1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18# DBus-Bluez BLE library
20from __future__ import print_function
22import sys
23import time
26    import dbus
27    import dbus.mainloop.glib
28    from gi.repository import GLib
29except ImportError as e:
30    if 'linux' not in sys.platform:
31        raise e
32    print(e)
33    print('Install packages `libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libcairo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev` for resolving the issue')
34    print('Run `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue')
35    raise
37from . import lib_gap, lib_gatt
39BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = 'org.bluez'
40DBUS_OM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'
41DBUS_PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
43ADAPTER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
44DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
46GATT_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattManager1'
47LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1'
49GATT_SERVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattService1'
50GATT_CHRC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'
53class DBusException(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):
54    pass
57class Characteristic:
58    def __init__(self):
59        self.iface = None
60        self.path = None
61        self.props = None
64class Service:
65    def __init__(self):
66        self.iface = None
67        self.path = None
68        self.props = None
69        self.chars = []
72class Device:
73    def __init__(self):
74        self.iface = None
75        self.path = None
76        self.props = None
77        self.name = None
78        self.addr = None
79        self.services = []
82class Adapter:
83    def __init__(self):
84        self.iface = None
85        self.path = None
86        self.props = None
89class BLE_Bluez_Client:
90    def __init__(self, iface=None):
91        self.bus = None
92        self.hci_iface = iface
93        self.adapter = Adapter()
94        self.device = None
95        self.gatt_app = None
96        self.gatt_mgr = None
97        self.mainloop = None
98        self.loop_cnt = 0
100        try:
101            dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
102            self.bus = dbus.SystemBus()
103        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
104            raise DBusException('Failed to initialise client: {}'.format(dbus_err))
105        except Exception as err:
106            raise Exception('Failed to initialise client: {}'.format(err))
108    def __del__(self):
109        try:
110            # Cleanup
111            self.disconnect()
112            print('Test Exit')
113        except Exception as e:
114            print(e)
116    def set_adapter(self):
117        '''
118            Discover Bluetooth Adapter
119            Power On Bluetooth Adapter
120        '''
121        try:
122            print('discovering adapter')
123            dbus_obj_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, '/'), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
124            dbus_objs = dbus_obj_mgr.GetManagedObjects()
125            for path, interfaces in dbus_objs.items():
126                adapter = interfaces.get(ADAPTER_IFACE)
127                if adapter is not None and path.endswith(self.hci_iface):
128                    self.adapter.iface = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), ADAPTER_IFACE)
129                    self.adapter.props = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
130                    self.adapter.path = path
131                    break
133            if self.adapter.iface is None:
134                print('bluetooth adapter not found')
135                return False
137            print('bluetooth adapter discovered')
138            print('checking if bluetooth adapter is already powered on')
139            # Check if adapter is already powered on
140            powered = self.adapter.props.Get(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Powered')
141            if powered == 1:
142                print('adapter already powered on')
143                return True
144            # Power On Adapter
145            print('powering on adapter')
146            self.adapter.props.Set(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Powered', dbus.Boolean(1))
147            # Check if adapter is powered on
148            print('checking if adapter is powered on')
149            for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
150                time.sleep(5)
151                powered_on = self.adapter.props.Get(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Powered')
152                if powered_on == 1:
153                    # Set adapter props again with powered on value
154                    self.adapter.props = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, self.adapter.path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
155                    print('bluetooth adapter powered on')
156                    return True
157                print('number of retries left({})'.format(cnt - 1))
159            # Adapter not powered on
160            print('bluetooth adapter not powered on')
161            return False
163        except Exception as err:
164            raise Exception('Failed to set adapter: {}'.format(err))
166    def connect(self, devname=None, devaddr=None):
167        '''
168            Start Discovery and Connect to the device
169        '''
170        try:
171            device_found = None
172            start_discovery = False
173            self.device = Device()
175            discovery_val = self.adapter.props.Get(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Discovering')
176            # Start Discovery
177            if discovery_val == 0:
178                print('starting discovery')
179                self.adapter.iface.StartDiscovery()
180                start_discovery = True
182                for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
183                    time.sleep(5)
