1 /*
2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
19 module thrift_test_client;
21 import std.conv;
22 import std.datetime.stopwatch;
23 import std.exception : enforce;
24 import std.getopt;
25 import std.stdio;
26 import std.string;
27 import std.traits;
28 import thrift.base;
29 import thrift.codegen.client;
30 import thrift.protocol.base;
31 import thrift.protocol.binary;
32 import thrift.protocol.compact;
33 import thrift.protocol.json;
34 import thrift.transport.base;
35 import thrift.transport.buffered;
36 import thrift.transport.framed;
37 import thrift.transport.http;
38 import thrift.transport.zlib;
39 import thrift.transport.socket;
40 import thrift.transport.ssl;
41 import thrift.util.hashset;
43 import thrift_test_common;
44 import thrift.test.ThriftTest;
45 import thrift.test.ThriftTest_types;
47 enum TransportType {
48 buffered,
49 framed,
50 http,
51 zlib,
52 raw
53 }
createProtocol(T)55 TProtocol createProtocol(T)(T trans, ProtocolType type) {
56 final switch (type) {
57 case ProtocolType.binary:
58 return tBinaryProtocol(trans);
59 case ProtocolType.compact:
60 return tCompactProtocol(trans);
61 case ProtocolType.json:
62 return tJsonProtocol(trans);
63 }
64 }
main(string[]args)66 void main(string[] args) {
67 string host = "localhost";
68 ushort port = 9090;
69 uint numTests = 1;
70 bool ssl;
71 ProtocolType protocolType;
72 TransportType transportType;
73 bool zlib;
74 bool trace;
76 getopt(args,
77 "numTests|n", &numTests,
78 "protocol", &protocolType,
79 "ssl", &ssl,
80 "transport", &transportType,
81 "zlib", &zlib,
82 "trace", &trace,
83 "port", &port,
84 "host", (string _, string value) {
85 auto parts = split(value, ":");
86 if (parts.length > 1) {
87 // IPv6 addresses can contain colons, so take the last part for the
88 // port.
89 host = join(parts[0 .. $ - 1], ":");
90 port = to!ushort(parts[$ - 1]);
91 } else {
92 host = value;
93 }
94 }
95 );
96 port = to!ushort(port);
98 TSocket socket;
99 if (ssl) {
100 auto sslContext = new TSSLContext();
101 sslContext.ciphers = "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH";
102 sslContext.authenticate = true;
103 sslContext.loadTrustedCertificates("../../../test/keys/CA.pem");
104 socket = new TSSLSocket(sslContext, host, port);
105 } else {
106 socket = new TSocket(host, port);
107 }
109 TTransport transport;
110 final switch (transportType) {
111 case TransportType.buffered:
112 transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket);
113 break;
114 case TransportType.framed:
115 transport = new TFramedTransport(socket);
116 break;
117 case TransportType.http:
118 transport = new TClientHttpTransport(socket, host, "/service");
119 break;
120 case TransportType.zlib:
121 transport = new TZlibTransport(socket);
122 break;
123 case TransportType.raw:
124 transport = socket;
125 break;
126 }
127 if (zlib && transportType != TransportType.zlib) {
128 transport = new TZlibTransport(socket);
129 }
130 TProtocol protocol = createProtocol(transport, protocolType);
132 auto client = tClient!ThriftTest(protocol);
134 ulong time_min;
135 ulong time_max;
136 ulong time_tot;
138 StopWatch sw;
139 foreach(test; 0 .. numTests) {
140 sw.start();
142 protocol.transport.open();
144 if (trace) writefln("Test #%s, connect %s:%s", test + 1, host, port);
146 if (trace) write("testVoid()");
147 client.testVoid();
148 if (trace) writeln(" = void");
150 if (trace) write("testString(\"Test\")");
151 string s = client.testString("Test");
152 if (trace) writefln(" = \"%s\"", s);
153 enforce(s == "Test");
155 if (trace) write("testByte(1)");
156 byte u8 = client.testByte(1);
157 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", u8);
158 enforce(u8 == 1);
160 if (trace) write("testI32(-1)");
161 int i32 = client.testI32(-1);
162 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", i32);
163 enforce(i32 == -1);
165 if (trace) write("testI64(-34359738368)");
