1 /*
2  * Copyright 2013-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  *
8  */
13 #include "fsl_ftfx_features.h"
14 #include "fsl_ftfx_utilities.h"
16 /*!
17  * @addtogroup ftfx_controller
18  * @{
19  */
20 /*******************************************************************************
21  * Definitions
22  ******************************************************************************/
24 /*!
25  * @name FTFx status
26  * @{
27  */
28 /*! @brief FTFx driver status group. */
29 #if defined(kStatusGroup_FlashDriver)
30 #define kStatusGroupGeneric    kStatusGroup_Generic
31 #define kStatusGroupFtfxDriver kStatusGroup_FlashDriver
32 #elif defined(kStatusGroup_FLASH)
33 #define kStatusGroupGeneric    kStatusGroup_Generic
34 #define kStatusGroupFtfxDriver kStatusGroup_FLASH
35 #else
36 #define kStatusGroupGeneric    0
37 #define kStatusGroupFtfxDriver 1
38 #endif
40 /*!
41  * @brief FTFx driver status codes.
42  */
43 enum
44 {
45     kStatus_FTFx_Success         = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupGeneric, 0),    /*!< API is executed successfully*/
46     kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupGeneric, 4),    /*!< Invalid argument*/
47     kStatus_FTFx_SizeError       = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 0), /*!< Error size*/
48     kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError =
49         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 1), /*!< Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline*/
50     kStatus_FTFx_AddressError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 2), /*!< Address is out of range */
51     kStatus_FTFx_AccessError =
52         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 3), /*!< Invalid instruction codes and out-of bound addresses */
53     kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation = MAKE_STATUS(
54         kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 4), /*!< The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas */
55     kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure =
56         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 5), /*!< Run-time error during command execution. */
57     kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty   = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 6), /*!< Unknown property.*/
58     kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError     = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 7), /*!< API erase key is invalid.*/
59     kStatus_FTFx_RegionExecuteOnly = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 8), /*!< The current region is execute-only.*/
60     kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady =
61         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 9), /*!< Execute-in-RAM function is not available.*/
62     kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure =
63         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 10), /*!< Failed to update partition status.*/
64     kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsEepromError =
65         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 11), /*!< Failed to set FlexRAM as EEPROM.*/
66     kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsRamError =
67         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 12), /*!< Failed to recover FlexRAM as RAM.*/
68     kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 13), /*!< Failed to set FlexRAM as RAM.*/
69     kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError =
70         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 14), /*!< Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.*/
71     kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 15), /*!< Flash API is not supported.*/
72     kStatus_FTFx_SwapSystemNotInUninitialized =
73         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 16), /*!< Swap system is not in an uninitialzed state.*/
74     kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError =
75         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 17), /*!< The swap indicator address is invalid.*/
76     kStatus_FTFx_ReadOnlyProperty = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 18), /*!< The flash property is read-only.*/
77     kStatus_FTFx_InvalidPropertyValue =
78         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 19), /*!< The flash property value is out of range.*/
79     kStatus_FTFx_InvalidSpeculationOption =
80         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 20), /*!< The option of flash prefetch speculation is invalid.*/
81     kStatus_FTFx_CommandOperationInProgress =
82         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroupFtfxDriver, 21), /*!< The option of flash command is processing.*/
83 };
84 /*@}*/
86 /*!
87  * @name FTFx API key
88  * @{
89  */
90 /*!
91  * @brief Enumeration for FTFx driver API keys.
92  *
93  * @note The resulting value is built with a byte order such that the string
94  * being readable in expected order when viewed in a hex editor, if the value
95  * is treated as a 32-bit little endian value.
96  */
97 enum _ftfx_driver_api_keys
98 {
99     kFTFx_ApiEraseKey = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('k', 'f', 'e', 'k') /*!< Key value used to validate all FTFx erase APIs.*/
100 };
101 /*@}*/
103 /*!
104  * @brief Enumeration for the FlexRAM load during reset option.
