:0], with sign extension
481                                                        to 16 bits if enabled. */
482     CY_SAR2_RESULT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT            = 1U, /**< The data shifts left in result[15:4] with the
483                                                        lower nibble 0. Caveat if the result is more than 12 bits
484                                                        (e.g. after averaging), then the bits above 12 will be
485                                                        discarded. */
487 } cy_en_sar2_result_alignment_t;
489 /** Select whether result data is signed or unsigned. */
490 typedef enum {
491     CY_SAR2_SIGN_EXTENTION_UNSIGNED          = 0U, /**< Result data is unsigned (zero-extended if needed). */
492     CY_SAR2_SIGN_EXTENTION_SIGNED            = 1U, /**< Result data is signed (sign-extended if needed). */
493 } cy_en_sar2_sign_extention_t;
495 /** Range detection mode selection. */
496 typedef enum {
497     CY_SAR2_RANGE_DETECTION_MODE_BELOW_LO        = 0U,   /**< Below Low threshold (result < Lo) */
498     CY_SAR2_RANGE_DETECTION_MODE_INSIDE_RANGE    = 1U,   /**< Inside range (Lo <= result < Hi) */
499     CY_SAR2_RANGE_DETECTION_MODE_ABOVE_HI        = 2U,   /**< Above high threshold (Hi <= result) */
500     CY_SAR2_RANGE_DETECTION_MODE_OUTSIDE_RANGE   = 3U    /**< Outside range (result < Lo || Hi <= result) */
501 } cy_en_sar2_range_detection_mode_t;
503 /** Reference buffer mode selection. */
504 typedef enum {
505     CY_SAR2_REF_BUF_MODE_OFF     = 0U,   /**< No reference mode selected */
506     CY_SAR2_REF_BUF_MODE_ON      = 1U,   /**< Reference buffered Vbg from SRSS */
507     CY_SAR2_REF_BUF_MODE_BYPASS  = 3U,   /**< Reference unbuffered Vbg from SRSS */
508 } cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t;
510 /** VDDA voltage range selection. */
511 typedef enum {
512     CY_SAR2_VDDA_2_7V_TO_4_5V     = 0U,   /**< The Vdda is in range from 2.7 to 4.5 V */
513     CY_SAR2_VDDA_4_5V_TO_5_5V     = 1U,   /**< The Vdda is in range from 4.5 to 5.5 V */
514 } cy_en_sar2_vdda_range_t;
516 /** \} group_sar2_enums */
518 /***************************************
519 *       Configuration Structure
520 ***************************************/
521 /**
522 * \addtogroup group_sar2_data_structures
523 * \{
524 */
526 /** Configuration structure of the SAR2 ADC channel */
527 typedef struct {
528     bool                                channelHwEnable;    /**< If HW is started, or just configured. */
529     cy_en_sar2_trigger_selection_t      triggerSelection;   /**< The ADC trigger mode selection,
530                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_trigger_selection_t */
531     uint8_t                             channelPriority;    /**< Channel priority. 0=highest, 7=lowest.*/
532     cy_en_sar2_preemption_type_t        preenptionType;     /**< The ADC preemption type selection,
533                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_preemption_type_t */
534     bool                                isGroupEnd;         /**< This value indicates that this channel is the last
535                                                                 channel of a group or not */
536     cy_en_sar2_done_level_t             doneLevel;          /**< Conversion done, trigger output selection,
537                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_done_level_t */
538     cy_en_sar2_pin_address_t            pinAddress;         /**< The address of the analog signal (pin) to be sampled by
539                                                                 a corresponding channel,
540                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_pin_address_t */
541     cy_en_sar2_port_address_t           portAddress;        /**< Select the physical port,
542                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_port_address_t */
543     uint8_t                             extMuxSelect;       /**< External analog mux selection. */
544     bool                                extMuxEnable;       /**< External analog mux enable. */
545     cy_en_sar2_precondition_mode_t      preconditionMode;   /**< Select Preconditioning mode,
546                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_precondition_mode_t */
547     cy_en_sar2_overlap_diag_mode_t      overlapDiagMode;    /**< Select Overlap mode or SARMUX Diagnostics,
548                                                                 see \ref cy_en_sar2_overlap_diag_mode_t */
549     uint16_t                            sampleTime;         /**< Sample time (aperture) in ADC clock cycles.