166 long i64 = client.testI64(-34359738368L);
167 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", i64);
168 enforce(i64 == -34359738368L);
170 if (trace) write("testDouble(-5.2098523)");
171 double dub = client.testDouble(-5.2098523);
172 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", dub);
173 enforce(dub == -5.2098523);
175 // TODO: add testBinary() call
177 Xtruct out1;
178 out1.string_thing = "Zero";
179 out1.byte_thing = 1;
180 out1.i32_thing = -3;
181 out1.i64_thing = -5;
182 if (trace) writef("testStruct(%s)", out1);
183 auto in1 = client.testStruct(out1);
184 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", in1);
185 enforce(in1 == out1);
187 if (trace) write("testNest({1, {\"Zero\", 1, -3, -5}), 5}");
188 Xtruct2 out2;
189 out2.byte_thing = 1;
190 out2.struct_thing = out1;
191 out2.i32_thing = 5;
192 auto in2 = client.testNest(out2);
193 in1 = in2.struct_thing;
194 if (trace) writefln(" = {%s, {\"%s\", %s, %s, %s}, %s}", in2.byte_thing,
195 in1.string_thing, in1.byte_thing, in1.i32_thing, in1.i64_thing,
196 in2.i32_thing);
197 enforce(in2 == out2);
199 int[int] mapout;
200 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
201 mapout[i] = i - 10;
202 }
203 if (trace) writef("testMap({%s})", mapout);
204 auto mapin = client.testMap(mapout);
205 if (trace) writefln(" = {%s}", mapin);
206 enforce(mapin == mapout);
208 auto setout = new HashSet!int;
209 for (int i = -2; i < 3; ++i) {
210 setout ~= i;
211 }
212 if (trace) writef("testSet(%s)", setout);
213 auto setin = client.testSet(setout);
214 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", setin);
215 enforce(setin == setout);
217 int[] listout;
218 for (int i = -2; i < 3; ++i) {
219 listout ~= i;
220 }
221 if (trace) writef("testList(%s)", listout);
222 auto listin = client.testList(listout);
223 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", listin);
224 enforce(listin == listout);
226 {
227 if (trace) write("testEnum(ONE)");
228 auto ret = client.testEnum(Numberz.ONE);
229 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", ret);
230 enforce(ret == Numberz.ONE);
232 if (trace) write("testEnum(TWO)");
233 ret = client.testEnum(Numberz.TWO);
234 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", ret);
235 enforce(ret == Numberz.TWO);
237 if (trace) write("testEnum(THREE)");
238 ret = client.testEnum(Numberz.THREE);
239 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", ret);
240 enforce(ret == Numberz.THREE);
242 if (trace) write("testEnum(FIVE)");
243 ret = client.testEnum(Numberz.FIVE);
244 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", ret);
245 enforce(ret == Numberz.FIVE);
247 if (trace) write("testEnum(EIGHT)");
248 ret = client.testEnum(Numberz.EIGHT);
249 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", ret);
250 enforce(ret == Numberz.EIGHT);
251 }
253 if (trace) write("testTypedef(309858235082523)");
254 UserId uid = client.testTypedef(309858235082523L);
255 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", uid);
256 enforce(uid == 309858235082523L);
258 if (trace) write("testMapMap(1)");
259 auto mm = client.testMapMap(1);
260 if (trace) writefln(" = {%s}", mm);
261 // Simply doing == doesn't seem to work for nested AAs.
262 foreach (key, value; mm) {
263 enforce(testMapMapReturn[key] == value);
264 }
265 foreach (key, value; testMapMapReturn) {
266 enforce(mm[key] == value);
267 }
269 Insanity insane;
270 insane.userMap[Numberz.FIVE] = 5000;
271 Xtruct truck;
272 truck.string_thing = "Truck";
273 truck.byte_thing = 8;
274 truck.i32_thing = 8;
275 truck.i64_thing = 8;
276 insane.xtructs ~= truck;
277 if (trace) write("testInsanity()");
278 auto whoa = client.testInsanity(insane);
279 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", whoa);
281 // Commented for now, this is cumbersome to write without opEqual getting
282 // called on AA comparison.
