/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/protocols/https_server/simple/ |
D | example_test.py | 3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 15 server_cert_pem = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n'\ 16 'MIIDKzCCAhOgAwIBAgIUBxM3WJf2bP12kAfqhmhhjZWv0ukwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\n'\ 17 'BQAwJTEjMCEGA1UEAwwaRVNQMzIgSFRUUFMgc2VydmVyIGV4YW1wbGUwHhcNMTgx\n'\ 18 'MDE3MTEzMjU3WhcNMjgxMDE0MTEzMjU3WjAlMSMwIQYDVQQDDBpFU1AzMiBIVFRQ\n'\ 19 'UyBzZXJ2ZXIgZXhhbXBsZTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEB\n'\ 20 'ALBint6nP77RCQcmKgwPtTsGK0uClxg+LwKJ3WXuye3oqnnjqJCwMEneXzGdG09T\n'\ 21 'sA0SyNPwrEgebLCH80an3gWU4pHDdqGHfJQa2jBL290e/5L5MB+6PTs2NKcojK/k\n'\ 22 'qcZkn58MWXhDW1NpAnJtjVniK2Ksvr/YIYSbyD+JiEs0MGxEx+kOl9d7hRHJaIzd\n'\ [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/tools/kconfig/ |
D | mconf.c | 2 * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <zippel@linux-m68k.org> 5 * Introduced single menu mode (show all sub-menus in one large tree). 6 * 2002-11-06 Petr Baudis <pasky@ucw.cz> 26 "Overview\n" 27 "--------\n" 28 "This interface lets you select features and parameters for the build.\n" 29 "Features can either be built-in, modularized, or ignored. Parameters\n" 30 "must be entered in as decimal or hexadecimal numbers or text.\n" 31 "\n" 32 "Menu items beginning with following braces represent features that\n" [all …]
D | nconf.c | 17 "Help windows\n" 18 "------------\n" 19 "o Global help: Unless in a data entry window, pressing <F1> will give \n" 20 " you the global help window, which you are just reading.\n" 21 "\n" 22 "o A short version of the global help is available by pressing <F3>.\n" 23 "\n" 24 "o Local help: To get help related to the current menu entry, use any\n" 25 " of <?> <h>, or if in a data entry window then press <F1>.\n" 26 "\n" [all …]
D | conf.c | 2 * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel <zippel@linux-m68k.org> 54 printf("\n%s\n", str_get(&help)); in print_help() 70 p = str + l - 1; in strip() 72 *p-- = 0; in strip() 78 printf(_("aborted!\n\n")); in check_stdin() 80 printf(_("Run 'make oldconfig' to update configuration.\n\n")); in check_stdin() 92 line[0] = '\n'; in conf_askvalue() 96 printf("%s\n", def); in conf_askvalue() 97 line[0] = '\n'; in conf_askvalue() 106 printf("%s\n", def); in conf_askvalue() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/esp-tls/test/ |
D | test_esp_tls.c | 2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 18 const char *test_cert_pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"\ 19 "MIICrDCCAZQCCQD88gCs5AFs/jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAYMRYwFAYDVQQDDA1F\n"\ 20 "U1AtVExTIFRlc3RzMB4XDTIxMDEwNzAxMTc1OVoXDTMxMDEwNTAxMTc1OVowGDEW\n"\ 21 "MBQGA1UEAwwNRVNQLVRMUyBUZXN0czCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC\n"\ 22 "AQoCggEBAMn4KrV9M40PcxDNdmwfFMXI5cydrV3nm1o1QzcDDuYn1YfxoCCcaIc0\n"\ 23 "JgHox948u94z32vnJU5qXVgEvwkD3nWGzWqjkwB1NlnIuF10XQFLa8cIas7Db/hd\n"\ 24 "KygbIbYwhtwQAQFEt0/MiUbA+m+rjzvffV9pDcPRlCOE6pC+X3iC7Ft3aevkEBtR\n"\ 25 "EPPN0sxGx0iFRIsglpDcEKUONYjF46q90LDmjA4EbqvK7XBuXjZ1QRGcQ871/8Ht\n"\ [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc/ |
D | asm_avr.inc | 1 /* Copyright 2015, Kenneth MacKay. Licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. */ 23 #define IJMP "eijmp \n\t" 25 #define IJMP "ijmp \n\t" 34 "ldi r30, pm_lo8(1f) \n\t" 35 "ldi r31, pm_hi8(1f) \n\t" 36 "sub r30, %[num] \n\t" 37 "sbc r31, __zero_reg__ \n\t" 41 REPEAT(uECC_MAX_WORDS, "st x+, __zero_reg__ \n\t") 42 "1: \n\t" 57 "ldi r30, pm_lo8(1f) \n\t" [all …]
D | asm_arm.inc | 1 /* Copyright 2015, Kenneth MacKay. Licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. */ 41 #define RESUME_SYNTAX ".syntax divided \n\t" 52 uint32_t jump = (uECC_MAX_WORDS - num_words) * 4 * 2 + 1; 54 uint32_t jump = (uECC_MAX_WORDS - num_words) * 4 * 4; 62 ".syntax unified \n\t" 63 "movs %[carry], #0 \n\t" 65 "adr %[left], 1f \n\t" 66 ".align 4 \n\t" 67 "adds %[jump], %[left] \n\t" 70 "ldmia %[lptr]!, {%[left]} \n\t" [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/xtensa/trax/test/ |
