1 /*
2  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  */
7 #ifndef __ESP_SDP_API_H__
8 #define __ESP_SDP_API_H__
10 #include "esp_err.h"
11 #include "esp_bt_defs.h"
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
17 #define ESP_SDP_SERVER_NAME_MAX 32                 /*!< Service name max length */
18 #define SDP_OPP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_MAX_LENGTH 15    /*!< OPP supported format list maximum length */
20 typedef enum {
21     ESP_SDP_SUCCESS   = 0,          /*!< Successful operation. */
22     ESP_SDP_FAILURE,                /*!< Generic failure. */
23     ESP_SDP_NO_RESOURCE,            /*!< No more resource */
24     ESP_SDP_NEED_INIT,              /*!< SDP module shall init first */
25     ESP_SDP_NEED_DEINIT,            /*!< SDP module shall deinit first */
26     ESP_SDP_NO_CREATE_RECORD,       /*!< No record created */
27 } esp_sdp_status_t;
29 /**
30  * @brief SDP callback function events
31  */
32 typedef enum {
33     ESP_SDP_INIT_EVT                    = 0,                /*!< When SDP is initialized, the event comes */
34     ESP_SDP_DEINIT_EVT                  = 1,                /*!< When SDP is deinitialized, the event comes */
35     ESP_SDP_SEARCH_COMP_EVT             = 2,                /*!< When SDP search complete, the event comes */
36     ESP_SDP_CREATE_RECORD_COMP_EVT      = 3,                /*!< When create SDP records complete, the event comes */
37     ESP_SDP_REMOVE_RECORD_COMP_EVT      = 4,                /*!< When remove a SDP record complete, the event comes */
38 } esp_sdp_cb_event_t;
40 /**
41  * @brief SDP record type
42  */
43 typedef enum {
44     ESP_SDP_TYPE_RAW,          /*!< Used to carry raw SDP search data for unknown UUIDs */
45     ESP_SDP_TYPE_MAP_MAS,      /*!< Message Access Profile - Server */
46     ESP_SDP_TYPE_MAP_MNS,      /*!< Message Access Profile - Client (Notification Server) */
47     ESP_SDP_TYPE_PBAP_PSE,     /*!< Phone Book Profile - Server */
48     ESP_SDP_TYPE_PBAP_PCE,     /*!< Phone Book Profile - Client */
49     ESP_SDP_TYPE_OPP_SERVER,   /*!< Object Push Profile */
50     ESP_SDP_TYPE_SAP_SERVER    /*!< SIM Access Profile */
51 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_types_t;
53 /**
54  * @brief Some signals need additional pointers, hence we introduce a
55  *        generic way to handle these pointers.
56  */
57 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay {
58     esp_bluetooth_sdp_types_t type;            /*!< SDP type */
59     esp_bt_uuid_t  uuid;                       /*!< UUID type, include uuid and uuid length */
60     uint32_t       service_name_length;        /*!< Service name length */
61     char          *service_name;               /*!< service name */
62     int32_t        rfcomm_channel_number;      /*!< rfcomm channel number, if not used set to -1*/
63     int32_t        l2cap_psm;                  /*!< l2cap psm, if not used set to -1 */
64     int32_t        profile_version;            /*!< profile version */
66     // User pointers, only used for some signals - see esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t
67     int            user1_ptr_len;              /*!< see esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t */
68     uint8_t       *user1_ptr;                  /*!< see esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t */
69     int            user2_ptr_len;              /*!< see esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t */
70     uint8_t       *user2_ptr;                  /*!< see esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t */
71 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t;
73 /**
74  * @brief Message Access Profile - Server parameters
75  */
76 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_mas_record {
77     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
78     uint32_t    mas_instance_id;               /*!< MAS Instance ID */
79     uint32_t    supported_features;            /*!< Map supported features */
80     uint32_t    supported_message_types;       /*!< Supported message types */
81 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_mas_record_t;
83 /**
84  * @brief Message Access Profile - Client (Notification Server) parameters
85  */
86 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_mns_record {
87     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
88     uint32_t    supported_features;            /*!< Supported features */
89 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_mns_record_t;
91 /**
92  * @brief Phone Book Profile - Server parameters
93  */
94 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_pse_record {
95     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
96     uint32_t    supported_features;            /*!< Pbap Supported Features */
97     uint32_t    supported_repositories;        /*!< Supported Repositories */
98 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_pse_record_t;
100 /**
101  * @brief Phone Book Profile - Client parameters
102  */
103 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_pce_record {
104     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
105 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_pce_record_t;
107 /**
108  * @brief Object Push Profile parameters
109  */
110 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_ops_record {
111     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
112     int         supported_formats_list_len;    /*!< Supported formats list length */
113     uint8_t     supported_formats_list[SDP_OPP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_MAX_LENGTH];  /*!< Supported formats list */
114 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t;
116 /**
117  * @brief SIM Access Profile parameters
118  */
119 typedef struct bluetooth_sdp_sap_record {
120     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t hdr;       /*!< General info */
121 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_sap_record_t;
123 /**
124  * @brief SDP record parameters union
125  */