184                    discovery_val = self.adapter.props.Get(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Discovering')
185                    if discovery_val == 1:
186                        print('start discovery successful')
187                        break
188                    print('number of retries left ({})'.format(cnt - 1))
190                if discovery_val == 0:
191                    print('start discovery failed')
192                    return False
194            # Get device
195            for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
196                # Wait for device to be discovered
197                time.sleep(5)
198                device_found = self.get_device(
199                    devname=devname,
200                    devaddr=devaddr)
201                if device_found:
202                    break
203                # Retry
204                print('number of retries left ({})'.format(cnt - 1))
206            if not device_found:
207                print('expected device {} [ {} ] not found'.format(devname, devaddr))
208                return False
210            # Connect to expected device found
211            print('connecting to device {} [ {} ] '.format(self.device.name, self.device.addr))
212            self.device.iface.Connect(dbus_interface=DEVICE_IFACE)
213            for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
214                time.sleep(5)
215                connected = self.device.props.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Connected')
216                if connected == 1:
217                    # Set device props again with connected on value
218                    self.device.props = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, self.device.path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
219                    print('connected to device with iface {}'.format(self.device.path))
220                    return True
221                print('number of retries left({})'.format(cnt - 1))
223            # Device not connected
224            print('connection to device failed')
225            return False
227        except Exception as err:
228            raise Exception('Connect to device failed : {}'.format(err))
229        finally:
230            try:
231                if start_discovery:
232                    print('stopping discovery')
233                    self.adapter.iface.StopDiscovery()
234                    for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
235                        time.sleep(5)
236                        discovery_val = self.adapter.props.Get(ADAPTER_IFACE, 'Discovering')
237                        if discovery_val == 0:
238                            print('stop discovery successful')
239                            break
240                        print('number of retries left ({})'.format(cnt - 1))
241                    if discovery_val == 1:
242                        print('stop discovery failed')
243            except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
244                print('Warning: Failure during cleanup for device connection : {}'.format(dbus_err))
246    def get_device(self, devname=None, devaddr=None):
247        '''
248            Get device based on device name
249            and device address and connect to device
250        '''
251        dev_path = None
252        expected_device_addr = devaddr.lower()
253        expected_device_name = devname.lower()
255        print('checking if expected device {} [ {} ] is present'.format(devname, devaddr))
257        dbus_obj_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, '/'), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
258        dbus_objs = dbus_obj_mgr.GetManagedObjects()
260        # Check if expected device is present
261        for path, interfaces in dbus_objs.items():
262            if DEVICE_IFACE not in interfaces.keys():
263                continue
265            # Check expected device address is received device address
266            received_device_addr_path = (path.replace('_', ':')).lower()
267            if expected_device_addr not in received_device_addr_path:
268                continue
270            device_props = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
271            received_device_name = device_props.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Name').lower()
273            # Check expected device name is received device name
274            if expected_device_name == received_device_name:
275                # Set device iface path
276                dev_path = path
277                break
279        if not dev_path:
280            print('\nBLE device not found')
281            return False
283        print('device {} [ {} ] found'.format(devname, devaddr))
285        # Set device details
286        self.device.iface = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, dev_path), DEVICE_IFACE)
287        self.device.props = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, dev_path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
288        self.device.path = dev_path
289        self.device.name = devname
290        self.device.addr = devaddr
291        return True
293    def get_services(self):
294        '''
295        Retrieve Services found in the device connected
296        '''
297        try:
298            # Get current dbus objects
299            dbus_obj_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, '/'), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
300            dbus_objs = dbus_obj_mgr.GetManagedObjects()
302            # Get services
303            for path, interfaces in dbus_objs.items():
304                if GATT_SERVICE_IFACE in interfaces.keys():
305                    if not path.startswith(self.device.path):
306                        continue
307                    received_service = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
308                    # Retrieve all services on device iface path
309                    # and set each service received
310                    service = Service()
311                    service.path = path