D | gdb_log_expected.txt | 10 0001: Indirect branch message, 2 packets, PC range 0x40080400 - 0x4008040a, target PC 0x40080411, i… 13 0x40080403 <fib+3>: mov.n a7, a1 14 0x40080405 <fib+5>: s32i.n a2, a7, 0 15 0x40080407 <fib+7>: l32i.n a2, a7, 0 18 0002: Indirect branch message, 2 packets, PC range 0x40080411 - 0x40080418, target PC 0x40080400, i… 20 0x40080411 <fib+17>: l32i.n a2, a7, 0 21 0x40080413 <fib+19>: addi.n a2, a2, -1 22 0x40080415 <fib+21>: mov.n a10, a2 25 0003: Indirect branch message, 2 packets, PC range 0x40080400 - 0x4008040a, target PC 0x40080411, i… 28 0x40080403 <fib+3>: mov.n a7, a1 [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_bg96/main/ |
D | cdc_acm_host_bg96.cpp | 2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 32 /* ------------------------------- Callbacks -------------------------------- */ 45 printf("Failed to parse the sentence!\n"); in handle_gps() 46 printf(" Type: %.5s (%d)\n", data + 1, nmea_get_type((const char *)data)); in handle_gps() 48 if (nmea_data->errors != 0) { in handle_gps() 49 printf("WARN: The sentence struct contains parse errors!\n"); in handle_gps() 52 if (NMEA_GPGGA == nmea_data->type) { in handle_gps() 53 printf("GPGGA sentence\n"); in handle_gps() 55 printf("Number of satellites: %d\n", gpgga->n_satellites); in handle_gps() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/mbedtls/test/ |
D | test_rsa.c | 21 /* Taken from openssl s_client -connect api.gigafive.com:443 -showcerts 23 static const char *rsa4096_cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"\ 24 "MIIExzCCA6+gAwIBAgIBAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBkjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx\n"\ 25 "CzAJBgNVBAgMAkNBMRQwEgYDVQQHDAtTYW50YSBDbGFyYTElMCMGA1UECgwcR2ln\n"\ 26 "YWZpdmUgVGVjaG5vbG9neSBQYXJ0bmVyczEZMBcGA1UEAwwQR2lnYWZpdmUgUm9v\n"\ 27 "dCBDQTEeMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYPY2FAZ2lnYWZpdmUuY29tMB4XDTE2MDgyNzE2\n"\ 28 "NDYyM1oXDTI2MDgyNTE2NDYyM1owgZcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJD\n"\ 29 "QTEUMBIGA1UEBwwLU2FudGEgQ2xhcmExKTAnBgNVBAoMIEdpZ2FmaXZlIFRlY2hu\n"\ 30 "b2xvZ3kgUGFydG5lcnMgTExDMRkwFwYDVQQDDBBhcGkuZ2lnYWZpdmUuY29tMR8w\n"\ 31 "HQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBjcmxAZ2lnYWZpdmUuY29tMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF\n"\ [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/esp_hw_support/test/ |
D | test_fp.c | 2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 27 "wfr f0, %1\n" in addsf() 28 "wfr f1, %2\n" in addsf() 29 "add.s f2, f0, f1\n" in addsf() 30 "rfr %0, f2\n" in addsf() 40 "wfr f0, %1\n" in mulsf() 41 "wfr f1, %2\n" in mulsf() 42 "mul.s f2, f0, f1\n" in mulsf() 43 "rfr %0, f2\n" in mulsf() [all …]
D | gen_digital_signature_tests.py | 2 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 29 def number_as_bignum_words(number): # type: (int) -> str 32 (little-endian, same as ESP32 RSA peripheral or mbedTLS) 41 def number_as_bytes(number, pad_bits=None): # type: (int, int) -> bytes 45 result = int_to_bytes(number)[::-1] # type: bytes 51 def bytes_as_char_array(b): # type: (bytes) -> str 58 def generate_tests_cases(target): # type: (str) -> None 68 f.write('/*\n') 70 …f.write(' * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: {year} Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD\n'.format(year=year… [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/peripherals/mcpwm/mcpwm_brushed_dc_control/main/ |
D | cmd_mcpwm_motor.c | 61 printf("\n -----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); in print_current_status() 62 printf(" Current Configuration Status \n\n"); in print_current_status() 63 printf(" Configuration\n Period = %d ms\tPID = %s\n\n", in print_current_status() 64 mc->cfg.ctrl_period, mc->cfg.pid_enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); in print_current_status() 65 printf(" PID - %s\n Kp = %.3f\tKi = %.3f\tKd = %.3f\n\n", in print_current_status() 66 (mc->pid_param.cal_type == PID_CAL_TYPE_POSITIONAL) ? "Location" : "Increment", in print_current_status() 67 mc->pid_param.kp, mc->pid_param.ki, mc->pid_param.kd); in print_current_status() 68 printf(" Expectation - %s\n init = %.3f\tmax = %.3f\tmin = %.3f\tpace = %.3f\n\n", in print_current_status() 69 …mc->cfg.expt_mode ? (mc->cfg.expt_mode == MOTOR_CTRL_MODE_TRIANGLE ? "Triangle" : "Rectangle") : "… in print_current_status() 70 mc->cfg.expt_init, mc->cfg.expt_max, mc->cfg.expt_min, mc->cfg.expt_pace); in print_current_status() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/classic_bt/hfp_hf/main/ |
