1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# vim: set syntax=python ts=4 :
4# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 Intel Corporation
5# Copyright 2022 NXP
6# Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited (or its affiliates). All rights reserved.
8# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
10import argparse
11import json
12import logging
13import os
14import re
15import shutil
16import subprocess
17import sys
18from collections.abc import Generator
19from datetime import datetime, timezone
20from importlib import metadata
21from pathlib import Path
23import zephyr_module
24from twisterlib.constants import SUPPORTED_SIMS
25from twisterlib.coverage import supported_coverage_formats
26from twisterlib.error import TwisterRuntimeError
27from twisterlib.log_helper import log_command
29logger = logging.getLogger('twister')
32ZEPHYR_BASE = os.getenv("ZEPHYR_BASE")
33if not ZEPHYR_BASE:
34    sys.exit("$ZEPHYR_BASE environment variable undefined")
36# Use this for internal comparisons; that's what canonicalization is
37# for. Don't use it when invoking other components of the build system
38# to avoid confusing and hard to trace inconsistencies in error messages
39# and logs, generated Makefiles, etc. compared to when users invoke these
40# components directly.
41# Note "normalization" is different from canonicalization, see os.path.
42canonical_zephyr_base = os.path.realpath(ZEPHYR_BASE)
45def _get_installed_packages() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
46    """Return list of installed python packages."""
47    for dist in metadata.distributions():
48        yield dist.metadata['Name']
51def python_version_guard():
52    min_ver = (3, 10)
53    if sys.version_info < min_ver:
54        min_ver_str = '.'.join([str(v) for v in min_ver])
55        cur_ver_line = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}"
56        print(f"Unsupported Python version {cur_ver_line}.")
57        print(f"Currently, Twister requires at least Python {min_ver_str}.")
58        print("Install a newer Python version and retry.")
59        sys.exit(1)
62installed_packages: list[str] = list(_get_installed_packages())
63PYTEST_PLUGIN_INSTALLED = 'pytest-twister-harness' in installed_packages
66def norm_path(astring):
67    newstring = os.path.normpath(astring).replace(os.sep, '/')
68    return newstring
71def add_parse_arguments(parser = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
72    if parser is None:
73        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
74            description=__doc__,
75            formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
76            allow_abbrev=False)
77    parser.fromfile_prefix_chars = "+"
79    case_select = parser.add_argument_group("Test case selection",
80                                            """
81Artificially long but functional example:
82    $ ./scripts/twister -v     \\
83      --testsuite-root tests/ztest/base    \\
84      --testsuite-root tests/kernel   \\
85      --test      tests/ztest/base/testing.ztest.verbose_0  \\
86      --test      tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_api/kernel.fifo
88   "kernel.fifo.poll" is one of the test section names in
89                                 __/fifo_api/testcase.yaml
90    """)
92    test_plan_report = parser.add_argument_group(
93        title="Test plan reporting",
94        description="Report the composed test plan details and exit (dry-run)."
95    )
97    test_plan_report_xor = test_plan_report.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
99    platform_group_option = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
101    run_group_option = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
103    device = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
105    test_or_build = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
107    test_xor_subtest = case_select.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
109    test_xor_generator = case_select.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
111    valgrind_asan_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
113    footprint_group = parser.add_argument_group(
114       title="Memory footprint",
115       description="Collect and report ROM/RAM size footprint for the test instance images built.")
117    coverage_group = parser.add_argument_group(
118        title="Code coverage",
119        description="Build with code coverage support, collect code coverage statistics "
120                    "executing tests, compose code coverage report at the end.\n"
121                    "Effective for devices with 'HAS_COVERAGE_SUPPORT'.")
123    test_plan_report_xor.add_argument(
124        "-E",
125        "--save-tests",
126        metavar="FILENAME",
127        action="store",
128        help="Write a list of tests and platforms to be run to %(metavar)s file and stop execution."
129             " The resulting file will have the same content as 'testplan.json'."
130    )
132    case_select.add_argument(
133        "-F",
134        "--load-tests",
135        metavar="FILENAME",
136        action="store",
137        help="Load a list of tests and platforms to be run"
138             "from a JSON file ('testplan.json' schema)."
139    )
141    case_select.add_argument(
142        "-T", "--testsuite-root", action="append", default=[], type = norm_path,
143        help="Base directory to recursively search for test cases. All "
144             "testcase.yaml files under here will be processed. May be "
145             "called multiple times. Defaults to the 'samples/' and "
146             "'tests/' directories at the base of the Zephyr tree.")
148    case_select.add_argument(
149        "-f",
150        "--only-failed",
151        action="store_true",
152        help="Run only those tests that failed the previous twister run "
153             "invocation.")
155    test_plan_report_xor.add_argument("--list-tests", action="store_true",
156                             help="""List of all sub-test functions recursively found in
157        all --testsuite-root arguments. The output is flattened and reports detailed
158        sub-test names without their directories.
159        Note: sub-test names can share the same test scenario identifier prefix
160        (section.subsection) even if they are from different test projects.
161        """)
163    test_plan_report_xor.add_argument("--test-tree", action="store_true",
164                             help="""Output the test plan in a tree form.""")
166    platform_group_option.add_argument(
167        "-G",
168        "--integration",
169        action="store_true",
170        help="Run integration tests")
172    platform_group_option.add_argument(
173        "--emulation-only", action="store_true",
174        help="Only build and run emulation platforms")
176    run_group_option.add_argument(
177        "--device-testing", action="store_true",
178        help="Test on device directly. Specify the serial device to "
179             "use with the --device-serial option.")
