/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/lib/cpp/minimal/include/ |
D | cstdint | 19 using ::int8_t; 20 using ::int16_t; 21 using ::int32_t; 22 using ::int64_t; 23 using ::intmax_t; 25 using ::int_fast8_t; 26 using ::int_fast16_t; 27 using ::int_fast32_t; 28 using ::int_fast64_t; 30 using ::int_least8_t; [all …]
D | cstddef | 19 using ::ptrdiff_t; 20 using ::size_t; 22 using ::max_align_t; 23 using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr);
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/modules/hal_ethos_u/ |
D | Kconfig | 18 bool "using Ethos-U55 with 64 macs" 20 bool "using Ethos-U55 with 128 macs" 22 bool "using Ethos-U55 with 256 macs" 24 bool "using Ethos-U65 with 128 macs" 26 bool "using Ethos-U65 with 256 macs" 28 bool "using Ethos-U65 with 512 macs"
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/subsys/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/backends/ |
D | Kconfig | 18 bool "Host commands support using eSPI bus" 23 Enable support for Embedded Controller host commands using 27 bool "Host commands support using SHI" 30 Enable support for Embedded Controller host commands using 34 bool "Host commands support using UART" 38 Enable support for Embedded Controller host commands using 42 bool "Host commands support using SPI" 44 Enable support for Embedded Controller host commands using
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/scripts/tests/twister/ |
D | README.md | 9 Install all the dependencies using 17 The testcases can be executed from the root directory using 25 The coverage for all the tests can be run using the command below. This will collect all the tests … 31 Then we can generate the coverage report for just twister script using 43 The html coverage report for twister can be generated using 49 …l report can be generated in every run of "pytest" in the tests directory using configuration file…
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/kernel/timer/timer_behavior/ |
D | Kconfig | 35 # Use 13% on nRF platforms using the RTC timer because one tick there is 47 bool "Perform test using an external tool" 56 int "Maximum drift in PPM for tests using external tool" 59 Parts Per Million of allowed drift when using an external tool 63 int "Maximum timer period drift in PPM for tests using external tool" 66 Parts Per Million of allowed period drift when using an external tool
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/kernel/poll/src/ |
D | test_poll_fail.c | 18 * @details Using API k_poll with error number 36 * @details Using API k_poll with error member 52 * @details Define a poll event, and using API k_poll with NULL sem 74 * @details Define a poll, and using API k_poll with NULL signal 96 * @details Define a poll, and using API k_poll with NULL fifo 118 * @details Define a poll, and using API k_poll with NULL message queue 141 * @details Using API k_poll_signal_init with NULL as 157 * @details Using API k_poll with NULL object 177 * @details Using k_poll_signal_check with 201 * @details Using k_poll_signal_check with [all …]
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/doc/kernel/services/other/ |
D | atomic.rst | 19 Using the kernel's atomic APIs to manipulate an atomic variable 32 An atomic variable is defined using a variable of type :c:type:`atomic_t`. 35 a different value using :c:macro:`ATOMIC_INIT`: 44 An atomic variable is manipulated using the APIs listed at the end of 70 However, you can also define an N-bit array of atomic variables using 73 A single bit in array of atomic variables can be manipulated using 77 using an array of atomic variables. 112 Using atomic variables is typically far more efficient than using 113 other techniques to implement critical sections such as using a mutex
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/transport/ |
D | Kconfig.udp | 25 bool "UDP SMP using IPv4" 29 Enable SMP UDP using IPv4 addressing. 33 bool "UDP SMP using IPv6" 36 Enable SMP UDP using IPv6 addressing. 72 application to manually start and stop the transport using
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/include/zephyr/linker/ |
D | app_smem.ld | 8 * When using the "Unix Makefiles" generator, CMake simply 14 * 1. Using A.ld to create a linker script A.cmd. 15 * 2. Using A.cmd to generate A_prebuilt.elf. 16 * 3. Using A_prebuilt.elf to create B.ld. 18 * 5. Creating B_prebuilt.elf using B.cmd.
