1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef FSL_LCDC_H__
10 #define FSL_LCDC_H__
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup lpc_lcdc
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*! @{ */
25 /*! @brief LCDC driver version. */
27 /*! @} */
29 /*!@brief How many hardware cursors supports. */
32 /*!@brief LCD cursor image bits per pixel. */
35 /*!@brief LCD 32x32 cursor image size in word(32-bit). */
36 #define LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_32X32_WORDS ((uint32_t)(32U * 32U * LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_BPP / (8U * (uint32_t)sizeof(uint32_t))))
38 /*!@brief LCD 64x64 cursor image size in word(32-bit). */
39 #define LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_64X64_WORDS ((uint32_t)(64U * 64U * LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_BPP / (8U * (uint32_t)sizeof(uint32_t))))
41 /*!@brief LCD palette size in words(32-bit). */
44 /*!
45  * @brief LCD sigal polarity flags.
46  */
47 enum _lcdc_polarity_flags
48 {
49     kLCDC_InvertVsyncPolarity = LCD_POL_IVS_MASK, /*!< Invert the VSYNC polarity, set to active low. */
50     kLCDC_InvertHsyncPolarity = LCD_POL_IHS_MASK, /*!< Invert the HSYNC polarity, set to active low. */
51     kLCDC_InvertClkPolarity   = LCD_POL_IPC_MASK, /*!< Invert the panel clock polarity, set to
52                                                       drive data on falling edge. */
53     kLCDC_InvertDePolarity = LCD_POL_IOE_MASK,    /*!< Invert the data enable (DE) polarity, set to active low. */
54 };
56 /*!
57  * @brief LCD bits per pixel.
58  */
59 typedef enum _lcdc_bpp
60 {
61     kLCDC_1BPP     = 0U, /*!< 1 bpp. */
62     kLCDC_2BPP     = 1U, /*!< 2 bpp. */
63     kLCDC_4BPP     = 2U, /*!< 4 bpp. */
64     kLCDC_8BPP     = 3U, /*!< 8 bpp. */
65     kLCDC_16BPP    = 4U, /*!< 16 bpp. */
66     kLCDC_24BPP    = 5U, /*!< 24 bpp, TFT panel only. */
67     kLCDC_16BPP565 = 6U, /*!< 16 bpp, 5:6:5 mode. */
68     kLCDC_12BPP    = 7U, /*!< 12 bpp, 4:4:4 mode. */
69 } lcdc_bpp_t;
71 /*!
72  * @brief The types of display panel.
73  */
74 typedef enum _lcdc_display
75 {
76     kLCDC_DisplayTFT = LCD_CTRL_LCDTFT_MASK, /*!< Active matrix TFT panels with up to 24-bit bus interface. */
77     kLCDC_DisplaySingleMonoSTN4Bit = LCD_CTRL_LCDBW_MASK, /*!< Single-panel monochrome STN (4-bit bus interface). */
78     kLCDC_DisplaySingleMonoSTN8Bit =
79         LCD_CTRL_LCDBW_MASK | LCD_CTRL_LCDMONO8_MASK, /*!< Single-panel monochrome STN (8-bit bus interface). */
80     kLCDC_DisplayDualMonoSTN4Bit =
81         LCD_CTRL_LCDBW_MASK | LCD_CTRL_LCDDUAL_MASK, /*!< Dual-panel monochrome STN (4-bit bus interface). */
83                                    LCD_CTRL_LCDDUAL_MASK,    /*!< Dual-panel monochrome STN (8-bit bus interface). */
84     kLCDC_DisplaySingleColorSTN8Bit = 0U,                    /*!< Single-panel color STN (8-bit bus interface). */
85     kLCDC_DisplayDualColorSTN8Bit   = LCD_CTRL_LCDDUAL_MASK, /*!< Dual-panel coor STN (8-bit bus interface). */
86 } lcdc_display_t;
88 /*!
89  * @brief LCD panel buffer data format.
90  */
91 typedef enum _lcdc_data_format
92 {
93     kLCDC_LittleEndian = 0U,                                      /*!< Little endian byte, little endian pixel. */
94     kLCDC_BigEndian    = LCD_CTRL_BEPO_MASK | LCD_CTRL_BEBO_MASK, /*!< Big endian byte, big endian pixel. */
95     kLCDC_WinCeMode    = LCD_CTRL_BEPO_MASK, /*!< little-endian byte, big-endian pixel for Windows CE mode. */
96 } lcdc_data_format_t;
98 /*!
99  * @brief LCD configuration structure.