181    run_group_option.add_argument("--generate-hardware-map",
182                        help="""Probe serial devices connected to this platform
183                        and create a hardware map file to be used with
184                        --device-testing
185                        """)
187    run_group_option.add_argument(
188        "--simulation", dest="sim_name", choices=SUPPORTED_SIMS,
189        help="Selects which simulation to use. Must match one of the names defined in the board's "
190             "manifest. If multiple simulator are specified in the selected board and this "
191             "argument is not passed, then the first simulator is selected.")
194    device.add_argument("--device-serial",
195                        help="""Serial device for accessing the board
196                        (e.g., /dev/ttyACM0)
197                        """)
199    device.add_argument("--device-serial-pty",
200                        help="""Script for controlling pseudoterminal.
201                        Twister believes that it interacts with a terminal
202                        when it actually interacts with the script.
204                        E.g "twister --device-testing
205                        --device-serial-pty <script>
206                        """)
208    device.add_argument("--hardware-map",
209                        help="""Load hardware map from a file. This will be used
210                        for testing on hardware that is listed in the file.
211                        """)
213    parser.add_argument("--device-flash-timeout", type=int, default=60,
214                        help="""Set timeout for the device flash operation in seconds.
215                        """)
217    parser.add_argument("--device-flash-with-test", action="store_true",
218                        help="""Add a test case timeout to the flash operation timeout
219                        when flash operation also executes test case on the platform.
220                        """)
222    parser.add_argument("--flash-before", action="store_true", default=False,
223                        help="""Flash device before attaching to serial port.
224                        This is useful for devices that share the same port for programming
225                        and serial console, or use soft-USB, where flash must come first.
226                        """)
228    test_or_build.add_argument(
229        "-b",
230        "--build-only",
231        action="store_true",
232        default="--prep-artifacts-for-testing" in sys.argv,
233        help="Only build the code, do not attempt to run the code on targets."
234    )
236    test_or_build.add_argument(
237        "--prep-artifacts-for-testing", action="store_true",
238        help="Generate artifacts for testing, do not attempt to run the"
239              "code on targets.")
241    parser.add_argument(
242        "--package-artifacts",
243        help="Package artifacts needed for flashing in a file to be used with --test-only"
244        )
246    test_or_build.add_argument(
247        "--test-only", action="store_true",
248        help="""Only run device tests with current artifacts, do not build
249             the code""")
251    parser.add_argument("--timeout-multiplier", type=float, default=1,
252        help="""Globally adjust tests timeouts by specified multiplier. The resulting test
253        timeout would be multiplication of test timeout value, board-level timeout multiplier
254        and global timeout multiplier (this parameter)""")
256    test_xor_subtest.add_argument(
257        "-s", "--test", "--scenario", action="append", type = norm_path,
258        help="""Run only the specified test suite scenario. These are named by
259        'path/relative/to/Zephyr/base/section.subsection_in_testcase_yaml',
260        or just 'section.subsection' identifier. With '--testsuite-root' option
261        the scenario will be found faster.
262        """)
264    test_xor_subtest.add_argument(
265        "--sub-test", action="append",
266        help="""Recursively find sub-test functions (test cases) and run the entire
267        test scenario (section.subsection) where they were found, including all sibling test
268        functions. Sub-tests are named by:
269        'section.subsection_in_testcase_yaml.ztest_suite.ztest_without_test_prefix'.
270        Example_1: 'kernel.fifo.fifo_api_1cpu.fifo_loop' where 'kernel.fifo' is a test scenario
271        name (section.subsection) and 'fifo_api_1cpu.fifo_loop' is a Ztest 'suite_name.test_name'.
272        Example_2: 'debug.coredump.logging_backend' is a standalone test scenario name.
273        Note: This selection mechanism works only for Ztest suite and test function names in
274        the source files which are not generated by macro-substitutions.
275        Note: With --no-detailed-test-id use only Ztest names without scenario name.
276        """)
278    parser.add_argument(
279        "--pytest-args", action="append",
280        help="""Pass additional arguments to the pytest subprocess. This parameter
281        will extend the pytest_args from the harness_config in YAML file.
282        """)
284    parser.add_argument(
285        "--ctest-args", action="append",
286        help="""Pass additional arguments to the ctest subprocess. This parameter
287        will extend the ctest_args from the harness_config in YAML file.
288        """)
290    valgrind_asan_group.add_argument(
291        "--enable-valgrind", action="store_true",
292        help="""Run binary through valgrind and check for several memory access
293        errors. Valgrind needs to be installed on the host. This option only
294        works with host binaries such as those generated for the native_sim
295        configuration and is mutual exclusive with --enable-asan.
296        """)
298    valgrind_asan_group.add_argument(
299        "--enable-asan", action="store_true",
300        help="""Enable address sanitizer to check for several memory access
301        errors. Libasan needs to be installed on the host. This option only
302        works with host binaries such as those generated for the native_sim
303        configuration and is mutual exclusive with --enable-valgrind.
304        """)
306    # Start of individual args place them in alpha-beta order
308    board_root_list = [f"{ZEPHYR_BASE}/boards", f"{ZEPHYR_BASE}/subsys/testsuite/boards"]
310    modules = zephyr_module.parse_modules(ZEPHYR_BASE)
311    for module in modules:
312        board_root = module.meta.get("build", {}).get("settings", {}).get("board_root")
313        if board_root:
314            board_root_list.append(os.path.join(module.project, board_root, "boards"))
316    parser.add_argument(
317        "-A", "--board-root", action="append", default=board_root_list,
318        help="""Directory to search for board configuration files. All .yaml
319files in the directory will be processed. The directory should have the same
320structure in the main Zephyr tree: boards/<vendor>/<board_name>/""")
322    parser.add_argument(
323        "--allow-installed-plugin", action="store_true", default=None,
324        help="Allow to use pytest plugin installed by pip for pytest tests."