D | app_smem_pinned.ld | 12 * When using the "Unix Makefiles" generator, CMake simply 18 * 1. Using A.ld to create a linker script A.cmd. 19 * 2. Using A.cmd to generate A_prebuilt.elf. 20 * 3. Using A_prebuilt.elf to create B.ld. 22 * 5. Creating B_prebuilt.elf using B.cmd.
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api/src/ |
D | test_uart_fifo.c | 15 * -# Set UART IRQ callback using uart_irq_callback_set(). 16 * -# Enable UART TX IRQ using uart_irq_tx_enable(). 17 * -# Output the prepared data using uart_fifo_fill(). 18 * -# Disable UART TX IRQ using uart_irq_tx_disable(). 22 * -# Set UART IRQ callback using uart_irq_callback_set(). 23 * -# Enable UART RX IRQ using uart_irq_rx_enable(). 25 * -# Read data from UART console using uart_fifo_read(). 26 * -# Disable UART TX IRQ using uart_irq_rx_disable(). 111 /* Enable Tx/Rx interrupt before using fifo */ in test_fifo_read() 143 /* Enable Tx/Rx interrupt before using fifo */ in test_fifo_fill()
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/boot/with_mcumgr/pytest/ |
D | test_upgrade.py | 56 3) Upload the application update to slot 1 using mcumgr 57 4) Flag the application update in slot 1 as 'pending' by using mcumgr 'test' 60 7) Confirm the image using mcumgr 81 'Starting swap using move algorithm' 95 'Starting swap using move algorithm' 106 3) Upload the application update to slot 1 using mcumgr 107 4) Flag the application update in slot 1 as 'pending' by using mcumgr 'test' 135 'Starting swap using move algorithm' 149 'Starting swap using move algorithm' 169 3) Upload the application update to slot 1 using mcumgr [all …]
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/tests_scripts/advertiser/ |
D | proxy_mixin.sh | 9 # Start the provisioning procedure using bt_mesh_prov_enable(BT_MESH_PROV_GATT). 12 # Provision the device using bt_mesh_provision(). 15 # Allocate an advertiser buffer using bt_mesh_adv_buf_create(). 18 # Submit the advertiser buffer using bt_mesh_adv_send().
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/samples/boards/esp32/flash_memory_mapped/ |
D | README.rst | 5 Write data into scratch area and read it using flash API and memory-mapped pointer. 46 Next, it prints that region content using flash API read and also using memory-mapped pointer. 47 Both readings should return the same value. Important to notice that writing using memory-mapped po… 55 [00:00:01.122,000] <inf> flash_memory_mapped: flash read using memory-mapped pointer 58 [00:00:01.122,000] <inf> flash_memory_mapped: writing 32-bytes data using flash API 59 [00:00:01.122,000] <inf> flash_memory_mapped: flash read using flash API 62 [00:00:01.122,000] <inf> flash_memory_mapped: flash read using memory-mapped pointer
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/bluetooth/host/id/bt_id_create/src/ |
D | test_suite_invalid_inputs.c | 19 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() using NULLs for address and IRK parameters. 38 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() using NULL for the address parameter 59 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() using NULLs for address and IRK parameters 82 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() by using a valid address of type public and using 106 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() by using a valid address of type RPA and using 126 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() by using an address that already exists 150 * Test invalid input arguments to bt_id_create() by using a valid static random address and
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/samples/subsys/zbus/benchmark/ |
D | Kconfig | 16 bool "Synchronous using listeners" 19 bool "Asynchronous using subscribers" 22 bool "Asynchronous using message subscribers"
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/samples/bluetooth/hci_uart/ |
D | README.rst | 10 using the H:4 HCI transport protocol (requires HW flow control from the UART). 32 Using the controller with emulators and BlueZ 58 Using the controller with QEMU or native_sim 70 Depending on the serial port you are using you will need to modify the 75 If using the BBC micro:bit you will need to modify the baudrate argument 91 Using the controller with BlueZ 103 Depending on the serial port you are using you will need to modify the 108 If using the BBC micro:bit you will need to modify the baudrate argument 120 The sample can be debugged using RTT since the UART is otherwise used by this 127 Then attach RTT as described here: :ref:`Using Segger J-Link <Using Segger J-Link>` [all …]
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/boards/arm/nucleo_wba52cg/support/ |
D | openocd.cfg | 1 # Note: Using OpenOCD using nucloe_wba52cg requires using STMicroelectronics
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/boards/arm/nucleo_wba55cg/support/ |
D | openocd.cfg | 1 # Note: Using OpenOCD using nucloe_wba52cg requires using openocd fork.
