1 /***************************************************************************//**
2  * @file
3  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripheral API
4  *******************************************************************************
5  * # License
6  * <b>Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc. www.silabs.com</b>
7  *******************************************************************************
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
10  *
11  * The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc.
12  *
13  * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
14  * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
15  * arising from the use of this software.
16  *
17  * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
18  * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
19  * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
20  *
21  * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
22  *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
23  *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
24  *    appreciated but is not required.
25  * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
26  *    misrepresented as being the original software.
27  * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
28  *
29  ******************************************************************************/
31 #include "em_i2c.h"
32 #if defined(I2C_COUNT) && (I2C_COUNT > 0)
34 #include "em_cmu.h"
35 #include "em_bus.h"
36 #include "em_assert.h"
38  #include <limits.h>
40 /***************************************************************************//**
41  * @addtogroup i2c I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit
42  * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripheral API
43  * @details
44  *  This module contains functions to control the I2C peripheral of Silicon
45  *  Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The I2C interface allows communication on I2C
46  *  buses with the lowest energy consumption possible.
47  * @{
48  ******************************************************************************/
50 /*******************************************************************************
51  *******************************   DEFINES   ***********************************
52  ******************************************************************************/
56 /** Validation of the I2C register block pointer reference for assert statements. */
57 #if (I2C_COUNT == 1)
58 #define I2C_REF_VALID(ref)    ((ref) == I2C0)
59 #elif (I2C_COUNT == 2)
60 #define I2C_REF_VALID(ref)    (((ref) == I2C0) || ((ref) == I2C1))
61 #elif (I2C_COUNT == 3)
62 #define I2C_REF_VALID(ref)    (((ref) == I2C0) || ((ref) == I2C1) || ((ref) == I2C2))
63 #endif
65 /** Error flags indicating that the I2C transfer has failed. */
66 /* Notice that I2C_IF_TXOF (transmit overflow) is not really possible with */
67 /* the software-supporting master mode. Likewise, for I2C_IF_RXUF (receive underflow) */
68 /* RXUF is only likely to occur with the software if using a debugger peeking into */
69 /* the RXDATA register. Therefore, those types of faults are ignored. */
73 /* Maximum I2C transmission rate constant.  */
74 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
75 #define I2C_CR_MAX       4
76 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1)
77 #define I2C_CR_MAX       8
78 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
79 #define I2C_CR_MAX       8
80 #else
81 #warning "Max I2C transmission rate constant is not defined"
82 #endif
84 /** @endcond */
86 /*******************************************************************************
87  ********************************   ENUMS   ************************************
88  ******************************************************************************/
92 /** Master mode transfer states. */
93 typedef enum {
94   i2cStateStartAddrSend,       /**< Send start + (first part of) address. */
95   i2cStateAddrWFAckNack,       /**< Wait for ACK/NACK on (the first part of) address. */
96   i2cStateAddrWF2ndAckNack,    /**< Wait for ACK/NACK on the second part of a 10 bit address. */
97   i2cStateRStartAddrSend,      /**< Send a repeated start + (first part of) address. */
98   i2cStateRAddrWFAckNack,      /**< Wait for ACK/NACK on an address sent after a repeated start. */
99   i2cStateDataSend,            /**< Send data. */
100   i2cStateDataWFAckNack,       /**< Wait for ACK/NACK on data sent. */
101   i2cStateWFData,              /**< Wait for data. */
102   i2cStateWFStopSent,          /**< Wait for STOP to have been transmitted. */
103   i2cStateDone                 /**< Transfer completed successfully. */
104 } I2C_TransferState_TypeDef;
106 /** @endcond */
108 /*******************************************************************************
109  *******************************   STRUCTS   ***********************************
110  ******************************************************************************/
114 /** Structure used to store state information on an ongoing master mode transfer. */
115 typedef struct {
116   /** Current state. */
117   I2C_TransferState_TypeDef  state;
119   /** Result return code. */
120   I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef result;
122   /** Offset in the current sequence buffer. */
123   uint16_t                   offset;
125   /* Index to the current sequence buffer in use. */
126   uint8_t                    bufIndx;
128   /** Reference to the I2C transfer sequence definition provided by the user. */
129   I2C_TransferSeq_TypeDef    *seq;
130 } I2C_Transfer_TypeDef;
132 /** @endcond */
134 /*******************************************************************************
135  *****************************   LOCAL DATA   *******^**************************
136  ******************************************************************************/
140 /**
141  * Lookup table for Nlow + Nhigh setting defined by CLHR. Set the undefined
142  * index (0x3) to reflect a default setting just in case.