283 // enforce(whoa == testInsanityReturn);
285 {
286 try {
287 if (trace) write("client.testException(\"Xception\") =>");
288 client.testException("Xception");
289 if (trace) writeln(" void\nFAILURE");
290 throw new Exception("testException failed.");
291 } catch (Xception e) {
292 if (trace) writefln(" {%s, \"%s\"}", e.errorCode, e.message);
293 }
295 try {
296 if (trace) write("client.testException(\"TException\") =>");
297 client.testException("Xception");
298 if (trace) writeln(" void\nFAILURE");
299 throw new Exception("testException failed.");
300 } catch (TException e) {
301 if (trace) writefln(" {%s}", e.msg);
302 }
304 try {
305 if (trace) write("client.testException(\"success\") =>");
306 client.testException("success");
307 if (trace) writeln(" void");
308 } catch (Exception e) {
309 if (trace) writeln(" exception\nFAILURE");
310 throw new Exception("testException failed.");
311 }
312 }
314 {
315 try {
316 if (trace) write("client.testMultiException(\"Xception\", \"test 1\") =>");
317 auto result = client.testMultiException("Xception", "test 1");
318 if (trace) writeln(" result\nFAILURE");
319 throw new Exception("testMultiException failed.");
320 } catch (Xception e) {
321 if (trace) writefln(" {%s, \"%s\"}", e.errorCode, e.message);
322 }
324 try {
325 if (trace) write("client.testMultiException(\"Xception2\", \"test 2\") =>");
326 auto result = client.testMultiException("Xception2", "test 2");
327 if (trace) writeln(" result\nFAILURE");
328 throw new Exception("testMultiException failed.");
329 } catch (Xception2 e) {
330 if (trace) writefln(" {%s, {\"%s\"}}",
331 e.errorCode, e.struct_thing.string_thing);
332 }
334 try {
335 if (trace) writef("client.testMultiException(\"success\", \"test 3\") =>");
336 auto result = client.testMultiException("success", "test 3");
337 if (trace) writefln(" {{\"%s\"}}", result.string_thing);
338 } catch (Exception e) {
339 if (trace) writeln(" exception\nFAILURE");
340 throw new Exception("testMultiException failed.");
341 }
342 }
344 // Do not run oneway test when doing multiple iterations, as it blocks the
345 // server for three seconds.
346 if (numTests == 1) {
347 if (trace) writef("client.testOneway(3) =>");
348 auto onewayWatch = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
349 client.testOneway(3);
350 onewayWatch.stop();
351 if (onewayWatch.peek.total!"msecs" > 200) {
352 if (trace) {
353 writefln(" FAILURE - took %s ms", onewayWatch.peek.total!"usecs" / 1000.0);
354 }
355 throw new Exception("testOneway failed.");
356 } else {
357 if (trace) {
358 writefln(" success - took %s ms", onewayWatch.peek.total!"usecs" / 1000.0);
359 }
360 }
362 // Redo a simple test after the oneway to make sure we aren't "off by
363 // one", which would be the case if the server treated oneway methods
364 // like normal ones.
365 if (trace) write("re-test testI32(-1)");
366 i32 = client.testI32(-1);
367 if (trace) writefln(" = %s", i32);
368 }
370 // Time metering.
371 sw.stop();
373 immutable tot = sw.peek.total!"usecs" ;
374 if (trace) writefln("Total time: %s us\n", tot);
376 time_tot += tot;
377 if (time_min == 0 || tot < time_min) {
378 time_min = tot;
379 }
380 if (tot > time_max) {
381 time_max = tot;
382 }
383 protocol.transport.close();
385 sw.reset();
386 }
388 writeln("All tests done.");
390 if (numTests > 1) {
391 auto time_avg = time_tot / numTests;
392 writefln("Min time: %s us", time_min);
393 writefln("Max time: %s us", time_max);
394 writefln("Avg time: %s us", time_avg);
395 }
396 }