1 /*
2  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2010-2022 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates <open-source-office@arm.com>
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
7  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
14  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
19 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20  * Project:      CMSIS NN Library
21  * Title:        arm_nntables.c
22  * Description:  Converts the elements of the Q7 vector to Q15 vector without left-shift
23  *
24  * $Date:        28 October 2022
25  * $Revision:    V.2.1.0
26  *
27  * Target Processor:  Cortex-M cores
28  *
29  * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
31 #include "arm_nnsupportfunctions.h"
33 /**
34  * @brief tables for various activation functions
35  *
36  * This file include the declaration of common tables.
37  * Most of them are used for activation functions
38  *
39  */
41 // Table of sigmoid(i/24) at 0.16 format - 256 elements.
42 // Combined sigmoid and tanh look-up table, since
43 // tanh(x) = 2*sigmoid(2*x) -1.
44 // Both functions are symmetric, so the LUT table is only needed
45 // for the absolute value of the input.
46 const uint16_t sigmoid_table_uint16[256] = {
47     32768, 33451, 34133, 34813, 35493, 36169, 36843, 37513, 38180, 38841, 39498, 40149, 40794, 41432, 42064, 42688,
48     43304, 43912, 44511, 45102, 45683, 46255, 46817, 47369, 47911, 48443, 48964, 49475, 49975, 50464, 50942, 51409,
49     51865, 52311, 52745, 53169, 53581, 53983, 54374, 54755, 55125, 55485, 55834, 56174, 56503, 56823, 57133, 57433,
50     57724, 58007, 58280, 58544, 58800, 59048, 59288, 59519, 59743, 59959, 60168, 60370, 60565, 60753, 60935, 61110,
51     61279, 61441, 61599, 61750, 61896, 62036, 62172, 62302, 62428, 62549, 62666, 62778, 62886, 62990, 63090, 63186,
52     63279, 63368, 63454, 63536, 63615, 63691, 63765, 63835, 63903, 63968, 64030, 64090, 64148, 64204, 64257, 64308,
53     64357, 64405, 64450, 64494, 64536, 64576, 64614, 64652, 64687, 64721, 64754, 64786, 64816, 64845, 64873, 64900,
54     64926, 64950, 64974, 64997, 65019, 65039, 65060, 65079, 65097, 65115, 65132, 65149, 65164, 65179, 65194, 65208,
55     65221, 65234, 65246, 65258, 65269, 65280, 65291, 65301, 65310, 65319, 65328, 65337, 65345, 65352, 65360, 65367,
56     65374, 65381, 65387, 65393, 65399, 65404, 65410, 65415, 65420, 65425, 65429, 65433, 65438, 65442, 65445, 65449,
57     65453, 65456, 65459, 65462, 65465, 65468, 65471, 65474, 65476, 65479, 65481, 65483, 65485, 65488, 65489, 65491,
58     65493, 65495, 65497, 65498, 65500, 65501, 65503, 65504, 65505, 65507, 65508, 65509, 65510, 65511, 65512, 65513,
59     65514, 65515, 65516, 65517, 65517, 65518, 65519, 65520, 65520, 65521, 65522, 65522, 65523, 65523, 65524, 65524,
60     65525, 65525, 65526, 65526, 65526, 65527, 65527, 65528, 65528, 65528, 65529, 65529, 65529, 65529, 65530, 65530,
61     65530, 65530, 65531, 65531, 65531, 65531, 65531, 65532, 65532, 65532, 65532, 65532, 65532, 65533, 65533, 65533,
62     65533, 65533, 65533, 65533, 65533, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65535};