126 typedef union {
127     esp_bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay_t   hdr;     /*!< General info */
128     esp_bluetooth_sdp_mas_record_t    mas;     /*!< Message Access Profile - Server */
129     esp_bluetooth_sdp_mns_record_t    mns;     /*!< Message Access Profile - Client (Notification Server) */
130     esp_bluetooth_sdp_pse_record_t    pse;     /*!< Phone Book Profile - Server */
131     esp_bluetooth_sdp_pce_record_t    pce;     /*!< Phone Book Profile - Client */
132     esp_bluetooth_sdp_ops_record_t    ops;     /*!< Object Push Profile */
133     esp_bluetooth_sdp_sap_record_t    sap;     /*!< SIM Access Profile */
134 } esp_bluetooth_sdp_record_t;
136 /**
137  * @brief SDP callback parameters union
138  */
139 typedef union {
140     /**
141      * @brief ESP_SDP_INIT_EVT
142      */
143     struct sdp_init_evt_param {
144         esp_sdp_status_t    status;         /*!< status */
145     } init;                                 /*!< SDP callback param of ESP_SDP_INIT_EVT */
147     /**
148      * @brief ESP_SDP_DEINIT_EVT
149      */
150     struct sdp_deinit_evt_param {
151         esp_sdp_status_t    status;         /*!< status */
152     } deinit;                               /*!< SDP callback param of ESP_SDP_DEINIT_EVT */
154     /**
155      * @brief ESP_SDP_SEARCH_COMP_EVT
156      */
157     struct sdp_search_evt_param {
158         esp_sdp_status_t    status;         /*!< status */
159         esp_bd_addr_t       remote_addr;    /*!< remote device address */
160         esp_bt_uuid_t       sdp_uuid;       /*!< service uuid */
161         int                 record_count;   /*!< Number of SDP records */
162         esp_bluetooth_sdp_record_t *records;/*!< SDP records */
163     } search;                               /*!< SDP callback param of ESP_SDP_SEARCH_COMP_EVT */
165     /**
167      */
168     struct sdp_crate_record_evt_param {
169         esp_sdp_status_t    status;         /*!< status */
170         int                 record_handle;  /*!< SDP record handle */
171     } create_record;                        /*!< SDP callback param of ESP_SDP_CREATE_RECORD_COMP_EVT */
173     /**
175      */
176     struct sdp_remove_record_evt_param {
177         esp_sdp_status_t    status;         /*!< status */
178     } remove_record;                        /*!< SDP callback param of ESP_SDP_REMOVE_RECORD_COMP_EVT */
180 } esp_sdp_cb_param_t;                       /*!< SDP callback parameter union type */
183 /**
184  * @brief       SDP callback function type.
185  *
186  * @param       event:      Event type
187  * @param       param:      Point to callback parameter, currently is union type
188  */
189 typedef void (* esp_sdp_cb_t)(esp_sdp_cb_event_t event, esp_sdp_cb_param_t *param);
191 /**
192  * @brief       This function is called to init callbacks with SDP module.
193  *
194  * @param[in]   callback:   pointer to the init callback function.
195  *
196  * @return
197  *              - ESP_OK: success
198  *              - other: failed
199  */
200 esp_err_t esp_sdp_register_callback(esp_sdp_cb_t callback);
202 /**
203  * @brief       This function is called to init SDP module.
204  *              When the operation is completed, the callback function will be called with ESP_SDP_INIT_EVT.
205  *              This function should be called after esp_bluedroid_enable() completes successfully.
206  *
207  * @return
208  *              - ESP_OK: success
209  *              - other: failed
210  */
211 esp_err_t esp_sdp_init(void);
213 /**
214  * @brief       This function is called to de-initialize SDP module.
215  *              The operation will remove all SDP records, then the callback function will be called
216  *              with ESP_SDP_REMOVE_RECORD_COMP_EVT, and the number of ESP_SDP_REMOVE_RECORD_COMP_EVT is
217  *              equal to the number of SDP records.When the operation is completed, the callback function
218  *              will be called with ESP_SDP_DEINIT_EVT. This function should be called after esp_sdp_init()
219  *              completes successfully.
220  *
221  * @return
222  *              - ESP_OK: success
223  *              - other: failed
224  */
225 esp_err_t esp_sdp_deinit(void);
227 /**
228  * @brief       This function is called to performs service discovery for the services provided by the given peer device.
229  *              When the operation is completed, the callback function will be called with ESP_SDP_SEARCH_COMP_EVT.
230  *              This function must be called after esp_sdp_init() successful and before esp_sdp_deinit().
231  *
232  * @param[in]   bd_addr:   Remote device bluetooth device address.
233  * @param[in]   uuid:      Service UUID of the remote device.
234  *
235  * @return
236  *              - ESP_OK: success
237  *              - other: failed
238  */
239 esp_err_t esp_sdp_search_record(esp_bd_addr_t bd_addr, esp_bt_uuid_t uuid);
241 /**
242  * @brief       This function is called to create SDP records.
243  *              When the operation is completed, the callback function will be called with ESP_SDP_CREATE_RECORD_COMP_EVT.
244  *              This function must be called after esp_sdp_init() successful and before esp_sdp_deinit().
245  *
246  * @param[in]   record:   The SDP record to create.
247  *
248  * @return
249  *              - ESP_OK: success
250  *              - other: failed
251  */
252 esp_err_t esp_sdp_create_record(esp_bluetooth_sdp_record_t *record);
254 /**
255  * @brief       This function is called to remove a SDP record.
256  *              When the operation is completed, the callback function will be called with ESP_SDP_REMOVE_RECORD_COMP_EVT.
257  *              This function must be called after esp_sdp_init() successful and before esp_sdp_deinit().
258  *
259  * @param[in]   record_handle:    The SDP record handle.
260  *
261  * @return
262  *              - ESP_OK: success
263  *              - other: failed
264  */
265 esp_err_t esp_sdp_remove_record(int record_handle);
267 #ifdef __cplusplus
268 }
269 #endif
271 #endif ///__ESP_SDP_API_H__