1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* Copyright 2020-2021 NXP                                                  */
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4 /* NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may    */
5 /* only be used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms.   */
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12 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 /**
15  * @file  mcuxClCss_Cipher.h
16  * @brief CSSv2 header for symmetric ciphers.
17  *
18  * This header exposes functions that enable using the CSSv2 for symmetric encryption/decryption.
19  * The cipher algorithm supported by CSSv2 is AES in the following modes:
20  * - Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode,
21  * - Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, and
22  * - Counter (CTR) mode.
23  * Supported key sizes are 128, 192, and 256 bits.
24  */
26 /**
27  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_Cipher mcuxClCss_Cipher
28  * @brief This part of the @ref mcuxClCss driver supports functionality for symmetric ciphers
29  * @ingroup mcuxClCss
30  * @{
31  */
36 #include <mcuxClCss_Common.h> // Common functionality
38 /**********************************************
40  **********************************************/
41 /**
42  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Macros mcuxClCss_Cipher_Macros
43  * @brief Defines all macros of @ref mcuxClCss_Cipher
44  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher
45  * @{
46  */
48 /**
50  * @brief Defines valid options to be used by #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t
51  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Macros
52  *
53  * Valid AES key sizes in bytes
54  * @{
55  */
57 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_ENCRYPT 0U                      ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.dcrpt to perform an encryption
58 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_DECRYPT 1U                      ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.dcrpt to perform a decryption
60 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_STATE_OUT_ENABLE  1U            ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphsoe to export the internal CSS state to @p pIV
61 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_STATE_OUT_DISABLE 0U            ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphsoe to not export the internal CSS state
63 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_STATE_IN_ENABLE  1U             ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphsie to import an external CSS state from @p pIV
64 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_STATE_IN_DISABLE 0U             ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphsie to not import an external CSS state
66 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_EXTERNAL_KEY 1U                 ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.extkey to use a key located in CPU memory provided by @p pKey
67 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_INTERNAL_KEY 0U                 ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.extkey to use a key located in CSS keystore privded by @p keyIdx
69 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_ECB 0x00U    ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphmde to use AES engine in Electornic Code Book (ECB) mode
70 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_CBC 0x01U    ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphmde to use AES engine in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
71 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_CTR 0x02U    ///< Set this option at #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.cphmde to use AES engine in Counter (CTR) mode
72 /**
73  * @}
74  */
77 /**
78  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Macros
79  */
80 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE_AES   ((size_t) 16U) ///< Size of an AES input block: 128 bit (16 bytes)
82 /**
84  * @brief Defines valid AES key sizes in bytes
85  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Macros
86  * @{
87  */
89 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE_AES_128 ((size_t) 16U) ///< Size of an AES128 key: 128 bit (16 bytes)
90 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE_AES_192 ((size_t) 24U) ///< Size of an AES192 key: 192 bit (24 bytes)
91 #define MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE_AES_256 ((size_t) 32U) ///< Size of an AES192 key: 256 bit (32 bytes)
92 /**
93  * @}
94  *
95  * @}
96  */
98 /**********************************************
100  **********************************************/
101 /**
102  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Types mcuxClCss_Cipher_Types
103  * @brief Defines all types of @ref mcuxClCss_Cipher
104  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher
105  * @{
106  */
108 /**
109  * @brief Command option bit field for #mcuxClCss_Cipher_Async
110  *
111  * Bit field to configure #mcuxClCss_Cipher_Async. See @ref MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_ for possible options.