550                                                                 The minimum is 1 (0 gives the same result as 1),
551                                                                 the minimum time needed for the proper settling is at
552                                                                 least 300ns, i.e. 6 clock cycles at the max frequency of
553                                                                 20MHz. */
554     cy_en_sar2_calibration_value_select_t calibrationValueSelect;    /**< Select calibration values, see
555                                                                          \ref cy_en_sar2_calibration_value_select_t */
556     cy_en_sar2_result_alignment_t         resultAlignment;    /**< Select the result data alignment,
557                                                                   see \ref cy_en_sar2_result_alignment_t */
558     cy_en_sar2_sign_extention_t           signExtention;      /**< Select whether the result data is signed or unsigned,
559                                                                   see \ref cy_en_sar2_sign_extention_t */
560     cy_en_sar2_post_processing_mode_t     postProcessingMode; /**< Select Post processing mode == ,
561                                                                   see \ref cy_en_sar2_post_processing_mode_t */
562     uint16_t                              averageCount;       /**< Averaging count. Active only if post processing mode
563                                                                   is set to Averaging or Averaging + Range detect.
564                                                                   The valid range is [1..256] */
565     uint8_t                               rightShift;         /**< Shift Right. When using post processing mode with
566                                                                   averaging, the set value is used for the right-shift
567                                                                   value of the conversion result. Averaging data may be
568                                                                   over 12 bits, therefore the user must ensure the
569                                                                   conversion result is not to over 12 bits by using
570                                                                   this value. This value is also used to fit the 12-bit
571                                                                   result in 8 bits. The valid range is [0..15]*/
572     uint16_t                              positiveReload;      /**< Positive pulse reload value. Active only if
573                                                                    post processing is set to the Pulse detection.
574                                                                    The valid range is [0..255]. */
575     uint8_t                               negativeReload;      /**< Negative pulse reload value. Active only if
576                                                                    post processing is set to the Pulse detection.
577                                                                    The valid range is [0..31]. */
578     cy_en_sar2_range_detection_mode_t     rangeDetectionMode; /**< Select Range detection mode,
579                                                                   see \ref cy_en_sar2_range_detection_mode_t */
580     uint16_t                      rangeDetectionLoThreshold;  /**< Range detect low threshold (Lo) */
581     uint16_t                      rangeDetectionHiThreshold;  /**< Range detect high threshold (Hi) */
582     uint32_t                      interruptMask;              /**< Select the interrupt sources.
583                                                                   See \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt */
585 } cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t;
587 /** Configuration structure of the SAR2 HW block */
588 typedef struct {
589     uint8_t                       preconditionTime;    /**< The number of ADC clock cycles when Preconditioning is done
590                                                            before the sample window starts. */
591     uint8_t                       powerupTime;         /**< The number of cycles to wait for power up after
592                                                            IDLE_PWRDWN. */
593     bool                          enableIdlePowerDown; /**< When idle automatically power is down, the analog if
594                                                             true. */
595     cy_en_sar2_msb_stretch_mode_t msbStretchMode;      /**< When the set uses 2 cycles for the Most Significant Bit
596                                                            (MSB), see \ref cy_en_sar2_msb_stretch_mode_t */
597     bool                          enableHalfLsbConv;   /**< When true takes an extra cycle to convert the half LSB and
598                                                            add it to the 12-bit result for Missing Code Recovery */
599     bool                          sarMuxEnable;        /**< Enable the SARMUX (only valid if sarIpEnable = true). */
600     bool                          adcEnable;           /**< Enable the SAR ADC and SAR sequencer
601                                                            (only valid if sarIpEnable = true). */
602     bool                          sarIpEnable;         /**< Enable the SAR IP. */
603     cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t * channelConfig[CY_SAR2_NUM_CHANNELS];  /**< Channel configuration pointer array. */
604 } cy_stc_sar2_config_t;
606 /** Digital calibration values. */
607 typedef struct {
608     uint16_t    offset; /**< Digital offset correction. The valid range is [0..4095] */
609     int8_t     gain;   /**< Digital gain correction. The valid range is [-32..31] */
610 } cy_stc_sar2_digital_calibration_config_t;
612 /** Analog calibration values. */
613 typedef struct {
614     int8_t     offset; /**< Analog offset correction. The valid range is [-128..127] */
615     int8_t     gain;   /**< Analog gain correction. The valid range is [-16..15] */
616 } cy_stc_sar2_analog_calibration_conifg_t;
618 /** Configuration structure of diagnosis function. */
619 typedef struct {
620     cy_en_sar2_diag_reference_select_t   referenceSelect;    /**< Select Diagnostic Reference function,
621                                                                  see \ref cy_en_sar2_diag_reference_select_t */
622 } cy_stc_sar2_diag_config_t;
624 /** Control freeze feature for debugging. */
625 typedef struct {
626     bool      enableFreezeAdc0; /**< If true, freeze ADC0 in Debug mode. */
627     bool      enableFreezeAdc1; /**< If true, freeze ADC1 in Debug mode. */
628     bool      enableFreezeAdc2; /**< If true, freeze ADC2 in Debug mode. */
629     bool      enableFreezeAdc3; /**< If true, freeze ADC3 in Debug mode. */
630 } cy_stc_sar2_debug_freeze_config_t;
632 /** \} group_sar2_data_structures */
634 /***************************************
635 *       Function Prototypes
636 ***************************************/
637 /**
638 * \addtogroup group_sar2_functions
639 * \{
640 */
642 /* For each ADC */
643 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_Init(PASS_SAR_Type * base, const cy_stc_sar2_config_t * config);