325    )
327    parser.add_argument(
328        "-a", "--arch", action="append",
329        help="Arch filter for testing. Takes precedence over --platform. "
330             "If unspecified, test all arches. Multiple invocations "
331             "are treated as a logical 'or' relationship")
333    parser.add_argument(
334        "-B", "--subset",
335        help="Only run a subset of the tests, 1/4 for running the first 25%%, "
336             "3/5 means run the 3rd fifth of the total. "
337             "This option is useful when running a large number of tests on "
338             "different hosts to speed up execution time.")
340    parser.add_argument(
341        "--shuffle-tests", action="store_true", default=None,
342        help="""Shuffle test execution order to get randomly distributed tests across subsets.
343                Used only when --subset is provided.""")
345    parser.add_argument(
346        "--shuffle-tests-seed", action="store", default=None,
347        help="""Seed value for random generator used to shuffle tests.
348                If not provided, seed in generated by system.
349                Used only when --shuffle-tests is provided.""")
351    parser.add_argument(
352        "-c", "--clobber-output", action="store_true",
353        help="Cleaning the output directory will simply delete it instead "
354             "of the default policy of renaming.")
356    parser.add_argument(
357        "--cmake-only", action="store_true",
358        help="Only run cmake, do not build or run.")
360    coverage_group.add_argument("--enable-coverage", action="store_true",
361                     help="Enable code coverage collection using gcov.")
363    coverage_group.add_argument("-C", "--coverage", action="store_true",
364                     help="Generate coverage reports. Implies "
365                          "--enable-coverage to collect the coverage data first.")
367    coverage_group.add_argument("--gcov-tool", type=Path, default=None,
368                     help="Path to the 'gcov' tool to use for code coverage reports. "
369                          "By default it will be chosen in the following order:"
370                          " using ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT ('llvm': from LLVM_TOOLCHAIN_PATH),"
371                          " gcov installed on the host - for 'native' or 'unit' platform types,"
372                          " using ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR.")
374    coverage_group.add_argument("--coverage-basedir", default=ZEPHYR_BASE,
375                    help="Base source directory for coverage report.")
377    coverage_group.add_argument("--coverage-platform", action="append", default=[],
378                    help="Platforms to run coverage reports on. "
379                         "This option may be used multiple times. "
380                         "Default to what was selected with --platform.")
382    coverage_group.add_argument("--coverage-tool", choices=['lcov', 'gcovr'], default='gcovr',
383                    help="Tool to use to generate coverage reports (%(default)s - default).")
385    coverage_group.add_argument("--coverage-formats", action="store", default=None,
386                    help="Output formats to use for generated coverage reports " +
387                         "as a comma-separated list without spaces. " +
388                         "Valid options for 'gcovr' tool are: " +
389                         ','.join(supported_coverage_formats['gcovr']) + " (html - default)." +
390                         " Valid options for 'lcov' tool are: " +
391                         ','.join(supported_coverage_formats['lcov']) + " (html,lcov - default).")
393    coverage_group.add_argument("--coverage-per-instance", action="store_true", default=False,
394                help="""Compose individual coverage reports for each test suite
395                        when coverage reporting is enabled; it might run in addition to
396                        the default aggregation mode which produces one coverage report for
397                        all executed test suites. Default: %(default)s""")
399    coverage_group.add_argument("--disable-coverage-aggregation",
400                action="store_true", default=False,
401                help="""Don't aggregate coverage report statistics for all the test suites
402                        selected to run with enabled coverage. Requires another reporting mode to be
403                        active (`--coverage-per-instance`) to have at least one of these reporting
404                        modes. Default: %(default)s""")
406    parser.add_argument(
407        "--test-config",
408        action="store",
409        default=os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "tests", "test_config.yaml"),
410        help="Path to file with plans and test configurations."
411    )
413    parser.add_argument("--level", action="store",
414        help="Test level to be used. By default, no levels are used for filtering"
415             "and do the selection based on existing filters.")
417    parser.add_argument(
418        "--device-serial-baud", action="store", default=None,
419        help="Serial device baud rate (default 115200)")
421    parser.add_argument(
422        "--disable-suite-name-check", action="store_true", default=False,
423        help="Disable extended test suite name verification at the beginning "
424             "of Ztest test. This option could be useful for tests or "
425             "platforms, which from some reasons cannot print early logs.")
427    parser.add_argument("-e", "--exclude-tag", action="append",
428                        help="Specify tags of tests that should not run. "
429                             "Default is to run all tests with all tags.")
431    parser.add_argument(
432        "--enable-lsan", action="store_true",
433        help="""Enable leak sanitizer to check for heap memory leaks.
434        Libasan needs to be installed on the host. This option only
435        works with host binaries such as those generated for the native_sim
436        configuration and when --enable-asan is given.
437        """)
439    parser.add_argument(
440        "--enable-ubsan", action="store_true",
441        help="""Enable undefined behavior sanitizer to check for undefined
442        behaviour during program execution. It uses an optional runtime library
443        to provide better error diagnostics. This option only works with host
444        binaries such as those generated for the native_sim configuration.