100  */
101 typedef struct _lcdc_config
102 {
103     uint32_t panelClock_Hz;  /*!< Panel clock in Hz. */
104     uint16_t ppl;            /*!< Pixels per line, it must could be divided by 16. */
105     uint8_t hsw;             /*!< HSYNC pulse width. */
106     uint8_t hfp;             /*!< Horizontal front porch. */
107     uint8_t hbp;             /*!< Horizontal back porch. */
108     uint16_t lpp;            /*!< Lines per panal. */
109     uint8_t vsw;             /*!< VSYNC pulse width. */
110     uint8_t vfp;             /*!< Vrtical front porch. */
111     uint8_t vbp;             /*!< Vertical back porch. */
112     uint8_t acBiasFreq;      /*!< The number of line clocks between AC bias pin toggling. Only used for STN display. */
113     uint16_t polarityFlags;  /*!< OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_polarity_flags, used to contol the signal polarity. */
114     bool enableLineEnd;      /*!< Enable line end or not, the line end is a positive pulse with 4 panel clock. */
115     uint8_t lineEndDelay;    /*!< The panel clocks between the last pixel of line and the start of line end. */
116     uint32_t upperPanelAddr; /*!< LCD upper panel base address, must be double-word(64-bit) align. */
117     uint32_t lowerPanelAddr; /*!< LCD lower panel base address, must be double-word(64-bit) align. */
118     lcdc_bpp_t bpp;          /*!< LCD bits per pixel. */
119     lcdc_data_format_t dataFormat; /*!< Data format. */
120     bool swapRedBlue;              /*!< Set true to use BGR format, set false to choose RGB format. */
121     lcdc_display_t display;        /*!< The display type. */
122 } lcdc_config_t;
124 /*!
125  * @brief LCD vertical compare interrupt mode.
126  */
127 typedef enum _lcdc_vertical_compare_interrupt_mode
128 {
129     kLCDC_StartOfVsync,       /*!< Generate vertical compare interrupt at start of VSYNC. */
130     kLCDC_StartOfBackPorch,   /*!< Generate vertical compare interrupt at start of back porch. */
131     kLCDC_StartOfActiveVideo, /*!< Generate vertical compare interrupt at start of active video. */
132     kLCDC_StartOfFrontPorch,  /*!< Generate vertical compare interrupt at start of front porch. */
133 } lcdc_vertical_compare_interrupt_mode_t;
135 /*!
136  * @brief LCD interrupts.
137  */
138 enum _lcdc_interrupts
139 {
140     kLCDC_CursorInterrupt          = LCD_CRSR_INTMSK_CRSRIM_MASK, /*!< Cursor image read finished interrupt. */
141     kLCDC_FifoUnderflowInterrupt   = LCD_INTMSK_FUFIM_MASK,       /*!< FIFO underflow interrupt. */
142     kLCDC_BaseAddrUpdateInterrupt  = LCD_INTMSK_LNBUIM_MASK,      /*!< Panel frame base address update interrupt. */
143     kLCDC_VerticalCompareInterrupt = LCD_INTMSK_VCOMPIM_MASK,     /*!< Vertical compare interrupt. */
144     kLCDC_AhbErrorInterrupt        = LCD_INTMSK_BERIM_MASK,       /*!< AHB master error interrupt. */
145 };
147 /*!
148  * @brief LCD panel frame.
149  */
150 typedef enum _lcdc_panel
151 {
152     kLCDC_UpperPanel, /*!< Upper panel frame. */
153     kLCDC_LowerPanel  /*!< Lower panel frame. */
154 } lcdc_panel_t;
156 /*!
157  * @brief LCD hardware cursor size
158  */
159 typedef enum _lcdc_cursor_size
160 {
161     kLCDC_CursorSize32, /*!< 32x32 pixel cursor. */
162     kLCDC_CursorSize64, /*!< 64x64 pixel cursor. */
163 } lcdc_cursor_size_t;
165 /*!
166  * @brief LCD hardware cursor palette
167  */
168 typedef struct _lcdc_cursor_palette
169 {
170     uint8_t red;   /*!< Red color component. */
171     uint8_t green; /*!< Red color component. */
172     uint8_t blue;  /*!< Red color component. */
173 } lcdc_cursor_palette_t;
175 /*!
176  * @brief LCD hardware cursor frame synchronization mode.
177  */
178 typedef enum _lcdc_cursor_sync_mode
179 {
180     kLCDC_CursorAsync, /*!< Cursor change will be displayed immediately. */
181     kLCDC_CursorSync,  /*!< Cursor change will be displayed in next frame. */
182 } lcdc_cursor_sync_mode_t;
184 /*!
185  * @brief LCD hardware cursor configuration structure.