143  */
144 static const uint8_t i2cNSum[] = { 4 + 4, 6 + 3, 11 + 6, 4 + 4 };
146 /** A transfer state information for an ongoing master mode transfer. */
147 static I2C_Transfer_TypeDef i2cTransfer[I2C_COUNT];
149 /** @endcond */
151 /*******************************************************************************
152  **************************   LOCAL FUNCTIONS   *******************************
153  ******************************************************************************/
157 /***************************************************************************//**
158  * @brief
159  *   Empty received data buffer.
160  ******************************************************************************/
flushRx(I2C_TypeDef * i2c)161 static void flushRx(I2C_TypeDef *i2c)
162 {
163   while (i2c->STATUS & I2C_STATUS_RXDATAV) {
164     i2c->RXDATA;
165   }
167 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
168   /* SW needs to clear RXDATAV IF on Series 2 devices.
169      Flag is kept high by HW if buffer is not empty. */
170   I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_RXDATAV);
171 #endif
172 }
174 /** @endcond */
176 /*******************************************************************************
177  **************************   GLOBAL FUNCTIONS   *******************************
178  ******************************************************************************/
180 /***************************************************************************//**
181  * @brief
182  *   Get the current configured I2C bus frequency.
183  *
184  * @details
185  *   This frequency is only relevant when acting as master.
186  *
187  * @note
188  *   The actual frequency is a real number, this function returns a rounded
189  *   down (truncated) integer value.
190  *
191  * @param[in] i2c
192  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
193  *
194  * @return
195  *   The current I2C frequency in Hz.
196  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_BusFreqGet(I2C_TypeDef * i2c)197 uint32_t I2C_BusFreqGet(I2C_TypeDef *i2c)
198 {
199   uint32_t freqHfper = 0;
200   uint32_t n;
202   /* Maximum frequency is given by freqScl = freqHfper/((Nlow + Nhigh)(DIV + 1) + I2C_CR_MAX)
203    * For more details, see the reference manual
204    * I2C Clock Generation chapter. */
205   if (i2c == I2C0) {
206     freqHfper = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C0);
207 #if defined(I2C1)
208   } else if (i2c == I2C1) {
209     freqHfper = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C1);
210 #endif
211 #if defined(I2C2)
212   } else if (i2c == I2C2) {
213     freqHfper = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C2);
214 #endif
215   } else {
216     EFM_ASSERT(false);
217   }
219   /* n = Nlow + Nhigh */
220   n = (uint32_t)i2cNSum[(i2c->CTRL & _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_MASK)
221                         >> _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_SHIFT];
222   return freqHfper / ((n * (i2c->CLKDIV + 1)) + I2C_CR_MAX);
223 }
225 /***************************************************************************//**
226  * @brief
227  *   Set the I2C bus frequency.
228  *
229  * @details
230  *   The bus frequency is only relevant when acting as master. The bus
231  *   frequency should not be set higher than the maximum frequency accepted by the
232  *   slowest device on the bus.
233  *
234  *   Notice that, due to asymmetric requirements on low and high I2C clock
235  *   cycles in the I2C specification, the maximum frequency allowed
236  *   to comply with the specification may be somewhat lower than expected.
237  *
238  *   See the reference manual, details on I2C clock generation,
239  *   for maximum allowed theoretical frequencies for different modes.