445        """)
447    parser.add_argument(
448        "--filter", choices=['buildable', 'runnable'],
449        default='runnable' if "--device-testing" in sys.argv else 'buildable',
450        help="""Filter tests to be built and executed. By default everything is
451        built and if a test is runnable (emulation or a connected device), it
452        is run. This option allows for example to only build tests that can
453        actually be run. Runnable is a subset of buildable.""")
455    parser.add_argument("--force-color", action="store_true",
456                        help="Always output ANSI color escape sequences "
457                             "even when the output is redirected (not a tty)")
459    parser.add_argument("--force-toolchain", action="store_true",
460                        help="Do not filter based on toolchain, use the set "
461                             " toolchain unconditionally")
463    footprint_group.add_argument(
464        "--create-rom-ram-report",
465        action="store_true",
466        help="Generate detailed json reports with ROM/RAM symbol sizes for each test image built "
467             "using additional build option `--target footprint`.")
469    footprint_group.add_argument(
470        "--footprint-report",
471        nargs="?",
472        default=None,
473        choices=['all', 'ROM', 'RAM'],
474        const="all",
475        help="Select which memory area symbols' data to collect as 'footprint' property "
476             "of each test suite built, and report in 'twister_footprint.json' together "
477             "with the relevant execution metadata the same way as in `twister.json`. "
478             "Implies '--create-rom-ram-report' to generate the footprint data files. "
479             "No value means '%(const)s'. Default: %(default)s""")
481    footprint_group.add_argument(
482        "--enable-size-report",
483        action="store_true",
484        help="Collect and report ROM/RAM section sizes for each test image built.")
486    parser.add_argument(
487        "--disable-unrecognized-section-test",
488        action="store_true",
489        default=False,
490        help="Don't error on unrecognized sections in the binary images.")
492    footprint_group.add_argument(
493        "--footprint-from-buildlog",
494        action = "store_true",
495        help="Take ROM/RAM sections footprint summary values from the 'build.log' "
496             "instead of 'objdump' results used otherwise."
497             "Requires --enable-size-report or one of the baseline comparison modes."
498             "Warning: the feature will not work correctly with sysbuild.")
500    compare_group_option = footprint_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
502    compare_group_option.add_argument(
503        "-m", "--last-metrics",
504        action="store_true",
505        help="Compare footprints to the previous twister invocation as a baseline "
506             "running in the same output directory. "
507             "Implies --enable-size-report option.")
509    compare_group_option.add_argument(
510        "--compare-report",
511        help="Use this report file as a baseline for footprint comparison. "
512             "The file should be of 'twister.json' schema. "
513             "Implies --enable-size-report option.")
515    footprint_group.add_argument(
516        "--show-footprint",
517        action="store_true",
518        help="With footprint comparison to a baseline, log ROM/RAM section deltas. ")
520    footprint_group.add_argument(
521        "-H", "--footprint-threshold",
522        type=float,
523        default=5.0,
524        help="With footprint comparison to a baseline, "
525             "warn the user for any of the footprint metric change which is greater or equal "
526             "to the specified percentage value. "
527             "Default is %(default)s for %(default)s%% delta from the new footprint value. "
528             "Use zero to warn on any footprint metric increase.")
530    footprint_group.add_argument(
531        "-D", "--all-deltas",
532        action="store_true",
533        help="With footprint comparison to a baseline, "
534             "warn on any footprint change, increase or decrease. "
535             "Implies --footprint-threshold=0")
537    footprint_group.add_argument(
538        "-z", "--size",
539        action="append",
540        metavar='FILENAME',
541        help="Ignore all other command line options and just produce a report to "
542             "stdout with ROM/RAM section sizes on the specified binary images.")
544    parser.add_argument(
545        "-i", "--inline-logs", action="store_true",
546        help="Upon test failure, print relevant log data to stdout "
547             "instead of just a path to it.")
549    parser.add_argument("--ignore-platform-key", action="store_true",
550                        help="Do not filter based on platform key")
552    parser.add_argument(
553        "-j", "--jobs", type=int,
554        help="Number of jobs for building, defaults to number of CPU threads, "
555             "overcommitted by factor 2 when --build-only.")
557    parser.add_argument(
558        "-K", "--force-platform", action="store_true",
559        help="""Force testing on selected platforms,
560        even if they are excluded in the test configuration (testcase.yaml)."""
561    )
563    parser.add_argument(
564        "-l", "--all", action="store_true",
565        help="Build/test on all platforms. Any --platform arguments "
566             "ignored.")
568    test_plan_report_xor.add_argument("--list-tags", action="store_true",
569                        help="List all tags occurring in selected tests.")
571    parser.add_argument("--log-file", metavar="FILENAME", action="store",
572                        help="Specify a file where to save logs.")
574    parser.add_argument(
575        "-M", "--runtime-artifact-cleanup", choices=['pass', 'all'],
576        default=None, const='pass', nargs='?',
577        help="""Cleanup test artifacts. The default behavior is 'pass'
578        which only removes artifacts of passing tests. If you wish to
579        remove all artificats including those of failed tests, use 'all'.""")
581    parser.add_argument(
582        "--keep-artifacts", action="append", default=[],
583        help="""Keep specified artifacts when cleaning up at runtime. Multiple invocations
584        are possible."""
585    )
586    test_xor_generator.add_argument(
587        "-N", "--ninja", action="store_true",
588        default=not any(a in sys.argv for a in ("-k", "--make")),
589        help="Use the Ninja generator with CMake. (This is the default)")
591    test_xor_generator.add_argument(
592        "-k", "--make", action="store_true",
593        help="Use the unix Makefile generator with CMake.")