312                    service.iface = dbus.Interface(received_service, GATT_SERVICE_IFACE)
313                    service.props = dbus.Interface(received_service, DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
314                    self.device.services.append(service)
316            if not self.device.services:
317                print('no services found for device: {}'.format(self.device.path))
318                return False
320            return True
322        except Exception as err:
323            raise Exception('Failed to get services: {}'.format(err))
325    def get_chars(self):
326        '''
327            Get characteristics of the services set for the device connected
328        '''
329        try:
330            if not self.device.services:
331                print('No services set for device: {}'.format(self.device.path))
332                return
334            # Read chars for all the services received for device
335            for service in self.device.services:
336                char_found = False
337                dbus_obj_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, '/'), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
338                dbus_objs = dbus_obj_mgr.GetManagedObjects()
339                for path, interfaces in dbus_objs.items():
340                    if GATT_CHRC_IFACE in interfaces.keys():
341                        if not path.startswith(self.device.path):
342                            continue
343                        if not path.startswith(service.path):
344                            continue
345                        # Set characteristics
346                        received_char = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
347                        char = Characteristic()
348                        char.path = path
349                        char.iface = dbus.Interface(received_char, GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
350                        char.props = dbus.Interface(received_char, DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
351                        service.chars.append(char)
352                        char_found = True
354                if not char_found:
355                    print('Characteristic not found for service: {}'.format(service.iface))
357        except Exception as err:
358            raise Exception('Failed to get characteristics : {}'.format(err))
360    def read_chars(self):
361        '''
362            Read value of characteristics
363        '''
364        try:
365            if not self.device.services:
366                print('No services set for device: {}'.format(self.device.path))
367                return
369            # Read chars for all services of device
370            for service in self.device.services:
371                # Read properties of characteristic
372                for char in service.chars:
373                    # Print path
374                    print('Characteristic: {}'.format(char.path))
375                    # Print uuid
376                    uuid = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'UUID')
377                    print('UUID: {}'.format(uuid))
378                    # Print flags
379                    flags = [flag for flag in char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Flags')]
380                    print('Flags: {}'.format(flags))
381                    # Read value if `read` flag is present
382                    if 'read' in flags:
383                        value = char.iface.ReadValue({}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
384                        print('Value: {}'.format(value))
386        except Exception as err:
387            raise Exception('Failed to read characteristics : {}'.format(err))
389    def write_chars(self, new_value):
390        '''
391            Write to characteristics
392        '''
393        try:
394            if not self.device.services:
395                print('No services set for device: {}'.format(self.device.path))
396                return False
398            print('writing data to characteristics with read and write permission')
399            # Read chars of all services of device
400            for service in self.device.services:
401                if not service.chars:
402                    print('No chars found for service: {}'.format(service.path))
403                    continue
404                for char in service.chars:
405                    flags = [flag.lower() for flag in char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Flags')]
406                    if not ('read' in flags and 'write' in flags):
407                        continue
409                    # Write new value to characteristic
410                    curr_value = char.iface.ReadValue({}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
411                    print('current value: {}'.format(curr_value))
413                    print('writing {} to characteristic {}'.format(new_value, char.path))
414                    char.iface.WriteValue(new_value, {}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
416                    time.sleep(5)
417                    updated_value = char.iface.ReadValue({}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
418                    print('updated value: {}'.format(updated_value))
420                    if not (ord(new_value) == int(updated_value[0])):
421                        print('write operation to {} failed'.format(char.path))
422                        return False
423                    print('write operation to {} successful'.format(char.path))
424                    return True
426        except Exception as err:
427            raise Exception('Failed to write to characteristics: {}'.format(err))
429    def get_char_if_exists(self, char_uuid):
430        '''
431            Get char if exists for given uuid
432        '''
433        try:
434            for service in self.device.services:
435                for char in service.chars:
436                    curr_uuid = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'UUID')
437                    if char_uuid.lower() in curr_uuid.lower():