240  *
241  * @param[in] i2c
242  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
243  *
244  * @param[in] freqRef
245  *   An I2C reference clock frequency in Hz that will be used. If set to 0,
246  *   HFPERCLK / HFPERCCLK clock is used. Setting it to a higher than actual
247  *   configured value has the consequence of reducing the real I2C frequency.
248  *
249  * @param[in] freqScl
250  *   A bus frequency to set (bus speed may be lower due to integer
251  *   prescaling). Safe (according to the I2C specification) maximum frequencies for
252  *   standard fast and fast+ modes are available using I2C_FREQ_ defines.
253  *   (Using I2C_FREQ_ defines requires corresponding setting of @p type.)
254  *   The slowest slave device on a bus must always be considered.
255  *
256  * @param[in] i2cMode
257  *   A clock low-to-high ratio type to use. If not using i2cClockHLRStandard,
258  *   make sure all devices on the bus support the specified mode. Using a
259  *   non-standard ratio is useful to achieve a higher bus clock in fast and
260  *   fast+ modes.
261  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_BusFreqSet(I2C_TypeDef * i2c,uint32_t freqRef,uint32_t freqScl,I2C_ClockHLR_TypeDef i2cMode)262 void I2C_BusFreqSet(I2C_TypeDef *i2c,
263                     uint32_t freqRef,
264                     uint32_t freqScl,
265                     I2C_ClockHLR_TypeDef i2cMode)
266 {
267   uint32_t n, minFreq, denominator;
268   int32_t div;
270   /* Avoid dividing by 0. */
271   EFM_ASSERT(freqScl);
272   if (!freqScl) {
273     return;
274   }
276   /* Ensure mode is valid */
277   i2cMode &= _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_MASK >> _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_SHIFT;
279   /* Set the CLHR (clock low-to-high ratio). */
280   i2c->CTRL &= ~_I2C_CTRL_CLHR_MASK;
281   BUS_RegMaskedWrite(&i2c->CTRL,
282                      _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_MASK,
283                      i2cMode << _I2C_CTRL_CLHR_SHIFT);
285   if (freqRef == 0) {
286     if (i2c == I2C0) {
287       freqRef = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C0);
288 #if defined(I2C1)
289     } else if (i2c == I2C1) {
290       freqRef = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C1);
291 #endif
292 #if defined(I2C2)
293     } else if (i2c == I2C2) {
294       freqRef = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_I2C2);
295 #endif
296     } else {
297       EFM_ASSERT(false);
298     }
299   }
301   /* Check the minumum HF peripheral clock. */
302   minFreq = UINT_MAX;
303   if (i2c->CTRL & I2C_CTRL_SLAVE) {
304     switch (i2cMode) {
305       case i2cClockHLRStandard:
306 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
307         minFreq = 4200000; break;
308 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1)
309         minFreq = 2000000; break;
310 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
311         minFreq = 2000000; break;
312 #endif
313       case i2cClockHLRAsymetric:
314 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
315         minFreq = 11000000; break;
316 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1)
317         minFreq = 5000000; break;
318 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
319         minFreq = 5000000; break;
320 #endif
321       case i2cClockHLRFast:
322 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
323         minFreq = 24400000; break;
324 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_1)
325         minFreq = 14000000; break;
326 #elif defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
327         minFreq = 14000000; break;
328 #endif
329       default:
330         /* MISRA requires the default case. */
331         break;
332     }
333   } else {
334     /* For master mode, platform 1 and 2 share the same
335        minimum frequencies. */
336     switch (i2cMode) {
337       case i2cClockHLRStandard:
338         minFreq = 2000000; break;
339       case i2cClockHLRAsymetric:
