1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# This script manages littlefs tests, which are configured with
4# .toml files stored in the tests directory.
7import toml
8import glob
9import re
10import os
11import io
12import itertools as it
13import collections.abc as abc
14import subprocess as sp
15import base64
16import sys
17import copy
18import shlex
19import pty
20import errno
21import signal
23TEST_PATHS = 'tests'
24RULES = """
25# add block devices to sources
26TESTSRC ?= $(SRC) $(wildcard bd/*.c)
28define FLATTEN
29%(path)s%%$(subst /,.,$(target)): $(target)
30    ./scripts/explode_asserts.py $$< -o $$@
32$(foreach target,$(TESTSRC),$(eval $(FLATTEN)))
34-include %(path)s*.d
37%(path)s.test: %(path)s.test.o \\
38        $(foreach t,$(subst /,.,$(TESTSRC:.c=.o)),%(path)s.$t)
39    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LFLAGS) -o $@
41# needed in case builddir is different
42%(path)s%%.o: %(path)s%%.c
43    $(CC) -c -MMD $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
46%(path)s.test: override CFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
48# delete lingering coverage
49%(path)s.test: | %(path)s.info.clean
50.PHONY: %(path)s.info.clean
52    rm -f %(path)s*.gcda
54# accumulate coverage info
55.PHONY: %(path)s.info
57    $(strip $(LCOV) -c \\
58        $(addprefix -d ,$(wildcard %(path)s*.gcda)) \\
59        --rc 'geninfo_adjust_src_path=$(shell pwd)' \\
60        -o $@)
61    $(LCOV) -e $@ $(addprefix /,$(SRC)) -o $@
63    $(strip $(LCOV) -a $@ \\
64        $(addprefix -a ,$(wildcard $(COVERAGETARGET))) \\
65        -o $(COVERAGETARGET))
68GLOBALS = """
69//////////////// AUTOGENERATED TEST ////////////////
70#include "lfs.h"
71#include "bd/lfs_testbd.h"
72#include <stdio.h>
73extern const char *lfs_testbd_path;
74extern uint32_t lfs_testbd_cycles;
77    'LFS_READ_SIZE': 16,
79    'LFS_BLOCK_SIZE': 512,
80    'LFS_BLOCK_COUNT': 1024,
81    'LFS_BLOCK_CYCLES': -1,
82    'LFS_CACHE_SIZE': '(64 % LFS_PROG_SIZE == 0 ? 64 : LFS_PROG_SIZE)',
84    'LFS_ERASE_VALUE': 0xff,
85    'LFS_ERASE_CYCLES': 0,
88PROLOGUE = """
89    // prologue
90    __attribute__((unused)) lfs_t lfs;
91    __attribute__((unused)) lfs_testbd_t bd;
92    __attribute__((unused)) lfs_file_t file;
93    __attribute__((unused)) lfs_dir_t dir;
94    __attribute__((unused)) struct lfs_info info;
95    __attribute__((unused)) char path[1024];
96    __attribute__((unused)) uint8_t buffer[1024];
97    __attribute__((unused)) lfs_size_t size;
98    __attribute__((unused)) int err;
100    __attribute__((unused)) const struct lfs_config cfg = {
101        .context        = &bd,
102        .read           = lfs_testbd_read,
103        .prog           = lfs_testbd_prog,
104        .erase          = lfs_testbd_erase,
105        .sync           = lfs_testbd_sync,
106        .read_size      = LFS_READ_SIZE,
107        .prog_size      = LFS_PROG_SIZE,
108        .block_size     = LFS_BLOCK_SIZE,
109        .block_count    = LFS_BLOCK_COUNT,
110        .block_cycles   = LFS_BLOCK_CYCLES,
111        .cache_size     = LFS_CACHE_SIZE,
112        .lookahead_size = LFS_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE,
113    };
115    __attribute__((unused)) const struct lfs_testbd_config bdcfg = {
116        .erase_value        = LFS_ERASE_VALUE,
117        .erase_cycles       = LFS_ERASE_CYCLES,
118        .badblock_behavior  = LFS_BADBLOCK_BEHAVIOR,
119        .power_cycles       = lfs_testbd_cycles,
120    };
122    lfs_testbd_createcfg(&cfg, lfs_testbd_path, &bdcfg) => 0;
124EPILOGUE = """
125    // epilogue
126    lfs_testbd_destroy(&cfg) => 0;
128PASS = '\033[32m✓\033[0m'
129FAIL = '\033[31m✗\033[0m'
131class TestFailure(Exception):
132    def __init__(self, case, returncode=None, stdout=None, assert_=None):
133        self.case = case
134        self.returncode = returncode
135        self.stdout = stdout
136        self.assert_ = assert_
138class TestCase:
139    def __init__(self, config, filter=filter,
140            suite=None, caseno=None, lineno=None, **_):
141        self.config = config
142        self.filter = filter
143        self.suite = suite
144        self.caseno = caseno
145        self.lineno = lineno