D | app_hf_msg_set.c | 21 printf("########################################################################\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 22 printf("HF client command usage manual\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 23 printf("HF client commands begin with \"hf\" and end with \";\"\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 24 printf("Supported commands are as follows, arguments are embraced with < and >\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 25 printf("hf con; -- setup connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 26 printf("hf dis; -- release connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 27 printf("hf cona; -- setup audio connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 28 printf("hf disa; -- release connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 29 printf("hf qop; -- query current operator name\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 30 printf("hf qc; -- query current call status\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/tools/test_idf_size/ |
D | test.sh | 5 pushd $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world \ 6 && echo -e "\n***\nBuilding project for $1..." &>> $IDF_PATH/tools/test_idf_size/output \ 7 && idf.py set-target $1 \ 9 && echo -e "\n***\nRunning mem_test.py for $1..." &>> $IDF_PATH/tools/test_idf_size/output \ 10 …&& python -m coverage run -a $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_size.py --json build/hello_world.map > size_outpu… 11 …&& python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip $1 image_info build/hello_worl… 12 …&& python -m coverage run -a $IDF_PATH/tools/test_idf_size/mem_test.py size_output.json esptool_ou… 17 echo -e "\n***\nProducing JSON output for $1..." &>> output \ 18 …&& python -m coverage run -a $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_size.py --json app_$1.map | python $IDF_PATH/tool… 19 …&& python -m coverage run -a $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_size.py --json --archives app_$1.map | python $ID… [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/heap/test_multi_heap_host/ |
D | test_multi_heap.cpp | 27 printf("New heap:\n"); 29 printf("*********************\n"); 33 printf("small_heap %p buf %p\n", small_heap, buf); 47 printf("Empty?\n"); 49 printf("*********************\n"); 72 printf("%d = %p ****->\n", i, p[i]); 77 printf("allocated %p %p %p %p\n", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); 81 printf("4 allocations:\n"); 83 printf("****************\n"); 89 printf("1 allocations:\n"); [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/usb/ |
D | usb_helpers.c | 2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD 4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 18 // ---------------------------------------- Configuration Descriptor Parsing ----------------------… 26 if (*offset + cur_desc->bLength >= wTotalLength) { in usb_parse_next_descriptor() 30 …tandard_desc_t *ret_desc = (const usb_standard_desc_t *)(((uint32_t)cur_desc) + cur_desc->bLength); in usb_parse_next_descriptor() 31 *offset += cur_desc->bLength; in usb_parse_next_descriptor() 42 if (ret_desc->bDescriptorType == bDescriptorType) { in usb_parse_next_descriptor_of_type() 61 return -1; //bInterfaceNumber not found in usb_parse_interface_number_of_alternate() 65 …descriptor_of_type((const usb_standard_desc_t *)first_intf_desc, config_desc->wTotalLength, USB_B_… in usb_parse_interface_number_of_alternate() 67 if (next_intf_desc->bInterfaceNumber != bInterfaceNumber) { in usb_parse_interface_number_of_alternate() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/heap/test/ |
D | test_allocator_timings.c | 29 uint8_t n = esp_random() % NUM_POINTERS; variable 38 void *new_p = heap_caps_realloc(p[n], new_size, MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); 39 realloc_time_average = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE() - cycles_before; 41 …printf("realloc %p -> %p (%zu -> %zu) time spent cycles: %lld \n", p[n], new_p, s[n], new_size, re… 44 p[n] = new_p; 45 s[n] = new_size; 47 memset(p[n], n, new_size); 53 if (p[n] != NULL) { 54 if (s[n] > 0) { 55 /* Verify pre-existing contents of p[n] */ [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/tools/ci/python_packages/idf_iperf_test_util/ |
