1 /*
2  * Copyright 2019-2023 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_SMARTDMA_H_
10 #define _FSL_SMARTDMA_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup smartdma
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*@{*/
25 /*! @brief SMARTDMA driver version */
27 /*@}*/
29 /*! @brief The firmware used for display. */
30 extern const uint8_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware[];
32 /*! @brief The s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware firmware memory address. */
33 #define SMARTDMA_DISPLAY_MEM_ADDR 0x24100000
35 /*! @brief Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware */
36 #define SMARTDMA_DISPLAY_FIRMWARE_SIZE (s_smartdmaDisplayFirmwareSize)
38 /*! @brief Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware */
39 extern const uint32_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmwareSize;
41 /*! @brief Compatibility redefinition. */
42 #define s_smartdmaFlexioMcuLcdFirmware       s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware
45 #define s_smartdmaFlexioMcuLcdFirmwareSize   s_smartdmaDisplayFirmwareSize
47 /*!
48  * @brief The API index when using s_smartdmaFlexioMcuLcdFirmware.
49  */
50 enum _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_api
51 {
52     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Endian_Swap = 0U,
53     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse32,
54     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA,
55     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse,              /*!< Send data to FlexIO with reverse order. */
56     kSMARTDMA_RGB565To888,                     /*!< Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and save to output memory, use parameter
57                                                   smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t. */
58     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_RGB565To888,          /*!< Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and send to FlexIO, use parameter
59                                                   smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t. */
60     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB,             /*!< Convert ARGB to RGB and send to FlexIO, use parameter
61                                                   smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t. */
62     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap, /*!< Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian, and send to FlexIO, use
63                                                  parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t. */
64     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap_Reverse, /*!< Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian and reverse, and send
65                                                  to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t. */
66     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_DMA,        /*!< Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t. */
67     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_DMA2D,      /*!< Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t. */
68     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_DMA,        /*!< Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t. */
69     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_DMA2D,      /*!< Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t. */
70     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_XRGB2RGB_DMA,      /*!< Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t */
71     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_XRGB2RGB_DMA2D,    /*!< Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t. */
72     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_R180_DMA,   /*!< Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
73                                        */
74     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_R180_DMA,   /*!< Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
75                                        */
76     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_XRGB2RGB_R180_DMA, /*!< Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter
77                                          smartdma_dsi_param_t */
78     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB5652RGB888_DMA, /*!< Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t. */
79     kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_CHECKER_BOARD_DMA, /*!< Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI with checker board pattern, use parameter
80                                                 smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t. */
81     kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE,            /*!< FlexIO DMA for one SHIFTBUF, Write Data to SHIFTBUF[OFFSET] */
82 };
84 /*!
85  * @brief Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD except kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE
86  */
87 typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param
88 {
89     uint32_t *p_buffer;
90     uint32_t buffersize;
91     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
92 } smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t;
94 /*!
95  * @brief Parameter for kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE
96  */
97 typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param
98 {
99     uint32_t *p_buffer;
100     uint32_t buffersize;
101     uint32_t offset;
102     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
103 } smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param_t;
105 /*!
106  * @brief Parameter for MIPI DSI
107  */
108 typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_param
109 {
110     /*! Pointer to the buffer to send. */
111     const uint8_t *p_buffer;
112     /*! Buffer size in byte. */
113     uint32_t buffersize;
114     /*! Stack used by SMARTDMA. */
115     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
116     /*!
117      * If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly.
118      * If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to
119      * MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel
120      * format is RGB565:
121      * LSB                                           MSB
122      * B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2 | G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4
123      * Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is:
124      * LSB                                           MSB
125      * G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2
126      */
127     uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap;
128 } smartdma_dsi_param_t;
130 /*!
131  * @brief Parameter for kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_DMA2D, kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_DMA2D
133  */
134 typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_2d_param
135 {
136     /*! Pointer to the buffer to send. */
137     const uint8_t *p_buffer;
138     /*! SRC data transfer in a minor loop */
139     uint32_t minorLoop;
140     /*! SRC data offset added after a minor loop */
141     uint32_t minorLoopOffset;
142     /*! SRC data transfer in a major loop */
143     uint32_t majorLoop;
144     /*! Stack used by SMARTDMA. */
145     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
146     /*!
147      * If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly.