340         minFreq = 9000000; break;
341       case i2cClockHLRFast:
342         minFreq = 20000000; break;
343       default:
344         /* MISRA requires default case */
345         break;
346     }
347   }
349   /* Frequency most be larger-than. */
350   EFM_ASSERT(freqRef > minFreq);
352   /* SCL frequency is given by:
353    * freqScl = freqRef/((Nlow + Nhigh) * (DIV + 1) + I2C_CR_MAX)
354    *
355    * Therefore,
356    * DIV = ((freqRef - (I2C_CR_MAX * freqScl))/((Nlow + Nhigh) * freqScl)) - 1
357    *
358    * For more details, see the reference manual
359    * I2C Clock Generation chapter.  */
361   /* n = Nlow + Nhigh */
362   n = (uint32_t)i2cNSum[i2cMode];
363   denominator = n * freqScl;
365   /* Explicitly ensure denominator is never zero. */
366   if (denominator == 0) {
367     EFM_ASSERT(0);
368     return;
369   }
370   /* Perform integer division so that div is rounded up. */
371   div = ((freqRef - (I2C_CR_MAX * freqScl) + denominator - 1)
372          / denominator) - 1;
373   EFM_ASSERT(div >= 0);
374   EFM_ASSERT((uint32_t)div <= _I2C_CLKDIV_DIV_MASK);
376   /* The clock divisor must be at least 1 in slave mode according to the reference */
377   /* manual (in which case there is normally no need to set the bus frequency). */
378   if ((i2c->CTRL & I2C_CTRL_SLAVE) && (div == 0)) {
379     div = 1;
380   }
381   i2c->CLKDIV = (uint32_t)div;
382 }
384 /***************************************************************************//**
385  * @brief
386  *   Enable/disable I2C.
387  *
388  * @note
389  *   After enabling the I2C (from being disabled), the I2C is in BUSY state.
390  *
391  * @param[in] i2c
392  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
393  *
394  * @param[in] enable
395  *   True to enable counting, false to disable.
396  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_Enable(I2C_TypeDef * i2c,bool enable)397 void I2C_Enable(I2C_TypeDef *i2c, bool enable)
398 {
401 #if defined (_I2C_EN_MASK)
402   BUS_RegBitWrite(&(i2c->EN), _I2C_EN_EN_SHIFT, enable);
403 #else
404   BUS_RegBitWrite(&(i2c->CTRL), _I2C_CTRL_EN_SHIFT, enable);
405 #endif
406 }
408 /***************************************************************************//**
409  * @brief
410  *   Initialize I2C.
411  *
412  * @param[in] i2c
413  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
414  *
415  * @param[in] init
416  *   A pointer to the I2C initialization structure.
417  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_Init(I2C_TypeDef * i2c,const I2C_Init_TypeDef * init)418 void I2C_Init(I2C_TypeDef *i2c, const I2C_Init_TypeDef *init)
419 {
422   i2c->IEN = 0;
423   I2C_IntClear(i2c, _I2C_IF_MASK);
425   /* Set SLAVE select mode. */
426   BUS_RegBitWrite(&(i2c->CTRL), _I2C_CTRL_SLAVE_SHIFT, init->master ? 0 : 1);
428   I2C_BusFreqSet(i2c, init->refFreq, init->freq, init->clhr);
430   I2C_Enable(i2c, init->enable);
431 }
433 /***************************************************************************//**
434  * @brief
435  *   Reset I2C to the same state that it was in after a hardware reset.
436  *
437  * @note
438  *   The ROUTE register is NOT reset by this function to allow for
439  *   centralized setup of this feature.
440  *
441  * @param[in] i2c
442  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
443  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_Reset(I2C_TypeDef * i2c)444 void I2C_Reset(I2C_TypeDef *i2c)
445 {
446   // Cancel ongoing operations and clear TX buffer
448   i2c->CTRL      = _I2C_CTRL_RESETVALUE;
450   i2c->SADDR     = _I2C_SADDR_RESETVALUE;
452   i2c->IEN       = _I2C_IEN_RESETVALUE;
453 #if defined (_I2C_EN_EN_MASK)
454   i2c->EN      = _I2C_EN_RESETVALUE;
455 #endif
457   // Empty received data buffer
458   flushRx(i2c);
459   I2C_IntClear(i2c, _I2C_IF_MASK);
460   /* Do not reset the route register; setting should be done independently. */
461 }
463 // *****************************************************************************
464 /// @brief
465 ///   Continue an initiated I2C transfer (single master mode only).