147        self.code = config['code']
148        self.code_lineno = config['code_lineno']
149        self.defines = config.get('define', {})
150        self.if_ = config.get('if', None)
151        self.in_ = config.get('in', None)
153        self.result = None
155    def __str__(self):
156        if hasattr(self, 'permno'):
157            if any(k not in self.case.defines for k in self.defines):
158                return '%s#%d#%d (%s)' % (
159                    self.suite.name, self.caseno, self.permno, ', '.join(
160                        '%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self.defines.items()
161                        if k not in self.case.defines))
162            else:
163                return '%s#%d#%d' % (
164                    self.suite.name, self.caseno, self.permno)
165        else:
166            return '%s#%d' % (
167                self.suite.name, self.caseno)
169    def permute(self, class_=None, defines={}, permno=None, **_):
170        ncase = (class_ or type(self))(self.config)
171        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
172            setattr(ncase, k, v)
173        ncase.case = self
174        ncase.perms = [ncase]
175        ncase.permno = permno
176        ncase.defines = defines
177        return ncase
179    def build(self, f, **_):
180        # prologue
181        for k, v in sorted(self.defines.items()):
182            if k not in self.suite.defines:
183                f.write('#define %s %s\n' % (k, v))
185        f.write('void test_case%d(%s) {' % (self.caseno, ','.join(
186            '\n'+8*' '+'__attribute__((unused)) intmax_t %s' % k
187            for k in sorted(self.perms[0].defines)
188            if k not in self.defines)))
190        f.write(PROLOGUE)
191        f.write('\n')
192        f.write(4*' '+'// test case %d\n' % self.caseno)
193        f.write(4*' '+'#line %d "%s"\n' % (self.code_lineno, self.suite.path))
195        # test case goes here
196        f.write(self.code)
198        # epilogue
199        f.write(EPILOGUE)
200        f.write('}\n')
202        for k, v in sorted(self.defines.items()):
203            if k not in self.suite.defines:
204                f.write('#undef %s\n' % k)
206    def shouldtest(self, **args):
207        if (self.filter is not None and
208                len(self.filter) >= 1 and
209                self.filter[0] != self.caseno):
210            return False
211        elif (self.filter is not None and
212                len(self.filter) >= 2 and
213                self.filter[1] != self.permno):
214            return False
215        elif args.get('no_internal') and self.in_ is not None:
216            return False
217        elif self.if_ is not None:
218            if_ = self.if_
219            while True:
220                for k, v in sorted(self.defines.items(),
221                        key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True):
222                    if k in if_:
223                        if_ = if_.replace(k, '(%s)' % v)
224                        break
225                else:
226                    break
227            if_ = (
228                re.sub('(\&\&|\?)', ' and ',
229                re.sub('(\|\||:)', ' or ',
230                re.sub('!(?!=)', ' not ', if_))))
231            return eval(if_)
232        else:
233            return True
235    def test(self, exec=[], persist=False, cycles=None,
236            gdb=False, failure=None, disk=None, **args):
237        # build command
238        cmd = exec + ['./%s.test' % self.suite.path,
239            repr(self.caseno), repr(self.permno)]
241        # persist disk or keep in RAM for speed?
242        if persist:
243            if not disk:
244                disk = self.suite.path + '.disk'
245            if persist != 'noerase':
246                try:
247                    with open(disk, 'w') as f:
248                        f.truncate(0)
249                    if args.get('verbose'):
250                        print('truncate --size=0', disk)
251                except FileNotFoundError:
252                    pass
254            cmd.append(disk)
256        # simulate power-loss after n cycles?
