1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
8 /**
9 * @file host_interface_service.h
10 * @brief The host_interface_service.h file describes the structures and definitions for the host.
11 */
15 #include <stddef.h>
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <stdbool.h>
18 #include "comm_interface.h"
20 #define HOST_INTERFACE_OK 0
21 #define HOST_INTERFACE_VERSION ((1 << 4) | (0 & 0xF)) // Host Interface Version 1.0
23 /*******************************************************************************
24  * Definitions
25  ******************************************************************************/
26 /*  Interface functions Signature.*/
27 typedef void (*Host_Event_t)(uint32_t event); /*< Pointer to Host Event.*/
29 /* @brief This defines the handle to host
30  */
31 typedef struct _host_interface_handle_
32 {
33     comm_interface_t *pCommInterface;
34     void *pInData;                     /*!< Input data for the callback .*/
35     uint32_t status;                   /*!< Current Comm status.*/
36     comm_handle_t commHandle;          /*!< pointer to a specific communication channel.*/
37     Host_Event_t event;                /*!< Host Event callback: Future implementaion .*/
38     comm_instance_type_t instanceType; /*!< COMM Instance Type .*/
39 } host_interface_handle_t;
41 /* @brief This defines the host interface config structure
42  */
43 typedef struct _host_interface_config_
44 {
45     uint32_t tbd; // tbd
47 } host_interface_config_t;
49 /* @brief This defines the host interface based events
50  */
52     (1UL << 0) ///< Send completed. Completed the data transfer. Useful for Asynchronous, non blocking calls
54     (1UL << 1) ///< Receive completed, Receved specifed bytes of data. Useful for Asynchronous, non blocking calls
56 typedef void (*BlockRead_t)(host_interface_handle_t *pHandle, void *pData); /*< Pointer to block read function.
57 User can implement start and end packet detection logic to determine unknown receive length.
58 This basically a data-interchangbility format dependent such as HDLC, JSON etc..*/
59 /******************************************************************************/
60 /*! @brief       The function to Initialize the Host
61  *  @details     It initialize the host for the specified communucation channel and data format service.
63  *  @param[in]   pHandle - pointer to the  interface handle
64  *  @param[in]   type- host communication type
65  *  @param[in]   pCommInstance - pointer to a communication object.
66  *  @param[in]   inType - instanceType.
67  *  @param[in]   event -  event handler callback
68  *  @param[in]   pInData  - input data to underlying layers
69  *  @return      ::HOST_Initialize() returns the status .
70  *
71  *  @Constraints None
72  *
73  *  @Reentrant   Yes
74  */
75 int32_t HOST_Initialize(host_interface_handle_t *pHandle,
76                         comm_type_t type,
77                         void *pCommInstance,
78                         comm_instance_type_t inType,
79                         Host_Event_t event,
80                         void *pInData);
82 /******************************************************************************/
83 /*! @brief       The function to Configure the Host
84  *  @details     TBD
86  *  @param[in]   pHandle - pointer to the  interface handle
87  *  @param[in]   pConfigData - Host configuration information
88  *  @return      ::HOST_Configure() returns the status .
89  *
90  *  @Constraints None
91  *
92  *  @Reentrant   Yes
93  */
94 int32_t HOST_Configure(host_interface_handle_t *pHandle, void *pConfigData);
95 /******************************************************************************/
96 /*! @brief       The function to Send the data to the host
97  *  @details     TBD
99  *  @param[in]   pHandle - pointer to the  interface handle
100  *  @param[in]   pData - pointer to a data to send
101  *  @param[in]   size  - number of byte to send
102  *  @return      ::HOST_Send() returns the status .
103  *
104  *  @Constraints None
105  *
106  *  @Reentrant   Yes
107  */
108 int32_t HOST_Send(host_interface_handle_t *pHandle, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t size);
110 /*! @brief       The function to receive data from the host.
111  *  @details     BlockRead callback function will be called only if Host is initialized with Blocking Call communication
112  instance,
113                  refer comm_instance_type_t inType HOST_Initialize() function.
114                  If the host is initialized with blocking communication instance, This call will be blocked until
115  BlockRead_t process returns provided BlockRead_t process is not NULL
116                  else it will be blocked until specified number of requested bytes are received. User can implement own
117  logic to separate packet start and end de-limiter in
118                  BlockRead_t process to determine a stream or use provided Block Read function in the each Data Format.
119                  If the host is intialized with NonBlocking Communication instance. This call will be immediately
120  returns and Users Needs to Syschronous data based on
121                  Host event HOST_INTERFACE_EVENT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE.
122  *  @param[in]   pHandle   - pointer to the  interface handle.
123  *  @param[out]  pData - pointer to data to be received.
124  *  @param[out]  pRecvSize - number of byte received. This field is for the future use.
125  *  @param[in]   size  - Nnumber of byte intend to receive, if user know. This argument has no impact if "BlockRead_t
126  process" is not NULL and communication instance is Blocking
127  *  @param[in]   process  - process function for the block data read. NOTE: This parameter is not valid, if
128  communication Read function is Nonblocking.
129     The logic in the callback can start and end packet data detection to get the unknown receive length stream data from
130  the host.
132  *  @return      ::HOST_Receive() returns the status .
133  *
134  *  @Constraints None
135  *
136  *  @Reentrant   Yes
137  */
138 // Note: Signature of this function may change based on the implementation and usability.
139 int32_t HOST_Receive(
140     host_interface_handle_t *pHandle, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t *pRecvSize, uint32_t size, BlockRead_t process);