466 ///
467 /// @details
468 ///   This function is used repeatedly after a I2C_TransferInit() to
469 ///   complete a transfer. It may be used in polled mode as the below example
470 ///   shows:
471 /// @code{.c}
472 /// I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef ret;
473 ///
474 /// // Do a polled transfer
475 /// ret = I2C_TransferInit(I2C0, seq);
476 /// while (ret == i2cTransferInProgress)
477 /// {
478 ///   ret = I2C_Transfer(I2C0);
479 /// }
480 /// @endcode
481 ///  It may also be used in interrupt driven mode, where this function is invoked
482 ///  from the interrupt handler. Notice that, if used in interrupt mode, NVIC
483 ///  interrupts must be configured and enabled for the I2C bus used. I2C
484 ///  peripheral specific interrupts are managed by this software.
485 ///
486 /// @note
487 ///   Only single master mode is supported.
488 ///
489 /// @param[in] i2c
490 ///   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
491 ///
492 /// @return
493 ///   Returns status for an ongoing transfer.
494 ///   @li #i2cTransferInProgress - indicates that transfer not finished.
495 ///   @li #i2cTransferDone - transfer completed successfully.
496 ///   @li otherwise some sort of error has occurred.
497 ///
498 // *****************************************************************************
I2C_Transfer(I2C_TypeDef * i2c)499 I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef I2C_Transfer(I2C_TypeDef *i2c)
500 {
501   uint32_t                tmp;
502   uint32_t                pending;
503   I2C_Transfer_TypeDef    *transfer;
504   I2C_TransferSeq_TypeDef *seq;
508   /* Support up to 2 I2C buses. */
509   if (i2c == I2C0) {
510     transfer = i2cTransfer;
511   }
512 #if (I2C_COUNT > 1)
513   else if (i2c == I2C1) {
514     transfer = i2cTransfer + 1;
515   }
516 #endif
517 #if (I2C_COUNT > 2)
518   else if (i2c == I2C2) {
519     transfer = i2cTransfer + 2;
520   }
521 #endif
522   else {
523     return i2cTransferUsageFault;
524   }
526   seq = transfer->seq;
527   for (;; ) {
528     pending = i2c->IF;
530     /* If some sort of fault, abort transfer. */
531     if (pending & I2C_IF_ERRORS) {
532       if (pending & I2C_IF_ARBLOST) {
533         /* If an arbitration fault, indicates either a slave device */
534         /* not responding as expected, or other master which is not */
535         /* supported by this software. */
536         transfer->result = i2cTransferArbLost;
537       } else if (pending & I2C_IF_BUSERR) {
538         /* A bus error indicates a misplaced start or stop, which should */
539         /* not occur in master mode controlled by this software. */
540         transfer->result = i2cTransferBusErr;
541       }
543       /* Ifan error occurs, it is difficult to know */
544       /* an exact cause and how to resolve. It will be up to a wrapper */
545       /* to determine how to handle a fault/recovery if possible. */
546       transfer->state = i2cStateDone;
547       goto done;
548     }
550     switch (transfer->state) {
551       /***************************************************/
552       /* Send the first start+address (first byte if 10 bit). */
553       /***************************************************/
554       case i2cStateStartAddrSend:
555         if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_10BIT_ADDR) {
556           tmp = (((uint32_t)(seq->addr) >> 8) & 0x06) | 0xf0;
558           /* In 10 bit address mode, the address following the first */
559           /* start always indicates write. */
560         } else {
561           tmp = (uint32_t)(seq->addr) & 0xfe;
563           if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_READ) {
564             /* Indicate read request */
565             tmp |= 1;
566           }
567         }
569         transfer->state = i2cStateAddrWFAckNack;
570         i2c->TXDATA     = tmp;/* Data not transmitted until the START is sent. */
571         i2c->CMD        = I2C_CMD_START;
572         goto done;
574       /*******************************************************/
575       /* Wait for ACK/NACK on the address (first byte if 10 bit). */
576       /*******************************************************/
577       case i2cStateAddrWFAckNack:
578         if (pending & I2C_IF_NACK) {
579           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_NACK);
580           transfer->result = i2cTransferNack;
581           transfer->state  = i2cStateWFStopSent;
582           i2c->CMD         = I2C_CMD_STOP;
583         } else if (pending & I2C_IF_ACK) {
584           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_ACK);
