1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2019 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_FLEXBUS_H_
10 #define _FSL_FLEXBUS_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup flexbus
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*@{*/
25 #define FSL_FLEXBUS_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 1, 1)) /*!< Version 2.1.1. */
26                                                            /*@}*/
28 /*!
29  * @brief Defines port size for FlexBus peripheral.
30  */
31 typedef enum _flexbus_port_size
32 {
33     kFLEXBUS_4Bytes = 0x00U, /*!< 32-bit port size */
34     kFLEXBUS_1Byte  = 0x01U, /*!< 8-bit port size */
35     kFLEXBUS_2Bytes = 0x02U  /*!< 16-bit port size */
36 } flexbus_port_size_t;
38 /*!
39  * @brief Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
40  */
41 typedef enum _flexbus_write_address_hold
42 {
43     kFLEXBUS_Hold1Cycle  = 0x00U, /*!< Hold address and attributes one cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes */
44     kFLEXBUS_Hold2Cycles = 0x01U, /*!< Hold address and attributes two cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes */
45     kFLEXBUS_Hold3Cycles = 0x02U, /*!< Hold address and attributes three cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes */
46     kFLEXBUS_Hold4Cycles = 0x03U  /*!< Hold address and attributes four cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes */
47 } flexbus_write_address_hold_t;
49 /*!
50  * @brief Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
51  */
52 typedef enum _flexbus_read_address_hold
53 {
54     kFLEXBUS_Hold1Or0Cycles = 0x00U, /*!< Hold address and attributes 1 or 0 cycles on reads */
55     kFLEXBUS_Hold2Or1Cycles = 0x01U, /*!< Hold address and attributes 2 or 1 cycles on reads */
56     kFLEXBUS_Hold3Or2Cycle  = 0x02U, /*!< Hold address and attributes 3 or 2 cycles on reads */
57     kFLEXBUS_Hold4Or3Cycle  = 0x03U  /*!< Hold address and attributes 4 or 3 cycles on reads */
58 } flexbus_read_address_hold_t;
60 /*!
61  * @brief Address setup for FlexBus peripheral.
62  */
63 typedef enum _flexbus_address_setup
64 {
65     kFLEXBUS_FirstRisingEdge  = 0x00U, /*!< Assert FB_CSn on first rising clock edge after address is asserted */
66     kFLEXBUS_SecondRisingEdge = 0x01U, /*!< Assert FB_CSn on second rising clock edge after address is asserted */
67     kFLEXBUS_ThirdRisingEdge  = 0x02U, /*!< Assert FB_CSn on third rising clock edge after address is asserted */
68     kFLEXBUS_FourthRisingEdge = 0x03U, /*!< Assert FB_CSn on fourth rising clock edge after address is asserted */
69 } flexbus_address_setup_t;
71 /*!
72  * @brief Defines byte-lane shift for FlexBus peripheral.
73  */
74 typedef enum _flexbus_bytelane_shift
75 {
76     kFLEXBUS_NotShifted = 0x00U, /*!< Not shifted. Data is left-justified on FB_AD */
77     kFLEXBUS_Shifted    = 0x01U, /*!< Shifted. Data is right justified on FB_AD */
78 } flexbus_bytelane_shift_t;
80 /*!
81  * @brief Defines multiplex group1 valid signals.
82  */
83 typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group1_signal
84 {
85     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_ALE = 0x00U, /*!< FB_ALE */
86     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_CS1 = 0x01U, /*!< FB_CS1 */
87     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_TS  = 0x02U, /*!< FB_TS */
88 } flexbus_multiplex_group1_t;
90 /*!
91  * @brief Defines multiplex group2 valid signals.
92  */
93 typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group2_signal
94 {
95     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_CS4      = 0x00U, /*!< FB_CS4 */
96     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_TSIZ0    = 0x01U, /*!< FB_TSIZ0 */
97     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_BE_31_24 = 0x02U, /*!< FB_BE_31_24 */
98 } flexbus_multiplex_group2_t;
100 /*!
101  * @brief Defines multiplex group3 valid signals.
102  */
103 typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group3_signal
104 {
105     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_CS5      = 0x00U, /*!< FB_CS5 */
106     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_TSIZ1    = 0x01U, /*!< FB_TSIZ1 */
107     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_BE_23_16 = 0x02U, /*!< FB_BE_23_16 */
108 } flexbus_multiplex_group3_t;
110 /*!
111  * @brief Defines multiplex group4 valid signals.
112  */
113 typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group4_signal
114 {
115     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_TBST    = 0x00U, /*!< FB_TBST */
116     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_CS2     = 0x01U, /*!< FB_CS2 */
117     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_BE_15_8 = 0x02U, /*!< FB_BE_15_8 */
118 } flexbus_multiplex_group4_t;
120 /*!
121  * @brief Defines multiplex group5 valid signals.
122  */
123 typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group5_signal
124 {
125     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_TA     = 0x00U, /*!< FB_TA */
126     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_CS3    = 0x01U, /*!< FB_CS3 */
127     kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_BE_7_0 = 0x02U, /*!< FB_BE_7_0 */
128 } flexbus_multiplex_group5_t;
130 /*!
131  * @brief Configuration structure that the user needs to set.