257        if cycles:
258            cmd.append(str(cycles))
260        # failed? drop into debugger?
261        if gdb and failure:
262            ncmd = ['gdb']
263            if gdb == 'assert':
264                ncmd.extend(['-ex', 'r'])
265                if failure.assert_:
266                    ncmd.extend(['-ex', 'up 2'])
267            elif gdb == 'main':
268                ncmd.extend([
269                    '-ex', 'b %s:%d' % (self.suite.path, self.code_lineno),
270                    '-ex', 'r'])
271            ncmd.extend(['--args'] + cmd)
273            if args.get('verbose'):
274                print(' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in ncmd))
275            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
276            sys.exit(sp.call(ncmd))
278        # run test case!
279        mpty, spty = pty.openpty()
280        if args.get('verbose'):
281            print(' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
282        proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=spty, stderr=spty)
283        os.close(spty)
284        mpty = os.fdopen(mpty, 'r', 1)
285        stdout = []
286        assert_ = None
287        try:
288            while True:
289                try:
290                    line = mpty.readline()
291                except OSError as e:
292                    if e.errno == errno.EIO:
293                        break
294                    raise
295                if not line:
296                    break;
297                stdout.append(line)
298                if args.get('verbose'):
299                    sys.stdout.write(line)
300                # intercept asserts
301                m = re.match(
302                    '^{0}([^:]+):(\d+):(?:\d+:)?{0}{1}:{0}(.*)$'
303                    .format('(?:\033\[[\d;]*.| )*', 'assert'),
304                    line)
305                if m and assert_ is None:
306                    try:
307                        with open(m.group(1)) as f:
308                            lineno = int(m.group(2))
309                            line = (next(it.islice(f, lineno-1, None))
310                                .strip('\n'))
311                        assert_ = {
312                            'path': m.group(1),
313                            'line': line,
314                            'lineno': lineno,
315                            'message': m.group(3)}
316                    except:
317                        pass
318        except KeyboardInterrupt:
319            raise TestFailure(self, 1, stdout, None)
320        proc.wait()
322        # did we pass?
323        if proc.returncode != 0:
324            raise TestFailure(self, proc.returncode, stdout, assert_)
325        else:
326            return PASS
328class ValgrindTestCase(TestCase):
329    def __init__(self, config, **args):
330        self.leaky = config.get('leaky', False)
331        super().__init__(config, **args)
333    def shouldtest(self, **args):
334        return not self.leaky and super().shouldtest(**args)
336    def test(self, exec=[], **args):
337        verbose = args.get('verbose')
338        uninit = (self.defines.get('LFS_ERASE_VALUE', None) == -1)
339        exec = [
340            'valgrind',
341            '--leak-check=full',
342            ] + (['--undef-value-errors=no'] if uninit else []) + [
343            ] + (['--track-origins=yes'] if not uninit else []) + [
344            '--error-exitcode=4',
345            '--error-limit=no',
346            ] + (['--num-callers=1'] if not verbose else []) + [
347            '-q'] + exec
348        return super().test(exec=exec, **args)
350class ReentrantTestCase(TestCase):
351    def __init__(self, config, **args):
352        self.reentrant = config.get('reentrant', False)
353        super().__init__(config, **args)
355    def shouldtest(self, **args):
356        return self.reentrant and super().shouldtest(**args)
358    def test(self, persist=False, gdb=False, failure=None, **args):
359        for cycles in it.count(1):
360            # clear disk first?
361            if cycles == 1 and persist != 'noerase':
362                persist = 'erase'
363            else:
364                persist = 'noerase'
366            # exact cycle we should drop into debugger?
367            if gdb and failure and failure.cycleno == cycles:
368                return super().test(gdb=gdb, persist=persist, cycles=cycles,
369                    failure=failure, **args)
371            # run tests, but kill the program after prog/erase has
372            # been hit n cycles. We exit with a special return code if the
373            # program has not finished, since this isn't a test failure.