105  */
106 typedef enum _ftfx_partition_flexram_load_option
107 {
108     kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptLoadedWithValidEepromData =
109         0x00U, /*!< FlexRAM is loaded with valid EEPROM data during reset sequence.*/
110     kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptNotLoaded = 0x01U /*!< FlexRAM is not loaded during reset sequence.*/
111 } ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t;
113 /*!
114  * @brief Enumeration for the two possible options of flash read resource command.
115  */
116 typedef enum _ftfx_read_resource_opt
117 {
118     kFTFx_ResourceOptionFlashIfr =
119         0x00U, /*!< Select code for Program flash 0 IFR, Program flash swap 0 IFR, Data flash 0 IFR */
120     kFTFx_ResourceOptionVersionId = 0x01U /*!< Select code for the version ID*/
121 } ftfx_read_resource_opt_t;
123 /*!
124  * @brief Enumeration for supported FTFx margin levels.
125  */
126 typedef enum _ftfx_margin_value
127 {
128     kFTFx_MarginValueNormal,  /*!< Use the 'normal' read level for 1s.*/
129     kFTFx_MarginValueUser,    /*!< Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level.*/
130     kFTFx_MarginValueFactory, /*!< Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level.*/
131     kFTFx_MarginValueInvalid  /*!< Not real margin level, Used to determine the range of valid margin level. */
132 } ftfx_margin_value_t;
134 /*!
135  * @brief Enumeration for the three possible FTFx security states.
136  */
137 typedef enum _ftfx_security_state
138 {
139     kFTFx_SecurityStateNotSecure        = (int)0xc33cc33cu, /*!< Flash is not secure.*/
140     kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorEnabled  = (int)0x5aa55aa5u, /*!< Flash backdoor is enabled.*/
141     kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorDisabled = (int)0x5ac33ca5u  /*!< Flash backdoor is disabled.*/
142 } ftfx_security_state_t;
144 /*!
145  * @brief Enumeration for the two possilbe options of set FlexRAM function command.
146  */
147 typedef enum _ftfx_flexram_function_option
148 {
149     kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableAsRam     = 0xFFU, /*!< An option used to make FlexRAM available as RAM */
150     kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableForEeprom = 0x00U  /*!< An option used to make FlexRAM available for EEPROM */
151 } ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t;
154 /*!
155  * @brief Enumeration for the possible options of Swap control commands
156  */
157 typedef enum _ftfx_swap_control_option
158 {
159     kFTFx_SwapControlOptionIntializeSystem    = 0x01U, /*!< An option used to initialize the Swap system */
160     kFTFx_SwapControlOptionSetInUpdateState   = 0x02U, /*!< An option used to set the Swap in an update state */
161     kFTFx_SwapControlOptionSetInCompleteState = 0x04U, /*!< An option used to set the Swap in a complete state */
162     kFTFx_SwapControlOptionReportStatus       = 0x08U, /*!< An option used to report the Swap status */
163     kFTFx_SwapControlOptionDisableSystem      = 0x10U  /*!< An option used to disable the Swap status */
164 } ftfx_swap_control_opt_t;
167 /*!
168  * @brief Enumeration for the possible flash Swap status.
169  */
170 typedef enum _ftfx_swap_state
171 {
172     kFTFx_SwapStateUninitialized = 0x00U, /*!< Flash Swap system is in an uninitialized state.*/
173     kFTFx_SwapStateReady         = 0x01U, /*!< Flash Swap system is in a ready state.*/
174     kFTFx_SwapStateUpdate        = 0x02U, /*!< Flash Swap system is in an update state.*/
175     kFTFx_SwapStateUpdateErased  = 0x03U, /*!< Flash Swap system is in an updateErased state.*/
176     kFTFx_SwapStateComplete      = 0x04U, /*!< Flash Swap system is in a complete state.*/
177     kFTFx_SwapStateDisabled      = 0x05U  /*!< Flash Swap system is in a disabled state.*/
178 } ftfx_swap_state_t;
181 /*!