644 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_DeInit(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
645 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
646 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
647 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetPendingStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
648 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
649 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
650 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
651 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkPulseStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
652 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetResultValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
653 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetResultRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base);
655 /* For each channel */
656 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_Init(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel,
657                                                                     const cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t * channelConfig);
658 void Cy_SAR2_Channel_DeInit(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
659 uint16_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetResult(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t * status);
660 uint16_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetWorkingData(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t * status);
661 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetGroupStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
662 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
663 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
664 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SoftwareTrigger(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
665 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask);
666 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
667 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_ClearInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask);
668 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
669 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatusMasked(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel);
670 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask);
672 /* For diagnosis function */
673 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_Diag_Init(PASS_SAR_Type * base, const cy_stc_sar2_diag_config_t * diagConfig);
674 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Diag_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
675 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Diag_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
677 /* For calibration */
678 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_TriggerCalibrationUpdate(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
679 __STATIC_INLINE bool Cy_SAR2_IsCalibrationUpdateDone(PASS_SAR_Type * base);
680 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetDigitalCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
681                                                        const cy_stc_sar2_digital_calibration_config_t * digCalibConfig);
682 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_GetDigitalCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
683                                                              cy_stc_sar2_digital_calibration_config_t * digCalibConfig);
684 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetAltDigitalCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
685                                                     const cy_stc_sar2_digital_calibration_config_t * altDigCalibConfig);
686 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_GetAltDigitalCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
687                                                           cy_stc_sar2_digital_calibration_config_t * altDigCalibConfig);
688 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
689                                                            cy_stc_sar2_analog_calibration_conifg_t * analogCalibConfig);
690 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_GetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
691                                                            cy_stc_sar2_analog_calibration_conifg_t * analogCalibConfig);
692 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetAltAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
693                                                         cy_stc_sar2_analog_calibration_conifg_t * altAnalogCalibConfig);
694 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_GetAltAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS_SAR_Type * base,
695                                                         cy_stc_sar2_analog_calibration_conifg_t * altAnalogCalibConfig);
697 /* For debugging */
698 __STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t Cy_SAR2_GetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base);
699 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base, cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t mode);
700 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetDebugFreezeMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base,
701                                                                    const cy_stc_sar2_debug_freeze_config_t * debConfig);
703 /* For SAR general trigger input / output trigger setting */
704 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetGenericTriggerInput(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base, uint8_t numOfAdc,
705                                                                uint8_t triggerInputNumber, uint8_t genericTriggerValue);
706 cy_en_sar2_status_t Cy_SAR2_SetGenericTriggerOutput(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base, uint8_t numOfAdc,
707                                                               uint8_t triggerOutputNumber, uint8_t genericTriggerValue);
709 /* For temperature measurements */
710 double Cy_SAR2_CalculateDieTemperature(cy_en_sar2_vdda_range_t VDDARange, uint16_t adcVtempRawValue,
711                                                                                                uint16_t adcVbgRawValue);
713 /*******************************************************************************
714 *                       In-line Function Implementation
715 *******************************************************************************/
717 /*******************************************************************************
718 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Enable
719 ****************************************************************************//**
720 *
721 * Enables the SAR ADC block.
722 *
723 * \param base : The pointer to the SAR block.
724 *
725 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)726 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
727 {
728     base->CTL |= PASS_SAR_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
729 }
731 /*******************************************************************************
732 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Disable
733 ****************************************************************************//**
734 *
735 * Disables the SAR ADC block.
736 *
737 * \param base : The pointer to the SAR block.
