1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_H_
18 #define CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_H_
20 #include <cstdbool>
21 #include <cstdint>
23 #include "chre/pal/system.h"
24 #include "chre/pal/version.h"
25 #include "chre_api/chre/sensor.h"
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
31 /**
32  * Initial version of the CHRE sensor PAL, tied to CHRE API v1.3.
33  */
36 // v1.0-v1.2 skipped to avoid confusion with older versions of the CHRE API.
39 /**
40  * ID value that must be returned from flush() if request IDs are not
41  * supported by this PAL.
42  */
45 /**
46  * The amount of time, in seconds, that the getSensors() method can block for
47  * before returning.
48  */
51 struct chrePalSensorCallbacks {
52   /**
53    * Invoked whenever a sensor's sampling status changes or when
54    * chrePalSensorApi.configureSensor is initially invoked for a given sensor.
55    *
56    * All fields in the provided status must represent the current sampling
57    * status of the sensor.
58    *
59    * This function call passes ownership of the status memory to the core CHRE
60    * system, i.e. the PAL module must not modify the referenced data until the
61    * associated API function is called to release the memory.
62    *
63    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array returned by
64    *     chrePalSensorApi.getSensors indicating the sensor this status update
65    *     corresponds to.
66    * @param status The latest sampling status for the given sensor. The PAL must
67    *     ensure this memory remains accessible until
68    *     releaseSamplingStatusEvent() is invoked.
69    *
70    * @see chrePalSensorApi.configureSensor
71    */
72   void (*samplingStatusUpdateCallback)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex,
73                                        struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status);
75   /**
76    * Callback used to pass new sensor data that's been generated for the sensor
77    * specified by the sensorInfoIndex.
78    *
79    * The event data format is one of the chreSensorXXXData defined in the CHRE
80    * API, implicitly specified by the sensor type.
81    *
82    * This function call passes ownership of the data memory to the core CHRE
83    * system, i.e. the PAL module must not modify the referenced data until the
84    * associated API function is called to release the memory.
85    *
86    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array returned by
87    *     chrePalSensorApi.getSensors indicating the sensor this sensor data
88    *     corresponds to.
89    * @param data The sensor data in one of the chreSensorXXXData formats as
90    *     required by the sensor type for the given sensor. The PAL must ensure
91    *     this memory remains accessible until releaseSensorDataEvent() is
92    *     invoked.
93    */
94   void (*dataEventCallback)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex, void *data);
96   /**
97    * Invoked whenever a sensor bias event is generated or when bias events have
98    * been enabled for a given sensor and the latest bias values need to be
99    * delivered.
100    *
101    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array returned by
102    *     chrePalSensorApi.getSensors indicating the sensor this bias data
103    *     corresponds to.
104    * @param biasData The bias information in one of the chreSensorXXXData
105    *     formats as required by the sensor type for the given sensor. The PAL
106    *     must ensure this memory remains accessible until releaseBiasEvent()
107    *     is invoked.
108    *
109    * @see chrePalSensorApi.configureBiasEvents
110    */
111   void (*biasEventCallback)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex, void *biasData);
113   /**
114    * Invoked whenever a request issued through chrePalSensorApi.flush has
115    * completed.
116    *
117    * This callback must be invoked no later than
118    * CHRE_SENSOR_FLUSH_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_NS after chrePalSensorApi.flush was
119    * called.
120    *
121    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array returned by
122    *     chrePalSensorApi.getSensors indicating the sensor this flush completion
123    *     corresponds to.
124    * @param flushRequestId UID corresponding to what the PAL returned when the
125    *     flush was requested. Can be set to
126    *     CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_FLUSH_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST_ID if the PAL implementation
127    *     doesn't support flush requests.
128    * @param errorCode Value from the chreError enum specifying any error that
129    *     occurred while processing the flush request. CHRE_ERROR_NONE if
130    *     the request was successful.
131    *
132    * @see chrePalSensorApi.flush
133    */
134   void (*flushCompleteCallback)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex,
135                                 uint32_t flushRequestId, uint8_t errorCode);
136 };
138 struct chrePalSensorApi {
139   /**
140    * Version of the module providing this API. This value must be
141    * constructed from CHRE_PAL_CREATE_MODULE_VERSION using the supported
142    * API version constant (CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_API_*) and the module-specific patch
143    * version.
144    */
145   uint32_t moduleVersion;
147   /**
148    * Initializes the sensor module. Initialization must complete synchronously.
149    *
150    * @param systemApi Structure containing CHRE system function pointers which
151    *        the PAL implementation should prefer to use over equivalent
152    *        functionality exposed by the underlying platform. The module does
153    *        not need to deep-copy this structure; its memory remains
154    *        accessible at least until after close() is called.
155    * @param callbacks Structure containing entry points to the core CHRE
156    *        system. The module does not need to deep-copy this structure; its
157    *        memory remains accessible at least until after close() is called.
