1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018-2020 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef __HAL_GPIO_H__
10 #define __HAL_GPIO_H__
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 #if defined(SDK_OS_FREE_RTOS)
14 #include "FreeRTOS.h"
15 #endif
17 /*!
18  * @addtogroup GPIO_Adapter
19  * @{
20  */
22 /*******************************************************************************
23  * Public macro
24  ******************************************************************************/
25 /*! @name Driver version */
26 /*@{*/
27 #define FSL_GPIO_ADAPTER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 1)) /*!< Version 1.0.1. */
28                                                          /*@}*/
30 /*! @brief Definition of GPIO conflict check Enable. */
33 #endif
35 /*! @brief Definition of GPIO adapter handle size. */
36 #define HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE (16U)
38 /*!
39  * @brief Defines the gpio handle
40  *
41  * This macro is used to define a 4 byte aligned gpio handle.
42  * Then use "(hal_gpio_handle_t)name" to get the gpio handle.
43  *
44  * The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define gpio handle by yourself.
45  *
46  * This is an example,
47  * @code
48  * GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(gpioHandle);
49  * @endcode
50  *
51  * @param name The name string of the gpio handle.
52  */
53 #define GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(name) uint32_t name[((HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))]
55 /*! @brief Definition of GPIO adapter isr priority. */
57 #if defined(__GIC_PRIO_BITS)
58 #define HAL_GPIO_ISR_PRIORITY (25U)
59 #else
62 #else
63 /* The default value 3 is used to support different ARM Core, such as CM0P, CM4, CM7, and CM33, etc.
64  * The minimum number of priority bits implemented in the NVIC is 2 on these SOCs. The value of mininum
65  * priority is 3 (2^2 - 1). So, the default value is 3.
66  */
68 #endif /* defined(configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY) */
69 #endif /* defined(__GIC_PRIO_BITS) */
70 #endif /* HAL_GPIO_ISR_PRIORITY */
72 /*******************************************************************************
73  * Definitions
74  ******************************************************************************/
75 /*! @brief The handle of GPIO adapter. */
76 typedef void *hal_gpio_handle_t;
78 /*! @brief The callback function of GPIO adapter. */
79 typedef void (*hal_gpio_callback_t)(void *param);
81 /*! @brief The interrupt trigger of GPIO adapter. */
82 typedef enum _hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger
83 {
84     kHAL_GpioInterruptDisable     = 0x0U, /*!< Interrupt disable. */
85     kHAL_GpioInterruptLogicZero   = 0x1U, /*!< Interrupt when logic zero. */
86     kHAL_GpioInterruptRisingEdge  = 0x2U, /*!< Interrupt on rising edge. */
87     kHAL_GpioInterruptFallingEdge = 0x3U, /*!< Interrupt on falling edge. */
88     kHAL_GpioInterruptEitherEdge  = 0x4U, /*!< Interrupt on either edge. */
89     kHAL_GpioInterruptLogicOne    = 0x5U, /*!< Interrupt when logic one. */
90 } hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t;
92 /*! @brief The status of GPIO adapter. */
93 typedef enum _hal_gpio_status
94 {
95     kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess     = kStatus_Success,                       /*!< Success */
96     kStatus_HAL_GpioError       = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 1), /*!< Failed */
97     kStatus_HAL_GpioLackSource  = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 2), /*!< Lack of sources */
98     kStatus_HAL_GpioPinConflict = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 3), /*!< PIN conflict */
99 } hal_gpio_status_t;
101 /*! @brief The direction of GPIO adapter. */
102 typedef enum _hal_gpio_direction
103 {
104     kHAL_GpioDirectionIn = 0x00U, /*!< Out */
105     kHAL_GpioDirectionOut,        /*!< In */
106 } hal_gpio_direction_t;
108 /*! @brief The pin config struct of GPIO adapter. */
109 typedef struct _hal_gpio_pin_config
110 {
111     hal_gpio_direction_t direction;
112     uint8_t level;
113     uint8_t port;
114     uint8_t pin;
115 } hal_gpio_pin_config_t;
117 /*******************************************************************************
118  * API
119  ******************************************************************************/
121 #if defined(__cplusplus)
122 extern "C" {
123 #endif /* __cplusplus */
125 /*!
126  * @brief Initializes static variable located in .bss section.
127  *
128  * This function is used to initialize variable located in .bss section.
129  * Usually users don't need to call this API.
130  * It's just used in the case GPIO adapter is used before .bss section is automatically cleaned up by IDE.
131  * Example below shows how to use this API.