738 *
739 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)740 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
741 {
742     base->CTL &= ~PASS_SAR_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
743 }
745 /*******************************************************************************
746 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_DeInit
747 ****************************************************************************//**
748 *
749 * De-initializes the SAR ADC block, returns the register values to default.
750 *
751 * \param base : The pointer to the SAR block.
752 *
753 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_DeInit(PASS_SAR_Type * base)754 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_DeInit(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
755 {
756     base->PRECOND_CTL = 0UL;
757     base->CTL = 0UL;
758 }
760 /*******************************************************************************
761 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetPendingStatus
762 ****************************************************************************//**
763 *
764 * Returns the trigger pending status.
765 *
766 * \param base
767 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
768 *
769 * \return Pending status. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
770 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0 is pending for a trigger.
771 *
772 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetPendingStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)773 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetPendingStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
774 {
775     return base->TR_PEND;
776 }
778 /*******************************************************************************
779 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetWorkValidStatus
780 ****************************************************************************//**
781 *
782 * Returns the work register valid status.
783 *
784 * \param base
785 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
786 *
787 * \return Work register valid status. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
788 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0's work register is valid.
789 *
790 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetWorkValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)791 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
792 {
793     return base->WORK_VALID;
794 }
796 /*******************************************************************************
797 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeStatus
798 ****************************************************************************//**
799 *
800 * Returns work register range status.
801 *
802 * \param base
803 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
804 *
805 * \return Work register range status. Each bit correspond a channel, i.e.
806 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0 detected a range.
807 *
808 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)809 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
810 {
811     return base->WORK_RANGE;
812 }
814 /*******************************************************************************
815 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeHiStatus
816 ****************************************************************************//**
817 *
818 * Returns work register range high status.
819 *
820 * \param base
821 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
822 *
823 * \return Work register range Hi status. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
824 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0 detected "out of range" and the value was above the high
825 * threshold.
826 *
827 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)828 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
829 {
830     return base->WORK_RANGE_HI;
831 }
833 /*******************************************************************************
834 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetWorkPulseStatus
835 ****************************************************************************//**
836 *
837 * Returns the work register pulse status.
838 *
839 * \param base
840 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
841 *
842 * \return Work register pulse status. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
843 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0 detected a pulse.
844 *
845 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetWorkPulseStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)846 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetWorkPulseStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
847 {
848     return base->WORK_PULSE;
849 }
851 /*******************************************************************************
852 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetResultValidStatus
853 ****************************************************************************//**
854 *
855 * Returns result register valid status.
856 *
857 * \param base
858 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
859 *
860 * \return Result register pulse status. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
861 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0's result register is valid.
862 *
863 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetResultValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)864 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetResultValidStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
865 {
866     return base->RESULT_VALID;
867 }
869 /*******************************************************************************
870 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetResultRangeHiStatus
871 ****************************************************************************//**
872 *
873 * Returns result register range high status.
874 *
875 * \param base
876 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
877 *
878 * \return Result register range high. Each bit corresponds a channel, i.e.
879 * If bit0 is 1, ch.0 detected "out of range" and the value was above the high
880 * threshold.
881 *
882 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetResultRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)883 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_GetResultRangeHiStatus(const PASS_SAR_Type * base)
884 {
885     return base->RESULT_RANGE_HI;
886 }
888 /*******************************************************************************
889 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_Enable
890 ****************************************************************************//**
891 *
892 * Enables a corresponding channel.
893 *
894 * \param base
895 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
896 *
897 * \param channel
898 * The channel number.
899 *
900 * \note To enable a group either start with enabling the last channel first
901 * and the first channel last, or start the trigger after all channels are
902 * enabled.
903 *
904 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)905 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
906 {
907     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
909     base->CH[channel].ENABLE |= PASS_SAR_CH_ENABLE_CHAN_EN_Msk;
910 }
912 /*******************************************************************************
913 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_Disable
914 ****************************************************************************//**
915 *
916 * Disables a corresponding channel.
917 *
918 * \param base
919 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
920 *
921 * \param channel
922 * The channel number.
923 *
924 * \note To disable a group either stop the trigger first or begin with disabling
925 * the lowest channel first.
926 *
927 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)928 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
929 {
930     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
932     base->CH[channel].ENABLE &= ~PASS_SAR_CH_ENABLE_CHAN_EN_Msk;
933 }
935 /*******************************************************************************
936 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_SoftwareTrigger
937 ****************************************************************************//**
938 *
939 * Issues a software start trigger.
