1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* Copyright 2020-2021 NXP                                                  */
3 /*                                                                          */
4 /* NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may    */
5 /* only be used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms.   */
6 /* By expressly accepting such terms or by downloading, installing,         */
7 /* activating and/or otherwise using the software, you are agreeing that    */
8 /* you have read, and that you agree to comply with and are bound by, such  */
9 /* license terms. If you do not agree to be bound by the applicable license */
10 /* terms, then you may not retain, install, activate or otherwise use the   */
11 /* software.                                                                */
12 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 /**
15  * @file  mcuxClCss_KeyManagement.h
16  * @brief CSSv2 header for key management.
17  *
18  * This header exposes functions that can be used to manage the keystore of CSSv2.
19  * This includes:
20  * - Importing keys
21  * - Exporting keys
22  * - Deleting keys
23  */
25 /**
26  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
27  * @brief This part of the @ref mcuxClCss driver supports functionality for keys management
28  * @ingroup mcuxClCss
29  * @{
30  */
35 #include <mcuxClCss_Common.h> // Common functionality
37 /**********************************************
39  **********************************************/
40 /**
41  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Macros mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Macros
42  * @brief Defines all macros of @ref mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
43  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
44  * @{
45  */
47 /**
49  * @brief Defines valid options (word value) to be used by #mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async
50  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Macros
51  *
52  * @{
53  */
55 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_VALUE_KFMT_UDF      ((uint32_t) 0u<< 6u) ///< Key format UDF with shares in RTL or memory
56 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_VALUE_KFMT_RFC3394  ((uint32_t) 1u<< 6u) ///< Key format RFC3394 with shares in memory
57 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_VALUE_KFMT_PUF      ((uint32_t) 2u<< 6u) ///< Key from PUF
59 /**
60  * @}
61  */
63 /**
65  * @brief Defines valid options (bit values) to be used by #mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async
66  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Macros
67  *
68  * @{
69  */
70 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_UDF             ((uint32_t) 0x00u) ///< Key format UDF with shares in RTL or memory
71 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_RFC3394         ((uint32_t) 0x01u) ///< Key format RFC3394 with shares in memory
72 #define MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_PUF             ((uint32_t) 0x02u) ///< Key from PUF
74 #define MCUXCLCSS_RFC3394_OVERHEAD               ((size_t) 16u)     ///< Overhead between RFC3394 blob and key size
75 /**
76  * @}
77  */
79 /**
80  * @defgroup MCUXCLCSS_RFC3394_ MCUXCLCSS_RFC3394_
81  * @brief Defines specifying the length of RFC3394 containers
82  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Macros
83  *
84  * @{
85  */
86 #define MCUXCLCSS_RFC3394_CONTAINER_SIZE_128     ((size_t) 256u/8u) ///< Size of RFC3394 container for 128 bit key
87 #define MCUXCLCSS_RFC3394_CONTAINER_SIZE_256     ((size_t) 384u/8u) ///< Size of RFC3394 container for 256 bit key
88 /**
89  * @}
90  */
92 /**
93  * @}
94  */
96 /**********************************************
98  **********************************************/
99 /**
100  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Types mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Types
101  * @brief Defines all types of @ref mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
102  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
103  * @{
104  */
106 /**
107  * @brief Command option bit field for #mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async
108  *
109  * Bit field to configure #mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async.
110  * See @ref MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_ for possible options in case the struct is accessed bit-wise.
111  * See @ref MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_VALUE_KFMT_ for possible options in case the struct is accessed word-wise.
112  */
113 typedef union
114 {
115     struct
116     {
117         uint32_t value;     ///< Accesses the bit field as a full word; initialize with a combination of constants from @ref MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_VALUE_KFMT_
118     } word;                 ///< Access #mcuxClCss_KeyImportOption_t word-wise
119     struct
120     {
121         uint32_t :4;        ///< RFU
122         uint32_t revf :1;   ///< This field is managed internally
123         uint32_t :1;        ///< RFU
124         uint32_t kfmt :2;   ///< Defines the key import format, one of @ref MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_
125         uint32_t :24;       ///< RFU
126     } bits;                 ///< Access #mcuxClCss_KeyImportOption_t bit-wise
127 } mcuxClCss_KeyImportOption_t;
129 /**
130  * @}
131  */
133 /**********************************************
135  **********************************************/
136 /**
137  * @defgroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Functions mcuxClCss_KeyManagement_Functions
138  * @brief Defines all functions of @ref mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
139  * @ingroup mcuxClCss_KeyManagement
140  * @{
141  */
143 /**
144  * @brief Deletes a key from keystore at the given index.
145  *
146  * Before execution, CSS will wait until #mcuxClCss_HwState_t.drbgentlvl == #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_DRBGENTLVL_LOW. This can lead to a delay if the DRBG is in a state with less security strength at the time of the call.
147  *
148  * Call #mcuxClCss_WaitForOperation to complete the operation.