595    parser.add_argument(
596        "-n", "--no-clean", action="store_true",
597        help="Re-use the outdir before building. Will result in "
598             "faster compilation since builds will be incremental.")
600    parser.add_argument(
601        "--aggressive-no-clean", action="store_true",
602        help="Re-use the outdir before building and do not re-run cmake. Will result in "
603             "much faster compilation since builds will be incremental. This option might "
604             " result in build failures and inconsistencies if dependencies change or when "
605             " applied on a significantly changed code base. Use on your own "
606             " risk. It is recommended to only use this option for local "
607             " development and when testing localized change in a subsystem.")
609    parser.add_argument(
610        '--detailed-test-id', action='store_true',
611        help="Compose each test Suite name from its configuration path (relative to root) and "
612             "the appropriate Scenario name using PATH_TO_TEST_CONFIG/SCENARIO_NAME schema. "
613             "Also (for Ztest only), prefix each test Case name with its Scenario name. "
614             "For example: 'kernel.common.timing' Scenario with test Suite name "
615             "'tests/kernel/sleep/kernel.common.timing' and 'kernel.common.timing.sleep.usleep' "
616             "test Case (where 'sleep' is its Ztest suite name and 'usleep' is Ztest test name.")
618    parser.add_argument(
619        "--no-detailed-test-id", dest='detailed_test_id', action="store_false",
620        help="Don't prefix each test Suite name with its configuration path, "
621             "so it is the same as the appropriate Scenario name. "
622             "Also (for Ztest only), don't prefix each Ztest Case name with its Scenario name. "
623             "For example: 'kernel.common.timing' Scenario name, the same Suite name, "
624             "and 'sleep.usleep' test Case (where 'sleep' is its Ztest suite name "
625             "and 'usleep' is Ztest test name.")
627    # Include paths in names by default.
628    parser.set_defaults(detailed_test_id=True)
630    parser.add_argument(
631        "--detailed-skipped-report", action="store_true",
632        help="Generate a detailed report with all skipped test cases"
633             "including those that are filtered based on testsuite definition."
634        )
636    parser.add_argument(
637        "-O", "--outdir",
638        default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "twister-out"),
639        help="Output directory for logs and binaries. "
640             "Default is 'twister-out' in the current directory. "
641             "This directory will be cleaned unless '--no-clean' is set. "
642             "The '--clobber-output' option controls what cleaning does.")
644    parser.add_argument(
645        "-o", "--report-dir",
646        help="""Output reports containing results of the test run into the
647        specified directory.
648        The output will be both in JSON and JUNIT format
649        (twister.json and twister.xml).
650        """)
652    parser.add_argument("--overflow-as-errors", action="store_true",
653                        help="Treat RAM/SRAM overflows as errors.")
655    parser.add_argument("--report-filtered", action="store_true",
656                        help="Include filtered tests in the reports.")
658    parser.add_argument("-P", "--exclude-platform", action="append", default=[],
659            help="""Exclude platforms and do not build or run any tests
660            on those platforms. This option can be called multiple times.
661            """
662            )
664    parser.add_argument("--persistent-hardware-map", action='store_true',
665                        help="""With --generate-hardware-map, tries to use
666                        persistent names for serial devices on platforms
667                        that support this feature (currently only Linux).
668                        """)
670    parser.add_argument(
671            "--vendor", action="append", default=[],
672            help="Vendor filter for testing")
674    parser.add_argument(
675        "-p", "--platform", action="append", default=[],
676        help="Platform filter for testing. This option may be used multiple "
677             "times. Test suites will only be built/run on the platforms "
678             "specified. If this option is not used, then platforms marked "
679             "as default in the platform metadata file will be chosen "
680             "to build and test. ")
682    parser.add_argument(
683        "--platform-reports", action="store_true",
684        help="""Create individual reports for each platform.
685        """)
687    parser.add_argument("--pre-script",
688                        help="""specify a pre script. This will be executed
689                        before device handler open serial port and invoke runner.
690                        """)
692    parser.add_argument(
693        "--quarantine-list",
694        action="append",
695        metavar="FILENAME",
696        help="Load list of test scenarios under quarantine. The entries in "
697             "the file need to correspond to the test scenarios names as in "
698             "corresponding tests .yaml files. These scenarios "
699             "will be skipped with quarantine as the reason.")
701    parser.add_argument(
702        "--quarantine-verify",
703        action="store_true",
704        help="Use the list of test scenarios under quarantine and run them"
705             "to verify their current status.")
707    parser.add_argument(
708        "--quit-on-failure",
709        action="store_true",
710        help="""quit twister once there is build / run failure
711        """)
713    parser.add_argument(
714        "--report-name",
715        help="""Create a report with a custom name.
716        """)
718    parser.add_argument(
719        "--report-summary", action="store", nargs='?', type=int, const=0,
720        help="Show failed/error report from latest run. Default shows all items found. "
721             "However, you can specify the number of items (e.g. --report-summary 15). "
722             "It also works well with the --outdir switch.")
724    parser.add_argument(
725        "--report-suffix",
726        help="""Add a suffix to all generated file names, for example to add a
727        version or a commit ID.
728        """)
730    parser.add_argument(
731        "--report-all-options", action="store_true",
732        help="""Show all command line options applied, including defaults, as
733        environment.options object in twister.json. Default: show only non-default settings.
734        """)
736    parser.add_argument(
737        "--retry-failed", type=int, default=0,
738        help="Retry failing tests again, up to the number of times specified.")