940 *
941 * \param base
942 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
943 *
944 * \param channel
945 * The channel number.
946 *
947 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_SoftwareTrigger(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)948 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SoftwareTrigger(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
949 {
950     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
952     SAR2_CH_TR_CMD(base, channel) |= _VAL2FLD(PASS_SAR_CH_TR_CMD_START, 1UL);
953 }
955 /*******************************************************************************
956 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Diag_Enable
957 ****************************************************************************//**
958 *
959 * Enables the diagnostic function.
960 *
961 * \param  base: The pointer to the hardware SAR block.
962 *
963 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Diag_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)964 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Diag_Enable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
965 {
967 }
969 /*******************************************************************************
970 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Diag_Disable
971 ****************************************************************************//**
972 *
973 * Disables the diagnostic function.
974 *
975 * \param  base: The pointer to the hardware SAR block.
976 *
977 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Diag_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)978 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Diag_Disable(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
979 {
980     base->DIAG_CTL &= ~PASS_SAR_DIAG_CTL_DIAG_EN_Msk;
981 }
983 /*******************************************************************************
984 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_TriggerCalibrationUpdate
985 ****************************************************************************//**
986 *
987 * Triggers calibration update. After triggering, coherently copies the values
988 * from alternate calibration regs to the current calibration regs.
989 *
990 * \param  base: The pointer to the hardware SAR block.
991 *
992 * \note Set an alternate calibration value before calling this function.
993 *       After triggering, calibration will be updated as soon as the SAR is
994 *       idle or a "continuous" triggered group completes.
995 *       To determine whether calibration update is done or not call
996 *       the Cy_SAR2_IsCalibrationUpdateDone function.
997 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_TriggerCalibrationUpdate(PASS_SAR_Type * base)998 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_TriggerCalibrationUpdate(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
999 {
1001 }
1003 /*******************************************************************************
1004 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_IsCalibrationUpdateDone
1005 ****************************************************************************//**
1006 *
1007 * Gets the status of calibration update.
1008 *
1009 * \param  base: The pointer to the hardware SAR block.
1010 *
1011 * \return If true, calibration update is done.
1012 *         If false, calibration update is not yet done.
1013 *
1014 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_IsCalibrationUpdateDone(PASS_SAR_Type * base)1015 __STATIC_INLINE bool Cy_SAR2_IsCalibrationUpdateDone(PASS_SAR_Type * base)
1016 {
1017     return (_FLD2BOOL(PASS_SAR_CAL_UPD_CMD_UPDATE, base->CAL_UPD_CMD));
1018 }
1020 /*******************************************************************************
1021 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterruptMask
1022 ****************************************************************************//**
1023 *
1024 * Configures the channel interrupt.
1025 *
1026 * \param base
1027 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1028 *
1029 * \param channel
1030 * The channel number.
1031 *
1032 * \param intrMask
1033 * The mask of interrupts. Select one or more values from
1034 * \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt and "OR" them together:
1035 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_DONE
1037 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_OVERFLOW
1038 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_RANGE
1039 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_PULSE
1040 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_OVERFLOW
1041 *
1042 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel,uint32_t intrMask)1043 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
1044 {
1045     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1047     SAR2_CH_INTR_MASK(base, channel) = (intrMask & CY_SAR2_INTR);
1048 }
1050 /*******************************************************************************
1051 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptMask
1052 ****************************************************************************//**
1053 *
1054 * Returns interrupt mask configuration.
1055 *
1056 * \param base
1057 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1058 *
1059 * \param channel
1060 * The channel number.
1061 *
1062 * \return Interrupt mask value \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt
1063 *
1064 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)1065 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptMask(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
1066 {
1067     return SAR2_CH_INTR_MASK(base, channel);
1068 }
1070 /*******************************************************************************
1071 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_ClearInterrupt
1072 ****************************************************************************//**
1073 *
1074 * Clears the interrupt.
1075 * The interrupt must be cleared with this function so that the hardware
1076 * can set subsequent interrupts and those interrupts can be forwarded
1077 * to the interrupt controller, if enabled.
1078 *
1079 * \param base
1080 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1081 *
1082 * \param channel
1083 * The channel number.
1084 *
1085 * \param intrMask
1086 * The mask of interrupts to clear. Typically this will be the value returned
1087 * from \ref Cy_SAR_GetInterruptStatus.
1088 * Alternately, select one or more values from \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt
1089 * and "OR" them together.
