1 /*!
2  * \file      RegionCN470A26.h
3  *
4  * \brief     Specific implementations of Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
5  *
6  * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
7  *
8  * \code
9  *                ______                              _
10  *               / _____)             _              | |
11  *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
12  *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
13  *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
14  *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
15  *              (C)2013-2017 Semtech
16  *
17  *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
18  *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
19  *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
20  *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
21  *              embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
22  *
23  * \endcode
24  *
25  * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
26  *
27  * \author    Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
28  *
29  * \defgroup  REGIONCN470
30  *
31  * \{
32  */
33 #ifndef __REGION_CN470_A26_H__
34 #define __REGION_CN470_A26_H__
36 #ifdef __cplusplus
37 extern "C"
38 {
39 #endif
41 #include "region/Region.h"
43 /*!
44  * The maximum number of channels.
45  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
46  */
47 #define CN470_A26_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE        3
49 /*!
50  * The number of entries in the join accept list.
51  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
52  */
53 #define CN470_A26_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE     3
55 /*!
56  * The number of channels available for the beacon.
57  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
58  */
59 #define CN470_A26_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS        1
61 /*!
62  * The number of channels available for the ping slots.
63  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
64  */
65 #define CN470_A26_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS     1
67 /*!
68  * The first RX channel, downstream group 1.
69  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
70  */
71 #define CN470_A26_FIRST_RX_CHANNEL          490100000
73 /*!
74  * The last RX channel, downstream group 1.
75  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
76  */
77 #define CN470_A26_LAST_RX_CHANNEL           494700000
79 /*!
80  * The frequency stepwidth between RX channels,
81  * downstream group 1.
82  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
83  */
84 #define CN470_A26_STEPWIDTH_RX_CHANNEL      200000
86 /*!
87  * The first TX channel, upstream group 1.
88  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
89  */
90 #define CN470_A26_FIRST_TX_CHANNEL          470300000
92 /*!
93  * The last TX channel, upstream group 1.
94  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
95  */
96 #define CN470_A26_LAST_TX_CHANNEL           479700000
98 /*!
99  * The frequency stepwidth between RX channels,
100  * upstream group 1.
101  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
102  */
103 #define CN470_A26_STEPWIDTH_TX_CHANNEL      200000
105 /*!
106  * The default frequency for RX window 2
107  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
108  */
109 #define CN470_A26_RX_WND_2_FREQ             492500000
111 /*!
112  * The default frequency for beacon.
113  * Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
114  */
115 #define CN470_A26_BEACON_FREQ               494900000
117 /*!
118  * \brief Calculation of the beacon frequency.
119  *
120  * \param [IN] channel The Beacon channel number.
121  *
122  * \param [IN] joinChannelIndex The join channel index.
123  *
124  * \param [IN] isPingSlot Set to true, if its a ping slot.
125  *
126  * \retval Returns the beacon frequency.
127  */
128 uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetDownlinkFrequency( uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot );
130 /*!
131  * \brief Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters
132  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
133  *
134  * \param [IN] joinChannelIndex The join channel index.
135  *
136  * \retval Returns the offset for the given join channel.
137  */
138 uint8_t RegionCN470A26GetBeaconChannelOffset( uint8_t joinChannelIndex );
140 /*!
141  * \brief Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters
142  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
143  *
144  * \param [IN] channelsMask A pointer to the channels mask.
145  *
146  * \param [IN] chMaskCntl The value of the chMaskCntl field of the LinkAdrReq.
147  *
148  * \param [IN] chanMask The value of the chanMask field of the LinkAdrReq.
149  *
150  * \param [IN] channels A pointer to the available channels.
151  *
152  * \retval Status of the operation. Return 0x07 if the channels mask is valid.
153  */
154 uint8_t RegionCN470A26LinkAdrChMaskUpdate( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl,
155                                            uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t* channels );
157 /*!
158  * \brief Verifies if the frequency provided is valid
159  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
160  *
161  * \param [IN] frequency The frequency to verify.
162  *
163  * \retval Returns true, if the frequency is valid.
164  */
165 bool RegionCN470A26VerifyRfFreq( uint32_t frequency );
167 /*!
168  * \brief Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands
169  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
170  *
171  * \param [IN] channels A pointer to the available channels.
172  */
173 void RegionCN470A26InitializeChannels( ChannelParams_t* channels );
175 /*!
176  * \brief Initializes the channels default mask
177  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
178  *
179  * \param [IN] channelsDefaultMask A pointer to the channels default mask.
180  */
181 void RegionCN470A26InitializeChannelsMask( uint16_t* channelsDefaultMask );
183 /*!
184  * \brief Computes the frequency for the RX1 window
185  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
186  *
187  * \param [IN] channel The channel utilized currently.
188  *
189  * \retval Returns the frequency which shall be used.
190  */
191 uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetRx1Frequency( uint8_t channel );
193 /*!
194  * \brief Computes the frequency for the RX2 window
195  *        for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
196  *
197  * \param [IN] joinChannelIndex The join channel index.
198   *
199  * \param [IN] isOtaaDevice Set to true, if the device is an OTAA device.
200  *
201  * \retval Returns the frequency which shall be used.
202  */
203 uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetRx2Frequency( uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice );
205 /*! \} defgroup REGIONCN470 */
207 #ifdef __cplusplus
208 }
209 #endif
211 #endif // __REGION_CN470_A26_H__