740    parser.add_argument(
741        "--retry-interval", type=int, default=60,
742        help="Retry failing tests after specified period of time.")
744    parser.add_argument(
745        "--retry-build-errors", action="store_true",
746        help="Retry build errors as well.")
748    parser.add_argument(
749        "-S", "--enable-slow", action="store_true",
750        default="--enable-slow-only" in sys.argv,
751        help="Execute time-consuming test cases that have been marked "
752             "as 'slow' in testcase.yaml. Normally these are only built.")
754    parser.add_argument(
755        "--enable-slow-only", action="store_true",
756        help="Execute time-consuming test cases that have been marked "
757             "as 'slow' in testcase.yaml only. This also set the option --enable-slow")
759    parser.add_argument(
760        "--seed", type=int,
761        help="Seed for native_sim pseudo-random number generator")
763    parser.add_argument(
764        "--short-build-path",
765        action="store_true",
766        help="Create shorter build directory paths based on symbolic links. "
767             "The shortened build path will be used by CMake for generating "
768             "the build system and executing the build. Use this option if "
769             "you experience build failures related to path length, for "
770             "example on Windows OS. This option can be used only with "
771             "'--ninja' argument (to use Ninja build generator).")
773    parser.add_argument(
774        "-t", "--tag", action="append",
775        help="Specify tags to restrict which tests to run by tag value. "
776             "Default is to not do any tag filtering. Multiple invocations "
777             "are treated as a logical 'or' relationship.")
779    parser.add_argument("--timestamps",
780                        action="store_true",
781                        help="Print all messages with time stamps.")
783    parser.add_argument(
784        "-u",
785        "--no-update",
786        action="store_true",
787         help="Do not update the results of the last run. This option "
788              "is only useful when reusing the same output directory of "
789              "twister, for example when re-running failed tests with --only-failed "
790              "or --no-clean. This option is for debugging purposes only.")
792    parser.add_argument(
793        "-v",
794        "--verbose",
795        action="count",
796        default=0,
797        help="Call multiple times to increase verbosity.")
799    parser.add_argument(
800        "-ll",
801        "--log-level",
802        type=str.upper,
803        default='INFO',
804        choices=['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'],
805        help="Select the threshold event severity for which you'd like to receive logs in console."
806             " Default is INFO.")
808    parser.add_argument("-W", "--disable-warnings-as-errors", action="store_true",
809                        help="Do not treat warning conditions as errors.")
811    parser.add_argument(
812        "--west-flash", nargs='?', const=[],
813        help="""Uses west instead of ninja or make to flash when running with
814             --device-testing. Supports comma-separated argument list.
816        E.g "twister --device-testing --device-serial /dev/ttyACM0
817                         --west-flash="--board-id=foobar,--erase"
818        will translate to "west flash -- --board-id=foobar --erase"
820        NOTE: device-testing must be enabled to use this option.
821        """
822    )
823    parser.add_argument(
824        "--west-runner",
825        help="""Uses the specified west runner instead of default when running
826             with --west-flash.
828        E.g "twister --device-testing --device-serial /dev/ttyACM0
829                         --west-flash --west-runner=pyocd"
830        will translate to "west flash --runner pyocd"
832        NOTE: west-flash must be enabled to use this option.
833        """
834    )
836    parser.add_argument(
837        "-X", "--fixture", action="append", default=[],
838        help="Specify a fixture that a board might support.")
840    parser.add_argument(
841        "-x", "--extra-args", action="append", default=[],
842        help="""Extra CMake cache entries to define when building test cases.
843        May be called multiple times. The key-value entries will be
844        prefixed with -D before being passed to CMake.
845        E.g
846        "twister -x=USE_CCACHE=0"
847        will translate to
848        "cmake -DUSE_CCACHE=0"
849        which will ultimately disable ccache.
850        """
851    )
853    parser.add_argument(
854        "-y", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
855        help="""Create the filtered list of test cases, but don't actually
856        run them. Useful if you're just interested in the test plan
857        generated for every run and saved in the specified output
858        directory (testplan.json).
859        """)
861    parser.add_argument("extra_test_args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
862        help="Additional args following a '--' are passed to the test binary")
864    parser.add_argument("--alt-config-root", action="append", default=[],
865        help="Alternative test configuration root/s. When a test is found, "
866             "Twister will check if a test configuration file exist in any of "
867             "the alternative test configuration root folders. For example, "
868             "given $test_root/tests/foo/testcase.yaml, Twister will use "
869             "$alt_config_root/tests/foo/testcase.yaml if it exists")
871    return parser
874def parse_arguments(
875    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
876    args,
877    options = None,
878    on_init=True
879) -> argparse.Namespace:
880    if options is None:
881        options = parser.parse_args(args)
883    # Very early error handling
884    if options.short_build_path and not options.ninja:
885        logger.error("--short-build-path requires Ninja to be enabled")
886        sys.exit(1)
888    if options.device_serial_pty and os.name == "nt":  # OS is Windows
889        logger.error("--device-serial-pty is not supported on Windows OS")
890        sys.exit(1)
892    if options.west_runner and options.west_flash is None:
893        logger.error("west-runner requires west-flash to be enabled")
894        sys.exit(1)
896    if options.west_flash and not options.device_testing:
897        logger.error("west-flash requires device-testing to be enabled")
898        sys.exit(1)
900    if not options.testsuite_root:
901        # if we specify a test scenario which is part of a suite directly, do
902        # not set testsuite root to default, just point to the test directory
903        # directly.