182  * @brief Enumeration for the possible flash Swap block status
183  */
184 typedef enum _ftfx_swap_block_status
185 {
186     kFTFx_SwapBlockStatusLowerHalfProgramBlocksAtZero =
187         0x00U, /*!< Swap block status is that lower half program block at zero.*/
188     kFTFx_SwapBlockStatusUpperHalfProgramBlocksAtZero =
189         0x01U, /*!< Swap block status is that upper half program block at zero.*/
190 } ftfx_swap_block_status_t;
192 /*!
193  * @brief Flash Swap information
194  */
195 typedef struct _ftfx_swap_state_config
196 {
197     ftfx_swap_state_t flashSwapState;                /*!<The current Swap system status.*/
198     ftfx_swap_block_status_t currentSwapBlockStatus; /*!< The current Swap block status.*/
199     ftfx_swap_block_status_t nextSwapBlockStatus;    /*!< The next Swap block status.*/
200 } ftfx_swap_state_config_t;
203 /*!
204  * @brief Enumeration for FTFx memory type.
205  */
206 enum _ftfx_memory_type
207 {
208     kFTFx_MemTypePflash  = 0x00U,
209     kFTFx_MemTypeFlexnvm = 0x01U
210 };
212 /*!
213  * @brief ftfx special memory access information.
214  */
215 typedef struct _ftfx_special_mem
216 {
217     uint32_t base;  /*!< Base address of flash special memory.*/
218     uint32_t size;  /*!< size of flash special memory.*/
219     uint32_t count; /*!< flash special memory count.*/
220 } ftfx_spec_mem_t;
222 #if defined(__CC_ARM)
223 #pragma anon_unions
224 #endif
225 /*!
226  * @brief Flash memory descriptor.
227  */
228 typedef struct _ftfx_mem_descriptor
229 {
230     struct
231     {
232         uint8_t type;  /*!< Type of flash block.*/
233         uint8_t index; /*!< Index of flash block.*/
234         uint8_t reserved[2];
235     };
236     struct
237     {
238         uint32_t isIndBlock : 1;
239         uint32_t hasIndPfsizeReg : 1;
240         uint32_t hasProtControl : 1;
241         uint32_t hasIndProtReg : 1;
242         uint32_t hasXaccControl : 1;
243         uint32_t hasIndXaccReg : 1;
244         uint32_t : 18;
245         uint32_t ProtRegBits : 8;
246     } feature;
247     uint32_t blockBase; /*!< A base address of the flash block */
249     uint32_t aliasBlockBase; /*!< A base address of the alias flash block */
250 #endif
251     uint32_t totalSize;  /*!< The size of the flash block. */
252     uint32_t sectorSize; /*!< The size in bytes of a sector of flash. */
253     uint32_t blockCount; /*!< A number of flash blocks. */
254     ftfx_spec_mem_t accessSegmentMem;
255     ftfx_spec_mem_t protectRegionMem;
256 } ftfx_mem_desc_t;
258 /*!
259  * @brief Active FTFx information for the current operation.
260  */
261 typedef struct _ftfx_ops_config
262 {
263     uint32_t convertedAddress; /*!< A converted address for the current flash type.*/
264     struct
265     {
266         uint8_t sectorCmd;
267         uint8_t sectionCmd;
268         uint8_t resourceCmd;
269         uint8_t checkCmd;
270         uint8_t swapCtrlCmd;
271         uint8_t blockWriteUnitSize;
272         uint8_t reserved[2];
273     } addrAligment;
274 } ftfx_ops_config_t;
276 /*!
277  * @brief Flash IFR memory descriptor.