586           /* If a 10 bit address, send the 2nd byte of the address. */
587           if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_10BIT_ADDR) {
588             transfer->state = i2cStateAddrWF2ndAckNack;
589             i2c->TXDATA     = (uint32_t)(seq->addr) & 0xff;
590           } else {
591             /* Determine whether receiving or sending data. */
592             if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_READ) {
593               transfer->state = i2cStateWFData;
594               if (seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].len == 1) {
595                 i2c->CMD  = I2C_CMD_NACK;
596               }
597             } else {
598               transfer->state = i2cStateDataSend;
599               continue;
600             }
601           }
602         }
603         goto done;
605       /******************************************************/
606       /* Wait for ACK/NACK on the second byte of a 10 bit address. */
607       /******************************************************/
608       case i2cStateAddrWF2ndAckNack:
609         if (pending & I2C_IF_NACK) {
610           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_NACK);
611           transfer->result = i2cTransferNack;
612           transfer->state  = i2cStateWFStopSent;
613           i2c->CMD         = I2C_CMD_STOP;
614         } else if (pending & I2C_IF_ACK) {
615           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_ACK);
617           /* If using a plain read sequence with a 10 bit address, switch to send */
618           /* a repeated start. */
619           if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_READ) {
620             transfer->state = i2cStateRStartAddrSend;
621           }
622           /* Otherwise, expected to write 0 or more bytes. */
623           else {
624             transfer->state = i2cStateDataSend;
625           }
626           continue;
627         }
628         goto done;
630       /*******************************/
631       /* Send a repeated start+address */
632       /*******************************/
633       case i2cStateRStartAddrSend:
634         if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_10BIT_ADDR) {
635           tmp = ((seq->addr >> 8) & 0x06) | 0xf0;
636         } else {
637           tmp = seq->addr & 0xfe;
638         }
640         /* If this is a write+read combined sequence, read is about to start. */
641         if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_WRITE_READ) {
642           /* Indicate a read request. */
643           tmp |= 1;
644           /* If reading only one byte, prepare the NACK now before START command. */
645           if (seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].len == 1) {
646             i2c->CMD = I2C_CMD_NACK;
647           }
648         }
650         transfer->state = i2cStateRAddrWFAckNack;
651         /* The START command has to be written first since repeated start. Otherwise, */
652         /* data would be sent first. */
653         i2c->CMD    = I2C_CMD_START;
654         i2c->TXDATA = tmp;
655         goto done;
657       /**********************************************************************/
658       /* Wait for ACK/NACK on the repeated start+address (first byte if 10 bit) */
659       /**********************************************************************/
660       case i2cStateRAddrWFAckNack:
661         if (pending & I2C_IF_NACK) {
662           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_NACK);
663           transfer->result = i2cTransferNack;
664           transfer->state  = i2cStateWFStopSent;
665           i2c->CMD         = I2C_CMD_STOP;
666         } else if (pending & I2C_IF_ACK) {
667           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_ACK);
669           /* Determine whether receiving or sending data. */
670           if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_WRITE_READ) {
671             transfer->state = i2cStateWFData;
672           } else {
673             transfer->state = i2cStateDataSend;
674             continue;
675           }
676         }
677         goto done;
679       /*****************************/
680       /* Send a data byte to the slave */
681       /*****************************/
682       case i2cStateDataSend:
683         /* Reached end of data buffer. */
684         if (transfer->offset >= seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].len) {
685           /* Move to the next message part. */
686           transfer->offset = 0;
687           transfer->bufIndx++;
689           /* Send a repeated start when switching to read mode on the 2nd buffer. */