1090 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_DONE
1092 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_OVERFLOW
1093 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_RANGE
1094 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_PULSE
1095 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_OVERFLOW
1096 *
1097 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_ClearInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel,uint32_t intrMask)1098 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_ClearInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
1099 {
1100     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1102     SAR2_CH_INTR(base, channel) = (intrMask & CY_SAR2_INTR);
1103     /* This dummy reading is necessary here. It provides a guarantee that interrupt is cleared at returning from this function. */
1104     (void) SAR2_CH_INTR(base, channel);
1105 }
1107 /*******************************************************************************
1108 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatus
1109 ****************************************************************************//**
1110 *
1111 * Returns the channel interrupt register status.
1112 *
1113 * \param base
1114 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1115 *
1116 * \param channel
1117 * The channel number.
1118 *
1119 * \return status
1120 * Contents of the channel interrupt register. See
1121 * \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt.
1122 *
1123 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)1124 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
1125 {
1126     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1128     return (SAR2_CH_INTR(base, channel));
1129 }
1131 /*******************************************************************************
1132 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatusMasked
1133 ****************************************************************************//**
1134 *
1135 * Returns interrupt status.
1136 *
1137 * \param base
1138 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1139 *
1140 * \param channel
1141 * The channel number.
1142 *
1143 * \return status
1144 * Contents of the channel interrupt register. See
1145 * \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt.
1146 *
1147 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatusMasked(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)1148 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetInterruptStatusMasked(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
1149 {
1150     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1152     return (SAR2_CH_INTR_MASKED(base, channel));
1153 }
1155 /*******************************************************************************
1156 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterrupt
1157 ****************************************************************************//**
1158 *
1159 * Triggers an interrupt with software.
1160 *
1161 * \param base
1162 * The pointer to the SAR instance.
1163 *
1164 * \param channel
1165 * The channel number.
1166 *
1167 * \param intrMask
1168 * The mask of interrupts to set.
1169 * Select one or more values from \ref group_sar2_macros_interrupt and "OR" them
1170 * together.
1171 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_DONE
1173 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_GRP_OVERFLOW
1174 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_RANGE
1175 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_PULSE
1176 * - \ref CY_SAR2_INT_CH_OVERFLOW
1177 *
1178 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel,uint32_t intrMask)1179 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_Channel_SetInterrupt(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
1180 {
1181     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1183     SAR2_CH_INTR_SET(base, channel) = (intrMask & CY_SAR2_INTR);
1184 }
1186 /*******************************************************************************
1187 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetGroupStatus
1188 ****************************************************************************//**
1189 *
1190 * Returns the group conversion status.
1191 *
1192 * \param base
1193 * The pointer to an SAR instance.
1194 *
1195 * \param channel
1196 * The channel number.
1197 *
1198 * \return status
1199 * The status of the group, conversion status bits ORed.
1200 *
1201 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetGroupStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base,uint32_t channel)1202 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetGroupStatus(PASS_SAR_Type * base, uint32_t channel)
1203 {
1204     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SAR2_CHAN_NUM_VALID(base, channel));
1206     return (base->CH[channel].GRP_STAT);
1207 }
1209 /*******************************************************************************
1210 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode
1211 ****************************************************************************//**
1212 *
1213 * Sets ePASS MMIO reference buffer mode.
1214 *
1215 * \param base
1216 * The pointer to the PASS instance.
1217 *
1218 * \param mode
1219 * The reference buffer mode number.
1220 *
1221 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base,cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t mode)1222 __STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base, cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t mode)
1223 {
1225 }
1227 /*******************************************************************************
1228 * Function Name: Cy_SAR2_GetReferenceBufferMode
1229 ****************************************************************************//**
1230 *
1231 * Gets ePASS MMIO reference buffer mode.
1232 *
1233 * \param base
1234 * The pointer to the PASS instance.
1235 *
1236 * \return
1237 * \ref cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t
1238 *
1239 *******************************************************************************/
Cy_SAR2_GetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base)1240 __STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t Cy_SAR2_GetReferenceBufferMode(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_Type * base)
1241 {
1242     return (cy_en_sar2_ref_buf_mode_t)(int32_t)(uint32_t)_FLD2VAL(PASS_EPASS_MMIO_PASS_CTL_REFBUF_MODE, base->PASS_CTL);
1243 }
1246 /** \} group_sar2_functions */
1248 #if defined(__cplusplus)
1249 }
1250 #endif
1252 #endif /* CY_SAR2_H */
1254 /** \} group_sar2 */
1255 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40EPASS_ESAR */
1257 /* [] END OF FILE */