438                        return char
439            print('char {} not found'.format(char_uuid))
440            return False
441        except Exception as err:
442            raise Exception('Failed to get char based on uuid {} - {}'.format(char_uuid, err))
444    def get_service_if_exists(self, service_uuid):
445        try:
446            for service in self.device.services:
447                uuid = service.props.Get(GATT_SERVICE_IFACE, 'UUID')
448                if service_uuid.lower() in uuid.lower():
449                    return service
450            print('service {} not found'.format(service_uuid))
451            return False
452        except Exception as err:
453            raise Exception('Failed to get service based on uuid {} - {}'.format(service_uuid, err))
455    def start_notify(self, char):
456        try:
457            notify_started = 0
458            notifying = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Notifying')
459            if notifying == 0:
460                # Start Notify
461                char.iface.StartNotify()
462                notify_started = 1
463                # Check notify started
464                for _ in range(10, 0, -1):
465                    notifying = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Notifying')
466                    if notifying == 1:
467                        print('subscribe to notifications: on')
468                        break
469                if notifying == 0:
470                    print('Failed to start notifications')
471                    return False
473            # Get updated value
474            for _ in range(10, 0, -1):
475                time.sleep(1)
476                char_value = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Value')
477                print(char_value)
479            return None
481        except Exception as err:
482            raise Exception('Failed to perform notification operation: {}'.format(err))
483        finally:
484            try:
485                if notify_started == 1:
486                    # Stop notify
487                    char.iface.StopNotify()
488                    for _ in range(10, 0, -1):
489                        notifying = char.props.Get(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, 'Notifying')
490                        if notifying == 0:
491                            print('subscribe to notifications: off')
492                            break
493                    if notifying == 1:
494                        print('Failed to stop notifications')
495            except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
496                print('Warning: Failure during cleanup for start notify : {}'.format(dbus_err))
498    def _create_mainloop(self):
499        '''
500            Create GLibMainLoop
501        '''
502        if not self.mainloop:
503            self.mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
505    def register_gatt_app(self):
506        '''
507            Create Gatt Application
508            Register Gatt Application
509        '''
510        try:
511            # Create mainloop, if does not exist
512            self._create_mainloop()
514            # Create Gatt Application
515            self.gatt_app = lib_gatt.AlertNotificationApp(self.bus, self.adapter.path)
516            print('GATT Application created')
517            self.gatt_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, self.adapter.path), GATT_MANAGER_IFACE)
519            # Register Gatt Application
520            self.gatt_mgr.RegisterApplication(
521                self.gatt_app, {},
522                reply_handler=self.gatt_app_success_handler,
523                error_handler=self.gatt_app_error_handler)
524            self.mainloop.run()
526        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
527            raise DBusException('Failed to create GATT Application : {}'.format(dbus_err))
528        except Exception as err:
529            raise Exception('Failed to register Gatt Application: {}'.format(err))
531    def gatt_app_success_handler(self):
532        print('GATT Application successfully registered')
533        self.mainloop.quit()
535    def gatt_app_error_handler(self):
536        raise DBusException('Failed to register GATT Application')
538    def check_le_iface(self):
539        '''
540            Check if LEAdvertisingManager1 interface exists
541        '''
542        try:
543            dbus_obj_mgr = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, '/'), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
544            dbus_objs = dbus_obj_mgr.GetManagedObjects()
545            for path, iface in dbus_objs.items():
546                if LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE in iface:
547                    le_adv_iface_path = path
548                    break
549            # Check LEAdvertisingManager1 interface is found
550            assert le_adv_iface_path, '\n Cannot start advertising. LEAdvertisingManager1 Interface not found'
552            return le_adv_iface_path
554        except AssertionError:
555            raise
556        except Exception as err:
557            raise Exception('Failed to find LEAdvertisingManager1 interface: {}'.format(err))
559    def register_adv(self, adv_host_name, adv_type, adv_uuid):
560        try:
561            # Gatt Application is expected to be registered
562            if not self.gatt_app:
563                print('No Gatt Application is registered')
564                return
566            adv_iface_index = 0
568            # Create mainloop, if does not exist
569            self._create_mainloop()
571            # Check LEAdvertisingManager1 interface exists
572            le_iface_path = self.check_le_iface()
574            # Create Advertisement data
575            leadv_obj = lib_gap.Advertisement(
576                self.bus,
577                adv_iface_index,
578                adv_type,
579                adv_uuid,
580                adv_host_name)
581            print('Advertisement registered')
583            # Register Advertisement