374            try:
375                return super().test(persist=persist, cycles=cycles, **args)
376            except TestFailure as nfailure:
377                if nfailure.returncode == 33:
378                    continue
379                else:
380                    nfailure.cycleno = cycles
381                    raise
383class TestSuite:
384    def __init__(self, path, classes=[TestCase], defines={},
385            filter=None, **args):
386        self.name = os.path.basename(path)
387        if self.name.endswith('.toml'):
388            self.name = self.name[:-len('.toml')]
389        if args.get('build_dir'):
390            self.toml = path
391            self.path = args['build_dir'] + '/' + path
392        else:
393            self.toml = path
394            self.path = path
395        self.classes = classes
396        self.defines = defines.copy()
397        self.filter = filter
399        with open(self.toml) as f:
400            # load tests
401            config = toml.load(f)
403            # find line numbers
404            f.seek(0)
405            linenos = []
406            code_linenos = []
407            for i, line in enumerate(f):
408                if re.match(r'\[\[\s*case\s*\]\]', line):
409                    linenos.append(i+1)
410                if re.match(r'code\s*=\s*(\'\'\'|""")', line):
411                    code_linenos.append(i+2)
413            code_linenos.reverse()
415        # grab global config
416        for k, v in config.get('define', {}).items():
417            if k not in self.defines:
418                self.defines[k] = v
419        self.code = config.get('code', None)
420        if self.code is not None:
421            self.code_lineno = code_linenos.pop()
423        # create initial test cases
424        self.cases = []
425        for i, (case, lineno) in enumerate(zip(config['case'], linenos)):
426            # code lineno?
427            if 'code' in case:
428                case['code_lineno'] = code_linenos.pop()
429            # merge conditions if necessary
430            if 'if' in config and 'if' in case:
431                case['if'] = '(%s) && (%s)' % (config['if'], case['if'])
432            elif 'if' in config:
433                case['if'] = config['if']
434            # initialize test case
435            self.cases.append(TestCase(case, filter=filter,
436                suite=self, caseno=i+1, lineno=lineno, **args))
438    def __str__(self):
439        return self.name
441    def __lt__(self, other):
442        return self.name < other.name
444    def permute(self, **args):
445        for case in self.cases:
446            # lets find all parameterized definitions, in one of [args.D,
447            # suite.defines, case.defines, DEFINES]. Note that each of these
448            # can be either a dict of defines, or a list of dicts, expressing
449            # an initial set of permutations.
450            pending = [{}]
451            for inits in [self.defines, case.defines, DEFINES]:
452                if not isinstance(inits, list):
453                    inits = [inits]
455                npending = []
456                for init, pinit in it.product(inits, pending):
457                    ninit = pinit.copy()
458                    for k, v in init.items():
459                        if k not in ninit:
460                            try:
461                                ninit[k] = eval(v)
462                            except:
463                                ninit[k] = v
464                    npending.append(ninit)
466                pending = npending
468            # expand permutations
469            pending = list(reversed(pending))
470            expanded = []
471            while pending:
472                perm = pending.pop()
473                for k, v in sorted(perm.items()):
474                    if not isinstance(v, str) and isinstance(v, abc.Iterable):
475                        for nv in reversed(v):
476                            nperm = perm.copy()
477                            nperm[k] = nv
478                            pending.append(nperm)
479                        break
480                else:
481                    expanded.append(perm)
483            # generate permutations
484            case.perms = []
485            for i, (class_, defines) in enumerate(
486                    it.product(self.classes, expanded)):
487                case.perms.append(case.permute(