132  *  @code
133  *   HAL_GpioPreInit();
134  *   GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(g_GpioHandle);
135  *   hal_gpio_pin_config_t config;
136  *   config.direction = kHAL_GpioDirectionOut;
137  *   config.port = 0;
138  *   config.pin = 0;
139  *   config.level = 0;
140  *   HAL_GpioInit((hal_gpio_handle_t)g_GpioHandle, &config);
141  *  @endcode
142  */
143 void HAL_GpioPreInit(void);
145 /*!
146  * @brief Initializes an GPIO instance with the GPIO handle and the user configuration structure.
147  *
148  * This function configures the GPIO module with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration
149  * structure. The parameter gpioHandle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE allocated
150  * by the caller. Example below shows how to use this API to configure the GPIO.
151  *  @code
152  *   GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(g_GpioHandle);
153  *   hal_gpio_pin_config_t config;
154  *   config.direction = kHAL_GpioDirectionOut;
155  *   config.port = 0;
156  *   config.pin = 0;
157  *   config.level = 0;
158  *   HAL_GpioInit((hal_gpio_handle_t)g_GpioHandle, &config);
159  *  @endcode
160  *
161  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
162  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
163  * You can define the handle in the following two ways:
164  * #GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(gpioHandle);
165  * or
166  * uint32_t gpioHandle[((HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
167  * @param pinConfig Pointer to user-defined configuration structure.
168  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioError An error occurred while initializing the GPIO.
169  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioPinConflict The pair of the pin and port passed by pinConfig is initialized.
170  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess GPIO initialization succeed
171  */
172 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInit(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_pin_config_t *pinConfig);
174 /*!
175  * @brief Deinitializes a GPIO instance.
176  *
177  * This function disables the trigger mode.
178  *
179  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
180  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
181  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess GPIO de-initialization succeed
182  */
183 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioDeinit(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle);
185 /*!
186  * @brief Gets the pin voltage.
187  *
188  * This function gets the pin voltage. 0 - low level voltage, 1 - high level voltage.
189  *
190  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
191  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
192  * @param pinState A pointer to save the pin state.
193  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Get successfully.
194  */
195 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetInput(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t *pinState);
197 /*!
198  * @brief Sets the pin voltage.
199  *
200  * This function sets the pin voltage. 0 - low level voltage, 1 - high level voltage.
201  *
202  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
203  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
204  * @param pinState Pin state.
205  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Set successfully.
206  */
207 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetOutput(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t pinState);
209 /*!
210  * @brief Gets the pin interrupt trigger mode.
211  *
212  * This function gets the pin interrupt trigger mode. The trigger mode please refer to
213  * #hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t.
214  *
215  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
216  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
217  * @param gpioTrigger A pointer to save the pin trigger mode value.
218  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Get successfully.
219  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioError The pin is the ouput setting.
220  */
221 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetTriggerMode(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t *gpioTrigger);
223 /*!
224  * @brief Sets the pin interrupt trigger mode.
225  *
226  * This function sets the pin interrupt trigger mode. The trigger mode please refer to
227  * #hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t.
228  *
229  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
230  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
231  * @param gpioTrigger The pin trigger mode value.
232  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Set successfully.
233  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioError The pin is the ouput setting.
234  */
235 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetTriggerMode(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t gpioTrigger);
237 /*!
238  * @brief Installs a callback and callback parameter.
239  *
240  * This function is used to install the callback and callback parameter for GPIO module.
241  * When the pin state interrupt happened, the driver will notify the upper layer by the installed callback
242  * function. After the callback called, the GPIO pin state can be got by calling function #HAL_GpioGetInput.
243  *
244  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
245  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
246  * @param callback The callback function.
247  * @param callbackParam The parameter of the callback function.
248  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Successfully install the callback.
249  */
250 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInstallCallback(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle,
251                                           hal_gpio_callback_t callback,
252                                           void *callbackParam);
254 /*!
255  * @brief Enables or disables the GPIO wake-up feature.
256  *
257  * This function enables or disables the GPIO wake-up feature.
258  *
259  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
260  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
261  * @param enable enable or disable (0 - disable, 1 - enable).
262  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioError An error occurred.
263  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Set successfully.
264  */
265 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioWakeUpSetting(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t enable);
267 /*!
268  * @brief Prepares to enter low power consumption.
269  *
270  * This function is used to prepare to enter low power consumption.
271  *
272  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
273  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
274  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Successful operation.
275  */
276 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioEnterLowpower(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle);
278 /*!
279  * @brief Restores from low power consumption.
280  *
281  * This function is used to restore from low power consumption.
282  *
283  * @param gpioHandle GPIO handle pointer.
284  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
285  * @retval kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess Successful operation.
286  */
287 hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioExitLowpower(hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle);
289 #if defined(__cplusplus)
290 }
291 #endif /* __cplusplus */
292 /*! @}*/
293 #endif /* __HAL_GPIO_H__ */