1 /** @file
2  * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier : Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16 **/
18 #ifndef _VAL_INTERFACES_H_
19 #define _VAL_INTERFACES_H_
21 #include "val.h"
22 #include "val_client_defs.h"
23 #include "pal_interfaces_ns.h"
25 /* typedef's */
26 typedef struct {
27     val_status_t     (*print)                     (print_verbosity_t verbosity,
28                                                    const char *string, int32_t data);
29     val_status_t     (*set_status)                (uint32_t status);
30     uint32_t         (*get_status)                (void);
31     void             (*test_init)                 (uint32_t test_num,  char8_t *desc,
32                                                    uint32_t test_bitfield);
33     void             (*test_exit)                 (void);
34     val_status_t     (*err_check_set)             (uint32_t checkpoint, val_status_t status);
35     val_status_t     (*target_get_config)         (cfg_id_t cfg_id, uint8_t **data, uint32_t *size);
36     val_status_t     (*execute_non_secure_tests)  (uint32_t test_num,
37                                                    const client_test_t *tests_list,
38                                                    bool_t server_hs);
39     val_status_t     (*switch_to_secure_client)   (uint32_t test_num);
40     val_status_t     (*execute_secure_test_func)  (psa_handle_t *handle, test_info_t test_info,
41                                                    uint32_t sid);
42     val_status_t     (*ipc_connect)               (uint32_t sid, uint32_t version,
43                                                    psa_handle_t *handle );
44     val_status_t     (*ipc_call)                  (psa_handle_t handle,
45                                                    int32_t type,
46                                                    const psa_invec *in_vec,
47                                                    size_t in_len,
48                                                    psa_outvec *out_vec,
49                                                    size_t out_len);
50     void             (*ipc_close)                 (psa_handle_t handle);
51     val_status_t     (*get_secure_test_result)    (psa_handle_t *handle);
52     val_status_t     (*nvmem_read)                (uint32_t offset, void *buffer, int size);
53     val_status_t     (*nvmem_write)               (uint32_t offset, void *buffer, int size);
54     val_status_t     (*wd_timer_init)             (wd_timeout_type_t timeout_type);
55     val_status_t     (*wd_timer_enable)           (void);
56     val_status_t     (*wd_timer_disable)          (void);
57     val_status_t     (*wd_reprogram_timer)        (wd_timeout_type_t timeout_type);
58     val_status_t     (*set_boot_flag)             (boot_state_t state);
59     val_status_t     (*get_boot_flag)             (boot_state_t *state);
60     val_status_t     (*get_test_data)             (int32_t nvm_index, int32_t *test_data);
61     val_status_t     (*set_test_data)             (int32_t nvm_index, int32_t test_data);
62     int32_t          (*crypto_function)           (int type, ...);
63     int32_t          (*storage_function)          (int type, ...);
64     int32_t          (*attestation_function)      (int type, ...);
65 } val_api_t;
67 typedef struct {
68     uint32_t         (*framework_version)     (void);
69     uint32_t         (*version)               (uint32_t sid);
70     psa_handle_t     (*connect)               (uint32_t sid, uint32_t version);
71     psa_status_t     (*call)                  (psa_handle_t handle,
72                                                int32_t type,
73                                                const psa_invec *in_vec,
74                                                size_t in_len,
75                                                psa_outvec *out_vec,
76                                                size_t out_len);
77     void             (*close)                 (psa_handle_t handle);
78 } psa_api_t;
80 typedef void (*test_fptr_t)(val_api_t *val, psa_api_t *psa);
82 typedef struct {
83     test_id_t     test_id;
84     test_fptr_t   entry_addr;
85 } val_test_info_t;
87 typedef enum {
88     VAL_TEST_IDX0    = 0x0,
89     VAL_TEST_IDX1    = 0x1,
90     VAL_TEST_IDX2    = 0x2,
91     VAL_TEST_IDX3    = 0x3,
92     VAL_TEST_IDX4    = 0x4,
93     VAL_TEST_IDX5    = 0x5,
94     VAL_TEST_IDX6    = 0x6,
95     VAL_TEST_IDX7    = 0x7,
96     VAL_TEST_IDX8    = 0x8,
97     VAL_TEST_IDX9    = 0x9,
98     VAL_TEST_IDX10   = 0xA,
99     VAL_TEST_IDX11   = 0xB,
100     VAL_TEST_IDX12   = 0xC,
101     VAL_TEST_IDX13   = 0xD,
102     VAL_TEST_IDX14   = 0xE,
103     VAL_TEST_IDX15   = 0xF,
104     VAL_TEST_IDX16   = 0x10,
105     VAL_TEST_IDX17   = 0x11,
106     VAL_TEST_IDX18   = 0x12,
107     VAL_TEST_IDX19   = 0x13,
108     VAL_TEST_IDX20   = 0x14,
109     VAL_TEST_IDX21   = 0x15,
110     VAL_TEST_IDX22   = 0x16,
111     VAL_TEST_IDX23   = 0x17,
112     VAL_TEST_IDX24   = 0x18,
113     VAL_TEST_IDX25   = 0x19,
114     VAL_TEST_IDX26   = 0x1A,
115     VAL_TEST_IDX27   = 0x1B,
116     VAL_TEST_IDX28   = 0x1C,
117     VAL_TEST_IDX29   = 0x1D,
118     VAL_TEST_IDX30   = 0x1E,
119 } val_test_index_t;
121 #include "test_entry_fn_declare_list.inc"
123 void test_entry(val_api_t *val, psa_api_t *psa);
124 #endif