690           if (seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_WRITE_READ) {
691             transfer->state = i2cStateRStartAddrSend;
692             continue;
693           }
695           /* Only writing from one buffer or finished both buffers. */
696           if ((seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_WRITE) || (transfer->bufIndx > 1)) {
697             transfer->state = i2cStateWFStopSent;
698             i2c->CMD        = I2C_CMD_STOP;
699             goto done;
700           }
702           /* Reprocess in case the next buffer is empty. */
703           continue;
704         }
706         /* Send byte. */
707         i2c->TXDATA     = (uint32_t)(seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].data[transfer->offset++]);
708         transfer->state = i2cStateDataWFAckNack;
709         goto done;
711       /*********************************************************/
712       /* Wait for ACK/NACK from the slave after sending data to it. */
713       /*********************************************************/
714       case i2cStateDataWFAckNack:
715         if (pending & I2C_IF_NACK) {
716           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_NACK);
717           transfer->result = i2cTransferNack;
718           transfer->state  = i2cStateWFStopSent;
719           i2c->CMD         = I2C_CMD_STOP;
720         } else if (pending & I2C_IF_ACK) {
721           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_ACK);
722           transfer->state = i2cStateDataSend;
723           continue;
724         }
725         goto done;
727       /****************************/
728       /* Wait for data from slave */
729       /****************************/
730       case i2cStateWFData:
731         if (pending & I2C_IF_RXDATAV) {
732           uint8_t       data;
733           unsigned int  rxLen = seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].len;
735           /* Must read out data not to block further progress. */
736           data = (uint8_t)(i2c->RXDATA);
738           /* SW needs to clear RXDATAV IF on Series 2 devices.
739              Flag is kept high by HW if buffer is not empty. */
740 #if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_2)
741           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_RXDATAV);
742 #endif
744           /* Make sure that there is no storing beyond the end of the buffer (just in case). */
745           if (transfer->offset < rxLen) {
746             seq->buf[transfer->bufIndx].data[transfer->offset++] = data;
747           }
749           /* If all requested data is read, the sequence should end. */
750           if (transfer->offset >= rxLen) {
751             transfer->state = i2cStateWFStopSent;
752             i2c->CMD        = I2C_CMD_STOP;
753           } else {
754             /* Send ACK and wait for the next byte. */
755             i2c->CMD = I2C_CMD_ACK;
757             if ( (1 < rxLen) && (transfer->offset == (rxLen - 1)) ) {
758               /* If receiving more than one byte and this is the next
759                  to last byte, transmit the NACK now before receiving
760                  the last byte. */
761               i2c->CMD  = I2C_CMD_NACK;
762             }
763           }
764         }
765         goto done;
767       /***********************************/
768       /* Wait for STOP to have been sent */
769       /***********************************/
770       case i2cStateWFStopSent:
771         if (pending & I2C_IF_MSTOP) {
772           I2C_IntClear(i2c, I2C_IF_MSTOP);
773           transfer->state = i2cStateDone;
774         }
775         goto done;
777       /******************************/
778       /* An unexpected state, software fault */
779       /******************************/
780       default:
781         transfer->result = i2cTransferSwFault;
782         transfer->state  = i2cStateDone;
783         goto done;
784     }
785   }
787   done:
789   if (transfer->state == i2cStateDone) {
790     /* Disable interrupt sources when done. */
791     i2c->IEN = 0;
793     /* Update the result unless a fault has already occurred. */
794     if (transfer->result == i2cTransferInProgress) {
795       transfer->result = i2cTransferDone;
796     }
797   }
798   /* Until transfer is done, keep returning i2cTransferInProgress. */
799   else {
800     return i2cTransferInProgress;
801   }
803   return transfer->result;
804 }
806 /***************************************************************************//**
807  * @brief
808  *   Prepare and start an I2C transfer (single master mode only).