278  */
279 typedef struct _ftfx_ifr_descriptor
280 {
281     struct
282     {
283         uint32_t has4ByteIdxSupport : 1;
284         uint32_t has8ByteIdxSupport : 1;
285         uint32_t : 30;
286     } feature;
287     struct
288     {
289         uint8_t versionIdStart; /*!< Version ID start address */
290         uint8_t versionIdSize;
291         uint16_t ifrMemSize;
292         uint32_t pflashIfrStart;     /*!< Program Flash 0 IFR start address */
293         uint32_t dflashIfrStart;     /*!< Data Flash 0 IFR start address */
294         uint32_t pflashSwapIfrStart; /*!< Program Flash Swap IFR start address*/
295     } resRange;
296     struct
297     {
298         uint16_t mix8byteIdxStart;
299         uint16_t mix8byteIdxEnd;
300     } idxInfo;
301 } ftfx_ifr_desc_t;
303 typedef union
304 {
305     uint32_t commadAddr;
306     void (*callFlashCommand)(FTFx_REG8_ACCESS_TYPE FTMRx_fstat);
307 } function_ptr_t;
309 /*! @brief Flash driver state information.
310  *
311  * An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and
312  * passed into each of the driver APIs.
313  */
314 typedef struct _ftfx_config
315 {
316     ftfx_mem_desc_t flashDesc;
317     ftfx_ops_config_t opsConfig;
318     uint32_t flexramBlockBase; /*!< The base address of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM */
319     uint32_t flexramTotalSize; /*!< The size of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM */
320     uint16_t eepromTotalSize;  /*!< The size of EEPROM area which was partitioned from FlexRAM */
321     uint16_t reserved;
322     function_ptr_t runCmdFuncAddr; /*!< An buffer point to the flash execute-in-RAM function. */
323     ftfx_ifr_desc_t ifrDesc;
324 } ftfx_config_t;
326 /*******************************************************************************
327  * API
328  ******************************************************************************/
330 #if defined(__cplusplus)
331 extern "C" {
332 #endif
334 /*!
335  * @name Initialization
336  * @{
337  */
339 /*!
340  * @brief Initializes the global flash properties structure members.
341  *
342  * This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.
343  *
344  * @param config Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
345  *
346  */
347 void FTFx_API_Init(ftfx_config_t *config);
350 /*!
351  * @brief Updates FlexNVM memory partition status according to data flash 0 IFR.
352  *
353  * This function updates FlexNVM memory partition status.
354  *
355  * @param config Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
356  *
357  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
358  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
359  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure Failed to update the partition status.
360  */
361 status_t FTFx_API_UpdateFlexnvmPartitionStatus(ftfx_config_t *config);
364 /*@}*/
366 /*!
367  * @name Erasing
368  * @{
369  */
371 /*!
372  * @brief Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.
373  *
374  * This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the
375  * desired start address and length.
376  *
377  * @param config The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
378  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased.
379  *              The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.
380  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words)
381  *                      to be erased. Must be word-aligned.
382  * @param key The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
383  *
384  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
385  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
386  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
387  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError The address is out of range.
388  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError The API erase key is invalid.
389  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
390  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
391  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
392  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
393  */
394 status_t FTFx_CMD_Erase(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key);
396 /*!
397  * @brief Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.
398  *
399  * This function erases one flash sector size based on the start address.
400  *
401  * @param config The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
402  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased.
403  *              The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.
404  * @param key The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
405  *
406  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
407  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
408  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
409  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError The address is out of range.
410  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError The API erase key is invalid.
411  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
412  */
413 status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseSectorNonBlocking(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t key);
415 /*!
416  * @brief Erases entire flash
417  *
418  * @param config Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
419  * @param key A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
420  *
421  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
422  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
423  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError API erase key is invalid.
424  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
425  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
426  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
427  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during command execution.
428  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure Failed to update the partition status.
429  */
430 status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key);
433 /*!
434  * @brief Erases the entire flash, including protected sectors.
435  *
436  * @param config Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
437  * @param key A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
438  *
439  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
440  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
441  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError API erase key is invalid.
442  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
443  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
444  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
445  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during command execution.
446  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure Failed to update the partition status.
447  */
448 status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAllUnsecure(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key);
451 /*!
452  * @brief Erases all program flash execute-only segments defined by the FXACC registers.
453  *
454  * @param config Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
455  * @param key A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
456  *
457  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
458  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
459  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError API erase key is invalid.
