1#!/usr/bin/env python3 2 3import sys 4import os.path 5from os import path 6import os, fnmatch 7import re 8import subprocess 9import com 10 11def cmd(c, ask_on_err = True): 12 print("\n" + c) 13 r = os.system(c) 14 if r: 15 print("### Error: " + str(r)) 16 if ask_on_err: 17 input("Press Enter to continue execution...") 18 19def define_set(fn, name, value): 20 print("In " + fn + " set " + name + " to " + value) 21 22 new_content = "" 23 s = r'^ *# *define +' + str(name).rstrip() + ' +' 24 25 f = open(fn, "r") 26 for i in f.read().splitlines(): 27 r = re.search(s, i) 28 if r: 29 d = i.split("define") 30 i = d[0] + "define " + name + " " + value 31 new_content += i + '\n' 32 33 f.close() 34 35 f = open(fn, "w") 36 f.write(new_content) 37 f.close() 38 39def ver_format(ver): 40 s = "v" + str(ver[0]) + "." + str(ver[1]) + "." + str(ver[2]) 41 if(ver[3] != ""): s = s + "-" + ver[3] 42 return s 43 44def get_lvgl_version(): 45 print("Get lvgl's version ") 46 47 ver = [0, 0, 0, ""] 48 49 f = open("./lvgl.h", "r") 50 51 lastNum = re.compile(r'(?:[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]*)+') 52 for i in f.read().splitlines(): 53 r = re.search(r'^#define LVGL_VERSION_MAJOR ', i) 54 if r: 55 m = lastNum.search(i) 56 if m: ver[0] = m.group(1) 57 58 r = re.search(r'^#define LVGL_VERSION_MINOR ', i) 59 if r: 60 m = lastNum.search(i) 61 if m: ver[1] = m.group(1) 62 63 r = re.search(r'^#define LVGL_VERSION_PATCH ', i) 64 if r: 65 m = lastNum.search(i) 66 if m: ver[2] = m.group(1) 67 68 f.close() 69 70 print("Version found: " + ver_format(ver)) 71 72 return ver 73 74def push(c): 75 cmd("git push " + c) 76 77def update_version(ver): 78 ver_str = ver_format(ver) 79 ver_num = ver[0] + "." + ver[1] + "." + ver[2] 80 81 templ = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('.'), '*_templ*.h') 82 83 if len(templ) > 0 and templ[0]: 84 print("Updating version in " + templ[0]) 85 cmd("sed -i -r 's/v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*/"+ "v" + ver_num + "/' " + templ[0]) 86 87 if os.path.exists("library.json"): 88 print("Updating version in library.json") 89 cmd("sed -i -r 's/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/"+ ver_num +"/' library.json") 90 91 if path.exists("library.properties"): 92 print("Updating version in library.properties") 93 cmd("sed -i -r 's/version=[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/"+ "version=" + ver_num + "/' library.properties") 94 95 if path.exists("conf.py"): 96 cmd("sed -i -r 's/v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*/" + ver_str + "/' conf.py") 97 98 if path.exists("Kconfig"): 99 cmd("sed -i -r 's/v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*/" + ver_str + "/' Kconfig") 100 101 if path.exists("lvgl.h"): 102 define_set("./lvgl.h", "LVGL_VERSION_MAJOR", str(ver[0])) 103 define_set("./lvgl.h", "LVGL_VERSION_MINOR", str(ver[1])) 104 define_set("./lvgl.h", "LVGL_VERSION_PATCH", str(ver[2])) 105 define_set("./lvgl.h", "LVGL_VERSION_INFO", "\"" + ver[3] + "\"") 106 107 cmd("git commit -am 'Update versions to " + ver_str + "'") 108 109