488                    class_, defines, permno=i+1, **args))
490            # also track non-unique defines
491            case.defines = {}
492            for k, v in case.perms[0].defines.items():
493                if all(perm.defines[k] == v for perm in case.perms):
494                    case.defines[k] = v
496        # track all perms and non-unique defines
497        self.perms = []
498        for case in self.cases:
499            self.perms.extend(case.perms)
501        self.defines = {}
502        for k, v in self.perms[0].defines.items():
503            if all(perm.defines.get(k, None) == v for perm in self.perms):
504                self.defines[k] = v
506        return self.perms
508    def build(self, **args):
509        # build test files
510        tf = open(self.path + '.test.tc', 'w')
511        tf.write(GLOBALS)
512        if self.code is not None:
513            tf.write('#line %d "%s"\n' % (self.code_lineno, self.path))
514            tf.write(self.code)
516        tfs = {None: tf}
517        for case in self.cases:
518            if case.in_ not in tfs:
519                tfs[case.in_] = open(self.path+'.'+
520                    re.sub('(\.c)?$', '.tc', case.in_.replace('/', '.')), 'w')
521                tfs[case.in_].write('#line 1 "%s"\n' % case.in_)
522                with open(case.in_) as f:
523                    for line in f:
524                        tfs[case.in_].write(line)
525                tfs[case.in_].write('\n')
526                tfs[case.in_].write(GLOBALS)
528            tfs[case.in_].write('\n')
529            case.build(tfs[case.in_], **args)
531        tf.write('\n')
532        tf.write('const char *lfs_testbd_path;\n')
533        tf.write('uint32_t lfs_testbd_cycles;\n')
534        tf.write('int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n')
535        tf.write(4*' '+'int case_         = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;\n')
536        tf.write(4*' '+'int perm          = (argc > 2) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0;\n')
537        tf.write(4*' '+'lfs_testbd_path   = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : NULL;\n')
538        tf.write(4*' '+'lfs_testbd_cycles = (argc > 4) ? atoi(argv[4]) : 0;\n')
539        for perm in self.perms:
540            # test declaration
541            tf.write(4*' '+'extern void test_case%d(%s);\n' % (
542                perm.caseno, ', '.join(
543                    'intmax_t %s' % k for k in sorted(perm.defines)
544                    if k not in perm.case.defines)))
545            # test call
546            tf.write(4*' '+
547                'if (argc < 3 || (case_ == %d && perm == %d)) {'
548                ' test_case%d(%s); '
549                '}\n' % (perm.caseno, perm.permno, perm.caseno, ', '.join(
550                    str(v) for k, v in sorted(perm.defines.items())
551                    if k not in perm.case.defines)))
552        tf.write('}\n')
554        for tf in tfs.values():
555            tf.close()
557        # write makefiles
558        with open(self.path + '.mk', 'w') as mk:
559            mk.write(RULES.replace(4*' ', '\t') % dict(path=self.path))
560            mk.write('\n')
562            # add coverage hooks?
563            if args.get('coverage'):
564                mk.write(COVERAGE_RULES.replace(4*' ', '\t') % dict(
565                    path=self.path))
566                mk.write('\n')
568            # add truly global defines globally
569            for k, v in sorted(self.defines.items()):
570                mk.write('%s.test: override CFLAGS += -D%s=%r\n'
571                    % (self.path, k, v))
573            for path in tfs:
574                if path is None:
575                    mk.write('%s: %s | %s\n' % (
576                        self.path+'.test.c',
577                        self.toml,
578                        self.path+'.test.tc'))
579                else:
580                    mk.write('%s: %s %s | %s\n' % (
581                        self.path+'.'+path.replace('/', '.'),
582                        self.toml,
583                        path,
584                        self.path+'.'+re.sub('(\.c)?$', '.tc',
585                            path.replace('/', '.'))))
586                mk.write('\t./scripts/explode_asserts.py $| -o $@\n')
588        self.makefile = self.path + '.mk'
589        self.target = self.path + '.test'
590        return self.makefile, self.target
592    def test(self, **args):
593        # run test suite!