904        if options.test:
905            for scenario in options.test:
906                if dirname := os.path.dirname(scenario):
907                    options.testsuite_root.append(dirname)
909        # check again and make sure we have something set
910        if not options.testsuite_root:
911            options.testsuite_root = [os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "tests"),
912                                     os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "samples")]
914    if options.last_metrics or options.compare_report:
915        options.enable_size_report = True
917    if options.footprint_report:
918        options.create_rom_ram_report = True
920    if options.aggressive_no_clean:
921        options.no_clean = True
923    if options.coverage:
924        options.enable_coverage = True
926    if options.enable_coverage and not options.coverage_platform:
927        options.coverage_platform = options.platform
929    if (
930        (not options.coverage)
931        and (options.disable_coverage_aggregation or options.coverage_per_instance)
932    ):
933        logger.error("Enable coverage reporting to set its aggregation mode.")
934        sys.exit(1)
936    if (
937        options.coverage
938        and options.disable_coverage_aggregation and (not options.coverage_per_instance)
939    ):
940        logger.error("At least one coverage reporting mode should be enabled: "
941                     "either aggregation, or per-instance, or both.")
942        sys.exit(1)
944    if options.coverage_formats:
945        for coverage_format in options.coverage_formats.split(','):
946            if coverage_format not in supported_coverage_formats[options.coverage_tool]:
947                logger.error(f"Unsupported coverage report formats:'{options.coverage_formats}' "
948                             f"for {options.coverage_tool}")
949                sys.exit(1)
951    if options.enable_valgrind and not shutil.which("valgrind"):
952        logger.error("valgrind enabled but valgrind executable not found")
953        sys.exit(1)
955    if (
956        (not options.device_testing)
957        and (options.device_serial or options.device_serial_pty or options.hardware_map)
958    ):
959        logger.error(
960            "Use --device-testing with --device-serial, or --device-serial-pty, or --hardware-map."
961        )
962        sys.exit(1)
964    if (
965        options.device_testing
966        and (options.device_serial or options.device_serial_pty) and len(options.platform) != 1
967    ):
968        logger.error("When --device-testing is used with --device-serial "
969                     "or --device-serial-pty, exactly one platform must "
970                     "be specified")
971        sys.exit(1)
973    if options.device_flash_with_test and not options.device_testing:
974        logger.error("--device-flash-with-test requires --device_testing")
975        sys.exit(1)
977    if options.flash_before and options.device_flash_with_test:
978        logger.error("--device-flash-with-test does not apply when --flash-before is used")
979        sys.exit(1)
981    if options.flash_before and options.device_serial_pty:
982        logger.error("--device-serial-pty cannot be used when --flash-before is set (for now)")
983        sys.exit(1)
985    if options.shuffle_tests and options.subset is None:
986        logger.error("--shuffle-tests requires --subset")
987        sys.exit(1)
989    if options.shuffle_tests_seed and options.shuffle_tests is None:
990        logger.error("--shuffle-tests-seed requires --shuffle-tests")
991        sys.exit(1)
993    if options.size:
994        from twisterlib.size_calc import SizeCalculator
995        for fn in options.size:
996            sc = SizeCalculator(fn, [])
997            sc.size_report()
998        sys.exit(0)
1000    if options.footprint_from_buildlog:
1001        logger.warning("WARNING: Using --footprint-from-buildlog will give inconsistent results "
1002                       "for configurations using sysbuild. It is recommended to not use this flag "
1003                       "when building configurations using sysbuild.")
1004        if not options.enable_size_report:
1005            logger.error("--footprint-from-buildlog requires --enable-size-report")
1006            sys.exit(1)
1008    if len(options.extra_test_args) > 0:
1009        # extra_test_args is a list of CLI args that Twister did not recognize
1010        # and are intended to be passed through to the ztest executable. This
1011        # list should begin with a "--". If not, there is some extra
1012        # unrecognized arg(s) that shouldn't be there. Tell the user there is a
1013        # syntax error.
1014        if options.extra_test_args[0] != "--":
1015            try:
1016                double_dash = options.extra_test_args.index("--")
1017            except ValueError:
1018                double_dash = len(options.extra_test_args)
1019            unrecognized = " ".join(options.extra_test_args[0:double_dash])
1021            logger.error(
1022                f"Unrecognized arguments found: '{unrecognized}'."
1023                " Use -- to delineate extra arguments for test binary or pass -h for help."
1024            )
1026            sys.exit(1)
1028        # Strip off the initial "--" following validation.
1029        options.extra_test_args = options.extra_test_args[1:]
1031    if on_init and not options.allow_installed_plugin and PYTEST_PLUGIN_INSTALLED:
1032        logger.error("By default Twister should work without pytest-twister-harness "
1033                     "plugin being installed, so please, uninstall it by "
1034                     "`pip uninstall pytest-twister-harness` and `git clean "
1035                     "-dxf scripts/pylib/pytest-twister-harness`.")
1036        sys.exit(1)
1037    elif on_init and options.allow_installed_plugin and PYTEST_PLUGIN_INSTALLED:
1038        logger.warning("You work with installed version of "
1039                       "pytest-twister-harness plugin.")
1041    return options
1043def strip_ansi_sequences(s: str) -> str:
1044    """Remove ANSI escape sequences from a string."""