809  *
810  * @details
811  *   This function must be invoked to start an I2C transfer
812  *   sequence. To complete the transfer, I2C_Transfer() must
813  *   be used either in polled mode or by adding a small driver wrapper using
814  *   interrupts.
815  *
816  * @note
817  *   Only single master mode is supported.
818  *
819  * @param[in] i2c
820  *   A pointer to the I2C peripheral register block.
821  *
822  * @param[in] seq
823  *   A pointer to the sequence structure defining the I2C transfer to take place. The
824  *   referenced structure must exist until the transfer has fully completed.
825  *
826  * @return
827  *   Returns the status for an ongoing transfer:
828  *   @li #i2cTransferInProgress - indicates that the transfer is not finished.
829  *   @li Otherwise, an error has occurred.
830  ******************************************************************************/
I2C_TransferInit(I2C_TypeDef * i2c,I2C_TransferSeq_TypeDef * seq)831 I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef I2C_TransferInit(I2C_TypeDef *i2c,
832                                             I2C_TransferSeq_TypeDef *seq)
833 {
834   I2C_Transfer_TypeDef *transfer;
837   EFM_ASSERT(seq);
839   /* Support up to 2 I2C buses. */
840   if (i2c == I2C0) {
841     transfer = i2cTransfer;
842   }
843 #if (I2C_COUNT > 1)
844   else if (i2c == I2C1) {
845     transfer = i2cTransfer + 1;
846   }
847 #endif
848 #if (I2C_COUNT > 2)
849   else if (i2c == I2C2) {
850     transfer = i2cTransfer + 2;
851   }
852 #endif
853   else {
854     return i2cTransferUsageFault;
855   }
857   /* Check if in a busy state. Since this software assumes a single master, */
858   /* issue an abort. The BUSY state is normal after a reset. */
859   if (i2c->STATE & I2C_STATE_BUSY) {
860     i2c->CMD = I2C_CMD_ABORT;
861   }
863   /* Do not try to read 0 bytes. It is not */
864   /* possible according to the I2C spec, since the slave will always start */
865   /* sending the first byte ACK on an address. The read operation can */
866   /* only be stopped by NACKing a received byte, i.e., minimum 1 byte. */
867   if (((seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_READ) && !(seq->buf[0].len))
868       || ((seq->flags & I2C_FLAG_WRITE_READ) && !(seq->buf[1].len))
869       ) {
870     return i2cTransferUsageFault;
871   }
873   /* Prepare for a transfer. */
874   transfer->state   = i2cStateStartAddrSend;
875   transfer->result  = i2cTransferInProgress;
876   transfer->offset  = 0;
877   transfer->bufIndx = 0;
878   transfer->seq     = seq;
880   /* Ensure buffers are empty. */
882   flushRx(i2c);
884   /* Clear all pending interrupts prior to starting a transfer. */
885   I2C_IntClear(i2c, _I2C_IF_MASK);
887   /* Enable relevant interrupts. */
888   /* Notice that the I2C interrupt must also be enabled in the NVIC, but */
889   /* that is left for an additional driver wrapper. */
890   i2c->IEN |= I2C_IEN_NACK | I2C_IEN_ACK | I2C_IEN_MSTOP
891               | I2C_IEN_RXDATAV | I2C_IEN_ERRORS;
893   /* Start a transfer. */
894   return I2C_Transfer(i2c);
895 }
897 /** @} (end addtogroup i2c) */
898 #endif /* defined(I2C_COUNT) && (I2C_COUNT > 0) */