158    *
159    * @return true if initialization was successful, false otherwise
160    */
161   bool (*open)(const struct chrePalSystemApi *systemApi,
162                const struct chrePalSensorCallbacks *callbacks);
164   /**
165    * Performs clean shutdown of the sensor module, usually done in preparation
166    * for stopping the CHRE. The sensor module must end any active requests to
167    * ensure that it will not invoke any callbacks past this point, and
168    * complete any relevant teardown activities before returning from this
169    * function. The PAL must also free any memory (e.g. the sensor array if it
170    * was dynamically allocated) inside this function.
171    */
172   void (*close)();
174   /**
175    * Creates a chreSensorInfo struct for every CHRE-supported sensor that is
176    * able to be communicated with via the PAL and places them into an array that
177    * is passed to the framework via the sensors parameter. The memory used for
178    * the array is owned by the PAL and may be statically or dynamically
179    * allocated. If the PAL dynamically allocates the array, it must be freed
180    * when close() is invoked.
181    *
182    * This function must block until all CHRE-supported sensors are able to be
183    * communicated with via the PAL and all info required by the chreSensorInfo
184    * struct has been retrieved. No more than
185    * CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_SENSOR_INIT_TIMEOUT_SEC must pass between the time this
186    * method is invoked and when it returns.
187    *
188    * If more than CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_SENSOR_INIT_TIMEOUT_SEC pass, this function
189    * must return with an array that includes as many sensors as the PAL was able
190    * to ensure could be communicated with during that time.
191    *
192    * If the PAL supports multiple sensors of the same sensor type, the default
193    * sensor should be listed first in the returned array.
194    *
195    * This method will only be invoked once during the CHRE framework's
196    * initialization process.
197    *
198    * @param sensors A non-null pointer to an array that must be initialized
199    *     and populated with all sensors the PAL needs to make available to the
200    *     CHRE framework on this device.
201    * @param arraySize The size of the filled in sensors array.
202    * @return false if any errors occurred while attempting to discover sensors.
203    *     true if all sensors are available. If false, the sensors array may be
204    *     partially filled.
205    */
206   bool (*getSensors)(struct chreSensorInfo *const *sensors,
207                      uint32_t *arraySize);
209   /**
210    * Configures the sensor specified by the given index into the array returned
211    * by getSensors() following the same set of requirements as
212    * chreSensorConfigure().
213    *
214    * It's guaranteed that only one request from CHRE will be issued for any
215    * sensor at a time. If a new request is issued for a sensor with an active
216    * request, the CHRE framework expects it would override the existing one.
217    *
218    * Additionally, the CHRE framework will verify the issued request is valid
219    * by checking against the chreSensorInfo for the issued sensor so the PAL
220    * can and should avoid duplicating these checks to remove extra logic.
221    *
222    * Once the request is accepted by the PAL, any sensor data generated by the
223    * sensor must be sent via the dataEventCallback(). Additionally, if this
224    * request enables the sensor, the samplingStatusUpdateCallback() must be
225    * invoked after processing CHRE's request to provide the latest sampling
226    * status.
227    *
228    * As mentioned in chreSensorConfigure, bias event delivery must be enabled
229    * for calibrated sensor types automatically. An added recommendation is that
230    * the PAL should deliver the bias data at the same interval that sensor data
231    * is delivered, in order to optimize for power, with the bias data being
232    * delivered first so that nanoapps are easily able to translate sensor data
233    * if necessary. If bias events are not delivered at the same interval as the
234    * sensor data, they should be delivered as close to the corresponding sensor
235    * data as possible to reduce the amount of time nanoapps need to remember
236    * multiple bias updates.
237    *
238    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array provided via getSensors()
239    *     indicating the sensor that must be configured.
240    * @param mode chreSensorConfigureMode enum value specifying which mode the
241    *     sensor must be configured for.
242    * @param intervalNs The interval, in nanoseconds, at which events must be
243    *     generated by the sensor.
244    * @param latencyNs The maximum latency, in nanoseconds, allowed before the
245    *     PAL begins delivery of events. This will control how many events can be
246    *     queued by the sensor before requiring a delivery event.
247    * @return true if the configuration succeeded, false otherwise.
248    */
249   bool (*configureSensor)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex,
250                           enum chreSensorConfigureMode mode,
251                           uint64_t intervalNs, uint64_t latencyNs);
253   /**
254    * Issues a request to flush all samples stored for batching. The PAL
255    * implementation is expected to unconditionally issue this request for the
256    * given sensor. The CHRE framework will ensure that it must have an active,
257    * powered, batching request issued through configureSensor before invoking
258    * this method.
259    *
260    * It's strongly recommended that PAL implementations support request IDs per
261    * flush request to allow the framework to issue multiple flush requests per
262    * sensor and remove the need for queueing in CHRE.