460  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
461  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
462  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
463  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
464  */
465 status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAllExecuteOnlySegments(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key);
467 /*@}*/
469 /*!
470  * @name Programming
471  * @{
472  */
474 /*!
475  * @brief Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.
476  *
477  * This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given
478  * flash area as determined by the start address and the length.
479  *
480  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
481  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be
482  *              word-aligned.
483  * @param src A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed
484  *            into the flash.
485  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
486  *                      to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.
487  *
488  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
489  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
490  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
491  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError Address is out of range.
492  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
493  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
494  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
495  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
496  */
497 status_t FTFx_CMD_Program(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes);
499 /*!
500  * @brief Programs Program Once Field through parameters.
501  *
502  * This function programs the Program Once Field with the desired data for a given
503  * flash area as determined by the index and length.
504  *
505  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
506  * @param index The index indicating which area of the Program Once Field to be programmed.
507  * @param src A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed
508  *            into the Program Once Field.
509  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
510  *                      to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.
511  *
512  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
513  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
514  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
515  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
516  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
517  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
518  */
519 status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t index, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes);
522 /*!
523  * @brief Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters via the Program Section command.
524  *
525  * This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given
526  * flash area as determined by the start address and length.
527  *
528  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
529  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be
530  *              word-aligned.
531  * @param src A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed
532  *            into the flash.
533  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
534  *                      to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.
535  *
536  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
537  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
538  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.
539  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError Address is out of range.
540  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError Failed to set flexram as RAM.
541  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
542  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
543  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
544  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during command execution.
545  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.
546  */
547 status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramSection(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes);
551 /*!
552  * @brief Prepares the FlexNVM block for use as data flash, EEPROM backup, or a combination of both and initializes the
553  * FlexRAM.
554  *
555  * @param config Pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.
556  * @param option The option used to set FlexRAM load behavior during reset.
557  * @param eepromDataSizeCode Determines the amount of FlexRAM used in each of the available EEPROM subsystems.
558  * @param flexnvmPartitionCode Specifies how to split the FlexNVM block between data flash memory and EEPROM backup
559  *        memory supporting EEPROM functions.
560  *
561  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
562  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument Invalid argument is provided.
563  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
564  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
565  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
566  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during command execution.
567  */
568 status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramPartition(ftfx_config_t *config,
569                                    ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t option,
570                                    uint32_t eepromDataSizeCode,
571                                    uint32_t flexnvmPartitionCode);
574 /*@}*/
576 /*!
577  * @name Reading
578  * @{
579  */
581 /*!
582  * @brief Reads the Program Once Field through parameters.
583  *
584  * This function reads the read once feild with given index and length.
585  *
586  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
587  * @param index The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.
588  * @param dst A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store
589  *        data to be read.
590  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
591  *        to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.
592  *
593  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
594  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
595  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
596  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
597  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
598  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
599  */
600 status_t FTFx_CMD_ReadOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t index, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes);
603 /*!
604  * @brief Reads the resource with data at locations passed in through parameters.
605  *
606  * This function reads the flash memory with the desired location for a given
607  * flash area as determined by the start address and length.
608  *
609  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
610  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be
611  *              word-aligned.
612  * @param dst A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store
613  *        data to be read.
614  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
615  *        to be read. Must be word-aligned.
616  * @param option The resource option which indicates which area should be read back.
617  *
618  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
619  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
620  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
621  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
622  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
623  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
624  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
625  */
626 status_t FTFx_CMD_ReadResource(
627     ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_read_resource_opt_t option);
630 /*@}*/
632 /*!
633  * @name Verification
634  * @{
635  */
637 /*!
638  * @brief Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.
639  *
640  * This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on
641  * the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased
642  * to the specified read margin level.
643  *
644  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
645  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified.
646  *        The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.
647  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
648  *        to be verified. Must be word-aligned.
649  * @param margin Read margin choice.
650  *
651  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
652  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
653  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.
654  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError Address is out of range.
655  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
656  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
657  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
658  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
659  */
660 status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyErase(ftfx_config_t *config,
661                               uint32_t start,
662                               uint32_t lengthInBytes,
663                               ftfx_margin_value_t margin);
665 /*!