1045    return re.sub(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])', "", s)
1047class TwisterEnv:
1049    def __init__(self, options : argparse.Namespace, default_options=None) -> None:
1050        self.version = "Unknown"
1051        self.toolchain = None
1052        self.commit_date = "Unknown"
1053        self.run_date = None
1054        self.options = options
1055        self.default_options = default_options
1057        if options.ninja:
1058            self.generator_cmd = "ninja"
1059            self.generator = "Ninja"
1060        else:
1061            self.generator_cmd = "make"
1062            self.generator = "Unix Makefiles"
1063        logger.info(f"Using {self.generator}..")
1065        self.test_roots = options.testsuite_root
1067        if not isinstance(options.board_root, list):
1068            self.board_roots = [options.board_root]
1069        else:
1070            self.board_roots = options.board_root
1071        self.outdir = os.path.abspath(options.outdir)
1073        self.snippet_roots = [Path(ZEPHYR_BASE)]
1074        modules = zephyr_module.parse_modules(ZEPHYR_BASE)
1075        for module in modules:
1076            snippet_root = module.meta.get("build", {}).get("settings", {}).get("snippet_root")
1077            if snippet_root:
1078                self.snippet_roots.append(Path(module.project) / snippet_root)
1081        self.soc_roots = [Path(ZEPHYR_BASE), Path(ZEPHYR_BASE) / 'subsys' / 'testsuite']
1082        self.dts_roots = [Path(ZEPHYR_BASE)]
1083        self.arch_roots = [Path(ZEPHYR_BASE)]
1085        for module in modules:
1086            soc_root = module.meta.get("build", {}).get("settings", {}).get("soc_root")
1087            if soc_root:
1088                self.soc_roots.append(Path(module.project) / Path(soc_root))
1089            dts_root = module.meta.get("build", {}).get("settings", {}).get("dts_root")
1090            if dts_root:
1091                self.dts_roots.append(Path(module.project) / Path(dts_root))
1092            arch_root = module.meta.get("build", {}).get("settings", {}).get("arch_root")
1093            if arch_root:
1094                self.arch_roots.append(Path(module.project) / Path(arch_root))
1096        self.hwm = None
1098        self.test_config = options.test_config
1100        self.alt_config_root = options.alt_config_root
1102    def non_default_options(self) -> dict:
1103        """Returns current command line options which are set to non-default values."""
1104        diff = {}
1105        if not self.default_options:
1106            return diff
1107        dict_options = vars(self.options)
1108        dict_default = vars(self.default_options)
1109        for k in dict_options:
1110            if k not in dict_default or dict_options[k] != dict_default[k]:
1111                diff[k] = dict_options[k]
1112        return diff
1114    def discover(self):
1115        self.check_zephyr_version()
1116        self.get_toolchain()
1117        self.run_date = datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
1119    def check_zephyr_version(self):
1120        try:
1121            subproc = subprocess.run(["git", "describe", "--abbrev=12", "--always"],
1122                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1123                                     text=True,
1124                                     cwd=ZEPHYR_BASE)
1125            if subproc.returncode == 0:
1126                _version = subproc.stdout.strip()
1127                if _version:
1128                    self.version = _version
1129                    logger.info(f"Zephyr version: {self.version}")
1130        except OSError:
1131            logger.exception("Failure while reading Zephyr version.")
1133        if self.version == "Unknown":
1134            logger.warning("Could not determine version")
1136        try:
1137            subproc = subprocess.run(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=%cI", "HEAD"],
1138                                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1139                                        text=True,
1140                                        cwd=ZEPHYR_BASE)
1141            if subproc.returncode == 0:
1142                self.commit_date = subproc.stdout.strip()
1143        except OSError:
1144            logger.exception("Failure while reading head commit date.")
1146    @staticmethod
1147    def run_cmake_script(args=None):
1148        if args is None:
1149            args = []
1150        script = os.fspath(args[0])
1152        logger.debug(f"Running cmake script {script}")
1154        cmake_args = ["-D{}".format(a.replace('"', '')) for a in args[1:]]
1155        cmake_args.extend(['-P', script])
1157        cmake = shutil.which('cmake')
1158        if not cmake:
1159            msg = "Unable to find `cmake` in path"
1160            logger.error(msg)
1161            raise Exception(msg)
1162        cmd = [cmake] + cmake_args
1163        log_command(logger, "Calling cmake", cmd)
1165        kwargs = dict()
1166        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
1167        # CMake sends the output of message() to stderr unless it's STATUS
1168        kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
1170        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
1171        out, _ = p.communicate()
1173        # It might happen that the environment adds ANSI escape codes like \x1b[0m,
1174        # for instance if twister is executed from inside a makefile. In such a
1175        # scenario it is then necessary to remove them, as otherwise the JSON decoding
1176        # will fail.
1177        out = strip_ansi_sequences(out.decode())
1179        if p.returncode == 0:
1180            msg = f"Finished running {args[0]}"
1181            logger.debug(msg)
1182            results = {"returncode": p.returncode, "msg": msg, "stdout": out}
1184        else:
1185            logger.error(f"CMake script failure: {args[0]}")
1186            results = {"returncode": p.returncode, "returnmsg": out}
1188        return results
1190    def get_toolchain(self):
1191        toolchain_script = Path(ZEPHYR_BASE) / Path('cmake/verify-toolchain.cmake')
1192        result = self.run_cmake_script([toolchain_script, "FORMAT=json"])
1194        try:
1195            if result['returncode']:
1196                raise TwisterRuntimeError(f"E: {result['returnmsg']}")
1197        except Exception as e:
1198            print(str(e))
1199            sys.exit(2)
1200        self.toolchain = json.loads(result['stdout'])['ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT']
1201        logger.info(f"Using '{self.toolchain}' toolchain.")