263    *
264    * Once the PAL accepts the flush request, it's required that the earlier
265    * provided flushCompleteCallback() will be invoked once the flush request
266    * has completed. The PAL is responsible for not allowing more than
267    * CHRE_SENSOR_FLUSH_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_NS to pass after this flush request has
268    * been issued before invoking the flushCompleteCallback(). If more than
269    * CHRE_SENSOR_FLUSH_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_NS pass, the PAL is required to invoke
270    * flushCompleteCallback() with an errorCode value of CHRE_ERROR_TIMEOUT to
271    * allow the CHRE framework to recover from the timeout.
272    *
273    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array provided via getSensors()
274    *     indicating the sensor that must have its samples flushed
275    * @param flushRequestId A pointer where a UID will be stored identify this
276    *     flush request. Must be set to
277    *     CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_FLUSH_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST_ID if request IDs are not
278    *     supported by this PAL. This value must be passed into
279    *     flushCompleteCallback() when the flush request is completed.
280    * @return true if the request was accepted for processing, false otherwise.
281    *
282    * @see chreSensorFlushAsync
283    */
284   bool (*flush)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex, uint32_t *flushRequestId);
286   /**
287    * Configures the reception of bias events for the specified sensor.
288    *
289    * It's required that this implementation meets the same requirements as
290    * chreSensorConfigureBiasEvents() with one key difference:
291    * - The framework will only enable bias events for a given sensor after it
292    *   has placed an active request through configureSensor() and will ensure
293    *   bias events are not enabled for sensors that don't have an active request
294    *   in place.
295    *
296    * Additionally, as specified for configureSensor(), it is recommended that
297    * the PAL should deliver the bias data at the same interval that sensor data
298    * is delivered, in order to optimize for power, with the bias data being
299    * delivered first so that nanoapps are easily able to translate sensor data
300    * if necessary. If bias events are not delivered at the same interval as the
301    * sensor data, they should be delivered as close to the corresponding sensor
302    * data as possible to reduce the amount of time nanoapps need to remember
303    * multiple bias updates.
304    *
305    * Once bias delivery is enabled for a given sensor, the PAL is required to
306    * invoke biasEventCallback() with the latest bias and any future bias updates
307    * received from the sensor.
308    *
309    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array provided via getSensors()
310    *     indicating the sensor that bias events must be enabled / disabled for
311    * @param enable whether to enable or disable bias event delivery
312    * @param latencyNs The maximum latency, in nanoseconds, allowed before the
313    *     PAL begins delivery of events. This will control how many events can be
314    *     queued before requiring a delivery event. This value will match
315    *     the latency requested for sensor data through configureSensor()
316    */
317   bool (*configureBiasEvents)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex, bool enable,
318                               uint64_t latencyNs);
320   /**
321    * Synchronously provides the most recent bias info available for a sensor.
322    *
323    * The implementation of this function must meet the same requirements as
324    * specified for chreSensorGetThreeAxisBias().
325    *
326    * @param sensorInfoIndex The index into the array provided via getSensors()
327    *     indicating the sensor that bias info must be returned for
328    * @param bias A pointer to where the bias will be stored
329    * @return true if the bias was successfully stored, false if the
330    *    sensorInfoIndex is invalid or the sensor doesn't support three axis bias
331    *    delivery
332    */
333   bool (*getThreeAxisBias)(uint32_t sensorInfoIndex,
334                            struct chreSensorThreeAxisData *bias);
336   /**
337    * Invoked when the core CHRE system no longer needs a status update event
338    * that was provided via dataEventCallback()
339    *
340    * @param data Sensor data to release
341    */
342   void (*releaseSensorDataEvent)(void *data);
344   /**
345    * Invoked when the core CHRE system no longer needs a status update event
346    * that was provided via samplingStatusUpdateCallback()
347    *
348    * @param status Sampling status update to release
349    */
350   void (*releaseSamplingStatusEvent)(struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status);
352   /**
353    * Invoked when the core CHRE system no longer needs a bias event that was
354    * provided via biasEventCallback()
355    *
356    * @param bias Bias data to release
357    */
358   void (*releaseBiasEvent)(void *bias);
359 };
361 /**
362  * Retrieve a handle for the CHRE sensor PAL.
363  *
364  * @param requestedApiVersion The implementation of this function must return a
365  *        pointer to a structure with the same major version as requested.
366  * @return Pointer to API handle, or NULL if a compatible API version is not
367  *         supported by the module, or the API as a whole is not implemented. If
368  *         non-NULL, the returned API handle must be valid as long as this
369  *         module is loaded.
370  */
371 const struct chrePalSensorApi *chrePalSensorGetApi(
372     uint32_t requestedApiVersion);
374 #ifdef __cplusplus
375 }
376 #endif
378 #endif  // CHRE_PAL_SENSOR_H_