584            leadv_mgr_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, le_iface_path), LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE)
585            leadv_mgr_iface_obj.RegisterAdvertisement(
586                leadv_obj.get_path(), {},
587                reply_handler=self.adv_success_handler,
588                error_handler=self.adv_error_handler)
590            # Handler to read events received and exit from mainloop
591            GLib.timeout_add_seconds(3, self.check_adv)
593            self.mainloop.run()
595        except AssertionError:
596            raise
597        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
598            raise DBusException('Failure during registering advertisement : {}'.format(dbus_err))
599        except Exception as err:
600            raise Exception('Failure during registering advertisement : {}'.format(err))
601        else:
602            try:
603                try:
604                    # Stop Notify if not already stopped
605                    chars = self.gatt_app.service.get_characteristics()
606                    for char in chars:
607                        if char.uuid == lib_gatt.CHAR_UUIDS['UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS_UUID']:
608                            if char.notifying:
609                                char.StopNotify()
610                except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
611                    print('Warning: {}'.format(dbus_err))
613                try:
614                    # Unregister Advertisement
615                    leadv_mgr_iface_obj.UnregisterAdvertisement(leadv_obj.get_path())
616                except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
617                    print('Warning: {}'.format(dbus_err))
619                try:
620                    # Remove advertising data
621                    dbus.service.Object.remove_from_connection(leadv_obj)
622                except LookupError as err:
623                    print('Warning: Failed to remove connection from dbus for advertisement object: {} - {}'.format(leadv_obj, err))
625                try:
626                    # Unregister Gatt Application
627                    self.gatt_mgr.UnregisterApplication(self.gatt_app.get_path())
628                except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
629                    print('Warning: {}'.format(dbus_err))
631                try:
632                    # Remove Gatt Application
633                    dbus.service.Object.remove_from_connection(self.gatt_app)
634                except LookupError as err:
635                    print('Warning: Failed to remove connection from dbus for Gatt application object: {} - {}'.format(self.gatt_app, err))
637            except RuntimeError as err:
638                print('Warning: Failure during cleanup of Advertisement: {}'.format(err))
640    def adv_success_handler(self):
641        print('Registered Advertisement successfully')
643    def adv_error_handler(self, err):
644        raise DBusException('{}'.format(err))
646    def check_adv(self):
647        '''
648            Handler to check for events triggered (read/write/subscribe)
649            for advertisement registered for AlertNotificationApp
650        '''
651        try:
652            retry = 10
653            # Exit loop if read and write and subscribe is successful
654            if self.gatt_app.service.get_char_status(lib_gatt.CHAR_UUIDS['SUPPORT_NEW_ALERT_UUID'], 'read') and \
655                self.gatt_app.service.get_char_status(lib_gatt.CHAR_UUIDS['ALERT_NOTIF_UUID'], 'write') and \
656                    self.gatt_app.service.get_char_status(lib_gatt.CHAR_UUIDS['UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS_UUID'], 'notify'):
657                if self.mainloop.is_running():
658                    self.mainloop.quit()
659                    # return False to stop polling
660                    return False
662            self.loop_cnt += 1
663            print('Check read/write/subscribe events are received...Retry {}'.format(self.loop_cnt))
665            # Exit loop if max retry value is reached and
666            # all three events (read and write and subscribe) have not yet passed
667            # Retry total 10 times
668            if self.loop_cnt == (retry - 1):
669                if self.mainloop.is_running():
670                    self.mainloop.quit()
671                    # return False to stop polling
672                    return False
674            # return True to continue polling
675            return True
677        except RuntimeError as err:
678            print('Failure in advertisment handler: {}'.format(err))
679            if self.mainloop.is_running():
680                self.mainloop.quit()
681                # return False to stop polling
682                return False
684    def disconnect(self):
685        '''
686        Disconnect device
687        '''
688        try:
689            if not self.device or not self.device.iface:
690                return
691            print('disconnecting device')
692            # Disconnect device
693            device_conn = self.device.props.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Connected')
694            if device_conn == 1:
695                self.device.iface.Disconnect(dbus_interface=DEVICE_IFACE)
696                for cnt in range(10, 0, -1):
697                    time.sleep(5)
698                    device_conn = self.device.props.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Connected')
699                    if device_conn == 0:
700                        print('device disconnected')
701                        break
702                    print('number of retries left ({})'.format(cnt - 1))
703                if device_conn == 1:
704                    print('failed to disconnect device')
706                self.adapter.iface.RemoveDevice(self.device.iface)
707                self.device = None
709        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as dbus_err:
710            print('Warning: {}'.format(dbus_err))
711        except Exception as err:
712            raise Exception('Failed to disconnect device: {}'.format(err))