148      * If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to
149      * MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel
150      * format is RGB565:
151      * LSB                                           MSB
152      * B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2 | G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4
153      * Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is:
154      * LSB                                           MSB
155      * G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2
156      */
157     uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap;
158 } smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t;
160 /*!
161  * @brief Parameter for kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_CHECKER_BOARD_DMA
162  */
163 typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param
164 {
165     /*! Pointer to the buffer to send, pixel format is ARGB8888. */
166     const uint8_t *p_buffer;
167     uint32_t height; /*! Height resolution in pixel. */
168     uint32_t width; /*! Width resolution in pixel. */
169     /*! Cube block type.
170      * cbType=1 : 1/2 pixel mask cases
171      * cbType=2 : 1/4 pixel mask cases
172      */
173     uint32_t cbType;
174     /*! which pixel is turned off in each type
175      *  cbType=2: indexOff= 1,2,3,4
176      *  cbType=1: indexOff= 0,1
177      */
178     uint32_t indexOff;
179     /*! Stack used by SMARTDMA. */
180     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
181     /*!
182      * If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly.
183      * If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to
184      * MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel
185      * for example
186      * format is RGB888:
187      * LSB                                           MSB
188      * B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 | G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
189      * Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is:
190      * LSB                                           MSB
191      * R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 | G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
192      */
193     uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap;
194 } smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t;
196 /*!
197  * @brief Parameter for RGB565To888
198  */
199 typedef struct _smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param
200 {
201     uint32_t *inBuf;
202     uint32_t *outBuf;
203     uint32_t buffersize;
204     uint32_t *smartdma_stack;
205 } smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t;
207 /*! @brief Callback function prototype for the smartdma driver. */
208 typedef void (*smartdma_callback_t)(void *param);
210 /*******************************************************************************
211  * APIs
212  ******************************************************************************/
214 #if defined(__cplusplus)
215 extern "C" {
216 #endif /* __cplusplus */
218 /*!
219  * @brief Initialize the SMARTDMA.
220  *
221  * @param apiMemAddr The address firmware will be copied to.
222  * @param firmware The firmware to use.
223  * @param firmwareSizeByte Size of firmware.
224  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has been superceded by @ref GPIO_PinWrite.
225  * @ref SMARTDMA_InitWithoutFirmware and @ref SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware.
226  */
227 void SMARTDMA_Init(uint32_t apiMemAddr, const void *firmware, uint32_t firmwareSizeByte);
229 /*!
230  * @brief Initialize the SMARTDMA.
231  *
232  * This function is similar with @ref SMARTDMA_Init, the difference is this function
233  * does not install the firmware, the firmware could be installed using
234  * @ref SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware.
235  */
236 void SMARTDMA_InitWithoutFirmware(void);
238 /*!
239  * @brief Install the firmware.
240  *
241  * @param apiMemAddr The address firmware will be copied to.
242  * @param firmware The firmware to use.
243  * @param firmwareSizeByte Size of firmware.
244  * @note Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
245  */
246 void SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware(uint32_t apiMemAddr, const void *firmware, uint32_t firmwareSizeByte);
248 /*!
249  * @brief Install the complete callback function.
250  *
251  * @param callback The callback called when smartdma program finished.
252  * @param param Parameter for the callback.
253  * @note Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
254  */
255 void SMARTDMA_InstallCallback(smartdma_callback_t callback, void *param);
257 /*!
258  * @brief Boot the SMARTDMA to run program.
259  *
260  * @param apiIndex Index of the API to call.
261  * @param pParam Pointer to the parameter.
262  * @param mask Value set to SMARTDMA_ARM2SMARTDMA[0:1].
263  * @note Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
264  */
265 void SMARTDMA_Boot(uint32_t apiIndex, void *pParam, uint8_t mask);
267 /*!
268  * @brief Deinitialize the SMARTDMA.
269  */
270 void SMARTDMA_Deinit(void);
272 /*!
273  * @brief Reset the SMARTDMA.
274  */
275 void SMARTDMA_Reset(void);
277 /*!
278  * @brief SMARTDMA IRQ.
279  */
280 void SMARTDMA_HandleIRQ(void);
282 #if defined(__cplusplus)
283 }
284 #endif
286 /* @} */
288 #endif /* _FSL_SMARTDMA_H_ */