D | TestReport.py | 51 value = value.strip('\r\n') 52 sdkconfig[name] = value if value else 'n' 59 default: esp-idf default 61 * `config name 1`: old value -> new value 62 * `config name 2`: old value -> new value 68 data = '## Config Definition:\r\n\r\n' 84 _difference[_config] = '{} -> {}'.format(_base_value, _new_value) 91 previous_config_name = self.sort_order[i - 1] 99 data += '* {} (compared to {}):\r\n'.format(_config_name, previous_config_name) 101 data += ' * `{}`: {}\r\n'.format(diff_name, difference[diff_name]) [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/classic_bt/hfp_ag/main/ |
D | app_hf_msg_set.c | 22 printf("########################################################################\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 23 printf("HFP AG command usage manual\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 24 printf("HFP AG commands begins with \"hf\" and end with \";\"\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 25 printf("Supported commands are as follows, arguments are embraced with < and >\n\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 26 printf("hf con; -- set up connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 27 printf("hf dis; -- disconnection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 28 printf("hf cona; -- set up audio connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 29 printf("hf disa; -- release audio connection with peer device\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 30 printf("hf vron; -- start voice recognition\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() 31 printf("hf vroff; -- stop voice recognition\n"); in hf_msg_show_usage() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/expat/test/ |
D | test_expat.c | 7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 29 TEST_ASSERT(sizeof(user_data->output) >= user_data->output_off); in insert_space() 30 user_data->output[user_data->output_off++] = '\n'; in insert_space() 32 for (int i = 0; i < user_data->depth; i++) { in insert_space() 34 TEST_ASSERT(sizeof(user_data->output) >= user_data->output_off); in insert_space() 35 user_data->output[user_data->output_off++] = align_str[j]; in insert_space() 46 const int ret = snprintf(user_data->output + user_data->output_off, in start_element() 47 sizeof(user_data->output) - user_data->output_off, in start_element() 50 user_data->output_off += ret; in start_element() 51 ++user_data->depth; in start_element() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/coex/gattc_gatts_coex/main/ |
D | gattc_gatts_coex.c | 119 /* LSB <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> MSB */ 168 /* One gatt-based profile one app_id and one gatts_if, this array will store the gatts_if returned … 204 /* One gatt-based profile one app_id and one gattc_if, this array will store the gattc_if returned … 234 if (param->adv_start_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { in gap_event_handler() 235 ESP_LOGE(COEX_TAG, "Advertising start failed\n"); in gap_event_handler() 237 ESP_LOGI(COEX_TAG, "Advertising start successfully\n"); in gap_event_handler() 240 if (param->adv_stop_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { in gap_event_handler() 241 ESP_LOGE(COEX_TAG, "Advertising stop failed\n"); in gap_event_handler() 243 ESP_LOGI(COEX_TAG, "Stop adv successfully\n"); in gap_event_handler() 247 …nection params status = %d, min_int = %d, max_int = %d,conn_int = %d,latency = %d, timeout = %d\n", in gap_event_handler() [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/components/ulp/ |
D | esp32ulp_mapgen.py | 5 # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD. 6 # Distributed under the terms of Apache License v2.0 found in the top-level LICENSE file. 16 f_ld.write('/* Variable definitions for ESP32ULP linker\n') 17 f_ld.write(' * This file is generated automatically by esp32ulp_mapgen.py utility.\n') 18 f_ld.write(' */\n\n') 19 f_h.write('// Variable definitions for ESP32ULP\n') 20 f_h.write('// This file is generated automatically by esp32ulp_mapgen.py utility\n\n') 21 f_h.write('#pragma once\n\n') 26 f_h.write('extern uint32_t ulp_{0};\n'.format(name)) 27 f_ld.write('PROVIDE ( ulp_{0} = 0x{1:08x} );\n'.format(name, addr)) [all …]
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/system/ota/native_ota_example/ |
/hal_espressif-3.5.0/examples/system/ota/simple_ota_example/ |