594        if not args.get('verbose', True):
595            sys.stdout.write(self.name + ' ')
596            sys.stdout.flush()
597        for perm in self.perms:
598            if not perm.shouldtest(**args):
599                continue
601            try:
602                result = perm.test(**args)
603            except TestFailure as failure:
604                perm.result = failure
605                if not args.get('verbose', True):
606                    sys.stdout.write(FAIL)
607                    sys.stdout.flush()
608                if not args.get('keep_going'):
609                    if not args.get('verbose', True):
610                        sys.stdout.write('\n')
611                    raise
612            else:
613                perm.result = PASS
614                if not args.get('verbose', True):
615                    sys.stdout.write(PASS)
616                    sys.stdout.flush()
618        if not args.get('verbose', True):
619            sys.stdout.write('\n')
621def main(**args):
622    # figure out explicit defines
623    defines = {}
624    for define in args['D']:
625        k, v, *_ = define.split('=', 2) + ['']
626        defines[k] = v
628    # and what class of TestCase to run
629    classes = []
630    if args.get('normal'):
631        classes.append(TestCase)
632    if args.get('reentrant'):
633        classes.append(ReentrantTestCase)
634    if args.get('valgrind'):
635        classes.append(ValgrindTestCase)
636    if not classes:
637        classes = [TestCase]
639    suites = []
640    for testpath in args['test_paths']:
641        # optionally specified test case/perm
642        testpath, *filter = testpath.split('#')
643        filter = [int(f) for f in filter]
645        # figure out the suite's toml file
646        if os.path.isdir(testpath):
647            testpath = testpath + '/*.toml'
648        elif os.path.isfile(testpath):
649            testpath = testpath
650        elif testpath.endswith('.toml'):
651            testpath = TEST_PATHS + '/' + testpath
652        else:
653            testpath = TEST_PATHS + '/' + testpath + '.toml'
655        # find tests
656        for path in glob.glob(testpath):
657            suites.append(TestSuite(path, classes, defines, filter, **args))
659    # sort for reproducibility
660    suites = sorted(suites)
662    # generate permutations
663    for suite in suites:
664        suite.permute(**args)
666    # build tests in parallel
667    print('====== building ======')
668    makefiles = []
669    targets = []
670    for suite in suites:
671        makefile, target = suite.build(**args)
672        makefiles.append(makefile)
673        targets.append(target)
675    cmd = (['make', '-f', 'Makefile'] +
676        list(it.chain.from_iterable(['-f', m] for m in makefiles)) +
677        [target for target in targets])
678    mpty, spty = pty.openpty()
679    if args.get('verbose'):
680        print(' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
681    proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=spty, stderr=spty)
682    os.close(spty)
683    mpty = os.fdopen(mpty, 'r', 1)
684    stdout = []
685    while True:
686        try:
687            line = mpty.readline()
688        except OSError as e:
689            if e.errno == errno.EIO:
690                break
691            raise
692        if not line:
693            break;
694        stdout.append(line)
695        if args.get('verbose'):
696            sys.stdout.write(line)
697        # intercept warnings
698        m = re.match(
699            '^{0}([^:]+):(\d+):(?:\d+:)?{0}{1}:{0}(.*)$'
700            .format('(?:\033\[[\d;]*.| )*', 'warning'),
701            line)
702        if m and not args.get('verbose'):
703            try:
704                with open(m.group(1)) as f:
705                    lineno = int(m.group(2))
706                    line = next(it.islice(f, lineno-1, None)).strip('\n')
707                sys.stdout.write(
708                    "\033[01m{path}:{lineno}:\033[01;35mwarning:\033[m "
709                    "{message}\n{line}\n\n".format(
710                        path=m.group(1), line=line, lineno=lineno,
711                        message=m.group(3)))
712            except:
713                pass
714    proc.wait()
715    if proc.returncode != 0:
716        if not args.get('verbose'):
717            for line in stdout:
718                sys.stdout.write(line)
719        sys.exit(-1)
721    print('built %d test suites, %d test cases, %d permutations' % (
722        len(suites),
723        sum(len(suite.cases) for suite in suites),
724        sum(len(suite.perms) for suite in suites)))
726    total = 0
727    for suite in suites:
728        for perm in suite.perms:
729            total += perm.shouldtest(**args)
730    if total != sum(len(suite.perms) for suite in suites):
731        print('filtered down to %d permutations' % total)
733    # only requested to build?