186  */
187 typedef struct _lcdc_cursor_config
188 {
189     lcdc_cursor_size_t size;            /*!< Cursor size. */
190     lcdc_cursor_sync_mode_t syncMode;   /*!< Cursor synchronization mode. */
191     lcdc_cursor_palette_t palette0;     /*!< Cursor palette 0. */
192     lcdc_cursor_palette_t palette1;     /*!< Cursor palette 1. */
193     uint32_t *image[LCDC_CURSOR_COUNT]; /*!< Pointer to cursor image data. */
194 } lcdc_cursor_config_t;
196 #if defined(__cplusplus)
197 extern "C" {
198 #endif
200 /*******************************************************************************
201  * API
202  ******************************************************************************/
204 /*!
205  * @name Initialization and Deinitialization
206  * @{
207  */
209 /*!
210  * @brief Initialize the LCD module.
211  *
212  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
213  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure, see to @ref lcdc_config_t.
214  * @param srcClock_Hz The LCD input clock (LCDCLK) frequency in Hz.
215  * @retval kStatus_Success LCD is initialized successfully.
216  * @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Initlialize failed because of invalid argument.
217  */
218 status_t LCDC_Init(LCD_Type *base, const lcdc_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
220 /*!
221  * @brief Deinitialize the LCD module.
222  *
223  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
224  */
225 void LCDC_Deinit(LCD_Type *base);
227 /*!
228  * @brief Gets default pre-defined settings for initial configuration.
229  *
230  * This function initializes the configuration structure. The default values are:
231  *
232    @code
233     config->panelClock_Hz = 0U;
234     config->ppl = 0U;
235     config->hsw = 0U;
236     config->hfp = 0U;
237     config->hbp = 0U;
238     config->lpp = 0U;
239     config->vsw = 0U;
240     config->vfp = 0U;
241     config->vbp = 0U;
242     config->acBiasFreq = 1U;
243     config->polarityFlags = 0U;
244     config->enableLineEnd = false;
245     config->lineEndDelay = 0U;
246     config->upperPanelAddr = 0U;
247     config->lowerPanelAddr = 0U;
248     config->bpp = kLCDC_1BPP;
249     config->dataFormat = kLCDC_LittleEndian;
250     config->swapRedBlue = false;
251     config->display = kLCDC_DisplayTFT;
252    @endcode
253  *
254  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
255  */
256 void LCDC_GetDefaultConfig(lcdc_config_t *config);
258 /*! @} */
260 /*!
261  * @name Start and stop
262  * @{
263  */
265 /*!
266  * @brief Start to output LCD timing signal.
267  *
268  * The LCD power up sequence should be:
269  * 1. Apply power to LCD, here all output signals are held low.
270  * 2. When LCD power stablized, call @ref LCDC_Start to output the timing signals.
271  * 3. Apply contrast voltage to LCD panel. Delay if the display requires.
272  * 4. Call @ref LCDC_PowerUp.
273  *
274  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
275  */
LCDC_Start(LCD_Type * base)276 static inline void LCDC_Start(LCD_Type *base)
277 {
278     base->CTRL |= LCD_CTRL_LCDEN_MASK;
279 }
281 /*!
282  * @brief Stop the LCD timing signal.
283  *
284  * The LCD power down sequence should be:
285  * 1. Call @ref LCDC_PowerDown.
286  * 2. Delay if the display requires. Disable contrast voltage to LCD panel.
287  * 3. Call @ref LCDC_Stop to disable the timing signals.
288  * 4. Disable power to LCD.
289  *
290  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
291  */
LCDC_Stop(LCD_Type * base)292 static inline void LCDC_Stop(LCD_Type *base)
293 {
294     base->CTRL &= ~LCD_CTRL_LCDEN_MASK;
295 }
297 /*!
298  * @brief Power up the LCD and output the pixel signal.
299  *
300  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
301  */
LCDC_PowerUp(LCD_Type * base)302 static inline void LCDC_PowerUp(LCD_Type *base)
303 {
304     base->CTRL |= LCD_CTRL_LCDPWR_MASK;
305 }
307 /*!
308  * @brief Power down the LCD and disable the output pixel signal.
309  *
310  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
311  */
LCDC_PowerDown(LCD_Type * base)312 static inline void LCDC_PowerDown(LCD_Type *base)
313 {
314     base->CTRL &= ~LCD_CTRL_LCDPWR_MASK;
315 }
317 /*! @} */
319 /*!
320  * @name LCD control
321  * @{
322  */
324 /*!
325  * @brief Sets panel frame base address
326  *
327  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
328  * @param panel Which panel to set.