112  */
113 typedef union
114 {
115     struct
116     {
117         uint32_t value;     ///< Accesses the bit field as a full word
118     } word;                 ///< Access #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t word-wise
119     struct
120     {
121         uint32_t :1;        ///< RFU
122         uint32_t dcrpt :1;  ///< Define operation mode
123         uint32_t cphmde :2; ///< Define cipher mode
124         uint32_t cphsoe :1; ///< Define whether the CSSv2 internal cipher state should be extracted to external memory or kept internally
125         uint32_t cphsie :1; ///< Define whether an external provided cipher state should be imported from external memory
126         uint32_t :7;        ///< RFU
127         uint32_t extkey :1; ///< Define whether an external key from memory or CSSv2 internal key should be used
128         uint32_t :18;       ///< RFU
129     } bits;                 ///< Access #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t bit-wise
130 } mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t;
131 /**
132  * @}
133  */
135 /**********************************************
137  **********************************************/
138 /**
139  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_Cipher_Functions mcuxClCss_Cipher_Functions
140  * @brief Defines all functions of @ref mcuxClCss_Cipher
141  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_Cipher
142  * @{
143  */
145  /**
146  * @brief Performs AES encryption/decryption.
147  *
148  *
149  * Performs an AES encryption/decryption. Call #mcuxClCss_WaitForOperation to complete the operation.
150  * @param[in]       options     Encryption/decryption command options. For detailed information, see #mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t.
151  * @param[in]       keyIdx      Index of the key inside the CSSv2 keystore. See parameter properties section in function description.
152  * @param[in]       pKey        Memory area that contains the key. See parameter properties section in function description.
153  * @param[in]       keyLength   Size of @p pKey in bytes. Must be a valid key size of @ref MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE_AES_. See parameter properties section in function description.
154  * @param[in]       pInput      Pointer to the input data to be encrypted/decrypted. Padding must be already applied.
155  * @param[in]       inputLength Size of @p pInput in bytes, must be a multiple of the block size.
156  * @param[in, out]  pIV         A pointer to the memory location which contains/receives the IV/state of cipher. See parameter properties section in function description.
157  * @param[out]      pOutput     Pointer to the output buffer to store encrypted/decrypted data.
158  *
159  * The properties of some parameters change with respect to selected options.
160  *
161  * <dl>
162  *  <dt>Parameter properties</dt>
163  *
164  *  <dd><dl>
165  *      <dt>@p options.cphmde == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_ECB</dt>
166  *          <dd>@p pIV is ignored.
167  *
168  *      <dt>@p options.cphmde == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_CBC</dt>
169  *          <dd>@p pIV must be set to the IV (when encrypting the first block) or to the last block of the ciphertext of the previous operation.
170  *          CSSv2 will always read and write to this location.
171  *
172  *
173  *          @p options.cphsoe is ignored.</dd>
174  *
175  *      <dt>@p options.cphmde == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHERPARAM_ALGORITHM_AES_CTR</dt>
176  *          <dd>@p pIV must be set to the IV (when encrypting the first block) or to the state output of the previous
177  *          encryption/decryption operation. CSSv2 will write to this location if @p options.cphsoe == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_STATE_OUT_ENABLE.</dd>
178  *
179  *      <dt>@p options.extkey == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_EXTERNAL_KEY</dt>
180  *          <dd>@p keyIdx is ignored.</dd>
181  *
182  *      <dt>@p options.extkey == #MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_INTERNAL_KEY</dt>
183  *          <dd>@p pKey is ignored.
184  *
185  *          @p keyLength is ignored.</dd>
186  *
187  *  </dl></dd>
188  * </dl>
189  *
190  *  @return A code-flow protected error code (see @ref mcuxCsslFlowProtection). The error code can be any error code in @ref MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_, see individual documentation for more information
191  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_INVALID_PARAM    if invalid parameters were specified
192  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_CANNOT_INTERRUPT if a running operation prevented the request
193  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_OK_WAIT             on successful request
194  */
195 MCUX_CSSL_FP_FUNCTION_DECL(mcuxClCss_Cipher_Async)
196 MCUXCLCSS_API mcuxClCss_Status_Protected_t mcuxClCss_Cipher_Async(
197     mcuxClCss_CipherOption_t options,
198     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t keyIdx,
199     uint8_t const * pKey,
200     size_t keyLength,
201     uint8_t const * pInput,
202     size_t inputLength,
203     uint8_t * pIV,
204     uint8_t * pOutput
205     );
207 /**
208  * @}
209  */
210 #endif /* MCUXCLCSS_CIPHER_H_ */
212 /**
213  * @}
214  */