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/samples/boards/esp32/flash_memory_mapped/src/ |
D | main.c | 40 LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(mem_ptr, 32, "flash read using memory-mapped pointer"); in main() 42 LOG_INF("writing 32-bytes data using flash API"); in main() 49 /* read using flash API */ in main() 52 LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(buffer, 32, "flash read using flash API"); in main() 54 LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(mem_ptr, 32, "flash read using memory-mapped pointer"); in main()
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/doc/services/settings/ |
D | index.rst | 8 provided behind a common API using FCB, NVS, or a file system. These different 33 These are registered using a call to ``settings_register()``. 36 This gets called when asking for a settings element value by its name using 41 ``settings_load()``, or when using ``settings_runtime_set()`` from the 59 implement a set of handler functions. These are registered using a call to 66 This gets called when loading values from persistent storage using 70 This gets called when saving a single setting to persistent storage using 74 This gets called when starting a save of all current settings using 78 This gets called after having saved of all current settings using 95 FCB read target is registered using ``settings_fcb_src()``, and write target [all …]
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/doc/kernel/iterable_sections/ |
D | index.rst | 8 that can be iterated on using :c:macro:`STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH`. 36 contiguous segment using one of the linker macros such as 38 linker snippets are normally declared using one of the 39 ``zephyr_linker_sources()`` CMake functions, using the appropriate section 52 The data can then be accessed using :c:macro:`STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH`.
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/tests/lib/newlib/thread_safety/src/ |
D | locks.c | 154 * Attempt to lock the sinit mutex from child thread using in sinit_lock_thread_acq() 162 zassert_equal(ret, 0, "__sinit_lock_acquire() is not using " in sinit_lock_thread_acq() 171 * Attempt to lock the sinit mutex from child thread using in sinit_lock_thread_rel() 179 zassert_not_equal(ret, 0, "__sinit_lock_release() is not using " in sinit_lock_thread_rel() 224 * Attempt to lock the sfp mutex from child thread using retargetable in sfp_lock_thread_acq() 232 zassert_equal(ret, 0, "__sfp_lock_acquire() is not using " in sfp_lock_thread_acq() 241 * Attempt to lock the sfp mutex from child thread using retargetable in sfp_lock_thread_rel() 249 zassert_not_equal(ret, 0, "__sfp_lock_release() is not using " in sfp_lock_thread_rel() 294 * Attempt to lock the malloc mutex from child thread using in malloc_lock_thread_lock() 302 zassert_equal(ret, 0, "__malloc_lock() is not using retargetable " in malloc_lock_thread_lock() [all …]
/Zephyr-Core-3.6.0/samples/subsys/settings/ |
D | README.rst | 5 Load and save configuration values using the settings API. 12 from persistent storage and exported to persistent storage using different 59 basic load and save using registered handlers 61 load all key-value pairs using registered handlers 67 load <alpha/beta> key-value pairs using registered handlers 71 save all key-value pairs using registered handlers 75 load all key-value pairs using registered handlers