329  * @param addr Frame base address, must be doubleword(64-bit) aligned.
330  */
331 void LCDC_SetPanelAddr(LCD_Type *base, lcdc_panel_t panel, uint32_t addr);
333 /*!
334  * @brief Sets palette
335  *
336  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
337  * @param palette Pointer to the palette array.
338  * @param count_words Length of the palette array to set (how many words), it should
339  * not be larger than LCDC_PALETTE_SIZE_WORDS.
340  */
341 void LCDC_SetPalette(LCD_Type *base, const uint32_t *palette, uint8_t count_words);
343 /*! @} */
345 /*!
346  * @name Interrupts
347  * @{
348  */
350 /*!
351  * @brief Sets the vertical compare interrupt mode.
352  *
353  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
354  * @param mode The vertical compare interrupt mode.
355  */
LCDC_SetVerticalInterruptMode(LCD_Type * base,lcdc_vertical_compare_interrupt_mode_t mode)356 static inline void LCDC_SetVerticalInterruptMode(LCD_Type *base, lcdc_vertical_compare_interrupt_mode_t mode)
357 {
358     base->CTRL = (base->CTRL & ~LCD_CTRL_LCDVCOMP_MASK) | LCD_CTRL_LCDVCOMP(mode);
359 }
361 /*!
362  * @brief Enable LCD interrupts.
363  *
364  * Example to enable LCD base address update interrupt and vertical compare
365  * interrupt:
366  *
367  * @code
368    LCDC_EnableInterrupts(LCD, kLCDC_BaseAddrUpdateInterrupt | kLCDC_VerticalCompareInterrupt);
369    @endcode
370  *
371  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
372  * @param mask Interrupts to enable, it is OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_interrupts.
373  */
374 void LCDC_EnableInterrupts(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
376 /*!
377  * @brief Disable LCD interrupts.
378  *
379  * Example to disable LCD base address update interrupt and vertical compare
380  * interrupt:
381  *
382  * @code
383    LCDC_DisableInterrupts(LCD, kLCDC_BaseAddrUpdateInterrupt | kLCDC_VerticalCompareInterrupt);
384    @endcode
385  *
386  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
387  * @param mask Interrupts to disable, it is OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_interrupts.
388  */
389 void LCDC_DisableInterrupts(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
391 /*!
392  * @brief Get LCD interrupt pending status.
393  *
394  * Example:
395  *
396  * @code
397    uint32_t status;
399    status = LCDC_GetInterruptsPendingStatus(LCD);
401    if (kLCDC_BaseAddrUpdateInterrupt & status)
402    {
403        LCD base address update interrupt occurred.
404    }
406    if (kLCDC_VerticalCompareInterrupt & status)
407    {
408        LCD vertical compare interrupt occurred.
409    }
410    @endcode
411  *
412  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
413  * @return Interrupts pending status, it is OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_interrupts.
414  */
415 uint32_t LCDC_GetInterruptsPendingStatus(LCD_Type *base);
417 /*!
418  * @brief Get LCD enabled interrupt pending status.
419  *
420  * This function is similar with @ref LCDC_GetInterruptsPendingStatus, the only
421  * difference is, this function only returns the pending status of the
422  * interrupts that have been enabled using @ref LCDC_EnableInterrupts.
423  *
424  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
425  * @return Interrupts pending status, it is OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_interrupts.
426  */
427 uint32_t LCDC_GetEnabledInterruptsPendingStatus(LCD_Type *base);
429 /*!
430  * @brief Clear LCD interrupts pending status.
431  *
432  * Example to clear LCD base address update interrupt and vertical compare
433  * interrupt pending status:
434  *
435  * @code
436    LCDC_ClearInterruptsStatus(LCD, kLCDC_BaseAddrUpdateInterrupt | kLCDC_VerticalCompareInterrupt);
437    @endcode
438  *
439  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
440  * @param mask Interrupts to disable, it is OR'ed value of @ref _lcdc_interrupts.
441  */
442 void LCDC_ClearInterruptsStatus(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
444 /*! @} */
446 /*!
447  * @name Hardware cursor
448  * @{
449  */
451 /*!
452  * @brief Set the hardware cursor configuration
453  *
454  * This function should be called before enabling the hardware cursor.
455  * It supports initializing multiple cursor images at a time when using
456  * 32x32 pixels cursor.