734    if args.get('build'):
735        return 0
737    print('====== testing ======')
738    try:
739        for suite in suites:
740            suite.test(**args)
741    except TestFailure:
742        pass
744    print('====== results ======')
745    passed = 0
746    failed = 0
747    for suite in suites:
748        for perm in suite.perms:
749            if perm.result == PASS:
750                passed += 1
751            elif isinstance(perm.result, TestFailure):
752                sys.stdout.write(
753                    "\033[01m{path}:{lineno}:\033[01;31mfailure:\033[m "
754                    "{perm} failed\n".format(
755                        perm=perm, path=perm.suite.path, lineno=perm.lineno,
756                        returncode=perm.result.returncode or 0))
757                if perm.result.stdout:
758                    if perm.result.assert_:
759                        stdout = perm.result.stdout[:-1]
760                    else:
761                        stdout = perm.result.stdout
762                    for line in stdout[-5:]:
763                        sys.stdout.write(line)
764                if perm.result.assert_:
765                    sys.stdout.write(
766                        "\033[01m{path}:{lineno}:\033[01;31massert:\033[m "
767                        "{message}\n{line}\n".format(
768                            **perm.result.assert_))
769                sys.stdout.write('\n')
770                failed += 1
772    if args.get('coverage'):
773        # collect coverage info
774        # why -j1? lcov doesn't work in parallel because of gcov limitations
775        cmd = (['make', '-j1', '-f', 'Makefile'] +
776            list(it.chain.from_iterable(['-f', m] for m in makefiles)) +
777            (['COVERAGETARGET=%s' % args['coverage']]
778                if isinstance(args['coverage'], str) else []) +
779            [suite.path + '.info' for suite in suites
780                if any(perm.result == PASS for perm in suite.perms)])
781        if args.get('verbose'):
782            print(' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
783        proc = sp.Popen(cmd,
784            stdout=sp.PIPE if not args.get('verbose') else None,
785            stderr=sp.STDOUT if not args.get('verbose') else None,
786            universal_newlines=True)
787        stdout = []
788        for line in proc.stdout:
789            stdout.append(line)
790        proc.wait()
791        if proc.returncode != 0:
792            if not args.get('verbose'):
793                for line in stdout:
794                    sys.stdout.write(line)
795            sys.exit(-1)
797    if args.get('gdb'):
798        failure = None
799        for suite in suites:
800            for perm in suite.perms:
801                if isinstance(perm.result, TestFailure):
802                    failure = perm.result
803        if failure is not None:
804            print('======= gdb ======')
805            # drop into gdb
806            failure.case.test(failure=failure, **args)
807            sys.exit(0)
809    print('tests passed %d/%d (%.1f%%)' % (passed, total,
810        100*(passed/total if total else 1.0)))
811    print('tests failed %d/%d (%.1f%%)' % (failed, total,
812        100*(failed/total if total else 1.0)))
813    return 1 if failed > 0 else 0
815if __name__ == "__main__":
816    import argparse
817    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
818        description="Run parameterized tests in various configurations.")
819    parser.add_argument('test_paths', nargs='*', default=[TEST_PATHS],
820        help="Description of test(s) to run. By default, this is all tests \
821            found in the \"{0}\" directory. Here, you can specify a different \
822            directory of tests, a specific file, a suite by name, and even \
823            specific test cases and permutations. For example \
824            \"test_dirs#1\" or \"{0}/test_dirs.toml#1#1\".".format(TEST_PATHS))
825    parser.add_argument('-D', action='append', default=[],
826        help="Overriding parameter definitions.")
827    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
828        help="Output everything that is happening.")
829    parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-going', action='store_true',
830        help="Run all tests instead of stopping on first error. Useful for CI.")
831    parser.add_argument('-p', '--persist', choices=['erase', 'noerase'],
832        nargs='?', const='erase',
833        help="Store disk image in a file.")
834    parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', action='store_true',
835        help="Only build the tests, do not execute.")
836    parser.add_argument('-g', '--gdb', choices=['init', 'main', 'assert'],
837        nargs='?', const='assert',
838        help="Drop into gdb on test failure.")
839    parser.add_argument('--no-internal', action='store_true',
840        help="Don't run tests that require internal knowledge.")
841    parser.add_argument('-n', '--normal', action='store_true',
842        help="Run tests normally.")
843    parser.add_argument('-r', '--reentrant', action='store_true',
844        help="Run reentrant tests with simulated power-loss.")
845    parser.add_argument('--valgrind', action='store_true',
846        help="Run non-leaky tests under valgrind to check for memory leaks.")
847    parser.add_argument('--exec', default=[], type=lambda e: e.split(),
848        help="Run tests with another executable prefixed on the command line.")
849    parser.add_argument('--disk',
850        help="Specify a file to use for persistent/reentrant tests.")
851    parser.add_argument('--coverage', type=lambda x: x if x else True,
852        nargs='?', const='',
853        help="Collect coverage information during testing. This uses lcov/gcov \
854            to accumulate coverage information into *.info files. May also \
855            a path to a *.info file to accumulate coverage info into.")
856    parser.add_argument('--build-dir',
857        help="Build relative to the specified directory instead of the \
858            current directory.")
860    sys.exit(main(**vars(parser.parse_args())))