149  *
150  * @param[in]    keyIdx  The index of the key to be deleted
151  *
152  *  @return A code-flow protected error code (see @ref mcuxCsslFlowProtection). The error code can be any error code in @ref MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_, see individual documentation for more information
153  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_INVALID_PARAM    if invalid parameters were specified
154  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_CANNOT_INTERRUPT if a running operation prevented the request
155  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_OK_WAIT             on successful request */
156 MCUX_CSSL_FP_FUNCTION_DECL(mcuxClCss_KeyDelete_Async)
157 MCUXCLCSS_API mcuxClCss_Status_Protected_t mcuxClCss_KeyDelete_Async(
158         mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t keyIdx
159 );
163 /** @brief Imports a key from external storage to an internal key register.
164  *
165  *
166  * Call #mcuxClCss_WaitForOperation to complete the operation.
167  *
168  * @param[in]    options          One of @ref MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_
169  * @param[in]    pImportKey       Pointer to the RFC3394 container of the key to be imported
170  * @param[in]    importKeyLength  Length of the RFC3394 container of the key to be imported
171  * @param[in]    wrappingKeyIdx   Index of the key wrapping key, if importing RFC3394 format
172  * @param[in]    targetKeyIdx     The desired key index of the imported key
173  *
174  *  <dl>
175  *   <dt>Parameter properties</dt>
176  *   <dd><dl>
177  *     <dt>@p options.kfmt != #MCUXCLCSS_KEYIMPORT_KFMT_RFC3394</dt><dd>
178  *       <ul style="list-style: none;">
179  *         <li>@p pImportKey is ignored.</li>
180  *         <li>@p importKeyLength is ignored.</li>
181  *         <li>@p wrappingKeyIdx is ignored.</li>
182  *         <li>@p targetKeyIdx is ignored. The unpacked key is automatically stored in key slots 0, 1.</li>
183  *       </ul></dd>
184  *     </dt>
185  *   </dl></dd>
186  *  </dl>
187  *
188  *  @return A code-flow protected error code (see @ref mcuxCsslFlowProtection). The error code can be any error code in @ref MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_, see individual documentation for more information
189  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_INVALID_PARAM    if invalid parameters were specified
190  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_CANNOT_INTERRUPT if a running operation prevented the request
191  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_OK_WAIT             on successful request */
192 MCUX_CSSL_FP_FUNCTION_DECL(mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async)
193 MCUXCLCSS_API mcuxClCss_Status_Protected_t mcuxClCss_KeyImport_Async(
194     mcuxClCss_KeyImportOption_t options,
195     uint8_t const * pImportKey,
196     size_t importKeyLength,
197     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t wrappingKeyIdx,
198     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t targetKeyIdx
199     );
202 /** @brief Exports a key from an internal key register to external storage, using a wrapping key.
203  *
204  *
205  * Call #mcuxClCss_WaitForOperation to complete the operation.
206  *
207  * @param[in]    wrappingKeyIdx     The key used for key wrapping
208  * @param[in]    exportKeyIdx       The key to export
209  * @param[out]   pOutput            The memory address of the exported key
210  *
211  *  @return A code-flow protected error code (see @ref mcuxCsslFlowProtection). The error code can be any error code in @ref MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_, see individual documentation for more information
212  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_INVALID_PARAM    if invalid parameters were specified
213  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_CANNOT_INTERRUPT if a running operation prevented the request
214  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_OK_WAIT             on successful request */
215 MCUX_CSSL_FP_FUNCTION_DECL(mcuxClCss_KeyExport_Async)
216 MCUXCLCSS_API mcuxClCss_Status_Protected_t mcuxClCss_KeyExport_Async(
217     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t wrappingKeyIdx, ///< [in]  The key used for key wrapping
218     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t exportKeyIdx,   ///< [in]  The key to export
219     uint8_t * pOutput                   ///< [out] The memory address of the exported key
220     );
222 /** @brief Exports the properties of the keys stored in the CSS internal keystore
223  *
224  * Call #mcuxClCss_WaitForOperation to complete the operation.
225  *
226  * @param[in]    keyIdx     Request key properties of the index defined here
227  * @param[out]   pKeyProp   Key properties of the index provided
228  *
229  *  @return A code-flow protected error code (see @ref mcuxCsslFlowProtection). The error code can be any error code in @ref MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_, see individual documentation for more information
230  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_SW_CANNOT_INTERRUPT if a running operation prevented the request
231  * @retval #MCUXCLCSS_STATUS_OK                  on successful request */
232 MCUX_CSSL_FP_FUNCTION_DECL(mcuxClCss_GetKeyProperties)
233 MCUXCLCSS_API mcuxClCss_Status_Protected_t mcuxClCss_GetKeyProperties(
234     mcuxClCss_KeyIndex_t keyIdx,
235     mcuxClCss_KeyProp_t * pKeyProp
236     );
238 /**
239  * @}
240  */
243 /**
244  * @}
245  */