457  *
458  * For example:
459  *
460  * @code
461    uint32_t cursor0Img[LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_32X32_WORDS] = {...};
462    uint32_t cursor2Img[LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_32X32_WORDS] = {...};
464    lcdc_cursor_config_t cursorConfig;
466    LCDC_CursorGetDefaultConfig(&cursorConfig);
468    cursorConfig.image[0] = cursor0Img;
469    cursorConfig.image[2] = cursor2Img;
471    LCDC_SetCursorConfig(LCD, &cursorConfig);
473    LCDC_ChooseCursor(LCD, 0);
474    LCDC_SetCursorPosition(LCD, 0, 0);
476    LCDC_EnableCursor(LCD);
477    @endcode
478  *
479  * In this example, cursor 0 and cursor 2 image data are initialized, but cursor 1
480  * and cursor 3 image data are not initialized because image[1] and image[2] are
481  * all NULL. With this, application could initializes all cursor images it will
482  * use at the beginning and call @ref LCDC_SetCursorImage directly to display the
483  * one which it needs.
484  *
485  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
486  * @param config Pointer to the hardware cursor configuration structure.
487  */
488 void LCDC_SetCursorConfig(LCD_Type *base, const lcdc_cursor_config_t *config);
490 /*!
491  * @brief Get the hardware cursor default configuration
492  *
493  * The default configuration values are:
494  *
495  * @code
496     config->size = kLCDC_CursorSize32;
497     config->syncMode = kLCDC_CursorAsync;
498     config->palette0.red = 0U;
499     config->palette0.green = 0U;
500     config->palette0.blue = 0U;
501     config->palette1.red = 255U;
502     config->palette1.green = 255U;
503     config->palette1.blue = 255U;
504     config->image[0] = (uint32_t *)0;
505     config->image[1] = (uint32_t *)0;
506     config->image[2] = (uint32_t *)0;
507     config->image[3] = (uint32_t *)0;
508    @endcode
509  *
510  * @param config Pointer to the hardware cursor configuration structure.
511  */
512 void LCDC_CursorGetDefaultConfig(lcdc_cursor_config_t *config);
514 /*!
515  * @brief Enable or disable the cursor.
516  *
517  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
518  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
519  */
LCDC_EnableCursor(LCD_Type * base,bool enable)520 static inline void LCDC_EnableCursor(LCD_Type *base, bool enable)
521 {
522     if (enable)
523     {
525     }
526     else
527     {
528         base->CRSR_CTRL &= ~LCD_CRSR_CTRL_CRSRON_MASK;
529     }
530 }
532 /*!
533  * @brief Choose which cursor to display.
534  *
535  * When using 32x32 cursor, the number of cursors supports is @ref LCDC_CURSOR_COUNT.
536  * When using 64x64 cursor, the LCD only supports one cursor.
537  * This function selects which cursor to display when using 32x32 cursor.
538  * When synchronization mode is @ref kLCDC_CursorSync, the change effects in the
539  * next frame. When synchronization mode is @ref kLCDC_CursorAsync, change effects
540  * immediately.
541  *
542  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
543  * @param index Index of the cursor to display.
544  * @note The function @ref LCDC_SetCursorPosition must be called after this function
545  * to show the new cursor.
546  */
LCDC_ChooseCursor(LCD_Type * base,uint8_t index)547 static inline void LCDC_ChooseCursor(LCD_Type *base, uint8_t index)
548 {
550 }
552 /*!
553  * @brief Set the position of cursor
554  *
555  * When synchronization mode is @ref kLCDC_CursorSync, position change effects
556  * in the next frame. When synchronization mode is @ref kLCDC_CursorAsync,
557  * position change effects immediately.
558  *
559  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
560  * @param positionX X ordinate of the cursor top-left measured in pixels
561  * @param positionY Y ordinate of the cursor top-left measured in pixels
562  */
563 void LCDC_SetCursorPosition(LCD_Type *base, int32_t positionX, int32_t positionY);
565 /*!
566  * @brief Set the cursor image.
567  *
568  * The interrupt @ref kLCDC_CursorInterrupt indicates that last cursor pixel is
569  * displayed. When the hardware cursor is enabled,
570  *
571  * @param base LCD peripheral base address.
572  * @param size The cursor size.
573  * @param index Index of the cursor to set when using 32x32 cursor.
574  * @param image Pointer to the cursor image. When using 32x32 cursor, the image
575  * size should be LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_32X32_WORDS. When using 64x64 cursor, the image
576  * size should be LCDC_CURSOR_IMG_64X64_WORDS.
577  */
578 void LCDC_SetCursorImage(LCD_Type *base, lcdc_cursor_size_t size, uint8_t index, const uint32_t *image);
580 /*! @} */
582 #if defined(__cplusplus)
583 }
584 #endif
586 /*! @} */
588 #endif /* FSL_LCDC_H__ */