132  */
133 typedef struct _flexbus_config
134 {
135     uint8_t chip;                                      /*!< Chip FlexBus for validation */
136     uint8_t waitStates;                                /*!< Value of wait states */
137     uint8_t secondaryWaitStates;                       /*!< Value of secondary wait states */
138     uint32_t chipBaseAddress;                          /*!< Chip base address for using FlexBus */
139     uint32_t chipBaseAddressMask;                      /*!< Chip base address mask */
140     bool writeProtect;                                 /*!< Write protected */
141     bool burstWrite;                                   /*!< Burst-Write enable */
142     bool burstRead;                                    /*!< Burst-Read enable */
143     bool byteEnableMode;                               /*!< Byte-enable mode support */
144     bool autoAcknowledge;                              /*!< Auto acknowledge setting */
145     bool extendTransferAddress;                        /*!< Extend transfer start/extend address latch enable */
146     bool secondaryWaitStatesEnable;                    /*!< Enable secondary wait states */
147     flexbus_port_size_t portSize;                      /*!< Port size of transfer */
148     flexbus_bytelane_shift_t byteLaneShift;            /*!< Byte-lane shift enable */
149     flexbus_write_address_hold_t writeAddressHold;     /*!< Write address hold or deselect option */
150     flexbus_read_address_hold_t readAddressHold;       /*!< Read address hold or deselect option */
151     flexbus_address_setup_t addressSetup;              /*!< Address setup setting */
152     flexbus_multiplex_group1_t group1MultiplexControl; /*!< FlexBus Signal Group 1 Multiplex control */
153     flexbus_multiplex_group2_t group2MultiplexControl; /*!< FlexBus Signal Group 2 Multiplex control */
154     flexbus_multiplex_group3_t group3MultiplexControl; /*!< FlexBus Signal Group 3 Multiplex control */
155     flexbus_multiplex_group4_t group4MultiplexControl; /*!< FlexBus Signal Group 4 Multiplex control */
156     flexbus_multiplex_group5_t group5MultiplexControl; /*!< FlexBus Signal Group 5 Multiplex control */
157 } flexbus_config_t;
159 /*******************************************************************************
160  * API
161  ******************************************************************************/
163 #if defined(__cplusplus)
164 extern "C" {
165 #endif /* __cplusplus */
167 /*!
168  * @name FlexBus functional operation
169  * @{
170  */
172 /*!
173  * @brief Initializes and configures the FlexBus module.
174  *
175  * This function enables the clock gate for FlexBus module.
176  * Only chip 0 is validated and set to known values. Other chips are disabled.
177  * Note that in this function, certain parameters, depending on external memories,  must
178  * be set before using the FLEXBUS_Init() function.
179  * This example shows how to set up the uart_state_t and the
180  * flexbus_config_t parameters and how to call the FLEXBUS_Init function by passing
181  * in these parameters.
182    @code
183     flexbus_config_t flexbusConfig;
184     FLEXBUS_GetDefaultConfig(&flexbusConfig);
185     flexbusConfig.waitStates            = 2U;
186     flexbusConfig.chipBaseAddress       = 0x60000000U;
187     flexbusConfig.chipBaseAddressMask   = 7U;
188     FLEXBUS_Init(FB, &flexbusConfig);
189    @endcode
190  *
191  * @param base FlexBus peripheral address.
192  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure
193 */
194 void FLEXBUS_Init(FB_Type *base, const flexbus_config_t *config);
196 /*!
197  * @brief De-initializes a FlexBus instance.
198  *
199  * This function disables the clock gate of the FlexBus module clock.
200  *
201  * @param base FlexBus peripheral address.
202  */
203 void FLEXBUS_Deinit(FB_Type *base);
205 /*!
206  * @brief Initializes the FlexBus configuration structure.
207  *
208  * This function initializes the FlexBus configuration structure to default value. The default
209  * values are.
210    @code
211    fbConfig->chip                   = 0;
212    fbConfig->writeProtect           = 0;
213    fbConfig->burstWrite             = 0;
214    fbConfig->burstRead              = 0;
215    fbConfig->byteEnableMode         = 0;
216    fbConfig->autoAcknowledge        = true;
217    fbConfig->extendTransferAddress  = 0;
218    fbConfig->secondaryWaitStates    = 0;
219    fbConfig->byteLaneShift          = kFLEXBUS_NotShifted;
220    fbConfig->writeAddressHold       = kFLEXBUS_Hold1Cycle;
221    fbConfig->readAddressHold        = kFLEXBUS_Hold1Or0Cycles;
222    fbConfig->addressSetup           = kFLEXBUS_FirstRisingEdge;
223    fbConfig->portSize               = kFLEXBUS_1Byte;
224    fbConfig->group1MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_ALE;
225    fbConfig->group2MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_CS4 ;
226    fbConfig->group3MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_CS5;
227    fbConfig->group4MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_TBST;
228    fbConfig->group5MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_TA;
229    @endcode
230  * @param config Pointer to the initialization structure.
231  * @see FLEXBUS_Init
232  */
233 void FLEXBUS_GetDefaultConfig(flexbus_config_t *config);
235 /*! @}*/
237 #if defined(__cplusplus)
238 }
239 #endif /* __cplusplus */
241 /*! @}*/
243 #endif /* _FSL_FLEXBUS_H_ */