666  * @brief Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.
667  *
668  * This function checks whether the flash is erased to the
669  * specified read margin level.
670  *
671  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
672  * @param margin Read margin choice.
673  *
674  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
675  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
676  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
677  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
678  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
679  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
680  */
681 status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin);
683 /*!
684  * @brief Verifies whether the program flash execute-only segments have been erased to
685  *  the specified read margin level.
686  *
687  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
688  * @param margin Read margin choice.
689  *
690  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
691  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
692  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
693  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
694  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
695  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
696  */
697 status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAllExecuteOnlySegments(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin);
699 /*!
700  * @brief Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.
701  *
702  * This function verifies the data programed in the flash memory using the
703  * Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given
704  * flash area as determined by the start address and length.
705  *
706  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
707  * @param start The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.
708  * @param lengthInBytes The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words),
709  *        to be verified. Must be word-aligned.
710  * @param expectedData A pointer to the expected data that is to be
711  *        verified against.
712  * @param margin Read margin choice.
713  * @param failedAddress A pointer to the returned failing address.
714  * @param failedData A pointer to the returned failing data.  Some derivatives do
715  *        not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers.  In this
716  *        case, zeros are returned upon failure.
717  *
718  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
719  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
720  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.
721  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AddressError Address is out of range.
722  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
723  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
724  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
725  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
726  */
727 status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyProgram(ftfx_config_t *config,
728                                 uint32_t start,
729                                 uint32_t lengthInBytes,
730                                 const uint8_t *expectedData,
731                                 ftfx_margin_value_t margin,
732                                 uint32_t *failedAddress,
733                                 uint32_t *failedData);
735 /*@}*/
737 /*!
738  * @name Security
739  * @{
740  */
742 /*!
743  * @brief Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.
744  *
745  * This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the
746  * security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.
747  *
748  * @param config A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.
749  * @param state A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:
750  *
751  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
752  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
753  */
754 status_t FTFx_REG_GetSecurityState(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state);
756 /*!
757  * @brief Allows users to bypass security with a backdoor key.
758  *
759  * If the MCU is in secured state, this function unsecures the MCU by
760  * comparing the provided backdoor key with ones in the flash configuration
761  * field.
762  *
763  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
764  * @param backdoorKey A pointer to the user buffer containing the backdoor key.
765  *
766  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
767  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
768  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
769  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
770  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
771  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
772  */
773 status_t FTFx_CMD_SecurityBypass(ftfx_config_t *config, const uint8_t *backdoorKey);
775 /*@}*/
777 /*!
778  * @name FlexRAM
779  * @{
780  */
783 /*!
784  * @brief Sets the FlexRAM function command.
785  *
786  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
787  * @param option The option used to set the work mode of FlexRAM.
788  *
789  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
790  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
791  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
792  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
793  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
794  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
795  */
796 status_t FTFx_CMD_SetFlexramFunction(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t option);
799 /*@}*/
801 /*!
802  * @name Swap
803  * @{
804  */
807 /*!
808  * @brief Configures the Swap function or checks the swap state of the Flash module.
809  *
810  * @param config A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.
811  * @param address Address used to configure the flash Swap function.
812  * @param option The possible option used to configure Flash Swap function or check the flash Swap status
813  * @param returnInfo A pointer to the data which is used to return the information of flash Swap.
814  *
815  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_Success API was executed successfully.
816  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
817  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.
818  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError Swap indicator address is invalid.
819  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady Execute-in-RAM function is not available.
820  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
821  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.
822  * @retval #kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
823  */
824 status_t FTFx_CMD_SwapControl(ftfx_config_t *config,
825                               uint32_t address,
826                               ftfx_swap_control_opt_t option,
827                               ftfx_swap_state_config_t *returnInfo);
830 /*@}*/
832 #if defined(__cplusplus)
833 }
834 #endif
836 /*! @}*/
838 #endif /* FSL_FTFX_CONTROLLER_H */